Installation: Edc 4 Industrial Engines I
Installation: Edc 4 Industrial Engines I
Installation: Edc 4 Industrial Engines I
EDC 4 1(1)
Industrial engines
TAD530/531/532GE, TAD620VE, TD720GE,
TAD722GE, TAD722VE, TAD730/731/732/733GE
Installation manual
TAD722GE/VE, TAD730/731/732/733GE
Installation ....................................................... 10
Fault codes .......................................................... 23
Wiring diagram ................................................. 11
Safety rules
Introduction Important!
The installation manual contains the information you The following special warning symbols occur in this
need to install and perform a functional test on a EDC book and on the engine.
4-system (electronic control of injection system).
Read the instruction book carefully before you start in-
stallation. If the installation is done in a faulty manner, WARNING! Possible danger of personal injury,
this can cause personal injury or damage to property damage to property or serious mechanical mal-
and machinery. function if the instructions are not followed.
If you do not understand or are unsure of anything in
this installation manual, please contact your Volvo
IMPORTANT! Used to draw your attention to
Penta dealer for assistance.
something that can cause damage or malfunc-
tions on a product or damage to property.
Below, we have summarized the risks and accident
This installation manual is only intended for profes- prevention actions that shall always be taken into con-
sional use. sideration and put to use during installation and cali-
The installation manual is intended to be used togeth- bration of an EDC system.
er with the relevant engine instruction book.
Volvo Penta declines all responsibility for personal in-
jury or property damage which might occur as a result
of not following the installation advice, or if the work is Before performing any electrical welding, the
not done by professional personnel. EDC control unit connector must be disconnect-
The installer is responsible for ensuring that the sys-
tem operates in the manner described in the instruc- Remove power form the engine with the main
tion book. switch.
Disconnect the connector from the control unit.
Re-connect the connector on the EDC unit once
electric welding work has been completed and
the welding equipment has been disconnected.
Work methods Be careful, watch out for the moving compo-
These instructions are intended to be used by suitably nents of the engine during function testing and
qualified personnel. In these instructions, these in operation. Approaching the engine during op-
person(s) is/are referred to as the installer(s). eration entails a risk of personal injury. Remem-
ber that loose clothes or long hair can catch on
Also refer to the specific engine instruction book for
rotating components and cause severe injury.
relevant information when necessary, and in particular
for information relating to safety and engine operation.
The work must be done by Volvo Penta workshops,
machinery constructors or other authorized, well-
equipped workshop, with qualified and experienced
Safety rules
Never do any work on an engine which just Always ensure that the + (positive pole) and -
hangs from a lifting device (crane etc.). (negative pole) are securely connected to their
appropriate terminals on the battery. If the bat-
teries are wrongly connected, this can cause se-
The engine must not be run in areas where ex- vere damage to the electrical equipment. Please
plosive material or any gases are stored. refer to the wiring diagram in the engine instruc-
tion book.
Only start the engine in a well-ventilated area. If
the engine is run in a confined space, make Always use goggles when charging and handling
sure that the crankcase ventilation and exhaust batteries. Battery electrolyte contains sulfuric
gases can be led away from the workplace. acid, which is highly corrosive. If battery acid
comes into contact with your skin, wash it off at
once with a lot of soap and water, and then get
The battery lockers must never be exposed to
medical help. If battery acid comes into contact
open flames or sparks. Never smoke close to
with your eyes, flush your eyes at once (prefera-
the batteries. The batteries generate hydrogen
bly with an eye shower) with a lot of clean water,
gas when charged, which can form an explosive
and then get medical help at once.
gas when mixed with air. This gas mixture is
very flammable and highly explosive. A spark,
which can be caused by incorrect battery con-
nection, can cause a single spark which is suffi-
cient to cause an explosion with resulting dam-
age. Do not shift the connections when
attempting to start the engine (spark risk) and
do not lean over any of the batteries. Please re-
fer to the advice in the instruction book.
Special tools
Special tools
9510060 3838619
9510060-8 Multimeter
3838619 VODIA
The tools below are intended for use in work on the cable harnesses of the engine. The tools are not part of the
Volvo Penta assortment, but can be ordered from the local AMP or Deutsch dealer. If you experience problems in
contacting a dealer, please contact Volvo Penta Quality Action Center for advice.
