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Unit-I 5

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1. Classification of vibrations,
2. Mechanical vibrating systems,
3. Single degree of freedom,
4. Two degree of freedom,
5. Free, forced and damped vibrations, Modeling and simulation studies,
6. Model of an automobile,
7. Magnification factor,
8. Transmissibility,
9. Vibration absorber,
1.Vibration 2.Classification of vib 3.Basic terms 4.Components of mechanical vibration.

 it is defined as any motion that repeats itself after an interval of time.
 It involves transfer of potential energy to kinetic energy and vice versa.
 Vibration is the motion of a particle or a body or system of connected bodies displaced
from a position of equilibrium
 Aim of vibration analysis:
 Why:
o Vibrations can lead to excessive deflections and failure on the machines and
o To reduce vibration through proper design of machines and their mountings.
o To utilize profitably in several consumer and industrial applications.
o To improve the efficiency of certain machining, casting, forging & welding
o Cause rapid wear.
o Create excessive noise.
o Leads to poor surface finish (eg: in metal cutting process, vibration cause chatter).
o Resonance – natural frequency of vibration of a machine/structure coincide with
the frequency of the external excitation.
o To stimulate earthquakes for geological research and conduct studies in design of
nuclear reactors.


Free vibration:
 When no external force acts on the body, after giving it an initial displacement, then the
body is said to be under free or natural vibrations.
 The frequency of the free vibration is called free or natural frequency.
The following three types of free vibrations are important from the subject point of view :
 1. Longitudinal vibrations, 2. Transverse vibrations, and 3. Torsional vibrations.
Forced vibration:
 When the body vibrates under the influence of external force, then the body is said to be
under forced vibrations.
 The external force applied to the body is a periodic disturbing force created by unbalance.
 The vibrations have the same frequency as the applied force.
 When the frequency of the external force is same as that of the natural vibrations,
resonance takes place.
 Resonance occurs when the frequency of the external force coincides with one of the
natural frequencies of the system
Damped vibration:
 When there is a reduction in amplitude over every cycle vibration, the motion is said to
be damped vibration.
 This is due to the fact that a certain amount of energy possessed by the vibration system
is always dissipated in overcome friction resistances to the motion.
Linear Vibration:
 When all basic components of a vibratory system, i.e. the spring, the mass and the
damper behave linearly
Nonlinear Vibration:
 If any of the components behave nonlinearly
Deterministic Vibration:
 If the value or magnitude of the excitation (force or motion) acting on a vibratory system
is known at any given time
Nondeterministic or random Vibration:
 When the value of the excitation at a given time cannot be predicted


Oscillatory motion: repeats itself regularly.

Cycle: It is the motion completed during one time period.
Periodic motion: This motion repeats at equal interval of time T
Period : the time taken for one repetition. Period of vibration or time period. It is the time
interval after which the motion is repeated itself. The period of vibration is usually expressed in
Time period: 𝑡𝑝 = 𝜔
Frequency: 𝑡 it is the reciprocal of time period: Frequency. It is the number of cycles described
in one second. In S.I. units, the frequency is expressed in hertz (briefly written as Hz) which is
equal to one cycle per second.
Natural frequency:

Damped vibration.
 When there is reduction in amplitude over every cycle of vibration, the motion is said to
be damped vibration.
 Damping is the dissipation of energy with time or distance
Viscous damping
 The damping provided by fluid friction is known as viscous.
Critical damping.
 It is the minimum viscous damping that will allow a displaced system to return to its
initial position without oscillation.

Degree of freedom:
 The minimum number of independent co-ordinates required to define completely the
position of all parts of the system at any instance of time.
 How many mass or masseswill be there in a system.
Single degree-of-freedom systems:

 The number of degree of freedom of a mechanical system is equal to the minimum

number of independent co-ordinates required to define completely the positions of all
parts of the system at any instance of time.

Two degree-of-freedom systems:

Three degree of freedom systems:

Multi-degree of freedom:
 Infinite number of degrees of freedom system
 For which 2 or 3 co-ordinates are required to define completely the position of the system
at any instance of time.


