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2.inception Report (Repaired)

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Draft Inception Report

Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study

(FS), Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction
services for improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION Chamkot (NH-701) for further development as NHDL specification with
paved shoulder as well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32
BRTF project Beacon in state of Jammu & Kashmir .

CHAPTER:1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 5

1.1 BACKGROUND................................................................................................................................................5
1.2 ABOUT BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION (BRO)................................................................................................6
1.2.1 Vision Of BRO............................................................................................................................................6
1.2.2 Mission Of BRO..........................................................................................................................................6
1.2.3 Role of the BRO.........................................................................................................................................7
1.2.4 Organisation Chart of BRO.......................................................................................................................7
1.3 ABOUT BEACON, BRO.................................................................................................................................7
1.4 PRESENT REPORT..........................................................................................................................................8
1.5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................................................8
1.5.1 Objective of the Assignment.....................................................................................................................8
1.5.2 Project Management Module...................................................................................................................8

CHAPTER:2 PROJECT APPRECIATION....................................................................................................... 10

2.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW.....................................................................................................................................10

2.2 LOCATION MAP OF PROJECT ROAD................................................................................................................10
2.3 ABOUT BARAMULLA DISTRICT:.....................................................................................................................11
2.3.1 Geography...............................................................................................................................................11
2.3.2 Demographics.........................................................................................................................................12
2.4 ABOUT KUPWARA DISTRICT.........................................................................................................................13
2.4.1 Geography...............................................................................................................................................13
2.4.2 Demographics.........................................................................................................................................13
2.5 PAVEMENT & SHOULDERS............................................................................................................................13
2.6 CURVES.......................................................................................................................................................14
2.8 EMBANKMENT/ CUTTING.............................................................................................................................14
2.9 DETAILS OF EXISTING CULVERTS:..................................................................................................................14
2.9 DETAILS OF EXISTING CD STRUCTURES & BRIDGES:.......................................................................................31
2.10 SUMMARY OF CD STRUCTURES AND BRIDGES.................................................................................................37
2.11 KEY MAP.................................................................................................................................................... 38
2.12 VILLAGES AND BUILT-UP AREA.....................................................................................................................38
2.13 TERRAIN.....................................................................................................................................................39
2.14 DRAINAGE...................................................................................................................................................41
2.15 RESIDENTIAL AREA......................................................................................................................................41
2.16 RETAINING WALL/BREAST WALL.................................................................................................................41
2.17 UTILITIES....................................................................................................................................................41
2.18 TRAFFIC INTENSITY..................................................................................................................................... 41
2.19 RAILWAY LEVEL CROSSING...........................................................................................................................41
2.20 LAND USE...................................................................................................................................................41
2.21 TREES.........................................................................................................................................................41
2.22 ENCROACHMENT..........................................................................................................................................41
2.23 JUNCTIONS.................................................................................................................................................. 41
2.24 TRAFFIC DIVERSION PLAN............................................................................................................................44
2.25 AVAILABILITY OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL..................................................................................................44

CHAPTER: 3 DETAILED METHODOLOGY............................................................................................... 45

Page | 1
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study
(FS), Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction
services for improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION Chamkot (NH-701) for further development as NHDL specification with
paved shoulder as well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32
BRTF project Beacon in state of Jammu & Kashmir .

3.1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................................45
3.2 GENERAL APPROACH AND UNDERSTANDING THE SCOPE OF WORK...................................................................45
3.3 COMPOSITION OF TEAM................................................................................................................................45
3.4 MOBILIZATION AND START-UP MEETING........................................................................................................45
3.5 STAGES OF PROJECT.....................................................................................................................................46
3.6 DELIVERABLES OF THE PROJECT....................................................................................................................51
3.6.1 Inception Report and Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Documents........................................................51
3.6.2 Feasibility Report....................................................................................................................................51
3.6.3 Strip Plan, Clearance land and acquisition:..........................................................................................52
3.6.4 Land Acquisition Report:........................................................................................................................52
3.6.5 Draft Detailed Project Report................................................................................................................52
3.6.6 Final Detailed Project Report, Documents and Drawings....................................................................53
3.6.7 Technical Schedules................................................................................................................................54
3.7 METHODOLOGY FOR DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES DURING DPR.............................................................................54
3.7.1 Reconnaissance Survey...........................................................................................................................54
3.7.2 Draft Design Standards and Procedures...............................................................................................54
3.7.3 Socioeconomic Analysis..........................................................................................................................54
3.7.4 Environmental Examination..................................................................................................................55
3.7.5 Traffic Survey and Analysis....................................................................................................................55
3.7.6 Road Safety Audit...................................................................................................................................57
3.7.7 Topographic Survey................................................................................................................................57
3.7.8 Geotechnical Investigations, Subsoil Exploration and Material Investigations...................................57
3.7.9 Hydraulic and Hydrological Investigation............................................................................................58
3.7.10 Pavement Structural Strength and Investigation.............................................................................58
3.7.11 Inventory & Conditions Survey for Road & Junctions.......................................................................58
3.7.12 Inventory and Condition Survey of Bridges and Cross-drainage Structures...................................58
3.7.13 Preliminary Design of Road and Pavement......................................................................................59
3.7.13 Preliminary Design of Bridges and Cross Drainage Structures.......................................................60
3.7.14 Preliminary Design of intersection layouts.......................................................................................61
3.7.15 Preparation of Strip Plan and Land Acquisition...............................................................................61
3.7.16 Preparation of BOQ and Cost Estimates............................................................................................61
3.7.17 Socio- Economic Profile......................................................................................................................62

CHAPTER:4 TASK ASSIGNMENT................................................................................................................ 63

4.1 TASK ASSIGNMENT.......................................................................................................................................63

CHAPTER:5 DESIGN STANDARDS.............................................................................................................. 68

5.1 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................................... 68
5.2 DESIGN CODES/ SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................................................................68
5.3 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS.............................................................................................................................69
5.3.1 General....................................................................................................................................................69
5.4 PRELIMINARY DESIGN..................................................................................................................................70
5.5 DETAILED DESIGN........................................................................................................................................71
5.6 HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT.............................................................................................................................71
5.6.1 Horizontal Curves...................................................................................................................................72
5.6.2 Transition Curves....................................................................................................................................72
5.6.3 Sight Distance.........................................................................................................................................73
6.6.4 Design Speed...........................................................................................................................................73

Page | 2
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study
(FS), Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction
services for improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION Chamkot (NH-701) for further development as NHDL specification with
paved shoulder as well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32
BRTF project Beacon in state of Jammu & Kashmir .

5.7 VERTICAL ALIGNMENT....................................................................................................................................74

5.7.1 Vertical Curves........................................................................................................................................74
5.7.2 Summit curves.........................................................................................................................................75
5.7.3 Valley Curves:..........................................................................................................................................75
5.8 CO-ORDINATION OF HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ALIGNMENT..........................................................................76
5.8.1 General....................................................................................................................................................76
5.9 DESIGN STANDARDS PERTAINING TO ROAD CROSS SECTIONS..........................................................................76
5.9.1 Right of way (ROW)................................................................................................................................76
5.9.2 Roadway Width......................................................................................................................................77
5.9.3 Extra Width of Road carriageway.........................................................................................................77
5.9.4 Width of Shoulder...................................................................................................................................77
5.9.5 Camber/Cross fall...................................................................................................................................78
5.10 SUPER ELEVATION.......................................................................................................................................79
5.11 PROPOSED CROSS SECTION...........................................................................................................................79
5.12 PAVEMENT DESIGN......................................................................................................................................79
5.12.1 Design Procedures..............................................................................................................................79
5.13 EMBANKMENT DESIGN.................................................................................................................................81
5.14 DESIGN OF BRIDGES AND STRUCTURES..........................................................................................................81
5.15 DESIGN OF DRAINAGE SYSTEM......................................................................................................................82
5.16 DESIGN OF INTERSECTIONS...........................................................................................................................83
5.17 DESIGN OF TRAFFIC SAFETY FEATURES, ROAD FURNITURE AND ROAD MARKINGS.............................................84
5.18 ROAD SIDE FACILITIES.................................................................................................................................84
5.19 ROAD SAFETY REVIEW / AUDIT....................................................................................................................85
5.20 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS....................................................................................................................................85
5.20.1 Estimation of traffic growth rates.....................................................................................................85
5.20.2 Economic Evaluation.........................................................................................................................86
5.20.3 Economic Appraisal...........................................................................................................................87
5.20.4 Sensitivity Analysis.............................................................................................................................87
5.21 METHODOLOGY FOR FINANCIAL ANALYSIS (EPC)...........................................................................................87

CHAPTER:6 PROFORMA FOR DATA COLLECTION....................................................................................88

6.1 PROFORMA..................................................................................................................................................88
6.1.1 Inventory and Condition for Roads and Structures...............................................................................88
6.1.2 Traffic Survey Formats...........................................................................................................................88
6.1.3 Axle Load Survey.....................................................................................................................................88
6.1.4 Benkelman Beam Deflection Survey......................................................................................................88
6.1.5 Soil and Material Investigations............................................................................................................88
6.1.6 Environmental Impact Assessment and EMP Report............................................................................88
6.1.7 Social Assessment...................................................................................................................................89

Page | 3
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study
(FS), Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction
services for improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION Chamkot (NH-701) for further development as NHDL specification with
paved shoulder as well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32
BRTF project Beacon in state of Jammu & Kashmir .

Proforma For Data Collection

Inventory and Condition for Roads and Structures

Traffic Survey Formats
Axle Load Survey
Benkelman Beam Deflection Survey
Soil and Material Investigations
Environmental Impact Assessment and EMP Report
Social Assessment

Page | 4
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study
(FS), Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction
services for improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION Chamkot (NH-701) for further development as NHDL specification with
paved shoulder as well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32
BRTF project Beacon in state of Jammu & Kashmir .

1.1 Background
Border Roads Organisation is nation's most reputed, multifaceted, transnational, modern
construction Organisation committed to the strategic needs of the armed forces with a strong,
skilled and committed work force, a well ingrained value system and a strong environment
conscience. BRO is actively contributing to the socio economic development of the Border States
through its large scale contribution to roads infrastructure development. BRO has taken up a vast
program of Highway development in entire international border region from North-West to North-
East of India.
The Chief Engineer Project Beacon of BRO has been entrusted with the assignment of Engaging
Technical Consultant for preparation of Feasibility study (FS), Detailed Project Report (DPR) on EPC
mode For Feasibility Study (Fs), Preparation Of Detailed Project Report (Dpr) And Preconstruction
Services for Newly Declared NH-701 Rafiabad – Kupwara – Chowkibal – Tangdhar – Chamkot Road
In 109 RCC Under 32 BRTF of Project Beacon in the state Of Jammu & Kashmir. This road has been
taken up as a part of overall development of road network in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and
will not only provide economic impetus to South Kashmir by linking Mughal road to Rajouri but will
also be facilitating Army by providing an alternative road link between Surankot and Rajouri. This
highway shall be safer due to being relatively inside the Line of Control (LoC).
The Chief Engineer (P) Beacon has engaged M/s HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT , Bhopal
for the services of the above assignment through competitive bidding. The Consultancy Contract
Agreement has been signed on 25th July 2018 between the Consultant and the Chief Engineers (P)
Beacon (BRO) under Ministry of Defence (MoD).
The consultant has commenced their services of the project immediately after signing the contract.
The location Map is given hereunder in Figure 1.1.

End Point Of the

Project (Section-1) at

End Point Of the Start Point Of the

Project (Section-2) at Project (Section-1) at
Chamkot Rafiabad

Figure 1.1: Project Location Map

Page | 5
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study
(FS), Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction
services for improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION Chamkot (NH-701) for further development as NHDL specification with
paved shoulder as well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32
BRTF project Beacon in state of Jammu & Kashmir .

1.2 About Border Roads Organisation (BRO)

Border Roads Organisation (BRO) is a road construction Organisation, integral to and in support of
Army. It started operations in May 1960 with just two Projects i.e. Project Tusker (renamed Project
Vartak) in the East and Project Beacon in the West. It has now grown into an 18 Project
BRO is mainly entrusted with task of construction and maintenance of roads in the border area, in
keeping with defence requirements. These roads are developed and maintained through funds
provided under different heads. Cabinet Secretariat has amended Government of India, Allocation
of Business rules 1961 vide Notification dated January 9, 2015 to include all matter relating to
Border Roads Development Board and Border Roads Organisation under Ministry of Defence.
BRO has earned a reputation of being the only road construction agency to maintain roads in
difficult, isolated and inhospitable terrain in inclement climatic condition. BRO has constructed
approximately 51,000 Km of roads, 488 major permanent bridges of 44,500 m length and 19
airfields in these areas of the country. At present BRO is working on 852 roads (30,118 Km), which
include new construction, improvement from 12 single lane to double lane and maintenance of
approximately 19,111 Km roads, 852 roads include 61 Indo-China Border Roads (ICBRs). BRO is
also maintaining seven airfields. The Organisation carries out snow clearance on 95 roads (3,000
Km) every year to maintain trafficability to border regions.

1.2.1 Vision Of BRO

Nation's most reputed, multifaceted, transnational, modern construction Organisation committed to
meeting the strategic needs of the armed forces with enlightened leadership, a strong, skilled and
committed work force, a well ingrained value system and a strong environment conscience. Playing
a national role in socio economic development through its large scale contribution to infrastructure
1.2.2 Mission Of BRO
 To support the armed forces, meet their strategic needs by committed, dedicated and cost
effective development and sustenance of the infrastructure.
 To achieve international levels of quality excellence and time consciousness in a diversified
sphere of construction activity in a cost effective manner.
 Optimise potential and expertise through increased involvement in agency, transnational
and national development projects.
 To attain leadership in development, adoption, assimilation and use of state of the art
 To create the environment for accurate, real time and effective decision making through
optimising use of information technology.
 Through a focus on core competencies; ensure highest level of skill and proficiency in
construction activity.
 To sustain a sense of values in the Organisation that will ensure a high level of self-esteem in
each individual and immeasurable synergy in the Organisation
 To help enrich the quality of life of the community and ensure all round growth.

Page | 6
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study
(FS), Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction
services for improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION Chamkot (NH-701) for further development as NHDL specification with
paved shoulder as well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32
BRTF project Beacon in state of Jammu & Kashmir .