726 519-1 Removal tool, 2.8 mm pin width 825 514-1 Crimping tool
Design and function
– engine speed regulator (with position sensor for The standard engine setting is 1500 or 1800 rpm,
the control rack and actuator) without fine adjustment. CAN-communication is
– electric air pre-heating (option) always inactive at delivery, but can be activated for
monitoring purposes.
Information from the sensors provides exact informa-
tion about current operation conditions and allows the There are also two alternatives that can be selected
processor to calculate the correct fuel volume, check via VODIA. One is to activate fine adjustment, with
engine status etc. an external voltage signal. The other alternative is to
activate control messages on the CAN-
communication, to control the engine speed in
combination with activation of the CAN-
Design and function
Other functions
The EDC 4 system contains a number of functions
whose functions include engine protection.
Fine adjustment engine speed, potentiometer,
external voltage input Idle speed can be adjusted on VE engines, using the
VODIA tool. Default value is 700 rpm.
On 1500 rpm or 1800 rpm GE-engines, the engine
speed can be finely adjusted by 5 % up or down.
Altitude correction
An option for engines which operate at altitudes above
1000 m above sea level, is an atmospheric pressure
“Dual speed”
sensor and altitude correction function. This function
The engine supports both 1500 and 1800 rpm. limits the fuel volume in relation to ambient air pres-
The adjustment is made by bridging the “speed sure. This is to prevent smoke, high exhaust tempera-
switch”on the control side of the wiring. ture and to protect the turbocharger from overspeed-
The switch has an inverting function, i.e. if the engine is
ordered for 1500 rpm, the speed will become 1800 rpm if
The switch is activated when the CAN bus is used to
control the engine speed, the TSC1 message is then
used to request engine speed, which permits alterna-
tion between 1500 and 1800 rpm.
Design and function
Cold starting
The control unit controls engine speed increase during
a cold start. The control unit limits the number of rpm
that engine speed can increase per second
Example: For VE engines at -30 °C, engine speed can
not increase by more than 100 rpm per second (units:
r/min/s), please refer to the diagram below.
VE engines:
When coolant temperature is between -30 °C and +10 °C,
the control unit increases engine speed as in the diagram
GE engines:
When coolant temperature is between -30 °C and 0 °C,
the control unit increases engine speed as in the dia-
gram below.
Design and function
Component location
Design and function
Power supply
NOTE! All engines are equipped with a 1-pole electri-
cal system.
Battery charging
Standard practice on all engines is that the batteries
are provided with power from the alternator.
Example of 24 V system
General Cable lengths
The installation must be planned very thoroughly and Maximum permissible cable lengths be-
done with the greatest care. tween:
The connectors must be supported so that they are Control unit – Actuator 5.5 m
not subjected to any tension.
Control unit – Battery 7m
Cables must not be run too close to hot components
on the engine or close to any other source of heat. Control unit – VODIA connector 10 m
Make sure that it is protected from mechanical wear, Control unit – Control side 5m
sharp edges and water splashes. If necessary, run the
cable through protective conduits.
Avoid making joints in the system as far as possible.
Cables and any joints must be accessible for inspec- Installation
tion and service. Please refer to the “Wiring schedule” chapter for in-
NOTE! The connectors must be installed “dry”, they
are not to be filled with petroleum jelly or anything
Standard equipment
The engines are supplied with:
• Standard sensors mounted and connected on the
engine including wiring and the connector on the
engine side male (round 25-pin) for connection to
the control unit.
