Cell Biology: Course Code: LSE-01 Assignment Code: LSE-01/TMA/2020 Maximum Marks: 100
Cell Biology: Course Code: LSE-01 Assignment Code: LSE-01/TMA/2020 Maximum Marks: 100
Cell Biology: Course Code: LSE-01 Assignment Code: LSE-01/TMA/2020 Maximum Marks: 100
(Tutor Marked Assignment)
Cell Biology
Course Code: LSE- 01
Assignment Code: LSE-01/TMA/2020
Maximum Marks: 100
11.Explain the reactions of tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and its role in (10)
.energy production.
Tricarboxylic acid cycle, (TCA cycle), also called Krebs cycle and citric acid
cycle, the second stage of cellular respiration, the three-stage process by which
living cells break down organic fuel molecules in the presence of oxygen to
harvest the energy they need to grow and divide. This metabolic process occurs
in most plants, animals, fungi, and many bacteria. In all organisms except
bacteria the TCA cycle is carried out in the matrix of intracellular structures
called mitochondria.
The TCA cycle plays a central role in the breakdown, or catabolism, of organic fuel
molecules—i.e., glucose and some other sugars, fatty acids, and some amino acids.
Before these rather large molecules can enter the TCA cycle they must be degraded
into a two-carbon compound called acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA). Once fed into
the TCA cycle, acetyl CoA is converted into carbon dioxide and energy.
The TCA cycle consists of eight steps catalyzed by eight different enzymes
(see Figure). The cycle is initiated (1) when acetyl CoA reacts with the compound
oxaloacetate to form citrate and to release coenzyme A (CoA-SH). Then, in a
succession of reactions, (2) citrate is rearranged to form isocitrate; (3) isocitrate
loses a molecule of carbon dioxide and then undergoes oxidation to form alpha-
ketoglutarate; (4) alpha-ketoglutarate loses a molecule of carbon dioxide and is
oxidized to form succinyl CoA; (5) succinyl CoA is enzymatically converted to
succinate; (6) succinate is oxidized to fumarate; (7) fumarate is hydrated to produce
malate; and, to end the cycle, (8) malate is oxidized to oxaloacetate. Each complete
turn of the cycle results in the regeneration of oxaloacetate and the formation of two
molecules of carbon dioxide.
2(a) Describe the structure and function of nuclear envelope. (5)
The nuclear envelope, also known as the nuclear membrane, is made up of (5)
two lipid bilayer membranes which in eukaryotic cells surrounds the nucleus, which
encases the genetic material.
The nuclear envelope consists of two lipid bilayer membranes, an inner nuclear
membrane, and an outer nuclear membrane. The space between the membranes is
called the perinuclear space. It is usually about 20–40 nm wide. The outer nuclear
membrane is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. The nuclear
envelope has many nuclear pores that allow materials to move between
the cytosol and the nucleus. Intermediate filaments form a lamina internally to the
inner nuclear membrane, and more loosely externally to the outer nuclear
membrane to give structural support to the nucleus.
The nuclear envelope is made up of two lipid bilayer membranes. An inner nuclear
membrane and an outer nuclear membrane. These membranes are connected to each
other by nuclear pores. Two sets of intermediate filaments provide support for the
nuclear envelope. An internal network forms the nuclear lamina on the inner
nuclear membrane. A looser network forms outside to give external support.
Outer membrane
The outer nuclear membrane also shares a common border with the endoplasmic
reticulum. While it is physically linked, the outer nuclear membrane contains
proteins found in far higher concentrations than the endoplasmic reticulum. All
four nesprin proteins (nuclear envelope spectrin repeat proteins) present in
mammals are expressed in the outer nuclear membrane. Nesprin proteins connect
cytoskeletal filaments to the nucleoskeleton. Nesprin-mediated connections to the
cytoskeleton contribute to nuclear positioning and to the cell’s mechanosensory
function. KASH domain proteins of Nesprin-1 and -2 are part of a LINC
complex (linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton) and can bind directly to
cystoskeletal components, such as actin filaments, or can bind to proteins in the
perinuclear space. Nesprin-3 and-4 may play a role in unloading enormous cargo;
Nesprin-3 proteins bind plectin and link the nuclear envelope to cytoplasmic
intermediate filaments. Nesprin-4 proteins bind the plus end directed motor kinesin-
1. The outer nuclear membrane is also involved in development, as it fuses with the
inner nuclear membrane to form nuclear pores.
