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Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10470-019-01389-y (0123456789().,-volV)

A 12bit 250MSPS pipeline ADC with 4 Gbps serial output interface

H. J. Wu1 • Z. H. Chen1,2 • Z. G. Yu1 • H. C. Ji1 • Y. P. Zeng1

Received: 13 November 2017 / Revised: 7 November 2018 / Accepted: 6 January 2019

Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

A 12bit 250MSPS pipeline analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with serial output interface is presented. The pseudo random
digital calibration dithered sub-ADC in first stage is used to lower non-ideal errors and improve the dynamic performance
in the high speed ADC. An integrated serial output interface is implemented to convert 12bit parallel data into a differential
serial data stream. The pipeline ADC was fabricated with CMOS 180 nm 1.8 V 1P5 M process. The active ADC with the
serial output interface consumes a power consumption of 395 mW and occupies an area of 8.0 mm2, where the active area
of the interface is 0.75 mm2. The measurement results show that the differential non-linearity and integral non-linearity of
the proposed ADC are - 0.22/? 0.16LSB and - 0.4/? 0.6LSB, respectively. The spurious free dynamic range and signal-
to-noise ratio can get 81.17 dB and 69.92 dB with 20 MHz input signal at full sampling speed. The serial output interface
provides an eye height greater than 800 mV for data rates of 4 GHz bits per second with a power of 75 mW.

Keywords Pipeline  ADC  Pseudo random  PLL  Interface

1 Introduction amplifier (op-amp) gain, capacitor mismatch and settling

error. The speed of the pipeline ADC is limited mainly by
Pipeline ADCs with the sampling frequency of over the bandwidth of op-amp. PN modulated sub-stage circuit
200 MHz are widely used in broadband communication is normally injected a known but random amount of noise
receivers, radar subsystems and wireless infrastructures for to the sub-DAC or sub-ADC. The pseudo random cali-
IF sampling. bration of sub-ADC will not affect the dynamic input range
With the rapid increase of data processing rate, the of stage compared with the PN calibration in the multi-
digital output rate from pipeline ADC has increased from plying digital to analog converter (MDAC). Injecting PN
MHz to GHz. In order to speed up the digital outputs rates signal at the input of the sub-ADC is easier to achieve high
and minimize the output pins, serial low voltage differen- speed with no change to the MDAC, which is the most
tial signaling (LVDS) interface is widely used to provide critical and sensitive block in the pipeline ADC. Thus, the
output rates from 100 MHz to 5 GHz in high speed ADC PN calibration in sub-ADC is proposed in this design.
[1–4]. In this paper, a 12-bit 250MSPS pipeline ADC with a
The digital pseudo-random (PN) calibration algorithm 4G bps serial interface is presented. Section 2 describes the
used for the main pipeline stages is used to minimize the ADC’s architecture with pseudo-random (PN) calibration
non-ideal errors and improve the dynamic performance and details the CMOS designs of the serial interface blocks.
[5–8]. The accuracy of switched-capacitor circuits in Section 3 presents the measured results, and Sect. 4 draws
pipeline ADC is limited mainly by finite operational the main conclusions.

& Z. H. Chen 2 Circuit design

No.58 Research Institute, China Electronic Technology The block diagram of the proposed ADC is illustrated in
Group Corporation, Wuxi 214035, China Fig. 1. The ADC core is composed of a high-speed low-
College of Electronic Engineering, Huangshan University, distortion sample and hold circuit, a 4.5-bit first stage, 3
Huangshan 242700, China consecutive 2.5-bit sub-stages and a final 3-bit sub-Flash

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing

Fig. 1 Block diagram of the

proposed pipeline ADC
INP 4.5-Bit 2.5-Bit 2.5-Bit 3-Bit
SHA 2.5-Bit
A Stage1 Stage2 Stage3 Stage4 Flash

