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Proposal An Analysis of Figurative Language in Khalid'S Albums

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A.1 Background of Study
The human need to communicate with each other. In human life communication is often
confronted with each other in a container both formal and informal. Formal communication
style using language that is more structured, less sociable, personality becomes more regular,
and rarely use inappropriate jokes and emotions more manageable. Casual communication
style is more relaxed and use everyday language structure is more slang. This communication
style is more likely to play around and make jokes and emotions more freely to be expressed.
Language is a tool for communicate for human being it is one of the ways to
communicate between people in the middle of society and so on, many kinds of languages
that has been used in every country. In every town and in every region, But the society
avowed the international language is English. As Aditya said in her thesis. English is one of
the most popular worldwide languages in the world according to him, the progress of English
is significant through the people in the world. And people need to talk fluently in global era. I
agree with her opinion we can see that English is spread around the world as International
language (Aditya,2012).
Figurative language is a part of the literature included in the intrinsic element. Figurative
language is a characteristic of the writer in delivering his writings to the public. Some
literature uses figurative language to make more interesting, as it is used in a song lyric.
Figurative language has implied meaning or it can be said that the meaning of the figurative
language is based on the context. Figurative language is a language which uses figures of
speech or a way of saying one thing and means another. Figurative language is used in
imaginative rather than literal sense, such as smile, metaphor, alliteration, and much more.
Song lyrics are some informative literatures that gives information with literal meaning using
figurative language. Thus, to understand it, people have to think deeper if any difficult
vocabulary in the lyrics, people must explain or give special attention in giving meaning. To
understand the lyrics, it is important to know and find the meaning of figurative language
used in lyrics song.
Figurative language or figurative language itself is usually used to analyse the deeper
meaning of word, smile, figurative language or figurative this one is used to express a
comparison between two objects that carry the same character.
Figurative language or figure of speech is a beautiful word which has implicit meaning.
Sometimes, people cannot absorb the meaning of figurative language correctly. It’s because a
figurative of speech cannot be translated word by word people have to think deeper to
understand what writers or speaker says in figurative language.
Figurative language was thought of as being one aspect of what gives a text-in particular,
a poetic text-special aesthetic value. It can be said figurative language expresses something in
another way to refer one thing by giving the implied meaning. It is often used in literary
works to demonstrate the creativity of the author and the beauty of language. Besides, it is
also one of the ways to interpret the hidden meaning in literary works. (Dingier and Sweetser
2014).by it is creator and song with a beautiful voice singer. The writers interested in
analysing lyrics of an analysis of figurative language in Khalid’s albums because in lyrics
many expressions from singer that are imagine about condition or situation which singer got.
This study discusses the figurative analysis in Khalid's album. The purpose of this study
was to identify the types of figurative language contained in Khalid's album and analyze the
meaning of figurative language, and in this study also used qualitative descriptive. and
research data taken from the album Khalid.This research is a qualitative research. Qualitative
research is a research method based on the philosophy of positivism, used to examine the
condition of natural objects, where the researcher is the key instrument, sampling of data
sources is carried out purposively and snowball, collection techniques are triangulation
(combined), data analysis is inductive or qualitative research, and qualitative research results
are more important than generalizations (sugiyono, 2011). This qualitative research method
would be used to analysed of Figurative Language in Selected Khalid’s One song Lyrics. In
using this qualitative research design, it is intended that make good analytical results to find
out the type and meaning of figure speech for readers.
An analysis of figurative language in Khalid’s albums American Teen The reason I chose
the title of the album Khalid's America Teen is because I felt inspired by Khalid's song in the
America Teen album, in the America Teen album Khalid's experienced an event that was
beyond his mind Khalid's mother and father separated, and Khalid's lived with his mother and
father. Khalid's died in a car accident. And from that I was attracted by the title of Khalid's
album because Khalid told his life story or biodata through an album entitled American Teen,
and even though Khalid was at a low point after losing his mother, Khalid still got up and
was enthusiastic and at the end of the day. In the end, Khalid's became a famous singer, and
in Khalid's song there were too many songs that made other people get up, even when they
were in a slump.
Biography of Khalid who was born in Georgia on February 11, 1998 from a mother
Linda Wolfe who worked in the military as a supply technician for more than 10 years.
Because of his job, they had to move frequently when he was young. Through the song
'Location' which catapulted his name as a singer, he reached number 16 on the 'US Billboard
Hot 100' chart. It was followed by the release of 'American Teen', consciously named as such
to combat the stereotypical view of the 'proper America', which was also equally successful
and reached Number 4 on the 'US Billboard 200' album chart, making him even more sought
after by the public. Khalid's childhood his life shifts. His parents separated. Khalid lived in
Germany with his mother, while his father died in a car crash.
After his mother retired, he settled at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas as a First-Class
Sergeant. He lived in places such as Fort Campbell in Kentucky, Fort Drum in Watertown,
New York, and in Heidelberg, Germany for six years. Khalid's singing talent descended from
his mother who wanted to become an R&B singer in the 1990s. His mother performed with
the US Army band after joining the military due to family problems.
In the album Khalid’s American teen songs analyzed there are 15 songs, namely:
1.american teen, young dumb & broke, location, another sad love song, saved, coater,8teen,
let’s go, hopeless, cold blooded, winter, therapy, keep me, shot down, angels.
Because in the American teen album there are too many Khalid’s songs that inspire
and for music listeners it is fun to hear and will not be bored to hear Khalid’s songs, and
some of Khalid’s songs are also there to raise enthusiasm and always trust yourself.

