Exam SPLK-1002: IT Certification Guaranteed, The Easy Way!
Exam SPLK-1002: IT Certification Guaranteed, The Easy Way!
Exam SPLK-1002: IT Certification Guaranteed, The Easy Way!
Exam : SPLK-1002
Vendor : Splunk
Version : V13.95
IT Certification Guaranteed, The Easy Way!
NO.1 When using a split series on a chart, the series MUST be displayed using the STACKED option.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
NO.4 Which of the following Statements about macros is true? (select all that apply)
A. Arguments are defined at execution time.
B. Arguments are defined when the macro is created.
C. Argument values are used to resolve the search string at execution time.
D. Argument values are used to resolve the search string when the macro is created.
Answer: B D
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D. Use the transaction command when you want to see the results of a calculation.
Answer: B
NO.7 What functionality does the Splunk Common Information Model (CIM) rely on to normalize
fields with different names?
A. Macros.
B. Field aliases.
C. The rename command.
D. CIM does not work with different names for the same field.
Answer: B
NO.9 Data model fields can be added using the Auto-Extracted method. Which of the following
statements describe Auto-Extracted fields? (select all that apply)
A. Auto-Extracted fields can be hidden in Pivot.
B. Auto-Extracted fields can have their data type changed.
C. Auto-Extracted fields can be given a friendly name for use in Pivot.
D. Auto-Extracted fields can be added if they already exist in the dataset with constraints.
Answer: A C D
NO.12 When using the transaction command, what does the argument maxspan do?
A. Sets the maximum total time between events in a transaction.
B. Sets the maximum length of all events within a transaction.
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C. Sets the maximum total time between the earliest and latest events in a transaction.
D. Sets the maximum length that any single event can reach to be included in the transaction.
Answer: C
NO.13 These users can create global knowledge objects. (Select all that apply.)
A. users
B. power users
C. administrators
Answer: B C
NO.15 The timechart command buckets data in time intervals depending on:
A. the number of events returned
B. the selected time range
C. the type of visualization selected
Answer: B
NO.16 This tab shows you the event patterns in the results of a specific search.
A. statistics
B. visualization
C. patterns
Answer: C
NO.17 Which of the following statements are true for this search? (Select all that apply.) SEARCH:
sourcetype=access* |fields action productld status
A. is looking for all events that include the search terms: fields AND action AND productld AND status
B. users the table command to improve performance
C. limits the fields are extracted
D. returns a table with 3 columns
Answer: C
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E. ?=
Answer: E
NO.20 Select this in the fields sidebar to automatically pipe you search results to the rare command
A. events with this field
B. rare values
C. top values by time
D. top values
Answer: B
NO.22 Selected fields are displayed ______each event in the search results.
A. below
B. interesting fields
C. other fields
D. above
Answer: A
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Answer: B
NO.25 Which of the following statements describe calculated fields? (select all that apply)
A. Calculated fields can be used in the search bar.
B. Calculated fields can be based on an extracted field.
C. Calculated fields can only be applied to host and sourcetype.
D. Calculated fields are shortcuts for performing calculations using the eval command.
Answer: A B D
NO.26 What is the correct syntax to search for a tag associated with a value on a specific fields?
A. Tag-<field?
B. Tag<filed(tagname.)
C. Tag=<filed>::<tagname>
D. Tag::<filed>=<tagname>
Answer: D
NO.27 It is mandatory for the lookup file to have this for an automatic lookup to work.
A. Source type
B. At least five columns
C. Timestamp
D. Input filed
Answer: D
NO.29 When extracting fields, we may choose to use our own regular expressions
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A. True
B. False
Answer: A
NO.31 To identify all of the contributing events within a transaction that contains at least one
REJECT event, which syntax is correct?
A. Index-main | REJECT trans sessionid
B. Index-main | transaction sessionid | search REJECT
C. Index=main | transaction sessionid | whose transaction=reject
D. Index=main | transaction sessionid | where transaction=reject''
Answer: B
NO.32 When using a field value variable with a Workflow Action, which punctuation mark will
escape the data
A. *
B. !
C. ^
D. #
Answer: B
NO.34 This function of the stats command allows you to return the middle-most value of field X.