1.2.3 Role of the BRO

 In Peace
Develop & Maintain the Operational Road Infrastructure of General Staff in the Border
Contribute to the Socio-Economic Development of the Border States.
 In War
To Develop & Maintain Roads to Keep Line of Control through in Original Sectors and Re-
Deployed Sectors.
To Execute Additional Tasks as laid down by the Govt. Contributing to the War Effort.  
1.2.4 Organisation Chart of BRO

Figure 1-2 : Organisation Chart Of BRO

1.3 About BEACON, BRO
BEACON, the Pioneer Project of BRO, was raised on 18  May 1960 with its HQ at Srinagar (J&K).
During its raising, the Project had three Task Forces - 5 BRTF, 6 BRTF and 9 BRTF - under its
command. Brig B P Wadhera was the first Chief Engineer, who coined the motivating slogan “Beacon
Bole Changla”.

The Project was assigned the task of development of roads Sonamarg-Kargil-Leh, Leh-Karu -Upshi-
Loma-Dungti-Chusul, Karu-Tangtse-Chusul, Dugti-Demchok and Tangtse-Lukung-Phobrang,
comprising of approximately 1,250 Km in length. Subsequently, the Project was assigned the road
development works of entire J&K State. Later, road Leh-Upshi-Sarchu was also added to the
responsibility of Project Beacon and due to increase in its work load, two more Task Forces - 16
BRTF and 20 BRTF - also came under its folds.

With continuous increase in the jurisdiction of the Project Beacon and increase in No of roads under
development, a new Project “Sampark” with its HQ at Jammu was raised on 01 Jan 1975.   Project
Sampark was tasked with the improvement and development of roads in   Jammu -Rajouri - Poonch

Page | 7
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study
(FS), Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction
services for improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION Chamkot (NH-701) for further development as NHDL specification with
paved shoulder as well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32
BRTF project Beacon in state of Jammu & Kashmir .

Sector.  After launch of “OP MEGHDOOT” in 1984, Project Beacon was once again bifurcated with
the raising of Project “Himank” for Ladakh Region.

Project Beacon is known as “Life Line of J&K”. Since its inception as the premier construction agency
of BRO, Project Beacon has been meeting the aspirations of the “Awaam” of Jammu & Kashmir and
the strategic needs of the Defense Forces. Braving the remote and inhospitable terrain, adverse
climatic and environmental conditions, as well as insurgency, the Project has constructed over
4,000 Km of roads as its contribution towards the development of road infrastructure in the state of
J&K. Not only does it connect various parts of the State,  but also provides job opportunities to
approx 10,000 locals, thereby contributed towards socio-economic  development of the region.

1.4 Present Report

The Composition of Inception Report in compliance with TOR clause no. 10.2 Stage-1 of the RFP to
be incorporated in this report is described hereunder:
 Introduction of the project including the background of the road.
 Based on the site reconnaissance, project appreciation including project overview,
geographical, political and other salient features of the region, the project road falls in
various road features like type of terrain, existing road alignment, Right of Way,
embankment height, intersections of road, type of structures, drainage etc. will be covered
in the report.
 Detailed methodologies to be adopted for carrying out for completion of various stages of
work activities bringing out clearly their approach & methodology for project preparation
arrived based on various primary surveys carried out for preparation of the project report
draft design standards for design of the project road etc. will be incorporated.
 Submission of project activities and their scheduling comprising of schedule of deliverables,
task assignment and manning schedule proposed by the Consultant.
 Formulation of Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) finalized in consultation with CE (P) Sampark
 Listing of various issues which were found out during and after site reconnaissance and
needs immediate attention and are required to be sorted out. The additional issues emerged
and relates to the proposed bypass alignment/ realignment, if envisaged at this stage of the
project and proposed locations for carrying out traffic surveys for seeking the approval of
the client etc. will be covered in this report.

1.5 Project Management

1.5.1 Objective of the Assignment
The main objective of the consultancy service is to establish the technical, economical, and financial
viability of the project and prepare detailed project reports for rehabilitation and upgrading of the
existing road to NHDL specification.
1.5.2 Project Management Module
The project management module for the consultancy services is presented as per following Flow

Page | 8
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study
(FS), Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction
services for improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION Chamkot (NH-701) for further development as NHDL specification with
paved shoulder as well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32
BRTF project Beacon in state of Jammu & Kashmir .

Feasibility Report, along with

financial analysis.

Requirements for road rehabilitation works, Upgrading and improvement of Highway design
including pavement and construction of new bridges and structures, road safety features
along with cost estimates and economic analysis.

Land acquisition details as per revenue records/maps including draft notifications

submission as per applicable State/ Centre laws.

Planning for Highway design & proposals for widening/ improvement of the existing road and
strengthening of the carriageway.

Preparation of documents for EPC/PPP contracts for each DPR


Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Management Plan and

Rehabilitation and Resettlement

Seeking approval/clarification on the proposed work of DPR from the client including GAD
for new proposed bridge if any.

Preparation of Bid Documents based on approved

feasibility report.


Project Closure

Page | 9
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study
(FS), Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction
services for improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION Chamkot (NH-701) for further development as NHDL specification with
paved shoulder as well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32
BRTF project Beacon in state of Jammu & Kashmir .


2.1 Project Overview
The Border Roads Organisation (BRO) has taken up the work of preparation of Feasibility study
(FS), Detailed Project Report (DPR) on EPC mode For Feasibility Study (Fs), Preparation Of Detailed
Project Report (Dpr) And Preconstruction Services for Newly Declared NH-701 Rafiabad – Kupwara
– Chowkibal – Tangdhar – Chamkot Road In 109 RCC Under 32 BRTF of Project Beacon in the state
Of Jammu & Kashmir. The project road has been taken up as a part of overall development of road
network in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. This highway shall be more safer due to being
relatively inside the Line of Control (LoC).
This section of road near to LOC is part of strategic road utilized by the Indian Army to LOC and also
by Public for their general domestic/trade use for day to day life. The road commences at 0.000km
from Rafiabad and traverses through villages enroute and end at km 127.87km at Chamkot. The
present road is single lane class 9 road with width of 3.66m and length of 53.015km. The condition
of road is poor. The road to be developed with NHDL specification with paved shoulder as per
The Chief Engineer (P) Beacon has engaged M/s HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT , Bhopal
for the services of the above assignment through competitive bidding. The Consultancy Contract
Agreement has been signed on 25th July 2018 between the Consultant and the Chief Engineers (P)
Beacon (BRO) under Ministry of Defence (MoD).
This chapter of the Inception Report deals with the Project Appreciation including socio-economic
profile of the state, site appreciation and after having carried out site reconnaissance survey in last
week of July 2018. This in turn will assist to prepare appropriate Approach and Methodology for the
project in the next Chapter of this report.

2.2 Location Map of Project Road

The project road Rafiabad – Kupwara – Chowkibal – Tangdhar – Chamkot falls in north-west of the
state of Jammu & Kashmir. Being a border state, which has been in dispute with Pakistan, the
Jammu & Kashmir and therefore the road, are very important strategically. The terrain and climatic
conditions of the region make this state very peculiar.

Page | 10
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study
(FS), Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction
services for improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION Chamkot (NH-701) for further development as NHDL specification with
paved shoulder as well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32
BRTF project Beacon in state of Jammu & Kashmir .

End Point Of the Project (Section-1) at Chowkibal

End Point Of the Project (Section-2) at Chamkot

Start Point Of the Project (Section-1) at Rafiabad

Figure 2-1: Location Map of the Project

The road falls under two north-west districts of the state i.e Baramulla and Kupwara. Both these
districts are along the international border with Pakistan.
The brief about geography and demography of each district is discussed hereunder:
2.3 About Baramulla District:
2.3.1 Geography
The district is spread from Srinagar district and Ganderbal district in the east to the line of
control in the west, and from Kupwara district in the north and Bandipore district in the northwest
to Poonch district in the south and Badgam district in the southwest.
Baramulla city is located on the banks of Jhelum river at the highest point of the river. The old town
lies on the north (right) bank of the river and the new town lies on the south (left) bank. They are
connected by five bridges, including a suspension bridge connecting Gulnar park with Dewan Bagh.
Five more bridges are being constructed or planned. A new bridge will connect Khanpora and
Drangbal areas of the City.
The old town is congested and much smaller than the new town. Government offices, civil hospital,
district hospital, bus station and most other facilities are situated in the new town. The railway
station is on the eastern end of the new town on the left bank of the river.
Past the old town, the Jhelum river divides into two channels at Khadanyar just before police
headquarters; it forms an island that has been designated Eco Park. The river flows past Uri town to
Muzaffarabad town in Kashmir before crossing into Pakistan.

Page | 11
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study
(FS), Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction
services for improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION Chamkot (NH-701) for further development as NHDL specification with
paved shoulder as well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32
BRTF project Beacon in state of Jammu & Kashmir .

Khor Patten Village( Amargarh) is provided with 400/220kv grid station for a reliable power supply
to area and Kashmir valley.This station is on GIS technology and connected to national grid through
400KV Transmission network.

Figure 2-2 : Map of Rajouri

2.3.2 Demographics
According to the 2011 census Baramulla district has a population of 1,015,503 roughly equal to the
nation of Cyprus or the US state of Montana. This gives it a ranking of 443rd in India (out of a total
of 640) Of the total population, 542,171 (53.4%) were males and 473,332 (46.6%) were females,
the sex ratio being 873 females for every 1,000 males,[11] a decrease from 905 in 2001 census, and
much lower than the national average of 940. The sex ratio for children in 0 to 6 year age group was
even less at 866.
The district has a population density of 305 inhabitants per square kilometre (790/sq mi).
Its population growth rate over the decade 2001-2011 was 20.34%. Baramula has a literacy rate of
66.93% with male literacy 77.35% and female literacy 55.01%. Total literate in Baramula district
were 571,348 of which males and females were 352,289 and 219,059 respectively.
Baramulla town is the largest town in the district and the fourth most-populous town in the state,
with a population of 167,986 as per 2011 census.
District and city have a majority Muslim with minority Sikh and Hindu population.

Page | 12
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study
(FS), Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction
services for improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION Chamkot (NH-701) for further development as NHDL specification with
paved shoulder as well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32
BRTF project Beacon in state of Jammu & Kashmir .

2.4 About Kupwara District

2.4.1 Geography
Kupwara District is located in Jammu and Kashmir, India. The river Kishenganga, originating from
the Himalayas, flows through the outer areas of the district from east to west. Kupwara district has
14 tehsils: Handwara, Karnah, Kralapora, Lolab, Machil, Ramha, Qaziabad, Trehgam, Langate, Keran,
Lalpore, Zachaldara, Dragmulla and Kupwara. Bangus valley situated in district kupwara
(Handwara). Rivers in kupwara :kehmil, puhur, dangerwadi etc. This district consists of 11 blocks:
Sogam, Tangdar, Teetwal, Ramhal, Kupwara, Rajwar, Kralpora, Langate, Wavoora, Trehgam and

Figure 2-3: Map of Poonch

2.4.2 Demographics
According to the 2011 census Kupwara district has a population of 875,564, This gives it a ranking
of 470th in India (out of a total of 640). The district has a population density of 368 inhabitants per
square kilometre (950/sq mi). Its population growth rate over the decade 2001-2011 was 34.62%.
Kupwara has a sex ratio of 843 females for every 1000 males and a literacy rate of 75.60%.

2.5 Pavement & Shoulders

The carriageway width varies from 3.500m to 4.800m throughout the stretch. Pavement varies
from poor to fair condition at most of the stretches. The road is damaged at number of places due to

Page | 13
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study
(FS), Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction
services for improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION Chamkot (NH-701) for further development as NHDL specification with
paved shoulder as well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32
BRTF project Beacon in state of Jammu & Kashmir .

heavy rainfall and floods. The shoulders are of clay soil with width varying from 1 to 2 m on both
side of carriageway.
2.6 Curves
The road passes through Mountainous / Hilly terrain with a lot of sharp curves in between
Chowkibal to Chamkot.
2.8 Embankment/ Cutting
Project road has been constructed mainly on hilly terrain and constructed by cutting of hill side.
2.9 Details of Existing Culverts:
The detail of existing culverts is listed below in Table 2.1:

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Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Table 2.5: List of Culverts

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
1 2.100 Slab 0.2 m 1X1.5 m 6.2 9.2 1.5 m 1.7 m NO RHS Parapet Broked Retain
LHS and RHS Parapet
2 2.500 Slab 0.2 m 1x2m 6.2 9.2 2m 2.2 m NO Broked and steel Rec
reinforecement exposed
3 3.000 Slab 0.2 m 1x1.5 m 6.2 9.2 1.8m 2m NO Good Condition Widening
4 3.600 Slab 0.2 m 1x2 m 6.2 9.2 2.2m 2.4m NO Utility pipe exist Widening
5 4.100 Slab 0.3 m 1x3.6 m 6.2 9.2 2m 2.2 NO Already widened Rec
6 4.200 Slab 0.2 m 1x2 m 6.2 9.2 2.1 m 2.3 m NO Utility pipe Widening
7 4.700 Slab 0.35 m 1x6 m 6.2 9.2 1.8m 2m NO Already widened Rec
8 4.900 Slab 0.2 m 1X2.5 m 6.2 9.2 1.7m 1.9m - Good condition Widening
9 5.400 Slab 0.2 m 1x1.8 m 6.2 9.2 2m 2.2m NO Good condition Widening
10 5.600 Slab 0.2 m 1x1.5 m 6.2 9.2 1.8m 2m NO Already widened Rec
11 5.800 Slab 0.2 m 1x1.5 m 6.2 9.2 1.7m 2.1m NO Utility pipe Rec
Utility pipe,LHS already
12 6.400 Slab 0.2 m 1x1.5m 6.2 9.2 2.5m 2.6m NO Rec
13 7.100 Slab 0.25 m 1x3.0 m 6.2 9.2 1.8m 2m NO   Rec
14 7.500 Slab 0.2 m 1x1.5 m 6.2 9.2 1.5m 1.8m NO RHS Covered by grass Rec
15 7.700 Slab 0.2 m 1x1.8 m 7 11.2 2m 2.3m -   Widening
16 7.900 Slab 0.2 m 1x2m 7 10.1 1.9m 2.1m NO Utility pipe Widening
17 8.300 Slab 0.3 m 1x3.6m 7 10.1 3.0m 3.5m NO Wing wall already widened Widening
18 8.600 Slab 0.2m 1x2m 7 12 2.2m 2.5m NO - Widening

