Science, Technology, and Society Week 4
Science, Technology, and Society Week 4
Science, Technology, and Society Week 4
1. What are the provisions of the 1987 Philippine Constitution to the S&T in our country?
Fortunately, our constitution has provisions to the science and technology. Under
Article XIV: Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture, and Sports there are
four (4) sections, sections 10-13, discussing what and how the state and the congress will
support science and technology and the people behind it.
Section 10. The State shall prioritize S&T’s processes, utilization and capabilities
as well as education, training and services for this will be applied for productivity and the
national life.
Section 11. The citizens of the country who have heart for science and are open to
dedicate their brains for the country will have incentives from the state. Cash assistance,
aids, scholarships and gifts will be given to encourage the said individuals.
Section 12. For the benefit of our motherland, the State shall make sure to
promote the technology. And shall encourage private and publics institutions to be part of
making and enrichment of S&T.
Section 13. The State has the responsibility to protect its gifted in S&T citizens
and their intellectual property in a legal way, especially when these people’s creations is
beneficial to the country’s interest and progress.
2. How important are DOST and its attached institutes and related agencies to Philippine
nation-building? Give examples.
DOST and its attached institutes were built for a cause, to serve the people and a
role that bears tremendous responsibility. And here are the institutes and their
significance in the nation-building:
(a) Department of Science and Technology. In a personal level, I knew DOST
when my high school had a fieldtrip in Pampanga where there is one of their
offices. There, they showed us a demonstration of how they could help to detect
approaching typhoons and their possible casualties in Region 3. From this alone, I
already know they have a vital role in keeping the citizens safe and aware. Also,
this department grants scholarship to deserving students who will take a science
bachelor degree. From here, DOST is doing its role as a department that keeps the
most vital part of the nation, the citizens, safe, informed and supporting the next
generation of professionals in the field of S&T.
(b) Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research
and Development (PCIEERD). In order to win, a team will always need a
concrete plan, strategies and policies to follow. This institute do the planning,
formulating policies and strategies in the sectors of industry, energy and
technology. This is essential in terms of creating the foundations of a nation.
Skyscrapers are able to level with the clouds not only for its walls but also they
have deep and concrete foundations.
(c) Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research
and Development (PCAARRD). This institute is vital in nation-building for this
will guide the nation to manage the resources it have. And with this, the country
have the possibility to be self-sustaining. Every year, billions of money are spent
for importing agricultural, aquatic and natural goods from other countries. How
much could we save, right?
These institutes are like the ingredients in a flavorful dish. All of them have their
distinct flavors (tasks) that when combined, they go well together and brings the
best food we could ever taste.
3. How will the DOST’s Harmonized National R&D Agenda contribute to the attainment
of the middle-class aspirations as stated in AmBisyon Natin 2040 and the targets of the
Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022? Give specific examples.
As I quote from the module, “The Filipinos’ vision for the Philippines in 2040 is
a prosperous, predominantly middle-class society where there is equality of
opportunities and poverty has been eradicated”.
Starting from the equality of opportunities, DOST’s attached institutions,
PCAARRD & PCIEERD, can offer livelihoods to the citizens directly and indirectly.
They could support people to start businesses or jobs. As a domino effect this will cause
comoetitions in the market and lower prices of goods.
Also, “………a society where people live long and healthy lives with a higher life
expectancy at birth of 80 years”. Philippine Council for Health Research and
Development (PCHRD) & Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
(DRR CCA) will be in-charged of taking care of the health and the safety of the people.
For PCHRD, researches about illness can be unraveled to better prevent and cure them.
Also, having advanced and sophisticated machines for more accurate and fast medical
operations. For DRR CCA, as we all know, natural phenomena are inevitable, but if the
people are aware and ready, survival rate can go high tremendously.
4. Name five (5) members in the Order of the National Scientist and specify their
contributions to S&T in the country.
Fe Del Mundo Medical Center, n.d., “History and Legacy”. Retrieved from:
National Academy of Science and Technology, n.d., “Order of National Scientist”.
Z Retrieved from: