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[G.R. No. 124922.

 June 22, 1998]

JIMMY CO, doing business under the name & style DRAGON METAL



On July 18, 1990, petitioner entrusted his Nissan pick-up car 1988 model [1] to private
respondent - which is engaged in the sale, distribution and repair of motor vehicles - for
the following job repair services and supply of parts:

- Bleed injection pump and all nozzles;

- Adjust valve tappet;

- Change oil and filter;

- Open up and service four wheel brakes, clean and adjust;

- Lubricate accelerator linkages;

- Replace aircon belt; and

- Replace battery[2]

Private respondent undertook to return the vehicle on July 21, 1990 fully serviced
and supplied in accordance with the job contract. After petitioner paid in full the repair
bill in the amount of P1,397.00,[3] private respondent issued to him a gate pass for the
release of the vehicle on said date. But came July 21, 1990, the latter could not release
the vehicle as its battery was weak and was not yet replaced. Left with no option,
petitioner himself bought a new battery nearby and delivered it to private respondent for
installation on the same day. However, the battery was not installed and the delivery of
the car was rescheduled to July 24, 1990 or three (3) days later. When petitioner sought
to reclaim his car in the afternoon of July 24, 1990, he was told that it was carnapped
earlier that morning while being road-tested by private respondents employee along
Pedro Gil and Perez Streets in Paco, Manila. Private respondent said that the incident
was reported to the police.
Having failed to recover his car and its accessories or the value thereof, petitioner
filed a suit for damages against private respondent anchoring his claim on the latters
alleged negligence. For its part, private respondent contended that it has no liability
because the car was lost as a result of a fortuitous event - the carnapping. During pre-
trial, the parties agreed that:

(T)he cost of the Nissan Pick-up four (4) door when the plaintiff purchased it from the
defendant is P332,500.00 excluding accessories which were installed in the vehicle by
the plaintiff consisting of four (4) brand new tires, magwheels, stereo speaker, amplifier
which amount all in all to P20,000.00. It is agreed that the vehicle was lost on July 24,
1990 `approximately two (2) years and five (5) months from the date of the purchase. It
was agreed that the plaintiff paid the defendant the cost of service and repairs as early
as July 21, 1990 in the amount of P1,397.00 which amount was received and duly
receipted by the defendant company. It was also agreed that the present value of a
brand new vehicle of the same type at this time is P425,000.00 without accessories.[4]