A. Median(X)
B. Eval by X
C. Fields(X)
D. Values(X)
Answer: A
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NO.36 The transaction command allows you to __________ events across multiple sources
A. duplicate
B. correlate
C. persist
D. tag
Answer: B
NO.37 Data model are composed of one or more of which of the fo-owing datasets? (select all that
A. Events datasets
B. Search datasets
C. Transaction datasets
D. Any child of event, transaction, and search datasets
Answer: A B C
NO.39 By default, how is acceleration configured in the Splunk Common Information Model (CIM)
A. Turned off
B. Turned on
C. Determined automatically based on the sourcetype.
D. Determined automatically based on the data source.
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Answer: D
NO.41 Which of the following statements describe the search below? (select all that apply)
Index=main I transaction clientip host maxspan=30s maxpause=5s
A. Events in the transaction occurred within 5 seconds.
B. It groups events that share the same clientip and host.
C. The first and last events are no more than 5 seconds apart.
D. The first and last events are no more than 30 seconds apart.
Answer: A B D
NO.42 The Field Extractor (FX) is used to extract a custom field. A report can be created using this
custom field. The created report can then be shared with other people in the organization. If another
person in the organization runs the shared report and no results are returned, why might this be?
(select all that apply)
A. Fast mode is enabled.
B. The person in the organization running the report does not have access to the index.
C. The extraction is private-
D. The dashboard is private.
Answer: B,C
NO.44 The Field Extractor (FX) is used to extract a custom field. A report can be created using this
custom field. The created report can then be shared with other people in the organization. If another
person in the organization runs the shared report and no results are returned, why might this be?
(select all that apply)
A. Fast mode is enabled.
B. The dashboard is private.
C. The extraction is private-
D. The person in the organization running the report does not have access to the index.
Answer: C D
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NO.46 Which of the following searches would return a report of sales by product-name?
A. chart sales by product_name
B. chart sum(price) as sales by product_name
C. stats sum(price) as sales over product_name
D. timechart list(sales), values(product_name)
Answer: C
NO.47 For choropleth maps,splunk ships with the following KMZ files (select all that apply)
A. States of the United States
B. States and provinces of the united states and Canada
C. Countries of the European Union
D. Countries of the World
Answer: A D
NO.48 Which of the following are valid options to speed up reports? (Select all the apply.)
A. Edit permissions
B. Edit description
C. Edit acceleration
D. Edit schedule
Answer: C
NO.51 When using| timechart by host, which field is represented in the x-axis?
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A. date
B. host
C. time
D. _time
Answer: C
NO.55 Which of the following searches would create a graph similar to the one below?
NO.56 Which of the following statements about tags is true? (select all that apply.)
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NO.57 Which of the following commands will show the maximum bytes?
A. sourcetype=access_* | maximum totals by bytes
B. sourcetype=access_* | avg (bytes)
C. sourcetype=access_* | stats max(bytes)
D. sourcetype=access_* | max(bytes)
Answer: C
NO.58 How many ways are there to access the Field Extractor Utility?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 1
D. 5
Answer: A
NO.59 Which of the following statements about event types is true? (select all that apply)
A. Event types can be tagged.
B. Event types must include a time range,
C. Event types categorize events based on a search.
D. Event types can be a useful method for capturing and sharing knowledge.
Answer: A C D
NO.60 Which search would limit an "alert" tag to the "host" field?
A. tag=alert
B. host::tag::alert
C. tag==alert
D. tag::host=alert
Answer: D
NO.62 The Splunk CIM Add-on includes data models in a __________ format.
Select your answer.
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Answer: C
NO.63 Which of the following statements describe data model acceleration? (select all that apply)
A. Root events cannot be accelerated.
B. Accelerated data models cannot be edited.
C. Private data models cannot be accelerated.
D. You must have administrative permissions or the accelerate_dacamodel capability to accelerate a
data model.
Answer: B C D
NO.64 Which delimiters can the Field Extractor (FX) detect? (select all that apply)
A. Tabs
B. Pipes
C. Spaces
D. Commas
Answer: B C D
NO.65 This function of the stats command allows you to identify the number of values a field has.
A. max
B. distinct_count
C. fields
D. count
Answer: D
NO.66 When using timechart, how many fields can be listed after a by clause?
A. because timechart doesn't support using a by clause.
B. because _time is already implied as the x-axis.
C. because one field would represent the x-axis and the other would represent the y-axis.
D. There is no limit specific to timechart.
Answer: B
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NO.69 Which of the following describes the Splunk Common Information Model (CIM) add-on?
A. The CIM add-on uses machine learning to normalize data.
B. The CIM add-on contains dashboards that show how to map data.
C. The CIM add-on contains data models to help you normalize data.
D. The CIM add-on is automatically installed in a Splunk environment.
Answer: C
NO.70 When performing a regular expression (regex) field extraction using the Field Extractor (FX),
what happens when the require option is used?
