Laura M. Vowels
Matthew J. Vowels
Centre for Computer Vision, Speech and Signal Processing, University of Surrey
Kristen P. Mark
Infidelity is a common occurrence in relationships and can have a devastating impact on both
partners’ well-being. A large body of literature have attempted to factors that can explain or
predict infidelity but have been unable to estimate the relative importance of each predictor.
We used a machine learning algorithm, random forest (a type of interpretable highly non-
linear decision tree), to predict in-person and online infidelity and intentions toward future
infidelity across three samples (two dyadic samples; N = 1846). We also used a game
theoretic explanation technique, Shapley values, which allowed us to estimate the effect size
of each predictor variable on infidelity. The present study showed that infidelity was
desire, relationship length) being the most predictive. The results suggest that addressing
relationship difficulties early in the relationship can help prevent future infidelity.
Is Infidelity Predictable? Using Interpretable Machine Learning to Identify the Most
Infidelity is the most commonly reported cause of divorce in the United States (Amato
& Previti, 2004; Mark et al., 2011) and across at least 160 cultures (Betzig, 1989). The fallout
from infidelity can have devastating consequences for both members of the couple in
& O’Sullivan, 2016). In fact, infidelity is considered the third most difficult problem to work
with in therapy and the second only to abuse for having the most damaging impact on
relationships (Whisman et al., 1997). The prevalence estimates for lifetime infidelity range
between 20-52% depending on the way infidelity is defined and measured (Mark et al., 2011;
Mark & Haus, 2019; Thompson & O’Sullivan, 2016). Definitions of infidelity vary
widely across studies but can broadly can be defined as engaging in emotional or sexual
relations outside of the agreed-upon bounds of the relationship (Mark & Haus, 2019), and
may include behaviors such as flirting with someone, having an emotional connection, sexual
intercourse, or using pornography (Blow & Hartnett, 2005b). With the emergence of the
photos, or watching live webcam porn) have also become more commonplace as forms of
studies to date have attempted to understand factors that may explain and predict infidelity
which include demographic, intraindividual, and interindividual variables (Mark & Haus,
2019). From an evolutionary perspective, men should be more motivated to engage in sexual
infidelity to maximize their reproductive success. Indeed, many studies have found that men
are more likely to engage in sex outside of a relationship (Labrecque & Whisman, 2017;
Petersen & Hyde, 2010) whereas women may be more likely to engage in emotional
infidelity (Selterman et al., 2019). Other studies have found similar levels of infidelity
between men and women especially when both sexual and emotional forms of infidelity are
considered (Allen et al., 2006; Fincham & May, 2017; Mark et al., 2011; Treas & Giesen,
Other demographic variables that have been previously associated with infidelity
include relationship status, education, and religion. Some studies have found that more
committed individuals are less likely to engage in infidelity (Amato & Previti, 2004; Fincham
& May, 2017) and highly educated individuals are more likely to engage in infidelity (Atkins
et al., 2001; Martins et al., 2016; Treas & Giesen, 2000). Whereas other studies have found
the opposite pattern or no difference for education (Allen et al., 2006; Fincham & May,
2017). Finally, individuals with no religious affiliation have been reported to be more likely
to engage in infidelity in some studies (Burdette et al., 2007; Fincham & May, 2017;
Mattingly et al., 2010) but others have not found religious affiliation to be a significant
In addition to demographic variables, there are other intraindividual factors that have
been linked to infidelity in previous studies. For example, individuals with more permissive
sexual attitudes have been shown to be more likely to engage in infidelity (Fincham & May,
2017; Haseli et al., 2019; Martins et al., 2016). Similarly, higher sexual interest in both men
and women has been associated with a higher likelihood of engaging in sexual infidelity
(Fincham & May, 2017; Treas & Giesen, 2000). Several studies have found that individual
differences in attachment predict infidelity. Specifically, more anxious (i.e., individuals who
feel unlovable and unworthy and thus seek excessive reassurance and support in
relationships) and avoidant (i.e., individuals who do not trust in other’s capacity to be there
for them and thus focus on independence and self-reliance) individuals are more likely to
engage in infidelity compared to more secure individuals (i.e., individuals who feel lovable
and trust others; Fincham & May, 2017; Haseli et al., 2019; McDaniel et al., 2017).
There are also interpersonal factors that are associated with greater likelihood of
infidelity in relationships. Although not consistent across all studies, most studies have found
Fincham & May, 2017; Glass & Wright, 1985; Haseli et al., 2019; Owen et al., 2013; Spanier
& Margolis, 1983). Dissatisfaction with one’s sexual relationship, especially related to a
decline in frequency of sex as relationship length increases has also been associated with
greater likelihood of infidelity for men (Liu, 2000). Furthermore, incompatibility between
partners in terms of sexual attitudes has been associated with infidelity, at least for women
While a number of predictors have been found to be associated with infidelity, the
findings are often inconsistent and the studies suffer from poor methodologies (Blow &
Hartnett, 2005a, 2005b). Previous research has also exclusively utilized traditional linear
models, which are ill-equipped to handle a large number of predictors simultaneously, are
unreliable estimates that leave models completely uninterpretable (Breiman, 2001a; Lundberg
et al., 2020; Yarkoni & Westfall, 2017). A small number of studies in relationship science to
date have used machine learning to overcome issues with linear models (Großmann et al.,
2019; Joel et al., 2017, 2020). However, to date none of these studies have been able to
estimate the size or the direction of the effect of each individual predictor variable on the
model outcome.
