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Unit 11 Management of Terial Resources: OD Ctio

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11.1 Introduction
11.2 Objectives
11.3 Material Resources - Meaning, Need, Types of Resources
11.4 Managing the Material Resources in Education Institution
11.4.1 Objectives of Material Resource Management
11.4.2 Elements, Purposes, Principles and Functions of Material Resource Management

11.5 Planning and Forecasting the Requirement of Material Resources

11.6 Procurement of Material. Resources
11.7 Storage of Material Resources
11.8 Maintenance and Repair of Equipment
11.9 Management of Resource Centres
11.10 Safety Precautions
11.11 Unit End Activities
11.12 References

The creation and maintenance of infrastructure is an important aspect for any
educational institution. The efficient functioning of any system is dependent of
the proper functioning of its constituent systems. Though it is true that
infrastructure alone is not sufficiently enough for the successful implementation
of the policy for spread of education but still it has a very crucial role to play.
There are great many resources that are utilized in an educational institution.
The need for effective utilization of resources in educational institutions has
greater importance due to paucity of funds and new policies. The constituent
resources in educational system are human resources, material resources and
financial resources. Thus, in any higher educational institution, proper planning
and management of these resources is essential for achieving the desired
institutional goals. The management of these resources is further more important
in Higher Education as it has undergone vigorous expansion in terms of number
of institutions, departments and course of study and management system.

India is a vast country and thereexists wide socio- economic conditions in different
parts of our country. Thus it is common to come across many educational
institutions that do not have adequate resources, whereas there also exists many
that have no dearth of resources but do not use these optimally. So it is necessary
to have management systems in place to make optimum use of the material
resources at all the levels of administrative set up.

In this unit, we will discuss the management: of material resources in the

educational institutions, the operational aspects related with the functioning of
resource centres and other essentials of material management.
Contemporary Aspects on
Institutional Management 11.2 OBJECTIVES
After going through this unit, you will be able to:

• Explain the meaning and importance of Material Resources and their


• Differentiate between the various types of material resources utilized in

Educational Institutions.

• Identify the requisites of procurement and management of various Material


• Participate in managing the resources for effective implementation of the


• Discuss the importance and management of various resource centres in an

. educational institution.

• Enlist the various safety precautions that should be taken for management
of resources in educational institutions.


In our daily life, we use different objects to perform various tasks. The objects
that have material value or use are owned by a person or educational institutions
are referred as material resources. In other words, the assets in the form of
material possessions are called material resources. Material resources include
the equipment or material used by people to execute project or perform a task.
Examples of material resources are equipment, computers, constructional
materials, materials required for day to day operations and maintenance, spare
parts for machinery etc.

A material resource is a physical commodity which is available in limited quantity

and needs to be consumed to obtain a benefit by using it. The value of these
material resources depend on the demand and purchase ratio. In most cases,
commercial or even non-commercial factors require resource allocation through
resource management. The management of material resources is an innovative
and comprehensive solution to service and delivery needs of institutions. AY.
resources have three main characteristics: utility, quantity and consumption. Based
on these basic characteristics the resources can be classified as consumable
resources and non- consumable resources.

The resources which could be repeatedly used are called non-consumable'

resources. These may include furniture, computers, printers, scanners, chalk
boards, books, electrical goods, etc. On the other hand, resources that get
consumed or get exhausted in the process of their usage are called consumable
resources. These may include stationary items such as paper, cartridge ink,
chemicals, chalk, items for cleaning and maintenance of buildings, spare parts
for various types of equipment, hygiene chemicals etc. It is important to maintain
demand and supply cycle of these resources for smooth functioning of an
educational institution.
You have now understood the meaning of material resources. Below is given a Management of Material
set of questions which you may like to attempt and find for yourself if you can
find an answer to these questions.

Check Your Progress

Note: a) Space is given below for writing your answers.
b) Check your answers with those given at the end of this Unit.
1) Define material resources in about 30-40 words.