Page | 15
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
19 9.000 Slab 0.2m 1x2m 7 12 2.1m 2.4m NO - Widening
20 9.600 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 9 1.8m 2m NO - Widening
21 9.800 Slab 0.2m 1x2m 7 12.5 1.5m 1.8m NO Fair condiition Widening
22 9.900 Slab 0.2m 1x2m 7 10 2.5m 2.8m - 30ᵒ Skew Anticlockwise Widening
23 9.905 Slab 0.3m 1x3.2m 7 9 2.2m 2.5m NO 30ᵒ Skew Anticlockwise Widening
24 9.920 Slab 0.2m 1x2.5m 7 13.5 1.8m 2m NO 45ᵒ Skew Anticlockwise Rec
25 9.960 Slab 0.2m 1x2.2m 7 9 1.6m 2m NO - Widening
26 11.100 Slab 0.2m 1X2.2 m 7 10.8 1.4m 1.8m NO - Widening
27 11.200 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 9 1.3m 1.7m NO - Widening
28 11.300 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 9.1 1.4m 1.8m NO Steel Showing , Repairing Rec
29 11.350 Slab 0.2m 1x2m 7 10.5 1.5m 1.8m Yes RHS Covered Rec
chocke chocke
30 11.600 chocked chocked chocked chocked chocked chocked Both side chocked Rec
d d
31 13.200 Slab 0.2m 1x2m 7 9 1.5m 1.8m NO Skew Clockwise Widening
32 14.700 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 9.5 1.8m 2.2m NO Wing wall, Damaged Rec
33 16.700 Slab 0.4m 1x3m 7 11.2 1m 1m NO RHS Wall Chocked Rec
34 16.750 Slab 0.35m 1x3m 7 11.5 1.8m 2.0 m NO LHS Shape Rec
35 16.900 Pipe   2m dia 7 10 2.8m 3m NO May be pipe  
36 17.400 Slab 0.35m 1x3.6m 7 10 1.8m 2.0 m NO Irrigation canal Rec
37 17.700 Slab 0.2m 1x2 m 7 10 1m 1.5m NO Water flowing till soffit level Rec
38 18.300 Slab 0.2m 1x2.5m 7 10 1.4m 1.6m NO Irrigation canal Rec
Rec due to
39 18.320 Slab 0.35 m 1x4.5m 7 10 2.8m 3.0 m NO Already Widened
Page | 16
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
Fully Chocked and Flow to
40 18.400 Slab 0.2m 1x2m 7 10 - - NO Rec
Soffit level
41 18.800 Pipe   1x0.9m 7 8 1.2m 1.5m NO Both side parapet broked Rec
42 18.900 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 9 0.8m 1m NO Both side parapet broked Rec
43 20.200 Slab 0.4m 1x5m 7 8 1.8m 2m NO 20ᵒ skew anticlockwise Rec
44 22.000 Slab 0.2m 1x2 m 7 8 0.4m 0.6m NO RHS chocked Rec
45 24.100 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8 1.9m 2.2m NO Repairing Rec
46 24.400 Slab 0.2m 1x2.3m 7 8 1.6m 1.8m NO Parapet broked Rec
47 24.700 Slab 0.2m 1x2m 7 8 1.8m 2.1m NO Good Condition Widening
48 25.800 Pipe   1x0.9m dia 7 8 1.4m 1.7m NO Both side parapet broked Rec
49 26.200 Pipe   1x1.2m 7 8     NO Both side parapet broked Rec
50 26.400 Slab 0.2m 1x2m 7 8.7 1.8m 2m Yes Good Condition Widening
51 27.000 Slab 0.2m 1x2m 7 8.7 1.5m 1.8m NO Good Condition Widening
Steel reinforcement
52 27.500 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.7 1.9m 2.2m NO Rec
53 28.900 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.7 1.7m 1.9m NO Parapet broked Rec
54 29.200 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.7 1.5m 1.8m NO Both parapet broked Rec
55 29.700 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.7 1m 1.1m NO Both side parapet chocked Rec
Wing wall,Cleaning
56 30.000 Slab 0.2m 1x2m 7 8 1.8m 2.0m NO Widening
57 30.600 Slab 0.2m 1x2m 7 8 1.7m 2.1 NO Wing wall Widening
58 31.200 Slab 0.2m 1x2m 7 8 1.9m 2.2m NO Wing wall Widening
59 31.500 Slab 0.2m 1x2m 7 8 1.8m 2m NO - Widening

Page | 17
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
60 31.800 Slab 0.2m 1x2m 7 8 1.5m 1.8m NO - Widening
61 32.400 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8 1.5m 2m NO - Rec
Parapet not
62 32.900 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8 1.5m 1.8m NO exist,Inadequate vertical Rec
63 32.905 Slab 0.2m 1x2m 7 8 1.3m 1.7m NO Parapet wall not exist. Rec
64 33.100 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8 2m 2.8m   wing wall Rec
65 33.200 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8 1.8m 2m NO Wing wall poor Rec
Utility pipe
66 33.700 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8 1.5m 1.8m NO Rec
Wing wall
67 34.000 Slab 0.2m 1x2.5m 7 8 1.2m 1.3m NO - Rec
68 34.300 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8 1.2m 1.5m NO Insufficient ventway Rec
69 34.350 Slab 0.2m 1x2.5m 7 8 0.8m 7m NO - Widening
RHS side covered with
70 35.400 Slab 0.2m 1x2.5m 7 8 0.3m 0.6m NO Rec
71 35.600 Slab 0.4m 1x6m 7 8 4.2m 4.5m NO - Widening
72 36.000 Slab 0.15m 1x1m 7 8 0.4m 0.3m NO RHS side chocked Rec
73 36.300 Pipe   1x0.9 7 8 0.3m 0.5m NO Both side choked Rec
74 36.400 Pipe   1x0.9 7 8 0.6m 0.5m   Both side choked Rec
75 36.500 Slab 0.2 1X1.5m 8 9 0.8m 1.0m NO Insufficient ventway Rec
76 36.900 Slab 0.2 1X1.5m 8 9 0.9m 1.3m NO Insufficient ventway Rec
RHS fully covered with
77 37.100 Slab 0.2 1X1.5m 8 9 0.5m 0.8m NO Rec

Page | 18
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
78 37.600 Slab 0.2 1X1.5m 8 9 0.5m 0.6m NO RHS side chocked Rec
79 39.600 Slab 0.2 1X2m 8 9 0.5m 0.7m NO LHS Chocked Rec
80 40.100 Slab 0.2 1x2m 8 9 1.2m 1.5m NO Cleaning / RHS side Rec
81 40.700 Slab 0.2 1x2m 8 9 0.3 0.5m NO Parapet wall not exist  
82 40.800 Slab 0.2 1x2m 8 9 chocked chocked NO Chocked Rec
83 41.200 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 8 9 0.3m 0.6m NO Half chock Rec
84 41.800 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 8 9 0.5m 1.0m NO Both side parapet broked Rec
85 42.200 Slab 0.5 1x6.0m 8 9 3m 3.2m NO - Widening
86 42.500 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 8 9 1.2m 1.5m NO Insufficient ventway Rec
87 43.000 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 8 9 1.1m 1.4m NO RHS Parapet Damaged Rec
88 43.300 Slab 0.2 1X1.5m 8 9 1.1m 1.2m NO Parapet damaged Rec
89 43.600 Slab 0.2 1X1.5m 8 9 0.4m 0.6m NO Parapet damaged Rec
90 43.800 Slab 0.2 1X2m 8 9 0.6m 0.8m NO Parapet damaged Widening
Parapet damaged/
91 44.100 Slab 0.2 1X1.5m 8 9 0.6m 0.8m NO Rec
Insufficient ventway
RHS Damaged/ Inadequate
92 44.200 Slab 0.2 1x3 m 8 9 1.2m 1.4m NO Rec
vertical clearance
93 44.700 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 8 9 1.2m 1.4m NO Parapet damaged Rec
94 44.800 Slab 0.2 1x3 8 9 1.8m 2.0m NO - Widening
95 44.900 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 8 9 0.8m 1m NO Damaged Parapet Rec
96 45.000 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 8 9 0.7m 1m NO Insufficient ventway Rec
97 45.800 Slab 0.25 1x3m 8 9 1m 1.3m NO - Widening

Page | 19
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
98 46.000 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 8 9 0.8m 1m NO RHS Chocked Rec
Parapet railing not exist in
99 46.300 Slab 0.6 1x6m 8 9 4.8m 5m NO Widening
RHS side
100 47.000 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 8 9 - 1m NO LHS Covered Rec
101 47.700 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 8 9 0.8m 1.0m Yes Poor condition on LHS Rec
102 47.800 Slab 0.3 1x3.6m 8 9 1.0m 1.5m NO - Widening
103 48.900 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 8 9 0.4m 0.5m NO LHS half chocked Rec
104 49.700 Slab 0.3 1x3 m 8 9 0.8m 1m NO - Widening
105 50.100 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 8 9 1m 1.5m NO Insufficient ventway Rec
106 50.400 Slab 0.2 1x2m 8 9 1.9m 2 NO - Rec
107 50.500 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 0.5m 0.8 NO RHS Chocked Rec
Insufficient vertical
108 50.700 Slab 0.2 1x2m 7 8 0.3 0.5 NO Rec
109 50.900 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 0.3 0.5 NO Insufficient ventway Rec
110 51.000 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 0.8 1 NO - Rec
Parapet wall
111 51.300 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 0.7 1.1m NO damaged/Inadequate Rec
vertical ckearance
Parapet wall not exist in
112 51.500 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 1.1m 1.8m NO RHS/ Inadequate vertical Rec
Parapet wall not exist in
113 51.800 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 1.7m 1.9m NO Rec
114 52.100 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 1.4m 2.0m NO Inadequate vertical Rec

Page | 20
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
115 52.700 Slab 0.2 1x1.8m 7 8 1.8m 2.1m NO Damaged Rec
116 53.900 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 1.2 1.5 NO Inadequate ventway Rec
117 54.200 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 1m 2.5m NO Inadequate ventway Rec
118 54.800 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 chock 2.5m NO Inadequate ventway Rec
119 55.000 Slab 0.2 1x1.2m 7 8 - 3m NO Inadequate ventway Rec
120 55.600 Slab 0.2 1x2.0m 7 8 2.3 2.5 NO Parapet RHS wall damaged Rec
121 56.700 chocked chock chock 7 8 chock chock NO LHS Chocked Rec
RHS full chocked ,
122 57.000 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 0.4 0.5 NO Rec
Inadequate ventway
123 58.000 Slab 0.2 1x2m 7 8 2 4 NO RHS hill Widening
124 58.050 Slab 0.2 1x2.5m 7 8 2m 4m NO - Widening
Parapet not exist,RHS utility
125 58.300 Slab 0.35 1X4m 7 8 3m 4m NO Widening
RHS utility pipe , RHS
126 58.700 Slab 0.3 1x3m 7 8     NO Widening
parapet broked
127 59.200 Slab 0.2 1x2m 7 8 1m 1.2m NO - Widening
128 59.300 Slab 0.2 1x2m 7 8 0.4m 0.5m NO RHS chocked Rec
129 59.500 Slab 0.2 1x2.5m 7 8 1.2m 2m NO RHS Parapet not exist Widening
130 59.900 Slab 0.2 1x2m 7 8 0.8m 1m Yes Parapet broked Widening
131 60.000 Pipe   1x0.9m 7 8 chocked chocked NO chocked Rec
132 60.100 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 1.4m 1.5m NO Inadequate ventway Rec
133 60.300 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 1m 1.6m NO LHS bus stand Rec

Page | 21
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
134 60.400 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 1.3m 1.5m NO RHS Parapet wall Damaged Rec
135 60.700 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 1.5m 1.8m NO Inadequate ventway Rec
136 60.800 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 0.6m 0.8m NO Inadequate ventway Rec
137 61.000 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 1.5m 2m NO Inadequate ventway Rec
138 61.100 Slab 0.2 1x2m 7 8 0.5m 0.6m NO Inadequate ventway Rec
139 61.700 Slab 0.25 1X1.7 m 7 13.5 0.6 1.1 m NO Skew/NO Parapet Widening
IL=3m No Parapet,Utility Pipe
140 61.950 Slab 0.23 1 x 1.5 m 7 10.2 1.5m NO Widening
BL=2m exists ahead of LHS
141 62.100 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 m 7 8 0.8m Choked NO Lhs full chocked Widening
RHS parapet
142 62.700 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 m 7 9 0.8m 1m NO damaged,Reinforcement Reconstruction
Exposed,Choked 10%
143 62.800 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 m 7 8 1m NO   Widening
LHS Half choked, RHS Half
144 62.900 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 m 7 9 0.5 m 1m NO choked, Reinforcement Reconstruction
145 63.200 Slab 0.2 1x2 m 7 9 0.8m 2 NO Both side parapet broken Widening
146 63.500 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 m 7 9 1.1 1.2 NO Reinforcement Exposed Reconstruction
147 63.800 Slab 0.2 1X1.8 m 7 10 1m 1.7m NO   Widening

Page | 22
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
148 64.000 Chocked - - 7 - Chocked - LHS choked, RHS fencing Reconstruction
149 64.200 Slab 0.3 1x4.2 m 7 10 2.5m IL=3.5 NO   Widening
Utility Pipe exists ahead of
150 64.400 Slab 0.4 1x5m 7 10 2.5m 5m NO Widening
151 64.520 Slab 0.2 1x2 m 7 9 1m 2m NO Already widened Widening
0.6 Cushion, wing wall
152 64.800 Slab 0.3 1x3.5 m 7 9 4 6m NO Reconstruction
153 65.300 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 7 10 1.5 1.5 NO   Reconstruction
154 65.400 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 11 Chocked 1.5 NO Reinforcement Exposed Reconstruction
155 66.100 Chocked Chocked - - - - - - Fully Chocked Reconstruction
10%Choked, Reinforcement
156 66.400 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 9.5 0.8m 1m NO Reconstruction
157 66.450 Slab 0.25 1x3 7 9.5 5.8m 6.0m NO Cushion 3.9 Widening
158 68.000 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 9 1.5m 1.6m NO Parapet RHS=0.5m height Widening
1.2m Rhs level from
159 68.200 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 9 0.5m 1.2m NO Widening
parapet to base level
160 68.450 Slab 0.4 1x4.5m 7 8.5 3m 3.8m NO Abutment poor condition Reconstruction
161 69.500 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8.5 0.5 1.4 - Both parapet broken Reconstruction
162 69.950 Slab 0.2 1x2 7 8.5 1m 2m NO   Widening
163 70.100 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 7 9 1m IL=1.5m NO Slab broken,Abutment Reconstruction

