Edfs 22 - Episode 4
Edfs 22 - Episode 4
Edfs 22 - Episode 4
Traditional Progressive
Teach students. Master of Give instructions to students
Roles of a Teacher Knowledge. what to do to accomplish
task and learn by
Student's are passive Student's are active
Roles of Pupils/Students learners in traditional learners. They interact with
curriculum. They just absorb one another and develop
the knowledge being taught social qualities that can be
by their teachers. used in real life scenarios.
Teacher-centered Student-centered
Modes of Instruction
Use of blackboard and Utilize powerpoint and
Instructional Materials traditional visual aids. different ICT integration.
Use of standardize test pen Use of critical thinking skills
Modes of Assessment and paper exam more on and perfomance based
memorization. assessment.
Traditional Progressive
Source of knowledge More on facilitating
Roles of a Teacher
They just absorb information Students are actively
Roles of Pupils/Students shared by the teachers. learning, they have freedom
to share their knowledge
unlike traditional education.
Focuses on face-to-face Learning is something that
Modes of Instruction teacher-centered students themselves must
instruction, including experience through the
teacher-led discussion and guidance of their teachers
teacher knowledge imparted and the environment.
to students.
Blackboards, Manila Paper, More on technological
Instructional Materials Manual written for all approach
Pencil/Pen and paper type Performance based exams.
Modes of Assessment of exam
Traditional Progressive
Guiding the students to Giving the students the
Roles of a Teacher what is needed variety of choices to improve
their selves
Listening to what the Having participations and
Roles of Pupils/Students teacher told collaboration to what they
think can improve
Teacher was the one that Collaborative. With
Modes of Instruction takes over all the lessons participation of the students
like reporting and etc.
Black board, Manila Paper, Mixed of internet.
Instructional Materials Books PowerPoint, google slides,
monitor and etc.
The scores on written Scores with different
Modes of Assessment exams activities
1. List down the findings you had on your interview.
As I concluded their answers, they have all the same concept for both traditional and
progressive curriculum. They all stated that traditional way of learning teachers are
the main provider of knowledge and the students are just absorbing what is being
thought in front of the class while in this progressive the role of the teacher is just
facilitating the knowledge provided by the students. Traditional is manual while the
progressive is automatic.
2. Who among them had given the right concept about the traditional and progressive
curriculum? Why do you say so?
All of them stated the right concept about traditional and progressive curriculum.
Seven (7) Axioms for Curriculum Designers Situations/Samples on How these axioms
are manifested in the school setting
1. “Curriculum reflects its own time. It Curriculum shouldn’t be stagnant it should
is a product of its time.” be updated based on global competency.
1. Does curriculum change not consider the existing one? Explain your answer.
It should be considered because the old one will act as the guide to have the best
and effective curriculum for the day and for the future.
2. If you are to improve or revise the curriculum design, what will you add, subtract, or
modify? Write your suggestion.
Facilitator of learning
Roles of a Teacher
Actively participating and sharing knowledge
Roles of Pupils/Students
Active discussion and Questioning
Modes of Instruction
Accompanied with ICT
Instructional Materials
Critical Thinking and Performance based assessment.
Modes of Assessment
1. Examine the k to 12 curriculum. What aspects do you want to modify? And why?
The only problem was the way it was implemented. There’s no problem with the program
itself. If the implementation of the program was studied carefully, such debacle could have
been addressed. The rushing of the K-12 program was not needed actually, despite of it
being long overdue as many claimed. Adding how many years is not the issue, the problem
is how the government prepared its agencies and schools to address the changes. It was a
rushed project and right now we are suffering from its setbacks.
I prepare learner centered curriculum where the intent is student be active, responsible
participants in their own learning and with their own pace of learning.
3. What are the distinct characteristics of your designed curriculum that would help
improve the 21st century skills and competencies of your learners?
To poster the right attitude for our students to cope with global competency.
4. Why do you think we have to change the curriculum from time to time?
What insights and reflection can you derive from this specific field study experience?
Development of the curriculum is not just writing something in paper then implement it, it
needs to be studied well, research well and implement it in proper and right time to have the
best yet effective curriculum.
State five key learning points that you were able to capture in this field study.
INSTRUCTIONS: Present any document that would further enhance your field study
observations. You may attach photos and/or transcriptions of interviews conducted.
(Note: This also depends on the specific output that is being required from you to produce
as specified in each learning episode.)
Ms. Cristina Mabini