2) Classify the material resources on the basis of their main characteristics

in about 50-100 word's.

3) Give two examples each of consumable and non- consumable resources .



We all know that there is an influential relationship between learning, material
and financial resources utilized in an institution. In India, with the introduction
of Right to Education Act and promotion of Higher Education, the number of
students getting enrolled in various courses is increasing at all levels of education.
This is posing a tremendous challenge for teachers, educational planners and
administrators to manage various resources being used in the institution. It has
become even more challenging with privatization in education.

Physical infrastructure in the context of education applies to the teaching-learning

space and the equipments necessarily utilized for carrying out the development
of teaching-learning process. You will agree that the process of planning of
infrastructure depends upon the developmental stage of the institution. The
process of management starts with the procuring of land for the institution,
preparing plans to establish the institution and courses to be run.
Contemporary Aspects on Material resource management is concerned with the integrated approach to
Institutional Management
planning, organizing, controlling of the flow of materials as per the demands,
purchase through internal operations to the service point through distribution to
the consumers. If the institution has a system for proper inventory management
of materials, it results in increased productivity of capital by preventing large
amount of blocked capital for long periods of time. The proper management of
goods and services facilitates as well as increases the efficiency along with posing
a challen~e to the mindset of economy of consumption. You can well imagine
that this would involve great amount of coordination, sometimes even at the
peril of being dubbed as centralization because the same resource may be utilized
by different entities in an educational institution concurrently. It would be difficult
for any educational institution to have separate procurement, storage and
utilisation of each item by each entity and it would also not be cost effective. It is
thus important to maintain a balance between the conflicting requirements of
the various entities so as to achieve the optimum results and to get full value for
the money spent on the resources.

The reasons why we need material resource management in educational

institutions are as follows:

• Management of material resources aims at reducing the cost of production

so as to help an educational institution increase its profits and outputs.

• An educational institution can expect innumerable benefits from effective

planning of material resource management.

• Material resource management provides creative ways to take up the

unintended impacts of the core services and put them out of sight. In such
an integrated set up, the material manager's role (taking care of management
of material resources in the educational institute) is to facilitate the
functioning of various units and departments.

• This integration is also helpful in faster and effective functioning that involves
a large amount of data to be used for planning.

• Integrating various functions in which material resources are used involves

greater coordination at all levels of management for the sake of better

You have now understood the meaning and need of material resource
management. A set of questions is given below which you may like to attempt
and carry out self assessment.

Check Your Progress

Note: a) Space is given below for writing your answers.
b) Check your answers with those given at the end of this Unit.
1) Discuss the meaning of material resource management in about 50-60

Management of Material
2) Explain the need of material resource management in educational Resources
institutions in about 100-150 words .
...................................................... ················································e·····

11.4.1 Objectives of Material Resource Management

The objectives of material resource management are to get the right quality of
material resources, optimum quantity of supplies at the right time, at the right
place for the right cost. The objectives of material resource management can be
classified as primary and secondary objectives.

The primary objective of material resource management includes determining

the right price of the material resources and procuring therri at low prices. At the
same time, it should be taken care that these resources should be bought in a
manner that these are not over-stocked, and thus, storage of material resources
does not increase the cost of operations of an institution. There should be a
continuous supply of the material resources at all times with consistency in the
quality of these material resources. It implies that an important factor in ensuring
desired output is management of material resources. To achieve the desired goals,
proper selection and handling of material resources is imperative. Thus, the
primary objectives of material resources management are high turnover, low
procurement and storage cost, continuity of supply, consistency in quality, good
suppl~:r relations, development of personnel and good information system.

The secondary objectives of material resource management are forecasting, inter-

departmental harmony, product improvement, standardization, make or buy
decisions, new materials and products and favorable reciprocal relationships. .