• Un-installed connector, engine side, female (round Connectors, engine side VODIA connector
25-pin AMP). female (25-pin AMP) (6-pin Deutsch)
Connector and two (round 25 pin AMP)
Wiring diagram
Wiring diagrams, engine side
A. Speed regulator/actuator (Y3)
B. Coolant temperature sensor (B43)
C. Speed sensor, camshaft (B40)
D. Oil pressure sensor (B6) Wiring diagram, control side
E. Charge pressure sensor (two variants can
occur, 3-pin or 4-pin) (B48)
F. Fuel temperature sensor (B37)
G. Coolant level sensor (two variants can
occur, 2 or 3-pin) (F30)
H. Air pre-heating relay (option)
J. Heating element (does not function without
the air pre-heating relay)
K. Battery (24/12 V)
L. Connector, air preheating/coolant level/
stop solenoid
P. Speed sensor, SAE flywheel casing
(option) (B1)
Q. Glowplug, 4 or 6 (option) (does not function
without the air pre-heating relay)
CAN frames – EDC 4
Wiring diagram,
engine side
To avoid signal reflection interference on the CAN bus,
120 Ohm resistors need to be provided at each end of the
The EDC4 does not have an internal 120 Ohm resistor,
therefor one should be connected between pin 12 and pin
13 if the EDC4 is placed in the end of the network.
CAN frames – EDC 4
Control unit
The control unit must be installed separately from the en-
gine. Control unit working temperature must be between -
40 °C to +85 °C.
Nominal engine
speed + 8%
Nominal rpm
(1500/1800 rpm)
Nominal engine
speed -8%
Diagnostic button
Switch type, closing (NO), spring biased.
Droop switch
To read the fault codes, please refer to the “Fault find-
The switch must be closed to obtain droop. ing” chapter.
Switch type, two-position (NO).
VODIA input
Deutsch 6-pin connector
Alarm, low oil pressure
To read the fault codes, please refer to the “Fault find-
Max. power 3 W
ing” chapter.
Voltage 12 V/24 V
Tachometer used, graduated 0-2600 rpm and with ad-
justable input frequency.
44 pulses/r (420/620 engines)
48 pulses/r (520/720 engines)
Parameter setting
Parameter setting
Adjustable parameters
The VODIA tool (including Penta EDC 4 software) can
be used to read and adjust the parameters below, in
“Parameter Programming” mode. For instructions, see
“VODIA User´s Guide”.
NOTE! Special authorization is needed to be able to
adjust certain parameters.
Idle voltage
Voltage on the throttle control input that corresponds
to idling.
Min. value 0V 0V
Standard value 0.5 V 0.3 V
Max. value 5V 5V
Parameter setting
Read-only parameters Fine adjustment, engine speed
The VODIA tool (including Penta EDC 4 software) can regulator
be used to read the values below in “Log test” mode.
Use the VODIA tool (including Penta EDC 4 software),
For instructions, see “VODIA User´s Guide”.
to read and adjust the P, I and D sections of the en-
• Battery voltage gine speed regulator. In some cases, this can offer
more stable and more even engine running.
• Coolant temperature
PID = Proportional, Integrating, Differential
• Charge air pressure
The P section amplifies (Gain). A reduced value
• Oil pressure (Fig. 1) gives slower regulator reaction with change of
Fuel temperature load. An increased value (Fig. 2) gives a faster reac-
• Engine speed
The I section stabilizes (Stability). A reduced value
• Throttle control % (Fig. 3) increases the time for system recovery with
Droop % change of load. An increased value (Fig 4) gives a
shorter recovery time.
• Throttle control voltage (Only in “Parameter, pro-
gramming” position on VODIA tool) The D section stabilizes (Differential). Reacts to the
magnitude of the engine speed change. A reduced
• Engine total running time value (Fig 4) gives reduced sensitivity. An increased
Engine load % value (Fig. 5) gives increased sensitivity.
Before any adjustments are made, the current values
of the P, I and D sections of the PID regulator should
be noted.
Parameter setting
1. Use the VODIA tool and note the current values of
the P, I and D sections of the PID regulator rpm
2. Start the engine. Requested engine speed
rpm Requested engine speed
Requested engine speed
Fig 5. D-value too high
Fig 1. P section too low
time time
Fig 2. P section too high Fig. 6 Requested response
First start
First start
The engine can be started after the installation is
completed and checked.
Each control unit supplied with the engine or as a
spare part has a default setting. The default setting is
chosen to allow the engines to work in most applica-
In certain circumstances, the engine can run unevenly
or behave in an undesirable manner. If this is the
case, the engine should be checked in the order and
using the procedures below:
1. Check whether the control unit has set any fault
codes and rectify this if necessary, in accordance
with the “Diagnostic functions” and “Fault codes”
2. Check and attend to possible symptoms in accor-
dance with the “Fault tracing” chapter.