 It consist of mass, spring and damper.

Mass Element:
 The mass provides inertia force to the system, spring provides the restoring force and the
damper provides the resistance.
Spring Elements:
Linear spring is a type of mechanical link that is generally assumed to have negligible mass and
Spring force is given by: F  kx
F = spring force,
k = spring stiffness or spring constant, and
x = deformation (displacement of one end with respect to the other)
Combination of Springs:
Springs in parallel – if we have n spring constants k1, k2, …, kn in parallel, then the equivalent
spring constant keq is: keq  k1  k2  ...  kn

Springs in series – if we have n spring constants k1, k2, …, kn in series, then the equivalent spring
constant keq is:
1 1 1 1
   ... 
k eq k1 k2 kn
Damping elements:
 The process of energy dissipation is referred to in the study of vibration as damping. A
damper is considered to have neither mass nor elasticity.
 The three main forms of damping are viscous damping, Coulomb or dry-friction damping,
and hysteresis damping. The most common type of energy-dissipating element used in
vibrations study is the viscous damper, which is also referred to as a dashpot.
 In viscous damping, the damping force is proportional to the velocity of the body.
Coulomb or dry-friction damping occurs when sliding contact that exists between
surfaces in contact are dry or have insufficient lubrication. In this case, the damping force
is constant in magnitude but opposite in direction to that of the motion. In dry-friction
damping energy is dissipated as heat.

Vehicle vibration with SINGLE DEGREE of freedom:

The natural frequency of the free longitudinal vibrations may be determined by the following
three methods

1. Equilibrium Method
2. Energy method (summation of kinetic energy and potential energy must be a constant quantity which is

same at all the times.)

3. Rayleigh’s method ( the maximum kinetic energy at the mean position is equal to the maximum potential
energy (or strain energy) at the extreme position )

a. Frequency of Free-undamped vibrations:

Consider a constraint (i.e. spring) of negligible mass in an unstrained position
s = Stiffness of the constraint. It is the force required to produce unit displacement
in the direction of vibration. It is usually expressed in N/m.
m = Mass of the body suspended from the constraint in kg,
W = Weight of the body in newtons = m.g,
δ = Static deflection of the spring in metres due to weight W newtons, and
x = Displacement given to the body by the external force, in metres

In the equilibrium position, the gravitational pull W = m.g, is balanced by a force of spring, such
that W = s. δ .Since the mass is now displaced from its equilibrium position by a distance x, and
is then released, therefore after time t,
Restoring force =W − s (δ + x) =W − s.δ − s.x = s.δ− s.δ− s. x = −s.x(Taking upward force as

Accelerating force = Mass × Acceleration

We know that the fundamental equation of simple harmonic motion is

( m.g = s.δ)

b. Frequency ofFreeDampedVibrations(ViscousDamping)
 The motion of a body is resisted by frictional forces, the effect of friction is referred to as
 The damping provided by fluid resistance is known as viscous damping.
 In damped vibrations, the amplitude of the resulting vibration gradually diminishes.
 Certain amount of energy is always dissipated to overcome the frictional resistance. The
resistance to the motion of the body is provided partly by the medium in which the
vibration takes place and partly by the internal friction
Let m = Mass suspended from the spring,
s = Stiffness of the spring,
x = Displacement of the mass from the mean position at time t,
= Static deflection of the spring = m.g/s, and
c = Damping coefficient or the damping force per unit velocity
Damping force or frictional force on the mass acting in opposite direction to the motion of the mass

Accelerating force on the mass, acting along the motion of the mass

Spring force on the mass, acting in opposite direction to the motion of the mass,

Therefore the equation of motion becomes

This is a differential equation of the second order. Assuming a solution of the form where k is a
constant to be determined

The two roots of the equation are:

The most general solution of the differential equation, with its right hand side equal to zero has only complementary
function and it is given by

The roots k1 and k2 may be real, complex conjugate (imaginary) or equal.

