Course Policy
Course Policy
Course Policy
Nirma University
Institute of Technology
Integrated B.Tech.(CSE)-MBA
Trimester: VI, Academic Year: 2021-22, Term: Even
Introduction to Course:
The entire world has become very small thanks to evolution in telecommunication and
networking. We use large number of applications for communication. E-mail, Whatsapp
and Facebook are few of those. As a student of Computer Engineering, one must know
internal details of how applications/devices communicate with each other. The objective
of this course is exactly the same. This course discusses issues and protocols involved in
packet transfer over a network or Internet.
Unit I
Unit II 06
Data Link Layer: Introduction and link layer services, Two sublayers,
link layer addressing, data link layer protocols, multiple-access
protocols: Aloha, CSMA, Ethernet protocols and types of Ethernet.
Unit III 07
Unit IV: 03
Unit V 02
Laboratory Work:
Laboratory work will be based on the above syllabus with minimum 10 experiments
to be incorporated.
Suggested Readings/References:
Lesson Plan
Total 21
Continuous Evaluation: Class Test/ (3 Quizzes each of Total 50 Marks), Sessional Exam,
Lab Work Evaluation
Semester End Evaluation: LPW Viva Voce, Semester End Examination (SEE)
Teaching-learning methodology:
• One-minute paper (Clearest/Muddiest point), What I liked the most that helped
me in learning