3. Check and adjust the engine speed regulator as in
the “Fine-adjusting the engine speed regulator” in
chapter “Parameter settings”.
Fault tracing
Fault tracing
A number of symptoms and possible causes of engine malfunctions are described in the table below. Always con-
tact your Volvo Penta dealer if any problems occur which you cannot solve by yourself.
WARNING! Read the safety instructions for handling and service in the chapter “Safetyprecautions” before
starting work.
1. Flat batteries 10. Air in the fuel system 16. Oil level too low
2. Poor contact/open circuit in 11. Water/contamination in fuel 17. Coolant level too low
electrical wiring
12. Faulty injection pumps 18. Air in the coolant system
3. Main switch turned off
13. Insufficient air supply to 19. Faulty circulation pump
4. Faulty ignition lock the engine:
20. Defective thermostat
– clogged air filter
5. Faulty main relay
– air leakage between the 21. Blocked intercooler
6. Faulty starter motor relay turbo and the engine’s 22. Too high oil level
7. Faulty starter motor/solenoid intake pipe
– dirty compressor part in the 23. Alternator drive belt slips
8. No fuel: turbocharger 24. Water entry into engine
– fuel cocks closed – faulty turbocharger
– fuel tank empty/wrong tank – poor engine room ventilation 25. High back pressure in the
connected exhaust system
14. Coolant temperature too high
9. Blocked secondary fuel filter/ 26. Open circuit in “Pot+” cable
primary filter (because of 15. Coolant temperature too low to throttle
contamination, or stratifi-
27. Faulty adjustment, engine
cation in the fuel at low
speed regulator/actuator
Diagnostic function
Diagnostic function
The diagnostic function monitors and checks that the
EDC 4 system functions normally.
Diagnostic function
2. Press the diagnostic button (for 1-3 seconds). A fault code is obtained by counting the number of
flashes in each group.
3. Release the diagnostic button and make a note of
the diagnostic trouble code (DTC) that is flashed Example: (2 short) pause (2 long) pause
out. Please refer to “Reading fault codes” below. (1 short) = Fault code 2.2.1
4. Look up the fault code in the fault code list and The fault code is stored and can be read as long as
take the necessary measures. See chapter on the fault remains. You can find information about
“Fault codes” cause, reaction and actions in the fault code list.
Please refer to “Fault codes”.
If the diagnostic lamp starts to flash, the engine will
be emergency stopped. Read as follows:
1. Press the diagnostic button (for 1-3 seconds).
IMPORTANT! On VE engines, there is a
function in the system which makes it possi- 2. Release the diagnostic button and make a note of
ble to start the engine again and run it for the fault that is flashed out.
about 25 seconds. This is so that the vehicle
3. Repeat items 1-2. A new fault code is flashed out
can be moved from a railway level crossing
if more are stored. Repeat until the first fault code
is repeated.
Fault codes can either be read via: When all faults have been rectified:
- The VODIA tool (including the Penta EDC4 soft-
1. Turn the ignition on and off.
ware). Please refer to the “VODIA User’s Guide”
for advice on use 2. Press the diagnostic button (for 1-3 seconds) to
check whether any faults remain.
- Diagnostic lamp
3. If there are no active faults, the diagnostic lamp
will give two short flashes, in other cases the re-
maining non-rectified faults will be flashed out
Diagnostic lamp
If the diagnostic lamp is illuminated or flashes, a fault
code can be read by pressing the diagnostic button
(for 1-3 seconds) and then releasing it. The diagnostic
lamp goes out, and a fault code is then flashed out.
Fault codes
Fault codes
WARNING! Read the safety instructions for handling and service in chapter “Safety information” before start-
ing work.
Code 2.0.0 No faults PID 91, Code 2.2.1 Accelerator pedal sensor
No active faults exist. Reason: Faulty sensor, connector or cable.
Reaction: The engine goes into “limp home” mode.
PID 190, Code 2.1.1 Engine speed sensor,
camshaft • Check the sensor cable for open and short cir-
Cause: Faulty sensor, connector, cables or incorrect
distance to cam wheel. High frequency interference. • Check the function of the sensor. Change the sen-
Reaction: Engine is shut off. sor as necessary.
