Advanced Business Analytics
Advanced Business Analytics
Advanced Business Analytics
4 Decision Analysis
1. Familiarity of basic tools like MS EXCEL, SPSS
2. A course in Fundamentals of Business Analytics
1. Urge to learn new techniques which can help in corporate life
Topics to be covered:
Unit Session
Contents Chapter Outcome
No (in Hours)
1 Simulation and Risk Analysis Students will learn how 6
Analyzing risk in business to understand random
decisions uncontrolled behavior
Monte Carlo simulations among customers and
Significance of ‘flaw of its effect on business
averages’ Students will also
Correlate uncertain variables in understand the risk
a simulation model using Risk factors in business and
Solver Platform how to mitigate the
Total 30
Reference Books
Business Analytics for Managers, Laursen & Thorlund, John Wiley & Sons
Data Analytics: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Data Analytics by Edward Mize
Big Data Analytics by Shankarmani & Vijayalakshmi, WIley
Business Analytics: The Science of Data Driven Decision Making