1. When the roots are real (overdamping)

If then the roots k1 and k2 are real but negative. This is a case of overdamping or large damping and
the mass moves slowly to the equilibrium position. This motion is known as aperiodic. When the roots are real, the
most general solution of the differential equation is

In actual practice, the overdamped vibrations are avoided

2. When the roots are complex conjugate (underdamping)

If then the radical (i.e. the term under the square root) becomes negative. The two roots k1 and k2 are
then known as complex conjugate. This is a most practical case of damping and it is known as underdamping or
small damping. The two roots are

For the sake of mathematical calculations,let

The motion of the mass is simple harmonic whose circular damped frequency is and the amplitude is
which diminishes exponentially with time as shown in Fig. 23.18. Though the mass eventually returns to its
equilibrium position because of its inertia, yet it overshoots and the oscillations may take some considerable time to
die away.

3. When the roots are equal (critical damping)

If then the radical becomes zero and the two roots k1 and k2 are equal. This is acase of critical
damping. In other words, the critical damping is said to occur when frequency of damped vibration (fd) is zero (i.e.
motion is aperiodic). This type of damping is also avoided because the mass moves back rapidly to its equilibrium
position, in the shortest possible time

Thus the motion is again aperiodic. The critical damping coefficient (cc) may be obtained by substituting cc for c in
the condition for critical damping,

The critical damping coefficient is the amount of damping required for a system to be critically damped

Damping Factor or Damping Ratio

The ratio of the actual damping coefficient (c) to the critical damping coefficient (cc) is known as damping factor or
damping ratio. Mathematically

Logarithmic Decrement
It is defined as the natural logarithm of the amplitude reduction factor. The amplitude reduction factor is the ratio of
any two successive amplitudes on the same side of the mean position. If x1 and x2 are successive values of the
amplitude on the same side of the mean position, as shown in Fig. 23.18, then amplitude reduction factor,

where tp is the period of forced oscillation or the time difference between two consecutive amplitudes.
As per definition, logarithmic decrement

In general, amplitude reduction factor

Logarithmic decrement
c. Forced damped vibration system: (Frequency of Under Damped Forced Vibrations)

Consider a system consisting of spring, mass anddamper as shown in Fig. 23.19. Let the system is acted
upon by an external periodic (i.e. simple harmonic) disturbing force,

F = Static force, and

= Angular velocity of the periodic disturbing force.

When the system is constrained to move in vertical guides, it has only one degree of freedom. Let at sometime
t, the mass is displaced downwards through a distance xfrom its mean position.

the equation of motion may be written as

This equation of motion may be solved either by differential equation method or by graphical
method as discussed below :
1. Differential equation method
The equation (i) is a differential equation of the second degree whose right hand side is some function in t. The
solution of such type of differential equation consists of two parts ; one part is the complementary function and the
second is particular integral. Therefore the solution may be written as

x1 = Complementary function, and

x2 = Particular integral.
The complementary function is same as discussed in the previous article,
In actual practice, the value of the complementary function x1 at any time t is much smaller as compared to particular
integral x2. Therefore, the displacement x, at any time t, is given by the particular integral x2 only

The equations (vii) and (viii) hold good when steady vibrations of constant amplitude takes

Maximum displacement or the amplitude of forced vibration,

where xo is the deflection of the system under the static force F.

At resonance . Therefore the angular speed at which the resonance occurs is

Magnification Factor or Dynamic Magnifier

It is the ratio of maximum displacement of the forced vibration (x max ) to the deflection due to the static force
F(xo). We have proved in the previous article that the maximum displacement or the amplitude of forced vibration,
Magnification factor:
 It is the ratio between the maximum actual amplitude of the body and the maximum
actual amplitude of the road.
Magnification factor or dynamic magnifier,

The magnification factor or dynamic magnifier gives the factor by which the static deflection produced by a force F
(i.e. xo) must be multiplied in order to obtain the maximum amplitude of the forced vibration (i.e. xmax) by the
harmonic force F coswt