Fault codes
PID 102, Code 2.2.3 Charge pressure sensor PID 174, Code 2.2.7 Fuel temperature sensor
Reason: Faulty sensor, connector or cable. Reason: Faulty sensor, connector or cable.
Reaction: A fault code is generated. Reaction: A fault code is generated.
Action: Action:
• Check the sensor cable for open and short cir- • Check the sensor cable for open and short cir-
cuits. cuits.
• Check the function of the sensor. Change the sen- • Check the function of the sensor. Change the sen-
sor as necessary. sor as necessary.
PID 100, Code 2.2.4 Oil pressure sensor PID 100, Code 2.3.1 Warning, oil pressure
Reason: Faulty sensor, connector or cable. Cause: Oil pressure below specified limit value (de-
pends on engine speed).
Reaction: A fault code is generated.
Reaction: A fault code is generated. The fault code
disappears when the oil pressure exceeds the recov-
• Check the sensor cable for open and short cir- ery value.
cuits. Action:
• Check the function of the sensor. Change the sen- Check the oil level and oil pump.
sor as necessary.
• Check the sensor cable for open and short cir-
PID 110, Code 2.2.5 Temperature sensor, coolant cuits.
Reason: Faulty sensor, connector or cable. • Check the function of the sensor. Change the sen-
sor as necessary.
Reaction: A fault code is generated.
• Check the limit value for oil pressure warning.
• Check the sensor cable for open and short cir- PID 110, Code 2.3.2 Warning, coolant temperature
Reason: Coolant temperature too high.
• Check the function of the sensor. Change the sen- Reaction: A fault code is generated. The fault code
sor as necessary. disappears when the coolant temperature falls below
the recuperation value.
Fault codes
PID 111, Code 2.3.5 Warning, coolant level PID 174, Code 2.3.7 Warning, fuel temperature
Cause: Coolant level too low. Reason: Fuel temperature too high.
Reaction: A fault code is generated. Reaction: A fault code is generated. The fault code
disappears when the fuel temperature falls below the
recuperation value.
• Check coolant level. Action:
• Check the sensor cable for open and short cir- Check the fuel.
cuits. •
• Check the sensor cable for open and short cir-
• Check sensor function (if installed). Change the cuits.
sensor as necessary.
• Check the function of the sensor. Change the sen-
NOTE! The engine is supplied without a coolant level sor as necessary.
PID 190, Code 2.3.6 Overspeed in limp home PID 100, Code 2.3.1 Emergency stop, oil pressure
mode Reason: Oil pressure below specified limit value.
Reason: When the limp home mode is activated and Reaction: Engine is emergency stopped.
the engine speed is or has been higher than the per-
missible limit value. Action:
Reaction: GE: Engine is shut off. A fault code is gen- • Check the oil level and oil pump.
erated. Check the sensor cable for open and short cir-
VE: Fuel injection ceases when the control rack re- cuits.
turns to its home position and the fault code lamp
lights up until the engine speed falls below the permis- • Check the function of the sensor. Change the sen-
sible limit again. sor as necessary.
Action: • Check the limit value for engine shut-off with re-
spect to oil pressure.
• Check the control rack for the injection pumps.
Fault codes
PID 111, Code 2.3.5 Emergency stop, coolant SID 23, Code 2.5.1 Control rack position sensor,
level difference
Reason: Low coolant level Reason: Injection pump/actuator has got stuck or is
not connected. The difference between the control
Reaction: The engine is emergency stopped and can-
rack current and nominal values is greater than 10 %.
not be re-started until the fault is rectified.
Reaction: A fault code is generated. The fault code
disappears when the difference between control rack
• Check coolant level. current value and nominal value falls below 10 %.
Check the sensor cable for open and short cir- Remedy:
cuits. Check the control rack for the injection pumps
• Check sensor function (if installed). Change the Check the actuator, control rack and injection
sensor as necessary. pump. Change as necessary.
NOTE! The engine is supplied without a coolant level • Check the cables for the actuator for open and
sensor. short circuits.
• Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
code remains.
SID 24, Code 2.5.1 Control rack position sensor,
SID 231, Code 2.7.1 Communication fault, CAN bus
Reason: Actuator not connected. Faulty value from
control rack position sensor in actuator. Reason: CAN controller for CAN bus is faulty.