A.2 Problem of the study

Based on the background of the study the problem could be stated as follows:
1. What are the types of figurative language are used in Khalid’s albums?
2. What is the meaning of figurative language used in Khalid’s albums?
A.3 The purpose of study
Based on the problem of the study, the purpose is:
1. To classify out the types of figurative language in Khalid’s album’s
2. To analyse the meaning of figurative language in Khalid’s album’s
A.4 Significance of study
The findings in study will be expected to be useful and relevant in some respects, both
theoretically and practically:
The finding of this study can add the knowledge about the types of figurative language,
can understand what the meaning of figurative language of a song. A study figurative
language is very important because it is one aspect of the language.
a. For teachers
It helps teacher who like Khalid’s albums to be inspiration and example in literature.
b. For other researchers
It helps readers who are interested in music to understand figurative language in
Khalid's albums well.
A.5.Scope of study
This researcher chooses the first albums to analysed because in this album Khalid’s
American teen. This study examines the song lyrics of Khalid's on the American Teen album.
The songs on the album have figurative language lyrics that interesting to study and there are
various themes in it so that it makes an album that contains various kinds of emotional
coverage displayed in each lyric. An example of the use of figurative language in Khalid's
album is American teen.
This study examines the song lyrics of Khalid's on the album. The songs on the album
have lyrics in a language style that interesting to study. and there are also various themes in it
so that this album contains various kinds of emotional coverage that is displayed in each of
the. lyrics. Another example of the use of language style in this album is in the lyrics of the
song titled angels.
Literature Review
This chapter presents review of theories concerning the research topic and conceptual
framework underlying the study, the details of the theoretical review and conceptual
framework as follows
B.1 The Nature of Music and Song
a. Definition of Music
Music is one medium of art expression; music reflects the culture of the community.
In the music contained values and norms that are part of the cultural enculturation process,
both from the point of structural and type in culture. So that happened to music in the Malay
culture. According to Hornby “music is sounds that are arranged in a way that is pleasant or
exciting to listen to. So, the art of music is the expression of feelings or thoughts spark which
issued regularly in the form of sound. The sound is the most basic elements of music. The
sound of good music is the result of the interaction of three elements: rhythm, melody and
b. Definition of Song
In music a song is a composition for voice performance by singing or alongside
musical instruments. A choral or vocal song be accompanied, as in the case of a Capella
songs. “Songs contain vocal parts that are performed with the human voice and generally
feature words (lyrics), commonly accompanied by other musical instruments (exceptions
would be a cappella and scat songs). The words of songs are typically of a poetic, rhyming
nature, although they may be religious verses or free prose. Song and music are related to
each other in order to make good symphony. Song is a kind voice which has rhythm and
music is the rhythm. Another definition of song is suggested in Longman Modern Dictionary
which states that song is “the act of singing, short composition in which word and music
combined together for unity. It means that song cannot be separate from the music. Song and
music are related to each other in order to make good symphony. “Song is a kind voice which
has rhythm and music is the rhythm. Songs are highly expressive. Some convey love and
emotions, some tell a memorable and moving story, some create one’s dreams and ideals, and
some reminisce about the golden past. Songs has a beautiful melody to make our sense
change to be better. Music instrument make a good song which nice to listen. Song can
change our mood become better.
c. Definition of lyrics
The form of song lyrics is similar to poetry so that many poems are often used
delivered with musical accompaniment. Therefore, song lyrics can be considered as poetry or
vice versa. states that the texts Poetry is not limited to literary works, but also language
expressions that are in the form of proverbs, political slogans, advertisements, pop song
lyrics, and prayers (Luxemburg;1986).
B.2 Genres of the song
Songs can be broadly divided into many different forms and types, depending on the
criteria used:

a. art song
are songs created for performance by classical artists, often with piano or another
instrument accompaniment, although they can be sung solo, art song’s require strong vocal
technique, understands of language, diction and poetry for interpretation.
b. folk song
are songs of often anonymous origin that are transmitted orally. Folk song is
frequently a major aspect of national or culture I identity. art song often approaches the status
of folk songs when people forget who the author was. Folk includes ballads, lullabies, love
songs, mourning songs, dance songs, ritual song’s and many more.
c. lyric
Song lyrics are someone's expression about something that has been seen, heard, or
experienced, in expressing the songwriter's experience playing word games and language to
create attraction and uniqueness to the lyrics of the song or poem. Song lyrics are also formed
from language. which is generated from communication between songwriters and song

B3. Kinds of Music

Popular songs are songs that are liked by the surrounding community and the types of
songs prioritize presentation techniques and freedom in using rhythm and types of
instruments, not because of the shape, pattern, or composition of the song. As the name
implies, popular songs are songs that are already familiar to people's ears.
Rock music is one type of music genre that has a relationship with pop music. The
hallmark of rock music is the use of dominant musical instruments such as guitars and
amplifiers that produce varied sounds and produce loud sounds.
Dangdut music is a blend of local Indonesian music with Indian and Malaysian film
music, as well as Western rock music. This combination of styles was first used in Jakarta,
around the end of the 1960s. Then this style reached the peak of its popularity in the 1970s
and 1980s.
Hip-hop song is a cultural movement that began to grow around the 1970's which was
developed by African-American and Latin-American communities. Hip Hop is a very
dynamic blend of elements consisting of MCing (better known as rapping), DJing,
Breakdancing, and Graffiti. Recently, elements of Hip Hop are also colored by Beatboxing,
fashion, slang, and other lifestyles.

Jazz music is a type of music originating from America that emphasizes
improvisation, syncopation, rhythm, and accompanied by special instruments. According to
the Whitney Ballet, jazz is a very personal type of music that is similar to blues, has a unique
vocal, instrumental sound, and added improvisation from the players. Jazz music is also a
perfection in a music.
Classical music is a very broad term and mostly refers to music created or derived
from western artistic traditions, namely orchestral music and secular music. This music
covers a very wide period from the 19th century to the 21st century. Classical is now
distinguished from popular music and non-western music because of differences, especially
in the connotation of music. This difference has occurred since the 16th century. Western
musical notation is used by composers to give instructions for the pitch used, speed, meter,
individual rhythm and proper disposition of a piece of music to a musical performer.

