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Course Policy

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Nirma University
Institute of Technology

Computer Engineering Department

Course Policy Document

Integrated B.Tech.(CSE)-MBA
Trimester: VI, Academic Year: 2021-22, Term: Even

Course Code & Name : 2CS605

Credit Details : 2-0-2-3 (L-T-P-C)
Course Co-ordinator : Dr. Rohit Pachlor (Also a course faculty)
Contact No. & Email : 7770081610, rohit.pachlor@nirmauni.ac.in
Office : 11th floor faculty area
Visiting Hours : 8:45 AM – 4:00 PM
Course Faculty : Dr. Rohit Pachlor (Theory and Lab)
Mrs. Riya Kakkar, Mrs. Shivani Pandya (Lab)
Contact No. & Email : rohit.pachlor@nirmauni.ac.in
Office : 11th floor PhD student area
Visiting Hours : 8:45 AM to 4:00 PM

Introduction to Course:
The entire world has become very small thanks to evolution in telecommunication and
networking. We use large number of applications for communication. E-mail, Whatsapp
and Facebook are few of those. As a student of Computer Engineering, one must know
internal details of how applications/devices communicate with each other. The objective
of this course is exactly the same. This course discusses issues and protocols involved in
packet transfer over a network or Internet.

Course Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to -

1. Summarize the functionality of different layers of computer network
2. Analyze protocols related to various layers.
3. Design computer network configurations
4. Explain the significance of various fields of protocol headers
Syllabus Teaching

Unit I

Introduction: Use of Computer Networks, Connecting devices,

Networks and its types, network standards. Network Hardware,
Network Software, OSI and TCP/IP Reference Model.

Unit II 06

Data Link Layer: Introduction and link layer services, Two sublayers,
link layer addressing, data link layer protocols, multiple-access
protocols: Aloha, CSMA, Ethernet protocols and types of Ethernet.

Unit III 07

Network Layer: Design Issues, packet switching, Routing Algorithms:

Shortest Path Routing, Flooding, Distance Vector Routing, Link State
Routing, Congestion Control Algorithms, Quality of Service, Example
protocols: IPv4 and IPv6, addressing, subnetting, IP Datagram Format,

Unit IV: 03

Transport Layer: Transport Service, transport layer protocols for flow

control, Congestion Control, Example protocols: UDP, TCP.

Unit V 02

Application Layer: The Domain Name System, Electronic Mail, World

Wide Web, HTTP, FTP, Content delivery.


The self-study contents will be declared at the commencement of semester. Around

10% of the questions will be asked from self-study contents.

Laboratory Work:

Laboratory work will be based on the above syllabus with minimum 10 experiments
to be incorporated.

Suggested Readings/References:

1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, PHI Publication

2. Behrouz Forouzan, Data Communication Networking, TMH Publication
3. James Kurose and Keith Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach,
4. Behrouz Forouzan, TCP/IP Protocol suite, TMH Publication
5. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communication, Pearson
6. Jim Kurose, Computer Networking: A top-down approach, Pearson

L=Lecture, T=Tutorial, P=Practical, C=Credit

Practical Aim of the practical No. of Mapped

No Hours CLO
1 Configuration of LAN using Hub and Switch in Cisco 2 1,3
Packet Tracer.
Assign IP Address
Ethernet Crossover and straight through cable
Basics of network commands: ping, ipconfig.
2 Implementation of various topologies in Cisco Packet 2 1,2,3
Basics of network commands: netstat, traceroute,
nslookup, finger, fping, and Arp
3 Explore Packet capture tool (Wireshark) to capture 2 1,2
and analyze various types of network packets
4 Data Link Layer (Frame Generation): 2 1,2
Write a program to read a stream of data from data
file to create frames by implementing bit stuffing, bit
destuffing, character stuffing, character destuffing .
5 A. Implement following error detection 2 1, 2,4
I. Checksum
B. Implement error correction using hamming
code concept.
6 Configure Virtual LAN using Packet Tracer. 2 1,3
7 Configure Wirless LAN using Packet Tracer. 2 1,3
8 Implementation of Subnetting: Design multiple 2 2,3,4
subnets using Packet Tracer with suitable number of
hosts. Make a plan to assign static IP addressing
across all subnet to understand Subnetting.
9 Simulate Static and Dynamic routing using Packet 2 2,3,4
10 Configure FTP, DHCP, DNS, Web and Mail server 2 1,2,3
using Packet Tracer.
Total 20