Thus, it can be said that proper management of material resources in an educational

institution ensures the economic availability of material resources (by making
proper purchases) of right quality (after proper inspection and quality control of
the materials purchased at every stage) in right quantity (neither excess nor less
than requirement and well managed by the finances of the institute), at appropriate
time (at well suited time) in place for economic utilization (by controlling the
causes of wastes) for different jobs with a maintained record about their purchase,
receipt, issue, finished goods, wastages, etc. for future reference. Thus, an effective
plan of material resource management builds from and enhances the worth of an
institution by filling the gaps and producing effective outcome, which at the
same time is favourable to the environment.

We have now discussed the objectives of Material Resource Management. Check

your progress by answering to these questions.
Contemporary Aspects on
Institutional Management Check Your Progress
Note: a) Space is given below for writing your answers.
b) Check your answers with those given at the end of this Unit.
1) Describe briefly the primary and secondary objectives of Material
Resource Management w.r.t an educational Institution.

11.4~2Elements, Purposes, Principles and Functions of Material

Resource Management
The elements of material resource management are demand estimation,
identification of the required items and calculation of the items required from
the trends of consumption in the educational institution during last two years
along with review of resource constraints. Its purpose is to economize, to satisfy
the demand during period of replenishment, to maintain a reserve stock to avoid
stock out, to stabilize fluctuations in consumption" and to provide good client
services. Thus, we see that the four basic purposes of material resource
management in educational institutions are:-

• To have adequate materials on hand when needed

• To pay the lowest possible prices, consistent with quality and value
requirement for purchased materials
• To minimize the inventory investment
• To operate efficiently

The basic principles of material resource management are effective management

and supervision. These are dependent ·on managerial functions of planning,
organizing, staffing, directing, controlling, reporting and budgeting. In addition
there is a need for adopting sound methods of purchasing the resources, making
skillful and hard poised negotiations so as to get the cheap and best commodities.
For this one needs to establish an effective purchase system. Various functions
of material resource management are:

• Planning and Forecasting of the requirement of material resources.

• Procurement of material resources.
• Storage of material resources.
• Maintenance and repair of equipment and other assets.

You have now understood the elements, PUrpOSl;S,principles and functions of'
material resource management. Below is given a set of questions which you may
like to attempt and find for yourself if you can find an answer to these questions.

l\1apagemept ofMawrhd
Check Your Progress . Q.~!!9\1rl;~

Note: a) Space is given below for writing your answers.

b) Check your answers with those given at the end of this Unit.
I) Give an outline of the elements of material resource management in an
educational institution in about 30-40 words .
............................................................................................................... o • • ,

2) Identify the purposes of material resource management in an educational

institution in about 20-30 words.

3) Recall the basic principles of material resource management w.r.t.

educational institutions in about 20-30 words .

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4) Enlist the various functions of material resource management in an

educational institution .
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In the above sections, we have discussed the basics of material resource

management. In the next section of this unit, we will be conferring about the
various functions of material resource management in. educational institutions
elaborately. The discussion of these functions will be done considering the case
of management in educational institutions ..
Contemporary Aspects on
Institutional Management 11.5 PLANNING AND FORECASTING THE
Planning of the material resources is a scientific way of determining the
requirements of equipments, components and other items for fulfilling the needs
the educational institution within the economic investment policies. The essence
of successful material management lies in timely planning of the material
resources. This would involve calculating the consumption patterns of the
institution. It encompasses taking account of the available stock, requirements
of the institution, listing the sources of supply available and economic ordering
quantity. It further involves maintenance of information system for the necessary
details for better functioning of the educational institution.

. The complete cycle (flow) of planning and control of resource materials, and the
associated flow of information includes functions of identification, cataloguing,
standardization, need determination, scheduling, procurement, inspection, quality
control, storage, inventory control, distribution, and disposal.

One of the main functions of a head of the institution is material planning and
controlling. It is very important for the head to carry out the planning and
budgeting in an integrated manner. Thus, planning for resource materials and
working out a realistic budget helps as a control measure and also motivates
people associated with its implementation. Different committee in charges are
employed to plan Programmed (Routine) and Non- Programmed Decisions.
Usually, the head of departments/ institutions is involved in large number of
non- programmed discussions in material planning, while the teachers/ incharge
of various committees/ laboratory and library involved for routine and
programmed decisions.

