Scientific: Research
Scientific: Research
Scientific: Research
June 2008
ISSN 1675-7009
Chief Editor
Prof. Dr. Zaiki Awang,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Managing Editor
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Razidah Ismail,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
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Vol. 5 No. 1 June 2008 ISSN 1675-7009
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia
Brigadier General – RMAF
CAIDMARK, Malaysia
The Royal Malaysian Airforce (RMAF) operates one squadron of MiG-29 which
were designed on Safe Life principle. RMAF conducts a fatigue life monitoring
program to these airplanes. This activity is conducted based on the experience
of having the fatigue life monitoring program to the RMAF F/A-18D. The
fatigue life of RMAF MiG-29 is based on the wing-fuselage lug joint structure,
and Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) approach is adopted. The stress spectra of this
component, is derived through mapping of g-spectra to the 1-g stress level of
the lug. The g-history is obtained from the accelerator installed in the airplane,
while the 1-g stress level is obtained by finite element modeling of the wing
structure and lug joints. Rainflow cycle counting procedure was then applied.
The fatigue characteristics (strain-life) of the lug material was obtained from
the laboratory test, using the lug material sample, combined with the empirical
formula of strain-life diagram. Notched effect is taken into account using Neuber
theory. Mean stress effect is dealt with using Smith-Watson-Topper formula.
Miner’s rule is used to calculate the fatigue damage accumulation. A fatigue
life prediction software for RMAF MiG-29 which incorporates the above
concepts had been developed. Currently, this software is operational with the
RMAF MiG-29, and is being used as part of its Aircraft Structural Integrity
Program (ASIP). This paper reports on the development of the fatigue life
monitoring strategy and software for the RMAF MiG-29.
Keywords: ASI, Fatigue Life Monitoring, MiG-29
ISSN 1675-7009
© 2008 Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia.
Scientific Research Journal
Fatigue Life Monitoring Program of RMAF MiG-29
Scientific Research Journal
Fatigue Life Monitoring Program of RMAF MiG-29
effects are employed for predicting structural fatigue life. Following this,
the linear damage hypothesis proposed by Palmgren and Miner is used to
accumulate the fatigue damage.
In strain-life approach, fatigue resistance of metals can be
characterized by a strain-life curve. The relationship between total strain
amplitude, ∆ε / 2 , and reversal to failure 2Nf, can be expressed through
the following form [3, 4]:
∆ε σ f
= (2 N f )b + ε 'f (2 N f )c (1)
2 E
where σ f is the fatigue strength coefficient; b is the fatigue strength
For a cyclic loading, stress-strain curve can be expressed through
the following form:
σ σ n'
ε total = + ' (2)
where K’ is the cyclic strength coefficient and n’ is cyclic strain hardening
exponent (results of b divided by c).
When constructing a strain-time history from stress-time data,
hysterisis loops have to be considered using cyclic stress-strain curve.
Using Masing’s Hypothesis, which assumes that the line describing a
stress-strain hysteresis loop is geometrically similar to the cyclic stress-
strain curve (Eqs. 2) but numerically twice its size [3], it is obtained,
∆σ ∆σ n'
∆ε = + 2 '
E 2K
Neuber’s rule [4-6] is used to take into account the notch effect. The
relation between the notch geometry and the stress-strain can be expressed
through the following form:
( K t ∆σ ) 2
= ∆σ∆ε (4)
where Kt is the stress concentration factor of the wing lug structure.
Equation (3) and (4) need to be solved sequentially, and as it requires the
repeated try and error calculation to find the root of curve, Newton’s
iteration method is applied [7].
