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Systems in Action

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Systems in

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Unit Overview

Fundamental Concepts
In Science and Technology for grades 7 and 8, six
fundamental concepts occur throughout. This unit
addresses the following two:
• Systems and Interactions

• Continuity and Change

Big Ideas
As you work through this unit, you will develop a deeper
understanding of the following big ideas:

• Systems are designed to accomplish tasks.

• All systems include an input and an output.

• Systems are designed to optimize human and

natural resources.

Overall Expectations
By the end of this unit, you will be expected to:

1. assess the personal, social, and/or environmental

impacts of a system, and evaluate improvements to
a system and/or alternative ways of meeting the
same needs

2. investigate a working system and the ways in which

components of the system contribute to its desired

3. demonstrate an understanding of different types of

systems and the factors that contribute to their safe
and efficient operation
This rock climber, with
his system of ropes
and pulleys, enjoys the
natural freshwater
system of Ontario.

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The da Vinci Surgical System® is a

mechanical system used for robotic
hances are that a system woke you up today and several
C systems helped you make your breakfast. You may also
have used a transit system and a school system. A system is a
group of individual parts or procedures that work together to
accomplish a desired task. All the different parts of a system
are called components. Society runs smoothly and efficiently
because of its many systems.
Systems can be classified into two categories. A mechanical
system is composed of physical parts working together, for
example, a bus. The physical parts of the bus act together to
provide transportation. A non-mechanical system is a set of
procedures, methods, or rules that accomplish a task. Bus
schedules and routes are examples of non-mechanical systems.
Many systems in society include both mechanical and non-
mechanical systems.

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Some systems, such as the solar system, occur naturally.

Other systems are developed to meet the needs of society.
Many of those systems evolve as our society changes. One
system that is continually changing is a health-care system.

Robotic Surgery
One recent addition to our health-care system is robotic
surgery, the use of robots to perform surgery. Laparoscopic
devices, such as fibre optic cables, miniature cameras, and
surgical instruments, are inserted into the body through small
incisions. These are controlled by the surgeon at a special
console. This type of robotic surgery is called minimally
invasive surgery (MIS). MIS surgery means less trauma and
pain for the patient, who recovers more quickly.
Robotic surgery has now progressed to the point where a
machine, instead of a surgeon, operates on a patient. The
surgeon sits at a console and manipulates the robot’s four arms.
One robotic arm controls the camera while three arms
manipulate the instruments. With this machine, surgeons have Dr. Anvari keeps an eye on the
better precision and dexterity as well as full stereoscopic vision. monitor while operating robotically.

Remote Surgery
With these new systems, surgery can now be done remotely, with
the surgeon and the patient in different locations. In February
2003, Dr. Mehran Anvari of Hamilton, Ontario, operated on a
patient in North Bay, over 400 km away. This was the first
remote surgery (telesurgery) in Canada. The Canadian military
may use remote surgery for injured soldiers in distant combat
In the future, automatic surgery may be possible. The
The robotic instruments are closing
techniques of expert surgeons, stored in computers, will allow the wound.
robot systems to perform surgery without direct human input.
Society has to decide if this is an ethical and acceptable
addition to our medical system. Part of our responsibility as
citizens is to assess each system’s impact on society and on our
Exploring 91
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B1 Quick Lab

Clothes Peg Surgery

In this lab, you will design something that works in 2. Design a device to retrieve the coin from the
the same way that robotic surgery does. jar using a clothes peg and other materials.
Your device must allow you to pick up the
Purpose coin without your fingers entering the jar.
To design and construct a mechanical system to 3. Make a sketch of your design. Get your
retrieve a coin from the bottom of a jar teacher’s approval before you proceed.

Materials & Equipment 4. Construct your device and attempt to pick up

■ glass jar ■ plasticine the coin from the bottom of the jar.
■ $1 coin ■ clothes peg
Procedure 5. Was your design successful? (a) If yes,
describe two modifications that could improve
1. Place a $1 coin (loonie)
your design. (b) If no, suggest modifications to
on edge in a small piece
your design that might make it work properly.
of plasticine. Place the
plasticine and coin at 6. Make a list of the components of your
mechanical system and state their purposes in

the bottom of a tall jar.





the overall task.

B2 Thinking about Science, Technology, Society,

and the Environment

Components of a System
Systems are made up of individual components Consider This
that work together to perform a task or function.
3. What task does this system perform?
What to Do 4. Choose one component of the system
1. Choose one of the systems listed below. from your list. Suppose that component
• health care system • legal system was removed from the system. Describe
• school system • respiratory system how this would affect the system.
• Aboriginal clan system 5. Describe the long-term effects of
• waste management system removing the component from the
2. List the components of this system. system. Include any societal, technological,
and environmental impacts.

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B Contents
4.0 Mechanical systems use forces to transfer
4.1 Force
4.2 Work and Energy DI

4.3 Mechanical Advantage

5.0 Mechanical systems involve machines that

are designed to do work efficiently.
5.1 Simple Machines and Mechanisms
5.2 Efficiency DI

6.0 Systems have an impact on our society.

6.1 Non-mechanical Systems in Society
6.2 Assessing the Impact of Automation
and Alternative Systems DI

Unit Task
In your Unit Task, you will design, construct, and
test a mechanical system that uses only the
energy stored in a spring-bar mousetrap to
perform a function other than catching Getting Ready to Read
mice. You will use skills that you learn in
this unit to efficiently transfer the energy
Creating a Word Wall
Scan the unit and identify 10 key words
stored in the mousetrap. Your
whose meaning is unknown to you. Make a
investigations on forces, work, mechanical
class list of unknown words. Arrange these
advantage, and efficiency will help you
words alphabetically and make them into a
develop your mechanical system.
word wall. With your group, discuss possible
Essential Question meanings of each word. Think of related
How does a mousetrap work, and how words to help you, then use the Glossary that
does each component contribute to the starts on page 405 to verify your meanings. In
system’s desired function? your own words, record the meanings of your
10 unknown words in your notes.

Unit B Contents 93
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Mechanical systems use

4.0 forces to transfer energy.

In the circus, an acrobat jumps on one end of the teeter-totter to launch another acrobat into the air.

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What You Will Learn

In this chapter, you will:
• describe the characteristics of a system and
define a mechanical system
• identify the purpose, inputs, and outputs of a
mechanical system
• explain how heat is produced
• understand the relationship between work,
force, and distance moved

Skills You Will Use

In this chapter, you will:
• measure force using a spring scale
• calculate the work done to move objects
• calculate the mechanical advantage of a
mechanical system

Why This Is Important

Riding a bike, climbing stairs, and throwing a ball
are examples of using forces to transfer energy.
Mechanical systems are often involved in these
energy transformations.

Before Reading
Activating Prior Knowledge
Chapter 4 focuses on four main topics:
mechanical systems, force, work and energy,
and mechanical advantage. Draw a mind
map to record what you already know about
each topic from earlier science classes, as
well as from your daily life. Revisit your mind
map as you read the chapter, and add and
modify meanings and connections.