16 6 6 6 7

Reference Delay Array and Digital Correction Logic

CLKP 2GHz 2GHz 4Gbps Serial Output Interface
Receiver PLL

CLKN Clk generation Dout- Dout+

ADC. Besides, differential clock receiver was used to gain and high bandwidth. The Fig. 2(b) gives the structure
minimize the clock jitter noise. The pipelined stage circuits of the 4.5-bit dithered sub-ADC. There are 16 dynamic
are implemented in switched capacitor scheme. The 41bits comparators used in this sub-ADC. The dynamic com-
thermometer code from the five pipelined sub-stages is parator is implemented by commonly used common mode
aligned by Delay Array and encoded by the Digital Cor- insensitive switched capacitor multi-stage latched com-
rection Logic and gets the 12bit parallel digital conversion parator. The left reference voltage of Refn1 to Refn16 and
code. The parallel 12bit digital output codes are transported right reference voltage of Refp1 to Refp16 are generated by
to the 4 Gbps serial output interface in order to minimize resistor array from band-gap signal. The PN1 to PN16 signal
the pin numbers and improve the digital signal speed. is generated by PN circuit. The sequence of control
As a non-overlapping multi-phase clock signal with switches is random and not repetitive. The left control
250 MHz frequency is used for the ADC core, a clock signal PN1–16 is same with right control signal. The PN
input receiver is used to receive the differential input clock, noise is injected in the voltage references by randomly
and the distributed clock generation and buffer system is varying the comparator threshold level, which is realized
selected to transmit the on-chip non-overlapping clocks. A by randomly selecting the reference control switches PN1
fully integrated 2 GHz PLL is designed for generating the to PN16. Thus, the PN signal is injected to input end of sub-
serializing clock for the 4 Gbps serial interface, without ADC by the dithering reference voltage.
any external component. In order to provide precision The block diagram of the PN calibration algorithm in
voltage reference with fast settling, an on-chip precision sub-ADC is illustrated in Fig. 3. The PN signal is injected
bandgap reference voltage generator and buffer amplifiers into the input end of the sub ADC, which is actually
are also integrated on the chip. equivalent to adjusting the threshold voltage of the com-
parator according to the PN sequence to change the output
2.1 PN calibration technique in sub-ADC encoding of the sub-ADC.
In the sub ADC, the pseudo random sequence signal can
The first PN calibrated 4.5-bit stage circuit is showed in be illustrated as PN  Vcal . The PN modulation is actually
Fig. 2(a); the detailed structure of 4.5-bit dithered sub- changed the comparator threshold voltage in the sub-ADC,
ADC is illustrated in Fig. 2(b). The stage circuit is con- which makes the output signal of the corresponding stage
sisted of a 4.5-bit dithered sub-ADC, a traditional 4.5-bit change with random margin in the threshold of the com-
sub-DAC, a 4.5-bit thermometer to binary code encoder, a parator. The Output Dsub of sub-ADC is illustrated as:
MDAC with the gain of 16 and the PN generator. The 4.5- Dsub ¼ Vin =Vref þ PN  Vcal =Vref þ QS ð1Þ
bit dithered sub-ADC compares the analog input signal Vi
with PN modulated voltage references and gets the 16-bit where QS is the quantization error of sub-ADC, the output
thermometer code. The 16-bit thermometer code is enco- of the back-end ADC is:
ded by the 4.5-bit encoder and gets the 5-bit binary code. Dout ¼ GðPN  Vcal þ QS Vref ÞVref þ Qb ð2Þ
The MDAC used in this 4.5-bit sub-stage circuit is
implemented by traditional switched capacitor MDAC where Qb is the quantization error of the back-end ADC,
scheme, which consumes major current to achieve accurate the expectation value of D0out is:

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing

Fig. 2 The first 4.5-bit stage (a)

circuit a PN modulated 4.5-bit
structure b 4.5-bit dithered sub-


Fig. 3 The diagram of PN

calibration algorithm in sub- Backend
PN ⋅ Vcal
sub-ADC sub-DAC


E[D0out  ¼ Ef½Dout þ Dsub  G0   PN 0 g ¼ PN PN sequence. Ideally, after calibration G is equal to G0

 PN 0 ðG0 GÞVcal =Vref ð3Þ approximately. In fact, G0 will approximate to true value of
Efg is the expectation function, which is equivalent to The pseudo random calibration of sub-ADC will not
the mean value of the multiple output results. The error affect the dynamic input range of stage compared with the
parameters can be extracted by using the characteristic of PN calibration in the MDAC. Compared with injecting PN

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing

to the input of the sub-DAC, injecting PN at the input of telescopic amplifier and a common-source amplifier, which
the sub-ADC is much easier to achieve high speed with is shown in Fig. 4(a). The voltage gain of the designed op-
simplified system structure. First, the injected pseudo-ran- amp is:
dom noise can be compensated by the digital redundancy Av ffi gm1 f½gm3 ro3 ro1 jjðgm5 ro5 ro7 Þg  gm9 ðro9 jjro11 Þ ð6Þ
of the pipeline ADC without any performance degradation.
Therefore it is unnecessary to reduce the input signal ro is the resistor of corresponding transistor, gm is the trans-
magnitude when injecting the pseudo-random noise. Sec- conductance of corresponding transistor.
ond, we do not need to face the complication of an accurate The transistor of MN2,3 and MP1–4 is the differential
scaling (about 1/4 value) in the analog domain. Third, in input and load transistor. The first and second common-
the circuit implementation, the injection of pseudo-random mode feed-back (CMFB) is used to stabilize the common-
noise can be done by randomly varying the comparator mode signal. A improved frequency compensation with the
threshold level (comparator dithering), as long as this capacitor of Cc2,3 is adopted in this opamp to improve the
variation/dithering does not exceed the bounds of digital sufficient phase margin, which is shown in Fig. 4 [9].
redundancy. Finally, MDAC do not need to design dither Because of the frequency compensation theory of Cc2
circuits, which is the most critical and sensitive block in the and Cc3, the small signal model of the op-amp with only
pipeline ADC design. Thus, we can obtain faster operation with Cc3 is shown in Fig. 5(a) for quantitative analysis.
and less noise coupling from this radix detection The gmn2,3 and RI is the input trans-conductance and output
scheme with low power. Because of these advantages, the impedance of first stage; The gmn7,8 and RII is the input
PN is dithered at the input of the sub-ADC for the 4.5-bit trans-conductance and output impedance of first stage. CL
first stage circuit for the 12-bit pipeline ADC. is the load capacitor. The gmp3,4 is the MP3 and MP4 trans-
conductance of first stage; The gmp7,8 is the MP7 and MP8
2.2 High speed operational amplifier trans-conductance of first stage. Vin and Vout is small input
and output voltage, relatively. Then, the node equation of
As a critical module used for SH and MDAC in each stage, A point is:
the operational amplifier requires careful design to meet the V1
requirements of the system, so as to minimize the gain and gmn2;3  Vin þ  gmp3;4  1 mp3;4 1  Vout ¼ 0 ð6Þ
gmp3;4 þ sCc3
settling error as possible.
The setting accuracy should be smaller than 1/4 least the node equation of B point is:
significant bit (LSB). The voltage gain needs to satisfy the !
following formula: 1 1
gmn7;8  V1 þ 1 1
þ þ s  CL Vout ¼ 0 ð7Þ
gmn3;4 þ sCc3
A  b  2Nþ2 ð4Þ RII

A is the gain of the op-amp, b is feedback factor, N is The transfer function is:
the resolution of corresponding stage in ADC. Consider gmn2;3 gmn7;8 RI RII 1 þ gCmp3;4
some non-ideal factors, such as input parasitic capacitor, ¼  
Vin RII CL Cc3 2 Cc3
amplifier gain should be greater than ideal gain. In SH, b is gmp3;4  s þ gmp3;4 þ RII CL þ RII Cc3 þ gmp7;8 RI RII Cc3  s þ 1