Laboratory details: (List of Experiments, Schedule, assessment policy)

Assessment Policy: Practical evaluation will be based on following criteria:

• Plagiarism
• Implementation
• Output
• Timeliness

Lesson Plan

Lecture Topics Mapping

No. with CLO
1 Introduction to the course, reading materials and evaluation 1
UNIT 1 – Introduction (02 Lectures)
2 Network Hardware : Personal Area Networks, Local Area 1
Networks, Metropolitan Area Networks, Wide Area
Networks, Internetworks
Network Software: Protocol Hierarchies, Design Issues of
Layers, Connection Oriented v/s Connectionless services,
Service Primitives
3 OSI Reference Model : Description of all 7 layers 1
TCP/IP Reference Model, Comparison of OSI and TCP/IP

UNIT 2 – Data Link Layer (06 Lectures)

4 Data Link Layer Design Issues: Services Provided to Network 1
Layer, Framing, Error Control, Flow Control
5 Sublayers: LLC and MAC, Elementary Data Link Protocols 1,2
6 Simplex Stop and Wait for Noiseless and Noisy Channels, 1,2
Sliding Window Protocols: Go back N, Selective Repeat
7 MAC protocols: ALOHA and its variants, CSMA and its 1,2
9 Ethernet Protocols and Types of Ethernet 1,2
UNIT 3 – Network Layer (07 Lectures)
10 Network Layer Design Issues: Store and Forward Concept, 3
11 Routing Algorithms: Shortest Path Routing, flooding 2, 3
12 Routing Algorithms: Distance Vector Routing: Principle, count 2, 3
to infinity problem and it’s solutions, Link State Routing
13 Congestion Control Algorithms: Traffic-aware routing, 2, 3
admission control, traffic throttling, load shedding
14 Quality of Service: Application Requirements, Traffic 2, 3
shaping, packet scheduling
15 IPV4 vs IPV6 Addressing, Subnetting. 2, 3

16 IP Datagram format and Fragmentation. 2,3

UNIT 5: Transport Layer (3 Lectures)

17 Transport Service: Services provides, Flow control protocols. 2, 3

18 Congestion Control, TCP and UDP 2, 3

19 TCP and UDP 2,3

UNIT 5: Application Layer (03 Lectures)

20 Domain Name System: Name space, Domain Resource Records, 3,4
Name Servers , Electronic Mail,
21 WWW, HTTP, FTP, Content Deilvery 3,4

Total 21

Course Assessment Schemes:

Continuous Evaluation: Class Test/ (3 Quizzes each of Total 50 Marks), Sessional Exam,
Lab Work Evaluation

Semester End Evaluation: LPW Viva Voce, Semester End Examination (SEE)

Component wise Continuous Evaluation & Semester End Examination


Assessment CE LPW SEE

3 Assignments of total Mid Term Continuous TEE
50 Marks Exam Evaluation

50% 50% 75% 25% 100%

Teaching-learning methodology:

• Lectures: Board Teaching, PPT.

• Laboratory: Network design, Network programming, Simulation
• University campus network demonstration

Active learning techniques:

• One-minute paper (Clearest/Muddiest point), What I liked the most that helped
me in learning

Types of Special/Innovative Assignments, Term Papers, mini Projects

Course Material:

Following materials are available on LMS:

• Course Policy
• PPTs, Notes, other Material
• Assignments, Tutorials, Lab Manuals
• Question bank
• Web-links, Blogs, Video Lectures, Journals
• Animations /Simulations, Software’s
• Advanced topics
• Industries/Organizations

Course Outcome Attainment:

• Use of formal evaluation components of continuous evaluation, laboratory work,

semester end examination
• Informal feedback during course conduction
• Surveys & Peer observation

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