Key Terms
• work • mechanical system
• force • energy
• friction • gravity
• mass • mechanical advantage
• weight • ideal mechanical advantage

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4.0 Getting Started

Figure 4.1 The bike transfers the effort

and motion of the clown’s feet into a
different motion for all the riders.

hen we watch acrobats and clowns perform at a circus,

W we do not tend to think of science. But circus performers
need to understand the science of mechanical systems in order
to perform acts of strength and balance. A
mechanical system is a group of physical
parts that interact with each other. The parts
function as a whole in order to complete a task.
The bicycle in Figure 4.1 is a mechanical
system. Many individual parts of the bicycle
work together to allow the clown to carry the
passengers relatively easily. Although the
clown’s feet move in small circles, the bicycle is
travelling in a straight line. As well, the clown
Figure 4.2 If the riders sit at different distances from the
can push hard enough on the pedals to move
centre, they can balance the teeter-totter. all the passengers.

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Mechanical systems are more than just bicycles. Consider

the teeter-totter in your local playground. The downward
motion of one person is transferred into the upward motion of
the other. By adjusting how far the two people sit from the
centre of the board (the fulcrum), you can compensate for the
people having different masses (Figure 4.2). Circus performers
use a more complex version of the teeter-totter (Figure 4.3).

Figure 4.3 The smaller acrobat is able to move the larger acrobat by changing location.

B3 Quick Lab

Lift This
The human body is also a mechanical system. Procedure
Muscles, bones, and joints work together to 1. Make a loop from the piece of string. Hang
perform various tasks. Imagine that you have a ball the mass from the string.
in your hand. By controlling all the parts that make
up your human mechanical system, you can move 2. Stand up. Hold your forearm horizontally, with
the ball in a circle or throw it in a straight line. your elbow tight against the side of your body.
Depending on how much effort you exert and the Loop the string over your hand (Figure 4.4).
technique you use to throw the ball, you can 3. Keeping your elbow stationary, lift your arm
control how fast the ball travels. slowly. Make mental notes of how much effort
you need to lift the object and of the distance
Purpose you were able to raise the object.
To examine how the amount of effort required to
4. Move the loop of string to your wrist and
lift a mass can vary depending on where the mass
repeat step 3.
is located
5. Move the loop of string to your forearm and
repeat step 3.
Materials & Equipment
■ piece of string, 50 cm long Questions
■ 1- to 2-kg mass
6. At which string location did you need the least
effort to lift the object?

7. Explain the relationship between the distance

of the string from your elbow and the amount
of effort you required to lift the object.

8. Which string location allowed you to lift the

object the farthest? Compare the effort
needed at this location to those needed at the
other locations.
Figure 4.4

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4.1 Force
Here is a summary of what you will learn in this section:
• A force is a push or a pull that acts on an object.
• Forces can be classified as either contact forces or action-at-a-distance forces.
• Mass is the amount of matter in an object.
• Weight is the force of gravity acting on an object.
• For an object on Earth, the force of gravity, in newtons, is the product of the object’s mass,
in kilograms, and the gravitational field 9.8 N/kg.

“May the Force be with you” is a popular line from the Star
Wars movies. The use of the word “force” in the movie is
different from force in a science classroom. In science, force is
a push or a pull that acts on an object.

B4 Starting Point Skills A C

Identifying Forces
Any object that is being pushed or pulled is experiencing a force. Looking at
Figure 4.5, we could say, “The leash applies a force on the dog.” With a
partner, make a list of the forces that you can find in Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.5

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In order to slide your textbook across your desk or

kick a football, you must apply a force to the object
(Figure 4.6). A magnet can move a steel paper clip
without even touching it. Forces can also stop objects
from moving, such as when you catch a ball. Even objects
that are at rest have forces acting on them. For example,
as you sit at your desk, you are being pulled to the
ground by Earth’s force of gravity. As well, your chair
seat is pushing upward on you so that you do not fall.
Every object in the universe experiences forces. So in
terms of the Star Wars definition, the force is with you.

Classifying Forces Figure 4.6 The football begins its motion as a

result of the force of the player’s foot.
All the different forces shown in Figure 4.5 can be
classified as contact forces or action-at-a-distance forces.
Contact forces must touch the object that they push or pull,
for example, hitting a tennis ball (Figure 4.7). Another common
contact force is friction. Friction is a force that opposes the
relative motion of an object. If you slide a hockey puck across a
wooden floor, it slows down and stops because friction resists
its motion. If you slide the same hockey puck across ice instead
of the floor, the puck slides farther before stopping because ice
applies less friction on the puck than the wooden floor does.
Action-at-a-distance forces can push or pull an object Figure 4.7 The racket applies a
contact force when hitting the ball.
without touching it. Gravity, static electricity, and magnetism
produce action-at-a-distance forces, as shown in Figure 4.8.
These are also called non-contact forces.
The most common action-at-a-distance force, the force of Figure 4.8 (a) The static charge on
gravity, is the attraction between two objects due to their the balloon attracts the water.
(b) Magnets apply an action-at-a-
mass. The amount of attraction depends upon the amount of distance force.
each object’s mass and the
distance between the two
objects. For example, when we
let go of a ball, the ball is pulled
to the ground by the force of
gravity, even though nothing is
touching it. This is because the
ball and Earth both have mass
and therefore attract each other.
(a) (b)

Mechanical systems use forces to transfer energy. 99

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B5 During Reading

Making Connections
Making connections is an important strategy for As you read the next section, record the
readers. This ongoing process of interacting with following in a three-column chart:
the text helps readers connect with their prior
1. key words that spark a meaningful
experience and knowledge. This helps them
visualize, infer, and remember what they have
read better. 2. your connection as a reader
3. how this connection helps you better
understand the text

Once we have identified the type of force, we often need to
measure the amount of force. Before we do this, we must
understand the difference between mass and weight. Mass is
the amount of matter in an object. The mass of a bowling ball
is greater than the mass of a tennis ball because it contains
more matter. The metric unit for measuring mass is the
kilogram (kg). For example, the mass of 1 L of water is 1 kg.
Smaller masses are often measured in grams (g). There are
1000 g in 1 kg, so we could say that the mass of 1 L of water
is 1000 g.
Since mass is the amount of matter in an object, the object’s
Figure 4.9 If you were an astronaut,
your mass would be the same on
mass does not change as a result of gravity. If you have a mass
both Earth and the Moon. Your of 50 kg on Earth, your mass on the Moon, where gravity is
weight would be less on the one-sixth Earth’s gravity, is still 50 kg (Figure 4.9). This is
Moon, however, because the Moon
has less gravity. because the amount of matter in your body has not changed on
your trip to the Moon.