Reaction: Engine is emergency stopped. Actuator Reaction: -
cannot be controlled.
• Check wiring.
• Check the actuator. Change as necessary.
• Check the control unit.
• Check the cables for the actuator for open and
short circuits.
Fault codes
SID 252, Code 2.8.1 Parameter programming PID 158, Code 2.8.2 Reference voltage 2
Reason: Memory fault. Reason: Reference voltage for actuator outside per-
missible limit values.
Reaction: The engine is emergency stopped and
cannot be re-started until the fault is rectified. Reaction: A fault code is generated. The fault code
disappears when the voltage returns to within the per-
missible limit values (5 V).
• Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault Action:
code remains.
• Check the voltage supplied.
SID 240, Code 2.8.1 Cyclical program test Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
Cause: Memory fault. code remains.
Reaction: The engine is emergency stopped and can-
not be re-started until the fault is rectified. PID 158, Code 2.8.2 Reference voltage 3
• Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
code remains.
• Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
code remains.
Fault codes
• Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
code remains.
• Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
code remains.
• Turn the ignition off and on, and check if the fault
code remains.
CAN frames EDC 4
§ A receive message can be missing 8 times in a row before a time out Error will be generated.
1. If a message of Torque Speed Control has generated the time out, the Limp Home Function will be started. If
the message will be received again it will not be accepted anymore by the EDC4 until the EDC4 is restarted
2. In case of other receive messages that generated a time out the last received value will be used. If a message
is received again it will be accepted automatically.
§ The node address for the received messages are 3. Only the request and engine stop request messages can be
received from any node on the BUS.
The priority, resolution, repetition rate and all other information is outlined in the CAN Specification for EDC4.
CAN frames - EDC 4
Receive Messages
ID: 0C 00 00 03
Priority Bits
00 Highest Priority
01 High Priority
10 Low Priority
11 Lowest Priority
CAN frames EDC 4
Transmission rate: if required
Data length: 0 Bytes
Data Page: 0
PDUF: 254
PDUS: 204
Priority: s. Appendix 5
Parameter group number: 65228 (00FECC)
Source Address: External Device Nr.
Transmission rate: if required
Data length: 0 Bytes
Data Page: 0
PDUF: 254
PDUS: 211
Priority: s. Appendix 5
Parameter group number: 65235 (00FED3)
Source Address: External Device Nr.
CAN frames - EDC 4
ID: 08 FF 16 xx
DM5 Request
ID: 18 EA 00 xx
EDC4 receives this messages as a request to send the number of faults, which have occurred once at least and
are active or passive at that moment.
CAN frames EDC 4
Transmit Messages
ID: 0C F0 04 00
Transmission rate:
Data Length: 8 Bytes
Data Page: 0
PDUF: 240
Priority: s. Appendix 5
Parameter group number: 61444
Source Address: Device-Nr. EDC4
Byte 1 Status:
8 =engine is working at limited torque (max. torque curve)
3 = engine speed governor is active
14 = engine torque control ( min. max. governor) is active
The value of Byte 3 is the actual engine torque in percent of the reference engine torque of the message engine
The torque values of Byte 3, TSC1 and the points 1 to 5 of the message engine configuration are directly
comparable to each other because of the same reference value.
CAN frames - EDC 4
ID: 0C F0 03 00
The value of Byte 3 is the actual engine torque in percent of the maximum available engine torque at the actual
engine speed.
Fuel Economy
ID: 18 FE F2 00
Byte 1-2 Fuel rate 0,05 L/h /Bit
Byte 3,4 Instantaneous fuel economy km/l
Byte 5-8 Not defined
CAN frames EDC 4
Engine Temperature
ID: 18 FE EE 00
Inlet/Exhaust Conditions
ID: 18 FE F6 00
CAN frames - EDC 4
CAN frames EDC 4
Messured Data1
ID: 18 FF 04 00
Byte 1 reserved
Byte 2-3 Engine speed 0,125 rpm /Bit
Byte 4 Boost pressure 2kPa/Bit = 1/50 Bar/Bit
Byte 5 Pedal position 0 to 100% 0,4 % Bit
Byte 6 Coolant temperature 1°C /Bit, -40 °C Offset
Byte 7 Oil pressure 4 kPa/Bit = 1/25 Bar /Bit
Byte 8 Can status
Can status
0 Initialization after power on
1 or 2 engine not started, waiting for start
3 engine starts (is cranking)
4 engine has started, is running, waiting for Can messages
with speed or torque demand
5 engine is running, CAN messages for speed or torque control used.