A. The regex can no longer be edited.
B. The field being extracted will be required for all future events.
C. The events without the required field will not display in searches.
D. Only events with the required string will be included in the extraction.
Answer: D
NO.71 Based on the macro definition shown below, what is the correct way to execute the macro in
a search string?
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NO.72 What will you learn from the results of the following search?
sourcetype=cisco_esa | transaction mid, dcid, icid | timechart avg(duration)
A. The average time elapsed during each transaction for all transactions
B. The average time for each event within each transaction
C. The average time between each transaction
Answer: A
NO.73 When multiple event types with different color values are assigned to the same event, what
determines the color displayed for the events?
A. Rank
B. Weight
C. Priority
D. Precedence
Answer: C
NO.74 When you mouse over and click to add a search term this (thesE. Boolean operator(s) is(arE.
not implied.
(Select all that apply).
B. ( )
Answer: A B D
NO.75 Which of the following statements describes the use of the Filed Extractor (FX)?
A. The Field Extractor automatically extracts all field at search time.
B. The Field Extractor uses PERL to extract field from the raw events.
C. Field extracted using the Extracted persist as knowledge objects.
D. Fields extracted using the Field Extractor do not persist and must be defined for each search.
Answer: D
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D. An eval statement
Answer: A
NO.77 This is what Splunk uses to categorize the data that is being indexed.
A. sourcetype
B. index
C. source
D. host
Answer: A
NO.79 When using the Field Extractor (FX), which of the following delimiters will work? (select all
that apply)
A. Tabs
B. Pipes
C. Colons
D. Spaces
Answer: A B D
NO.81 Which of the following workflow actions can be executed from search results? (select all that
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D. Search
Answer: A B D
NO.82 Which of the following search control will not re-rerun the search? (Select all that apply.)
A. zoom out
B. selecting a bar on the timeline
C. deselect
D. selecting a range of bars on the timelines
Answer: B C D
NO.83 In this search, __________ will appear on the y-axis. SEARCH: sourcetype=access_combined
status!=200 | chart count over host
A. status
B. host
C. count
Answer: C
NO.84 After manually editing; a regular expression (regex), which of the following statements is
A. Changes made manually can be reverted in the Field Extractor (FX) UI.
B. It is no longer possible to edit the field extraction in the Field Extractor (FX) UI.
C. It is not possible to manually edit a regular expression (regex) that was created using the Field
Extractor (FX) UI.
D. The Field Extractor (FX) UI keeps its own version of the field extraction in addition to the one that
was manually edited.
Answer: D
NO.85 What is the correct way to name a macro with two arguments?
A. us_sales2
B. us_sales(1,2)
C. us_sale,2
D. us_sales(2)
Answer: D
NO.87 which of the following are valid options with the chart command
A. useother
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B. usenull
C. fillfield
D. usefiled
Answer: A B
NO.89 Which of the following statements describe the search string below?
| datamodel Application_State All_Application_State search
A. Events will be returned from dataset named Application_state.
B. Events will be returned from the data model named Application_State.
C. Events will be returned from the data model named All_Application_state.
D. No events will be returned because the pipe should occur after the datamodel command
Answer: B
NO.90 Which of the following statements about data models and pivot are true? (select all that
A. They are both knowledge objects.
B. Data models are created out of datasets called pivots.
C. Pivot requires users to input SPL searches on data models.
D. Pivot allows the creation of data visualizations that present different aspects of a data model.
Answer: D
NO.91 This clause is used to group the output of a stats command by a specific name.
A. Rex
B. As
C. List
D. By
Answer: B
NO.93 The fields sidebar does not show________. (Select all that apply.)
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A. interesting fields
B. selected fields
C. all extracted fields
Answer: C
NO.94 Which of the following search modes automatically returns all extracted fields in the fields
A. Fast
B. Smart
C. Verbose
Answer: C
NO.95 Which of the following statements describes the command below (select all that apply)
Sourcetype=access_combined | transaction JSESSIONID
A. An additional filed named maxspan is created.
B. An additional field named duration is created.
C. An additional field named eventcount is created.
D. Events with the same JSESSIONID will be grouped together into a single event.
Answer: B C D
NO.96 What does the fillnull command replace null values with, it the value argument is not
A. 0
B. N/A
C. NaN
Answer: A
NO.97 Which workflow action method can be used the action type is set to link?
C. Search
Answer: A
https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.2/Knowledge/SetupaGETworkflowaction Define
a GET workflow action Steps
* Navigate to Settings > Fields > Workflow Actions.
* Click New to open up a new workflow action form.
* Define a Label for the action.