Table 4.1 Masses and Weights of a Weight

50-kg Person on the Surface of
Various Objects in the Solar System. The weight of an object is not the same as its mass. Weight is
Mass Weight the amount of force on an object due to gravity. Therefore,
Location (kg) (N) weight means the same thing as the force of gravity.
Earth 50 490 If you travelled from Earth to the Moon, your weight would
Moon 50 80
change because the force of gravity on Earth is about six times
stronger than the force of gravity on the Moon (Table 4.1).
Mars 50 160
This means that your weight is about six times greater on
Jupiter 50 1140
Earth as it is on the Moon.

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The Unit of Force

The metric unit for force is the newton (N), named after Sir W O R D S M AT T E R
Isaac Newton (1643−1727). Since weight is the force of gravity, The term “gravity” comes from the
Latin “gravitas,” meaning heavy.
it is measured in newtons (N). On Earth, a 1.0-kg mass has a “Gravity” also means seriousness or
weight of 9.8 N. solemnity, which is a different type of
Outside of the science classroom, you may have used a scale
to “weigh” fruit or vegetables. Most of these scales are marked
in kilograms. When you do this, you are not finding the
weight, in newtons, but instead finding the mass, in kilograms.

Measuring Force
Most meters that measure force contain a spring or elastic
component that stretches or compresses when a force is
applied. The most common force meter is called a Newton
gauge or spring scale, as shown in Figure 4.10. A spring scale
consists of a spring with a hook on the end. As more force is
applied to the hook, the spring stretches farther. The spring
scales used in your classroom have been calibrated to display
the relationship between the amount of force and the distance
of stretch. This allows you to read the amount of force directly
from the spring scale.
Spring scales can measure forces other than weight. If you Figure 4.10 The spring scale shows
the weight of an object in newtons.
needed to know how much force you need to slide an object
across your desk, you simply attach the spring scale to the
object and pull at a constant speed, as in Figure 4.11. By pulling Suggested Activity •
parallel to the desk at a constant speed, you are measuring the B7 Quick Lab on page 103

force of friction between the object and your desk.

Calculating the Force of Gravity (Weight)

It is useful to determine the weight of an object without having
to use a spring scale. Scientists discovered that the mass of an
object and its weight are directly proportional. That means that
an object with twice the mass has twice the weight. On Earth,
a 1.0-kg mass suspended from a spring scale has a weight of
9.8 N. A 2.0-kg mass has a weight of 19.6 N. Thus, if you
multiply any mass by 9.8 N/kg, you get its weight on Earth.
Figure 4.11 Spring scales can be
This value, 9.8 N/kg, is called Earth’s gravitational field used to determine the force
strength and is symbolized by g. required to move an object.

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Take It Further The force of gravity (Fg) on any mass (m) near the surface
The bathroom scale you might use of Earth can be calculated by:
at home to weigh yourself does
not look like the spring scale
Force of gravity  (mass of object)  (the strength of
shown in Figure 4.10. Compare Earth’s gravitational field)
and contrast these two scales used
for weighing. Begin your search at Using symbols, this word equation can be expressed as:
Fg  mg
where mass is in kilograms (kg) and g is 9.8 N/kg.

For example, to find the weight of a 50-kg student on Earth:

Fg  mg
 (50 kg)(9.8 N/kg)
 490 N
Suggested Activity •
B8 Inquiry Activity on page 104 A 50-kg student weighs 490 N on Earth.

B6 Learning Checkpoint

Weight and Mass

1. Use the words “mass” or “weight” to 2. The following masses are located on Earth.
correctly complete the following sentences. Calculate the weight of each object.

(a) Even if gravity changes, the _____ of (a) 25 kg

an object does not change.
(b) 40 kg
(b) The ______ of an object would change
(c) 150 kg
if the gravity changed.
3. An object has a mass of 5.0 kg on the
(c) Kilogram (kg) is the metric unit for
surface of the Moon. What would be the
(d) The newton (N) is the metric unit for
(a) mass on Earth?
(b) force of gravity on Earth?

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B7 Quick Lab

Measuring Force with a Spring Scale

An object at rest requires a force to start it moving. 4. Place your first object on your desk and
To lift an object, a force must be applied that connect it to the hook of your smallest spring
overcomes the force of gravity on that object. To scale. Holding your spring scale vertically,
slide an object across a surface, the applied force slowly begin to lift the object with the spring
must overcome the force of friction. This force can scale. If the reading on the spring scale is
be measured by using an appropriate spring scale. approaching the maximum and the object is
still on your desk, change to a larger spring
Purpose scale. Measure the force required to lift the
To measure the force required to move some object and record this value in your data table.
common objects 5. Now reconnect your first object to the hook of
Materials & Equipment your smallest spring scale. Holding your spring
scale horizontally, slowly try to slide the object
■ different spring scales (0−5 N, 0−20 N)
across your desk by pulling the spring scale. If
■ string
the reading on the spring scale is approaching
■ scissors
maximum and the object is still not moving,
■ 4 small objects (less than 1 kg each)
switch to a larger spring scale. Measure the
force required to slide the object across your
CAUTION: Handle sharp objects like scissors very desk and record this value in your data table.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for your remaining three
Procedure objects.
1. Copy Table 4.2 into your notebook.
Table 4.2 Measuring Force with a Spring Scale
7. If you needed approximately 3.0 N to lift an
Object Force Required to Force Required to object, would it be better to use a 0−5 N scale
Lift the Object (N) Slide the Object (N) or a 0−20 N scale? Explain your answer.

8. When measuring the force needed to slide

your object, explain why it was important to
hold the scale horizontally (parallel to the
table) and not at an angle.
2. Choose four different objects from your
9. In general, does it take more force to lift an
backpack, pencil case, or classroom. Record
object off the desk or to slide the object
the name of each object in your data table.
across the desk?
3. If any of the objects does not have a place to
attach the hook of the spring scale, tie a loop
of string to the object.

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DI Anchor Activity

B8 Inquiry Activity Toolkits 2, 8 ■

Performing and reporting
Analyzing and interpreting

The Force of Gravity

A graph is sometimes a good way to find the 3. While holding your spring scale stationary
relationship between two variables. If the data vertically, hang the mass and measure its
produce a straight-line graph that passes through weight (Figure 4.12). Record this value in your
the origin, then we say that the two variables are data table.
directly proportional. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for four more masses.
You may have to combine masses to get
enough readings. For example, hook a 50-g
What is the relationship between mass and the and a 100-g mass together to get a 150-g
force of gravity (weight)? mass.
5. Use your data to plot a weight-versus-mass
Materials & Equipment graph. Plot the weight on the vertical axis and
■ spring scale the mass, in kilograms, on the horizontal axis.
■ set of hooked masses
6. Draw a best-fit line through the data points
■ graph paper plotted on your graph.