Page | 23
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
164 70.250 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 7 10 1m 3m NO   Widening
165 70.500 Slab 0.2 1X1.5 m 7 10 2 2.5 NO Abutment broken Reconstruction
166 70.750 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 11.5 chocked 3.5 m NO Rhs choked Reconstruction
167 70.900 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 11.5 0.8m IL=2.5m NO RHS parapet broked Widening
168 71.200 Slab 0.2 1x1.8m 7 8.5 1.5m 2.5m NO Abutment damaged Reconstruction
169 71.740 Slab 0.2 1X1.5 m 7 8.2 2 NO RHS Fully Chocked Reconstruction
170 71.900 Slab 0.25 1x1.8 m 7 10.4 1.1 NO RHS Fully Chocked Reconstruction
Full RHS Fully Chocked,LHS half
171 72.000 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 m 7 10.4 0.5 NO Reconstruction
Chocked Chocked
172 72.600 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 m 7 8.3 1 NO LHS Full Chocked Reconstruction
Full LHS Full Chocked, RHS
173 72.900 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8.3 0.8 NO Reconstruction
Chocked vegetation covered
174 73.200 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 m 7 8.3 2 NO LHS Full Chocked Reconstruction
175 73.500 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 m 7 8.3 1 NO LHS fully chocked Reconstruction
Full LHS Half Chocked, RHS Full
176 73.600 Slab 0.25 1x1.8 m 7 9 0.5 NO Reconstruction
Chocked Chocked

Page | 24
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
177 74.000 Slab 0.4 1x3.5m 7 8.5 2.8 4.2 NO LHS Utility pipe Reconstruction
178 74.200 Slab 0.25 1x1.8 m 7 8.5 Chock 1 NO LHS Chocked Reconstruction
179 75.100 Slab 0.4m 1x3 m 7 8.5 1.5 4 NO   Reconstruction
180 76.700 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.5 Chock NO LHS Chocked Reconstruction
181 76.900 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.5 Chock 1.5 NO RHS Chocked Reconstruction
182 77.300 Slab 0.25m 1x2.5 m 7 8.5 Chock 4 NO LHS Chocked Reconstruction
183 78.400 Chocked Chocked Chocked 7 9 - - - Both side fully chocked Reconstruction
184 78.800 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.5 Chock 3.5 NO RHS Chocked Reconstruction
LHS Chocked, Steel
185 79.000 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 9 Chock 3 NO Reconstruction
reinforcement exposed
186 80.350 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 9 Chock 2m NO RHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
187 81.000 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 9 Chock 1.5m NO LHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
188 81.400 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.5 Chock 1.5m NO LHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
189 81.450 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.5 Chock 1.5m NO LHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
190 82.000 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.5 Chock 1.5m NO LHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
191 82.100 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.5 Chock 1.2m NO RHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
192 82.200 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.5 Chock 3.0m NO RHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
193 82.300 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.5 Chock 1.5m NO RHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
194 83.100 Slab 0.25m 1x2.5m 7 8.5 Chock 4.0m NO LHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
195 84.200 Slab 0.2m 1X3.5 m 7 8.5 Chock NO RHS Side Chocked Reconstruction

Page | 25
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
196 84.350 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.5 Chock 1.5 m NO RHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
197 84.800 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.5 Chock 1.5 m NO RHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
198 85.010 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.5 1m NO RHS side utility pipe exist Reconstruction
chocke chocke
199 85.150 chocked chocked chocked chocked chocked chocked chocked Reconstruction
d d
200 85.300 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 8.5 Chock 2m NO RHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
201 85.550 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 9 Chock 1.5m NO RHS Side Chocked  
202 85.700 Slab 0.2m 1X1.5m 7 9 Chock 2m NO RHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
203 86.100 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 9 Chock 1.5m NO RHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
204 86.750 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 10 Chock NO RHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
205 86.800 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 10 Chock 2.5m NO RHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
206 87.300 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 6 8 Chock 2.5m NO RHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
207 87.500 Chocked Chocked Chocked 6 9 Chock Chock NO Chocked Reconstruction
208 87.650 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 6 8 Chock Chock NO Both side Chocked Reconstrcution
209 88.500 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 6 8 Chock NO RHS Side Chocked Reconstrcution
210 90.000 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 6 8 Chock NO RHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
211 90.400 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 5 9 Chock NO RHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
212 92.500 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 5 9.1 Chock 2.5 NO LHS Side Chocked Reconstruction

Page | 26
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
213 93.100 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 6 6 Chock NO LHS Side Chocked Reconstruction
214 93.200 Slab 0.2m 1x3.5 6 9 1.1 BL=3.7 NO LHS Utility Pipe Widening
215 93.450 Slab 0.3m 1x4m 6 7.5 Chock 2.5 NO LHS Side Chocked Widening
216 93.850 Slab 0.2m 1x1.5m 7 9 1.2 4 NO   Widening
1m,Half IL=1.5
217 93.950 Slab 0.2 1x2m 7 9 NO RHS half Choked Widening
choked BL=5
218 94.300 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 9 IL=3 NO RHS half Choked Widening
219 94.600 Slab 0.23 1x2m 6.5 9 Choked NO RHS half Choked Reconstruction
220 95.100 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 6.5 9 Choked NO RHS Chocked Reconstruction
IL=2 .6
221 95.250 Slab 0.25 1x3m 6.5 12 2.8 NO   Widening
222 95.510 Slab 0.25 1x3m 7 8.5 1.9 2m NO RHS utility pipe exist Reconstruction
223 95.650 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8.5 Chocked 1.5m NO   Reconstruction
224 95.800 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 6.5 9 1.5 2.2m     Widening
225 95.900 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 6.5 9 Chocked NO Lhs full chocked Widening

Page | 27
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
226 96.300 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 6.5 9 1 NO LHS utility pipe exist Reconstruction
227 96.550 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 6.5 9 1 NO   Widening
228 96.900 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 6.5 9 Chocked NO RHS chocked Reconstruction
229 97.100 Slab 0.25 1x2.5m 6.5 9 Chocked Chocked NO Both side chocked Reconstruction
230 97.450 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 5 7 Chocked 2m NO RHS chocked Reconstruction
IL=2 .5
231 97.550 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 5 7 Chocked NO RHS chocked Reconstruction
232 98.100 Slab 0.25 1x3m 5 7 0.8m 3m NO   Reconstruction
233 98.500 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 5.5 7 choked NO RHS choked Reconstruction
234 99.400 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 1.3 2 NO Abutment damaged Reconstruction
235 99.500 Slab 0.2 choked 8 9 choked 2.2m NO RHS choked Reconstruction
236 Slab 0.2 1x2.2m 7.5 8.5 0.8m choked NO LHS choked Reconstruction
100.70 RHS 10% choked, parapet
237 Slab 0.2 1x4m 6 7 0.8m 1.5m NO Reconstruction
0 broken
238 Slab 0.3 1x3.6m 6 7 1.5m B.L=4.3 NO Reinforcement Exposed Reconstruction
239 Slab 0.2 Choked - - - - NO Choked Reconstruction
Page | 28
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
240 Slab 0.2 1x2.5m 5.5 6.5 Choked 2m NO RHS Choked Reconstruction
241 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 5.5 6.5 Choked 2.5m NO RHS Choked Reconstruction
242 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 5.5 6.5 Choked 2m NO RHS Choked Reconstruction
243 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 5.5 6.5 Choked 1.5m NO RHS Choked Reconstruction
244 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 6.5 6.5 Choked 2.0m NO RHS Choked Reconstruction
245 Slab 0.2 1x2.5m 6.5 6.5 0.8 2.0m NO RHS utility pipe Reconstruction
107.20 IL=2.5
246 Slab 0.2 1x2m 6 7 0.6m NO   Reconstruction
0 BL=5
247 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 6 7 0.6m 2.5m NO   Reconstruction
248 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 6 7 Choked 2.5m NO RHS Chocked Reconstruction
249 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 6 7 Choked 2 NO RHS Choked Reconstruction
250 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 1m 1.2m NO   Reconstruction
109.45 IL=2
251 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 8 Choked NO RHS Chocked Reconstruction
0 BL=8.5
252 109.92 Slab 0.200m 1x2.5m 7.8 8.8 1.5m 2m NO   Reconstruction

Page | 29
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
253 Slab 0.400m 1x5.8m 5.8 7.8 1.6m 1.7 m NO Carriageway poor condition Reconstruction
254 Slab 0.200m 1x1.5m 5.8 7.8 0.5m 0.2m NO   Reconstruction
255 Slab 0.200m 1x2m 5.8 7.8 1.5m Chocked NO LHS Choked Reconstruction
256 Slab 0.2 1x2 5.8 7.8 2.5m 1m NO 10% Choked Widening
257 Slab 0.3 1x2.7m 5.8 7.8 1.9 2 NO Parapet =0.6 Widening
258 Slab 0.25 1x2.5m 6 7.5 Choked 1.5 NO LHS Choked,Parapet broken Reconstruction
259 Slab 0.2 1x2.0m 7 9 0.5 1.5 NO Parapet =0.6 Widening
260 Slab 0.2 1x2.6m 7 9 1m 1.8m NO Parapet =0.6 Widening
261 Slab 0.2 1x1.5m 7 9.5 1m 1.5m NO   Widening
114.92 IL=6
262 Slab 0.3 1x4m 7 9 1m NO No Parapet Widening
0 BL=15
263 Slab 0.25 1x2 7 9 0.5m 1m NO Rhs Utillity Pipe exists Widening
264 Slab 0.2 1x3 7 9 2.5m 3m NO No Parapet Widening

Page | 30
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-701)
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as well as
district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in state of
Jammu & Kashmir .

Height above Bed

Presence of Scour
Span level (Upto
Type of
Arrangemen Carriage Width parapet/railing
Structur Thicknes
S. Existin t and Total -way of top)
es (Pipe. s of Slab Remarks Recommendations
No g CH. Ventway width Culver
Slab Box. (m) D/S
(No.x Lengh) (m) t (m) U/S Side
Arch) Side
(m) (m)
265 Slab 0.2 1x2 7 9 1m 2.5m NO   Widening
266 Slab 0.2 1x2 7 9 1.8m BL=4.5 NO   Widening
116.85 IL=2m
267 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 7 9 1 NO   Widening
0 BL=5m
117.00 IL=2m
268 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 7 8 choked NO RHS Chocked Widening
0 BL=5m
269 Slab 0.2 1x1.5 7 8 0.2 IL=3 NO   Widening
270 Slab 0.25 1x3 7 8 0.2 0.2 NO Water at 0.2m from soffit Widening

Page | 31
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

2.9 Details of Existing CD Structures & Bridges:

The detail of existing bridges is listed below in Table 2.2:

Page | 32
Highway Engineering Consultant

Table 2.5: List of CD Structures & Bridges

Type Depth of Super Over
Sl.n as per Existing Span Clear HL/
of Super- Structure Substructure Foundation All Conditions Recommendation
o Inventor Ch. Arrangement(m) Width SubM
Bridge Structure(m) Type width
Retain with
Rehabilitation And
Condition is
Stone May be Repairing/Replacin
1 9+060 3+370 MNB 2x9.8 1.5 I-Girder 6.6m 7.2m HL fair.
Masonry open g of expansion joint,
But Steel
Bearing & Drainage
Retain with
Existing Rehabilitation And
Box May be Bridge Repairing/Replacin
2 18+980 6+800 MNB 1x41.1 2.7 RCC 7.5m 12m HL
Gider open Condition is g of expansion joint,
fair. Bearing & Drainage
11+00 May be 11.7 Bridge Retain with
3 24+995 MNB 7x5.4 0.5 RCC Box RCC 8.3m HL
0 open m Condition is Rehabilitation
Bridge Retain with
13+40 Solid Stone May be 10.5 Condition is Rehabilitation And
4 28+000 MNB 1x7.6 0.8 9.7m HL
0 Slab Masonry open m fair. But Repairing of parapet
parapet wall wall.

Page | 33
Highway Engineering Consultant

Type Depth of Super Over
Sl.n as per Existing Span Clear HL/
of Super- Structure Substructure Foundation All Conditions Recommendation
o Inventor Ch. Arrangement(m) Width SubM
Bridge Structure(m) Type width

Retain with
Existing Rehabilitation And
17+20 Box May be 11.8 Bridge Repairing/Replacin
5 29+400 MJB 2X30.5 1.6 RCC 7.8M HL
0 Gider open m Condition is g of expansion joint,
fair. Bearing & Drainage
Retain with
Existing Rehabilitation And
23+00 May be Bridge Repairing/Replacin
6 37+620 MNB 1X47 2.9 I-Girder RCC 7.8m 8.1m HL
0 open Condition is g of expansion joint,
fair. Bearing & Drainage
Existing Retain with
28+10 Solid Stone May be Bridge Rehabilitation And
7 44+270 MNB 1x6.8 0.5 6.5m 9m HL
0 Slab Masonry open Condition is Jacketing/Strengthi
fair. ng.
Existing Retain with
29+90 Solid Stone May be Bridge Rehabilitation And
8 50+450 MNB 1X6.6 0.4 11m 12m HL
0 Slab Masonry open Condition is Jacketing/Strengthi
fair. ng.
clearance of
33+90 Solid Stone May be
9 55+130 MNB 1x7.6 0.5 7.6m 8.4m SUB Bridge is not Reconstruction .
0 Slab Masonry open
sufficient as
per codal

Page | 34
Highway Engineering Consultant

Type Depth of Super Over
Sl.n as per Existing Span Clear HL/
of Super- Structure Substructure Foundation All Conditions Recommendation
o Inventor Ch. Arrangement(m) Width SubM
Bridge Structure(m) Type width

Retain with
Existing Rehabilitation And
38+20 May be 11.1 Bridge Repairing/Replacin
10 60+150 MNB 1X51.3 3 I-Girder RCC 7.5m HL
0 open m Condition is g of expansion joint,
fair. Bearing & Drainage
38+80 Solid May be 10.8 11.8 Bridge Retain with
11 63+400 MNB 3x11.8 0.8 RCC HL
0 Slab open m m Condition is Rehabilitation
Condition is
42+80 Solid Stone May be poor. Pier
12 64+900 MNB 2x3.5 0.25 8.2m 9.8m HL Reconstruction .
0 Slab Masonry open and
condition is
very poor.
Condition is
44+65 Solid Stone May be
13 65+570 MNB 1x7.3 0.6 7.5m 9.1m HL Abutment Reconstruction .
0 Slab Masonry open
condition is
very poor.
Parapet wall
14 75+500 52+90 MNB 2x9.5 0.8 Solid Stone May be 5.6m 6.2m HL Abutment is Reconstruction .

