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Assistant Professor in Finance PHD Candidate in Busines Leadership

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MAY 2021 G.C.






MAY, 2021





Dean, Graduate Studies Signature & Date

Simon Tareke (Asst. Professor)
Advisor Signature & Date
Arega Seyoum (PhD)
External Examiner Signature & Date
Mohammed Seid (Asst. Professor)
Internal Examiner Signature & Date
I declare that this thesis is my original work, prepared under the guidance of Mr. Simon Tareke
(Asst. Professor). I have acknowledged all resources and works of other scholars that I used in the
research. Furthermore, I assert that this paper has never been submitted partly or in full to any
higher institution for the purpose of receiving any type of degree.

Prince Dereje ___________________

Name Signature

St. Mary’s University, Addis Ababa Date_________________

This paper has been submitted to St. Mary’s University for examination with my approval as an
advisor in the university.

Simon Tareke (Asst. Professor) ________________________

Advisor Signature

St. Mary’s University, Addis Ababa Date____________________

Table of Contents
AKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................................................ i
Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................. ii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. iii
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ iii
ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................................... iv
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background of the Study ...................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Statement of the Problem ..................................................................................................... 3
1.3. Objectives of the Study ........................................................................................................ 4
1.3.1. General Objective .............................................................................................................. 4
1.3.2. Specific Objective ............................................................................................................. 5
1.4. Hypotheses ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.5. Significance of the Study ..................................................................................................... 5
1.6. Scope of the Study................................................................................................................ 6
1.7. Limitation of the Study ........................................................................................................ 6
1.8. Organization of the Paper ..................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................................................. 8
2.1. Review of Theoretical Literature ......................................................................................... 8
2.1.1. Working Capital Management .......................................................................................... 8
2.1.2. Cash Management ............................................................................................................. 8
2.1.3. Cash Budget .................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.4. Liquidity Management .................................................................................................... 10
2.1.5. Time Value of Money ..................................................................................................... 10
2.1.6. Management of Cash Receipts and Accounts Receivables ............................................. 11
2.1.7. Management of Cash Disbursements and Accounts Payables ........................................ 12
2.1.8. Theories of Trade Credits ................................................................................................ 14
2.1.9. Inventory Management ................................................................................................... 14 Just-In-Time (JIT) Manufacturing ............................................................................... 14 ABC Model .................................................................................................................. 15 Theory of Constraints (TOC) ....................................................................................... 16 Lean Manufacturing ..................................................................................................... 17 Material Resources Planning (MRP)............................................................................ 18 Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) ................................................................................ 18
2.2. Review of Empirical Literature .......................................................................................... 19
2.2.1. Existing Researches......................................................................................................... 19
2.3. Conceptual Framework of the Study.................................................................................. 26
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY ............................................... 28
3.1. Research Approach ............................................................................................................ 28
3.2. Research Design ................................................................................................................. 28
3.3. Population of the Study ...................................................................................................... 28
3.4. Sampling Technique ........................................................................................................... 29
3.5. Method of Data Collection ................................................................................................. 29
3.6. Method of Data Analysis.................................................................................................... 29
3.7. Regression Model of the Study .......................................................................................... 29
Metrics for the Variables .............................................................................................................. 30
3.8. Description of Variables..................................................................................................... 30
3.8.1. Return on Asset ............................................................................................................... 30
3.8.2. Cash Ratio ....................................................................................................................... 31
3.8.3. Average Collection Period .............................................................................................. 31
3.8.4. Inventory Turnover Days ................................................................................................ 32
3.8.5. Average Payment Period ................................................................................................. 32
3.8.6. The Control Variables ..................................................................................................... 32
4.1. Result and Discussion of Descriptive Statistics ................................................................. 34
4.2. Tests, Results and Interpretation of Regression Analysis .................................................. 37
4.2.1. Hausman Test .................................................................................................................. 38
4.2.2. Diagnostic tests for Classical Linear Regression Model Assumptions ........................... 38 Test for E(ut)=0 ............................................................................................................ 39 Test for the Presence of Heteroscedasticity ................................................................. 39 Test to Detect Autocorrelation ..................................................................................... 40 Test to Detect the Presence of Multicollinearity .......................................................... 41 Test for the Presence of Non-normality ....................................................................... 41
4.2.3. Presentation and Interpretation of Estimation Output ..................................................... 42 Goodness of Fit ............................................................................................................ 43 F-test ............................................................................................................................. 44 H1: CaR has a positive and significant impact on ROA .............................................. 44 H2: ACP has a negative and significant impact on ROA ............................................. 45 H3: ITD has a negative and significant impact on ROA .............................................. 45 H4: APP has a positive and significant impact on ROA .............................................. 46 The Impact of the Control Variables on ROA ............................................................. 47
5.1. Summary ............................................................................................................................ 48
5.2. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................... 50
5.3. Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 50
5.4. Considerations for Further Studies ..................................................................................... 51
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 53
Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... v

My sincere gratitude goes to Mr. Simon Tareke Abay (PhD candidate) for his advises and
comments that hugely contributed to the successful completion of this paper. Without his advises
and support, it would have been impossible to successfully complete this study.

I would also love to thank the staff of large taxpayer office of Ministry of Revenue, for providing
me with the financial statements of the large taxpayer leather processing firms in Ethiopia.

Finally, I need to express my deep appreciation to my best friend Reab Abebaw for her all of her
supports and availability for discussion during the course of conducting this research.


- ACP: Average Collection Period

- APP: Average Payment Period
- CaR: Cash Ratio
- CCC: Cash Conversion Cycle
- CR: Current Ratio
- CTO: Creditors Turnover Ratio
- DE: Debt to Equity Ratio
- DTO: Debtors Turnover Ratio
- ECCSA: Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations
- EFFORT: Endowment fund for Rehabilitation of Tigray
- EOQ: Economic Order Quantity
- FMS: Financial Management Service
- GOP: Gross Operating Profit
- ICP: Inventory Conversion Period
- ITD: Inventory turnover in Days
- ITO: Inventory Turnover Ratio
- JIT: Just in Time Manufacturing
- LLP: Leather and Leather Products
- Ln(TA): Natural Logarithm of Total Assets
- MRP: Management Resource Planning
- OPM: Operating Profit Margin
- OPT: Optimized Production Technology
- PDP: Payable Deferral Period
- RCP: Receivable Collection Period
- ROA: Return on Asset
- ROE: Return on Equity
- ROI: Return on Investment
- ROS: Return on Sales
- TOC: Theory of Constraints

List of Tables

Table 4.1. Descriptive Statistics Results------------------------------------------------------------------34

Table 4.2. Hausman test Results----------------------------------------------------------------------------38
Table 4.3. Cross-section Heteroscedasticity Test--------------------------------------------------------39
Table 4.4. Period Heteroscedasticity Test-----------------------------------------------------------------40
Table 4.5. Correlation Matrix of Independent Variables------------------------------------------------41
Table 4.6. Result of the Panel Least Squares Regression Analysis------------------------------------43
Table 4.7.Summary of Regression Results of Major Independent Variables-------------------------47

List of Figures

Figure 2.1: Illustration of the conceptual framework of the study------------------------------------27

Figure 4.1. Durbin-Watson test Rejection and Non-rejection Regions--------------------------------40
Figure 4.2. Histogram - Normality Test-------------------------------------------------------------------42


The aim of this paper is to identify the impact of working capital management on financial
performance of leather processing firms of Ethiopia that have been registered in the large taxpayer
office of Ministry of Revenue and were operating in the years from 2014 to 2018. The paper has
been structured based on the four major components of working capital management namely:
Cash Management measured by Cash Ratio; Accounts Receivable Management measured by
Average Collection Period; Inventory Management measured by Inventory Turnover in Days; and
Accounts Payable management measured by Average collection Period. In addition, the
researcher measured financial performance using return on asset. The paper would fill the
literature gap of inconsistent findings and scarcity of researches that incorporate cash ratio as a
measure of cash management. The researcher used quantitative approach, and an explanatory
research design in order to show causal relationships between independent and dependent
variables. Data from financial statements covering the period from 2014-2018 of 14 sample
companies out of a population of 18 firms has been analyzed using a fixed cross-section panel
least squares multiple regression technique using the E-views 10 software package. The study has
identified that, at a significance level of 5%, all the independent variables: Cash Ratio, Average
collection Period, Inventory Turnover in Days and Average Payment have significant negative
impact on the dependent variable; Return on Asset of large tax payer leather processing firms in
Ethiopia. The researcher recommends the management of the firms to follow a working capital
management policy that reduces idle cash, average collection period, inventory turnover in days
and average payment period.

Key terms: working capital, financial performance, cash, accounts receivable, inventory,
accounts payable



1.1. Background of the Study

The importance of the ‘current’ (short term) portion of a company’s balance sheet elements is
emphasized by a number of researchers that addressed the area. The literature about working
capital mainly addresses the management of its four common elements: cash, inventory, accounts
receivables and accounts payables. Working capital or the net value of current assets is defined as
the difference of current assets and current liabilities by Arnold (2005). According to Munyoro
and Shaningwa (2019), working capital management is an important area of focus in the electricity
distribution sector of Namibia, and he identified that liquidity and profitability are enhanced by an
effective management of working capital both of which are claimed by the author to be essential
for further investment and maximizing shareholder’s value respectively. In addition, Arachchi et
al (2017) extend the importance of working capital by indicating that efficient working capital
management results in an increase of the firm’s value, which is the ultimate goal of financial

According to Sagner (2014), management of working capital as more of a science than art of
structuring the short-term resources of a company to give it a proper stance that handles the
business’s daily activities, properly utilizes financial resources, and attains an appropriate liquidity
position. It is employing current assets and current liabilities efficiently in every business cycle
stage. He also adds that, working capital management is lowering the amount of investment in idle
resources while managing the components of working capital.

The first component of working capital is cash, which is known to be the most liquid asset. Bragg
(2014) argues that cash management shall be taken as the core focus in all businesses. He presents
cash management as handling each cash inflow and outflow in a certain business with the aim of
being adequately liquid for business operations, and identifying additional purpose for idle
amounts. He adds, efficient access to information regarding where cash is stored, managing
liquidity and managing risk as elements of cash management.

The other common element of working capital, which is accounts receivable, is presented as a
component whose management is very essential in the work of Adusei (2017). This article
indicates that the businesses are expected to recognize that an amount allowed to be given as a
credit to customers is vulnerable to risk of bad debt. It classifies the account as delinquent, which
has the potential to hinder the availability of cash in a certain business. Thus, the efficient
management of accounts receivable is essential.

Inventory is defined by Sohali and Sheikh (2018) as the stock that includes raw materials, semi-
finished products and final products sustained by firms to fulfill their operational demands. They
also inform us that it is a major resource that requires a large amount of cost and can be a cause of
loss. This shows that inventory management is a crucial aspect in a company with that determines
a company’s success. Priniotakis and Argyropoulos (2018) define inventory management as the
course of maintaining the optimal inventory to fulfill what customers need and mention that it is
an essential aspect because unsold inventory clogs the cash it costs and has an impact on

Finally, in relation with the management of accounts payable. The study of Nwakaego and
Ikechuku (2015) tells us that this section of working capital is essential because it results in
sustainable business growth if it is effectively managed. In addition, Achode and Rotich (2016),
argue that accounts payable can be used as a source of finance, and they found that its use as a
financing method has a significantly positive effect on the performance in their study setting. This
is supported by Petersen and Rajan (1996) who mention that payable financing, which is financing
by suppliers, is the key short term financing for firms in the United States.

The researcher considers the importance of these working capital elements as a motivating factor
to conduct a research on their influence on the performance of selected leather processing
companies in the country, which are, according to Grumiller and Raza (2019), taken as one of the
starting points of developing countries that aim to attain industrialization led by export. Grumiller
and Raza (2019) also add that the Ethiopian government regards the Leather and Leather Products
(LLP) sector as one of the main focus points in the journey to agricultural development led

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The aim of this research is to understand the impact of working capital management on financial
performance in leather processing companies. A proper working capital management is essential
because of the very high association of operational risk, credit risk, liquidity risk and information
reporting risk with working capital as indicated by Sagner (2014). In addition, working capital
composition is one of the basic focuses of strategic decisions of businesses according to Preve &
Serria-Allende (2010), which mention that its standard definition is the difference between current
assets and current liabilities although it is a wider concept which fails to be captured by this
definition. Preve & Serria-Allende (2010) also suggest that the strategic decisions related to the
working capital structure would affect the potential profitability of businesses. There are
researches conducted regarding the impact of working capital management on financial
performance. However there are some gaps in literature pool.

