Verifacts - BGV Form
Verifacts - BGV Form
Verifacts - BGV Form
Instructions: Please provide all the information requested in this form. Incomplete Candidate
Declaration Forms (CDFs) will be returned. All supporting documents must accompany this form.
Photocopies must be legible. We have included a checklist to assist you to complete your
application comprehensively.
Voter ID number: _
Client Requirements
Highest Graduation *
Name of the Course
Student ID No/Enrolment No Duration of Study
Division/Class Degree Obtained
Subject Major Course Type (Regular/Distance)
Name of University
Name of College/Study Centre
Address of Institution
City: State:
Pin: :(Landline)
: (Email ID)
NOTE: There are two categories in each form. Please provide information under the relevant Employment Category.
Name of Company
Where were you employed? Registered Corporate Office Branch Office
Designation Remuneration
Department Reported to
Company Name
Designation (Landline)
State you reason for leaving
Note: Please attach legible Photo copies of the following documents relevant to the entries above
Appointment Letter, Salary slips and Release Letter / Service certificate
If employed by Think & Learn Pvt Ltd, I agree to provide copies of all relevant certificates. I understand that employment
with Think & Learn Pvt Ltd is governed by their employment policies as applicable, including satisfactory information from
background checks.
I hereby certify that all information provided herein, is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I authorize
Think & Learn Pvt Ltd and its representative to authenticate information I have provided in my resume and this Candidate
Declaration Form (CDF). To conduct enquiries as may be necessary at the company’s discretion, I authorize all who may
have information relevant to this enquiry to disclose it to Think & Learn Pvt Ltd and/or its representative. I release all
concerned from any liability on account of such disclosures.
I also declare that the information provided by me in my resume and application for employment at Think & Learn Pvt Ltd
and its representative is authentic and I am liable for all inaccuracies and omissions.
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