They likewise agreed that the sole issue for trial was who between the parties shall
bear the loss of the vehicle which necessitates the resolution of whether private
respondent was indeed negligent. [5] After trial, the court a quo found private respondent
guilty of delay in the performance of its obligation and held it liable to petitioner for the
value of the lost vehicle and its accessories plus interest and attorneys fees. [6] On
appeal, the Court of Appeals (CA) reversed the ruling of the lower court and ordered the
dismissal of petitioners damage suit. [7] The CA ruled that: (1) the trial court was limited to
resolving the issue of negligence as agreed during pre-trial; hence it cannot pass on the
issue of delay; and (2) the vehicle was lost due to a fortuitous event.
In a petition for review to this Court, the principal query raised is whether a repair
shop can be held liable for the loss of a customers vehicle while the same is in its
custody for repair or other job services?
The Court resolves the query in favor of the customer. First, on the technical aspect
involved. Contrary to the CAs pronouncement, the rule that the determination of issues
at a pre-trial conference bars the consideration of other issues on appeal, except those
that may involve privilege or impeaching matter, [8] is inapplicable to this case. The
question of delay, though not specifically mentioned as an issue at the pre-trial may be
tackled by the court considering that it is necessarily intertwined and intimately
connected with the principal issue agreed upon by the parties, i.e. who will bear the loss
and whether there was negligence. Petitioners imputation of negligence to private
respondent is premised on delay which is the very basis of the formers complaint. Thus,
it was unavoidable for the court to resolve the case, particularly the question of
negligence without considering whether private respondent was guilty of delay in the
performance of its obligation.
On the merits. It is a not a defense for a repair shop of motor vehicles to escape
liability simply because the damage or loss of a thing lawfully placed in its possession
was due to carnapping. Carnapping per se cannot be considered as a fortuitous event.
The fact that a thing was unlawfully and forcefully taken from anothers rightful
possession, as in cases of carnapping, does not automatically give rise to a fortuitous
event. To be considered as such, carnapping entails more than the mere forceful taking
of anothers property. It must be proved and established that the event was an act of
God or was done solely by third parties and that neither the claimant nor the person
alleged to be negligent has any participation. [9] In accordance with the Rules of
evidence, the burden of proving that the loss was due to a fortuitous event rests on him
who invokes it[10]- which in this case is the private respondent. However, other than the
police report of the alleged carnapping incident, no other evidence was presented by
private respondent to the effect that the incident was not due to its fault. A police report
of an alleged crime, to which only private respondent is privy, does not suffice to
established the carnapping. Neither does it prove that there was no fault on the part of
private respondent notwithstanding the parties agreement at the pre-trial that the car
was carnapped. Carnapping does not foreclose the possibility of fault or negligence on
the part of private respondent.
Even assuming arguendo that carnapping was duly established as a fortuitous
event, still private respondent cannot escape liability. Article 1165 [11] of the New Civil
Code makes an obligor who is guilty of delay responsible even for a fortuitous event
until he has effected the delivery. In this case, private respondent was already in delay
as it was supposed to deliver petitioners car three (3) days before it was lost. Petitioners
agreement to the rescheduled delivery does not defeat his claim as private respondent
had already breached its obligation. Moreover, such accession cannot be construed as
waiver of petitioners right to hold private respondent liable because the car was
unusable and thus, petitioner had no option but to leave it.
Assuming further that there was no delay, still working against private respondent is
the legal presumption under Article 1265 that its possession of the thing at the time it
was lost was due to its fault. [12] This presumption is reasonable since he who has the
custody and care of the thing can easily explain the circumstances of the loss. The
vehicle owner has no duty to show that the repair shop was at fault. All that petitioner
needs to prove, as claimant, is the simple fact that private respondent was in
possession of the vehicle at the time it was lost. In this case, private respondents
possession at the time of the loss is undisputed. Consequently, the burden shifts to the
possessor who needs to present controverting evidence sufficient enough to overcome
that presumption. Moreover, the exempting circumstances - earthquake, flood, storm or
other natural calamity - when the presumption of fault is not applicable [13] do not concur
in this case. Accordingly, having failed to rebut the presumption and since the case
does not fall under the exceptions, private respondent is answerable for the loss.
It must likewise be emphasized that pursuant to Articles 1174 and 1262 of the New
Civil Code, liability attaches even if the loss was due to a fortuitous event if the nature of
the obligation requires the assumption of risk. [14] Carnapping is a normal business risk
for those engaged in the repair of motor vehicles. For just as the owner is exposed to
that risk so is the repair shop since the car was entrusted to it. That is why, repair shops
are required to first register with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) [15] and to
secure an insurance policy for the shop covering the property entrusted by its customer
for repair, service or maintenance as a pre-requisite for such registration/accreditation.
 Violation of this statutory duty constitutes negligence per se.[17] Having taken custody
of the vehicle, private respondent is obliged not only to repair the vehicle but must also
provide the customer with some form of security for his property over which he loses
immediate control. An owner who cannot exercise the seven (7) juses or attributes of
ownership the right to possess, to use and enjoy, to abuse or consume, to accessories,
to dispose or alienate, to recover or vindicate and to the fruits - [18] is a crippled owner.
Failure of the repair shop to provide security to a motor vehicle owner would leave the
latter at the mercy of the former. Moreover, on the assumption that private respondents
repair business is duly registered, it presupposes that its shop is covered by insurance
from which it may recover the loss. If private respondent can recover from its insurer,
then it would be unjustly enriched if it will not compensate petitioner to whom no fault
can be attributed. Otherwise, if the shop is not registered, then the presumption of
negligence applies.
One last thing. With respect to the value of the lost vehicle and its accessories for
which the repair shop is liable, it should be based on the fair market value that the
property would command at the time it was entrusted to it or such other value as agreed
upon by the parties subsequent to the loss. Such recoverable value is fair and
reasonable considering that the value of the vehicle depreciates. This value may be
recovered without prejudice to such other damages that a claimant is entitled under
applicable laws.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the decision of the Court Appeals is
REVERSED and SET ASIDE and the decision of the court a quo is REINSTATED.

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