The first fact that calls for further study in the area is that there are differences of findings in related
researches. An instance of mismatch is in findings is, while Amanda (2019) concluded that
inventory turnover has no influence on the company’s profitability, the finding of Agha (2014)
indicates that it has a positive and significant influence on financial performance. Likewise, with
respect to accounts payables, although the study of Ikechukwu & Nwakaego (2015) indicates that
the accounts payables ratio has a significant negative effect on financial performance, the article
of Achode & Rotich (2016) concludes that in most of the firms under their study, accounts payable
had a strongly positive influence to the financial performance.

There are also differences in the measurements, and application of incompatible analytical
methods used in the studies of various researches. The measurement differences are noticed
between the study of Ikechukwu & Nwakaego (2015), which measured accounts receivable
management by using the percentage of receivables in sales, while the studies of Jindal et al (2017)
and Amanda (2019) used debtors’ turnover ratio to study the impact of receivables management
on profitability. On the other hand, with respect to incompatible analytical methods, the study of
Ahmed (2016) used correlational analysis; and Anshur et al (2018) used a descriptive analysis of
questionnaires rather than using regressions.

The topic has been a focus of some research works in Ethiopia. However, there are some gaps that
those works failed to address. Two of the related studies were that of Ketema (2018) and Mengesha
(2014); the researcher has noticed that both works fail to include a measure of accounts payables
management as an independent variable. On the other hand, other researches on the area of the
impact of working capital management on profitability such as the articles of Rani& Abreha (2017)
and Tesfay & Barta (2016), none of them conducted their researches in leather processing firms.
The researcher argues this is a relevant gap because the Ethiopian leather processing sector has
been facing a number of challenges, some of which are related to working capital. Grumiller &
Raza (2019) have disclosed that, although the Ethiopian leather processing sector is incentivized,
it faces problems of limited raw material quality and supply and increased competition of imported
substitutes: a challenge that is related to inventory management; limited access to finance: a
challenge that can be dealt with by using effective management of account payable. Thus, it can
be agreed on the importance of understanding how the working capital management impacts
financial performance in leather processors.

Another important but neglected aspect of working capital management is liquidity management
with an emphasis on cash. Preve and Sarria-Allende (2010) reveal that although the return from
holding cash is the lowest of any other means, companies are motivated to hold cash because it is
a catalyst to the success of a business since it is essential for transactions, hedging and taking
advantage of rare opportunities. Although this shows the importance of being liquid in terms of
cash, there is a great deal inadequacy of researches on the impact of liquidity management on
financial performance in Ethiopia. The studies on liquidity that could be accessed by the
researcher, such as the case study of Workineh (2016); and Awulo et al. (2020), focus on the
financial sector, specifically on commercial banks and not on the manufacturing sector. In
addition, both studies didn’t use a measure that specifically shows the cash aspect of liquidity.

1.3. Objectives of the Study

1.3.1. General Objective

As it can be understood from the title of the research, the general objective of this study is to
uncover the impact of working capital management on the financial performance of selected large
tax payer leather processing firms in Ethiopia.

1.3.2. Specific Objectives

The research has the following four specific objectives:

A. To examine the impact of cash management on the financial performance of large tax payer
leather processing firms in Ethiopia.
B. To examine the impact of accounts receivables management on the financial performance of
large tax payer leather processing firms in Ethiopia.
C. To examine the impact of inventory management on the financial performance of large tax
payer leather processing firms in Ethiopia.
D. To examine the influence of accounts payables management on the financial performance of
large tax payer leather processing firms in Ethiopia

1.4. Hypotheses

Based on reviewed literatures the researcher proposes the following four hypotheses.

H1: Cash Ratio (CaR) has a positive and significant impact on Return on Asset (ROA);

H2: Average Collection Period (ACP) has a negative and significant impact on ROA;

H3: Inventory Turnover in Days (ITD) has a negative and significant impact on ROA;

H4: Average Payment Period (APP) has a positive and significant impact on ROA.

1.5. Significance of the Study

According to ECCSA (2019) the leather and leather product sector is among the biggest
manufacturing division of Ethiopia because of advantages such as availability of raw material,
market width, competitive workforce with low wage rates, and strong export performance. The list
of government incentives indicated in the document, such as duty and tax exemptions, and a long
land lease term, shows the focus given to the sector and the prospect assumed by the government
regarding the industry. That is why studies about factors influencing the financial performance of
such sectors are essential.

This research is a helpful tool for the managers of the firms in the leather processing industry. This
is because it gives insights regarding the influence of the working capital elements on their

financial performance. The managers can identify better working capital management techniques
with a focus on enhancing an effective utilization of the findings revealed, and with a proper
consideration of the recommendations of the researcher. In doing so, it contributes to the
achievements of the goals of the government with respect to the sector including using it as
gateway to agricultural development led industrialization. Furthermore, the findings of the
research will contribute to the pool of literature in the area of working capital, liquidity and
financial performance.

1.6. Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is delimited in various ways. The first one is based on location. The study
focused only on the large tax payer leather processing firms in Ethiopia. Secondly, with respect to
the time period covered by the secondary data to be collected, the research is limited to a duration
of five years starting 2014 to 2018. The conceptual boundary of the research incorporates the
independent variables: CaR, APP, ACP and ITD; the dependent variable ROA and the control
variables: Debt to Equity ratio and ln (total assets). With respect to research methodology, the
research process is limited to the quantitative analyses of descriptive statistics and a multiple linear
regression through ordinary least squares, by using the quantitative data extracted using the metrics
that are indicated in the conceptual scope. This is because the researcher intends to examine the
cause and effect relationships of working capital management and financial performance.

1.7. Limitation of the Study

The first limitation of the paper is the exclusion of additional measures of working capital
management, financial performance and other control variables because of inadequacy of time.
Had more variables been included for each class of variables, it would have enhanced the quality
of the study through the provision of additional insights because of the unique dimensions that are
shown by those variables. It would also have increased the explanatory power of the study. In
addition, due to inability to access data of additional periods, the researcher was unable to widen
the time dimension of the study beyond a five years period. Had a wider time interval been used,
the findings of the research could have been strengthened, since higher number of years could have
been represented by the output of the study.

1.8. Organization of the Paper

This paper is organized into five chapters. In the first chapter, introductory components are
included, comprising background of the study in which the various aspects of the research are
introduced and the foundations are indicated; the statement of problem that clarifies the gaps the
research intends to fulfill; the study’s general and specific objectives; the hypotheses or tentative
conclusions of the research; the aspects that make the research significant; the research’s
geographical, time period, conceptual and methodological scopes; and the study’s limitation and

In the second and third chapters, the literature reviews and research methodology and design are
presented respectively. The second chapter addresses theoretical and empirical aspects related to
the study and the research’s conceptual framework. In the third chapter the research approach,
design, population and sample, data collection and analysis techniques are included.

In the fourth chapter data presentation, analysis and interpretation are provided structured based
on the specific objectives. Finally, in the fifth chapter, the researcher has included a condensed
narration of the findings, the conclusions and recommendations based on the findings.



2.1. Review of Theoretical Literature

2.1.1. Working Capital Management

Working capital management is presented by Preve and Sarria-Allende (2010) as a business issue
which is among the highly strategic ones in modern financial management. They label working
capital as a concept related to the financing component of operating investment. According to their
work, working capital is traditionally defined as the difference between short term assets and
liabilities. They argue that working capital is part of capital that is assigned to finance a firm’s
current assets, and working capital decision is concerned with aspects like the portion of current
assets that needs to be financed with long-term capital. They add that working capital decision is
a basic factor for the performance and survival of firms, emphasizing that a wrong optimal
financing leads to reduced profits.

The two poles of methods followed by firms to manage their working capital are termed as the
aggressive strategy and the conservative strategy. Aggressive firms use short-term credit, which is
often a cheap fund source, to finance a section of the permanent current assets, but finance all their
non-current assets using long term capital. The extremely aggressive firms may finance all the
permanent current assets and part of their fixed assets using short term liabilities. A conservative
policy, on the other extreme, is an approach in which firms use totally long term finance to handle
their permanent and seasonal assets. There is a lower amount of short term liabilities in
conservative firms (Brigham & Houston, 2003).

2.1.2. Cash Management

According to Sagner (2014) cash is constituted by any form of payment that has common national
or worldwide acceptance including currencies, checks, and cash in the electronic form. He also
mentions that there are three forms of cash. The first one is bank cash (float); which is the portion
of cash being processed for receipt or payment. Then there is the portion of cash to be accessed

via a bank’s credit line whenever there is shortage. Finally, there is the portion of cash invested in
highly liquid marketable securities.

Bragg (2014) mentions that there are three elements that are definitive to the nature of cash
management; the follow-up of every cash flow in and out a certain business. The three elements
of cash management mentioned are information aggregation, liquidity management and risk
management. Information aggregation involves structuring data regarding the location of cash and
when it is expected (receivables) and the next time it will be used (payables). Liquidity
management, is the decision regarding how to invest excess cash or get regular funding resulting
in enough amount for daily activities. Finally, risk management is the process of assessing the
business partners of the firm to understand whether their current financial situation results in
failure of the firm.

The purpose of cash management, according to FMS (2002), includes: (i) avoiding cash balances
that are idle with the argument that every available cash shall be used either to lower expenditures
by ways such as redeeming issued debt instruments or enhance the revenue generation capacity
through investments with the help of accurate information regarding likely receipts or payments;
(ii) timely deposits of collected cash collections of receivables as fast as possible; (iii) to be able
to made payments on the proper time, such as legal dates or agreed up on dates, in order to avoid
legal liabilities and unnecessary engagements with vendors.

According to Brigham & Houston (2003), holding cash is essential for four motives. The first two
are the essential ones which are: Transactions, which refer to the need of cash for operational
activities; and Compensation to banks to providing loans and services. The other two reasons are:
precaution and speculations. Precautionary motives of holding cash force firms to reserve cash in
order to deal with unexpected sudden events that cause inflow-outflow variations. Speculative
motives, on the other hand, are motives to hold cash to exploit opportunities of future bargain

Preve and Sarria-Allende (2010) indicate that it is very necessary to keep cash holding at a level
that it is absolutely necessary. They emphasize that cash management is balancing the trade-off
between opportunity cost of holding excess cash and facing cash deficits of a critical amount. This

can be attained by obtaining the balance of cash that can minimize the sum of opportunity cost and
trading cost. Trading cost is an amount incurred to replenish the cash balance.

2.1.3. Cash Budget

CIMA (2008) describes budget as a plan expressed quantitatively, including the plan of volume of
sales, sales expressed in terms of money, quantities of resources, costs to be incurred and expired,
resources, financial obligations and cash. It then defines cash budget as a detailed budget that
indicates the estimate of cash inflows and cash outflows that includes revenue and capital items.
In addition, Bond (2005) discusses the importance of cash budgets some of which include: helping
make decisions about cash position and reserve; and assessment and preparation for financing
requirements by addressing periods in the future operational cycle in which the firm becomes in
need of short term financing. According to him, the three main components of cash budget are:
(i) the time period the budget is prepared for; (ii) desired cash position which will be dependent
upon the nature of the business, predictability of accounts receivable and forecasted frequency of
events requiring significant cash reserve, and (iii) estimated sales and expenses, the most important
being sales estimate. The estimates are required to be made based on former experiences and the
goals of the business for the time period.

2.1.4. Liquidity Management

Preve & Serria-Allende (2010) define liquidity as the ease of a certain asset to be transformed into
cash by avoiding a substantial value loss. This makes cash the most liquid asset. They add that the
result of liquidity analysis informs us the firm’s capacity to pay its current liabilities back. In
addition, they have mentioned that the selection of an optimal working capital level shall be
dictated by the trade-off between liquidity and profitability.

2.1.5. Time Value of Money

Shrotriya (2019) has well explained the time value concept. It indicates that, as the value of all
assets decreases as the time since production, issuance, or acquisition increases. The author argues
that, what makes money unique as compared to other assets is its involvement in every transaction,
its purchasing power. According to the time value concept, the purchasing power of the money
today (its present value) is greater than the purchasing power a similar amount, and currency of

money will have in the future (its future value). According to the author there are four dimensions
that make up the time value concept, which are: (1) inflation, which is the increase in price of items
as time passes; (2) the risk in connection with keeping idle money while it can be invested to earn
a certain amount of return; (3) the preference of individuals to consume (accomplish their
requirements) today as compared to an uncertain future, which makes the worth of acquiring
money today more preferable than that in the future; and (4) investment opportunities, which create
expectations of earning appropriate return in the future. These are all factors that lower the value
of money at a certain future time as compared to its value now. Shrotriya (2019) also indicates that
the time value concept is an essential element to the field of financial management because it
allows firms to choose the one with the highest return among various investment opportunities,
and to identify rate of return.

2.1.6. Management of Cash Receipts and Accounts Receivables

Northwestern University (2008) gives insights on how cash receipts and collections shall be
managed. It discusses that the segregation of duties for the handling of cash receipts is among the
individual that receives the cash; the individual that has the duty to maintain accounting records
and the individuals working in the billing (accounts receivable) department. It also dictates that
cash received has to be reconciled to the budget statements every month, and the reconciliation
shall be reviewed by an independent individual. In addition, it indicates that vaults, locked cash
drawers, cash registers, cashiers, locked metal boxes shall be used to physically protect collected
cash. It also suggests, making deposits in a timely routine: the higher the amount of the cash
collected is the faster it needs to be deposited to bank.

In addition, Reider and Heyler (2003) advise speeding cash collection. This means, it is essential
to reduce the accounts receivables average collection period. Accounts receivables are indicated
in their work as privileges to customers and not rights. Factors that have impact on achieving this
goal comprise: the firm’s credit policy regarding its credit terms and credit limit; invoicing
(providing the customer with the invoices fast and preparing the invoices with accuracy accelerates
the payment process); subsequent appraisal of accounts receivable; cash discounts in the credit
terms; finance charges as a penalty for those who don’t pay on time; and ceasing to deliver items
unless existing obligations of customers are met.

Furthermore, the work of Schaeffer (2002) has addressed elements of dealing with accounts
receivables from the very beginning which is approving the credit. She mentions that credits are
important for a business because they influence policy, corporate culture, accounting profits,
inventory management, and financial position of firms. She adds, approval of the credit involves
verification of the company requesting receivables by using information from trade references,
financial statements, performing ratio and trend analyses, and finally calculating the cash burn
rate. Cash burn rate is preferred by credibility assessors because it indicates when a customer
drained of cash, and it is calculated as:

Cash+Accounts Receivables+Marketable Securities

Cash Burn Rate = (Schaeffer, 2002)
Daily Operating Expenses∗ (365)

Additionally, the five C’s of credit; former events related to the customer; history of the customer
in relation with meeting obligations; importance of required product for the approving firm’s
profitability; sales goals and where the approving firm is now; whether or not the product is
currently actively being sold or not; are some of the non-financial aspects to be addressed when
approving credit according to Schaeffer (2002). Just as indicated by Reider and Heyler (2003),
Schaeffer (2002) recommends billing just after shipment. The final process is collection of the
amount the credit customers owe us.

2.1.7. Management of Cash Disbursements and Accounts Payables

Helms (2017) discloses that cash disbursement cycle consists of payments whose sources are
accounting department sections such as purchases and receiving section that processes purchases
of merchandise inventory; payroll section that deals with salaries and wages to be paid for workers;
debt handling section that requires payments to meet financial obligations. The author adds, modes
of payments include: the traditional way that involves issuing paper check; electronic data
interchange; procurement cards. An internal control method used to prevent fraud related to
disbursements, according to Helms (2017), is segregation of duties. It is indicated in his work that
the four duties: bookkeeping, that needs to be done by departments of accounts payable and general
ledger; access to checks, which must be issued by the cashier’s department and signed by approved
check signer; transaction authorization, which is a responsibility of the department that requested
the transactions; and reconciliation of accounts payable to the control account, which is expected

to be done periodically by an independent employee, must be done by different individuals, and
departments. Some of the other controls indicated in Helms (2017) include:

 checking whether or not amounts recorded accounts payable, vendor’s invoice,

goods receiving report, purchase order and packaging slip are similar;
 updates of subsidiary accounts payable account by the accounts payable department
based on the vouchers and slips indicated above
 numerically sequenced checks which must be made sure by the casher and check
 making sure checks are prepared by cashiers and signed by signers after careful
review of every relevant documentation
 making sure checks are signed only after they are prepared (blank checks shall not
be signed)
 ensuring cancelation and keeping of void checks
 investigation of checks to unknown vendors and/or addresses by appropriate
personnel (Helms 2017)

In relation with management of cash disbursements, Schaeffer (2004) recommends the use of a
properly managed petty cash system because it mitigates: (i) lending of money by anyone; (ii)
employees having the chance to commit fraud because of having the advantage of issuing and
cashing checks; (iii) access of the petty cash fund by any other than those allowed to; (iv) making
payments without approval.

In addition, Schaeffer (2004), has addressed probably every aspect related to the management of
accounts payables starting from the handling of invoices, which are documents that might be
predated though they need to be similarly dated with shipments, and which are expected to match
purchase orders filled by the purchasing departments and receiving documents, which are the
author regards as the weakest link of the whole process. She also indicates that some of the
employee frauds that can occur in the cash disbursement cycle include:

- making the company pay for the costs they incur

- alteration of vendor invoices to benefit themselves or a third party
- forgery of check signatures

- hiding or altering bank reconciliations
- fraudulent amount increments to hide bank account shortages (Schaeffer (2004),

2.1.8. Theories of Trade Credits

Preve and Sarria-Allende (2010) explain why firms extend credits to their customers as a form of
trade receivables and how it enhances their performance. One of the explanations is the
redistribution theory, proposed by Mltzer(1960) that argues that firms that can more easily access
finance redistribute their financial obligations to their customers with less access to finance
through accounts receivables. Large and profitable firms use accounts receivables during times of
financial distress and low profitability to grow into the market by beating their competitors, and
thereby increase their profit although this can only continue until the firms face cash flow problem.
This helps the firms to address customers with projects having bright prospects but that are unable
to freely access finance.

Another motive of firms that extend trade credits is explained by the theory of information
asymmetry. Frank and Maksimovic (2004) illustrate that, there is an efficiency of acting as a
financial intermediary for suppliers in a developing economy, indicating it allows firms to have an
indirect access to finance through suppliers. The reason behind this is that the inefficiency of
financial market in such economies empowers trade credit financing to allow the firms to go
through more productive transactions than those when using direct financing. This efficiency is
because of two reasons. The first one is the advantage of sellers that they are in the industry while
the financial intermediaries aren’t, and, in case of default, can recover more amount through
repossession than the intermediaries. The second one is that firms face complications persuading
financial markets on their actual value, while sellers can more easily identify the creditworthiness
of their customers based on information from former relationships.

2.1.9. Inventory Management Just-In-Time (JIT) Manufacturing

McWatters & Fullerton, 2013 tell us that Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing is a technique that
dictates the products of a certain company must be manufactured just to meet orders rather than to
be kept as inventories. Kootanae et. al. (2013) inform us that JIT is an instrument that is helpful to

gain a maximum utility out of limited available resources. They also add that, the JIT philosophy
of manufacturing philosophy has a Japanese origin, and it is applied in processes that requires the
availability of the necessary items of the needed quality and quantity at the necessary time and
place. According to Kootanae et al, 2013 JIT inventory management method enhances the quality
of products, advances the scale of productivity and increases efficiency of manufacturing
companies. In addition they indicate that JIT is a manufacturing management philosophy that
improves communication and assists to reduce cost and waste. They inform us that some of the
results of using JIT are higher productivity with the best possible quality.

According to Kootanae et al (2013) There are two ways in which quality is improved by Just in
Time manufacturing technique: (1) in a JIT manufacturing system, quality control is not a
responsibility left to some divisions of the firm but rather to all of the firm’s employees. It requires
each individual that works in the company and has a certain contribution to the production of a
particular item to regulate the quality of that specific item during each and every production
process. (2) firms that have implemented Just in Time manufacturing mechanism purchase inputs
in small amounts that just need a small area to be stored so that they can be moved as fast as
possible. A minimized storage need results in a reduced necessity of facility. In addition, the speed
to move the inputs that is acquired by using the system reduces the amount of labor cost and scrap.
In addition control and inspections are made easy as small amount of inventory is purchased in the
JIT system and defects are identified very soon. ABC Model

Ravinder & Misra (2014) describe ABC model as a method of inventory management that
classifies and prioritizes the various inventories of the firm so that they can be effectively managed.
They also present the model as an inventory management technique in which there will be a
grouping of inventories into three as group A, Group B and Group C, so that it is possible to give
a varying degree of management focus to the various items of the firm that fall under the three
groups according to the group they are put in. It is indicated in their work that those grouped under
group A are to have the highest level of focus; and those under group B are given lesser focus than
those in group A but a higher management focus than those in group C, which shows that the items
under group C are those that are least focused on by the inventory managers. In addition, they
inform us that the traditional sorting of the inventories of a firm under the three groups is based on
dollar volume. In this method the items in the first group, group A are those that are of the smallest
amount but of the highest demand and dollar volume. The group B represents items that have a
lesser demand and dollar volume but a higher quantity than the items under group A, and a lower
quantity and a higher demand and dollar volume than those under group C.

According to Indrasan et al (2018) there are 6 steps to classify inventory items under one of the
three groups: A, B, and C. Those steps are: (1): identifying the unit cost of each inventory and its
amount of usage within a certain period; (2) calculating the net value by multiplying the unit cost
of a certain item by its usage amount; (3) preparing a list of all inventories in a descending fashion
based on their net value; (4) calculating the percentage contribution of each inventory to the total
net value and total quantity after identifying the sum of the net values of all inventories and the
total inventory quantity; (5) preparing a graph that shows percentage in number and net value; (6)
from the graph, rationally deciding on the interval that is represented by each group. 5% to 10%
of the items that represent 70% to &75% of the total material usage are sorted under group A; 15%
to 20% of the items that represent 15% to 20 % of the total material usage shall be put under group
B; and 70% to 75% of the items that represent 5% to 10% of the total material usage are classified
under group C.

On the other hand, Ravinder & Misra (2014) discuss the modern way of classifying items under
the three groups of ABC model of inventory management involves other criteria in addition to
dollar value based on which the inventory items are prioritized which makes it a multi criteria
ABC analysis model. Some of these criteria include lead time, the number of suppliers, easiness
to be stocked, batch quantities imposed by suppliers, durability, scarcity, reparability,
substitutability, commonality, the likelihood of obsolescence and spoilage, and cost and mode of
transportation. Theory of Constraints (TOC)

According to Balakrishnan et al (2008), the theory of constraints was originally addressed by

Goldratt (1980) and its different sides have been discussed ever since. They inform us that the
novel of Goldratt and Cox (1984) which was about production management summarized the ideas
of Optimized Production Technology (OPT) and came up with a five-step continuous
improvement process. The process concentrates on physical and managerial constraints of a

system. Those five steps are: (1) Determine the constraints of the system; (2) Select ways to take
advantages of those limitations (increase system performance); (3) Make all other decisions
keeping those selections in step 2 in mind; (4) Elevate the system constraints (implement rigorous
improvement ); (5) Return to the first step to identify new constraints caused by the improvements.
This step makes the theory a continuous process.

The above five steps are discussed in detail by Rahman (1998). In addition he described TOC as a
comparable inventory control system with Material Requirement Planning (MRP) and JIT;
although it is hard to decide which inventory control mechanism is the best of all, his reviews show
that a combined use of the three helps companies to exploit the superior qualities of each of the
three techniques.

The article by Melendez et al (2018) presents a study conducted with the objective of identifying
the trends and applications of the theory by using bibliometric and content analysis of the
information found from reviewed literatures; it concludes that the application of this theory has
found recognition by managements of different business areas including project management,
production, logistics and distribution etc. whose processes involve step by step administration and
operation. This acceptance is because of the adaptability of the theory and its potential to help
understand the bottleneck of production systems. Lean Manufacturing

Gupta et al (2015) label lean manufacturing as a competent and a fast developing method. It also
informs us that lean manufacturing focuses on waste elimination in different factories in order to
make its production better and be effective with lower cost. It is implemented in order to provide
higher quality products with minimal expenditures by focusing on the reason behind wastage and
improving its disposal through its different procedures. The four steps of practicing lean
manufacturing as listed by Dixit et al. (2015) include: (1) Understanding that there exists waste
that needs to be eliminated; (2) Evaluating and understanding the fundamental reasons that resulted
the waste; (3)Looking for and selecting ways to deal with the causes; (4) Implementing those ways
and reaching to our original goals

Just as TOC, we are expected to redo the steps continuously, which makes it a continuous process.
In addition Dixit et al. (2015) have included tools and philosophies such as total quality

management, JIT, Kaizen and Five S for quality ambience as essential techniques that are used in
lean production in order to identify waste problems and their causes and provide methods to solve
those problems. Material Resources Planning (MRP)

Sapry et al. (2018) show the effectiveness of MRP to predict the correctness of needed inventory.
They describe it as a mechanism of controlling inventory that tries to hold optimum levels of
inventory to make sure that specific materials are available when required. It is a system that is
applied in conditions in which there are various materials with complex bills and not effective for
closely connected uninterrupted procedures. It is particularly efficient in inevitably consequential
environments. Nevertheless, there is uncertainty of demand in reality, which forces it to combine
lot sizing, safety stock and safety lead time. Yet, using faulty data causes overstock, shortage and
large variations.

Manthou et al (1996) described Material Requirements planning as an information system founded

on computers with the objective of regulating manufacturing activities in companies. In addition
Sarkar et al. (2013) describe MRP as a method used to determine material requirements with the
information from bill of material, inventory data and master schedule and considers the
combination of bill of material structure and assembly lead times and its consequence is a material
plan that includes the amount and the time when materials that are listed in the bill of material
structure are required. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

According Kumar (2016) economic order quantity (EOQ) is an inventory management method
that helps companies to get the maximum amount of profit through optimizing the amount of
ordered input. He adds that the method is important in determining the quantity of inventory to be
held, the optimal amount of inventory to order each time, and to decide the ideal number of orders
that should be placed in a period so that the related costs are minimized. His work also informs us
that ordering cost and carrying cost are regarded as the two most important costs in the field of
inventory management.

Kumar (2016) describes ordering costs as costs incurred to acquire the inventories including costs
of communication, traveling cost, salary and wage of employees of the purchase department, costs
of inspecting the inventories and so on. Besides, carrying costs are costs incurred for activities like
warehousing, insurance, obsolescence which are used to keep the inventory

Ordering costs are inversely related with carrying costs, a rise of one will lead to a decline of the
other. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is the amount of inventory needed to be ordered so that
the carrying cost becomes equal to the ordering cost. The equation to find this quantity, which is
known as the Wilson formula, after R.H. Wilson who is claimed by Lapin ((1994), to be the first
person to use it, is presented as follows:

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 = 𝐶0 (𝐷/𝑄)

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 = 𝐶𝐻 (𝑄/2)

(The sum of total ordering cost and total carrying cost gives us the total cost of stocking inventory.)

As discussed earlier, at the level of Economic Order Quantity;

 total carrying cost = total ordering cost, that is;

 𝐶𝐻 (𝐷/𝑄) = 𝐶0 (𝑄/2)
 𝑄 2 = 2𝐶0 (𝐷)/𝐶𝐻 ;
 𝑄 = √(2𝐶0 𝐶 )

Where, CO = Ordering Cost, Q = Order Quantity, CH = Carrying Cost, D = Annual Demand

Thus, according to the Wilson formula 𝐸𝑂𝑄 = √(2𝐶0 𝐶 )

2.2. Review of Empirical Literature

2.2.1. Existing Researches

The topic of the impact of working capital management on financial performance has attracted
various researchers worldwide. One of the works that addresses the issue is that of Garcia-Teruel
and Solano (2007). They studied the impact of working capital management on profitability in
8,872 Small and Medium Enterprises in Spain using a panel data of the 1996-2002 interval. The

major variables they used are similar to that of the research, except for using Cash Conversion
Cycle (CCC) rather than Cash Ratio to measure cash management. The result of their regression
indicates that lowering number of days of inventory, number of days accounts receivables, and
CCC enhances the firm’s profitability.

A different literature that is related to the this paper is that of Agha (2014), which is an article
regarding the effect of working capital management on profitability using secondary data from
Kline pharmaceutical. What makes the work more related to this research is that the author used
return on asset (ROA), to measure profitability, and this research used a similar measure to address
financial performance. The four independent variables of the research were creditors’ turnover
ratio (CTO), debtors’ turnover ratio (DTO), inventory turnover ratio (ITO) and current ratio (CR).
The author concludes that all the variables other than CR have a significantly positive impact on
ROA, but incomprehensibly recommends to lower CTO with the aim of increasing ROA.

Another related work is that of Ponsian et al (2014), with a similar motive as that of Agha (2014),
but with different variables. The research is conducted in three sample manufacturing firms listed
on the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange. There are common independent variables in their research
and those used in this research: average collection period (ACP), inventory turnover in days (ITD)
and average payment period (APP). In addition CCC is used to measure cash management. There
is also an additional fifth main independent variable in their research that they used to measure
liquidity, which is current ratio (CR). They used Gross Operating Profit (GOP) to measure
profitability, the dependent variable. They performed both correlational and regression analysis.
Their regression indicates that the impact of: ACP is significant and positive; CCC is significant
and positive; ITD is significant and negative; and APP is significant and positive on GOP although
that of CR is not a significant factor.

The work of Golas (2020) is one of the very recent works with respect to the impact of working
capital management on working capital management on the profitability of firms in the dairy
industry of Poland. Data from 76 companies covering the ten year period from 2008-2017 were
used to reveal the impact of the independent variables; ITD, ACP, APP and CCC on the dependent
variable, ROA. The findings of this work indicate that ITD and CCC have negative impacts on
ROA, while ACP, and APP have positive impacts on ROA.

Another article that studied the influence of the management of working capital on profitability of
corporations is that of Nobanee and Haddad (2014), which was a study conducted on Japanese
non-financial firms listed at the Tokyo Stock Exchange for the 1990-2004 interval. They used
Receivables Collection Period (RCP); Inventory Conversion Period (ICP); Payable Deferral
Period (PDP); and Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC). The former three are components of the
calculation of CCC. The dependent variable of their work was Return on Investment (ROI). They
concluded that shorter CCC, RCP and ICP enhance profitability.

A more recent article with a similar title to this research is that of Le et al. (2018). Their work was
focused on 69 Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange listed firms, using secondary data for the 3 years
interval 2014-2016. The only independent variable was CCC, and its impact on the three variables
Return on Asset (ROA); Return on Equity (ROE) and Return on Sales (ROS). Although CCC
influences ROE and ROS significantly positively, it influences ROA significantly negatively.
However, the authors conclude that working capital management has a positive and significant
influence on financial performance because it positively affects two out of the three measures of
financial performance in their research.

The literature regarding the impact of working capital management on financial performance
mostly overlooks the use of cash ratio as a measure of cash management. However, in the study
of Chintha and Prasad (2021) cash management has been measured by cash ratio. They studied the
correlation of cash ratio, which has a mean value of 0.49, with return on asset based on 36
manufacturing firms listed in Muscat Securities Market in the six years from 2014 to 2019, and
identified that the variables have a significantly positive relationship using Pearson’s correlation
analysis. This finding is similar to the study of Durrah et. al.(2016) that used the same analysis
technique to study the relationship between ratios of liquidity management and financial
performance indicators of food industrial firms listed in Amman Bursa in the three years period

The Impact of cash ratio on return on asset has been addressed by the works of Dadepo and Afolabi
(2020) and that of Rahman et al. (2015). The work of Dadepo & Afolabi (2020) focused on 10
Nigerian manufacturing companies and a data of the five years (2012-2016) period. They analyzed
the impact of cash ratio on return on asset along with other liquidity ratios using SPSS version-16,
and they identified that it has a significant positive impact the dependent variable. In addition, the

mean value of CaR in there study was 0.207. On the other hand, Rhaman et al (2015) conducted a
similar research using a five years (2008-2012) data from 99 companies listed in Tadawul via the
E-views package and their regression results show that cash ratio has a negative but insignificant
impact on Return on Assets. The mean value of CaR in their study is 0.802.

Another research that aimed to address the tradeoff between liquidity and profitability is the work
of Kong et al (2019). Their study addressed 15 listed non-financial firms in Ghana, using panel
data from audited financial statements representing the period from 2008-2012. They measured
profitability with Return on Capital Employed and one of the measures of liquidity used in their
research is Cash Ratio, and its mean value was 0.328. The researchers used STATA version-15
package to run their regression and identified that cash ratio has an insignificant negative impact
on profitability.

One of such works that has been conducted in Africa, regarding the impact of working capital
management on profitability, is that of John and Chukwumerije (2011), which is undertaken in
Nigeria. They addressed six manufacturing firms in the Nigerian Stock Market, collecting a data
covering the years 2006 to 2010. Although they claimed to study the cause and effect relationships
of working capital management and profitability in their objectives, the method they used were
correlational. The only independent variable of their research was CCC, with which they measured
working capital management. Their correlation analysis made them conclude that CCC is
negatively related to profitability.

Sadiq (2017) also studied the impact of working capital management in companies that are in
Africa particularly Nigeria. The data used for the study was that of small and medium enterprises
in Osun State, Nigeria. The research covered a five years period from 2010-2014. The author
measured financial performance using ROA; and used ACP, APP, CCC, ITD and net trading
cycles as independent variables. The findings in this article clam that APP, CCC and net trading
cycle have positive effect on ROA, while ACP and ITD have negative impact on ROA.

Another related African research is that of Mbawuni et al. (2016), which is a research conducted
in Ghana. The article aims to identify the effect of the management of working capital on the
profitability of petroleum retail firms over the six years of 2008-2013. Both the dependent and
independent variables used are similar to that of the research, except they used CCC to measure

cash management, while this research used Cash Ratio. Their Multilevel Mixed-effects linear
regression results show that CCC has an insignificant positive relation with ROA; ITD has an
insignificant negative relationship with ROA; ACP has an insignificant positive relationship with
ROA; on the other hand the APP has a significant negative relationship with ROA.

Another research that is based in Africa is the work of Mabandla& Makoni (2019); which was a
study done based on the 10 years data (from 2007-2016) of food and beverage manufacturers in
South Africa. The secondary data for their work were collected from McGregor databases of firms
listed in the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. According to the findings of their regression analysis,
which they computed manually, the impact of ITD and APP is positive on ROA while that of ACP
is negative.

There is also a Kenyan research conducted by Makau et al (2017). They studied the impact of
working capital on financial performance based on the secondary data from 9 manufacturing firms
listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange covering the periods 2011-2015. They analyzed their data
via multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 24.0. The independent variable in their study
related to this research is ACP, and they found that ACP has a negative significant impact on the
dependent variable, ROA.

Related Ethiopian researches include that of Rani & Abreha (2017). Their study addressed the
effect of working capital management on performance in 9 Endowment Fund for Rehabilitation of
Tigray (E.F.F.O.R.T) manufacturing companies with data covering the interval 2011-2015. They
used random effect estimates model of econometric model to test the influence of ACP, ICP, APP
and CCC on ROA, ROE and Operating Profit Margin (OPM). Their results indicate that CCC,
ACP and ICP have a significant negative impact on performance, whereas, APP affects
performance significantly positively.

Tesfay and Batra (2018), studied the impact of working capital management on profitability
considering the 353 firms in the Ethiopian corporate sector including those in both merchandising
and manufacturing business. Their major dependent and independent variables are similar to those
of this research, except they used cash conversion cycle as a cash management measure while this
research used cash ratio. Their findings are consistent with a number of literatures in the area. They
concluded a shortening CCC, ICP and ACP and lengthening APP increases profitability.

A research in the area specific to the city of Addis Ababa was conducted by Mengesha (2014),
who studied the impact of working capital management on performance of 19 selected private
metal manufacturers in Addis Ababa, for a thesis as a partial requirement of Master of Science in
Accounting and Finance. The data used covered the interval of 2008-2012. He used ROA and
Return on Investment (ROI) as measures of performance and its independent variables, except
CCC, were similar to those of this study. The regression results show that all the independent
variables; ICP, ACP, APP,CCC; have a negative and significant influence on the firm’s financial

Another research that on the area that conducted in Ethiopia is the work of Ketema (2018). He
studied the impact of working capital management on performance of large taxpayer printing firms
in Addis Ababa. The independent variables of the study were CCC, ITD, ACP and CR, and the
researcher failed to incorporate any measure for account receivables management. ROA was the
dependent variable of the research. Both descriptive and regression analysis of a five years data
(from 2011-2015) collected from ERCA, of 9 cross-sections, were analyzed using E-views 9.
According to his findings, CCC has a significant positive impact on ROA, while all the other three
variables have significant negative impact on ROA.

Ahmed (2016) also addressed the issue by using selected manufacturing companies in Addis
Ababa. The independent variables of his work were CCC, ACP, ITD and APP, while ROA was
the only independent variable. He selected a sample of 16 firms out of 34 manufacturing
companies, and used a data representing the years 2008-2014, a seven years period. The
researcher’s regression analysis using Eviews-9 indicate that ACP and CCC have significant
negative impact on ROA while APP has an insignificant positive impact and ITD has an
insignificant negative impact on ROA.

Another similar research done in the topic is the thesis of Kumelachew (2018) which was
conducted on category A construction companies. Of a total of 45 construction companies, 17
sample firms were selected for the study, and the panel data was collected from Ethiopian Revenue
and Custom Authority (ERCA) for a period covering the eight years from 2008-2015. The
independent variables used in the research were ACP, ITD, APP and CCC, while the independent
variable were ROA. The analysis was done using STATA and E-views and the results indicated

that ACP, and CCC have significant negative impact on ROA, while the other two variables were
found to have no significant impact on ROA.

Estifanos (2015) also studied a similar topic on the sugar manufacturing industry of Ethiopia. A
twelve years data covering the years from 2002 to 2013 were collected from three sugar
manufacturing companies, and regression of the independent variables CCC, ACP, ITD and APP
and the dependent variable ROA were done using the software packages SPSS and STATA-12.
The regression results show that, APP has a significant negative impact on ROA in the sugar
manufacturing companies, while ACP has a significant positive impact on ROA. The other two
independent variables, CCC and ITD were found to have no significant impact on ROA of the
addressed manufacturing firms.

In addition, the article of Hailu and Venkateswarlu (2016) also addressed the effect of the
management of working capital on the profitability of manufacturing firms in the eastern Ethiopia
region. The independent variables used in their study were similar to most of the studies in the
area: ACP, ITD, APP and CCC, and their independent variable was ROA. Data that covers the
five years period from 2010-2014 were collected from thirty manufacturing firms. According to
the regression analysis results, CCC and ACP has a significant negative effect on Return on Asset,
while ITD has a positive effect on ROA. However, the impact of APP on ROA was found to be
insignificant in their work.

With respect to descriptive statistics results, mean values of similar major variables to those used
in this research taken from the Ethiopian studies reviewed are;

 ROA=0.32; ACP=134.283; ITD=133.105; APP= 544.379 (Mengesha, 2014)

 ROA=0.179; ACP=60.588; ITD=232.99; (Ketema,2018)
 ROA=0.149; ACP=87.919; ITD=230.985; APP= 176.823 (Kumlachew,2018)
 ROA=0.048; ACP=187.57; ITD=403.94; APP=238.40 (Estifanos,2015)
 ROA=0.179; ACP=95.6; ITD=47.1; APP=52.9 (Hailu and Venkateswarlu, 2016)
 ROA=0.142; ACP=116.643; ITD=248.384; APP=114.089 (Ahmed, 2016)
 ROA=0.0739; ACP=77.022; ITD=200.82; APP=358.326 (Rani & Abreha, 2017)

2.3. Conceptual Framework of the Study

The measures of the efficiency of the management of each component of working capital used in
this research are:

- Cash Ratio (CaR) to measure management of cash as used by Chintha and Prasad (2021);
- Average Collection Period (ACP) to measure the management of accounts receivables;
- Inventory Turnover in Days (ITD) to measure the management of inventory;
- Average Payment Period (APP) to measure accounts payables’ management.

The three measures: ACP, ITD and APP are specified as indicators of working capital management
strategies in Nia et al. (2012).

The control variables Debt to Equity Ratio (DE) that measures leverage and firm size measured
by natural logarithm of total assets (lnTA) are taken from the list of the determinants of financial
performance identified by the work of Omondi and Muturi (2013). In addition, the variables were
used as control variables in the works of Mengesha (2014); Kumelachew (2018); Estifanos (2015);
Hailu and Venkateswarlu (2016); and Ketema (2018).

On the other hand, financial performance of the firm was measured using return on assets (ROA)
similar to that used in most of the studies in the literature pool to measure how efficiently has the
management performed in terms of profit considering the amount of total assets under the firm’s

Figure 2.1: Illustration of the Conceptual Framework of the Study

Independent Variables


Dependent Variable ACP



Control Variables

Source: The Researcher’s Own Construct based on Reviewed Literature



3.1. Research Approach

A business research may use one of the three types of research approaches namely, quantitative,
qualitative and mixed methods approach. Quantitative research is a means for testing objective
theories by examining the relationship among variables (Creswell, 2009). Qualitative research
approach is one in which the investigator often makes knowledge claims based primarily on the
multiple meanings of individual experiences, socially and historically constructed meanings,
participation in issues, collaboration or change oriented with an intent of developing a theory or
pattern (Creswell, 2003). Mixed research is an approach to inquiry that combines or associates
both qualitative and quantitative forms (Creswell, 2009). Considering the research problem and
objective quantitative research approach is found to be appropriate for this particular study.

3.2. Research Design

According to Kothari (2004), research design refers to the strategy of the research project that
enables the researcher to collect, measure and analyze data. This study used explanatory research
design. An explanatory research design is utilized in hypothesis testing research studies to identify
the extent and nature of cause-effect relationships between independent and dependent variables.

3.3. Population of the Study

Khotari (2004) defines population as the total of the items that constitute any field of inquiry. The
population for this study consists of all large tax payer leather processing firms in Ethiopia that
were under operation from 2014-2018. According to the information the researcher acquired from
the large taxpayers office, there are 18 leather processing firms registered as Large Taxpayers and
which were undertaking business operations in the years 2014-2018. Thus, the total number of the
population of the study is 18.

3.4. Sampling Technique

The research uses a purposive sampling to select 14 companies out of the 18 that constitute the
population. It is a sampling technique that is used to select samples that are information rich
(Pattom, 1990). The reason behind this selection is a target to include firms with no missing data
in the five years interval. Thus, this number of samples, along with the time dimension of five
years makes the number of observations taken for the purpose of this study to be 70.

3.5. Method of Data Collection

This study have used secondary data which were found from the financial statements of the large
tax payer leather processing companies in Ethiopia that were operating in the years from 2014-
2018. The time frame is limited to a five years period because of lack of access of data that
represent wider period of time. The 5 year data covering the interval 2014 up to 2018 has been
collected from the Large Taxpayers office of Ministry of Revenue, which makes the structure of
the data to be a balanced panel.

3.6. Method of Data Analysis

The quantitative data that has been collected from the financial statements were analyzed by using
the E-views 10 analytical package. The E-views package was chosen to analyze the data of this
study because of the reviews in Brooks (2014) that suggests it a flexible, simple and user-friendly
software because it’s programming language and suitable interface. The researcher has processed
a descriptive statistics to describe the state of the variables in the study setting. More importantly,
multiple regression analysis has been conducted so as to understand whether financial performance
of selected large tax payer leather processing firms in Ethiopia is impacted by the management of
each major component of working capital.

3.7. Regression Model of the Study

The regression model for the research is presented as follows.

ROA = β0 + β1 (CaRit) - β2 (ACPit) - β3 (ITDit) + β4 (APPit) - β6 (DEit) + β7 (lnTAit) + uit


β0 = Constant
β1= Regression coefficient of CaR β6 = Regression coefficient of DE
β2 = Regression coefficient of ACP β7= Regression Coefficient of lnTA
β3 = Regression coefficient of ITD u = Error term
β4 = Regression coefficient of APP t= time (1-5, representing years 2014-2018)
Metrics for the Variables

For the purpose of this study the independent and dependent variables are calculated using the
following equations.

𝐶𝑎𝑠ℎ+𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠
- 𝐶𝑎𝑅 =
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑖𝑠
365 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠
- 𝐴𝐶𝑃 = 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠/𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒
365 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠
- 𝐼𝑇𝐷 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑑/𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦
𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑝𝑎𝑦𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒
- 𝐴𝑃𝑃 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑑/ 365𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠
𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑎𝑥
- 𝑅𝑂𝐴 = 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡
- 𝐷𝐸 = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦

- 𝑙𝑛𝑇𝐴 = log 𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 (where e=2.71828)

3.8. Description of Variables

3.8.1. Return on Asset

According to Farfan et. al. (2017) return on asset is a profitability ratio that determines the earning
rate that has been resulted from its operational activities. In addition, they indicate that return on
asset is calculated by the division of net income before interest and tax to the value of the total
assets. According to CFI (n.d.), a higher ROA indicates that the management is more efficient in
exploiting the economic resources controlled by the firm. As indicated in the empirical review,
ROA is a frequently used measure of financial performance in the literature regarding how
financial performance is impacted by working capital management, which is why the researcher
chose to use it as the dependent variable of the research; a measure of financial performance.

3.8.2. Cash Ratio

Cash ratio is described by Farfan et. al. (2017) as a measure of the liquidity available if inventory
and receivables are removed from the current assets, and tells us the amount of cash held by a
business with respect to its current liabilities. It is calculated by dividing cash and cash equivalents
to current liabilities. The researcher was motivated to use it as a measure of cash management with
the intention to address a cash management aspect that has been less usually addressed, so that it
adds a unique element for the study. As indicated in the empirical review, there is a small amount
of studies that addressed the impact of cash ratio on financial performance. As perceived from the
findings of: Dadepo and Afolabi (2020), which is the only research that the researcher could access
that identified a significant impact of cash ratio on return on asset, the researcher has proposed the
first hypothesis.

H1: Cash Ratio (CaR) has a positive and significant impact on Return on Asset (ROA)

3.8.3. Average Collection Period

According to CFI (n.d.), average collection period, which is calculated by dividing the number of
days in the period under consideration (which is 1 year period for the purpose of this research) to
accounts receivable turnover ratio, is a ratio used to indicate the average number of days it takes
for a firm to collect the amount of on account sales. It is used frequently in the literature regarding
the impact of working capital management on financial performance as a measure of accounts
receivable management. The findings of Garcia-Teruel and Solano (2007); Nobanee and Haddad
(2014); Makau et al (2017); Rani & Abreha (2017); Tesfay and Batra (2018); Mengesha (2014);
Ketema (2018); Ahmed (2016); Kumelachew (2018); and Hailu & Venkateswarlu (2016) indicate
that ACP has a significant negative impact on ROA, thus the second hypothesis of the research is
proposed as;

H2: Average Collection Period (ACP) has a negative and significant impact on ROA;

3.8.4. Inventory Turnover Days

Inventory turnover days is a measure of the average number of days that it takes for a certain
business to convert its inventories into sales, and is determined by dividing the number of days of
the period under consideration by the inventory turnover ratio. Just as ACP, ITD is also a very
widely used measure of inventory management in the literatures. As discussed in the empirical
review, it is indicated in the findings of: Nobanee and Haddad (2014); Ketema (2018); Rani &
Abreha (2017); Tesfay and Batra (2018); Mengesha (2014) that ITD has a significant positive
impact on ROA which is why the researcher proposed a third hypothesis that states;

H3: Inventory Turnover in Days (ITD) has a negative and significant impact on ROA;

3.8.5. Average Payment Period

Farfan et. al. (2017) describe average payment period as the average number of days by which a
certain company pays the amount owed to suppliers for items purchased on account. They add that
average payment period for a year is calculated by 360 days divided by payables turnover ratio.
Average payment period, as indicated in the empirical reviews, is a commonly used measure of
accounts payable management, in the literatures regarding the impact of working capital
management on financial performance. As shown in the empirical review, the findings of: Rani &
Abreha (2017); Mabandla& Makoni (2019); Tesfay and Batra (2018); Sadiq (2017); and Golas
(2020), indicate that average payment period has a positive impact on return on asset. Thus, the
researcher has proposed the fourth hypothesis of this research.

H4: Average Payment Period (APP) has a positive and significant impact on ROA.

