6) (Emchpmloafrm: Certtetcate A) Ia&Ysts
6) (Emchpmloafrm: Certtetcate A) Ia&Ysts
6) (Emchpmloafrm: Certtetcate A) Ia&Ysts
g,r&Grt 6}[emchpmloafrm
Min Mnx
Assny (wt%) I'SP 39 99.7 99,9 99.9 tt.9 99.9
Total Impurities (wt96) USP 3' 1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1,0 <L0
Lirnit of Chlorineted Comp. *s Cl USP 39 30 <30 <30 <30 <30
Fatty Acids end Estcrs (mL NaOH USP 39 r.00 0.14 0.l2 0.t0 0.12
Color (API'lA) AOCS Ea 9 - 65, ASTM D1209 l0 3 3 3 3
Specilic Gravity rf 25125 oC USP 39,.AOCS fs 7 - 95,.ASTilt 1"2612 t.26t8 1.2618 L2618 t "2618
Water (wtolo) USP 39 0.30 0,0.{ 0.04 0.04 0.0.{
Readily Carbonizable Substances usP 22 (2',1t} Pnss Pass Prss Itnss Pass
Certitied Corrcct :
. Adrirn
IIead of Qunlity Assurflfice
JL Pelabuhan Kav. 1 Kabil, Batam lsland 29467, lndonesia.
Mailinq Address : PO. 8ox. 1 010 Naoova ?lata. Eatam lsland 29dl12 lndnnpcia