Analyzing and Interpreting

7. As you increased the mass, what happened to
1. Copy Table 4.3 into your notebook, with space the weight?
for five trials.
8. Choose three points on the best-fit line of
Table 4.3 The Force of Gravity your graph. For each point, calculate the
Mass (g) Mass (kg) Weight (N) weight divided by the mass. Are the results of
1 these three calculations similar to each other?
9. On Earth, the ratio of weight to mass is
approximately 9.8 N/kg. How do your results
2. Choose one of your hooked masses and compare to this ratio?
record its mass, in grams, in the data table.
10. Did your best-fit line pass through all your data
Convert this value to kilograms and record this
points? If no, what are some of the sources of
as its mass in kilograms.
error in your experiment?

Skill Builder
11. Explain how you could use your best-fit line to
find the weight of a mass without hanging it
from a spring scale.

Forming Conclusions
12. Your data are best represented by a straight
line on a weight-versus-mass graph. What is
Figure 4.12 the relationship between weight and mass?

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Key Concept Review Connect Your Understanding

1. Define “force.” State the correct units for 8. Calculate the weight, in newtons, of each
measuring force. of the following masses.

2. What are the two categories of force? Give (a) 25 kg (b) 6.0 kg (c) 250 g
an example of a force for each category.
Practise Your Skills
3. What force causes a sliding object to slow 9. An astronaut measures the force of
down? gravity on various masses on the surface
4. What is another word for “force of of two different planets. The data for
gravity”? Planet A and Planet B are shown below.
Which planet has the larger gravitational
5. Explain how weight is different from field? Explain your answer.
Planet B
6. What device is commonly used to
Weight (N)
measure force?
Planet A
7. You weigh yourself on your bathroom
scale at home. Would the same scale give
Mass (kg)
the same measurement if you weighed
yourself on a different planet? Explain.
For more questions, go to ScienceSource.

B9 Thinking about Technology, Society, and the Environment SE

The Right Shoe

A lot of research goes into the design of shoes Consider This
for specific sports, such as soccer shoes,
1. Choose a modern sports shoe. What need
bowling shoes, and basketball shoes. Often, the
was the shoe designed to meet?
shoe is designed either to increase the force
(e.g., a better grip in soccer shoes) or to 2. How has modern shoe technology
decrease the force (e.g., shock absorption affected the sport?
in basketball shoes and sliding ability in 3. Did the development of this shoe have
curling shoes). any economic impacts? environmental
impacts? societal impacts?

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4.2 Work and Energy

Here is a summary of what you will learn in this section:
• Work is done when a force causes something to move and energy is transferred.
• When a force causes an object to move a distance in the same direction as the force, then
work  force  distance.
• Energy is the ability to do work.
• Kinetic energy is the energy due to an object’s motion.
• Potential energy is stored energy.

Suppose you stopped 10 people on the street and asked them

the question, “What is work?” For most people, work is what
you do to earn money. You or your friends might work as baby
sitters, newspaper deliverers, or hamburger flippers. What if
your job was to hold a poster against a wall without moving?
In this case, have you done work?
In science, the term “work” is used differently from how it
is in everyday language. In science, work is the amount of
effort spent when a force causes an object to move a distance.
This means that when you kick a soccer ball, work is done on
the ball since the force of your foot moved the ball a distance.
When you write notes, you apply a force to the pen to move it
across the page; you are doing work. What about holding that
poster against the wall without moving? You are definitely
applying a force, but since the poster is not moving a distance, no
work is done on the poster.

B10 Starting Point Skills A C

What Is Work? (a) (b) (c)

For each of the photographs in

Figure 4.13, use the scientific
definition of “work” to decide if work
is being done on the object. Justify
your answer to a partner. Would
people who do not know the
scientific definition consider any of
these photographs as being “work”?

Figure 4.13 (a) Shooting a basketball,

(b) holding a backpack, (c) pulling a sled

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B11 During Reading

Making Connections
Good readers stay engaged with the text they (T–S), text to world (T–W) and text to text (T–T).
are reading by making meaningful connections As you read this section, record and code the
to themselves, to the world, and to other texts. connections you make. Which connection helps
These connections are often coded as text to self you understand what you are reading best?

Work and Energy

At the end of a long run in your PE class, you might feel as if
you have little energy left. At home we turn off the lights or
turn down the heat to save energy. Most people are familiar
with the word “energy,” but what does this word mean? In
science, energy is defined as the ability to do work. The metric
unit for energy is the joule (J), named after James Joule (1818−
1889). Work is done when a force causes an object to move.
Therefore, energy is the ability to apply a force and move an
object. The bowling ball in Figure 4.14 applies a force to the
pins and moves them a distance while knocking them down.
Since the bowling ball did work on the pins, the rolling
bowling ball had energy.
To knock all the pins down, the bowling ball
does not have to hit every pin. When the bowling
ball does work on the first pin that it strikes, it
transfers some of its energy to that pin. The first
pin now has energy to knock down another pin.
When work is done, energy is transferred from one
object to another or from one form of energy to
another form of energy.
During any transfer of energy, the total amount
of energy remains constant. This means that you
cannot create energy, nor can you destroy energy.
You can only transfer the energy from one object
to another or transform the energy from one form
to another. This is called the law of conservation Figure 4.14 The energy of the bowling ball does work
of energy. on the pins that the ball hits.

Mechanical systems use forces to transfer energy. 107

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Forms of Energy
The various forms of energy can be classified into two
categories: kinetic energy and potential energy. The bowling
ball was able to do work because it was moving. A stationary
W O R D S M AT T E R bowling ball cannot knock down the pins. When an object is
The term "kinetic" comes from the moving, the energy it has is called kinetic energy. Sometimes
Greek word kinema, which means
motion. Other words with this origin the motion is hard to detect. For example, electricity, thermal
are kinesiology and cinema. energy, and sound are forms of kinetic energy since the
particles involved in each of these energies are in motion.
In earlier grades, you learned that all matter is made of
tiny particles. All these particles are in motion all the time, so
they have kinetic energy. Thermal energy is the total amount
of all the kinetic energy of all the particles in an object or
substance. When this energy transfers to another object or
substance, it is called heat.
Energy does not always involve motion. An object can
store its energy to do work later. Any energy that is stored is
called potential energy.
You are able to do work because of the chemical potential
energy in the food you eat. As plants and animals grow, they
store chemical energy, and they convert it into other forms of
energy when they need to. Gasoline and batteries also store
chemical potential energy. A bow stores elastic energy until it
is released (Figure 4.15).
Figure 4.16 shows a heavy rock directly above a tent peg
stuck in the ground. When the rock is dropped, it will apply a
force to the peg and move it a distance into the ground. Since
the rock can do work on the tent peg if it is dropped, the
stationary rock held above the tent peg has potential energy.
The potential energy of an object that is able to fall is called
gravitational potential energy.

Figure 4.15 In this position, the Figure 4.16 An object that can fall has
bow has potential energy. gravitational potential energy.