The Label field enables you to define the text that is displayed in either the field or event workflow
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NO.98 Which of the following are valid options with the chart command ?(select all that apply)
A. usenull=f
B. useother=f
C. split=t
D. transcation=t
Answer: A B
NO.99 which of the following commands are used when creating visualizations(select all that apply.)
A. Geom
B. Choropleth
C. Geostats
D. iplocation
Answer: A C D
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NO.101 Which function should you use with the transaction command to set the maximum total
time between the earliest and latest events returned?
A. maxpause
B. endswith
C. maxduration
D. maxspan
Answer: D
NO.103 Which one of the following statements about the search command is true?
A. It does not allow the use of wildcards.
B. It treats field values in a case-sensitive manner.
C. It can only be used at the beginning of the search pipeline.
D. It behaves exactly like search strings before the first pipe.
Answer: D
NO.104 Which of the following data model are included In the Splunk Common Information Model
(CIM) add-on?
(select all that apply)
A. Alerts
B. Email
C. Database
D. User permissions
Answer: A B C
NO.106 Which are valid ways to create an event type? (select all that apply)
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NO.107 Which of the following statements would help a user choose between the transaction and
stats commands?
A. state can only group events using IP addresses.
B. The transaction command is faster and more efficient.
C. There is a 1000 event limitation with the transaction command.
D. Use state when the events need to be viewed as a single event.
Answer: C
NO.108 Which of the following can be used with the eval command tostring function (select all that
A. ''duration''
B. ''commas''
C. ''Decimal''
D. ''hex''
Answer: A,B,D
NO.109 This function of the stats command allows you to return the sample standard deviation of a
A. stdev
B. dev
C. count deviation
D. by standarddev
Answer: A
NO.110 Which of the following can be used with the eval command tostring function (select all that
A. ''hex''
B. ''commas''
C. ''Decimal''
D. ''duration''
Answer: A B D
NO.111 When a search returns __________, you can view the results as a list.
A. a list of events
B. transactions
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C. statistical values
Answer: C
NO.112 Which of the following searches will return events contains a tag name Privileged?
A. Tag= Priv
B. Tag= Pri*
C. Tag= Priv*
D. Tag= Privileged
Answer: B
NO.114 Which of the following file formats can be extracted using a delimiter field extraction?
Answer: A
NO.115 Which of the following searches will show the number of categoryld used by each host?
A. Sourcetype=access_* |sum bytes by host
B. Sourcetype=access_* |stats sum(categorylD. by host
C. Sourcetype=access_* |sum(bytes) by host
D. Sourcetype=access_* |stats sum by host
Answer: B
NO.117 These kinds of charts represent a series in a single bar with multiple sections
A. Multi-Series
B. Split-Series
C. Omit nulls
D. Stacked
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Answer: D
NO.118 A user wants to convert numeric field values to strings and also to sort on those values.
Which command should be used first, theevalor thesort?
A. It doesn't matter whether eval or sort is used first.
B. Convert the numeric to a string with eval first, then sort.
C. Use sort first, then convert the numeric to a string with eval.
D. You cannot use the sort command and the eval command on the same field.
Answer: C
NO.119 When using | timchart by host, which filed is representted in the x-axis?
A. date
B. host
C. time
D. -time
Answer: A
NO.121 A field alias has been created based on an original field. A search without any transforming
commands is then executed in Smart Mode. Which field name appears in the results?
A. Both will appear in the All Fields list, but only if the alias is specified in the search.
B. Both will appear in the Interesting Fields list, but only if they appear in at least 20 percent of
C. The original field only appears in All Fields list and the alias only appears in the Interesting Fields
D. The alias only appears in the All Fields list and the original field only appears in the Interesting
Fields list.
Answer: B
NO.122 In the Field Extractor Utility, this button will display events that do not contain extracted
Select your answer.
A. Selected-Fields
B. Non-Matches
C. Non-Extractions
D. Matches
Answer: B
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NO.124 Splunk alerts can be based on search that run______. (Select all that apply.)
A. in real-time
B. on a regular schedule
C. and have no matching events
Answer: A B
NO.125 What other syntax will produce exactly the same results as | chart count over
vendor_action by user?
A. | chart count by vendor_action, user
B. | chart count over vendor_action, user
C. | chart count by vendor_action over user
D. | chart count over user by vendor_action
Answer: D
NO.126 A report scheduled to run every 15 mins. but takes 17 mins. to complete is in danger of
A. skipped or deferred
B. automatically accelerated
C. deleted
D. all of the above
Answer: A
NO.127 Which of the following knowledge objects represents the output of an oval expression?