al., 2017, 2019). This work is particularly interesting because it enables researchers to
combine the use of powerful machine learning algorithms and state-of-the-art model
explainability tools that can provide not only accurate predictions but also increase our
understanding of which factors are the most important in predicting the outcome. The latter is
understanding (Grosz et al. 2020). In the present study, we take advantage of this new
development in machine learning by using random forests (Breiman, 2001b) with Shapley
values (Lundberg et al., 2017, 2019) to estimate the effect size and direction of the effect of
each variable predicting past infidelity. A random forest is a form of interpretable decision
tree that can handle highly non-linear relationships and complex interactions without
overfitting to the data and estimate a large number of predictors simultaneously enabling us
The main aims of the present study were to determine whether we could predict
sexual and online infidelity as well as future intentions toward infidelity and estimate which
variables contribute the most variance in the outcome. Because the study was exploratory in
nature and machine learning is more suitable for exploratory research (Yarkoni & Westfall,
2017), we did not make any a priori hypotheses. However, we used k-fold cross-validation,
in which the model is trained on one part of the data and tested on another. Therefore, this
technique evaluates the model generalizability on unseen test data effectively providing a
confirmatory analysis. We used data from three different studies to further aid
generalizability of our results: one in which data were collected from individuals (Sample 1)
and two datasets in which data were collected from both members of the couple (Samples 2
and 3). Because many previous studies have found differences between men and women, we
analyzed each dataset together for all participants and separately for men and women. In the
latter two samples we also estimated the models including both dyad members’ variables as
predictors in order to explore whether partner variables are also associated with self’s
relationship but only one member of the couple responded to the survey. They were asked
about infidelity in their current or most recent relationship: 32.0% of a total of 891
participants (43.4% of men; 25.7% of women) had engaged in in-person infidelity compared
to 26.6% in online infidelity (41.6% of men; 18.5% of women). In Sample 2, both members
of the couple responded to the surveys and reported on engagement in sexual infidelity in
person or online in their current relationship: 17.4% of a total of 404 participants (18.8% of
men; 15.9% of women) had engaged in in-person infidelity compared to 14.1% in online
relationship were invited to participate and their partners were also invited to complete the
survey. Most participants’ partners also completed the survey but the data also included some
bisexual individuals whose partners did not complete the survey. Because over a quarter of
the sample were consensually non-monogamous, we did not use the questions regarding
engagement in sexual activity with someone other than partner as a measure of infidelity.
Instead, we used whether participants had engaged in sexual activity that could have hurt
Sample 3, 16.5% of a total of 552 participants (12.3% of men; 18.1% of women) had engaged
in a sexual behavior with someone other than partner that could hurt partner’s feelings. On
women separately. In Samples 2 and 3, we also estimated the models with and without
partner effects for men and women. We also estimated the models for each outcome. This
resulted in a total of 26 models. The results for the overall model performances can be found
in Table 1. We report precision, recall, and F1 scores for each class (0 = no infidelity, 1 =
correlation coefficient (MCC). The MCC coefficient can be interpreted as an overall effect
size for the model using established effect size guidelines for Pearson’s correlation: .1 =
Overall, the effect size for in-person infidelity for all participants was between .28 and
.36 indicating a medium effect size. The effect size for men was between .15 and .32 when
only actor effects were included in the models and between .08 (Sample 3) and .42 (Sample
2) when partner effects were also included. The effect size for women was between .25
and .35 when only actor effects were included in the models and between .23 and .35 when
both actor and partner effects were included in the models. Overall, including partner effects
in the models only improved the model performance for men in Sample 2 (.32 compared
to .42). The prediction effect size for online infidelity was medium to large for all participants
(.36 to .38). The effect size for men was between .28 and .33 and for women between .18 and
.49. When both actor and partner effects were included in the models, the overall effect size
decreased from .33 to .24 for men and from .49 to .40 for women suggesting that partner
effects did not add any information and may even detract from the model performance.
predict intention toward infidelity in Sample 3. Overall, we could predict 42.0% of the
variance for all participants. The model was better at predicting men’s (58.0%) intention
toward engaging in infidelity compared to women’s (31.6%). Adding partner effects into the
model did not change the model performance for men (58.0% compared to 58.8%) but
predict infidelity, we also estimated each predictor variable’s contribution to the model
performance using Shapley values. We include the top-10 most important predictors for each
model in Figures 1-6. Due to space limitations, we only provide results for the models
without partner effects given that partner effects did not generally improve the models’
predictive ability. However, for interested readers, all results can be found on the OSF project
importances for Top-20 variables. The left side of each figure provides the mean effect of
each variable on the model outcome for each class. The right side of the figure provides the
estimates for each individual participant. Red indicates a higher value of the predictor
variable and blue indicates a lower value. For example, red is equal to 1 and blue is equal to 0
for binary variables. For the outcome variable, points on the right side of the figure show an
increase in the likelihood of engaging in infidelity whereas the left of the middle point show a
decreased likelihood of engaging in infidelity. It is important to note that the three samples
differed somewhat in the predictor and outcome variables that were available and therefore
the results for the most important predictors vary somewhat across the samples. For the sake
of brevity, we have not discussed each predictor variable in the top-10 in detail as all of the
results can be seen in the figures. We have provided examples of interpretation and discussed
There were several variables that were included in the top-10 most predictive
variables across all three samples (Figures 1-3) across most of the analyses (all, men,
women): relationship satisfaction, solitary desire, dyadic desire, relationship length, and some
sexual activities (had anal sex, oral sex, or vaginal sex). Overall, higher scored on
relationship satisfaction predicted a decreased likelihood of having engaged in infidelity and
satisfied individuals were also more likely to have engaged in infidelity suggesting a more
complex relationship between relationship satisfaction and infidelity. Higher solitary and
having engaged in infidelity across the samples. Higher sexual satisfaction and romantic love
More liberal attitudes toward sexuality in Sample 1 also predicted a higher likelihood of
Online infidelity was only measured in Samples 1 (Figure 4) and 2 (Figure 5). Across
the two samples, having never had anal sex with the current partner decreased the likelihood
of also having engaged in infidelity and higher relationship length and sexual desire increased
the likelihood of having engaged in infidelity. Relationship and sexual satisfaction were only
in the top-10 predictors in Sample 2. Romantic love was also predictive of online infidelity in
Sample 2. Use of hormonal contraceptives decreased the likelihood of men having engaged in
online infidelity in Sample 1 whereas it increased the likelihood of both men and women
Finally, we also measured intentions toward infidelity in Sample 3 (see Figure 6).
