Case Digest
Case Digest
Case Digest
Held: Yes. When the property was donated to the Municipality, the The Supreme Court held that a sale of land, once consummated, is valid
ownership was transferred to them but wait there’s more, there was a regardless of the form it may have been entered into. For nowhere does
condition. A RESOLUTORY CONDITION, though it was not stated in the law or jurisprudence prescribe that the contract of sale be put in writing
condition on how long the condition was, it was evident that the before such contract can validly cede or transmit rights over a certain real
Municipality had intended to build the school. Again, though not stated property between the parties themselves.However, in the event that a
how long, the Municipality still gave back the property to the donors thus third party, as in this case, disputes the ownership of the property, the
the ownership was transferred. Making the sale valid since ownership was person against whom that claim is brought cannot present any proof of
returned such sale and hence has no means to enforce the contract under the
Statute of Frauds
landholdings do not exceed 7 hectares. They invoke that since their
landholdings are less than 7 hectares, they should not be forced to
distribute their land to their tenants under R.A. 6657 for they themselves
SPOUSES OF AGUIRRE VS. HEIRS OF LUCAS GR. 169898 have shown willingness to till their own land. In short, they want to be
HEIRS OF ARZADON-CRISOLOGO VS. RANON GR 171068 exempted from agrarian reform program because they claim to belong to
FACTS: a different class.
Ranon claims to be the owner of said lot by prescription. That her family
had been in continuous, adverse and uninterrupted possession of such ISSUE:
since 1962; that they paid taxes thereto; and even built a house where Whether or not just compensation, under the agrarian reform program,
she and her family had resided. They however moved to Manila but must be in terms of cash.
continued to visit the property from time to time. In 1986, a fire incident
occurred which destroyed the house. The same year, they discovered that RULING:
the property was already in the name of Sps. Montemayor. Sps. No. Money as [sole] payment for just compensation is merely a concept
Montemayor alleged that they bought the parcel of land from del Rosario in traditional exercise of eminent domain. The agrarian reform program is
and Arzadon (heirs in this case). The heirs however were able to a revolutionary exercise of eminent domain. The program will require
repurchase the property from the spouses. So between the heirs and billions of pesos in funds if all compensation have to be made in cash – if
Ranon, the heirs alleged that they are the owners through succession. everything is in cash, then the government will not have sufficient money
That Arzadon lived there until the fire incident; and that they paid taxes. hence, bonds, and other securities, i.e., shares of stocks, may be used for
They alleged that in 1977, Marcelina, their predecessor filed an adverse just compensation.
claim against Ranon. The heirs argued that such filing interrupted Ranon’s
possession over the property.
ISSUES: WON the Notice of Adverse Claim interrupted Ranon’s MUNICIPALITY OF PASIG GR. 152230
possession. -NO. WON Ranon’s possession is in the concept of an owner. FACTS:
-YES. WON Ranon acquired the property through acquisitive prescription. Court of Appeals affirmed the lower court’s decision of declaring
-YES respondent municipality (now city) as having the right to expropriate
petitioner’s property for the construction of an access road. Petitioner
argues that there was no valid and definite offer made before a complaint
RULING: for eminent domain was filed as the law requires (Art. 35, Rules and
NO. For civil interruption to take place, the possessor must have received Regulations Implementing the Local Government Code). Respondent
judicial summons. The Notice of Adverse Claim which was filed by contends that a letter to purchase was offered to the previous owners and
Marcelina in 1977 is nothing more than a notice of claim which did not the same was not accepted.
effectively interrupt Ranon’s possession. YES. Ranon’s possession is in
the concept of an owner. YES. Through Extraordinary Acquisitive ISSUE: Whether or not a letter to purchase is sufficient enough as a
Prescription. Ranon traced their claim of ownership from 1962 until the definite and valid offer to expropriate.
filing of their Complaint for Ownership on 1995, a total of 33 years. It was
never interrupted by the Notice of the Adverse Claim filed by Marcelina HELD: No. Failure to prove compliance with the mandatory requirement of
because it is judicial summons and not mere notice that is required by law a valid and definite offer will result in the dismissal of the complaint. The
purpose of the mandatory requirement to be first made to the owner is to
encourage settlements and voluntary acquisition of property needed for
public purposes in order to avoid the expense and delay of a court of
REPUBLIC VS CA. 375 SCRA 484 action.
APO Fruits Corporation, Inc. (AFC) and Hijo Plantation Inc. (HPI) were
owners of 5 parcels of land (1338.60 has.) located in San Isidro, Tagum, DAR VS. APEX INVESTMENT FINANCING CORP GR. 149422
Davao. On 12 October 1995, the two voluntarily offered to sell the FACTS:
properties to the Department of Agrarian Reform. DAR offered P86.9 In 1994, pursuant to RA 6657, compulsory acquisition proceedings over
million for AFC’s land and P164.40 million for HPI’s land (total of about several lots owned by respondent were initiated by the Municipal Agrarian
P251.3 million). AFC, HPI and DAR cannot agree on the price hence the Reform Office (MARO). Copies of these notices were sent to respondent’s
Complaint for Determination of Just Compensation was filed before the office. Respondent, however, denied having received these Notice of
DAR Adjudication Board on 14 February 1997. The DARAB failed to Coverage and Notice of Acquisition. They learned of a lot (TCT No. T-
render a decision on the valuation of the land for three years. But 90476) has been placed under the compulsory acquisition program, only
nevertheless, the government, through the Land Bank of the Philippines, from “Balita” and filed a Protest on the ground that their lots were
deposited P26M into AFC’s account and P45M into HPI’s account as classified as residential even before the effectivity of the law, thus, are not
down payment in 1996. The DAR also caused the titling of the land in the covered by R.A. No. 6657. Only after more than one year from said
name of the Republic of the Philippines in December 1996. Later, titles Protest was it forwarded to the DAR. In the meantime, respondent’s title
were given to farmers under the CARP (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform had been cancelled and a new one issued to another. Thus, respondent
Program). Due to DARAB’s failure to adjudicate, AFC and HPI filed a filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition with the Court of Appeals, but
complaint for determination of just compensation before the Regional Trial petitioner contended that respondent failed to exhaust all administrative
Court of Davao which rendered a decision in favor of AFC and HPI. remedies.
ISSUE: Whether the Holy See is immune from suit insofar as its business ISSUE: Whether or not a corporation sole such as petitioner or the
relations regarding selling a lot to a private entity. Universal Roman Catholic Apostolic Church in the Philippines is qualified
to acquire private agricultural lands in the Philippines.
DECISION: Petiton granted. The Holy See is immune from suit because
the act of selling the lot of concern is non-propriety in nature. The lot was
acquired through a donation from the Archdiocese of Manila, not for a
commercial purpose, but for the use of petitioner to construct the official
place of residence of the Papal Nuncio thereof. The transfer of the
property and its subsequent disposal are likewise clothed with a
governmental (non-proprietal) character as petitioner sold the lot not for
profit or gain rather because it merely cannot evict the squatters living in
said property.