Mel Gibson Calupig: Passing On Knowledge: Virtual Workout Classes and Personal Training
Mel Gibson Calupig: Passing On Knowledge: Virtual Workout Classes and Personal Training
Mel Gibson Calupig: Passing On Knowledge: Virtual Workout Classes and Personal Training
Passing on
knowledge: Virtual workout classes and
One of the biggest functions
of a community of personal training
entrepreneurs is to pass on The pandemic showed many how important
the knowledge that has it is to maintain their physical health and
been gathered from immune systems. In 2020, consumers were
experienced professionals left to find creative solutions to get their
to the less experienced exercise, and virtual workout classes and
entrepreneurs. But this is digital personal training sessions entered
also a place where you can the market with a splash.
find a mentor, and/or
become a mentor for Entrepreneurs with a passion for fitness and
someone else. In a tight, a background in physical education,
trusted group of kinesiology, nutrition or exercise science
entrepreneurs you become can translate their skills into virtual classes
a long standing business and one-on-one sessions with the work(out)-
partnership and establish from-home crowd. An overwhelming
yourself with each other as majority of consumers have been accessing
a safe place to garner prerecorded fitness videos and livestreamed
advice when you have a classes during the pandemic so there’s
heavy decision to make. plenty of demand for this content. Offer a
You each become a needed variety of skill levels to reach every
person for the other audience—from the fitness buffs to those
entrepreneurs that are just beginning their fitness journeys.
(Performance Task)
Rashell Ann
Dela Torre
Learning from each other's Delivery and errand
mistakes: services
It is an important function of your
On-demand delivery
community of entrepreneurs to be aware of
services have become a
what is going on with each other's businesses
highly sought-after market,
and really understand the complete story of
with online food delivery
what is happening in the business. If you are
services alone expected to
paying attention you will be able to see some
actions that others in the group are using
that may or may not work for you. It is a
Getting involved in this
great way to avoid some major pit falls in the
fast-growing industry
business world by giving you the direction to
could be as simple as
take, and the possibility of being able to use
becoming an Uber Eats
their adaptations for some great success
driver or an Instacart
maneuver in your own business. Most
shopper. You could also
entrepreneurs I know like talking openly,
create your own
truthfully, and want direct discussions. Each
independent courier
entrepreneur "gets," to take their turn at
service where you deliver
success and at failure. Listen and learn and
groceries and other
you'll save yourself a lot of headaches.
essential items, or run
"Entrepreneurship is synonymous with
errands such as picking up
failure," says Derek Andersen the founder of
Startup Grind, a 150-Chapter community for
entrepreneurs. "Great entrepreneurs
probably fail more than anyone else but they
relentlessly search for solutions while at the
same time being unafraid of the
consequences of short term failure."
Lay Fajura
Joy Ansay
Making connections: Educational toys and
Learning new
Networking is a skill that you will
always needskills:
in business and in Virtualgames
activities for remote
A personal
great life. can
action that If you don't teams Students and parents alike continue
yield how to do this naturally,
forward to find alternate ways to promote
The list of companies implementing
learn about
thinking it. Makingin
achievement these analytical thinking and creative
permanent remote work policies in the wake
your community within
groupyouris stimulation, even after schools have
of COVID-19 continues to grow. Many
to learn newisbusiness
the greatest
skillsreason opened to in-person classes or
technology companies have started
the community
together. One way is there.
to do In your hybrid learning. Creative
promoting their software for keeping
this of entrepreneurs
is to highlight the you will entrepreneurs with a passion for
distributed teams connected and productive.
find that, in time, of
accomplishments you
orknow learning have a wonderful
However, company culture is just as
each other
more memberswellatenough
your that you opportunity to step in and fill the
important and, since in-person team bonding
can give them
meetings. Sort a
like a if they gap in the market with educational
activities are largely off the table (or make
mini one and Your
they will do the same toys and games.
some employees feel uncomfortable),
for you. Youofcan
community B2B do favors for each leaders are thinking beyond the “Zoom
other and helpcan
entrepreneurs your entire
offer Since children are spending more
happy hour” to find new, exciting ways to
services andgrow theirtobusinesses
skill sets time in front of a screen than ever
build camaraderie.
and get
make theahead. This network builds
lives of before, parents are expressing a
trust and confidence
entrepreneurs easier!in each strong preference for more
Companies may not have time to plan and
person of the group. Willingly educational options when it comes to
coordinate their own unique virtual
You positive
can always startactions
your for their children’s entertainment.
activities, so you can offer to plan it for
own other raises your whole Creating and selling physical toys or
them. Whether you host and moderate an
group to
group, a place
online of success and
or otherwise. digital games and apps that allow
online session or create and ship virtual
There are no rules here, children to learn while having fun
“activity kits” for teams to do together in
but the benefits will will be the key to success in this
real time over video, there are plenty of
outweigh any hassle it may market.
opportunities to offer assistance with team
take to get your community building in the remote work era.
Exchanging tips of the Home beauty kits
When hair and nail salons were
trade: shut down, people adapted by
For any entrepreneur, just starting creating their own beauty routines
out is so exciting, but this time of in quarantine. Though lockdowns
beginnings can also be confusing. are lifted, consumers may still be
Having other people that have had more apt to try out new beauty
some experience be there to give products as they pamper
you tips and secrets that you can themselves in the comfort of their
use helps tremendously. You will own homes.
be able to start off smoothly and
keep going strong when the times DIY home beauty products and kits
are tougher. While you can and are a great way to capitalize on
should read about many tips consumers who prefer to pamper
online, it helps to hear experiences themselves at home over a salon.
from the pros, understanding that Industry experts say products that
the only real way to find out for are focused on holistic wellness
sure what works for you is to try and self-care—such as facial
the new ideas and information you products, essential oils and
find out from your community and aromatherapy—are expected to see
apply the suggestions in your own consistent demand in the
life and business. These exchanges foreseeable future, even after the
about the tips of the trade will help pandemic ends. You can curate and
you have a greater depth in your source local products for a
connections with these people. You personalized box subscription
will in turn give your tips to the experience, or create your own line
group, and reciprocate the help of organic or natural skin and hair
that you have received. It's great. care items.