Higher relationship and sexual satisfaction as well as romantic love predicted a decrease in
intentions to engage in infidelity for both men and women. Both higher dyadic and solitary
however, was not in the top-10 predictors. Participants who attended weekly religious
services also had higher intentions toward engaging in infidelity compared to participants
who did not attend religious services weekly. Individuals who had been in their relationship
for longer also had higher intentions toward engaging in infidelity compared to individuals
the overall prediction. Due to space limitations, we have only provided figures for the
interactions for Sample 3 as examples because the sample had reports of both past infidelity
as well as intentions toward future infidelity (see Figure 7). Figures with all possible
interactions and simple interaction plots can be found on the OSF project page for each
analysis. In the OSF figures of interaction matrices, purple indicates no interaction and
graduate (all), attending weekly religious service (women), and ever had anal (men) also
contributed to the prediction of having engaged in infidelity. For example, participants who
had graduated college and had more conservative sexual attitudes had the highest likelihood
of having engaged in infidelity whereas participants who had graduated college and had more
liberal attitudes were the least likely to have engaged in infidelity. Of participants who had
not graduated college, more conservative participants were less likely to have engaged in
satisfaction and romantic love (all) and no religion (women and men) also contributed to the
prediction of intentions toward infidelity. For men, those who were not religious and were
satisfied in their relationship were more likely to have intentions toward engaging in
infidelity compared to less satisfied participants. In contrast, men with religious affiliation
were less likely to have intentions to engage in infidelity if they were more satisfied in the
relationship whereas when they were less satisfied, they were more likely to have higher
intentions toward engaging in infidelity. The pattern of the interaction between relationship
engaged in infidelity (Mark et al., 2011; Mark & Haus, 2019; Thompson & O’Sullivan, 2016)
with potentially devastating consequences for relationships causing distress (Thompson &
O’Sullivan, 2016) and often divorce (Amato & Previti, 2004). Infidelity is likely to affect not
only the couple members but also their children, extended family, and friends. It is important
to identify potential risk factors for infidelity in order to target interventions that could
prevent infidelity from occurring in the first place. The purpose of the present study was to
identify potential factors associated with infidelity and to quantify and compare different
factors to better understand which variables are the most strongly associated with infidelity.
infidelity but has suffered from methodological and conceptual inconsistencies making the
results difficult to interpret (Blow & Hartnett, 2005a). Furthermore, the studies have relied
exclusively on linear models, which are often completely uninterpretable due to problems
(Breiman, 2001a; Lundberg et al., 2020; Yarkoni & Westfall, 2017). The present study is the
first of its kind to examine predictors of infidelity using interpretable predictive models:
random forests (Breiman, 2001b) with Shapley values (Lundberg et al., 2017, 2019). Based
on our findings, the short answer to the question posed in the title, “is infidelity predictable?”,
is somewhat. The effect sizes that take into account the true and false positives and negatives
of both classes ranged between small (.08) to large effect (.49) across analyses and samples
suggesting that even though we were able to predict infidelity generally well above chance
level, there are also other factors that we had not accounted for.
While we examined the predictive accuracy of our models, our main aim was to
compare a range of different factors in their ability to predict infidelity. A recent systematic
review found that while demographics and individual characteristics are inconsistently
associated with infidelity, relationship variables tend to be more consistent across studies
(Haseli et al., 2019). We also found that relationship characteristics (relationship satisfaction,
relationship length, dyadic desire, sexual satisfaction, romantic love, and some sexual
activities within the relationship) were consistently in the top-10 most important predictors
across different samples. These findings suggest that addressing relationship issues early on
in the relationship may buffer against the likelihood of one partner going out of the
relationship to seek fulfilment. However, it is also important to note that while individuals
who were more satisfied in their relationship were generally less likely to engage in
infidelity, a subsample of highly satisfied individuals had engaged in infidelity in the past.
This may either reflect the idea that infidelity does also occur in happy relationships (Perel,
2017) or perhaps couples have worked through the infidelity and by the time they responded
to the survey were satisfied in their relationship (Atwater, 1982; Olson et al., 2002).
Furthermore, online infidelity has become more commonplace given the technological
advances in recent years (Albright, 2008). Therefore, we also examined predictors of online
infidelity in two of the three samples. Interestingly, one of the strongest predictors of a
decreased likelihood of having engaged in infidelity online was never having had anal in the
present relationship. This may reflect more restrictive attitudes toward sexuality overall.