1, the gain of opamp should be larger than 212 ± 2, which is ð8Þ

84 dB. In MDAC, b is 5, the ideal gain of opamp should be
larger than 5 * 212 ? 2, which is 98 dB. Besides, Process Thus, the two poles of the system can be obtained as
and Voltage and Temperature (PVT) will further deterio- follows:
rate the gain of opamp. In this design, the proposed PN 1
p1 ¼  Cc3
calibration can relax the gain requirement of opamp in þ RII CL þ RII Cc3 þ gmn7;8 RI RII Cc3
The unit-gain bandwidth should be satisfied the fol-  ð9Þ
gmn7;8 RI RII Cc3
lowing formula:
gmn7;8 RI RII Cc3 gmp3;4 gmn7;8 RI
ðN þ 2Þ ln 2 p2   RII CL Cc3

fu [ ð5Þ gmp3;4
2p  b  ts  0
¼ gmp3;4 RI  p2  ð10Þ
ts is the settling time with the ADC’ speed. For the sam-
pling frequency of 250 MHz, fu should be greater than From the above analytical, compensation result is sim-
2.5 GHz. ilar with Miller compensation. The dominant pole is
In order to obtain high gain, high speed and output ‘‘closed to zero’’ after adding the compensation capacitor
swing, the operational amplifier is composed of a of Cc. However, the non-dominant pole is magnified

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing

Fig. 4 Op-amp schematic


Cc3 Cc3
Voutp MP5
Cc1 RZ Cc1 RZ

Vo1 Vo2
MN9 MN10
VFo1 VFo2

Vinp MN1 MN2 Vinn


Voutn CMFB2 MN13

Fig. 5 Small signal model of rop3,4

the op-amp: a only with Cc3;
b simplified equivalent model (a) Cc3
A B Vout

V1 gmp3,4*Vs3,4
gmn2,3*Vin RI RII CL
_ gmn7,8*V1

(b) A Cc3 B Vout

gmn2,3*Vin gmp3,4*Vs3,4 gmn7,8*V1

gmp3,4R1 after the compensation. Then, The compensation second stage, further lower the whole op-amp’s current.
can obtain relatively larger non-dominant pole with low Besides, The Cc3 draw into a left zero point of - gmp3,4/Cc3
gmp7,8 in the second stage. The opamp can obtain enough in the plane. The simulated gain and unit-gain bandwidth is
phase margins and obviously minimize the current of the

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing

shown in Fig. 6. The gain and unit-gain bandwidth can get Vin  Vout Vout Vout
 gmp  Vin  gmn  Vin    Vout  Cs
85 dB and 3.28 GHz with the phase margin of 57.3. R ron rop
2.3 Serial output interface ð10Þ