3.8.6. The Control Variables

The control variables of this study are debt to equity ratio and firm size measured by natural
logarithm of total assets. The two variables were selected from the control variables that were used
as control variables in the literature pool that focuses on examining the impact of working capital
on financial performance. The works of Mengesha (2014); Kumelachew (2018); Estifanos (2015);
Hailu and Venkateswarlu (2016); and Ketema (2018) have incorporated either one or both of the
variables as control variables in their work.

The first variable, debt to equity ratio, is a variable calculating total liabilities (including both long
and short term liabilities) to total shareholders’ equity of a certain business. It is a leverage ratio
that is shows whether a certain company is indebted or not as compared to its shareholders’ equity.
The study of Omondi and Muturi (2013), which is regarding determinants of financial performance
as measured by ROA, identified that DE has a negative impact on ROA. Thus, it is proposed to
have a negative coefficient in the regression output as indicated in the model in section 3.7. of this

On the other hand, the second control variable, firm size is measured by using the natural logarithm
of assets similarly to the studies of Ketema (2018) and Kumelachew (2018). In addition, the work
of Omondi and Muturi (2013) indicates that firm size has a positive impact on ROA. This is why,
as shown in the model in section 3.7. of this report, it is proposed that firm size would have a
positive coefficient in the regression output.



4.1. Result and Discussion of Descriptive Statistics

Kothari (2003) informs us that descriptive statistics is one of the two major types of statistics
that focuses on presenting specific numerical expressions of the available data. It also indicates
that the two categories of quantitatively summarizing data in statistics are measures of central
tendency (mean and median) and measures of dispersion (standard deviation). The results of
the descriptive statistics of the dependent variables and the independent variables of this
research are presented in table 4.1.

Table 4.1. Descriptive Statistics Results

Observations 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
Mean 0.086 1.096 110.323 201.646 134.640 1.339 19.872
Median 0.070 0.359 98.435 181.635 116.620 0.917 19.732
Maximum 0.300 6.449 254.710 469.700 264.984 6.116 21.750
Minimum -0.096 0.013 38.780 20.230 94.580 0.195 18.284
Std. Dev. 0.096 1.558 56.265 113.353 47.445 1.153 0.791
Source: E-views 10
As it can be seen from table 4.1., the number of observations of each of the research variables
were 70. This is because the number of large tax payer leather processing firms from which
the data is collected is 14 and the time period that is represented by the data is from 2014-2018;
a five years period.

The first variable presented in table 4.1. is the only dependent variable of the research, Return
on Asset. Return on asset is a measure of the percentage of annual net income before interest
and tax as compared to the total assets of the firm. From the table we can see that the mean
value of return on assets is equal to 0.086, and the median is equal to 0.07. The maximum
return on asset of the firms is 0.3 and the minimum return is equal to -0.096. In addition the
standard deviation of the return on asset values in the panel data is 0.096. The mean value tells
us that, on average, the percentage of net income before interest and tax with respect to the
total assets of large taxpayer leather processing firms is 8.6%. On the other hand, by referring

to the standard deviation, we can understand that the return on asset values of large taxpayer
leather processing firms in Ethiopia are dispersed with respect to the mean value by an average
of 9.6%. The mean value ROA of the firms addressed in this research is greater than only two
of the Ethiopian researches reviewed in this research which are that of the works of Estifanos
(2015) and Rani & Abreha (2017), which suggests that the large tax payer leather processing
firms have shown lesser financial performance, as measured by ROA, than most of the other
firms addressed by the reviewed researches.

Cash Ratio is the independent variable that makes this research to have a unique dimension in
relation with comparable researches in Ethiopia. The researcher could not find any work based
in the country that used the ratio to measure cash management. From table 4.1., it can be
understood that the mean value for cash ratio is equal to 1.096, its median is 0.359, its
maximum is 6.449, its minimum is 0.013 and it has a standard deviation of 1.558. The ‘mean’
tells us that on average the cash balance of large tax payer leather firms in Ethiopia could cover
ETB 1.096 of every ETB 1 current liability they incur. On the other hand, the standard
deviation, which is equal to 1.558 tells us that, on average, the data of Cash Ratio is dispersed
1.558 units with respect to the mean. The mean value of cash ratio in this study (1.096) which
is greater than that of the firms addressed by Chintha and Prasad (2021), which is 0.49; Rehman
et. al. (2015), which is 0.8072; Kong et al (2019), which is 0.328; and that of Dadepo & Afolabi
(2020), which is 0.207. This suggests that the large tax payer firms are more liquid in terms of
Cash Ratio than the studies that are reviewed in this report.

The second independent variable, Average Collection Period, which is also known as Accounts
Receivable Days in some books, tells us the average number of days that is needed by a firm
to collect the amount of its on-account sales. The descriptive statistics results of the second
variable, Average Collection Period, which is used to measure efficiency of account receivable
management, indicate that its mean value equals 110.323days, its median is equal
to 98.435days, its maximum value is equal to 254.71 days, its minimum value equals 38.78
days and the standard deviation is equal to 56.265 days, as perceived from table 4.1. The mean
value tells us, on average, it takes large taxpayer leather processing firms in Ethiopia 110.323
days per period to receive the amount of sales from their credit customers. From the standard
deviation, we can understand that the Average Collection Period values are dispersed from the

mean by an average of 56.265 days. Of the Ethiopian studies reviewed in this report, the mean
value of ACP in this study is greater than that in Ketema (2018); Kumlachew (2018); Hailu
and Venkateswarlu(2016); and Rani & Abreha (2017), while it is less than that of Ahmed
(2016); Mengesha (2014); and Estifanos (2015). This shows that the mean value of the ACP
of the firms in this study is within the range of the other studies reviewed.

On the other hand, Inventory Turnover Period, which is the third independent variable, is a
working capital management efficiency measure that shows the number of days that are needed
to finish selling the inventory of an accounting period. Table 4.1. indicates that the mean value
of inventory turnover period is equal to 201.646 days; its median equals 181.635 days; its
maximum value is equal to 469.700 days; it has a minimum value of 20.230 days; and the
standard deviation of the data for inventory turnover period is equal to 113.353 days. Based on
the mean value, we can understand that large tax payer leather processing firms in Ethiopia,
on average, complete selling their inventory in 201.646 days per year. In addition, the standard
deviation tells us that the values of the panel data for inventory turnover period are, on average,
dispersed from the mean by 113.353 days. Of the studies done in Ethiopia which were reviewed
in this report, the mean value of ITD in this study is greater than that in the studies of Mengesha
(2014); Hailu and Venkateswarlu (2016); and Rani & Abreha (2017), while it is lesser than the
mean value of ITD in the other studies reviewed.

Another working capital management efficiency measure addressed in table 4.1. is the Average
Payment Period, which is the fourth independent variable of this study. Average payment
period measures the amount of days it takes for a firm to pay its liability back to its on-account
suppliers. The mean value of average payment period is 134.640 days, the median is equal to
116.620 days, the maximum average payment period is 264.984 days, and it has a minimum
value of 94.580 days. The standard deviation is 47.445 days. The mean value reveals that the
Ethiopian large taxpayer leather processing firms, on average, settle their liabilities to suppliers
in 134.640 days per year. From the standard deviation, it can be understood that, the data of
average payment period is distant from the mean an average of 47.445 days. The APP in this
study is greater than that in the studies of Hailu and Venkateswarlu (2016) and that of Ahmed
(2016). However, the APP in this report is lesser than that of all of the other studies reviewed.

Which shows the APP of the firms in this study is less than most of the firms addressed in the
empirical review of this report.

One of the two control variables used in this study is the Debt to Equity ratio, which is a
measure of leverage. It tells us the percentage of total debt with respect to stockholders equity.
Table 4.1. indicates that the mean of Debt to Equity ratio is equal to 1.339 while its median is
equal to 0.917. On the other hand, the maximum debt to equity ratio in the panel data is 6.116
and the minimum value is 0.195. The standard deviation of debt to equity ratio is 1.153, as
indicated in Table 4.1. According to the mean value, it can be understood that the average
proportion of debt versus equity in Ethiopian large taxpayer leather processing firms is 1.339,
which shows that they are indebted as compared to their equity balances. On the other hand,
from the standard deviation we can understand that the average distance of the debt to equity
values of Ethiopian large tax payer leather processing firms from the mean value is 1.153.

The second control variable in this research is firm size, which is measured by natural
logarithm of total assets. The average ln (total assets) is equal to 19.872, its median is equal to
19.732, its maximum value is 21.750 and its minimum value is 18.284, and its standard
deviation equals 0.791. Thus, according to the value of the mean, the average size of Ethiopian
large tax payer leather processing companies is 19.872 as measured by the natural logarithm
of their individual total asset and the standard deviation tells us that the other values of firm
size, on average, are dispersed from the value of the mean 0.791 units.

4.2. Tests, Results and Interpretation of Regression Analysis

In order to understand the causal relationship between the independent variables, which are the
components of working capital management and the control variables; with the dependent
variable, return on asset, a measure of overall firm financial performance, the researcher has
developed the following explanatory model to be processed using the E-Views 10 package,
under a confidence level of 95%.

ROA = β0 + β1 (CaRit) - β2 (ACPit) - β3 (ITDit) + β4 (APPit) - β6 (DEit) + β7 (lnTAit) + uit

4.2.1. Hausman Test

It can be understood from this model that this research is conducted using panel data, because
the model incorporates a cross sectional (i) and time series (t) dimensions. And the panel is a
balanced panel, since it has equal cross sectional and time series observations. It is discussed
in Brooks (2014) that regressions can be undertaken under either the fixed effects or random
effects models. In order to identify whether the random effects model or fixed effects model is
appropriate the researcher has performed the Hausman test as suggested by Brooks (2014).
The result is presented in table 4.2.

Table 4.2. Hausman test Results

Source: output of E-views 10

From this result we can see that the p-value of cross-section random is 0.0113, which is below
the significance level (5%). This is interpreted as the random effects model is not suitable for
this regression. Thus, the researcher has regressed the variables using the cross section fixed
effects model.

4.2.2. Diagnostic tests for Classical Linear Regression Model Assumptions

Brooks (2014) has presented the following five assumptions that are needed to be fulfilled by
a certain classical linear regression model so that the estimator in the model is equipped with
the four characteristics known by the acronym BLUE (Best, Unbiased, Linear, and Estimator).

- E(ut)=0; interpreted as: the mean of the error terms is equal to zero,
- var(ut)= σ2<; interpreted as: the errors have constant and finite variance over all
values of Xit
- cov(ut,ut)=0; interpreted as; there is a linear independence between the errors
- There is no multicollinearity (the independent variables are not correlated)

- ut ∼ N(0, σ2); interpreted as; the residuals are normally distributed


The results of the diagnostic tests with respect to the regression model of this research is
presented in the following sections. Test for E(ut)=0

According to Brooks (2014), if the regression equation includes a constant term, then the
assumption that the mean of the residuals must be equal to zero can never fail to be fulfilled.
As it is to be shown in table 4.6, and the regression equation, the result of the estimation
incorporates a constant (intercept) that is equal to 0.13. Test for the Presence of Heteroscedasticity

Brooks (2014) indicates that the assumption that dictates the variance of the error terms to be
constant is referred to as the homoscedasticity assumption. The researcher has tested for
homoscedasticity at both cross section and period dimensions. Although there are various ways
to test whether the residuals either have a constant variance (are homoscedastic) or they don’t
have a constant variance (are heteroscedastic), the researcher used likelihood ratio test because
it was the only available homoscedasticity test method in the software package. The results of
cross-section heteroscedasticity test and period heteroscedasticity test are presented in tables
4.3. and 4.4 respectively.

Table 4.3. Cross-section Heteroscedasticity Test

Source: output of E-views 10

As it can be seen in table 4.3. the null hypothesis of the likelihood ratio test for cross section
heteroscedasticity is that the residuals are homoscedastic. The p-value shows that we need to

accept the null hypothesis because a p-value of 0.1017 is greater than the significance level of
5%. Thus, the residuals don’t have cross sectional heteroscedasticity.

Table 4.4. Period Heteroscedasticity Test

Source: output of E-views 10

Similarly, the null hypothesis in table 4.4. is that residuals are periodically homoscedastic. As
it can be seen, the p-value of the likelihood ratio test is 100% which is greater than the
significance value of 5%. Thus, the residuals of the estimation output of this study are
homoscedastic. Test to Detect Autocorrelation

According to Brooks (2014) autocorrelation is an instance in which there is a certain pattern in

the residual series which shows that the error terms of consecutive periods fail to be
independent of one another. The researcher has performed the Durbin-Watson test to detect
whether or not there is a first order autocorrelation between residuals.

Figure 4.1. Durbin-Watson test Rejection and Non-rejection Regions

Source: Brooks (2014)

The depiction in figure 4.1. is used to decide whether or not there is autocorrelation by using
the Durbin-Watson test. As it can be seen in the figure, one can decide on not rejecting the null
hypothesis that there is no autocorrelation between the error terms, if Durbin-Watson stat falls
between, the upper critical value (dU) and 4-dU. The upper and lower critical values can be
found from Savin and White table of critical values for Durbin-Watson statistic presented in

Savin and Watson (1977). The upper and lower critical values for Durbin-Watson stat test of
6 regressors (excluding the intercept), and 70 number of observations at a significance level of
5%, just as in the case of the estimation of this research, are 1.433 and 1.802 respectively.
Thus, if the Durbin-Watson stat of the estimation equation is between 1.802 and 4-
1.802=2.198, then we do not reject the null hypothesis. As it can be seen from the estimation
output in table 4.6, the value of the Durbin-Watson stat of the estimation model of this research
is equal to 2.032, which is a value between 1.802 and 2.198. Thus, we can decide that there is
no first order autocorrelation. Test to Detect the Presence of Multicollinearity

The presence of multicollinearity indicates that there is correlation between independent

variables as indicated by Brooks (2014). The researcher has checked for the presence of
multicollinearity by using the correlation matrix of the independent variables. The correlation
matrix is presented in table 4.5.

Table 4.5. Correlation Matrix of Independent Variables

Source: output of E-views 10

As it can be seen from table 4.5. the absolute values of all of the values of correlation
coefficients are less than 0.9. Thus, there is no problem multicollinearity in the estimation. Test for the Presence of Non-normality

As indicated earlier, the fifth assumption of classical linear regression models so that the
estimators of the regression output are ‘BLUE’ is that the error terms are expected to be
normally distributed. Figure 4.2. shows the histogram of the residuals of research’s estimation
along with the values of descriptive statistics elements and the Bera-Jarque test results.

Figure 4.2. Histogram - Normality Test

Source: output of E-views 10

Brooks (2014) discusses that if the p-value for the Bera-Jarque stat is greater than the level of
significance, then the null hypothesis that the residuals are normally distributed will not be
rejected. As it can be seen in Figure 4.2. the p-value of the Bera-Jarque stat is 58.90%, which
is greater than the level of significance (5%). Thus, the estimation of the regression does not
have the problem of non-normality of residuals.

4.2.3. Presentation and Interpretation of Estimation Output

The introductory section of this report presents the four hypothesis of the study. The regression
that has been undertaken using the E-views 10 package satisfies the five assumptions of
classical linear regression model as indicated in the previous parts of this study. Thus, the
estimators in the output of the regression analysis have been proven to be Best, Unbiased,
Linear, Estimators. Table 4.6. shows the estimation output of the regression analysis of the
impact of working capital management of Ethiopian large taxpayer leather processing firms on
their financial performance.

Table 4.6. Result of the Panel Least Squares Regression Analysis

Source: output of E-views 10 Goodness of Fit

It is indicated in Brooks(2014) that the extent to which the change in dependent variable is
explained by the independent variables in a regression function can be measured by R2 and
‘adjusted R2’, the latter being a better measure. As it can be seen in table 4.6., the ‘adjusted R2’
is equal to 69.55%, which shows that the independent variables in the regression function
(Cash Ratio, Average Collection Period, Inventory Turnover in Days, Average Payment
Period, Debt to Equity Ratio and Firm Size) explain 69.55% of the changes in Return on Asset,
the dependent variable, while a change of the remaining 30.45 % of the dependent variable is
explained by other variables that haven’t been included as parts of the model in the study.

43 F-test

According to Brooks (2014), the F-statistic of a regression function is a result of a null

hypothesis that states: the regression coefficients of the independent variables other than the
intercept equal zero. As it can be seen in table 4.6. this null is to be rejected since the p-value
of the F-stat is equal to 0. Thus, the coefficients of the regression function are to be values
other than zero, with a great deal of significance. The test of each hypothesis of this research
has been presented in the sections that follow. H1: CaR has a positive and significant impact on ROA

The impact of cash ratio on return on asset is one of the least addressed issues in the literature
regarding the impact of working capital management on financial performance. One of the
aims of this research has been to identify the impact of cash ratio, which is used as a measure
of cash management, on return on asset of large taxpayer leather processing firms in Ethiopia.
The proposed alternative hypothesis that predicts a significantly positive impact on return on
asset was based on the findings of, one of the two papers that studied the impact of CaR on
ROA that the researcher could have access of, Dadepo & Afolabi (2020), because the study
setting of their research included only manufacturing firms in an African country, as compared
to the other research, Rhaman et al (2015), which was conducted based on firms in Saudi, Asia.

However, as indicated in table 4.6., since the p-value of the t-stat is equal to 0.0453, and a
coefficient of -0.012, the hypothesis that states: cash ratio has a positive and significant impact
on return on asset, shall not be accepted. The finding of this study indicated that cash ratio has
a negative and significant impact on return on asset. This can be interpreted as: if the cash ratio
of the companies increases by a single unit, the return on asset would be reduced by 1.2%. This
negative impact of cash ratio over return on asset can be explained through the theory of
tradeoff between liquidity and profitability. Since holding cash is a business activity that would
yield the least return, the finding that liquidity, as measured by Cash Ratio, would have a
negative impact over return on asset wouldn’t be unacceptable.

44 H2: ACP has a negative and significant impact on ROA

The second independent variable, Average Collection Period, is hypothesized to have a

significant negative impact on return on asset based on reviewed literatures. The findings
presented in table 4.6. indicate that the coefficient for ACP in the regression function is equal
to -0.000814 and a p-value of 0.0006. This is interpreted as ACP has a very significant negative
impact on return on asset in large taxpayer leather processing firms in Ethiopia at 5%
significance level. Thus, the researcher doesn’t have sufficient evidence to reject the second
hypothesis. In addition, the coefficient of ACP tells us that, keeping the other variables in the
model constant, a one day increase of time to collect the average accounts receivables of a
period from customers reduces the return on asset of large tax payer leather processing firms
in Ethiopia by 0.081%.

The finding of this study is similar to the findings of Garcia-Teruel and Solano (2007);
Nobanee and Haddad (2014); Makau et al (2017); Rani & Abreha (2017); Tesfay and Batra
(2018); Mengesha (2014); Ketema (2018); Ahmed (2016); Kumelachew (2018); and Hailu &
Venkateswarlu (2016); Mabandla& Makoni (2019); and Sadiq (2017). However, it contradicts
with the findings of Mbawuni et al. (2016) that concluded ACP has an insignificant positive
relationship with ROA, and the findings of Agha (2014); Golas (2020); Estifanos (2015);
which concluded that ACP has a significant positive impact on ROA.

According to the result, which indicates average collection period significantly impacts return
on asset negatively, a fast collection of the amount of sales from credit customers increases the
financial performance of leather processing in firms Ethiopia. This would be due to the
unfavorable effect of the cost of not being able to have access to the cash from credit sales, and
legal costs of dealing with credit customers that don’t pay on time. The negative impact of
Average Collection Period on Return on Asset is also explained by the time value of money,
which indicates a money acquired sooner has more value than that collected late. H3: ITD has a negative and significant impact on ROA

It is presented in table 4.6. that, the third independent variable, Inventory Turnover in Days,
shows a coefficient of -0.000392 and a p-value of 0.0087. Since the coefficient has a negative
sign and the p-value is greater than the significance level of 5% which indicates that ITD has

a negative and significant impact on ROA, just as proposed in the hypothesis. In addition, the
coefficient suggests that, keeping the other variables of the estimation model fixed, a single
day increase of the inventory turnover in days reduces the return on asset of large tax payer
leather processing firms of Ethiopia by 0.039%.

This finding is supported by those of Nobanee and Haddad (2014); Ketema (2018); Rani &
Abreha (2017); Tesfay and Batra (2018); and Mengesha (2014). However, the finding of this
study differs from that of Estifanos (2015); Kumelachew (2018); Ahmed (2016); Mbawuni et
al. (2016), who concluded that ITD has no significant impact on ROA, and that of Mabandla&
Makoni (2019); and Hailu & Venkateswarlu (2016) which concluded that ITD has a positive
effect on ROA.

The negative impact of inventory turnover in days shows, in order to improve their financial
performance, firms shall sell their inventories on hand as fast as possible. Inventory is the
major income source for the firm. Thus, if there is a speedy sales of inventory in a single period,
the firm can generate a huge amount of revenue as long as it can keep on producing more and
more inventories, which in turn enhances the return on asset of the firms.

On the contrary, failure to sell the leather products fast enough would lower their qualities
because of being stored in warehouses for a very long time. This would reduce the value of the
products and might even force the firms to sell the products below the intended price. This
would have an adverse impact on return on asset by lowering their profit. H4: APP has a positive and significant impact on ROA

The coefficient and the p-value of the fourth independent variable, Average Payment Period,
as presented in table 4.6., are -0.001419 and 0.0006 (significant at a significance level of 5%)
respectively. Thus, there is enough evidence that suggests the fourth hypothesis shall not be
accepted, since the output shows a significant negative impact of APP on ROA in large tax
payer leather processing firms. In addition, The coefficient tells us that a one day increase in
APP reduces the ROA of leather processing firms by 0.142%. The finding of this research
differs from the findings of : Rani & Abreha (2017); Mabandla& Makoni (2019); Tesfay and
Batra (2018); Sadiq (2017); and Golas (2020) which concluded that APP has a positive effect
on ROA.

The negative impact of APP shows that large taxpayer leather processing firms in Ethiopia can
enhance their financial performance by paying their liability to suppliers as early as possible
since they can exploit the benefits of trade discount. In addition, creating a healthy relationship
with their input suppliers by repaying their liabilities early would encourage the suppliers, who
understand the time value of money, to enhance quality and speed of delivery of the raw
materials, which then improves the quality of their finished products, thereby enhancing their
financial performance since it increases sales because of a higher demand for products with
better quality. This is an important point considering the practical gap of scarcity and low
quality of raw materials in the leather processing sector as indicated in the statement of problem
of this study. The finding is also supported by the conclusions in the works of Mbawuni et al.
(2016); Mengesha (2014); and Estifanos (2015), which indicate that APP has a significant
positive impact on ROA. The Impact of the Control Variables on ROA

The two control variables of the research, are debt to equity ratio and company size measured
by ln (total assets). As presented in table 4.6. the p-value for DE is equal to 0.0576 and that of
LNTA is equal to 0.5815, while their coefficients are 0.022328 and 0.015049 respectively.
Thus, both of the control variables, Debt to Equity ratio and firm size have insignificant
positive impact on the Return on Asset of large taxpayer leather processing companies in
Ethiopia, at a significance level of 5%.

Table 4.7.Summary of Regression Results of Major Independent Variables

No. Independent Hypothesized Impact on ROA Analysed impact on ROA

Variable (at 5% significance level)
1. CaR Significantly positive Significantly negative
2. ACP Significantly negative Significantly negative
3. ITD Significantly negative Significantly negative
4. APP Significantly positive Significantly negative
Source: Researcher’s Analysis



5.1. Summary

Working capital can be defined as a portion of total capital constituted by the short term
elements of balance sheet, current assets and current liabilities. The focus of this paper is
understanding the impact of working capital management on the financial performance of large
taxpayer leather processing firms. Literatures show that an effective and efficient working
capital management has contributions to the maximization of a firm’s value. The paper is
structured based on the four major components of working capital management, which are
management of: cash, accounts receivable, inventory and accounts payable.