If there is no damping (i.e. if the vibration is undamped), then c = 0. In that case, magnification

At resonance, Therefore magnification factor,

Vibration Isolation and Transmissibility

A little consideration will show that when an unbalanced machine is installed on the foundation, it produces
vibration in the foundation. In order to prevent these vibrations or to minimise the transmission of forces to the
foundation, the machines are mounted on springs and dampers or on some vibration isolating material, as shown in
Fig. 23.22. The arrangement is assumed to have one degree of freedom, i.e. it can move up and down only.
It may be noted that when a periodic (i.e. simple harmonic) disturbing force F cos t is applied to a machine

of mass m supported by a spring of stiffness s, then the force is transmitted by means of the spring and the damper or
dashpot to the fixed support or foundation. The ratio of the force transmitted (FT) to the force applied (F) is known
as the isolation factor or transmissibility ratio of the spring support.
We have discussed above that the force transmitted to the foundation consists of the following
two forces :
1. Spring force or elastic force which is equal to s. xmax, and
2. Damping force which is equal to c..xmax.
Since these two forces are perpendicular to one another, as shown in Fig.23.23, therefore the force transmitted,

Transmissibility ratio,

the magnification factor,

When the damper is not provided, then c = 0, and

From above, we see that when /n 1, is negative. This means that there is a phase difference of 180° between
the transmitted force and the disturbing force (F cos.t) . The value of /n must be greater than 2 if is to be less
than 1 and it is the numerical value of , independent of any phase difference between the forces that may exist
which is important. It is therefore more convenient to use equation (ii) in the following form, i.e.

l Fig. 23.24 is the graph for different values of damping factor c/cc to show the variation of transmissibility ratio (
) against the ratio /n .
1. When / n 2 , then all the curves pass through the point = 1 for all values of damping factor c/cc

2. When /n 2 , then > 1 for all values of damping factor c/cc. This means that the force transmitted to the
foundation through elastic support is greater than the force applied.
3. When /n 2 , then < 1 for all values of damping factor c/cc. This shows that the force transmitted through
elastic support is less than the applied force. Thus vibration isolation is possible only in the range of /n 2.We
also see from the curves in Fig. 23.24 that the damping is detrimental beyond /n 2 and advantageous only in the
region /n 2 . It is thus concluded that for the vibration isolation, dampers need not to be provided but in order to
limit resonance amplitude,
stops may be provided.

 It is the ratio between the force transmitted to the body and force acting on the road.
 It is the ratio between the force transmitted to the body and force acting on the road.
Transmissibility is the nondimensional ratio of the response amplitude of a system in
steady state forced vibration on the excitation amplitude. The ratio may be one for forces,
displacement, velocities or accelerations.
Vibration absorber:
 It is an additional spring mass system used to make the amplitude values of vibration
equal to zero.

Vehicle dynamics and its classification.

 Vehicle dynamics has been a pivotal domain in the field of automotive engineering. It is
primarily divided into three subgroups: Performance, Ride and Handling. Performance
mainly deals with the efficiency and effectiveness of the vehicle in its ability to
accelerate, brake and overcome obstacles. Ride is related to the vibration of the vehicle
due to road excitations and its effect on occupants and cargo. Handling is concerned with
the overall behaviour or response of the vehicle to driver inputs.
Generalized co-ordinates
Rolling: Angular oscillation of vehicle about longitudinal axis.
Pitching: Angular oscillation of vehicle about transverse axis.
Yawing: Angular oscillation of vehicle about vertical axis.

The source of vibration of the vehicle may be due to

The road roughness
The unbalance of the engine
The whirling of shafts
The cam forces
Torsional fluctuations

What is Modeling and simulation?

 Writing the equation corresponding to a physical system.
 This equation may be algebraic or differential equation.
 Writing the program and then fed in to the computer.
 Solving the problem by use of computer is called simulation

Model of an automobile used in vehicle dynamics analysis.

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