Material planning is a subsystem of planning of an activity. The essence of

successful planning of material resource management is its timely provision. It
involves regulating the consumption standards of the requirements of material
resources required for an institution, considering all relevant factors, i.e. regarding
specifications of the material required in the various departments of the institution,
sources of supply, availability of stock, etc. Material Planning also involves
maintenance of a feedback system so as to obtain necessary details for the better
functioning of the system in future. .

Material resource planning involves the use of two concepts depending upon the
category of material resources. The materials those are non- consumable. These
materials are planned on requirement basis like furniture, books, computers,
. projectors, printers, chalk boards, laboratory apparatus etc. while the stock items'
are planned on the basis of norms of consumption like stationary items, chemicals
(in case where laboratories are extensively used), answer sheets, etc.

The planning of material resources is further linked with purchase section. The
purchase section starts its process of purchase only after the concerned I
departments give their requisition about the material required, quantity needed,
procurement programme and the financial provisions of the departments. This
process needs to be initiated at the right time so as to ensure the delivery at the
appropriate time. The factors governing material planning can be categorized
infecting to External and Internal factors.

The external factors are related to the overall activity of the institution affecting Management of Material
the internal policy of the departments towards the material management. It

• Price trends of the material resources in the market

• Government policy regarding export
• Credit policies of the banks

The internal factors comprise of the activities related to the institution. These
factors include: -

• Quality Policy, mission, vision and objectives of the institute, on which

entire material resource planning depends.
• Programme schedule of the course like time allocated for practical, exam
schedule, etc.
• Lead time decides the inventory level that is essential for planning material
• Working capital requirements and its availability i.e. finances of the
• Purchasing policy of the institute.

In any educational institution, material resource planning is beneficial to ensure

that materials and components required for executing tasks such as conducting
practical classes, day to day maintenance of the institution, upkeep of the
classrooms, laboratories and other infrastructure. Material resource planning is
essential in educational institutions for improving teaching-learning process,
quicker response to the change in demand (in education the change may be in
the use of technological aids in teaching various subjects and globalization of

Thus, forecasting the requirement of material resources is very important for the
successful conduct of teaching- learning process in any institution. Proper
forecasting can facilitate the operations of the institute and help in execution of
the plans. The techniques of forecasting will depend upon the manner in which
the basic data is collected.

After reading the above section, you have now understood about planning and
forecasting the requir~ment of material resources. Below is given a set of questions
which you may like to attempt and find for yourself if you can find an answer to
these questions.

Check Your Progress

Note: a) Space is given below for writing your answers.
b) Check your answers with those given at the end of this Unit.
1) What is meant by planning of material resources?

Contemporary Aspects on
Institutional Management 2) Plan the cycle at planning and control of resource material in the context
of your educational institution .
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3) State the role of head of the institution in material planning and.

controlling .
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4) Explain briefly material planning as a subsystem of planning as an

activity .
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5) Give examples to differentiate material resource planning based on

...................................................................................... , , .
.. ........ .... ~ .
..... ......... .. .... .. ~ .
6) Analyze the relation between planning and purchasing of material
resources .
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ! ••••••

............................................................................................................ ' ..
Management of Material
7) Identify the factors governing material resource planning. Resources

8) Why is forecasting and planning of material resources essential in an

educational institution?


Procurement which in simple words refers to purchasing is the next step to
planning. Procurement is the activity responsible for placing the right quantity
of material to the right place at the right time for right price.

Procurement phase of the material resource management cycle starts from the
time when a teacher/ coordinator put forward a requisition for an item till the
time it is delivered. It also includes selecting the vendors from where the material
can be procured, negotiating price for quality, receiving and inspection and
inventory control.
The basic objective of procurement function is to ensure procuring the best
material resources at the lowest amount and to put it into use in the most
constructive manner so as to achieve maximum output. There are a large number
of purchase parameters that are to be considered jointly. These purchase
parameters are purchasing best quality of required material in appropriate quantity
at right time from reliable source at right cost.