Inner membrane
The inner nuclear membrane encloses the nucleoplasm, and is covered by
the nuclear lamina, a mesh of intermediate filaments which stabilizes the nuclear
membrane as well as being involved in chromatin function and entire expression. It
is connected to the outer membrane by nuclear pores which penetrate the
membranes. While the two membranes and the endoplasmic reticulum are linked,
proteins embedded in the membranes tend to stay put rather than dispersing across
the continuum. It is lined with a fiber network called the nuclear lamina which is
10-40 nm thick and provides strength.
Mutations in the inner nuclear membrane proteins can cause several nuclear
Nuclear pores
hollow protein complexes about 100 nm across, with an inner channel about 40 nm
wide. They link the inner and outer nuclear membranes.
3(a) Describe the components of fluid connective tissue in animals. (7)
.Fluid connetive tissue is blood.Its components are RBCs,WBCs,platelets (3)
Plasma: It is the liquid part of blood. It is straw coloured. It contains (91-92) %
water and (8-9) % organic and inorganic materials. The organic substances include
various types of blood protein and waste materials. The inorganic part contains
different minerals like sodium, potassium, iron. calcium, magnesium etc.Blood
Cell or Blood Corpuscles: Blood corpuscles form the major components of blood.
Blood cells are of three types. These are:
haemoglobin. Due to haemoglobin colour of blood is red. the red blood corpuscles
of the amphibians are biconvex, nucleated and oval. On the contrary, the red
corpuscles of the blood of mammals are biconvex, non nucleated and round.
Haemoglobin is combined with oxygen forms a unstable compound
oxyhaemoglobin. It breaks down and releases oxygen in places where it is needed.
White Blood Corpuscle or Leucocyte:These generally lack definite shape and are
nucleated. Cytoplasm of white corpuscles are either granular or non granular.
Meristematic tissues are cells or group of cells that have the ability to divide. These
tissues in a plant consist of small, densely packed cells that can keep dividing to
form new cells. Meristematic tissue is characterized by small cells, thin cell walls,
large cell nuclei, absent or small vacuoles, and no intercellular spaces.
Meristematic tissues are found in many locations, including near the tips of roots
and stems (apical meristems), in the buds and nodes of stems, in the cambium
between the xylem and phloem in dicotyledonous trees and shrubs, under the
epidermis of dicotyledonous trees and shrubs (cork cambium), and in the pericycle
of roots, producing branch roots. The two types of meristems are primary meristems
and secondary meristems.
Meristem Zones
Meristematic zones: Each zone of the apical meristem has a particular function.
Pictured here are the (1) central zone, (2) peripheral zone, (3) medullary meristem
and (3) medullary tissue.
Apical meristem: The apical meristem, pictured in the center of the leaves of this
image, is also termed the “growing tip”. Its main function is to begin growth of new
cells in young seedlings at the tips of roots and shoots (forming buds, among other
The central zone is located at the meristem summit, where a small group of slowly
dividing cells can be found. Cells of this zone have a stem cell function and are
essential for meristem maintenance. The proliferation and growth rates at the
meristem summit usually differ considerably from those at the periphery.
Surrounding the central zone is the peripheral zone. The rate of cell division in the
peripheral zone is higher than that of the central zone. Peripheral zone cells give
rise to cells which contribute to the organs of the plant, including leaves,
inflorescence meristems, and floral meristems.
An active apical meristem lays down a growing root or shoot behind itself, pushing
itself forward. They are very small compared to the cylinder-shaped lateral
meristems, and are composed of several layers, which varies according to plant
type. The outermost layer is called the tunica, while the innermost layers are
cumulatively called the corpus.
4Differentiate between the following pairs: (10)
.(a) Procaryotes and Eucaryotes
complicated eukaryotic cells came into being through the process of evolution.
Differences Between Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
The difference between the structure of prokaryotes and eukaryotes is so great
that it is considered to be the most important distinction among groups of
Prokaryotes also differ from eukaryotes in that they contain only a single loop
of stable chromosomal DNA stored in an area named the nucleoid, while
eukaryote DNA is found on tightly bound and organised chromosomes.
Although some eukaryotes have satellite DNA structures called plasmids, these
are generally regarded as a prokaryote feature and many important genes in
prokaryotes are stored on plasmids.