The topology of the 4 Gbps serial output interface for the Then, the Av of output stage can be obtained as follows:
high speed ADC is shown in Fig. 7. The block is composed Vout 1  ðgmp þ gmn ÞR
of an encoder which converts the parallel 12-bit code to Av ¼ ¼   ð11Þ
Vin 1 þ R r1on þ r1op
64-bit code, a serializer which changes the parallel 64-bit
code to the serial packets under the clock of 2 GHz and a Thus, the R can reduce the voltage gain and improve the
current model (CM) output interface that drives the seri- unity-gain bandwidth in order to get bandwidth of higher
alized data stream Din to differential output of Dout ? and than 4 GHz.
Dout -.
To fulfill the design target,the data from the 12-bit ADC
is sent serially in packets of 64 bits, which consist of an 3 Experimental results
8-bit header, 48-bit data, and 8-bit error correction code
(ECC). The output data streaming of 16 9 the encode The 12-bit 250-MSPS ADC with 4 Gbps serial interface
clock is designed for the transmitter to drive the digital has been implemented in a 0.18-lm 1.8 V 1P5 M mix-
output code of the 12-bit 250MSPS ADC at the data signal CMOS process. The die photograph of the proposed
transmission rate of 4 Gbps. A 2 GHz PLL is used for ADC is displayed in Fig. 9. The central part is the SHA
generating the serializing clock for the 4 Gbps interface. circuit and the five pipeline sub-stages, and the left side
The differential output driver is the important part in the shows reference voltage generator and buffers, the digital
interface, as it is the bottleneck of the bandwidth and error correction logic block follows the pipelined stages,
usually consumes a large part of power. The current mode the PLL and clock buffer is in the right down of the chip
(CM) output driver is designed to obtain data rate of and the scramble and ECC block is in the right up of the
4 GHz, which is shown in Fig. 8. The Vbiasp and Vbiasn are prototype ADC. The total die area is about 8.9 mm2, where
the bias voltage to ensure the 4 mA driving current. the active area of the pipeline ADC core is 2.52 mm2, the
The R is used to reduce the voltage gain and improve the die area of the PLL is 0.6 mm2, the active area of scramble
unity-gain bandwidth. According to Kirchhoff’s law of and ECC block is 0.55 mm2, and the active area of the
electric current, the following formula can obtained: driver is 0.25 mm2.

Fig. 6 Op-amp AC results

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing

Fig. 7 The block diagram of 12b

interface d0 D1

Digital Correction Logic


Scramble & ECC

. d0 D2 12b
d1 Dout +
d10 64b CM

12bit ADC
d11 .
d0 D3 12b
Din Driver Dout -
d10 .
d11 .
d0 D4 12b
d10 .
d11 .
2GHz Clk

Encoder 250MHz Clk

Fig. 8 CM output driver


R Dout +
Dout -


Fig. 11. The measured signal to noise ratio (SNR) is

69.92 dB, the spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) is
81.17 dB, and the effective number of bits (ENOB) is
11.3bit. The measured SNR and SFDR is 67.0 dB and
78 dB with input frequency of 120 MHz, which is shown
in Fig. 12. The total ADC power consumption is about
395 mW with the supply of 1.8 V, where the power con-
sumption of the interface is about 75 mW. The power
consumption of the PLL in the interface is 35 mW.
The measured eye-diagram and the transient waveform
are shown in Fig. 13. The driver current is derived on chip
and sets the output current at each output equal to a
nominal 4 mA. A 100 X differential termination resistor is
placed at the FPGA receiver input to result in a nominal
Fig. 9 Die photograph of the proposed ADC differential 800 mV-pp swing. The eye diagram of the
digital output data under 4 Gbps is given in Fig. 13(a), we
The measured non-linearity of the ADC is shown in can see that the signal swing of the interface is 800 mVpp.
Fig. 10. The maximum integral non-linearity (INL) is The time interval error (TIE) jitter histogram is shown in
- 0.4/? 0.6 LSB, and the maximum differential non-lin- Fig. 13(b) with a peak-to-peak jitter of 70 ps.
earity (DNL) is - 0.22/? 0.16 LSB. The measured 32 K Table 1 is the performance comparison with reported
point output fast Fourier transform (FFT) spectrum with higher than 200 MHz pipeline ADCs. The figure of merit
20.1 MHz input frequency at 250 MSPS is shown in (FOM) of the ADC can obtain 864 fJ/step. It is

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing

Fig. 10 The DNL and INL of

the proposed ADC

Fig. 11 FFT spectrum for

Fin = 20 MHz of the proposed

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing

demonstrated that the proposed pipeline ADC can achieves

good performance and a better trade-off among speed,
precision and power in high speed pipeline ADC designs.