Indeed, attitudes toward sexuality were measured in Sample 1 and ranked among the top-10
predictors of online infidelity. However, the relationship was more complex with the most
whereas more moderate and conservative attitudes predicted a decrease. These results are in
line with other studies that have found that more permissive sexual attitudes have been
associated with an increased likelihood of having engaged in infidelity (Fincham & May,
2017; Haseli et al., 2019; Martins et al., 2016). Higher relationship length and sexual desire
also increased the likelihood of having engaged in online infidelity. However, sexual and
relationship satisfaction were only among the top predictors in one of the two samples.
Because the studies were all cross-sectional in nature and some characteristics (e.g.,
relationship quality) may have changed since having engaged in infidelity, we also examined
future intentions toward infidelity in Sample 3. The results showed that higher relationship
and sexual satisfaction as well as romantic love predicted a decrease in intentions to engage
in infidelity whereas previous infidelity, dyadic and solitary desire, as well as longer
services weekly also increased intentions to engage in infidelity for both men and women
whereas having no religion was associated with less intention toward infidelity in men.
engaged in infidelity which is in line with previous research (Burdette et al., 2007; Fincham
& May, 2017; Mattingly et al., 2010). Therefore, it is possible that individuals who are more
religious fantasize about engaging in infidelity but are also less likely to actually act on those
While the results of the present study corroborate many of the existing studies and
akin to a recent systematic review (Haseli et al., 2019) show that the most robust predictors of
infidelity lie within the relationship: individuals who are more satisfied and in love in their
relationship are less likely to have engaged in infidelity and have less intentions to engage in
infidelity in the future. There are also a number of factors that have previously been
associated with infidelity that were not among the most important predictors in the present
study: education (Atkins et al., 2001; Martins et al., 2016; Treas & Giesen, 2000),
relationship status (Amato & Previti, 2004; Fincham & May, 2017), and attachment
(Fincham & May, 2017; Haseli et al., 2019; McDaniel et al., 2017). We only examined
attachment in Sample 1 and higher attachment avoidance did predict an increased likelihood
of having engaged in infidelity in the total sample but was not among the top-10 predictors
for men or women. Attachment anxiety was not predictive of past infidelity. Furthermore,
many previous studies suggest that men are more likely to engage in sexual infidelity than
women (Labrecque & Whisman, 2017; Petersen & Hyde, 2010). In the present study, being a
man was only an important predictor of past online infidelity in one sample supporting
studies that have found that the gender gap in infidelity is decreasing (Allen et al., 2006;
Fincham & May, 2017; Mark et al., 2011; Treas & Giesen, 2000).
The present study adds to our understanding of the most important predictors for
infidelity across three samples. We used a powerful interpretable machine learning technique
that allowed us to produce reliable estimates of the effect sizes of each variable both for the
mean effect as well as the spread of the individual effects (Lundberg et al., 2017, 2019).
Using this method, we were also able to compare a large number of predictors simultaneously
and estimate any non-linear associations and complex interactions. We also examined both
However, the study also had a number of limitations that should be considered. First,
we used a single item measure of in-person and online infidelity and only used a validated
measure for intention toward future infidelity. We were thus unable to account for specific
infidelity behaviors and did not examine emotional infidelity. Future research is needed to
examine a wider range of infidelity behaviors to better understand whether the same
predictors generalize across multiple forms of infidelity or whether these are predicted by
different variables. The results from the present study suggest that these may be somewhat
different given that the most important predictors of in-person and online infidelity also
varied. Second, while we examined infidelity across three large samples, two of which
included data from both members of the couple, the studies were all cross-sectional and it is
not clear how recently the infidelity occurred. Therefore, some of the factors may have
changed from when the infidelity occurred to when the participants completed the survey.
This is a difficulty across most other studies on infidelity but future research should examine
infidelity over time or to conduct surveys on individuals who have just engaged in infidelity.
Third, over 30% of the participants in Sample 1 reported past infidelity. However, the
number of participants who had engaged in infidelity in the dyadic samples was much lower.
