Special Hazard Fire Suppression Systems
Special Hazard Fire Suppression Systems
Special Hazard Fire Suppression Systems
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based firefighting units. Even though the two techniques act the rim seal zone by means of
towards the same objective, the phenomenon used to gain directional nozzles.
fire control or extinguishment is different and requires an The unit is installed on top of the
expert fire engineer to perform the project analysis of the seal floating roof and a pneumatic
and the product contents in order to select what is the best detection line runs along the
approach for the specific fire risk. Once the basic technique is whole protected arc which is
selected, the next step is the definition of the unit architecture used as a fire detector and
function of the site’s environmental condition, fire detection system actuator. In case of fire
response time, interface with other systems, discharge outbreak in the rim seal zone,
logics and consideration among the units of the same FR the detector melts and the unit
tank. SA Fire Protection is a leader in providing rim seal fire is actuated instantaneously
detection and suppression solutions releasing the extinguishing
for floating roof tanks, agent. The system is
capable of delivering a designed to discharge
wide range of rim seal in a very short time
system configurations, variable from 30
to satisfy every fire to 40 seconds, to
hazard, environmental extinguish the fire
condition and system and avoid a fire
control architecture. spread.
The coverage of
Principle of Operation every unit shall be
The Automatic Rim Seal Fire evaluated depending
Suppression System is a package on each tank, its foam dam
with an integrated linear fire geometry and the classification of its contents. However,
detection system. The unit is in most cases the unit is valid for roughly 40 meters of seal
designed for fast detection circumference protection.
and suppression, releasing the Depending on the client specification, controls on board the
extinguishing agent directly on foam unit can be achieved with two or more Ex pressure
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switches, monitoring system pressurisation, activation and existing control systems. Every tank may be configured in
discharge. Level Controls can be used for halocarbons a common zone or in a sectional zone depending on client
to monitor gas leakage. The contacts are then hardwired activation preferences. Connections with F&G panels or
in a local JB and use a cable turnbuckle to exit the tank other control systems may be achieved hardwired as well,
zone. Outside the tank there is an Ex ia JB with I.S. via an ATEX compliant wireless communication system,
barriers used to interface with dedicated F&G or with other including a master wireless panel with repeating antennas.
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