A. Eval fields
B. Calculated fields
C. Field extractions
D. Calculated lookups
Answer: B
NO.128 The eval command 'if' function requires the following three arguments (in order):
A. Boolean expression, result if true, result if false
B. Result if true, result if false, boolean expression
C. Result if false, result if true, boolean expression
D. Boolean expression, result if false, result if true
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Answer: A
NO.129 In which of the following scenarios is an event type more effective than a saved search?
A. When a search should always include the same time range.
B. When a search needs to be added to other users' dashboards.
C. When the search string needs to be used in future searches.
D. When formatting needs to be included with the search string.
Answer: D
NO.133 Which of these is NOT a field that is automatically created with the transaction command?
A. maxcount
B. duration
C. eventcount
Answer: A
NO.134 Which of the following searches show a valid use of macro? (Select all that apply)
A. index=main source=mySource oldField=* |'makeMyField(oldField)'| table _time newField
B. index=main source=mySource oldField=* | stats if('makeMyField(oldField)') | table _time newField
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NO.135 Which of the following statements describe the Common Information Model (QM)? (select
all that apply)
A. CIM is a methodology for normalizing data.
B. CIM can correlate data from different sources.
C. The Knowledge Manager uses the CIM to create knowledge objects.
D. CIM is an app that can coexist with other apps on a single Splunk deployment.
Answer: A B C
NO.136 Which of the following is the correct way to use the data model command to search field in
the data model within the web dataset?
A. | datamodel web search | filed web *
B. | Search datamodel web web | filed web*
C. | datamodel web web field | search web*
D. Datamodel=web | search web | filed web*
Answer: A
NO.137 Which knowledge Object does the Splunk Common Information Model (CIM) use to
normalize data. in addition to field aliases, event types, and tags?
A. Macros
B. Lookups
C. Workflow actions
D. Field extractions
Answer: B
Normalize your data for each of these fields using a combination of field aliases, field extractions, and
NO.138 Given the macro definition below, what should be entered into the Name and Arguments
fileds to correctly configured the macro?
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NO.141 The time range specified for a historical search defines the ____________ .------questionable
on ans
A. Amount of data shown on the timeline as data streams in
B. Amount of data fetched from index matching that time range
C. Time range for the static results
Answer: B
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NO.142 Which of the following are required to create a POST workflow action?
A. Label, URI, search string.
B. XMI attributes, URI, name.
C. Label, URI, post arguments.
D. URI, search string, time range picker.
Answer: C
NO.143 When should you use the transaction command instead of the scats command?
A. When you need to group on multiple values.
B. When duration is irrelevant in search results. .
C. When you have over 1000 events in a transaction.
D. When you need to group based on start and end constraints.
Answer: D
NO.145 Which of the following actions can the eval command perform?
A. Remove fields from results.
B. Create or replace an existing field.
C. Group transactions by one or more fields.
D. Save SPL commands to be reused in other searches.
Answer: B
NO.146 Use this command to use lookup fields in a search and see the lookup fields in the field
A. inputlookup
B. lookup
Answer: B
NO.147 We can use the rename command to _____ (Select all that apply.)
A. Change indexed fields
B. Exclude fields from our search results
C. Extract new fields from our data using regular expressions
D. Give a field a new name at search time
Answer: D
NO.148 Using the export function, you can export search results as __________.( Select all that
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A. Xml
B. Json
C. Html
D. A php file
Answer: A B
NO.149 There are several ways to access the field extractor. Which option automatically identifies
data type, source type, and sample event?
A. Event Actions > Extract Fields
B. Fields sidebar > Extract New Field
C. Settings > Field Extractions > New Field Extraction
D. Settings > Field Extractions > Open Field Extraction
Answer: B
NO.151 In most large Splunk environments, what is the most efficient command that can be used to
group events by fields/
A. join
B. stats
C. streamstats
D. transaction
Answer: B
https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.2/Search/Abouttransactions In other cases, it's
usually better to use the stats command, which performs more efficiently, especially in a distributed
environment. Often there is a unique ID in the events and stats can be used.
NO.153 What does the Splunk Common Information Model (CIM) add-on include? (select all that
A. Custom visualizations
B. Pre-configured data models
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NO.154 Information needed to create a GET workflow action includes which of the following? (select
all that apply.)
A. A name of the workflow action
B. A URI where the user will be directed at search time.
C. A label that will appear in the Event Action menu at search time.
D. A name for the URI where the user will be directed at search time.
Answer: B C
NO.155 __________ datasets can be added to root dataset to narrow down the search
A. parent
B. extracted
C. event
D. child
Answer: D