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Moscow School Olympiad in Physics: Translated By: Stefan Zorkovsky Edited By: Kushal Thaman

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Moscow School Olympiad in Physics

Translated By: Stefan Zorkovsky

Edited By: Kushal Thaman

Problem 1. The mass of a horizontally placed wheel of radius R mounted on a vertical axis O (see
figure) is equal to m and is uniformly distributed on its boundary. Rubber threads of stiffness k and
3k are fixed at points A and B lying on the same diameter. The other ends of the threads are attached
to the vertical wall. In the state of equilibrium the segment AB is parallel to the wall, the threads are
neither sagging nor deformed, the distance between them is 2R

Figure 1: Problem 1

A. Let the disk be able to rotate, without friction, around the axis. Determine the period of small
oscillations of the disk.

B. The axis rotates clockwise with a sufficiently large constant angular velocity. The friction between
the axle and the wheel is dry. The maximum moment of frictional forces acting on the wheel is M0
such that M0  k R2 . At first the wheel is held while the threads remain unstretched, then the wheel
is released.

B1) How long after that will the angular velocity of the wheel become maximum? What will be
this maximum velocity?

B2) How will the answer change if the axis rotates counterclockwise instead?

Problem 2. The heat machine of the room which works as a split-system operates on the inverse Carnot
cycle, and it can be assumed that the room and outdoor temperatures correspond to the temperatures

on the isotherms of the cycle.In summer, when the temperature outside the window is +27 C. The
split system, working in air conditioning mode (as a refrigeration unit), keeps the room temperature at

+17 C and consumes from the power grid an average power N1 . At the beginning of winter, when the

temperature outside drops to -3 C, the split system switches to heat pump mode and maintains the same

room temperature of +17 C as in the summer, by consuming average power N2 .We can assume that
the heat flow (through the windows and walls) is proportional to the temperature difference between
the room and outside, with same coefficient of proportionality in summer and winter. Find the ratio of
powers n = N2 /N1

Moscow Physics Olympiad 2021 11th Final Round 2

Problem 3. The Schlieren method is often used to photograph optical inhomogeneities in transparent
media. In the picture below you can see the hot air streams generated by the flame of a gas burner and
flowing around the human palm. The Schlieren method can be implemented according to the scheme

Figure 2: Problem 2

shown in the figure below. Two thin lenses L1 and L2 are placed such that their optical axes coincide
with each other. At the focus of one lens, F1 is a point light source, and in the focal plane of the other
lens, point F2 is a Foucault knife- a large opaque screen K with a sharp edge protruding above the level
of the optical axis at a short distance h. The focal plane of the camera lens coincides with the focal
plane of the lens L2 .

Figure 3: Problem 2

A. Let a prism with a small refractive angle ϕ and refractive index n. At what values of h, would
the only gray background be visible in the picture?

Moscow Physics Olympiad 2021 11th Final Round 2

Figure 4: Problem 2

B. A prism is replaced by a plane-parallel plate (see fig. above) of thickness d and and length H
such that d  H whose refractive index linearly depends on the coordinate y: n(y) = n 0 (1 + αy/H ),
the values α  1 and n0 are considered to be known.
At what values of h in this case will only the gray background be visible in the photo?

C. Explain briefly (in two or three sentences) why in the picture at the beginning of the problem,
palm and burner are dark and the air currents are light, and also why all the images are visible on the
background of a gray circle

Problem 4. A battery with an EMF ε, whose internal resistance can be assumed to be zero, is charged
in the circuit shown in the figure. A diode bridge consists of perfect diodes that open at zero voltage. A

Figure 5: Problem 3

coil with inductance L is placed in the region of a periodically varying magnetic B(t). We can assume
that the resistance of the coil and connecting wires is concentrated in a resistor of resistance R. The
coil is wound on a core in the form of a hollow cylinder with cross section S and contains N turns. The
outer radius of the coil is slightly different from the inner radius.The induction of the magnetic field
B(t) created by external sources is directed along the axis of the coil. We can assume that the field
inside the core is homogeneous. A fragment of the dependence of field induction on time is shown in
the graph below. The constants B0 and τ are assumed to be known, and their values are such that the
circuit can charge the battery in a finite time.

Moscow Physics Olympiad 2021 11th Final Round 2

A. It is known that the circuit parameters satisfy the relation L/R  τ . Determine the charge flowing
through the battery in time t0 .

B.Let the resistance R be so small that the condition: L/R  τ is satisfied. Find the average current
flowing through the battery after a long time when charging begins.

Problem 5. The mechanism by means of which the tilt garage door works is shown in the figure below
with the door ABC in the vertical position (closed). Applying the handle at the bottom edge of the
door at point A, it is possible to move the door to the horizontal position (open). As the door is lifted,
the roller C fixed to the upper edge of the door moves on the horizontal support. In point B (AB = BC
= L) the gate is pivotally connected to a rocker which can rotate around a fixed axis O. At the other
end of the yoke is a weight of m = 25 kg. The gate can be thought of as a thin homogeneous plate of
mass M = 30 kg. The mass of the beam and the roller, any kind of friction, and the linear dimensions
of the roller and can be neglected. The acceleration of free fall and the values of are: g = 10 m/s2 ,L =
92 cm, h = 65 cm. In the upper position, the gate is fixed with a latch.

A1) How much force F1 , perpendicular to the gate, must be applied to the handle to hold the gate
stationary with the rocker horizontal?

A2) What is the minimum force F2 that must be applied to the handle to keep the gate stationary
when the rocker is horizontal?

B. Suppose that during a very slow lifting of the gate from the initial vertical position to the final
horizontal position, the minimum force required to lift the gate at any given time is applied to the
handle. What is the maximum value of Fmax of this minimum force?

C. If you open the latch in the upper position, the gate will start to move downward and the rocker
will rotate. Determine the velocity of the bottom point of the gate when it touches the ground.

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