This made it more difficult for the algorithm to accurately predict infidelity which is reflected
in lower precision and recall for the infidelity class compared to no infidelity. We used
balanced random forests in order to mitigate this issue but we still had less data available of
people with past infidelity. Finally, while random forests are a powerful tool that will take
advantage of any correlations and interactions in the data, no matter how non-linear, it cannot
causality when examining factors relating to infidelity (after all we cannot create experiments
in which we make people engage in infidelity), we believe that using a predictive model is
In conclusion, the present study provides the most robust and reliable evidence of
factors associated with past in-person and online infidelity as well as intentions toward future
infidelity. The results showed that relationship variables were the most robust predictors of
both past and future infidelity whereas demographics and individual differences variables
were not consistently associated with infidelity. These results suggest that intervening early
on in relationships when difficulties first arise may be the best way to prevent future
infidelity. Furthermore, because sexual desire was one of the most robust predictors of
infidelity, discussing sexual needs and desires and finding ways to meet those needs in
Sample 1
The data were collected as part of a larger cross-sectional study. Participants were
recruited through mTurk and were asked to complete an online survey and were paid 30 cents
for the task. Recruitment was also conducted through social networking sites (e.g., Facebook,
Twitter), email listservs, and targeted recruitment for sexual minority participants on online
forums. Participants recruited from these mediums were entered into a draw to win one of
four $40 Amazon gift cards. Participants were eligible for the study if they were over 18
years of age and had experience with at least one romantic relationship. Ethical approval was
obtained from the [blinded for peer-review] institutional review board and all participants
received a written informed consent at the start of the baseline survey. Details of the
completed the study, had a large amount of missing data, or were missing the outcome
variable were removed from the analyses. Therefore, the final sample consisted of 891
participants; 557 (62.5%) cis-gender women, 279 (31.3%) cis-gender men, and 25 (2.8%)
genderqueer. Most of the participants were straight (n = 483; 53.9%), 189 (21.2%) identified
as bisexual, 101 (11.3%) gay, and 60 (6.7%) lesbian. Majority of the participants were White
(88.4%), married or cohabiting (62.7%), had at least one child (24.5%), had at least some
level of college (95.8%), and did not identify with any religion (54.5%). The average age of
the participants was 32.7 years (SD = 9.63) and the average relationship length for those who
We included all measures as predictor variables that were collected in the study,
which included a total of 95 variables after recoding all categorical variables into dummy
orientation, relationship status, children, and education. Participants also completed questions
around their contraceptive use, sexual behaviors, whether they wanted sex or communication
more or less than they were currently engaging in, and mental and physical health. The
outcome, infidelity, was measured using a single item question for in person infidelity (“I had
sex (e.g., vaginal sex, anal sex, oral sex) with someone other than my current partner”) and
online infidelity (“I interacted sexually with someone other than my current partner on the
Internet (had chat room sex, web cam sex, etc.)”). Both questions were dichotomized with
yes = 1 and no = 0. The following constructs were assessed using previously validated
Sexual desire was assessed using the Sexual Desire Inventory (SDI; Spector et al.,
1996). The scale was used as both a single scale (13 items) as well as divided into dyadic
(nine items) and solitary desire (four items) and assesses an individual’s interest sexual
activity over the past month with higher scores being indicative of higher sexual desire.
Sexual desire was also assessed using the Halbert Index for Sexual Desire (HISD; Yousefi et
al., 2014) which measures sexual desire using 25 items with higher scores being indicative of
higher sexual desire. Sexual satisfaction was assessed using the General Measure of Sexual
Satisfaction Scale (GMSEX; Lawrance & Byers, 1992). The GMSEX is a 5-item measure
used to assess satisfaction with the sexual relationship. Relationship satisfaction was assessed
using the General Measure of Relationship Satisfaction (GMREL; Lawrance & Byers, 1992).
Both GMREL and GMSEX are scored on a 7-point semantic differential scale and higher
scores are indicative of greater satisfaction. Dispositional mindfulness was measured using
the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire – short form (FFMQ-SF; Bohlmeijer et al., 2011).
The scale comprises of a total of 24 items that are divided into five subscales: being non-
reactive, observant, acting with awareness, describing feelings, and non-judgmental attitude.
The items are scored on a 5-point Likert scale with higher scores indicating participants’
agreement with the statement. Attitudes Toward Sexuality Scale (ATSS; Fisher & Hall, 1988)
was used to assess participants’ attitudes toward sexuality. The scale comprises of 13 items
that are measured on a 5-point Likert scale with higher scores indicating the participant is
more liberal, lower more conservative. The Perception of Love and Sex Scale (PLSS;
Hendrick & Hendrick, 2002) measures one’s perception of love and sex comprising of four
subscales: love is most important (six items), sex demonstrates love (four items), love comes
before sex (four items), and sex is declining (three items). The items are measured on a 5-
point Likert scale with higher scores indicating higher agreement. Attachment style was
assessed using the Experience in Close Relationships Scale – Short form (ECR-S; Wei et al.,
2007). The ECR-S consists of two 6-item Likert scales: one for anxiety and one for
Sample 2
We used baseline data from a longitudinal study of couples. The couples were
recruited through various listservs, websites, and social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter).
Participants who were 18 years of age or older, in a mixed sex relationship for a minimum of
three years, currently living with that partner, with no children under the age of one, and not
pregnant (or with a pregnant partner) at the time, met the inclusion criteria and were directed
to provide their partner’s email address. Partners were then emailed the same information that
the initial potential participant was provided and asked the same eligibility criteria questions.
If the partner also met eligibility criteria and agreed to participate, they were both sent
individual unique links to the baseline survey. Participants who completed the baseline were
provided with a $10 gift card ($20/couple). Ethical approval was obtained from the [blinded
for peer-review] institutional review board and all participants received a written informed
consent at the start of the baseline survey. Details of the procedure can be found from
The sample consisted of 202 mixed-sex couples (404 individuals). The majority of
participants (89%) were from the United States, with a minority of the participants from
Canada (11%). The mean age of the sample was 32.5 (SD = 8.90) relationship length of the
couples was 9.19 (SD = 6.85) years. The majority of the sample identified as heterosexual
(93%), with a minority identifying as bisexual (5%), questioning or uncertain (1%), and other
(1%). The majority of participants were White (89%) and this was a fairly educated sample,
The study used many of the same measures as Sample 1 and had a total of 66
variables1. The following questionnaires were not available in the sample: attachment styles
(ECR-S), attitudes toward sexuality (ATSS), Halbert Index of Sexual Desire (HISD), trait
mindfulness (FFQM-SF), and perception of love and sex (PLSS). The study had an additional
scale measuring romantic love, the Romantic Love Scale (Rubin, 1970). The scale consists of
13 items that are meant to measure affiliative and dependent need, a predisposition to help,
and orientation of exclusiveness and absorption. The scale is scored on a 9-point scale with
higher scores indicating higher romantic love. For dyadic analyses, both dyad members’
scores were included as predictors. The outcome measures were the same as in Sample 1.