The activities that purchase department needs to carry out are: -

• Keep records of the material resources that are used by the institute.
• Maintain a record of the reliable sources from where the material resources
can be procured.
• Keep an update of the fluctuations in price of the various material resources.
• Review material resource specifications.
• To prepare purchasing budget.
• Make and maintain contacts with the various suppliers.
• Procure quotations from various suppliers and analyze the same.
• Placement and follow up of orders. 45
Contemporary Aspects on • Maintenance of records of various purchases.
Institutional Management
• To maintain an uninterrupted supply of resources.
• To prepare an update of material resources required by different departments
of the institute within a specific period of time within the financial resources
• To maintain good relations with the vendors and prompt payments to be
made to the vendors in interest of good public relations.

Care should be taken that while purchasing, the focus should be on obtaining
defect-free material resources, strategic cost management, time management,
latest technology and continuity of supply. In educational institutions, the level
of purchases can vary between a few thousands to lakhs of rupees depending on
the type of operation. Thus, there is a need for a formal system of procurement
to be followed by the purchase department.

Different stages during the procurement cycle can be classified as:

• Pre-purchase stage
• . Ordering stage
• Post-purchase stage

The Pre-purchase stage involves the action for purchases after seeking requisitions
of material resources from various departments of the institute, selecting suppliers,
inviting quotations and evaluating them. A format of requisition form is given

Material Resource Requisition Form

Name of the Intendor:
Requisition Reference Number: Date:
Description of Quantity Quality/ Suggested Purpose Approximate
the Material Required Brand Supplier date when the
Resource and Rate material
resource IS

46 Requisition by: Approved by:

The second stage involves placing the orders to the vendors for supply of items. Management of Material
After the purchase department has finalized the suppliers, rates of the material
resources required and terms and conditions, the contract is finalized and the
details of the purchase order are furnished. The details include: -

• Reference number of the purchase order

• Description of the material resource and detailed specification
• Quantity required and delivery schedule
• Price and Discounts
• Shipping Instructions and address of the buyer
• Signature of the Authority
• Detailed terms and conditions
• Acknowledgement copy sent by the supplier( for follow-up)

It is important to identify fast moving items of consumption to enable laying

down the appropriate stock levels of these. Normally one month's requirement
of fast moving items should be stocked.

Post-purchase is the third stage which includes follow-up, receipt and checking
invoices. The follow-up procedure differs for various material resources
depending upon their pattern of consumption. The purchase department needs to
keep a systematic record of the consignments of material resources received and
details of the inspection of the items prior to acceptance. The last step in purchase
of material resource is checking the invoice sent by the supplier against the receipt
details, quantity accepted and rejected so that the payments can be made according
to the terms and conditions.

You would have procured material resources for your educational institution
and after going through above section you would have now understood the process
of procurement of material resources. Below is given a set of questions which
you may like to attempt and find for yourself if you can find an answer to these

Check Your Progress

Note: a) Space is given below for writing your answers.
b) Check your answers with those given at the end of this Unit.
l) Describe the meaning of procurement of material resources .

. .......................................................~
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Contemporary Aspects on
Institutional Management 2) State the objective of procurement function in material resource





3) Enlist the activities conducted by purchase department.






. 4) Name the stages of procurement cycle .






5) How would you put the materials to be procured in record form?






6) What details regarding material resources are finalized in the 2nd stage
of procurement cycle?




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Management of Material
7) Point out the functions of purchase department in the procurement of Resources

8) Explain the third stage of the procurement cycle .


