Safety Auto Brake System For Hill Station Vehicle Using Mems Sensor
Safety Auto Brake System For Hill Station Vehicle Using Mems Sensor
Safety Auto Brake System For Hill Station Vehicle Using Mems Sensor
The aim of the project is to design and construction of a module used for vehicles in the
hill stations. auto breaking system is used when vehicle is moving up ward direction . The
project was divided into two phases. The First phase is to demonstrate the application of MEMS. The
second phase of the project attempts controlling motors.
MEMS sensor is interfaced to micro controller using I2c protocol, microcontroller receives the
data from the mems sensor and process it according to the data from the sensor appliances are operated.
Application are like refrigerators , microwave ovens, Theaters hospitals etc..
I2C protocol is used for interfacing MEMS sensors with micro controller, Micro controller main
functionality is to receive signals for sensors and process information by taking desired decision.
Applications which use this technology are refrigerators, operation theaters and microwaves.
MEMS-based sensors are a class of devices that builds very small electrical and
mechanical components on a single chip. MEMS-based sensors are a crucial component in
automotive electronics, medical equipment, smart portable electronics such as cell phones,
PDAs, and hard disk drives, computer peripherals, and wireless devices. These sensors began in
the automotive industry especially for crash detection in airbag systems. Throughout the 1990s to
today, the airbag sensor market has proved to be a huge success using MEMS technology.
MEMS-based sensors are now becoming pervasive in everything from inkjet cartridges to cell
phones. Every major market has now embraced the technology.
Inertial sensors have been used in aircraft and navigation systems for a long time. It is not
until recently that new technology has caused the price and size of gyroscopes and
accelerometers to make them available in consumer electronics. Of particular importance is the
MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical-systems) technology that has allowed small, cheap and robust
sensors to enter the market, ”recent advances in micro-electromechanical system (MEMS)
technologies have enabled inertial sensors to become available on the small size and price scales
associated with such commonplace devices as consumer appliances,. Accelerometers measure
the transactional force encountered due to their acceleration. To convert this to a velocity this
output would need to be integrated once and to convert this to a position, integrated twice.
Accelerometers can use several different technologies, as shown below.
Technology Advantages Disadvantages
High Frequency
Piezoelectric High cost
Block diagram:
driver Moto
MEMS sensor
driver Moto ATMGA 32
LCD Display
Project Components
ATMEGA 8 microcontroller
3-axis accelerometer
MEMS sensor
LCD Display
2 driver
Motor 1
Motor 2