Sample 3
The lower number of variables in the dataset is mainly due to the sample being of dyadic mixed-sex couples
and therefore many of the variables had fewer categories and thus fewer dummy coded variables (e.g.,
relationship status, sexual orientation)
The final sample consists of couples in which at least one member of the dyad
identified as bisexual. Participants were recruited for the current study utilizing targeted
Twitter, and Reddit). The recruitment messaging explicitly stated that the study aimed to
recruit bisexual individuals and their partners in mixed-sex relationships. A participant met
eligibility criteria if they were over the age of 18, identified as bisexual, were in a romantic
mixed-sex relationship at the time of the survey, and were willing to provide the email
address of their partner to also participate. The respondent first completed the online survey
in which they provided an email address for their partner who was then contacted to complete
the survey. Ethical approval was obtained from the [blinded for peer-review] institutional
review board and all participants received a written informed consent at the start of the
baseline survey. Details of the procedure can be found from [blinded for peer review].
A total of 552 participants completed the baseline survey. Of those, there were 354
individuals who contributed to a dyad (177 couples) and 198 individuals whose partner did
not complete the survey. There were a total of 203 (37%) men, 337 (61%) women, and 12
(2%) transgender/non-binary; 153 (28%) were straight and 380 (69%) were bisexual.
Participants were 29 years old on average (SD = 6.95; range 18-50). The vast majority of the
participants were White (n = 447; 81%), married (n = 299; 54%), and had completed at least
some college (n = 480; 87%). Many participants did not identify with a specific religious
identity (n = 309; 56%) or were Christian (n = 170; 31%). On average, participants had been
in their current relationship for 6.10 years (SD = 5.36); 400 (72%) of those relationships were
The sample included all the same measures as Sample 2 but also had some additional
measures. These include self-esteem (Rosenberg, 1965) which is a 10-item, 5-point Likert
scale with higher scores indicating higher self-esteem, and satisfaction with life scale (Diener
et al., 1985) which is a 5-item, 7-point Likert scale with higher scores indicating better life
satisfaction. The outcome measures used were also different because a quarter of the sample
activity with someone other than their primary partner. For this sample, we measured
infidelity using a question “Have you done something sexual with another person that could
hurt the relationship?”. We also used a measure of intentions toward infidelity. The Intentions
Toward Infidelity Scale (ITIS; Jones et al., 2010) assesses the likelihood of someone being
unfaithful to their partner. The scale consists of seven items and the response options range
Data Analysis
Data Preparation. All categorical variables were dummy coded (0 and 1) with each
option included in the models. Any variables that were essentially the same as the outcome
variable were removed from the analyses. Any missing variables were imputed using
Random forest multiple imputation. Less than 0.1% of the data were missing, and any
missing data points were imputed using the scikit-learn package Iterative Imputer (Pedregosa
Analyses. All data were analyzed at the individual level with the full sample, with
men only, and with women only. Additionally, the data from dyads in which both members
of the couple had responded to the questionnaire was also analyzed separately for men and
women including both actor and partner effects in the model. The results were analyzed using
Python 3.7 and the code can be found here: [blinded for peer-review]. Each dataset was
analyzed using either a random forest regressor (Breiman, 2001b), or a balanced random
forest classifier (Breiman, 2001b; Chen et al., 2004) for continuous and categorical outcomes,
respectively. A random forest is a type of decision tree that trains on bootstrapped sub-
samples of the data in order to avoid overfitting. The tree can model highly non-linear
relationships in the data, and therefore represents a significantly more flexible model than a
logistic regression. In cases where one class occurs much more often than another, many
classifiers may learn to predict the majority class well, but not learn important associations
necessary to predict the minority class. The balanced random forest variant, for categorical
outcomes, is designed to provide better results in scenarios where there may be a class
imbalance in the dataset. In the current study, there is imbalance between participants who
had engaged in infidelity and those who had not. The balanced random forest is able to
mitigate the problems associated with unequal class ‘support’ by undersampling the majority
class in the bootstrapping process, thereby balancing the classes during training.
In general, random forest models are sensitive to hyperparameter settings (such as the
number of estimators, or the maximum depth of the decision tree). However, tuning
hyperparameters requires a separate validation data split which reduces the effective sample
size available for training and testing. Therefore, we use the default “imbalanced-learn”
balanced random forest classifier (IMBLEARN cite) and the default “scikit learn” random
forest regressor (Pedregosa et al., 2011) with k-fold cross-validation. The out-of-bag error is
a built-in metric frequently used to estimate the performance of random forests (Joel et al.,
2017, 2020), but in some circumstances this metric been shown to be biased above the true
error (Janitza & Hornung, 2018; Mitchell, 2011). By using a k-fold cross-validation
approach, instead of the out-of-bag error, we were able to test the model over the entire
dataset, and to acquire estimates for the standard error (see below). It is essential that the
trained model is tested on a separate partition of the dataset, even for less complex linear
models, when any data-driven decisions are made (Heyman & Smith Slep, 2001; Yarkoni &
Westfall, 2017).