Page | 35
Highway Engineering Consultant

Type Depth of Super Over
Sl.n as per Existing Span Clear HL/
of Super- Structure Substructure Foundation All Conditions Recommendation
o Inventor Ch. Arrangement(m) Width SubM
Bridge Structure(m) Type width
and steel
0 Slab Masonry open railling also
in poor
Retain with
Existing Rehabilitation And
61+60 Box May be Bridge Repairing/Replacin
15   MNB 1x31.0 2 RCC 7.6m 12m HL
0 Gider open Condition is g of expansion joint,
fair. Bearing & Drainage
Retain with
Existing Rehabilitation And
62+90 Box May be Bridge Repairing/Replacin
16 75+620 MNB 1x46 3.6 RCC 7.8m 12m HL
0 Gider open Condition is g of expansion joint,
fair. Bearing & Drainage
Retain with
Existing Rehabilitation And
68+75 Box May be Bridge Repairing/Replacin
17   MNB 1x36.4 2.1 RCC 7.8m 12m HL
0 Gider open Condition is g of expansion joint,
fair. Bearing & Drainage
18   100+5 MNB 1x6.8 0.5 Solid Stone May be 7.8m 8.8m Sub Existing Reconstruction .
00 Slab Masonry open bridge
condition is
fair. But its

Page | 36
Highway Engineering Consultant

Type Depth of Super Over
Sl.n as per Existing Span Clear HL/
of Super- Structure Substructure Foundation All Conditions Recommendation
o Inventor Ch. Arrangement(m) Width SubM
Bridge Structure(m) Type width
104+0 Solid Stone May be
19   MNB 1x6.9 0.5 4.3m 8.6m Sub condition is Reconstruction .
00 Slab Masonry open
fair. But its
Bridge is
114+3 Solid Stone May be
20   MNB 1x7 0.5 7m 9m Sub and Reconstruction .
00 Slab Masonry open
abutment in

2.10 Summary of CD Structures and Bridges

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Highway Engineering Consultant

There are a total of 290 structures existing in the project road. Out of total 290 nos, 1 Major Bridge, 19 nos Minor Bridges, 256 nos Slab culvert, 7 nos pipe culverts and
7 nos Chocked CulvertsCauseways exist along the project road. No railway track crosses the project highway alignment at any of the locations. There are no grade
separator/ flyover/ underpasses in the existing alignment.
The summary of the structures inventory is given below in Table 2.3
Table 2.3: Summary of Existing Structures

Sr. No. Type of Structure No. Total

Major Bridge 01 01
1 Minor Bridge  19  19
2 Slab Culvert 256 256
3 Pipe Culvert 07 07
4 Chocked Culverts 07 07
  Total 290 290

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Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

2.11 Key Map

End Point Of the Project (Section-1) at Chowkibal

End Point Of the Project (Section-2) at Chamkot

Start Point Of the Project (Section-1) at Rafiabad

Figure 2-4: Key Map of Project Road

2.12 Villages and Built-up Area
There are a number of villages/ built ups along the project road. The road traverses from the
following village’s enroute and tabulated in Table 2.4:
Table 2.4: List of Village

Chainage (KM)
Sr.No. Village Name
From To
1 0+000 0+300 Rafiabad
2 0+300 0+600 Water Gun
3 1+250 2+000 Palpura
4 1+300 1+400 Palpura
5 2+200 2+800 Thukurpura
6 2+800 3+600 Nasalpura
7 4+300 5+800 karalgund
8 8+400 10+300 langhate
9 10+720 14+800 Hardwara
10 14+800 15+050 Braripura
11 15+200 17+450 kulangaon
12 17+450 19+000 Wadhpura
13 19+400 20+050 Jagatpura

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Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

Chainage (KM)
Sr.No. Village Name
From To
14 21+150 21+800 Nutunsa
15 22+200 24+500 Arampura
16 24+500 25+450 Bramri
17 25+450 30+400 Drugmulla
18 30+400 30+600 KUPWADA
19 30+600 35+400 KUPWADA
20 35+400 38+600 Batergaun
21 38+600 39+700 Hirri Bala
22 39+700 39+750 Bhedrapura
23 39+750 45+300 Trehgam
24 45+300 47+000 Shumnag
25 47+000 49400 Karalpura
26 49400 50250 Rawatpura
27 50250 51550 Niyari
28 51550 52+250 Rawat pura
29 52+400 52+850 mukamkhali pura
30 52+850 54+700 Panzgon
31 54+700 55+100 Redigaun
32 55+100 57+850 Chowkibal
33 57+850 58+450 Chowkibal
34 58+450 62+850 MARASIRI
35 62+850 65+850 RANGWAR
36 65+850 83+500 TEEPEE
37 83+500 95+650 SADHNA
38 95+650 102+150 TANGDHAR
39 102+150 106+670 BAGHBELLA
40 106+670 110+450 TANGDHAR
41 110+450 113+450 KARNAH
42 113+450 116+150 CHAMKOT

2.13 Terrain
The whole project road stretch passes through Hilly/Mountainous terrain and the same is tabulated
below in Table 2.5:
Table 2.5: Type of Terrain
Chainage (KM)
Sr.No. Village Name Type of Terrain
From To
1 0+000 0+300 Rafiabad Plain / Rolling
2 0+300 0+600 Water Gun Plain / Rolling
3 1+250 2+000 Palpura Plain / Rolling
4 1+300 1+400 Palpura Plain / Rolling

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Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

Chainage (KM)
Sr.No. Village Name Type of Terrain
From To
5 2+200 2+800 Thukurpura Plain / Rolling
6 2+800 3+600 Nasalpura Plain / Rolling
7 4+300 5+800 karalgund Plain / Rolling
8 8+400 10+300 langhate Plain / Rolling
9 10+720 14+800 Hardwara Plain / Rolling
10 14+800 15+050 Braripura Plain / Rolling
11 15+200 17+450 kulangaon Plain / Rolling
12 17+450 19+000 Wadhpura Plain / Rolling
13 19+400 20+050 Jagatpura Plain / Rolling
14 21+150 21+800 Nutunsa Plain / Rolling
15 22+200 24+500 Arampura Plain / Rolling
16 24+500 25+450 Bramri Plain / Rolling
17 25+450 30+400 Drugmulla Plain / Rolling
18 30+400 30+600 KUPWADA Plain / Rolling
19 30+600 35+400 KUPWADA Plain / Rolling
20 35+400 38+600 Batergaun Plain / Rolling
21 38+600 39+700 Hirri Bala Plain / Rolling
22 39+700 39+750 Bhedrapura Plain / Rolling
23 39+750 45+300 Trehgam Plain / Rolling
24 45+300 47+000 Shumnag Plain / Rolling
25 47+000 49400 Karalpura Plain / Rolling
26 49+400 50+250 Rawatpura Plain / Rolling
27 50+250 51+550 Niyari Plain / Rolling
28 51+550 52+250 Rawat pura Plain / Rolling
29 52+400 52+850 mukamkhali pura Plain / Rolling
30 52+850 54+700 Panzgon Plain / Rolling
31 54+700 55+100 Redigaun Plain / Rolling
32 55+100 57+850 Chowkibal Plain / Rolling
33 57+850 58+450 Chowkibal Hilly/Mountainous
34 58+450 62+850 MARASIRI Hilly/Mountainous
35 62+850 65+850 RANGWAR Hilly/Mountainous
36 65+850 83+500 TEEPEE Hilly/Mountainous
37 83+500 95+650 SADHNA Hilly/Mountainous
38 95+650 102+150 TANGDHAR Hilly/Mountainous
39 102+150 106+670 BAGHBELLA Hilly/Mountainous
40 106+670 110+450 TANGDHAR Hilly/Mountainous
41 110+450 113+450 KARNAH Hilly/Mountainous
42 113+450 116+150 CHAMKOT Hilly/Mountainous
The project road alignment crosses through very environment-sensitive region.
2.14 Drainage
Lined drain is found only at the settlement are as where the condition is poor due to lack
of maintenance. Unlined drain also found at short stretches with vegetation.
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Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

2.15 Residential Area

There are
2.16 Retaining Wall/Breast Wall
There are Found masonry breast wall on hill side and retaining wall on valley side.
2.17 Utilities
Electrical Utilities, BSNLOFCs and private OFCs exist within the existing ROW. The
consultant will mapall underground and above ground utilities in consultation with all
related utility department/agencies which requires relocation and assist the BRO staff to
get these maps endorsed by the utility agencies. The consultant will prepare utility
relocation maps in congruence with the detailed engineering plans.
2.18 Traffic Intensity
It has been observed during reconnaissance survey of the project road that traffic intensity
is medium during all season, which increases during period of July to October every year for
transporting Apple & walnut fruits. Historical Traffic data is not available. However traffic
survey will be organised through the team of traffic Engineer
2.19 Railway Level Crossing
There is no Railway track passes through the project road.
2.20 Land Use
The project road is passing through Hilly/Mountainous terrain and does not have uniform
land use pattern. It varies from agricultural on valley side to residential with some
commercial settlement.
2.21 Trees
The project road is passing through Hilly/ Mountainous terrain and does not have uniform
land use pattern. It varies from agricultural on valley side to residential with some
commercial settlement.
2.22 Encroachment
The existing road witnesses moderate level of encroachment at built up areas in the project road.
This can be assessed by the secondary data like FMB, village maps etc.

2.23 Junctions
There are number of Junctions along the project road. The project road has 2 major and 76 minor
junction, which are to be improved at-grade with proper turning radius, signs, speed breakers (on
minor roads) and markings. The cross roads should be improved by overlay rehabilitation of
shoulders, etc for a length of 25m from the edge of proposed carriageway.

Special attention will be paid to all junctions and cross road locations including checking of safe
intersection sight distance and propose improvements to enhance the sight distance.

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Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

The Details are given in below in Table 2.6.

Table 2.6: List of Major & Minor Junctions

1 0+200 T   RHS MINOR To Rafiabad
2 0+410 T LHS   MINOR To Water Gun
3 0+420 T   RHS MINOR To Water Gun
4 1+300 Y   RHS MINOR Palpura(start)
5 1+600 Y   RHS MINOR Palpura (End)
6 2+300 T   RHS MINOR Thukurpura vill
7 2+900 T LHS   MINOR Nasalpura
8 3+600 T   RHS MINOR To village
9 4+200 T LHS   MINOR To village
10 4+210 T   RHS MINOR To village
11 4+300 Y LHS   MINOR To village
12 6+200 Y   RHS MINOR To village
13 6+900 T LHS   MINOR To village
14 6+950 T   RHS MINOR To village
15 7+600 Y   RHS MINOR To village
16 8+850 T LHS   MINOR langhate
17 9+450 T LHS   MINOR To village
18 9+600 T LHS   MAJOR langhate
19 9+750 T LHS   MINOR To village
20 10+000 Y   RHS MINOR To village
21 10+700 Y   RHS MINOR To village
22 11550 Y   RHS MINOR To village
23 12+000 Y LHS   MINOR Chotipura
24 12+400 T LHS   MINOR Chotipura
25 13+800 T LHS   MINOR handwara bypass
26 14+750 T   RHS MINOR handwara bypass
27 15+000 T LHS   MINOR To village
28 15+030 T   RHS MINOR To village
29 15+700 T LHS   MINOR kulangaon
30 17+050 T   RHS MINOR Kulangaon
31 18+600 T/Y LHS RHS MINOR Wadhpura
32 19+700 Y LHS   MINOR Jagatpura
33 20+350 T   RHS MINOR To village
34 22+200 T LHS   MINOR To village
35 22+800 Y/T LHS RHS MINOR Arampura
36 24+200 T LHS   MINOR Arampura
37 24+400 T   RHS MINOR Arampura
38 24+800 T LHS   MINOR Bramri
39 25+600 T   RHS MINOR Drugmulla
40 27+050 Y LHS   MINOR Drugmulla

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Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .


41 27+250 Y   RHS MINOR Drugmulla
42 29+600 T LHS RHS MINOR Drugmulla
43 30+650 T LHS   MINOR To village
44 31+120 T LHS   MINOR KUPWADA Village Start
51 36+400 Y   RHS MINOR Batekgam
52 36+500 Y   RHS MINOR Batekgam
53 37+400 T     MINOR Batekgam
54 37+600 Y LHS   MINOR Batekgam
55 38+450 T   RHS MINOR Batekgam
56 38+800 T   RHS MINOR Hirri Bala
57 39+400 Y   RHS MINOR Hirri Bala
58 44+200 Y LHS   MINOR Trehgam
59 46+000 Y LHS   MINOR Shumnag
60 49800 Y LHS   MINOR Rawatpura
61 51500 T   RHS MINOR Niyari
62 51550 Y LHS   MINOR Niyari
63 57+400 Y   RHS MINOR Chowkibal
64 0+300 T LHS   MINOR Chowkibal
65 0+500 Y   RHS MAJOR Chowkibal
66 15+600 Y     MINOR TEEPEE
67 27+600 Y     MINOR SADHNA
75 53+300 Y LHS   MINOR KARNAH
76 53+950 Y   RHS MINOR KARNAH
77 55+200 Y   RHS MINOR KARNAH
2.24 Traffic Diversion Plan
Temporary traffic diversion plan should be prepared and implemented during construction to
avoid/minimize the impact on road users and environment. The project is widening of existing CL 9
specification carriageway to 2-lane with paved shoulder configuration. So, before starting the

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Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

construction works, the existing road should be repaired by strengthening of pavement and
shoulders, closing the potholes, etc.

Barricading should be provided to separate the construction area and necessary road safety
furniture like sign boards, reflectors lightings will be provided.

2.25 Availability of Construction Material

Construction materials like sand and stone aggregate quarry are found near the project sites. Exact
quarry details will be submitted in DPR.

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Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .


3.1 Introduction
This chapter of the report describes the methodologies adopted for different activities carried out
during preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) during its Inception, Feasibility and Final
stages of the project. The broader goals of the project are to enhance the socio-economic profile of
the region by way of improving the traffic carrying capacity of the highway, improving riding quality
of the road and reducing road user costs, with enhanced safety and level of service for the road
users, with minimum adverse impact on environment and minimum additional land acquisition
after collection of data from site at the time of Inception Report/ Reconnaissance Survey.
3.2 General Approach and Understanding the Scope of Work
Design of the road improvement works to be implemented involves:
• A clear understanding of the project activities including the detailed scope of services as
given in TOR of the contract document & of the requirements of the project.
• An in-depth appreciation of the local conditions collected/ gathered through local field
• Carryout feasibility study, prepare preliminary designs for the project road, environmental
examination of road and social assessment, land acquisition and prepare environmental
management plans, preparation of cost estimates;
• Carryout detailed engineering including detailed surveys, investigations and preparation of
detailed designs/ drawings and detailed project report of the road, making extensive use of
modern survey and design techniques;
• Rapid mobilization of a team of experts with a proven record of working on similar projects
in similar conditions and environments;
• Strong support from the HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT Regional Head Office in
Delhi, with the ability to draw on the extensive facilities and expertise;
• Preparation of B.O.Q, bidding/ procurement documents;
• To consider issues including traffic management and road safety during the execution of
project, considering the present state of the road.
3.3 Composition of Team
The consultant shall set up a liaison mechanism in consultation with the Client at the Inception
report stage through the coordinator and the team leader, so as to maintain coordination and
reporting strategy.
The Consultant has proposed multidisciplinary team which includes all the experts with extensive
experience as stipulated in TOR. They have been assigned the specific tasks as mentioned in next
chapter. Additional support staff like Assistant Highway Engineers, Traffic Engineers, Pavement
Engineers and MX-CAD Experts has also been included in the team. Their specific tasks and
responsibilities have been discussed in next chapter.
3.4 Mobilization and Start-up meeting
The sequence of activities/events to be covered under this are summarized hereunder:-
• Mobilization would be marked by the induction of Consultants' Team, start-up meeting with
the concerned officers of the Client, and commencement of the work according to the
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Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

schedule of activities.
• After the mobilization, a start-up meeting will be held between the Consultant and the
representative of Client’s Office. The objective of the above and subsequent meetings at this
stage would be to finalize the program for data collection and review, and also to discuss the
quality assurance program and methodology, etc. Likely modifications to the methodology
and work program, as required, will be discussed and resolved during the meetings. The
meeting is important considering the location of the project road location.
• Points to be discussed and resolved during the start-up phase identification of data
requirements and sources, reports and information relevant to the studies;
• Finalization of the study methodology;
• Meetings and facilitation from other Govt. / Semi Govt. agencies; and
• Role of Client in fulfilling the objectives of the proposed Consultancy Services;

3.5 Stages of Project

The project preparation activities will be presented into six stages and reports in accordance with
the provision contained at clause 9 of the RFP documents & details are as follows:
 Stage 1: Inception Report
 Stage 2: Feasibility Report
 Stage 3: Strip Plan & Clearances & LA & Clearances I Report
 Stage 4: Detailed Project Report (DPR)
 Stage 5: Technical Schedules
 Stage 6: LA & Clearances II Report

Stage wise activities to be performed & incorporated in the various reports are tabulated hereunder
in Table 3.1:
Table 3.1: Stage wise Project Activities
Stages Description

Inception Stage 1
Report I. Project appreciation.
II. Detailed methodology to meet the requirements of the TOR
finalized in consultation with the CE (P) Sampark (BRO) officers;
including scheduling of various sub activities to be carried out for
completion of various stage of the work; stating out clearly their
approach & methodology for project preparation after due to
inspection of the entire project stretch and collection/collation of
necessary information;
III. Task assignment and Manning Schedule;
IV. Work programme;
V. Performa for data collection;
VI. Design standards and proposed for cross-section;
VII. Development plans being implemented and proposed for
implementation in the near future by the local bodies and the
possible impact of such development plans on the overall scheme

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Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

Stages Description

for field work and design for study;

VIII. Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) finalized in consultation with CE
(P) Sampark (BRO);
IX. Draft design standards; and
Feasibility STAGE 2:
Report Feasibility Report :
1. Detailed feasibility Study of the project is to be carried out in accordance with
the approved Inception Report which shall contain the following :
a. Executive summary
b. Overview of CE (P) Sampark (BRO) Organisation and activities, and
project financing and cost recovery mechanisms
c. Project description including possible alternative
alignments/bypasses and technical/engineering alternatives
d. Methodology adopted for the feasibility study
e. Socioeconomic profile of the project areas Indicative design
standards, methodologies and specifications
f. Traffic surveys and analysis
g. Environmental screening and preliminary environmental
assessment Initial social assessment and preliminary land
acquisition/resettlement plan
h. Cost estimates based on preliminary rate analysis and bill of
i. Economic and financial analysis
j. Conclusions and recommendations

Strip Plan and Stage 3

Clearance Following Details/ Documents will be submitted:
I. Details of the centre line of the proposed widened NH along with the
existing and proposed right-of-way limits to appreciate the
requirements of land acquisition;
II. The information concerning the area including ownership of land to
be acquired for the implementation of the project shall be collected
from the revenue and other concerned authorities and presented
along with the strip plans;
III. Strip plans showing the position of existing utilities and services
indicating clearly the position of their relocation;
IV. Details for various clearances such as environment and forest
V. Separate strip plan showing shifting / relocation of each utility
services in consultation with the concerned local authorities;
VI. The utility relocation plans should clearly show existing right-of-
way and pertinent topographic details including buildings, major

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Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

Stages Description

trees, fences and other installations such as water-mains, telephone,

telegraph and electricity poles, and suggest relocation of the
services along with their crossings the highway at designated
locations as required and prepare necessary details for submission
to the Service Departments;
VII. Detail schedules for acquisition of additional land and additional
properties in consultation with the revenue authorities; and
VIII. Land Acquisition Plan shall be prepared after digitization of
cadastral / land revenue maps. The digitized map shall exactly
match the original map, like a contact print, since the dimensions
and area of plots, or the whole village is to be extracted from the
map itself. An accuracy of 1mm or higher in a 1:1000 scale map shall
be ensured, as this translates into an accuracy of 1 m or higher on
Detailed Stage 4
Project Report
Main Report: This report will describe the project background, social analysis
of the project, details of surveys and investigations carried out, analysis and
interpretation of survey and investigation data, traffic studies and demand
forecasts designs, cost estimation, environmental aspects, economic and
commercial analysis and conclusions. The report shall include Executive
Summary giving brief accounts of the findings of the study and
The Report shall also include maps, charts and diagrams showing locations and
details of existing features and the essential features of improvement and
upgrading. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for contract
package shall be submitted as a part of the main report.
The basic data obtained from the field studies and investigations and input data
used for the preliminary design shall be submitted in a separate volume as an
Appendix to Main Report.
Volume - II, Design Report: This volume shall contain design calculations,
supported by computer printout of calculations wherever applicable. The
Report shall clearly bring out the various features of design standards adopted
for the study. The design report will be in two parts. Part-I shall primarily deal
with the design of road features and pavement composition while Part-II shall
deal with the design of bridges, tunnels and cross-drainage structures. The sub-
soil exploration report including the complete details of boring done, analyses
and interpretation of data and the selection of design parameters shall be
included as an Appendix to the Design Report.
Volume - III, Materials Report: The Materials Report shall contain details
concerning the proposed borrow areas and quarries for construction materials
and possible sources of water for construction purposes. The report shall
include details on locations of borrow areas and quarries shown on maps and

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Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

Stages Description

charts and also the estimated quantities with mass haul diagram including
possible end use with leads involved, the details of sampling and testing carried
out and results in the form of important index values with possible end use
The detailed design for all features should be carried out as per the
requirements of the Design Standards for the project. However, there may be
situations wherein it has not been possible to strictly adhere to the design
standards due to the existing site conditions, restrictions and other
considerations. The report should clearly bring out the details of these aspect
and the standards adopted.
The materials Report shall also include details of sampling, testing and test
results obtained in respect physical properties of sub-grade soils. The
information shall be presented in tabular as well as in graphical representations
and schematic diagrams. The Report shall present soil profiles along the
The material Report should also clearly indicate the locations of areas with
problematic soils. Recommendations concerning the improvement of such soils
for use in the proposed construction works, such as stabilization (cement, lime,
mechanical) should be included in the Report.
Volume - IV, Environmental Assessment Report including Environmental
Management Plan (EMP) & Resettlement Action Plan (RAP): The Report
shall be prepared conforming to the Guidelines of the Government of India, State
Government and World Bank / ADB as appropriate for construction package.
Volume - V, Technical Specifications: The MORT&H’s Technical Specifications
for Road and Bridge works shall be followed for this study. However, Volume IV:
Technical Specifications shall contain the special technical specifications which
are not covered by MOST Specifications for Roads and Bridges (latest edition /
revision) and also specific quality control norms for the construction of works.
Volume - VI, Rate Analysis: This volume will present the analysis of rates for
all items of works. The details of unit rate of materials at source, carriage
charges, any other applicable charges, labour rates, and machine charges as
considered in arriving at unit rates will be included in this volume.
Volume - VII, Cost Estimates: This volume will present the contract package
wise cost of each item of work as well as a summary of total cost.
Volume - VIII, Bill of Quantities: This volume shall contain the package-wise
detailed Bill of Quantities for all items of works.
Volume - IX, Drawing Volume: All drawings forming part of this volume shall
be ‘good for construction’ drawings. All plan and profile drawings will be
prepared in scale 1:250V and 1:2500H scale to cover one km in one sheet. In
addition this volume will contain ‘good for construction’ drawings for the
Horizontal Alignment and Longitudinal Profile.
Cross-section @ 50m interval along the alignment within ROW Typical Cross-
Sections with details of pavement structure.

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Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

Stages Description

 Detailed Working Drawings for individual Culverts and Cross Drainage

 Detailed Working Drawings for individual Bridges, tunnels and
 Detailed Drawings for Improvement of At-Grade and Grade-Separated.
Intersections and Interchanges.
 Drawings for Road Sign, Markings, Toll Plazas, and other Facilities.
Schematic Diagrams (linear chart) indicating but be not limited to be
following: Widening scheme;
 Locations of median openings, intersections, interchanges, underpasses,
overpasses, bypasses;
 Locations of service roads; Location of traffic signals, traffic signs, road
markings, safety features; and,
 Locations of toll plaza, parking areas, weighing stations, bus-bays, rest
areas, if any Drawings for toll plaza, Bus Bays, Parking areas, Rest areas,
weighing stations etc. All drawings will be prepared in A2 size sheets.
The format for plan, cross section and profile drawings shall be finalized
in consultation with the concerned CE (P) Sampark (BRO) officers. The
drawings shall also include details of all BM and reference pillars, HIP
and VIP. The coordinates of all points should be referenced to a common
datum, preferably GTS referencing system. The drawings shall also
include the locations of all traffic safety features including traffic signals,
signs, markings, crash barriers, delineators and rest areas, bus-bays,
parking areas etc.
The typical cross-section drawings should indicate the scheme for future
widening of the carriageway. The proposed cross-sections of road segment
passing through urban areas should indicate the provisions for pedestrian
movements and suitable measures for surface and sub-surface drainage and
lighting, as required.
Final Detailed Project Report, Documents and Drawings (6 Sets)
The Final package-wise DPR consisting of Main Report, Design Report, Drainage
Design Report and Materials Report, incorporating all revisions deemed
relevant following receipt of the comments from CE (P) Sampark (BRO) on the
draft DPR shall be submitted as per the schedule given in Enclosure-III.
Technical Stage 5
Schedules Civil Work Contract Agreement: A civil works contract agreement shall be

LA & Stage 6
Clearance II LA & Clearances shall be submitted by the consultant in accordance to
Report the applicable laws/ rules in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
All the necessary project related clearances such as environment, forest and
wildlife clearance from MOEF, Railways in respect of ROB/ RUBs, Irrigation

Page | 51
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

Stages Description

Dept. and any other concerned agencies shall be obtained by the consultant. The
final approvals shall be obtained and submitted to CE (P) Sampark (BRO) so that
project implementation can straight away proceed without any hold up. For
utility clearances, consultant shall prepare draft utility shifting estimates using
the latest Schedule of Rates and obtain final approval from utility agency and CE
(P) Sampark (BRO).

3.6 Deliverables of the Project

3.6.1 Inception Report and Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) Documents
The consultant has to submit an Inception Report within 21days time from commencement of
consultancy services and this covers detailed methodology, Work plan along with the Quality
Assurance Plan (QAP); task assignment, manning schedule and details of the key personnel for the
services; and pro-forma for various data collections; along with project appreciation and details,
after site visit and visual survey for discussions with Client, so as to finalize the same in order to
meet the requirements of the project.
3.6.2 Feasibility Report
The Consultant will carry out the Feasibility Study of the project road in accordance with accepted
Inception Report with possible alternative alignment/bypass/engineering alternatives, indicating
design standard, traffic survey and analysis, environment screening and preliminary environment
assessment, initial social assessment and preliminary land acquisition/resettlement plan, cost
estimate based on preliminary rate analysis and bill of quantity, economic and financial analysis etc.
3.6.3 Strip Plan, Clearance land and acquisition:
Based on the topographic surveys and preliminary design of horizontal curves, cross sections and
interchange layout, final strip plans will be prepared for the road. The strip plans will contain the
ROW, position of existing utilities and services, proposed center lines for the proposed new
alignments if any, abutting land-use, salient man-made and natural features along the alignment
including buildings, water bodies etc., general topographic details, likely location of curves,
bridges/CD works locations, etc.
The Land Acquisition Report and Land Acquisition Files will be prepared if required. A proposal will
be prepared based on the revenue record for the acquisition of the additional land and property etc.
Similarly, based on the strip plans, the consultant will identify the structures / buildings need to be
expropriated, if required. Also strip plans showing all such structures will be prepared with unique
reference system for each of the structure for ease during the process of acquisition. Based on the
type of structure and locality of the structure & Land Records, the cost involved in expropriation
will be worked out. Building Expropriation File containing above details will be prepared and
submitted to the Client for the approval. On approval on the same, the consultant will mark
reference number on each of the structures with approved unique reference system adopted during
preparation of strip plan including widening scheme.
 Kilometer-wise Land Acquisition Plan (LAP) and schedule of ownership thereof and Costs as
per Revenue Authorities and also based on realistic rates.

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Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

 Details of properties, such as buildings and structures falling within the Right-of way and
costs of acquisition based on realistic rates.
 Kilometer-wise Utility Relocation Plan (URP) and costs for relocation per civil construction
package as per concerned authorities.
 Kilometer-wise account in regard to felling of trees of different type and girth and value
estimate of such trees based on realistic rates obtainable from concerned District forest
 Kilometer-wise Strip Plans for section (Package) shall be prepared separately for each
concerned agency and suggested by client.
3.6.4 Land Acquisition Report:
The Land acquisition report shall be prepared and submitted for section (package).
The report shall include detail schedules about acquisition of land holdings as per revenue records
and their locations in a strip plan and also the costs as per district authorities as per Performa
issued by client both in Hindi and English languages.
The land acquisition report should be prepared in consultation with affected persons, non-
governmental Organisations and concerned government agencies and should cover land acquisition
and resettlement plan and costs of resettlement and rehabilitation of such affected persons. It
should also include plan of compensating afforestation, its land requirement with specific locations
and cost involved for undertaking all activities in this regard.
3.6.5 Draft Detailed Project Report
Data Collection and Desk Study
All available reports/ documents and data relating to project road linkages and its influence area
will be collected and collated, leading to their classification and utilization in the following manner:
 Information suitable for direct use in this project
 Information relevant to the project but requiring verification and/or supplementation
 Information serving as the basis for undertaking further surveys, investigations and
The data and information required for the studies could be broadly classified as:
Type of Data Information to be collected
 Topographic
 Geographical map including category of road thereon;
 Engineering
 Engineering standards, design/as-built drawings, socio-economic and environmental data
from earlier relevant studies in the vicinity
 Various types of systematic data (meteorological, hydraulic, hydrologic, geological,
environmental, land use, rehabilitation etc.)
 Available gauge/discharge data of rivers, creeks and major streams at bridge sites falling
within the project influence area.
 Data on geo-technical investigations at the major/minor bridge and high embankment sites
in the vicinity of the project influence area.