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As we keep things at proper place in our houses and work place, similarly stora~e
is an important function to ensure that materials are maintained in proper shape
and condition and that there is no wastage. Moreover, it also helps in proper
identification and retrieval of items at the right time without any wastage of time
and effort. The success of the operations of any educational institution is
dependent to a large extent on the storage of material resources, besides other
factors. Storage management deals with keeping the materials safely without
deterioration, pilferage or theft and in a cost effective manner. The various
functions exhibited by store management are: -

• Planning the space layout for the items to be stored

• Receipt of material resources ordered by the purchase department
• Inspection of the purchased material resource
• Proper placement of material resources
• Safety of items from damage, pilferage and deterioration
• Issue of material resources on requisition from authorized signatory
• Maintenance and update of record of material resources
• .Valuation of stock
• Disposal of obsolete items
• To inform purchase department for initiating purchase department
• To arrange inspections at regular intervals

Material resources need different storage techniques and conditions. Different

types of material containers are designed for storing different material.resources.
A variety of systems of codes are used for codification of material resources.
Contemporary Aspects on In order to keep an efficient track-record of stores , some books and records are
Institutional Management
maintained and these are different for different types of material resources. Some
of the records that are maintained are.-

• Inward and Outward Registers: A register maintained by the storekeeper

to maintain a record of material received by the institution is called Inward
Register. The register used to maintain a record of materials sent out of store
to other places is called Outward Register.

• Stock Registers: These registers are used to keep an account of the material
resources present in the stock. These are of two types:

Consumable Items Register: The register maintained by the store keeper that
contains a record of consumable items/articles such as chemicals, salts, stationary
items, etc. Entries of different items are done on different pages. All transactions
about a particular item are supposed to be made on the page allocated to it.

Non Consumable Items Register: The register maintained by the store keeper
that contains a record of non-consumable items/articles such as furniture,
equipments, machinery. The register gives a complete account of articles with
their accessories. The entries of different articles are done on different pages. All
transactions about a particular item are supposed to be made on the-page allocated
to it.

• Daily Receipt Registers: This record can be in the form of register or loose
sheets bound in a file. Whenever any material comes in the store, it is entered
date wise in the daily receipt register. The material is then inspected and if
found suitable is entered in the stock register, In case of defective or damaged
material, it is rejected or reported to the suppliers. The incidental charges
that are incurred are also be noted in the daily receipt register.

• Issue Register: This record can also be in the form of register or loose sheets
bound in a file. All materials issued are entered date wise by the store-keeper.

• Surplus Stock Register: Sometimes some purchases are not consumed for
a long time. Such materials are declared surplus and are recorded in Surplus
Stock Register. The material is also then removed from the Stock Register
after obtaining order for its disposal from the competent authority.

• Suspense Register: The defective materials or the items received in excess

are 'placed in Suspense cell and details of such material are maintained by
the store keeper in the Suspense register.

• Condemned Articles Register: Obsolete or unserviceable material

authorized by signatory to condemn is entered in Condemned Article Register
till it is disposed off. The balance of condemn article is taken from the store
ledger and is shown as condemned.

• Loan Register: The details of non-consumable it€IUSwhen issued on lo,an

are entered in this register for a temporary period. Authorization of proper
authority is entered in the loan register. The material when returned back is
received and details are entered in the register.

You would now be clear about the importance of storage of material resources Management of Material
and the various functions that need taken care of during store management. Below
is given a set of questions which you may like to attempt and find for yourself if
you can find an answer to these questions.

Check Your Progress

Note: a) Space is given below for writing your answers.
b) Check your answers with those given at the end of this Unit.
I) Elucidate the importance of storage of material resources in educational

2) Identify the various functions of store management in educational


3) Name the various registers you would use in your institution for storage
management. Also mention the functions that each register would fulfilL


The material resources and other facilities tend to deteriorate due to their use
and exposure to the environmental conditions. Thus, timely maintenance of these
material resources is essential. Maintenance is responsible for smooth and _efficient
functioning of the material resources and maximum efficiency of an institution.
It is important that Planning for 'preventive maintenance is done for smooth
conduct of teaching- learning process. This helps in reduction of maintenance
cost and to keep material resources in functional state. Preventive maintenance
locates the trouble and removes it before breakdown takes place. It is like
Contemporary Aspects On lubricating a machine before it breaks down. It is important to have periodical
Institutional Management
_inspections of material resources to find the wear and tear, reasons leading to
breakdown and to rectify them at the right time. Thus, repairs are beneficial and
economical in terms of time and finances. Proper maintenance leads to greater
safety of users because of reduced break downs.