Prokaryotes have a larger surface area to volume ratio giving them a higher
metabolic rate, a higher growth rate and consequently a shorter generation time
compared to Eukaryotes.
o Prokaryotes also differ from eukaryotes in the structure, packing, density, and
arrangement of their genes on the chromosome. Prokaryotes have incredibly
compact genomes compared to eukaryotes, mostly because prokaryote genes
1. The fundamental and functional unit of life – The Cell, which can be
prokaryotic or eukaryotic, single celled or multi-celled. But eukaryotes are
further divided as Kingdom Plantae and Kingdom Animalia.These are the
types of multicellular, Eukaryotic cells, having many features common but
plant cell possess certain other organelles such as the cell wall, chloroplast,
and the vacuoles. These organelles are found to be absent in animal cells.
2. The Plant Cells are usually larger, which has fixed and rectangular shape,
while animal cells are comparatively smaller in size, irregular and round.
3. The most important feature of Plant Cell is the presence of cell wall, along
with the plasma membrane, while Animal cells do not possess
cell wall, but plasma membrane is present.
4. The nucleus is present in both the cells, but in Plant cell it lies on one side
while it is present in the center of the Animal cell.
5. Centrosomes/Centrioles, Cilia, Desmosomes, Lysosomes are the organelles
found absent in Plant cells, while they exist in Animal Cells.
6. Plastids, Glyoxysomes, Plasmodesmata, Chloroplast (for the preparation of
food) are the features present in the Plant Cells but not found in Animal
7. There is a huge vacuole present in Plant cells, but numerous and small
vacuoles are present in Animal Cells.
8. Mitochondria if present is fewer in number, though they play a significant role
in Animal Cells and are present in numbers. In Animal Cells they help in the
production of energy.
9. The storing of energy is done by Chloroplast in Plant cells, which is absent
in Animal Cells.
10. The reserve food material is Starch in Plant Cell and Glycogen in Animal
11. Synthesis of nutrients like amino acids, vitamins, and coenzymes is performed
by the Plant cells, but Animal Cells are unable to do so.
12. Cytokinesis occurs by cell plate only in Plant Cells whereas in Animal Cells it
occurs by furrowing or constrictions.
6 (20)
6.Describe the steps involved in protein synthesis in prokaryotes.
Protein synthesis in the cell is conducted by ribosomes that are found attached to
the membrane of endoplasmic reticulum and microsomes, as well as in free state in
the groundplasm.
The main components that take part in protein synthesis at cellular level are: 20
different amino acids, different types of RNAs, enzymes, aminoacid activating
enzymes, polypeotide-polymerase and energy liberating molecules, such as ATP
and GTP.
mRNA is copied from DNA molecule. The specific locus of DNA molecule where
mRNA is formed is referred to as a structural gene. tRNAs come probably from
special genes called determinants for tRNAs.
The transcription of genetic code of DNA into mRNA is catalysed by the enzyme
RNA polymerase. mRNA carries the information in the form of base triplets for the
synthesis of a particular protein (Fig. 20.2).
2. The second step involves the separation of mRNA from DNA and then its
transfer from nucleus to cytoplasm and final attachment of 5′ end of mRNA with
30s (smaller) sub-unit of ribosome in presence of protein initiation factor. Before
the mRNA migrates from nucleus to ribosome in cytoplasm it undergoes process of
In eukaryotes the newly formed RNA is called heterogenous nuclear RNA (hn
RNA). Many of the functional RNA molecules including ?RNA and mRNA in
eukaryotes are processed from much longer precursor RNAs which are 5,000 to
50,000 nucleotides long and may be 10 to 100 times longer than the mature
functional RNA molecules which are derived from them.
Precursor RNAs are transcripts of split genes which contain both sequences coding
for aminoacids (exons) and those not coding for aminoacids (introns) interspersed.
The non-coding sequences from the pre-RNAs are cleaved out and coding
sequences are spliced together to produce functional mature RNA molecules.
Few of the eukaryotic genes are not split. In prokaryotes some of the RNA
molecules are cleavage products of longer pre-RNA.
3. Translation:
As has been pointed out, mRNA determines the sequence of amino acids in the
polypeptide chain which in turn is determined by sequence of nucleotides in DNA
(gene). This process is called translation. Translation involves the following steps
The reaction is catalysed by specific enzyme aminoacyl RNA synthesize. So, for
the activation of 20 aminoacids there should be at least a set of 20 such enzymes in
the cytoplasm. Amino acid activating enzymes were first discovered by M.
(c) The aminoacids – tRNA complex then comes to mRNA where adapter
nucleotide triplet or anticodon of tRNA becomes attached with the complementary
base triplet (codon) of mRNA.