A ten-fold cross-validation scheme was used to train and test the model. This means
the total dataset is randomly split into ten equally sized folds. The model is trained on nine
out of ten folds, tested on the tenth, and the test fold performance is recorded. This is repeated
until all ten folds have been used as a test set. The average performance, as well as the
standard error across the ten folds, provide an estimate of model performance on unseen data.
For continuous outcome (intention toward infidelity), the metrics for test data model
performance are the mean-squared error (which is the averaged squared difference between
the prediction and the observed value), the R2, and the variance explained. For the binary
outcomes (past online and in-person infidelity) the metrics for test data model performance
are the precision, recall, F1-score, and Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC). These
metrics provide a more complete picture than an accuracy score, particularly for imbalanced
data. For instance, if a dataset contained a 90/10 imbalance, an accuracy of 90% could be
achieved simply by predicting the majority class for all new datapoints, and is therefore
meaningless. In contrast, precision is the ratio of true positives to the sum of true positives
and false positives; recall is the ratio of true positives to the sum of true positives and false
negatives, and the F1-score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. These metrics
data. Arguably the best summary statistic for imbalanced classification problems is MCC
(Boughorbel et al., 2017; Chicco & Jurman, 2020; Matthews, 1975). The MCC provides a
score bounded between [-1, 1] and is directly analogous to Pearon’s correlation coefficient. If
MCC=0 then the classifier is no better than random chance, if MCC=1 then the classifier
achieves perfect prediction, and if MCC=-1 the classifier perfectly predicts the opposite of
and explained using the “SHapley Additive exPlanations” package (SHAP) (Lundberg et al.,
2017, 2019, 2020). The SHAP package is a unified framework for undertaking model
explainability, and derives from the seminal game theoretic work of Lloyd Shapley (Shapley,
common goal (i.e., the regressor performance). The approach involves systematically
from different combinations of predictors. Traditional approaches (e.g., using the coefficients
from a linear model, or importances from a random forest) are unreliable and ‘inconsistent’,
and the Shapley approach has been shown to provide explanations with certain theoretic
guarantees (Lundberg et al., 2020). The SHAP TreeExplainer function provides estimations
of the per-datapoint, per-predictor impact on model output, as well as the average predictor
interactions on model output. For the analysis the default settings of the SHAP package
TreeExplainer were used, and the entire dataset was fed to the model for explanation. The
combination of the powerful function approximation capabilities of random forests with the
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The Overall Results for Infidelity, Infidelity Online, and Intention toward Infidelity across the Three Samples
correlations coefficient, % Var = percentage of variance explained, MSE = mean squared error.
a. MCC is the overall effect size of the classification that takes into account the true and false positives and negatives in each class and
provides an overall measure of accuracy. The MCC can be interpreted akin to Pearson’s correlation coefficient with effect sizes of small
In f id e lit y in P e r s o n A ll
N ever had anal
S o lit a r y d e s ir e
T o t a l d e s ir e
A t t a c h m e n t a v o id a n c e
R e la t io n s h ip le n g t h
L o v e b e fo re s e x
N e v e r m a stu rb a te p a rtn e r
AT S S to ta l
R e la t io n s h i p s a t is f a c t io n
N e v e r u se d se x to y
In f id e lit y in P e r s o n M e n
AT S S to ta l
S o lit a r y d e s ir e
L o v e b e fo re s e x
N ever had anal
N e v e r u se d se x to y
F F M Q - S F d e s c r ib e
S e c d e m o n s t r a t e s lo v e
S e x d e c lin in g
D y a d ic d e s ire
H I S D d e s ir e
In f id e lit y in P e r s o n W o m e n
D y a d ic d e s ire
N e v e r u se d se x to y
N ever had anal
L o v e b e fo re s e x
R e la t io n s h ip le n g t h
D y a d ic d e s ire
AT S S to ta l
B is e x u a l
S o lit a r y d e s ir e
L o v e m o s t im p o r t a n t
Figure 2
In f id e lit y in P e r s o n A ll
R e l a t io n s h i p s a t i s f a c t i o n
R o m a n t i c L o v e S c a le
S o lit a r y d e s ir e
S e x u a l s a t is fa c t io n
D y a d ic d e s ir e
R e l a t i o n s h ip l e n g t h
A ge
P h y s ic a l h e a lt h
H a d v a g in a l s e x p a s t m o n t h
W h it e
In f id e lit y in P e r s o n M e n
R e l a t io n s h i p s a t i s f a c t i o n
R o m a n t i c L o v e S c a le
S o lit a r y d e s ir e
R e c e iv e o r a l p a s t m o n t h
S e x u a l s a t is fa c t io n
A ge
D y a d ic d e s ir e
