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Clone Blango Repo Clone Blango Repo: in The Terminal

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Blango Repo

Clone Blango Repo

Before we continue, you need to clone the blango repo so you have all of
your code. You will need the SSH information for your repo.

In the Terminal

Clone the repo. Your command should look something like this:

git clone git@github.com:<your_github_username>/blango.git

You should see a blango directory appear in the file tree.

You are now ready for the next assignment.



One aspect that has been distinctly lacking from out API views so far is
authentication - anyone can perform any action on the API. Obviously that
is not ideal! Especially since one of the pillars of Django is its security.

When dealing with user access to the API, there are actually two pieces:
authentication, which is who you are; and permissions, which is what you
are allowed to do.

We’ll look at authentication first, and three methods that Django Rest
Framework provides for us to authenticate.

DRF’s authentication is pluggable, so different classes for authenticating a

user can be turned on and off by updating the settings.py file. The first
two authentication methods are the default ones, so we won’t look at how
to customize them just yet.
Authenticating with the Session

Authenticating with the session

The standard way of authenticating in Django, is to log in with a username
and password using a form. This user information is then stored in the
session, on the backend. The session is identified by a cookie sent by the

Using session authentication is not ideal for use with an API. With a REST
API it’s useful for the client to be able to tell who the current user is, by
looking at the request. This information isn’t that obvious when looking at
a session identifier (a random string) which can’t be related to a user. In
addition, the session might store extra information in the backend which
can alter the response we get, so doing the same response more that once
might unexpectedly return different data that is retrieved from the session.
And finally, most HTTP clients designed for API usages aren’t set up to store
cookie data so this is something you’d have to manage manually.

However, when testing the API with the DRF browser GUI, session
authentication works quite well, because it automatically works with forms
and the browser will store the cookie automatically.

As we mentioned, session authentication is enabled by default, so we don’t

have to do anything to start using it. In fact, you might have been
unknowingly using it already. If you visit one of our Blango DRF URLs (post
list or detail), and you’re logged in, you’ll see your email address in the top
right corner of the page.
logged in django rest framework

We already have two ways of logging into Blango, either with the Django
Admin page at /admin/ or with the standard user login page at

If we didn’t already have login pages set up, DRF provides one we can use.
We just need to include the rest_framework.urls URL patterns and DRF
does the work.

We can do that by adding the following to the end of our blog/api/urls.py


urlpatterns += [
path("auth/", include("rest_framework.urls")),

The path can actually be anything we want, DRF uses the Django URL
reversing functionality to check if its views are set up.

We also need to first import include from django.urls too:

from django.urls import path, include

Then, DRF will detect that you have the login URL configured and
automatically add a link to log in in the top right corner of a DRF view
log in link

After clicking the link you’ll see the DRF login page.

django rest framework login page

Logging in here should behave the same as logging in with any of our other
forms. You’ll get redirect back to the DRF page you came from, and see your
email address in the top right corner, indicating that you’re logged in.

Try it out
Let’s add the DRF auth URLS to Blango, so our API users have an easy way
to find a login page.

Follow the instructions just above to add the import of include and extra
urlpatterns to blog/api/urls.py.

Then, load up one of the Blango DRF API views. You should see a Log in
link in the top right corner. Or, if you’re already logged in, a dropdown
menu with a Log out link.

View Blog

Next we’ll look at basic authentication, which is more useful for REST APIs.
Basic Authentication

Basic authentication
Basic authentication is more useful that session authentication when it
comes to REST APIs. Although it does have some drawbacks, which we’ll
cover when we cover token authentication. Basic authentication involves
sending the username and password with each request. These are joined
by a :, then base-64 encoded, and sent in the Authorization header. The
username username and password password would be sent like this:

Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ= being the string username:password encoded by


We can easily set up Postman to use Basic authentication. Let’s do that now.

Try it out
You can now configure Postman to use basic authentication. Open Postman,
and select the Blango collection from the collections list (not the Posts
folder or any of the requests in the folder). Then, on the right the
Authorization tab should be selected, but click on it if it’s not.

