Introduction To Aerospace Engineering.
Introduction To Aerospace Engineering.
Introduction To Aerospace Engineering.
• Early Uses of Lighter-than-Air Flying Machines
• Heavier-than-Air Flying Machines
-The US Army’s Reaction to the Wright
Brother’s Invention
-The Army’s Requirements for the First Military
• Early Uses of Airpower
• Mongoliers Brothers flew first hot-air balloon in
• Ben Franklin saw first balloon flight and
immediately saw the military potential
• First used for military purposes by the French in
1794 at Maubege
• Union and confederate forces employed balloons
during the American Civil War
Balloons (Cont)
• Adolphus V.Greely, the grandfather of military
aviation in US, revived interest in military
capability of balloons in 1891
-1892 – Greely balloon used to direct artillery
fire during the battle of San Jaun Hill
• Interest in balloons dropped quickly with the
development of heavier-than-air vehicles
• Steerable balloons -- often called “Airships”
• 1884 – first successful flight in a dirigible
• Ferdinand Von Zeppelin – person most readily
identified with dirigibles
- Zeppelins first flown in 1900
- Germans used to bomb England in WW 1
- Germans used to fly observation cover for
their surface fleet in WW 1
• Vulnerable to winds and ground fire
The Early Years of Flight
• Uses of Balloons and Dirigibles
- Reconnaissance
- Artillery spotting
- Bombing (extremely limited prior to WW 1)
- Morale Booster/Mail/Escape Means
- Air transport of supplies
• Early Uses of Lighter-than-Air Flying Machines
• Heavier-than-Air Flying Machines
- The US Army’s Reaction to the Wright
Brothers’ Invention
• Early Uses of Airpower
History of Flight
Aviation Through the Ages
1000B.C to 1250A.D
• Man’s observations of the earth around him
aroused his curiosity and often inspired him to
attempt the impossible. How did man’s lack of
knowledge of the physical laws of nature
sometimes bring him tragedy?
• The Greek myth of Daedalus and his son Icarus
was written around 1000B.C. The myth states
that after Daedalus built the labyrinth the king
of Crete threw him in it to test it. He and his son
Icarus escaped by building wings of wax and
flying away. However Icarus flew too high and
the wax in his wings began to melt. His wings
collapsed and he plunged to his death in the sea.
• Kites flown around the year 400 B.C. in china
were ancestors of modern aviation and the
airplane. In the year 1020 A.D. Oliver of
Malmesbury put on a pair of wings and leapt
from the top of an abbey. He landed very hard
and broke his legs. Luckily he survived the
crash. Many others attempted to fly with
“wings” but all failed, sometimes fatally.
• An airplane is a vehicle heavier than air, powered
by an engine, which travels through the air by the
reaction of air passing over its wings.
The fuselage is the central body portion of an
airplane which accommodates the crew and
passengers or cargo.
In general aviation airplanes, the cockpit is usually
the space in the fuselage for the pilot and the
passengers: in some aircrafts it is just the pilot’s
The landing gear, located underneath the airplane,
supports it while on the ground.
Wings are the parts of airplanes which provide lift
and support the entire weight of the aircraft and its
contents while in flight.
• 2 sheets of notebook paper
• Hold two sheets of notebook paper about four
inches apart. Blow between them. Instead of flying
apart they come together. The air moving rapidly
between the two pieces of paper has less pressure
than the air pressing on the outer sides of the paper.
Ping-pong ball
• Tank-type vacuum cleaner
• Connect the hose to the blower rather than to the
suction end of the vacuum cleaner. Turn the switch
on. Hold the hose vertically so the stream of air
goes straight up. Release the ping-pong ball into
the stream of air about a foot from the nozzle.
Slowly tip the nose so that air shoots at an angle.
The ball will stay suspended in the airstream. The
force of gravity upon the ball tends to make it drop
out of the airstream. However, the fast moving
airstream lessens the sir pressure on the portion of
the ball remaining in the airstream, overcoming the
force of gravity, which results in the ball remaining
Temperature Scales
• Fahrenheit
- Water Freezes at 32 F
- Water Boils at 212 F
• Centigrade or Celsius
- Water Freezes at 0 C
- Water Boils at 100 C
• Two scales exactly equal at -40
Absolute Temperature
• Once atoms stop moving, that’s as cold as it can get
• Absolute Zero = -273 C = -459 F
• Kelvin scale uses Celsius degrees and starts at
absolute zero
• Most formulas involving temperature use the
Kelvin Scale
Electromagnetic Radiation
• Radio: cm to km wavelength
• Microwaves: 0.1 mm to cm
• Infrared: 0.001 to 0.1 mm
• Visible light: 0.0004 – 0.0007 mm
• Ultraviolet: 10-9 – 4 x 10-7 m
• X-rays: 10-13 – 10-9 m
• Gamma Rays: 10-15 –10-11 m
• Altitude 11-50 km
• Temperature increases with altitude
• -60 C at base to 0 C at top
• Reason: absorption of solar energy to make
ozone at upper levels (ozone layer)
• Ozone (O3) is effective at absorbing solar
ultraviolet radiation
• 50-80 km altitude
• Temperature decreases with altitude
• 0 C at base, -95 at top
• Top is coldest region of atmosphere
• 80 km and above
• Temperature increases with altitude as atoms
accelerated by solar radiation
• -95 C at base to 100 C at 120 km
• Heat content negligible
• Traces of atmosphere to 1000 km
• Formerly called Ionosphere
• Radiation
• Conduction
• Convection
Solar Wind
Radiation belts
Meteoroid/Orbital Debris
• Example collisions
- Russia/US satellites collision
- Cerres/Ariane 3rd Stage Debris
• VERY HIGH kinetic energies
• NASA predicted results
- Fatal spacesuit damage from 0.3 to 0.5 mm
- Catastrophic shuttle damage from 4 mm
Micrometeoroids/Orbital Debris:
• Double Wall Bumper
- 1st wall fragments impacting particle into
smaller, slower pieces
- 2nd wall stops those pieces
Gravitational Field
• Flare/Geomagnetic Storm
- GOES-7: lost imagery and communications,
solar arrays degraded 2-3 years worth
- DSP: star sensor contamination, memory
upsets, lost data, power panel degradation
- Memory Upsets: DMSP, GPS, INTELSAT,
• Spacecraft Charging
- Milstar: power supply failure
- Anik: momentum wheel failure
- GOES: phantom commands
• Galactic Cosmic Ray
- Pioneer: memory anomalies
• Definition of the flight environment is the first
critical step.
• Not all space environments will have a critical
impact on a particular mission.
• After definition of the space environment is
established including results from trade studies, the
next important step is to establish a coordinated set
of natural space environment requirements for use
in design and development.
• The space environment definition and requirements
are documented in a separate program document or
are incorporated into design and performance
• The environments specialist then helps insure that
the environment specifications are understood and
correctly interpreted throughout the design,
development, and operational phases of the