6 CAN messages for speed or torque demand failed (time-out)
EDC4 uses another input for set point values as a substitute, i.e. accelerator
7 Engine start protection is active
CAN frames - EDC 4
Messured Data2
ID: 18 FF 12 00
Byte 1 Droop
Byte 2-3 set point data engine speed, droop calculated
Byte 4 source of set point data engine speed
Byte 5, 6 engine speed, sensor 1
Byte 7, 8 engine speed, sensor 2
Droop = (nmax - nrated) / nrated * 100 %
n = engine speed, resolution 1% /Bit
CAN frames EDC 4
Messured Data3
ID: 18 FF 13 00
Power reduction
This is the actual value of the power reduction, calculated by the internal engine protection functions and the CAN
message engine protection. The limits set by the message TSC1 have no influence on this value.
Resolution 1 %.
Range 0 to 100%
CAN frames - EDC 4
Engine protection functions and CAN messages, i.e. TSC1, can limit this data to a lower value. In that case not
100% of torque is available.
If there are no actual limitations or power reductions, the available engine torque is given by the torque curve. The
value will be 100%, then.
Resolution: 1%
Range: 0% to 100%
Messured Data3
ID: 18 FF 13 00
Byte 1, 2 set point value fuel quantity 0,1 mm3 / Stroke / Bit
Byte 3, 4 desired value fuel quantity for drive ability map 0,1 mm3 / Stroke / Bit
Byte 5, 6 actual rack position 0,01 mm / Bit
Byte 7, 8 desired rack position 0,01 mm / Bit
CAN frames EDC 4
ID: 0C FF 15 00
Active limitation 1
Bit 8 Max. torque curve reached
Bit 7 Max. engine speed limit reached (Engine speed limit)
Bit 6 Engine speed limit TSC1 reached ( TSC1 Engine speed limit)
Bit 5 Engine torque limit TSC1 reached (TSC1 Engine torque limit)
Bit 4 Power reduction active
Bit 3 engine shutdown protection / start prevention active
Bit 2 limp home function active
Bit 1 Road speed limitation active (configured limit reached )
A Bit will only be set, when EDC4 is actually working at the limit.
If there is a limit set, but no operation parameter has reached this limit, the corresponding bit will not be set.
CAN frames - EDC 4
Active Limitation 2
Bit 6-8 reserved
Bit 5 overrun condition
Bit 4 smoke limitation
Bit 3 limitation by barometric pressure
Bit 2 reserved (= 0 because limitation of vehicle speed by receive message
SAE-J1587 PID74 not available)
Bit 1 reserved (= 0 because receive message torque limiting SAE-J1587 PID 68
not available)
A Bit will only be set, when EDC4 is actually working at the limit.
If there is a limit set, but no operation parameter has reached this limit, the corresponding bit will not be set
CAN frames EDC 4
The number of the signal that makes the highest reduction will be send in this byte.
The engine must not actually work at the limit to get a value different from zero. It is sufficient that a limit is set.
Power reduction 20% of max. torque curve because of Coolant temperature is too high, that means 80% of power is
available. The engine may work at 10% of max. power, but the value of the byte will be 4.
Engine stop
0 = no special engine stop, normal engine stop
1 = Engine shutdown for engine protection
2 = CAN Message Engine Stop Request
3 = Oil pressure too low
4 = Oil level too low
5 = Coolant temperature too high
6 = Coolant level too low
7 = Intake manifold temperature
8 = reserved ( SAE-J1587 command
9 = reserved (for VP2 not available)
The value of this byte shows the reason, why EDC4 has shutoff the engine.
If more limitations in EDC4 exist than these bytes represent, than this list will be enlarged.