The fate of amino acid is determined at the very moment, it becomes attached with
the corresponding tRNA. The messenger RNA and tRNA-amino acid complex
attachment is temporary. Like this, many /RN A-amino acid complexes are
arranged one after another at proper places on messenger RNA strand in linear
fashion. In the attachment, the adapter trinuceleotides of rRNAs act as anticodons
(Figs. 20.4 and 20.5).
The mRNA molecules have translation initiation site at 5′ end and the chain
termination site close to trailor end. The initiation site consists of a codon AUG and
unknown secondary structure of mRNA. The chain termination site has one of the
three codons UAA, UAG and UGA.
Mature mRNA binds with smaller ribosomal sub-unit in presence of initiation factor
IF2. Soon tRNA-N-Formyl methionine complex (F met-tRNA) comes from the
cytoplasmic amino acid pool and binds with the first triplet codon of mRNA to
initiate the process of protein synthesis and to form initiation complex.
Initiation complex is formed in presence of guanosine triphosphate (GTP) and three
protein factors F1, F2 and F3. This is followed by union of bigger sub-unit with
smaller ribosomal sub-unit in presence of Mg++ and initiation factors F1, F2 to form
the ribosome. The codes of mRNA are not read by a single ribosome but by many
ribosomes interlinked by mRNA (Polysomes).
(d) Initiation of Protein Synthesis:
The messenger RNA always has first triplet as AUG or GUG at its 5-end and these
triplets code for aminoacids N-formyl methionine (F. met) which usually initiates a
protein chain.
Thus, in all proteins formyl methionine occupies the first place, i.e., at, amino end
and when the protein molecules are completely synthesised formyl methionine may
be detached from the protein molecules by activity of hydrolytic enzyme
In formyl methionine- tRNA complex the amino group is blocked by formyl group
leaving only COOH group free to react with NH2 group of the second amino acid
(AA2). In this way, polypeptide chain always grows from amino end toward-COOH
When one tRNA-aminoacid complex attaches to mRNA at starting end, then the
second tRNA-aminoacid complex also comes just after the first and finally the two
adjacent amino acids form peptide linkage. Like this several molecules of amino
acids will join in a definite order through peptide bonds to form specific protein
molecule (Fig. 20.5).
(ii) A condensing site or ‘P’ site or peptidyl site which joins the aminoacid to the
growing polypeptide chain.
(iii) An exit site or ‘E’ site at which tRNA detaches from the polypeptide,
messenger RNA and ribosome.
tRNA with their associated aminoacids will enter the ribosomal site ‘A’ and will be
checked by a ‘checking factor’ to see if there is a correct fit between the codon on
the messengers RNA and the anticodon of tRNA. If the fit is incorrect, the tRNA is
rejected and presumably other /RNAs will continue to be tried until the correct one
is found.
(b) As the initiating codon AUG or GUG has entered the ribosome and is in
position facing the site ‘A’, the correct tRNA, i.e., f-met-tRNA is checked against
codon. This reaction is facilitated by the presence of initiation factor F1
(c) The 30S f-met-tRNA along with messenger RNA, then moves from decoding
site (‘A’ site) to peptidyl site (‘P’ site) and with this the next codon of mRNA enters
‘A’ site where it finds the second correct aminoacyl-tRNA. Aminoacyl-tRNA
(AA2 – tRNA) binds with the codon of ‘A’ site in presence of GTP and two proteins
called transfer factor Tu and Ts which remain associated with ribosomes.
In this binding process, a complex is formed from GTP, the transfer factors and the
incoming aminoacyl-tRNA which ultimately fixes aminoacyl-tRNA (AA2 tRNA) at
the ‘A’ site of ribosome and at the same time releases transfer factors – GTP
complex and inorganic phosphate.
(d) Due to the relative movement of ribosome and mRNA in presence of single
GTP molecule the next codon enters the ‘A’ site. The A site is now occupied by
another aminoacyl- tRNA (AA3– tRNA) corresponding to the next codon of mRNA
and f-met-tRNA reaches at the exit site (E-site) and AA2-tRNA occurs at the P site.
Now an enzyme known as transferase I kicks off tRNA from formyl methionine and
flips the formyl methione (AA1,) to AA2-tRNA bound at the ‘P’ site.
According to Monro (1967) an enzyme known as peptidyl synthetase found in SOS,
sub-unit helps in the formation of peptide bond. The ‘G’ factor is supposed to
release the discharged or deacetylated tRNA from the site ‘E’ of ribosome.
(e) The next stage of elongation process follows that involves establishment of
peptide bond by reaction between free NH2 group of incoming amino acid and
carboxyl group of the polypeptide.