The gap seen in the literature is inconclusiveness of former studies because of differences with
findings and measurements, and the existence of studies that use inappropriate techniques and
methodology. In addition, lack of any study conducted in the leather processing manufacturing
sector has been taken as a relevant gap by the researcher because of practical problems noticed
in the sector like limited raw material quality and supply, increased competition of imported
substitutes and limited access to finance which may be related to management of working
capital components like inventory and account payable. On the other hand, the literature of
working capital hasn’t given emphasis on the impact of cash liquidity of firms on their financial

Thus, the researcher aimed to feel this gaps by setting four specific objectives each showing a
goal to understand the impact of one of the four major elements of working capital listed
earlier. The operationalization of the research has included cash ratio to measure management
of cash, average collection period to measure management of accounts receivable, inventory
turnover in days to measure inventory management and average payment period to measure
the management of account payable. The hypothesized impacts of the working capital
components on return on asset are: significant positive for cash management; significant
negative for account receivable management; significant negative for inventory management;
and significant positive for the management of accounts payables.

The research followed a quantitative research approach, with an explanatory research design
to identify the extent and nature of the causal relationships of explanatory and dependent
variables, including debt to equity ratio and company size as control variables. Although there
were 18 large taxpayer leather processing firms in Ethiopia that were operating in the years
2014-2018, because of issues of data incompleteness, a sample of 14 firms was selected using
purposive sampling technique. The financial statements of the sampled firms that represent the
five years from 2014-2018 were collected from large taxpayers office of the Ministry of
Revenue. The researcher has processed the data using descriptive statistics and multiple
regression analyses through the E-Views 10 package.

The descriptive statistics analysis shows that the mean values of: return on asset is 0.086; cash
ratio is 1.096; average collection period is 110.323 days; inventory turnover in days is 201.646
days; average payment period is 134.640 days; debt to equity ratio is 1.339; and firm size as
measured by ln(total assets) is equal to 19.872. The model used by the researcher fulfills the
five classical linear regression model assumptions. On the other hand the modified R 2, which
is equal to 0.695495, indicates that 69.55% of the changes in return on assets of the addressed
firms can be explained by the research’s independent variables, and the remaining 30.45% by
other unaddressed variables.

The regression used a fixed cross-section panel least squared technique and presented that the
coefficient & p-values of, cash ratio equal -0.011907 & 0.0453; average collection period equal
-0.000814 & 0.0006; inventory turnover in days equal -0.000392 & 0.0087; average payment
period equal -0.001419 and 0.0006; debt to equity ratio equal 0.022328 & 0.0576 and firm size
equal 0.015049 & 0.5815 respectively. Thus, the researcher identified that all the independent
variables that are used to measure the efficiency of working capital management; cash ratio,
average collection period, inventory turnover in days and average payment period have
significant negative impacts on the independent variable, return on asset. In addition, it can be
understood from the finding that both the control variables, debt to equity ratio and firm size
have insignificant impact on the return on asset of the firms at a significance level of 5%.

5.2. Conclusion

In order to address the determination of the impact of working capital management on financial
performance of large taxpayer leather processing firms in Ethiopia, this study mainly focused
on the four working capital management elements which are cash management (measured by
CaR); accounts receivable management (measured by ACP); inventory management
(measured by ITD); and accounts payable management (measured by APP). The dependent
variable used to measure financial performance in the study is ROA. The researcher
hypothesized that the impact of CaR and APP on ROA would be significantly positive and that
of ACP and ITD would be significantly negative. However, the results of the regression using
E-views 10 indicate that all of the independent variables have a significant negative impact on

5.3. Recommendations

The essence of undertaking business researches is that their findings provide important
information to the management of the firms in the study setting so that they can decide on
courses of action that enhance their performance in the modern competitive business
environment. Based on the findings of this research, and their implications, the management
of large taxpayer leather processing firms in Ethiopia can adjust their working capital policies
in such a way that would result in the improvement of their financial performance. The
researcher recommends the firms to consider the following points for an efficient and effective
working capital management that enhances their financial performance and, thereby, the worth
of their firms.

- The significant negative impact of cash ratio indicates that an increase in cash with
respect to the current liabilities would lead to a lower financial performance. This is
because when excess cash is held it becomes idle and saved at a very low return than
other investment options. Thus, the researcher recommends the firms to consider
identifying opportunities so that they can invest their idle cash.
- The significant negative impact of average collection period shows that the delay of
payment of accounts receivable reduces the financial performance of the firms. Thus,
the researcher recommends the management of the companies to speed up collections

of accounts receivable. This can be achieved by using methods like proper invoicing;
proper follow-up of accounts receivable; reasonable increment of cash discount in
the credit terms; penalizing customers that fail to pay on time in terms of financial
charges and delay of obligation delivery until customer debts are settled.
- The significant negative impact of inventory turnover in days indicates that a higher
duration before completing sales of inventories lowers the financial performance of
the firms. This indicates fast sales means more sales, thus, more profit in a period.
On the other hand, slow sales may cause the stored products to get damaged or lose
their value. Therefore, the researcher recommends the management of the leather
processing firms to increase the speed of sales by using techniques like lowered costs,
engagement in mass sales and marketing activities such as advertisement, and
increased quality of products.
- The significant negative impact of average payment period indicates that the longer
it takes the firms to settle its liabilities to suppliers, the lower will be their financial
performance. It also shows that a better relationship of the firms with their suppliers
that is nurtured by on-time payment of liabilities is an important factor for the
enhancement of the financial performance of the firms. Therefore, the firms are
advised to pay their liabilities as fast as possible in order to have a better financial

5.4. Considerations for Further Studies

This research may be an inducing factor for further researches to be conducted in the area of
working capital management. Further studies may primarily consider performing a research
that solves the two major limitations indicated in the introductory part. The first aspect that is
expected to be addressed is enhancement of the quality of data by persuading leather processing
firms to provide their data, so that the data of the research is more appropriate. Furthermore,
additional studies may be done using a data that covers more than a five years period in order
to increase the time period that the findings represent.

On the other hand further studies may address additional variables both in the dependent and
independent sides. Additional financial performance measures like return on investment;
return on equity; gross and net profit margin; and total asset turnover shall be considered in
further studies. Other measures of working capital management like the current ratio can also
be incorporated in further researches. To enhance the explanatory power of their model, further
studies may incorporate additional control variables, from the literature of financial
performance determinants.


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The case of Nib International Bank S.C.: Thesis as partial fulfillment of MBA, St.
Mary’s University


The data of the operational variables used for the research

10 071 2014 -0.010 1.401 49.340 283.250 202.080 0.694 19.424
10 071 2015 0.070 1.553 39.310 265.480 189.980 0.727 19.455
10 071 2016 0.070 1.440 41.850 296.760 221.400 0.682 19.425
10 071 2017 0.040 1.135 52.180 256.250 210.290 0.683 19.425
10 071 2018 -0.010 0.862 55.620 289.750 172.950 0.855 19.515
10 133 2014 0.100 0.712 174.080 394.240 126.800 0.383 19.175
10 133 2015 0.010 0.157 188.440 469.700 122.750 0.550 19.474
10 133 2016 0.010 0.349 203.900 461.330 121.540 0.320 19.515
10 133 2017 -0.030 0.127 208.670 442.630 119.610 0.593 19.795
10 133 2018 0.010 0.214 230.660 418.800 121.110 0.616 19.824
10 166 2014 0.020 0.361 55.070 158.990 117.110 0.300 18.665
10 166 2015 0.030 2.564 55.310 163.530 111.530 0.928 19.054
10 166 2016 0.020 6.072 41.580 175.130 122.120 0.949 19.215
10 166 2017 -0.020 0.859 58.280 107.840 118.490 0.816 19.254
10 166 2018 0.010 0.531 40.870 198.270 141.970 0.979 19.355
10 260 2014 0.190 1.132 66.390 50.500 107.120 1.037 18.894
10 260 2015 0.160 0.109 67.440 47.040 107.910 0.964 18.864
10 260 2016 0.150 0.167 139.740 43.890 109.630 1.319 19.114
10 260 2017 0.020 3.033 229.600 39.760 111.000 1.775 19.414
10 260 2018 0.010 1.526 189.430 33.580 109.880 1.376 19.314
10 459 2014 0.100 0.266 106.030 139.260 125.770 3.088 19.184
10 459 2015 0.080 0.043 56.630 171.500 158.700 3.516 19.344
10 459 2016 0.140 0.358 56.980 236.820 144.140 6.116 19.724
10 459 2017 0.160 0.206 52.490 188.760 114.830 2.671 19.775
10 459 2018 0.100 0.161 93.780 151.570 114.650 3.617 20.075
10 475 2014 0.220 0.067 75.830 259.630 114.160 0.484 21.024
10 475 2015 0.220 0.077 63.170 168.650 108.950 0.651 21.115
10 475 2016 0.240 0.225 72.980 161.090 108.800 0.708 21.164
10 475 2017 0.200 1.578 76.990 298.280 108.490 1.194 21.354
10 475 2018 0.270 0.084 73.670 318.170 128.670 1.352 21.414
10 881 2014 -0.020 0.137 112.870 173.070 225.760 1.369 20.505
10 881 2015 0.090 1.170 139.720 175.820 135.570 0.273 19.904
10 881 2016 0.070 1.590 173.580 179.240 147.280 0.354 19.965
10 881 2017 0.090 1.720 147.330 136.140 133.890 0.280 19.914
10 881 2018 0.080 0.223 108.480 107.630 124.580 0.539 20.084

10 958 2 014 0.040 0.016 40.940 144.760 109.940 3.706 18.284
10 958 2 015 -0.060 0.018 38.780 73.720 111.420 0.577 18.635
10 958 2 016 -0.010 0.086 40.890 49.810 107.700 0.907 18.824
10 958 2 017 0.010 0.593 48.310 21.440 108.450 1.144 18.975
10 958 2 018 0.050 0.167 51.250 20.230 106.730 0.859 19.124
12 934 2014 0.040 0.041 65.980 207.620 129.430 2.087 19.689
12 934 2015 0.220 0.156 91.500 59.850 94.580 0.873 19.229
12 934 2016 0.190 0.144 92.550 56.390 95.370 0.816 19.199
12 934 2017 0.180 1.549 164.850 53.240 97.090 1.014 19.449
12 934 2018 0.050 0.963 254.710 49.110 98.460 1.749 19.740
13 364 2014 0.040 6.449 214.540 42.930 97.340 0.825 19.649
13 364 2015 0.030 0.714 95.990 240.240 95.750 0.765 19.639
13 364 2016 0.011 2.153 110.560 299.040 96.890 0.635 19.609
13 364 2017 -0.010 1.491 142.780 414.120 98.530 1.333 19.899
13 364 2018 0.010 1.202 160.790 362.990 99.190 0.833 19.960
5 108 440 002 2014 -0.050 4.567 149.700 307.700 106.570 2.667 20.000
5 108 440 002 2015 0.130 3.352 131.140 148.610 113.230 1.035 19.519
5 108 440 002 2016 0.110 2.516 81.740 180.850 146.160 1.469 19.680
5 108 440 002 2017 0.170 0.684 82.090 246.170 131.600 2.400 20.060
5 108 440 002 2018 0.190 0.160 77.600 198.110 102.290 2.201 20.109
100 081 390 010 2014 0.130 0.127 118.890 160.920 102.110 0.220 20.409
100 081 390 010 2015 0.250 0.129 100.940 268.980 101.620 0.560 21.359
100 081 390 010 2016 0.250 0.291 88.280 178.000 96.410 0.580 21.449
100 081 390 010 2017 0.270 0.086 98.090 170.440 96.260 0.686 21.499
100 081 390 010 2018 0.230 0.024 102.100 307.630 95.950 1.041 21.690
100 515 320 010 2014 0.300 0.013 98.780 327.520 116.130 4.887 21.750
100 515 320 010 2015 0.010 0.231 137.980 182.420 213.220 1.393 20.840
100 515 320 010 2016 0.120 0.084 164.830 185.170 123.030 0.309 20.239
100 515 320 010 2017 0.100 0.369 198.690 188.590 134.740 0.363 20.300
100 515 320 010 2018 0.120 0.088 172.440 145.490 121.350 0.195 20.249
101 317 540 010 2014 0.059 1.742 134.141 255.278 262.825 1.819 20.065
101 317 540 010 2015 -0.072 6.108 137.048 267.008 263.053 2.064 20.034
101 317 540 010 2016 -0.096 1.974 143.476 289.967 263.380 2.826 20.336
101 317 540 010 2017 -0.048 6.129 147.069 279.767 263.511 3.012 20.398
101 317 540 010 2018 0.191 0.089 144.856 268.736 264.984 3.143 20.440
Source: Large taxpayers’ office of ministry of revenue


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