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Work Produces a Change in Energy

According to our definition of potential energy, a backpack at
rest on the floor has no gravitational potential energy since it
cannot fall. When you lift the backpack, you are doing work
since you are applying a force over a distance, as shown in
Figure 4.17. As you do this work on the backpack, the
backpack now has the ability to fall. Therefore, the work done
on the backpack caused a change in the backpack’s
gravitational potential energy. Similarly, when you pluck a
guitar string, some of the work done on the string is changed
into sound energy. In all situations, whenever work is done on
an object, there is a change in the object’s energy.

Work Done by Friction

As mentioned earlier, energy is neither destroyed nor created.
Energy can only be transferred from one object to another or
transformed from one form of energy to another. When Figure 4.17 When you do work by
lifting the backpack, the backpack
friction does work on an object, some of the object’s energy is gains gravitational potential energy.
transformed into thermal energy. An increase in thermal
energy makes an object warmer. Thermal energy is the total
energy of the moving particles in a substance.
A person running the bases in a baseball game has kinetic
energy. While sliding into a base, the player loses that kinetic
energy when stopping (Figure 4.18). Since
in any situation, energy cannot be lost,
where does the player’s kinetic energy go?
The work done by the friction force
transforms most of the kinetic energy into
thermal energy. The part of the person’s
body sliding across the ground gets warmer.
This is the same as warming your hands by
rubbing them together: the kinetic energy is
transformed into thermal energy.
In this unit, you are investigating how
mechanical systems use forces to transfer
energy. It is important to realize that all
mechanical systems include frictional
forces. As energy is transferred by a
mechanical system, some amount of thermal
Figure 4.18 Work done by friction to stop the runner produces
energy is always produced. thermal energy.

Mechanical systems use forces to transfer energy. 109

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Calculating Work
Since doing work changes an object’s energy, then work must
be measured in the same units as energy, which is the joule (J).
Our definition of work can be used to derive an equation
Suggested Activity • needed to calculate the work done on an object. The amount of
B13 Quick Lab on page 111 work done depends on the amount of force exerted and the
distance over which the force is applied. When the force causes
the object to move in the same direction as the force, the
amount of work done can be calculated as follows:
(Work in joules) = (Force in newtons) × (distance in metres)
This same equation can be written using symbols.
W  Fd
For example, suppose Jennifer pushes a box with a force of
150 N and the box moves 3.0 m. How much work does
Jennifer do on the box?
W  Fd
 (150 N)(3.0 m)
 450 J
Jennifer does 450 J of work on the box.
If this box has a mass of 25 kg, how much work will it take
her to lift it from the floor to 2.0 m in the air? We still use the
equation W  Fd, but first we need to find the force needed to
lift the box. In Section 4.1, we learned that the force of gravity
is given by Fg  mg. To lift the box at a constant speed, you
have to exert a force equal to its weight.
Take It Further The force exerted on the box can be calculated as:
All devices transfer or transform
energy. For example, a flashlight is Fg  mg
a device that transforms the
 (25 kg)(9.8 N/kg)
chemical energy stored in the
battery into light energy and  245 N
thermal energy. Choose a simple
device and describe the energy Therefore, the amount of work done by this force is:
transformations that take place
when that device is used. Begin W  Fd
your search at ScienceSource.  (245 N)(2.0 m)
 490 J

110 UNIT B Systems in Action

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B12 Learning Checkpoint

Calculating Work
Use W = Fd to solve the following questions. 2. Gravity pulls an apple 4.0 m to the ground
with a force of 2.0 N. How much work
1. Simon lifts a rock 1.5 m by applying a
does gravity do on the apple?
force of 20 N. How much work does
Simon do on the rock? 3. Jasjot does 450 J of work on an object by
pushing the object 15 m at a constant
speed. How much force does Jasjot exert
on the object?

B13 Quick Lab

How Much Work Does It Take?

In order to calculate the work done on an object, 3. Indicate the desired motion of each of these
we first need to know the amount of force needed objects in your data table. Include the distance
to move the object a measured distance. you plan to move the object.

4. Keeping the spring scale parallel to the motion

of the object, measure the force exerted while
To determine the amount of work, in joules, moving each object the specified distance. Be
needed to move various objects in your classroom sure to pull the object with a slow, constant
speed. Record these force values in your data
Materials & Equipment table.
■ spring scales ■ metre stick 5. Use the formula W = Fd to calculate the work
■ various objects required to move each of your objects.

6. Which of your four object motions required
1. Copy Table 4.4 into your notebook.
the most work? The least work? Why?
Table 4.4
7. Explain why it was important to pull with a
Object Type of Motion Distance Force Work constant speed. How would the force on the
(e.g., lifting, sliding) (m) (N) (J) spring scale change if you did not pull at a
constant speed?

8. Choose one of your objects. Describe the

2. Choose four objects that you can move in a
form(s) of energy that were changed as a
straight line by lifting, sliding, or opening.
result of the work being done on that object.
Record these objects in your data table.

Mechanical systems use forces to transfer energy. 111

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Key Concept Review Connect Your Understanding

1. What is the scientific definition of “work”? 7. Calculate the work done in each of the
2. What is the definition of “energy”? following situations.
(a) A horse pulls a wagon with a force of
3. Classify each of the following as examples
1200 N and moves it 15 m.
of kinetic or potential energy.
(b) A cable lifts an elevator 16 m by using
(a) A car is driving along a level road.
a cable with a tension force of 2500 N.
(b) An elastic band is stretched to twice
its normal length. 8. (a) How much work is required to lift a
35-kg object from the ground 3.0 m
(c) A book is at rest on the top shelf of a
into the air?
(b) How much gravitational potential
(d) A lightning bolt produces thunder that
energy did this object gain?
travels at 1250 km/h.

4. When you do work to lift an object, what Practise Your Skills

form of energy does the object gain? 9. Three different books are lifted from the
5. When frictional forces do work on an ground and placed on separate shelves of
object or mechanical system, what form a bookcase. The force required to lift each
of energy is always produced? book and the height of its shelf are
recorded in the Book Force Height of
6. Michelle pushes on a wall with a force of data table shown (N) Shelf (m)
45 N. Explain why Michelle is doing no here. Which book 1 22.0 0.50
work on the wall. required the most 2 9.0 1.4
3 3.0 2.1
work to move?

For more questions, go to ScienceSource.

B14 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society SE

Giving Society a Lift

The main idea for this chapter is “mechanical passenger safety elevator was invented about
systems use forces to transfer energy.” This 150 years ago.
means that mechanical systems do work to Discuss with a group how the elevator has
transfer energy. For example, an elevator is a affected how people live. Create a word web
mechanical system that does work to give displaying your ideas.
objects gravitational potential energy. The

112 UNIT B Systems in Action

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4.3 Mechanical Advantage

Here is a summary of what you will learn in this section:
• A machine is a mechanical system that reduces the force required to accomplish work.
• Machines make work easier by increasing the force, increasing the distance, or changing the direc-
tion of the force.
• The force applied to the machine is called the input force, and the force applied by the machine is
called the output force.
• The amount by which a machine can multiply an input force is called mechanical advantage.
• Mechanical advantage can be calculated by using the equation MA = Fout/Fin.