B.4 Definition of figurative Language

is part of diction related to individual or characteristic expressions and have high
artistic value. Understanding style in general is a way of expressing yourself, good through
language, behavior, dress, or otherwise. Language style is a way of expressing thoughts
through language specifically by the wearer. Distinctiveness that can reflect the wearer's
ideas and feelings can then cause deep language expressions both in terms of expression of
emotion, creativity, inspiration or motivation (Keraf,2008). Style is a distinctive way of
expressing thoughts and feelings in oral or written form (KBBI, 2007). language style is a
way of expressing thoughts through language specifically that shows the personality of the
language user (keraf,2008).
Language has the impression of aesthetics and carry the meaning simultaneously.
Without aesthetics of language, literature becomes bland. So, the author’s flexibility of
working out the language will create a unique aesthetics of literary work. Figurative language
also called as figure of speech. “Figurative language is language that uses words or
expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation. Figurative
language of figure of speech is combinations of words whose meaning cannot be determined
by examination of the meanings of the words that make it up or to put it another way, a
figurative language uses a number of words to represent a single object, person or concept.
Figurative language is rarely used in our daily conversation. Figurative language is often
found in literary works, such as: articles in newspaper, advertisements, novels, poems, music,
etc. Figurative language is the use of words that go beyond their ordinary meaning (Bradshaw
Language style in terms of non-language and linguistic terms. In terms of language
aspects of the language used, the style of language can be distinguished based on the starting
point of the elements. the language used, namely:
a. language style based on word selection
b. language style based on the intonation or tone contained in the discourse
c. language style based on sentence structure
d. style based on direct lack of meaning (Keraf;2010).
B.5.Theoritical Framework
The literature review contains a description of the theory, findings and other research
materials obtained from the material to be used as the basis for research activities. The
description in this literature review is intended to develop a framework that explains the
problem solving that has been described previously in the formulation of the problem.
B.6. Kinds of figurative language
a. simile
Simile is the figure that make comparison between two different things, just like
metaphor but in simile usually using the word as, than, like, seem, so, appear, more than. the
common heritage of similes in everyday speech usually reflects simple comparison based on
the natural world or familiar domestic object. This characteristic its intended to express the
similar thing with another directly
b. Hyperbole
Hyperbole is the term used overstatement. This figure use by someone who has desire
and expectation to the thing that happen to make object greater than the real object (Shaw
c. Alliteration
Alliteration is a form of language that is tangible repetition of the same consonant
sound, usually used in poetry or prose. In this case also includes song lyrics because in song
lyrics too contains poetic elements. Alliteration is used to bring out the beauty and the
sweetness of the sound in a poem, prose, or song (Keraf;2008).
d. Assonance
Assonance is a form of figurative language in the form of repetition of vowel sounds
the same one. The repetition of the sound aims to obtain the effect of emphasis or beauty
e. Metaphor
Metaphor is a style of language in the form of a direct comparison in a nutshell and
does not require a comparison word that shows the comparison (Keraf,2008).
f. Personification
Personification is a style of language in the form of giving human traits to inanimate
objects so that inanimate objects seem to live and behave like humans (Keraf,2008).
g. Symbolism
is a kind figure speech that using symbol of animal, plants or things for substitute
something? symbol is any object or action that represents something beyond its literal self.
Symbolism established from the result of personal experience or fantasies. Many poets have
used the rose as a symbolism of youth and beauty a flag is a symbolism of a nation
h. Litotes
is a figurative language that uses disparaging statements by using double negatives or
in other words positive statements?
Litotes is an expression of one meaning by saying something is the direct opposite of one
thought, it is to make someone comment strongly. Litotes is a form of belittling that is always
conferred with the intent of subtle emphasis. However, the interpretation of litotes depends
on the context including the cultural context (According to Hornby; 2000).
I. Irony
In most of the modern critical uses of the term irony there remains the root sense of
dissembling or hiding what is actually the case not however, in order to deceive, but to
achieve special rhetorical or artistic effects. Irony is a way of speaking or writing by saying
something while the meaning is another. It refers to a situation in which reality differs from
appearance. It occurs in sentence or words when they imply contrast or opposite meaning.
j. Paradox
The term paradox comes from the Greek word "paradox on" which means contrary to
expectations, existing beliefs or perceived opinions. argues that the reader must delve beyond
the literal meaning to find a deeper, usually more philosophical meaning that will reconcile
the apparent absurdity. Paradox is a figure of speech that conveys two contradictory things
but this figure expresses real facts that make sense even the speaker or writer uses absurd
words. But the important part of the paradoxes is that they at least sound plausible (Shaw;
B.7 Review of related research
Related research is one of the references for the author to get references and to
examine the theory used in the research. The researcher raised the title from other references
that were closely related to the title that the researcher discussed so that the results of these
references could be used as comparison material in analyzing the data obtained by the
researchers. there are several related studies used by the research in this study, namely:
The first researcher, from Mutia Sekar Komala (2020), with the title Celine Dion's
song style in the audience sensa album (Proposed to the Faculty of Language and Arts,
Yogyakarta State University to fulfill several requirements to obtain a bachelor's degree in
The results of research on the types and functions of figurative language on the album
Sans Attender pointed out that (1) there are 10 types of language style, namely 96 alliteration,
124 assonance, 15 asyndeton, 9 polysyndeton, 25 ellipsis, 16 rhetorical questions, 6
hyperbole, 11 simile, 9 metaphor, and 18 personification. From these results, it can be seen
that the most widely used language styles are alliteration, assonance, and ellipsis. The use of
this language style aims to produce a beautiful song. (2) The stylistic functions found in the
Sans Attender album are four functions consisting of 58 expressive functions, 20 functions
conative, 73 referential functions, and 105 poetic functions. The dominant function contained
in the album Sans Attender is a poetic function. Songwriter wants highlight the aesthetic
value of his songs in the album Sans Attender through the use of language style and diction
that contains a lot of figurative meanings.
The second researcher, from Nur Annisa Safira, (2020), with the title Figurative
language in selected Shawn Mendes album song lyrics (Submitted in part to fulfill part of the
requirements for obtaining a Bachelor of Education S.Pd. English Language Education
The results of research on the types and functions of figurative language on the album
Sans Attender indicated that (1) there were 10 types of language styles, namely 96
alliteration, 124 assonances, 15 ascensions, 9 polysyndeton’s, 25 ellipsis, 16 rhetorical
questions, 6 hyperbole, 11 similes, 9 metaphors, and 18 personifications. From these results,
it can be It is known that the language styles that are widely used are alliteration, assonance,
and ellipsis. The use of this language style aims to produce songs that beautiful. (2) The
stylistic functions found in the album Sans Attender as many as four functions consisting of
58 expressive functions, 20 conative, 73 referential functions, and 105 poetic functions. The
dominant function contained in the album Sans Attender is a poetic function. Songwriter
wants highlight the aesthetic value of his songs in the album Sans Attender through the use of
language style and diction that contains a lot of figurative meanings.
The third researcher, from Umpris Yastanti,Jajang Suhendra,Risky Mirani Desi
Pratama,(2018), with the title figurative language in song lyrics of linkin park.
his research focus on Nobody Can Save Me, Sorry for now, Talking to My Self,
Heavy, and One More Light. The result of this study is indicated that: 1. There are 7 types of
figurative language Linking Percussing’s Lyrics; they are personification, hyperbole,
allegory, repetition, simile, metaphor, and synecdoche. In Nobody Can Save Me song, there
are 3 figurative language types; personification, hyperbole, and allegory. In Talking to
Myself song there are 2 figurative language types, such as repetition and simile. In One More
Light song there are 4 figurative language types; personification, hyperbole, repetition, and
parallelism. In Heavy song there are 3 figurative language types, such as personification,
metaphor, and hyperbole. In Sorry for Now song there are 3 figurative language types;
hyperbole, repetition, and synecdoche. Furthermore, the dominant figurative language in song
lyrics of linking park is hyperbole.
C1. Research design
The design of this research is a qualitative research. Qualitative research is a research
method based on the philosophy of positivism, used to examine the condition of natural
objects, where the researcher is the key instrument, sampling of data sources is carried out
purposively and snowball, collection techniques are triangulation (combined), data analysis is
inductive or qualitative research, and qualitative research results are more important than
generalizations (Sugiyono, 2011). This qualitative research method would be used to
analysed Figurative Language in Selected Khalid’s Album song Lyrics. In using this
qualitative research design, it is intended that make good analytical results to find out the type
and meaning of figure speech for readers.
C2. Research subject.
Khalid's album consists of 15 songs, the theme of this album is about American Teen
which is a derivative of Khalid's album. It tells about the story of Khalid's life.
C3. Research Instruments
There are some instruments is used by the research, namely:
a. Researcher as the main instrument
Research instruments are tools that are needed or used to collect data. In qualitative
research or the main instrument in data collection is human, that is, the researcher himself or
someone else who helps the researcher, the instruments are:
1.analysis sheet
in this study, three different analytical sheet formats were developed according to
their respective goals and needs. the first analysis format, the research uses to classify each
data into the type of language style, filling it by putting a sign ( ) in the pool that corresponds
to the language style contained in each song lyrics (data) the second analysis format, research
is used to clarify each data into various imaginary elements, the way of filling it is still the
same by giving a sign ( ) in the pool that corresponds to the elements with the images
contained in each or lyrics (data). The third analysis format is used to determine the
feasibility of the songs that become data to be used as alternative teaching materials. The
method of filling is still the same as the first and second analysis formats, namely by giving a
sign ( ) in the pool that corresponds to the results of the analysis.
b. observation sheet
Observation is a data collection technique that requires observation from researchers
either directly or indirectly to the object of research. The instruments used in the observation
are observation sheets and observation guides. According to the observation activities carried
out by researchers are by analyzing and systematically recording behavior by looking at and
observing individuals or groups group directly. (Bungin, 2008).
c. field note
Feld Note are an important part of ethnographic research in short, fieldnotes are
writing field notes (when conducting observations/interviews) in detail from qualitative
Number Data code Song context Language