O r a l c o n t r a c e p t iv e
H a d v a g in a l s e x p a s t m o n t h
R e l a t i o n s h ip l e n g t h
In f id e lit y in P e r s o n W o m e n
R o m a n t i c L o v e S c a le
S o lit a r y d e s ir e
S e x u a l s a t is fa c t io n
R e l a t i o n s h ip l e n g t h
P h y s ic a l h e a lt h
R e l a t io n s h i p s a t i s f a c t i o n
D y a d ic d e s ir e
A ge
W h it e
N ever had anal
Figure 3
In f id e lit y G e n e r a l A ll
IT IS s c o r e
Ever had anal
R e l a t io n s h ip le n g t h
A tt e n d s e r v ic e w e e k ly
S o l it a r y d e s ir e
S e x u a l s a t is fa c t io n
G r a d u a t e d c o l le g e
R e la t io n s h i p s a t is f a c t io n
D y a d ic d e s ir e
N ever had anal
In f id e lit y G e n e r a l M e n
R e l a t io n s h ip le n g t h
N e v e r a tt e n d s e r v ic e
L ife s a t is fa c t io n
R o m a n t i c L o v e S c a le
S e lf - e s t e e m
S o l it a r y d e s ir e
IT IS s c o r e
G r a d u a t e d c o l le g e
B a r r ie r b i r t h c o n t r o l
In f id e lit y G e n e r a l W o m e n
IT IS s c o r e
Ever had anal
D y a d ic d e s ir e
G r a d u a t e d c o l le g e
S e lf - e s t e e m
S o l it a r y d e s ir e
S e x u a l s a t is fa c t io n
R o m a n t i c L o v e S c a le
L ife s a t is fa c t io n
R e la t io n s h i p s a t is f a c t io n
Figure 4
In f id e lit y O n lin e A ll
N ever had anal
M an
R e la t io n s h i p l e n g t h
W om an
G ay
H o r m o n a l c o n t r a c e p t io n
T o t a l d e s ir e
S o lit a r y d e s ir e
I n f id e li t y p a s t w e e k
A T S S to ta l
In f id e lit y O n lin e M e n
S t ra ig h t
S o lit a r y d e s ir e
N ever had anal
G ay
F e m a le p a r t n e r
H o r m o n a l c o n t r a c e p t io n
T o t a l d e s ir e
R e la t io n s h i p l e n g t h
F F M Q -S F n o n -re a c t
L o v e b e fo re s e x
In f id e lit y O n lin e W o m e n
N ever had anal
R e la t io n s h i p l e n g t h
A T S S to ta l
N e v e r u se d se x to y
B is e x u a l
N o r e l ig i o u s s e r v i c e
S o lit a r y d e s ir e
F F M Q -S F o b s e rv e
N e v e r m a stu rb a te p a rtn e r
T o t a l d e s ir e
Figure 5
In f id e lit y O n lin e A ll
S o l it a r y d e s i r e
R o m a n t ic L o v e S c a le
R e la t io n s h ip s a t is fa c t io n
D y a d ic d e s ir e
S e x u a l s a t is fa c t io n
Ever had anal
V a g in a l s e x p a s t m o n t h
N ever had anal
R e la t io n s h ip le n g t h
G r a d u a t e d c o ll e g e
In f id e lit y O n lin e M e n
S e x u a l s a t is fa c t io n
S o l it a r y d e s i r e
R o m a n t ic L o v e S c a le
D y a d ic d e s ir e
R e la t io n s h ip s a t is fa c t io n
Ever had anal
G r a d u a t e d c o ll e g e
V a g in a l s e x p a s t m o n t h
O r a l c o n t r a c e p t iv e
N ever had anal
In f id e lit y O n lin e W o m e n
R o m a n t ic L o v e S c a le
S o l it a r y d e s i r e
D y a d ic d e s ir e
R e la t io n s h ip s a t is fa c t io n
O r a l c o n t r a c e p t iv e
Ever had anal
R e la t io n s h ip le n g t h
N a t u r a l b ir t h c o n t r o l
S t r a ig h t
I m p la n t b i r t h c o n t r o l
Figure 6
The Top-10 Most Important Predictors for Intention toward Future Infidelity in Sample 3
In t e n t io n t o w a r d In f id e lit y A ll
R e la t i o n s h i p s a t is f a c t i o n
R o m a n t i c L o v e S c a le
H a d e n g a g e d i n in f i d e li t y
S o li t a r y d e s i r e
D y a d ic d e s ire
R e la t i o n s h ip le n g t h
S e x u a l s a t is fa c t io n
A t t e n d w e e k ly s e r v i c e
B is e x u a l
N ever had anal
In t e n t io n t o w a r d In f id e lit y M e n
R e la t i o n s h i p s a t is f a c t i o n
N o r e l ig i o n
R e la t i o n s h ip le n g t h
B is e x u a l
A t t e n d w e e k ly s e r v i c e
S o li t a r y d e s i r e
S e x u a l s a t is fa c t io n
R o m a n t i c L o v e S c a le
S t r a ig h t
D y a d ic d e s ire
In t e n t io n t o w a r d In f id e lit y W o m e n
R e la t i o n s h i p s a t is f a c t i o n
R o m a n t i c L o v e S c a le
H a d e n g a g e d i n i n f id e li t y
S e x u a l s a t is fa c t io n
D y a d ic d e s ire
S o li t a r y d e s i r e
L i fe s a t is f a c t i o n
A t t e n d w e e k ly s e r v i c e
R e la t i o n s h ip le n g t h
Figure 7
The Results for the Most Important Moderators for Infidelity and Intention toward Infidelity
in Sample 3
E n g a g e d in In f id e lit y A ll E n g a g e d in In f id e lit y W o m e n
A t t e n d s e r v ic e w e e k ly
G r a d u a t e d c o lle g e
IT IS s c o r e IT IS s c o r e
E n g a g e d in In f id e lit y M e n In t e n t io n t o w a r d In f id e lit y A ll
R o m a n t i c L o v e S c a le
Ever had anal
IT IS s c o r e R e l a t i o n s h ip s a t i s f a c t i o n
In t e n t io n t o w a r d In f id e lit y M e n In t e n t io n t o w a r d In f id e lit y W o m e n
N o r e l ig i o n
N o r e l ig i o n
R e la t io n s h ip s a t is fa c t io n R e l a t i o n s h ip s a t i s f a c t io n