Page | 53
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

 Information about existing road inventories including data on pavement history and
condition, traffic statistics, and road accident statistics;
 Data on construction materials including location of borrow areas, quarries within the
project influence area, and field test data on soils and materials as available from past
studies/activities, etc.
 Traffic
 All available traffic count data and projections;
 Vehicle loading behavior.
 Environmental assessment report including environmental management plan (EMP) and
Socio-Economic including resettlement action plan.
 Economic data and socio-economic parameters in the project influence area.
 Data pertaining to environmental parameters/aspects.
 Cost estimate including BOQ and rate analysis.
 Technical specification.
 Good for construction drawings.
The requirement of information will be further reviewed and refined during the course of the
assignment. The consultant will also identify any other data / information necessary for preparation
of the designs and the necessary survey will be carried out to collect the same depending on the
type of data required. The methodology for data collation is described in the following paragraphs.
3.6.6 Final Detailed Project Report, Documents and Drawings
The Final package-wise DPR consisting of Main Report, Design Report, Drainage Design Report and
Materials Report, incorporating all revisions deemed relevant following receipt of the comments
from client on the draft DPR shall be submitted as per the schedule.
3.6.7 Technical Schedules
Bid document as per EPC will be submitted.
3.7 Methodology For Different Activities During DPR
The assignment has been divided in various activities as indicated in the Terms of Reference.
Several activities may starts simultaneously and few activities may run concurrently.
The activities described in the following paragraphs bring out the methodology, proposed to be
used during currency of the assignment. However, these may require modifications or adjustments
inter alia for addressing additional issues or conditions encountered during the provision of
services which may be suitably reviewed and discussed with the client and accordingly finalized.
3.7.1 Reconnaissance Survey
Consultant’s team of experts has made a rapid assessment of field conditions by reconnaissance
visit to Project Road to identify possible needs in terms of improvement. First-hand information will
be collected on road condition, traffic intensity, drainage and environmental and social aspects
which may need to be addressed while formulating different proposals at later stages of the project.
The reconnaissance survey is also aimed to facilitate formulation of detailed plan for conducting
various surveys and investigations required for the project, as also to facilitate preparation of a road
inventory for which more detailed inspection will be carried out at a later stage. The proforma of
collecting data is given in Annexure A to this report.

Page | 54
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

3.7.2 Draft Design Standards and Procedures

Based on the results of discussions, reconnaissance survey and preliminary review of available data,
the Consultant will prepare draft design standards and specifications based on the Indian Standards
and Specifications (IRC &MORT&H) The Consultant will:
 Establish standards for geo-technical investigations and topographic surveys;
 Establish standard formats and procedures for inventory, condition survey and other
surveys for road and structures;
 Establish standards and procedures for socio-economic investigations, environmental and
social impact assessment of project influence area;
 Establish standards to be adopted for preparation of designs with various option and
drawings of various components of road and structures;
 Innovative Pavement shall be proposed:
 Prepare formats for reports and documents;
3.7.3 Socioeconomic Analysis
The Social analysis will include socio-economic profiles of the areas to be served by the project
road. Data will be collected through statistical records, field surveys and key informant interviews
and participatory rural appraisal techniques. The information will include per capita income,
population growth rates, occupations, unemployment, education levels, health conditions, and other
relevant socio-economic data. Surveys will be conducted to develop a profile of currently available
transport services and costs in the project area and assessing the affordability for low-income
groups, which will serve as baseline for the performance monitoring. The Consultant will assess the
improvement/ adverse effect to people’s livelihoods by the proposed road construction. The
proforma of collecting data is given in Annexure A to this report.
3.7.4 Environmental Examination
An Initial Environmental Examination in accordance with Government of India and State
Government Environment Guidelines describing the environmental impacts related to project and
furnishing background data for determining the requirement of Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) will be prepared. In preparing the IEEs and EIAs, all necessary field investigations will be
carried out to identify and quantify physical, ecological and socio-economic resources. Consultation
with all relevant stakeholders, affected people and local community will be made to incorporate
their concern in the IEE report.
Incremental costs for mitigating and minimizing the adverse direct and indirect environmental
impacts will be determined and appraised the level of cost against expected environmental benefits.
Preparation of EMP
Based on the consultant’s review, Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan, will be
prepared in such a manner that these are amicable to incorporation in the bidding/contract
documents. The EMP will be prepared as per the requirements of Guidelines of State Government
and Government of India; and will, among others, include contractor specification. The report will
be revised in consideration of the comments of the client.
The EMP will list all mandatory government clearance conditions and the status of procuring
clearances and if applicable, Natural Habitat plan and/or Cultural Properties Plan to satisfy the

Page | 55
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

The proforma of collecting data is given in Annexure At o this report.

3.7.5 Traffic Survey and Analysis

The consultant will prepare and submit a proposal regarding the total number and locations for
carrying out the classified traffic counts on the road. The locations of survey will be finalized in
consultation with the Client.
Classified Traffic Volume Count Survey
The consultant will carry out Classified Traffic Volume Count on the road over continuous 7 day, 24
hour period using ATCC systems such as Pneumatic Tube Detector, Inductive Detector Loop, Video
Image Detection, and Infrared Sensor or equivalent technologies shall be adopted.
From these traffic counts, the daily traffic for the road will be presented as annual average daily
traffic (AADT).
The proforma of collecting data is given in Annexure A to this report.
Origin and Destination Commodity Movement Survey
The Origin-Destination (OD) survey was carried out for motorised passenger and goods vehicles at
important signalised junctions within the project corridor. Motorized vehicles (Car, Bus and
Trucks) were stopped and their drivers interviewed. The objective of this survey is to study the
travel pattern of passenger and goods traffic within the study corridor, and the results are useful in
determining the traffic interaction with surrounding regions and in estimating traffic growth rates
and toll able traffic on a smaller more local scale.
Each OD survey was conducted for one continuous 24 hour period at the one locations as detailed in
above, and was undertaken concurrently with the classified volume counts in order to assess the
captured sample size and expansion factor thereafter.
The proforma of collecting data is given in Annexure A to this report.
Turning Movement Survey
This survey for estimation of peak hour traffic for the design of major and minor intersection shall
be carried out the methodology for the surveys shall be as per IRC: SP: 41-1994. The details
including location and duration of surveys shall be finalized in consultation with clients generally
for 12 hours period at OD/classified traffic volume count survey location. Remedial measures shall
be taken to improve the existing turning radius as per engineering norms/geometric design.
The proforma of collecting data is given in Annexure A to this report.
Axle load survey
Axle load surveys in both directions shall be carried out at suitable location(s) in the project road
stretch on a random sample basis normally for trucks only (both empty and loaded trucks) for 2
normal days - (24 hours) at special count stations to be finalized in consultation with client.
However, a few buses may be weighed in order to get an idea about their loading behaviour. While
selecting the location(s) of axle load survey station(s), the locations of existing bridges with load
restrictions, if any, should be taken into account and such sites should be avoided.
Axle load surveys shall normally be done using axle load pads or other sophisticated instruments.
The location(s) of count station(s) and the survey methodology including the data formats and the
instrument type to be used shall be finalized before taking up the axle load surveys

Page | 56
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

The axle load data should be collected axle configuration-wise. The number of equivalent standard
axles per truck shall be calculated on the basis of results obtained. The results of the survey should
bring out the VDF for each truck type (axle configuration, if the calculated VDF is found to be below
the national average, then national average shall be used. Furthermore, the data from axle load
surveys should be analysed to bring out the Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) and Single Axle Load (SAL)
Distributions by truck type (axle configuration).
The Consultant shall ascertain from local enquiries about the exceptional live loads that have used
the highway in the past in order to assess the suitability of existing bridges to carry such loads.
The proforma of collecting data is given in Annexure A to this report.
Speed-Delay Surveys
The Consultants shall carry out appropriate field studies such as moving car survey to determine
running speed and journey speed. The data should be analyzed to identify sections with typical
traffic flow problems and congestion. The objective of the survey would be to recommend suitable
measures for segregation of local traffic, smooth flow of through traffic and traffic safety. These
measures would include the provision of bypasses, under-passes, fly-overs, interchanges, grade-
separated intersections and service roads. The proforma of collecting data is given in Annexure A
to this report.
Pedestrian / animal cross traffic surveys
These may be conducted to determine if provision of viaduct for pedestrians/animals is necessary
to improve the traffic safety.
Truck Terminal Surveys
The data derived from the O-D, speed-delay, other surveys and also supplementary surveys should
be analysed to assess requirements for present and future development of truck terminals at
suitable locations en route.
Traffic Growth Survey
Traffic growth will depend on the following factors:
a. Annual population on real per capita growth rate.
b. Elasticity of transport demand to be known from registration of vehicle each year.
c. Traffic demand estimate shall be considered to open for traffic after 3 years.
d. Design period considered for 15 years.
3.7.6 Road Safety Audit
A comprehensive road safety audit will be undertaken along the project road to identify sensitive
areas, including black spots and also measures to be taken for integrating detailed engineering
design with road safety. The review will be made in accordance with IRC manual for safety in road
design and as per requirements of TOR. Special attention will be paid to road sections with poor
geometric standard, pedestrians movements and constrictions, town and village stretches and at all
junctions and cross road locations, visibility, hill road requirements, signs/ markings and lights etc.
during feasibility, preliminary designs and detailed designs.

3.7.7 Topographic Survey

Topographic survey along the existing alignment shall be carried out by using LiDAR or equivalent
technology (Light Detection and Ranging) such as the Real Time Kinematic (RTK) Photogrammetric
GPS Survey with Total Station. The salient features to be taken into considerations such as road
alignment with essential roadside features and widening scheme etc. The topographic survey will

Page | 57
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

extend to width as per requirements of IRC for the proposed project road on either side/ full ROW
width available in hilly terrain. The survey areas will be suitably increased in curves and cross road
for planning grade separators, if any. This survey will also be carried out along the bypass
alignments suggested in reconnaissance survey for bypassing the congested/Sharp Curve location
wherever applicable & necessary. In addition, the topographic surveys for Longitudinal and Cross-
Sections and details of utility services and other physical features will be carried out strictly in
accordance with TOR document.

3.7.8 Geotechnical Investigations, Subsoil Exploration and Material Investigations

In this activity geo-technical investigations and sub-surface explorations for the proposed Bridges /
Road over bridges/ tunnels/ viaducts/ interchanges etc., along high embankments and any other
location as necessary for proper design of the works and conduct all relevant laboratory and field
tests on soil and rock samples etc. will be covered. The scope of geo-technical investigations for
bridge and structures as per IRC: 78-2014 and provisions of TOR. Geo-technical investigations and
sub-soil exploration and will be carried out once preliminary study of alignment is done.
Comprehensive study for the quality/ strength of material used for existing road, sources, type and
quality/ strength of different materials proposed for construction of project road etc. will be carried
out. The proforma of collecting data is given in Annexure A to this report.

3.7.9 Hydraulic and Hydrological Investigation

The hydraulic and hydrological investigations will be done in accordance with IRC: SP: 13-2004 and
IRC: 5 -2015.
Conducting desk study of available data on topography (topographic maps) storm duration, rainfall
statistics, topsoil characteristics, vegetation cover etc. so as to assess the catchment area and
hydraulic parameters for all existing and proposed drainage provisions. The findings of the desk
study will be further supplemented by a reconnaissance along the area. All important hydrological
features shall be noted during the field investigations.
From the available past records, the information on HFL, LWL, discharge velocity etc. for various
bridges will be collected. It may be noted that in these records, the HFL are not generally connected
to GTS benchmarks. In order to relate these HFL values with actual levels, the vertical clearance of
the structure from original design HFL, will play an important part for the correlation.
The drainage pattern of the region will be studied based on the available secondary data, maps, etc.
These together with the recorded information on flooding in the vicinity and hydraulic behavior of
bridges will be utilized in fixing the embankment height, bridge and CD locations, waterways, span
arrangements, protection measures including requirements of guide banks, etc. for the existing
carriage-way of road. Adequacy of the waterway and other hydraulic parameters for the existing
bridges on the road linkages will also be examined, and wherever required, necessary improvement
measures suggested. The requirement of additional land to accommodate the improvement
measures will also be assessed and details in this regard prepared.
3.7.10 Pavement Structural Strength and Investigation
The pavement evaluation with structural strength of existing pavement will be carried out in
accordance with codal requirements & in case, the Consultant wishes to use any acceptable
method(s) other than Benkelman Beam deflection technique for the evaluation of pavement
strength, viz. Falling weight deflectometer method etc. details of such methods or innovative
features for deflection testing using Benkelman Beam technique along with the methodology for
Page | 58
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

data analysis, interpretation and the use of such data for pavement overlay design purposes using
IRC or any other widely used practices, such as AASHTO guidelines, shall be undertaken with the
approval of the competent authority.
3.7.11 Inventory & Conditions Survey for Road & Junctions
The condition of the Project Road will be visually inspected with a view to broadly classify the road
conditions and prepare a suitable road inventory. Preliminary reconnaissance survey will be
followed by road inventory surveys in order to capture the overall conditions of the road. The data
will be collected in sufficient detail and presented in tabular and graphical formats as per IRC: SP-
19- 2001.
3.7.12 Inventory and Condition Survey of Bridges and Cross-drainage Structures
1. The Consultants will inspect the existing structures of the road and shall prepare a report
about their condition including all the parameters given in the inspection pro-forma of IRC:
SP: 35-1990. The condition and structural assessment survey of the bridges / culverts /
structures shall be carried out by senior experts of the Consultants.
2. For the bridges identified to be in a distressed condition based upon the visual condition
survey, supplementary testing shall be carried out as per IRC: SP: 35-1990 and IRC: SP: 40-
1993. Selection of tests may be made based on the specific requirement of the structure.
3. The assessment of the load carrying capacity or rating of existing bridges shall be carried
out under one or more of the following scenarios:
 When the design live load is less than that of the statutory commercial vehicle plying or
likely to ply on bridge;
 If during the condition assessment survey and supplementary testing the bridge is found
to indicate distress of serious nature leading to doubt about structural and / or
functional adequacy, and
 Design live load is not known nor are the records and drawings available
 The client has to share the traffic live load data with the consultant in case if any heavy/
peculiar load of Army proposed to be passed to the bridge in future keeping in view the
requirements of the Army for movement of Tanks/ Guns or any other special
equipments to cater for the criteria in the bridge design.
4. The evaluation of the load carrying capacity of the bridge shall be carried out as per IRC: SP:
37-2010 (“Guidelines for Evaluation of Load Carrying Capacity of Bridges”). The analytical
and correlation method shall be used for the evaluation of the load carrying capacity as far
as possible. When it is not possible to determine the load carrying capacity of the bridge
using analytical and correlation method, the same shall be carried out using load testing.
The consultant has to exhaust all other methods of evaluation of strength of existing bridges
before recommending taking up load testing of bridges. Road closure for testing if
unavoidable shall be arranged by CE (P) Sampark (BRO) for limited duration say 12 hours
or so.
5. Necessary surveys and investigations to establish the remaining service life of each
retainable bridge or structure with and without the proposed strengthening and
rehabilitation according to acceptable international practice in this regard will be carried
out wherever required.
3.7.13 Preliminary Design of Road and Pavement