C4. Technique of Data collection

There are some techniques that are used by the researcher colleting the data, namely:
a. Observation
Observation as a method of data collection for research purposes, and it is more than
just looking and listening. But it is a fundamental way finding out about the world around us.
Marshal and Rossman (1989). Define observation as the systematic description of events,
behaviours, and artifact in the social setting chosen for study. Observation is a method of data
collection of gathering data by watching collection, actions, relevant facts, recording of
description of phenomenon in the natural world
b. Documentation
According Document as a method in qualitative research methods. according to
content analysis can be defined as a research technique for the purpose, systematic, and a
qualitative description of the manifest content of the communication‖ document Study is one
of the data collection techniques by collecting and analyzing documents, such as: writing,
works, speeches, or films and so on (Berelson,1971).
c. Note taking
note taking is the practice of recording information taken from other sources. By
taking notes, writers record the gist of the information, freeing their minds from having to
remember all the information.
C5. Technique of Analysing Data
All of the data will be collected from the lyric some songs in 70‘s era and millennium era
the researcher applied several procedures to collect the data which are:
1.Listening to Songs.
In this case the researcher listening to music is an activity that demands involvement
and being involved means that we must reject the hermeneutical interpretation in order to be
faithful to the music itself so that we can understand the relationships between the notes.
Listening to music means understanding what is going on in the music itself.
2.Rewriting the Lyric
Lyrics are a series of words that make up a song usually consisting of several stanzas
and a chorus or chorus.
Living a good life full of good vibes
My eyes are on the grey skies
Saying I don't want to come home tonight
Yeah, and I'm high up, off what?
I don't even remember but my friend passed out in the Uber ride
3.Reading the Lyric
There are 12 songs in an album Khalil’s entitled American teen reading lyrics is
writing used to convey or store notes by musicians. Scores are also known as music writing.
The purpose of making sheet music or as a means and guide notes for playing music.
4.Coding the Sentences
Give a sign to classify each song lyric related to the type of figurative language and
fill it in or by placing a ( ) in the pool that corresponds to the style of language contained in
each of the song lyrics

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Ponorogo, 2020.

Komala, Mutia Sekar. "Gaya bahasa pada lagu-lagu Céline Dion dalam album Sans
Attendre." Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta: Yogyakarta (2016).


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Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 2021.

Safira, N. A. (2020). Figurative Language in Selected Shawn Mendes Album Song

Lyrics. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Doctoral dissertation, UMSU).

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Attendre." Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta: Yogyakarta (2016).

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