When you think of a machine, chances are that

you imagine something complex like a car or a
bicycle. However, machines can be as simple as a
wrench or a screwdriver. A machine is any
mechanical system that reduces the force required
to accomplish work. Removing a tight nut from a
bolt using only your fingers is almost impossible
since you cannot apply enough force. A wrench
multiplies the amount of force that you can apply
with your fingers in order to remove the nut
(Figure 4.19).
Similarly, a ramp makes it easier to raise a
mass a vertical distance. In this section, you Figure 4.19 A wrench makes it easier to remove a nut from
will learn how machines make work easier. a bolt.

B15 Starting Point Skills P C

Everyday Machines
A machine is any mechanical system that machines as you can think of. Compare your list
reduces the force needed to do work. For with those of two other groups and add any
example, a car jack allows you to lift a car that machines that are different from the ones on
you would not be able to lift without the jack. your original list. Keep this list for the next activity.
Work with a partner and make a list of as many

Mechanical systems use forces to transfer energy. 113

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Functions of Machines
To move from the ground floor of a building to
the second floor requires work. Usually this
work is done by climbing stairs between the
levels. Suppose that all the stairs were removed
and replaced by a vertical rope (Figure 4.20).
Most people would not be able to provide
enough force to climb the rope to the next level.
Stairs, therefore, are a machine that allows
people to do the work more easily.
Machines make work easier in three ways:
• by increasing the force that can be
applied to an object
Figure 4.20 Stairs are an example of a machine that makes • by increasing the distance over which
work easier.
the force is applied
• by changing the direction of a force

Increasing the Force

It is almost impossible to crack a hard nut with your bare
hands. A nutcracker is a machine that increases the applied
force (Figure 4.21). When you apply a force to the handles, the
jaws of the nutcracker apply a greater force on the nut.
However, the distance that you move each handle is greater
Figure 4.21 The force that the jaws
than the distance that each jaw moves. Remember from the last
apply to the nut is greater than the section that work is the product of force and distance. When
force that the person applies to the
you work on the handles, you apply a small force over a large
distance. The jaws of the nutcracker apply a large force over a
small distance. However, the work done by the jaws of the
nutcracker is no greater than the work done by you when you
squeeze the handles. This is true for all mechanical systems.

Increasing Distance
The ramp in Figure 4.22 allows the cart to be loaded into the
Height th
truck with less force than if it were lifted straight up.
Figure 4.22 The length of the ramp Regardless of how the cart is loaded, the cart in the truck
is greater than the height of the has gained gravitational potential energy since it is now above
truck. By using a ramp to do the
work over a longer distance, the
the road. This means that work was done to move the cart into
person uses less force. the truck.

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Lifting the cart straight up, without a ramp,

requires a large force over a small distance (the
height). When you use a ramp, the distance that
the cart is moved increases and thus the force
applied decreases.
Changing Direction
Some machines change the direction of the force
you apply. The pulley used at the top of a flagpole
is one example, as shown in Figure 4.23. When
the soldier applies a downward force on the rope,
an upward force is exerted on the flag.

Input and Output Forces

Whenever a machine is used to do work, two
forces are always involved. When you exert a
force on the machine, the machine exerts a force
on the object. For example, suppose you need to
lift a car using a jack, as shown in Figure 4.24.
When you apply a force to the handle of the jack, Figure 4.23 A flag can be lifted upwards by applying a
the jack applies a force to the car. The force that downward force on the rope.

is applied to the machine is called the input

force, symbolized by Fin. The force that the
machine applies to the object is called the output
force, symbolized by Fout. In the case of our car
jack, the input force is the person pushing on the
handle, and the output force is the jack pushing
up the car.
The input force (Fin) is defined as the force
exerted on the machine. The output force (Fout) is
defined as either the force that the machine Fin
applies to the object or the force required to move
the object without using a machine.
The input force is sometimes called the effort
force, and the output force is sometimes called the
load force.

Figure 4.24 The input force, Fin, and output force, Fout, using a car jack

Mechanical systems use forces to transfer energy. 115

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B16 Learning Checkpoint

Describing Machine Forces

Copy Table 4.5 into your notebook. Using the For each machine, place an X in the column
list of machines from Activity B15, choose any that you think best describes the function of that
10 machines and record them in your data machine. For each machine, describe the input
table. Write a title for your table. and output forces of that machine. An example
has been done for you.
Table 4.5

Machine Function Input Force Output Force

Increase the Increase the Change Force
Force Distance Direction
Car jack X X Person pushing on handle Jack pushing up the car

Mechanical Advantage
Machines such as the nutcracker, ramp, and car jack make
work easier because the output force is greater than the input
force. The amount by which a machine can multiply an input
force is called its mechanical advantage. Therefore, the ratio
of the output force (Fout) to the input force (Fin) determines
the machine’s mechanical advantage.
Since mechanical advantage is the ratio of two forces,
measured in newtons, mechanical advantage has no scientific
units. You can calculate the mechanical advantage (MA) by
Take It Further using the following equation:
Machines that can lift or move output force in newtons
heavy objects usually have a very Mechanical advantage 
large mechanical advantage. input force in newtons
Tractors and bulldozers are
examples of these types of Fout
machine. Choose a machine and Fin
investigate the maximum
mechanical advantage of that When jacking up a car, Wei pushes with a force of 250 N on
machine. Begin your search at
ScienceSource. the handle of a jack and the jack applies a force of 3000 N to
the car. What is the mechanical advantage of this car jack?

116 UNIT B Systems in Action

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(3000 N)

(250 N)

The jack has a mechanical advantage of 12. This means that the
jack will output 12 times the amount of force that Wei inputs.
Suppose that Jason and his wheelchair have a total weight
of 910 N (Figure 4.25). A force of 130 N is required to push
Jason up the ramp. In this example, we think of the output
force as the force required to move the object without the Figure 4.25 The ramp has a
mechanical advantage greater
ramp. Lifting Jason and the wheelchair up without the ramp than 1 since the force needed to
would require a force of 910 N. Now we use our equation to push the wheelchair up the ramp is
less than the force needed to lift the
calculate mechanical advantage.
wheelchair straight up.
(910 N)

(130 N)

The ramp has a mechanical advantage of 7.

Mechanical Advantage of 1 Suggested Activity •

B19 Quick Lab on page 120
Not only can a machine multiply the input force and
increase the distance over which the force is applied,
but a machine can also change the direction of the
force. Figure 4.26 shows an object attached to a rope
that passes over a fixed pulley. If you pull down on
the rope with a force, the same amount of force is
applied to the object.
A fixed pulley is a machine that does only one
thing: it changes the direction of the force. The
mechanical advantage of this machine is 1 since the
input and output force are the same size. Machines
that have a mechanical advantage of 1 only change
the direction between the input and the output
forces. These machines do not make the work easier
Figure 4.26 Machines that have a mechanical
but are instead used for tasks in which the direction advantage of 1 only change the direction between the
of the force must change. input and the output forces.