From the Type dropdown menu select Basic Auth

postman basic authorization

You’ll then see Username and Password fields. Enter your email address as
the username, and your password. Then, click the Save Collection button.

postman basic authorization username and password

You can test that it’s working by making a request using Postman.
Everything should work the same as it did previously. If you’ve put in an
incorrect username (email address) or password, you’ll get a response with
a 403 status code and an error response body:

{"detail":"Invalid username/password."}

Even though none of our API views require authentication, DRF still
automatically validates credentials for us, if provided.

To provide HTTP basic auth using the requests framework, we can use the
requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth class. Be sure to start the Python shell before

Open a Second Terminal

We need a second terminal to run the Python shell in addition to the
currently running dev server. In the Codio menu bar, click “Tools” =>
“Terminal” to open a new tab with another terminal. Start the Python
shell be entering the following command:

python3 blango/manage.py shell

After the shell is running, import requests and then import HTTPBasicAuth.
In [1]: import requests

In [2]: from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth


Finding the Correct URL

The URL you need to enter depends on the domain name of your Codio
box. In the Codio menu bar, click “Project” => “Box Info”. This will open
a tab with your Codio domain name in it. Be sure you are appending
-8000 so you are looking at port 8000. Then add /api/v1/posts/ so you
are looking at the API endpoint. Here is an example of a correct URL:


Once you have your correct URL, make a request wit incorrect information.

In [3]: requests.get("https://martin-volume-
auth=HTTPBasicAuth("user@example.com", "badpassword"))

Because the authentication information is incorrect, you should see a 403


DEBUG 2021-09-16 15:03:55,310 connectionpool 1794

139885228320576 Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG 2021-09-16 15:03:55,492 connectionpool 1794
139885228320576 https://martin-volume-8000.codio.io:443
"GET /api/v1/posts/ HTTP/1.1" 403 39
Out[3]: <Response [403]>

Now make a request with correct information.

In [4]: requests.get("https://martin-volume-
auth=HTTPBasicAuth("patrick@example.com", "password"))

Using the correct authentication information should return a response of

DEBUG 2021-09-16 15:09:09,875 connectionpool 1994
139741725628224 Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG 2021-09-16 15:09:10,303 connectionpool 1994
139741725628224 https://martin-volume-8000.codio.io:443
"GET /api/v1/posts/ HTTP/1.1" 200 6071
Out[4]: <Response [200]>

We’ll cover the use of requests to connect to third party APIs in the fourth

Basic authentication has some drawbacks. If a user has one user account
but wants to access it from many API clients, they all share credentials. This
means if a user wants to access an API with a third party service that they
might not fully trust, they have to give that service their username and
password. If that service were run by someone malicious they could take
that username and password and log into our system will full access.

On top of that, the password is easily decoded from the Authorization

header, so could be intercepted in transport (although this is less of a
problem with the prevalence of HTTPS).

On the backend, we don’t have an easy way to figure out which specific
service is making API requests as they all share the same credentials. This
also means we can’t specifically rate-limit or disable access to a particular
bad client/service without completely blocking that user.

By using a token for authentication we can mitigate these issues.

Token Authentication

Token authentication
Token authentication works by passing a token (a long, random string) in
the Authorization header. The backend server can then map the token
back to a user and authenticate them without a username and password.
This means that:

We can provide different tokens to different API clients, and potentially

untrusted clients don’t get our username and password.
Tokens can be revoked to remove access to a particular client, leaving
others in tact and other clients unaffected.
Our username and password isn’t sent in every request.

DRF’s built in token system doesn’t solve all these issues, as it only allows
one token per user, but in Course 3 we’ll look at JSON Web Tokens which
are more flexible.

When using a token, the Authorization HTTP header looks like this:

Authorization: Token <token>

For example, the token

would be sent like:

Authorization: Token

The keyword Token describes what kind of authorization is being used. You
might also see the word Bearer being used.

To use token authentication in DRF we need to make some changes to the

settings.py file.

rest_framework.authtoken must be added to INSTALLED_APPS.

Then, then we need to add a REST_FRAMEWORK setting, like this:


The REST_FRAMEWORK attribute is where all DRF settings can be configured.

For now we’re just setting authentication classes. BasicAuthentication and
SessionAuthentication are the two classes included by default. We need to
include them here so they can continue to be used for authentication.

