Matapelajaran: Mathematics Tahun/Tingkatan: Year 3 1. Ciri Kelas
Matapelajaran: Mathematics Tahun/Tingkatan: Year 3 1. Ciri Kelas
Matapelajaran: Mathematics Tahun/Tingkatan: Year 3 1. Ciri Kelas
Tahun/Tingkatan : Year 3
1. Ciri kelas
(Class Characteristics)
a) Kelas Year 3
4. Hasil Pembelajaran Upon the completion of the learning session, student should
(Learning Outcomes) be able to:
Stage 1
Identify semi circle and regular polygon
Stage 2
Identify regular and not regular polygon.
Stage 3
Understand and explain what is quadrilateral
5. Enrichment:( 15 minutes)
- Students will printing the tasks sheets in MS Word and
complete the tasks.(Evaluate)
6. Conclusion:( 5 minutes)
-Students will view a video clip that display a shape around
Matapelajaran : Mathematics
Tahun/Tingkatan : Year 3
10. Aktiviti Guru 1. Teacher start t&l process by showing a slide of road
(Teacher’s Activities)
traffic signs.
2. Teacher asks students to make observation and predict
what kind of shape shown in the picture.
3. Teacher use MS PowerPoint slides to display the
information of 2-d shape.
4. Teacher give some note about polygon and ask student
to saving datas in My Document file..
5. Teacher shows a slide of interactive objective question.
Teacher asks students to answer 4 interactive question
in MS PowerPoint.
6. Teacher asks students to complete an interactive
labeling sheet in MS Excel.
7. Teacher shows the assignment that need to be printed
out by students.
8. Teacher asks students to submit their assignment.Any
question , students can e-mail to teacher.
9. Teacher shows a movie related to the topic as a
reflection and encourage students to make their own.