Thus, during the elongation of polypeptide chain, each charged tRNA (aminoacyl-
tRNA) enters the decoding site, moves to ‘P’ site, transfers its aminoacid to the
carboxyl end of polypeptide, moves to exit site where polypeptide chain is
transferred to adjacent tRNA bound at ‘P’ site and then finally released from the
some suppressor mutations produce tRNA with any of these three codons.
7 (3+7)
.7.What is cell cycle? Explain how cell cycle times are determined.
8 cell cycle is the process a cell will go through to replicate all of its material and (20)
. itself from one cell into two identical cells. While this is commonly known
as Mitosis, in fact Mitosis is just one stage of the cell cycle. In this article, we will
look at the different stages of the cell cycle and what happens in each stage. We will
also consider the regulation of the cell cycle, and look at some examples of when
this goes wrong.
Phases of the Cell Cycle
The Cell Cycle is a 4-stage process consisting of Gap 1 (G1), Synthesis, Gap 2 (G2)
and Mitosis. An active eukaryotic cell will undergo these steps as it grows and
divides. After completing the cycle, the cell either starts the process again from G1
or exits the cycle through G0. From G0, the cell can undergo terminal
G1 phase
S phase
DNA replication
Each of the 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) is replicated by the cell
G2 phase
M phase
Nucleolus disintegrates
Nuclear membrane breakdown
Spindle fibres appear
Centromeres divide
Sister chromatids move to opposite poles
Cytokinesis is the process of the parent cell becoming 2 daughter cells. These
daughter cells contain identical genetic information. Cytokinesis also involves a
division of the cytoplasm. It is considered a separate step to mitosis.
The stages in the cell cycle between one mitosis and the next, which includes G1, S
and G2, is known as interphase.
This cell cycle is also closely regulated by cyclins which control cell progression by
activating cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) enzymes.
1.Ionic bonds
2.Covalent bonds
3.Hydrogen bonds
(b) Mesenchyme
The action of epinephrine illustrates the principles by which cyclic AMP mediates hormone
action. Epinephrine is the “flight or fight hormone” that the adrenal glands release in response to
stress. The hormone causes an increase in blood pressure and the breakdown of glucose for
energy. This helps humans in danger to engage in physical activity to meet the challenges of a
situation. The body responds with a dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, and high blood pressure. A
biochemical chain of events leads to these responses. When epinephrine binds to cells, it stays
outside on the membrane‐bound receptor. The second messenger, cyclic AMP, is made by the
enzyme adenylate cyclase.
G‐proteins exist either in an active or an inactive state, depending on the guanylate nucleotide
that is bound. In the inactive state, G‐protein binds to GDP. In the active state, GTP is bound to
the G‐protein. G‐proteins have an intrinsic GTPase activity, which converts bound GTP to
GDP. Hydrolysis of GTP by the G‐protein converts the G‐protein back to an inactive state. Thus
the cycle of the G‐protein is as follows:
2. The hormone‐bound receptor binds to the G‐protein and causes GDP to be replaced by
4. G‐protein hydrolyzes bound GTP to GDP, thereby going back to the ground state.
Different G‐proteins may either stimulate or inhibit adenylate cyclase to make more or less
cyclic AMP.
Cyclic AMP doesn't act directly on its target enzymes; for example, glycogen phosphorylase and
glycogen synthase. Instead, cyclic AMP stimulates a protein kinase cascade that ultimately leads
to a cellular response. Cyclic AMP binds to protein kinase A, which then catalyzes the transfer
of phosphate from ATP to a serine residue on a second enzyme, phosphorylase kinase, which
itself transfers a phosphate to glycogen phosphorylase. Active glycogen phosphorylase then
catalyzes the breakdown of glycogen to glucose‐1‐phosphate. This provides energy for muscle
Cells can't be “turned on” forever. Something must modulate the response. In fact, each step is
reversible. Starting from the target proteins, a protein phosphatase hydrolyzes the phosphate
from the proteins. Cyclic AMP is hydrolyzed by a phosphodiesterase.
Perhaps a key point in the modulation system is GTP hydrolysis by the G‐protein. This causes
adenylate cyclase to return to the unstimulated state.
All signaling mechanisms must have this modulation feature to allow the possibility of control.
For example, the Ras protein of mammalian cells is a membrane‐bound GTPase. Mutations that
decrease Ras's GTPase activity can contribute to uncontrolled growth (i.e., tumor formation) of
mammalian cells.