Mechanical systems use forces to transfer energy. 117

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Ideal Mechanical Advantage

In a real machine, some of the work done by the input force is
converted to thermal energy by the friction in the machine.
Because of this, the work done by the output force is less than
the work done by the input force. An ideal machine has no
friction, and therefore no energy is converted to thermal
energy. The mechanical advantage of a machine that has no
Suggested Activity • friction is called the ideal mechanical advantage (IMA). The
B20 Design a Lab on page 121
ideal mechanical advantage can be calculated by finding the
ratio between the distance over which the input force is
exerted on the machine (din) and the distance over which the
output force is exerted on the object (dout).
Ideal mechanical advantage can be calculated as follows:

input distance
Ideal mechanical advantage 
output distance
Suppose Padma uses a hammer to pull a nail, as shown in
Figure 4.27. If she moves the handle of the hammer 30 cm and
the nail moves 5.0 cm, what is the ideal mechanical advantage
of the hammer?
(30 cm)
Figure 4.27 The ideal mechanical 
advantage of the hammer can be (5.0 cm)
determined by comparing the  6.0
distance the handle moves to the
distance the nail moves.
The ideal mechanical advantage of the hammer is 6.0.
Even though no real machines have zero friction, certain
machines have such a small amount of friction that the ideal
mechanical advantage is very similar to the real mechanical
advantage. Machines like a hammer or a screwdriver have no
sliding parts and therefore have almost no friction. The IMA
can be close to the MA for machines such as these.

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Ideal Mechanical Advantage of Less Than 1

Sometimes, the IMA is less than 1 and the output distance
is greater than the input distance. This usually means that
the speed at the output is higher than the speed at the
input. Examples of machines with an IMA less than 1 are
hockey sticks, baseball bats, and garden rakes. In each of
these machines, the distance moved by the input force is
less than the distance moved by the output force (Figure
4.28). When an increase in speed of motion is required, an Figure 4.28 When you shoot with a hockey
stick, the distance moved by the hands is less
IMA of less than 1 is sometimes necessary. than the distance moved by the stick’s blade.
Thus, the speed of the blade (output) is
greater than the speed of the input (hands).

B17 Learning Checkpoint

Mechanical Advantage
1. Laura pushes on the pedals of her bike 300 N, what is the mechanical advantage
with a force of 320 N. If the bike has an of this bike’s brake system?
output force of 640 N, what is the
3. The handle of a car jack is moved 75 cm
mechanical advantage of this bike?
and the car is lifted 2.5 cm. What is the
2. Laura squeezes the hand brakes of her ideal mechanical advantage of this car jack?
bicycle with a force of 60 N. If the brake
pads push on the wheel with a force of

B18 Learning Checkpoint

Human Mechanical Advantage

If you did Activity B3, you lifted masses at various locations on your arm.
When you used your elbow joint as a hinge, your muscles were the
input force and the weight of the object was your output force
(Figure 4.29). Since the mass was the same regardless of its location on Fin

your arm, the output force provided by your arm was always the same. Fout

1. Explain what happened to the mechanical advantage of your arm

as the weight was moved along your arm.

2. Do you think the mechanical advantage of your arm was ever Figure 4.29

greater than 1? Explain.

Mechanical systems use forces to transfer energy. 119

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B19 Quick Lab

Calculating Mechanical Advantage

The mechanical advantage of a machine can be 2. Suspend the metre stick from the support
determined by calculating the ratio of the output stand using a piece of string attached to the
force to the input force (MA = Fout / Fin). If the 20-cm location of your metre stick. This
output force (Fout) is required to slowly lift an location is called the hinge location.
object, then the output force is equal to the weight
3. Attach your hooked mass to the 5.0-cm
of the object (Fg = mg).
location of your metre stick using a second
piece of string (Figure 4.30).
To determine the mechanical advantage of a 4. Using a spring scale attached to the 95-cm
metre stick, hinged at different locations and used location of your metre stick, pull the metre
to lift a mass stick until it is parallel to the ground. Record
this force as the input force.
Materials & Equipment 5. Record the output force provided by the
■ spring scale ■ metre stick metre stick. The output force is the force
■ hooked masses ■ string required to lift the hooked mass (Fg = mg).
■ ring stand or support
6. Repeat steps 3–5 for the hinge locations in
your data table.
output force input force 7. Calculate the mechanical advantage of the
metre stick at each of the hinge locations.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Record these values in your data table.

8. As the distance from the output force to the
Figure 4.30 hinge increased, what happened to the value
of the mechanical advantage?
9. When the hinge was at the 70-cm location,
1. Copy Table 4.6 into your notebook.
the mechanical advantage has a value of less
Table 4.6 Mechanical Advantage of a Simple Machine than 1. In a short paragraph, explain what a
Hinge Location Output Force Input Force Mechanical mechanical advantage less than 1 means in
(cm) (N) (N) Advantage terms of input and output forces.
20 10. When the mechanical advantage is greater
than 1, the distance moved by the output
force is less than the distance moved by the
input force. How do these distances compare
when the mechanical advantage is less than 1?

120 UNIT B Systems in Action

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B20 Design a Lab Toolkit 2 ■

Initiating and planning

My Bicycle’s Mechanical Advantage

A bicycle is a mechanical system that transfers the 3. Write up your procedure. Be sure to show it to
force that you push on the pedals to a force on your teacher before going any further.
the ground provided by the wheel rims.
4. Carry out your experiment.
Multigear bikes can change the mechanical
advantage depending on the gear. Gears are 5. Share and compare your experimental plan
devices that change the speed, direction, or force and values with your classmates’ plans and
of a transmitted motion. The mechanical values. Did any other group plan their
advantage of a bicycle can be calculated by experiment exactly like yours? Similarly to
measuring the force on the pedals and the force yours? Completely different from yours? How
on the wheel (Figure 4.31). Ideal mechanical did your bike’s mechanical advantage
advantage can be calculated by measuring the compare to its ideal mechanical advantage? If
distance the pedal travels and the distance the the values were different, give an explanation.
bicycle travels. 6. Present your findings to the class or in a form
suggested by your teacher.
What are the mechanical advantage and ideal
mechanical advantage of a bicycle?

Design and Conduct Your Investigation

1. Decide what materials you will need in order
to record the measurements you need to be
able to calculate both mechanical advantage
and ideal mechanical advantage.
2. Plan your procedure. Think about these
(a) How will you measure the force on both
the pedals and the wheel rim at the same
(b) Since the pedals do not move in a straight
line, what method will you use to
measure the distance the pedals travel?
(c) What steps will you follow to collect the
data you need?
(d) How will you record your results?