After making these changes, manage.py migrate needs to be run, because

DRF stores the tokens in the database.

Creating tokens for users

DRF tokens are stored in the database, as a Token model object, so we have
a few options for creating them.

The first method is through Python code: just import the Token model from
rest_framework.authtoken.models and create() a new instance. The token
“key” (the string sent in the Authorization header) is automatically
generated on create.

In [1]: from blango_auth.models import User

In [2]: from rest_framework.authtoken.models import Token

In [3]: u = User.objects.get(pk=1)

In [4]: u.email
Out[4]: 'ben@example.com'

In [5]: t = Token.objects.create(user=u)

In [6]: t.key
Out[6]: '81082614a73f331b122ba93dbdb5951b44cf21d4'

So in our case, we would authenticate as user 1 with the token


We could also create a token through Django Admin. We just choose to

create a new Token object, and select the user.
create token through django admin

Then after saving, we’ll see the key for that user’s Token.

token key in django admin

The next method of creating (or retrieving) a token is through manage.py,

with the drf_create_token command:

$ python manage.py drf_create_token ben@example.com

Generated token 81082614a73f331b122ba93dbdb5951b44cf21d4 for
user ben@example.com
Notice that it has retrieved the same key as before, rather than creating a
new one.

Finally, DRF provides a view we can use to get or retrieve a token for a
user: rest_framework.authtoken.views.obtain_auth_token. To set this up
we just need to add a URL for it. For example, in Blango’s api/urls.py file,
add the import:

from rest_framework.authtoken import views

Then, map a URL to the view:

urlpatterns += [
path("auth/", include("rest_framework.urls")),
path("token-auth/", views.obtain_auth_token)

URL Prefix
Remember the prefix on our API URLs: the full path to the
obtain_auth_token view is /api/v1/token-auth.

Then, POSTing a JSON object containing a username and password will

return a JSON object with a token, like so:

Try It Out

Try it out
We’ll get the token authentication set up in Blango now. Start by opening
the settings.py file and add the REST_FRAMEWORK setting, currently just
containing authentication classes settings.


Then, add rest_framework.authtoken to the list of INSTALLED_APPS.

You’ll then need to run manage.py migrate to add the Token model to the

As we’ve seen, there are lots of way to set up a token for a user, but we’ll
try out creating one using the API itself. This means setting up the
obtain_auth_token view.

Open api/urls.py and update the urlpatterns appending portion of the

code to look like this:

Open api/urls.py

urlpatterns += [
path("auth/", include("rest_framework.urls")),
path("token-auth/", views.obtain_auth_token)

Don’t forget, you need to import views as well.

from rest_framework.authtoken import views

Now, you can try it out in Postman. Create a new POST request inside the
Blango collection. The URL should be {{base_url}}token-auth/. Create a
JSON request body with username (the user’s email address) and password.
Try out the request, and you should get a response with a token.

Figure 8

How can we use this token in Postman? Select the Blango collection on the
left, and then the Authorization tab. Select the type API Key. The values to
use are:

Key: Authorization
Value: Token <your token>, e.g. Token
Add to: Header

You should still be able to make requests as you did before. You can
validate that the token authentication is working by trying to put in an
incorrect token. In this case, your requests will return responses like this:

{"detail":"Invalid token."}

The response will have a 401 Unauthorized HTTP status.

To pass the token in the Authorization header using the requests library,
we pass it in the headers dictionary:

requests.get("", headers=
{"Authorization": "Token
<Response [200]>

Applying authentication classes to views

While we won’t use this feature, it’s also possible to override the default
authentication classes on a per-view basis. Set authentication_classes to a
list of authentication classes to allow. For example:

from rest_framework.authentication import SessionAuthentication

class PostList(generics.ListCreateAPIView):
authentication_classes = [SessionAuthentication]
# other methods/attributes truncated for brevity

If we did this, then PostList would only be accessible to those

authenticated by the session, while other views would fall back to the
default authentication settings.

In the next section we’ll look at adding some permissions to our DRF API
Pushing to GitHub

Pushing to GitHub
Before continuing, you must push your work to GitHub. In the terminal:

Commit your changes:

git add .
git commit -m "Finish authentication"

Push to GitHub:

git push

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