The main functions of preventive maintenance programme are:

• Periodical inspections or checkups.

• Servicing of apparatus and equipments

• Planning and scheduling of the maintenance work

• Checking of expiry of chemicals, fire extinguishers, RO systems, etc

• Maintenance of records and analysis

• Training of maintenance personnel

• Storage of spare apparatus and equipments

Maintenance management constituting maintenance planning and conducting

repairs is thus basically a system for planning and controlling the accomplishment.
It should be such planned that a balance is maintained in the maintenance and
repair works as over-maintenance as well as under- maintenance are uneconomical.

You would now have understood about the importance of maintenance and repair
of apparatus and equipments of material resources in an educational institution.
Below is given a set of questions which you may like to attempt and find for
yourself if you can find an answer to these questions.

Check Your Progress

Note: a) Space is given below for writing your answers.
b) Check your answers with those given at the end of this Unit.
1) Signify the importance of maintenance and repair of equipments and
apparatus in an educational institution.

2) Prepare a list of functions of preventive maintenance 'programme in an

educational institution .


Management of Material

After discussing the steps of managing material management in educational

institutions, we would discuss the physical infrastructure that would need this
management. It includes management of building in which the institute is running,
library, laboratories, playgrounds, class rooms and resource rooms. The
management of these physical resources would require taking care of architectural
aspects, administrative and environmental norms laid down by regulatory bodies,
cost limits, building materials, construction techniques used, space required for
carrying on teaching-learning process. The material resources generally utilized
in an educational institution are furniture, books, apparatus and equipments used
to impart instructions, computers, printers, etc. The optimum utilization and
management of physical and material resources go hand in hand. The management
system is effective only if the planning, management and utilization of the human,
physical and material resour~e management complement each other.

Resource Centres are place where learning materials are available for use of
teachers and students. The various resource centres in higher education institutes
include library, science and mathematics education resource centre or laboratories,
information and communication technology resource centre, health and physical
education resource centre, psychology resource centre, art and craft resource
centre, etc. It is mandatory for all educational institutes to establish the resource
centres according to the norms prescribed by regulatory bodies. It is further more
important that besides initial mobilization, the materials resources are properly
utilized, well managed and are continually augmented. All the resource centres
in educational institutes need management of human resources and material
resources. One of the most important assets of any educational institutions is its
library and the books. Libraries are depositories of information and knowledge
from time immemorial. Libraries have a tremendous role to play in developing
spirit of inquiry among the learners. The organizational and management structure
of a library in an institute is unique, which has inter linkages with the management
with the other departments of the institution. The resource centres established in
an educational situation should be such maintained that optimum and maximum
utilization of resources is made. It is important to maintain and repair the furniture
needed in an educational institution. The library furniture includes book racks,
display racks for books, journals, periodicals, computer tables, reading room
tables and chairs, circulation counter, etc. The furniture in other resource room
should be made to cater the needs of the subject. The material resources other
than furniture that need to be taken care in a library include books, journals,
periodicals, furniture, etc. It is the duty of the librarian to manage the material
resources, maintain and upgrade the study material including books, journal,
and periodicals in the library. It would also include procuring and upkeep of the
print material and e-material, The equipments in library that need maintenance
include photocopying machine, scanner, fire extinguishers, projectors, computer
system, bar code machine, etc.