Scientific Research Journal
∆ε (σ f )
' 2
Fatigue Life Monitoring Program of RMAF MiG-29
Cycle Counting
The rainflow method [11] has been used for cycle counting. Reducing
the measured history into a series of cycles and half cycles consistent
with basic material behavior is critical, and ‘Rainflow’ cycle counting is
established herein as the soundest technique for achieving such reduction
[11]. At this stage, it is also important to note that load truncated procedures
need to be applied. In most of loading history, there is an existence of
small number of ‘passed cycles’- cycles that do not cause any effect to
the fatigue life. These cycles are removed from the load sequence. Fatigue
life then can be predicted by combining the results of the cycle count
with relevant basic data using the linear cumulative damage hypothesis.
Scientific Research Journal
∆ε σ
= 1 . 67 B (2 N ) + 0 . 35 (2 N )
− 0 . 095 − 0 . 69
f f (7)
2 E
σ B is the tensile yield strength.
The purpose of conducting the FEA is to get the maximum stress either
at fuselage joint or wing lug joint based on the symmetrical level flight
condition at 1-g. This stress will become the reference stress of other g-
reading position in load spectrum.
Finite element analysis was performed on the MiG-29 Wing with the
wing-fuselage lug joints regarded as wing supports [14]. The reaction
forces at the support can be found and to be applied as external forces to
the lugs of the wing and fuselage of the aircraft. The maximum value of
stresses occurring at the lugs at 1-g flight condition were obtained. Figure
4 shows the finite element model of the wing [14], while the lug model is
shown in Figure 5.
Fatigue Life Monitoring Program of RMAF MiG-29
Software Development
The software was developed in C++ language environment with flat file
and binary database. In this way, it facilitates ease of installation in every
RMAF base (it does not need the third party database and tools such as
SQL, Oracle and Crystal Report). The software will read flight data
from TOPAZ and can perform life prediction analysis. The software is
able to find out the mission severity for each mission performed by the
airplane. The fatigue index at any stage of operation can be obtained.
Through its excellent graphical presentation, the software can display
the mission profile for various flight data. Figure 6 below shows the
interface of the software system. Currently the MiG-SLA has been in
operation to conduct fatigue life monitoring to the RMAF MiG-29. The
RMAF F/A-18 reporting format [15] is used as basis to produce the
RMAF MiG-29 Fatigue Usage report. The data can then be used to
assist the fatigue management of the RMAF MiG-29 squadron.
This paper has reported the development of fatigue life monitoring program
of RMAF MiG-29. The fatigue life is based on the wing-fuselage lug
joint structure, and Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) approach is adopted. An
Scientific Research Journal
algorithm for performing the fatigue safe life analysis was proposed. The
fatigue characteristics (strain-life) of the lug material was obtained from
the laboratory test, using the lug material sample, combined with the
empirical formula of strain-life diagram. Notched effect is taken into
account using Neuber theory. Mean stress effect is dealt with using Smith-
Watson-Topper formula. Miner’s rule is used to calculate the fatigue
damage accumulation.
Loading spectrum development also was highlighted. The stress
spectra of this component, is derived through mapping of g-spectra to the
1-g stress level of the lug. The g-history is obtained from the accelerator
installed in the airplane, while the 1-g stress level is obtained by finite
element modeling of the wing structure and lug joints. Rainflow cycle
counting procedure is then applied.
A fatigue life prediction software for RMAF MiG-29, called MiG-
SLA (MiG-Service Life Assessment), which incorporates the above
concepts had been developed. Currently, this software is operational with
the RMAF MiG-29, and is being used as part of its Aircraft Structural
Integrity Program (ASIP).
Fatigue Life Monitoring Program of RMAF MiG-29
[1] Razali Abd Ghani and Wahyu Kuntjoro et al. 2003. The Royal
Malaysian Air Force Fatigue Life Monitoring Program of F/A-18
and Hawk. The Proceeding of International Seminar on
Aerospace Technology. Jogyakarta, Indonesia, July 22-23 of 2003.
Scientific Research Journal
[15] Darwis Idrus, Atan Bakti Abd. Malek. RMAF F/A-18D Fatigue
Usage Report. TR/003/ASI/CM/2004, CAIDMARK, Malaysia.