CAN frames - EDC 4
Ambient Conditions
ID: 18 FE F5 00
CAN frames EDC 4
State of inputs 1
ID: 18 FF 0A 00
0 = boolish 0
100 = boolish 1
range 0 to 100 %
resolution 1% / bit
range 0 to 5V = 0 to 100
resolution 0.05V / bit
CAN frames - EDC 4
State of inputs 2
ID: 18 FF 17 00
0 = boolish 0
100 = boolish 1
range 0 to 100 %
resolution 1% / bit
range 0 to 5V = 0 to 100
resolution 0.05V / bit
CAN frames EDC 4
0 = boolish 0
100 = boolish 1
range 0 to 100 %
resolution 1% / bit
CAN frames - EDC 4
Engine Configration
ID: 18 FE E3 00
This message uses more than 8 data bytes, therefore the Multipacket Transport Protocol
CAN frames EDC 4
Engine Hours
ID: 18 FE E5 00
CAN frames - EDC 4
CAN frames EDC 4
Multipacket Transport
ID: 18 EC FF 00
If more then 8 data bytes must be send they have to be separated in different packets. The first message is the
Broadcast Announce Message (BAM). After that the data packets will be send.
Transmission rate: s. below.
Data length: 8
Data Page: 0
PDUF: 236
PDUS: 255
Priority: 6
Parameter group number: 60416
Source Address: Device- Nr. EDC4
Byte 1 32
Byte 2, 3 Number of used data bytes of all packets without the byte of packet number
Byte 4 number of Packets
Byte 5 reserved FF
Byte 6 to 8 Parameter group number
CAN frames - EDC 4
Die „parameter group number” and the transmission rate are the same as in the message specified, which data
are transferred with the Multipacket Transport (i.e. DM 1, DM 2)
There may be less than 8 useful data bytes in the last data packet, so the rest of the data bytes are set to FF.
The External Device No. is global (255) if the message is send cyclically, else it is the Device No. of the device
which made a request.
CAN frames EDC 4
ID: 18 E8 FF 00
according to SAE-J1939-21
CAN frames - EDC 4
Appendix 1: Multipacket Transport
If more then 8 data bytes must be send they have to be separated in different packets. The first message is the
Broadcast Announce Message (BAM). After that the data packets will be send.
Transmission rate: s. below.
Data length: 8
Data Page: 0
PDUF: 236
PDUS: 255
Priority: 6
Parameter group
number: 60416
Source Address: Device- Nr. EDC4
Byte 1 32
Byte 2, 3 Number of used data bytes of all packets without the byte of packet number
Byte 4 number of Packets
Byte 5 reserved FF
Byte 6 to 8 Parameter group number
The „parameter group number” and the transmission rate are the same as in the message
specified, which data are transferred with the Multipacket Transport (i.e. DM 1, DM 2)
There may be less than 8 useful data bytes in the last data packet, so the rest of the data bytes are set to FF.
The External Device No. is global (255) if the message is send cyclically, else it is the Device No. of the device
which made a request.
CAN frames EDC 4
DM1 and DM2 have a second Byte for Lamp Status, but the contents are not specified (=FF)
After switching power supply the EDC4 diagnostic lamp is lightened for a test, but the bits defined above will not
be set active for that reason.
CAN frames - EDC 4
Appendix 3: Acknowledgment
according to SAE-J1939-21
CAN frames EDC 4
CAN frames - EDC 4
F1 Constant engine speed 1
F2 Constant engine speed 2
HM Frozen engine speed (actual engine speed saved)
HS Frozen enigne speed (set point speed saved)
Sync Digital syncronizer up and down inputs
FP Pedal input
H Hand throttle lever
Avalible Set Point Sources (only one avalible at the same time, switchover possible)
ConfigNr. Same Sync FP H CAN F1 HS HM F2 Order of Substitute
0 x F2
1 x x None
2 x x F2
3 x x F2
4 x x F2
5 x None
6 x 1) x 1) x F2
7 x 1) x 1) x F2
8 x 1) x 1) x F2
9 x x FP, F2
10 x x FP, F2
11 x x FP, F2
12 x None, last values
1) Maximum value of both sources will be used
Report form
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this page, write your comments on it and send it to us. The address is at the bottom.
We would appreciate it if you were to write in English or Swedish.
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