The management of various resource rooms is dependent on the objectives that

need to be fulfilled through the resource room. For example, Information and
communication technology(ICT) resource centre deals with the technology that
helps in creating, transmitting, storing, sharing and exchanging information by
electronic means. Managing ICT resource centre involves maintenance of

Contemporary Aspects on computer systems- hardware and software, projectors, updating the systems with
Institutional Management
new versions of the software, enhancing multimedia resources. The management
of material resources in ICT resource centre includes the maintenance of furniture
and other basic requirements that are needed for smooth functioning of the
resource centre. Similarly, various resource rooms have material resources that
would cater those particular needs and management of each would be done in
accordance to the norms, budget and procedure of management of material
re,~o~~es.It should be taken care that optimum and maximum use of material
resources should be made as things get obsolete in this fast world of change. It is
for this reason that sharing of material resources among various departments
should be encouraged. This should be done taking care that efficiency of no
course programme is affected.

YO\l would now have understood about the management of resource centres in
an educational institution, Below is given a set of questions which you may like
to .attempt and find for yourself if you can find an answer to these questions.

Check Your Progress

Note: a) Space is given below for writing your answers.
b) Check your answers with those given at the end of this Unit.
1) Name the various resource centres that are established in a higher
education institute .

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2) Enlist the various material resources available in library resource centre
that should be managed by the librarian.

3) Why s~ould the material resources be shared by various departments of

an institute?

Management of l\1l!teri~

The use of material resources in an educational institution is done to perform

various activities to carry on the teaching-learning process. During the conduct
of these activities, it may happen that some mishap takes place due to negligence
or accidentally. Activities performed to reduce any kind of risks, may be in terms
of health, accidents, losses, etc. are termed as safety precautions. Safety refers to
preventing any type of accident, damage, error, any undesirable activity that may
lead to any type of loss in physical, financial, social or psychological terms.
Institutions need to set safety precautions caused due to various accidents, unsafe
physical conditions like unsafe clothing during working in laboratories, personal
factors like lack of knowledge, fatigue, unsafe acts such as not abiding to the
norms of the machines or procedures to use ap. equipment, electrical causes or
environmental causes.

It is important to prevent accidents as a measuf~ of safety precautions. Some of

the common safety precautions that can he adopted by the institutions are:

• Proper layout of equipment depending on its use. Care should be taken

regarding the placement of equipment in laboratories, canteens, stairs,
pantries, etc.

• The building should be earthquake resistant and according to laws.

• Sufficient illumination and ventilation should be provided.

• The floors should be non-slippery.

• Inflammable material should be stored separately.

• Safe material handling should be encouraged.

• Use of Aprons, gloves, tongs, etc. should be made mandatory.

• Safety measures should include appropriate clothing for the required work

• Repair work of the machines should be carried on in time.

• The material resources should be properly placed and labeled as per the
safety manuals and precautions that need to be adopted.

• Mock drills for ensuring safety.

• Display of laboratory safety measures.

• Training for first aid and disaster management.

• Training for using various devices like Fire safety, devices etc.

• Helpline numbers should be displayed.

You would now have understood about the safer¥ precautions that should be
taken care of for proper management of material fe~ou~c~s in an educational
institution. Below is given a set ofquestions which you may like to attempt and
find for yourself if you can find an answer to these questions.

Contemporary Aspects on
Institutional Management Check Your Progress
Note: a) Space is given below for writing your answers.
b) Check your answers with those given at the end of this Unit.
1) Why is it necessary to take safety precautions in an educational

2) .Enlist some safety precautions that should be taken by educational




Visit a college and name the various resource centres that the college possesses.
Enlist the various material resources available in the resource centres. Prepare a
project report to explain the steps you would follow for management of these
material resources. Discuss it with your friends and differentiate the needs and
procedures in a postgraduate college for arts and sciences.

Gopalakrishnan, P. & Sundaresan, M. (2003) Materials Management - An
integrated approach, Prentice Hall, India

Sharma, S.C. (2000) Materials Management and Materials Handling, Khanna

Publishers, Delhi

Verma, A.P. & Mohan, N. (2004) Industrial Management, Kataria and Sons,
New Delhi, ed.S.


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