4 Conclusion

A high speed 12-bit 250MSPS pipeline ADC is imple-

mented in CMOS 180 nm 1.8 V 1P5 M process for
application system with the sampling frequency of over
200 MHz. In order to reduce the non-ideal errors and
improve the dynamic performance in the ADC, the PN
digital calibration dithered sub-ADC in first stage is
employed. With the 4 Gbps differential serial output
interface, digital output pins of the whole chip can be
reduced obviously and can satisfy the industrial applica-
tions. The measurement results show that the proposed
Fig. 12 Measured FFT performance versus input frequency

Fig. 13 The measured eye-diagram results of interface a eye-diagram b jitter histogram

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing

Table 1 Comparison with

Reference Ref. [10] Ref. [11] Ref. [12] Ref. [13] This work
published Pipeline ADC
Fs (MHz) 270 230 200 200 250
Technology (nm) 130 180 55 90 180
Supply (V) 1.2 1.8 1.1 1.2 1.8
DNL (LSB) 0.38 N/A 0.28 0.28 0.25
INL (LSB) 0.84 N/A 1.89 1.89 0.6
SNR (dB) 64.4@30.1 M 57.5@1 M 64.6@10.1 M 64@3.5 M 69.9@20.1 M
SFDR (dB) 77.2@30.1 M 71.3@1 M 82.9@10.1 M N/A 81.1@20.1 M
Power (mW) 250 580 30.7 348 320
Active area (mm2) 1.7 1.97 0.28 1.36 2.5
FOM (fJ/step) 735 6354 111 1340 864

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Acknowledgements This work was supported by Natural Science 12. Shin, S. K., Rudell, J. C., Daily, D. C., et al. (2014). A 12-bit,
Foundation of China (No. 61704161), Higher Education Important 200MS/s zero-crossing based pipelined ADC with early sub-ADC
Science Foundation of Anhui Province (No. KJ2017A396) and decision and output residue background calibration. IEEE Jour-
Guangzhou Industry-Academia-Research Program (No. nal of Solid-State Circuits, 49(6), 1366.
201604016122). The authors would like to thank analog group for the 13. Sahoo, B. D., & Razavi, Behzad. (2009). A 12-bit, 200 MHz
technical discussions, layout and test group for their layout and test CMOS ADC. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 44(9), 2366.

H. J. Wu received the M.S.

References degree in electronic science and
technology from University of
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12.5-Gbps complete transceiver in 65 nm CMOS process. IEEE nology of China, Chengdu, in
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2. Kossel, M., Menolfi, C., Weiss, J., et al. (2008). A T-coil-en- School of Electronic and Infor-
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7. Li, J., & Moon, U.-K. (2003). Background calibration techniques
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Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing

Z. H. Chen received the B.S. and Z. G. Yu received the B.S. and

M.S. degree in electronic sci- M.S. degrees in electronic sci-
ence engineering from Jiangnan ence engineering from Xidian
University, Wuxi, China, in University, Xi’an, China, in
2004 and 2007, and the Ph.D. 1985 and 1988, and the Ph.D.
degree in Microelectronics from degree from Southest Univer-
Xidian University in 2014, sity, Nanjing, China in 1997.
Xi’an China. Since 2008, he has Since 1988, he has been with
been with China Electronic China Electronic Technology
Technology Group Corporation, Group Corporation, No.58
No.58 Research Institute, Wuxi, Research Institute, Wuxi, China.
China, where he is involved in He is now the chief experts of
designing high performance China Electronic Technology
CMOS data converters. He is Group Corporation. Since 2002,
the author and/or co-author of he became an adjunct professor
over 10 technical papers of conferences and journals. Also, he has of Southeast University, Xidian University and Jiangnan University.
filed 24 China patents. His research interests include CMOS analog His current research interests include high-speed memory, CMOS
and mixed-mode integrated circuit design, especially high perfor- analog and mixed mode integrated circuit design.
mance low power data converter.


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