Figure 4.31

Mechanical systems use forces to transfer energy. 121

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Key Concept Review Connect Your Understanding

1. Explain what is meant by the statement 6. What is the mechanical advantage of a
“a machine makes work easier.” machine that exerts a force of 160 N on
an object when a person exerts a force of
2. What concept is represented by the ratio
20 N on the machine?
of the output force to the input force?
7. A bicycle moves forward 4.0 m when the
3. Jill applies a force of 15 N to a wrench. If
pedals are rotated through a distance of
the wrench applies a force of 150 N to a
1.0 m. What is the IMA of this bicycle?
bolt, which of these values is the input
force and which is the output force?
Practise Your Skills
4. A pulley has a mechanical advantage of 1. 8. Ravi applies the
What does this tell you about the size and

Output Force (N)

same force to
direction of the input and output forces? three different 60

machines. The 40
5. Use the concept of energy to explain why
output force of 20
ideal mechanical advantage is not the
each of these 0
same as mechanical advantage for real A B C
machines is Machine
shown here. List
the three machines in order of highest to
lowest mechanical advantage.

For more questions, go to ScienceSource.

B21 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society SE

Can Opener
Can you imagine opening a can of soup without a Consider This
can opener? A can opener is a mechanism
4. Most mechanisms are designed to meet a
designed to make the task of opening a can easier.
need. How well does your can opener
What to Do address people’s needs?

1. Make a sketch of a manual can opener. 5. If every family had to destroy its can
openers, describe the short- and long-term
2. Identify the components of the can opener
and label these parts on your sketch.
6. Describe possible environmental effects on
3. State the form and function of each
the manufacturing, use, and disposal of your
labelled part.
can opener.

122 UNIT B Systems in Action

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Science and Technology in Your World

Artificial Limbs

Artificial limbs or prostheses (singular: prosthesis) Questions

have been in use for more than 2300 years. An 1. What technologies have created the greatest
artificial leg was found that was made from copper changes in prosthesis development?
and wood and dated from 300 B.C.E. A prosthesis
is designed to replace a limb that is missing due 2. What are two methods used to transfer forces
to injury or disease, or from birth. in a prosthesis?
The last 50 years have seen the greatest 3. Do you think that athletes such as Oscar
advances in artificial limbs. Lightweight plastics and Pistorius should be allowed to compete
carbon fibres make the limb easier to move. The against other athletes at the Olympics? In a
most exciting development is myoelectricity, which short paragraph, give reasons for your answer.
means that electric signals from the person’s
muscles can move the artificial limb. Sensors Figure 4.32 In the 16th
century, artificial limbs had
attached to the muscles transfer the muscle moving parts that were
motion into electrical impulses. These electrical controlled by straps
signals are sent to the areas of the prosthesis attached to the body.
where motion is required.
Regardless of the technology used, an artificial
limb is a machine that transfers forces. Interior
cables pull hinged levers or use hydraulics.
Designers of these high-tech devices are highly
trained biomedical engineers. They must
understand force, work, energy, and machines.
Prosthesis technology is now so advanced that
some artificial limbs can perform better than a
natural limb. Oscar Pistorius is a double-amputee Figure 4.33 Each motion of
the artificial limb is the result
sprinter who uses special composite prosthetic of the transfer of forces.
blades. He has run in many international

Figure 4.34 Oscar Pistorius, the “Blade Runner,” with his

carbon-fibre feet

Mechanical systems use forces to transfer energy. 123

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4.0 Chapter Review

Assess Your Learning

Key Concept Review

After Reading 1. A curling rock slides to a stop due to the force of friction. Is
the force of friction a contact force or a force at a distance? k
Reflect and Evaluate 2. Dan has a mass of 55 kg on Earth. What is his mass on a
Based on your learning, add planet that has twice Earth’s gravity? k
and modify the mind map you
began on page 95. How and
3. Explain how it is possible to do no work on an object even
where would you fit in the
though you have applied a force to that object. k
following words: machine, 4. For each of the following situations, state if the object has
mass, weight, friction, and ideal potential energy or kinetic energy. k
mechanical advantage? Draw
(a) a bowling ball rolling down the alley
lines and arrows between the
words on your mind map in a (b) a book sitting on the top shelf of a bookcase
way that makes sense to you. 5. State the three functions of machines and give an example of
Explain your mind map to a a machine for each function. k
partner. How has the strategy
6. For a given machine, explain why the MA is usually less than
of making connections helped
the IMA. k
you to understand this chapter
better? 7. If you exert an input force over a greater distance than the
distance exerted by the output force, for an ideal machine
compare the sizes of the input and output forces. k
8. What concept is represented by the ratio of the input distance
to the output distance? k

Connect Your Understanding

Question 11 (a) 9. Suzy pushes against a brick wall with a force of 900 N for
1 minute. Her friend comments that she did no work during
that minute. Is her friend correct? Explain. a
10. Ahmed inputs 250 J of work on a machine. Explain why that
machine has an output of only 200 J of work. a
11. Make a sketch of each machine in the two photographs and
label the input force and the output force in each. t
12. In a short paragraph, describe how you would determine the
amount of work needed to pull a toboggan the length of a
football field. Be sure to include the equipment list and
Question 11 (b) describe the measurements that you will take. a


124 UNIT B k Knowledge and understanding t Thinking and investigation c Communication a Application
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Practise Your Skills

13. What is the weight of a 3.0-kg mass placed on a spring scale
in your classroom? t
14. Calculate the amount of work done in each of the following
situations. t
(a) A person lifts a 250-N child straight up 1.2 m.
(b) A horse pulls a sled 12 m using a force of 2000 N.
15. A machine is able to lift a 50-kg mass when a 49-N force is
applied to the machine. What is the mechanical advantage of
this machine? t Unit Task Link
16. The handle of a car jack is moved 150 cm in order to lift the You will design, construct, and
car 5.0 cm. What is the ideal mechanical advantage of this car test a mechanical system that
jack? t uses only the energy stored
in a spring-bar mousetrap.
17. A machine is often designed when the work required to move This system must have a
an object needs a force larger than a person can exert. Your function other than catching
task is to lift a 400-kg boulder from the ground and place it on mice. Will your design require
a platform 3.0 m high. t a mechanical advantage
(a) Make a sketch of a machine (or a combination of greater than 1 or less than 1?
How will your design produce
machines) that use the force provided by one person to
the required mechanical
accomplish this task.
(b) Label the input and output force(s) on your sketch.

B22 Thinking about Science, Technology, and Society SE

Garden Rake versus Leaf Blower

For many people in Ontario, the beauty of Consider This
autumn becomes the chore of gathering and With some classmates,
disposing of the fallen leaves. Not that long ago,
2. Brainstorm possible environmental and
the garden rake was the only machine used to
societal costs and benefits for the garden
gather leaves. Some people now use electric- or
rake and the leaf blower. Record your
gas-powered leaf blowers.
results in the table.
What to Do 3. Discuss why people saw a need for leaf
1. Draw the following data table so that it fills blowers.
a full page in your notebook.
Environmental Societal
Cost Benefit Cost Benefit
Garden rake
Leaf blower

Mechanical systems use forces to transfer energy. 125

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