Page | 59
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

Results of field investigations will be more appropriately used during the preparation of
preliminary designs during this study.
Alignment Selection
The existing road alignment and profile along with proposed improvements, preliminary design for
the road to be rehabilitated including intersections etc. will be followed. Redesigning the alignments
to ease sharp curves, to provide adequate sight distance etc. will be considered in design wherever
necessary. The cross-sectional elements like camber; super elevation etc. will also be improved as
per the requirement.
Based on the design standards evolved and finalized, preliminary designs of horizontal and vertical
alignment will be made using available softwares.
Pavement Design
Recommendations for the best suited pavement design will be made with specific suggestions for
type of pavement to be adopted such as rigid and flexible pavements. Further, the most appropriate
design option shall be proposed keeping in view the life cycle costing and techno-economic
The design of the pavement will include;
- Design of new pavement
- Design of shoulders.
Requirements for widening existing road pavements will be determined on traffic capacity grounds
and in discussion with the client. Projection of future traffic growth will be made based on regional
economic and population growth as well as other site specific development proposal.
Based on the existing road alignment, profile and the terrain model developed from the
topographical survey, the detailed designs and drawings for the road works, design for culverts,
other drainage and protective works along with ancillary work will also be carried out.
The salient features of design would inter-alia include:
DesignSalient Features
• Geometric Design
• Horizontal alignment, longitudinal profile, cross-sectional elements including refuge lane at
every 2Km
• Design of intersections and junctions.
• Design of short bypasses/realignments, as required
• Widening of service roads, Pavement Design with various options
• Technological alternatives finalized.
• Final composition provided
• Finalize design of pavement for new alignment if any and overlays for existing road, in
accordance requirements of Client Drainage and Protection Works
• Produce standard designs and drawings for drainage works including integration with
village/municipal storm water drains in village / urban stretches and drainage design for
• Finalize design of stretches requiring roadside drains including drain size and shape and
location of turnout / outfall points
• finalize detailed design of protection measures for bridges and CD works
• Design drainage arrangement for wayside facilities etc.

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Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

3.7.13 Preliminary Design of Bridges and Cross Drainage Structures

The Consultant will prepare GAD and alignment plan showing salient features of the structures
proposed to be constructed/ re-constructed/ rehabilitated along the project road and will identify
cost effective improvement options for the existing bridges and CD-structures. The consultant will
identify locations for placement of bridges, culverts, grade separators, underpasses and overpasses
to ensure maximum connectivity. Prior to commencement of the design of new bridge or other
major structures, Client’s approval for the same will be sought.
The design of Bridges and structures will be carried out strictly as per the codal provisions and
requirements of the project.
Based on the results of the geotechnical investigations, detailed inspection of bridge structures and
general arrangement drawings prepared for bridges and other structures, detailed designs and
drawings will be prepared for the bridges requiring reconstruction/rehabilitation. The salient
features are:
• Design for rehabilitation of existing bridges or new bridges if required
• Modular design approach
• Use standard drawings, to the extent applicable and desirable, to reduce cost and to ensure
compatibility with the existing parallel structures.
• Design of intersections and inter-changes.

3.7.14 Preliminary Design of intersection layouts

The nature, volume and intensity of current and projected traffic along the project road will be
studied to devise efficient traffic circulation pattern to be adopted at the two ends of road, and at
intersection points, during and after the execution of the project. Traffic surveys data will form the
basis for designing necessary traffic dispersal layout plan for ensuring a smooth flow of traffic at
junctions and intersections.
Special attention will be given for preparing traffic dispersal plan for the existing at-grade
intersections, in view of the likely interference of cross road traffic.
3.7.15 Preparation of Strip Plan and Land Acquisition
Based on the topographic surveys and preliminary design of horizontal curves, cross sections and
interchange layout, final strip plans will be prepared for the road. The strip plans will contain the
ROW, position of existing utilities and services, proposed center lines for the proposed new
alignments if any, abutting land-use, salient man-made and natural features along the alignment
including buildings, water bodies etc., general topographic details, likely location of curves,
bridges/CD works locations, etc.
The Land Acquisition Report and Land Acquisition will be prepared if required. A proposal will be
prepared based on the revenue record for the acquisition of the additional land and property etc.
Similarly, based on the strip plans, the consultant will identify the structures / buildings need to be
expropriated, if required. Also strip plans showing all such structures will be prepared with unique
reference system for each of the structure for ease during the process of acquisition. Based on the
type of structure and locality of the structure & Land Records, the cost involved in expropriation
will be worked out. Building Expropriation File containing above details will be prepared and
submitted to the Client for the approval. On approval on the same, the consultant will mark
reference number on each of the structures with approved unique reference system adopted during
preparation of strip plan.

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Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

3.7.16 Preparation of BOQ and Cost Estimates

Preparation of bills of quantities and cost estimates for the project for each improvement option
will be worked out &submitted to the client. The cost estimate will cover the needs of construction
in mountainous and frost susceptible areas with unstable embankments and side slopes wherever
proposed keeping in view the ground requirements. The consultant will prepare indicative
procurement packages.
The consultant will formulate the proposals for grouping the road improvement works on the road
into civil works contract packages. The value of each contract package shall be decided after
discussion with the Client prior to preparing the bidding documents. Bidding documents shall be
based on the Standard Bidding Document.
3.7.17 Socio- Economic Profile
The social analysis study shall be carried out in accordance with the MORT&H/World
Bank/ADB Guidelines. The social analysis report will, among other things, provide a socio-
economic profile of the project area and address in particular, indigenous people,
communicable disease particularly HIV/AIDS poverty alleviation, gender, local population,
industry, agriculture, employment, health, education, health, child labour, land acquisition
and resettlement.

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Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .


4.1 Task Assignment
Composition of the Team Personnel and the Tasks, which are assigned to each Team
Member, are as follows: Team Leader along with his team had been mobilised on 29th
Januay 2018 with a kick off meeting at BRO office for the project.

Name of Person Position Task Assignment

1 Anand Kumar Team Leader  Planning, scheduling, coordinating and
Singh Cum Senior reporting
Highway  Conduct Reconnaissance survey
 Approve detailed designs
 Approve all survey and investigation reports
 Approve working drawings
 Assess/ensure assessment of road
maintenance requirements
 Approve pavement condition survey
 Identify sections requiring pavement
 Approve detailed road inventory
 Assess the adequacy of the drainage system
 Ensure the development of an appropriate
traffic management scheme
 Oversee the structuring of the project on
BOT / Private participation basis
 Assess and approve the economic and
financial analysis recommendations
 Active interaction with the Client
 Oversee the environmental and social impact
assessment study
 Approve the rehabilitation and resettlement
 Progress Monitoring
 Preparation of project implementation
schedule / plan
 Value Analysis and Value Engineering
 Quality Assurance of services rendered by the
Consultant's team
 Preparation of risk matrix and risk

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Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

management guidelines.
Sr.  Design of Bridges
Name of Person Position Task Assignment
 Design of Other Structures like Flyover/
Senior Bridge
2 R K Prajapati Underpass, Subways &structures including
ROB'sif any
 Preparation of working drawings
 Preparation of kilometre wise alignment plan
& profiles
 High embankment, pavement, road safety and
control features & drainage design
 Design of traffic amenities
 Design of various intersections and
Highway cum
 Evaluation of pavements
3 Ashok Mittal Pavement
 Monitoring of Subgrade and Pavement
 Identification of Failed sections and
Homogenous sections based on Pavement
Condition/ Subgrade Investigations
 Overlay design based on BBD survey
 Pavement Design
 Suggestion of O&M Measures
 Development System and procedures for Geo-
technical and Soil testing
 Identification of construction material sources
 Identification of quarry and borrow area
supervise all the laboratory and field tests
 Preparation & testing of bituminous concrete
4 Piyush kumar  Undertake/Oversee Hydrological tests
 Undertake/oversee soil and sub soil
 Ensure confirmation test procedures with
applicable specification and standards
 Undertake/Oversee Pavement Investigations
 Analysis of laboratory and field data
 Preparation/approval of test reports.
5 Shailendra Sharma Senior Survey  Checking of road alignment
Engineer  Transferring benchmarks from established
Survey of India BMs
 Establishing station using GPS
 Traversing the Project road stretch
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Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

 Conduct width surveys

Name of Person Position  Tasktopographical
Conduct detailed Assignment survey of the
Project corridor
 Prepare alignments for horizontal and vertical
 Taking joint measurements with
representatives of contractor for billing
 Off and on checking of benchmarks and other
control points fixed in the area of work
 Conducting traffic surveys
 Analysis of traffic and influence area
 Traffic demand forecasting & estimation
 Analyse highway improvement alternatives
like bypasses etc.
 Developing a traffic management scheme
 Identify suitable location for Toll Plazas
Traffic and  Identifying Highway stretches requiring
6 Abhishek Agarwal
Safety expert service roads
 Design of traffic control appurtenances
 Identification Blackspots/Accident zones
 Ensure Geometric Design and Junction
Designs will incorporate proper Design
 Review user facilities like pedestrian crossing
 Undertake preliminary environmental
 Document baseline additions and establish
 Assess significant Environmental impact
 Assessment of cost for mitigation measures
7 Vipin Kumar  Obtain environmental clearances from MoEF
and / or SPCB
 Identification &planning for tree plantation
along the highway
 Preparation of EIA Report
 Preparation of an Environment Management

Quantity  Quantity estimation

8 Surveyor/  Preparation of cost estimates
Babubhai Thumar
Documentation  Rate analysis and comparison with similar on-

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Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

going works
Sr.  Preparation of Technical Specifications
Name of Person Position Task Assignment
1 Surveyor  Checking of benchmark and control pillars,
(2 nos) Collection of GTS details and Control of survey
2 Asst. Material  Assisting Material & Geo-technical Engineer
cum inconduction material surveys and geo–
Geotechnical technical surveys and calculation of soil
Engineer properties
(1 nos)
3 Asst. Highway  Assisting the Team Leader & Highway Engineer
Engineer in selection of alternatives, conducting various
(2 nos) surveys and investigations.
4 Environmental  Assisting the environmental specialist in
Engineer environmental screening, impact studies, data
(2 nos) collection and environmental Clearance
process for the project roads.
5 Social Specialist  Preparation Social Screening impact studies,
(2 nos) FMB,Village Maps and other data collection and
assisting f or LPS.
6 MX Engineer  Checking the topographic survey coordinates,
(2 nos) preparing the triangulation and contour
drawings. Preparation of design templates and
input files for the preliminary and detailed
7 Asst. Bridge  Design and preparationofdetaileddrawings
Engineer forBridges,andotherstructureslikeCDs’,
(2nos) viaductsetc.
8 CAD Draftsman  PreparationofDrawings,stripmaps,GADfor
(4 nos) structures,Typicalcross-section,Alignment
9 Asst.TrafficEngi  Assistingthe Traffic Engineer, conductinga
neer trafficsurveysand Analysis.
(1 nos)
10 Quantity  Assistingtheseniorquantitysurveyorincost
Surveyors estimates,preparationofBOQandtechnical
(2 nos) specification.
11 Hydrological  Collectionofhydrologicaldataforexisting

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Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Consultancy services from MORT&H empaneled firm for feasibility study (FS),
Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and preconstruction services for
improvement of road Rafiabad-Kupwara-Chowkibal-Tangdhar-Chamkot (NH-
BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION 701) for further development as NHDL specification with paved shoulder as
well as district connectivity road in 109 RCC under 32 BRTF project Beacon in
state of Jammu & Kashmir .

Engineer structures,calculatingthedischargecapacity
Sr. fornewstructures.
Name of Person Position Task Assignment
12 ComputerOper  Entering the surveydata intoexcelsheet,
ator printing thedocumentsand reports.

13 SupportingStaff  Collecting topo sheetsand othersecondary data

(2) collection.

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Improvement of Road Rajouri-Thanamandi-Surankot from Km 3.900 to Km 56.915
(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.


5.1 General
All road improvement works are to be designed to provide economic, cost effective solutions that
are appropriate for the class of road. In general the road improvement works are to be confined to
the existing right of way (ROW) and are to be designed to minimise resettlement.
The design standard is primarily based on IRC publication as described in MORT&H specification
and relevant recommendation of international standards. Where the design standard are silent, the
consultant has based the design on their past experience and sound engineering practices
geometric embankment, e.g. pavement structure, drainage, drawings, traffic safety and materials
5.2 Design Codes/ Specifications
Although, broadly all the IRC publications shall be guiding the design and preparation of the DPR,
but some of these Codes for specification are mentioned in Table 6.1 here for ready reference:
Table 5.1: Design Codes for Specification

Sl. Descriptio
Design code
No n
(i) IRC :38:1988 Guidelines for design of horizontal curves
(ii) IRC :SP-23:1993- Vertical curves for Highways
(iii) IRC:52:2001-Standards for road rail level crossings
IRC:54:1974-Lateral &vertical clearances at underpasses for
vehicular traffic
(v) IRC:64: 1990-Capacity of road in rural areas
Geometric (vi) IRC:66:1976- Sight distance on Rural Highways
1 Design IRC :73:1980 Geometric design standard for Rural (Non-
standard (vii)
urban )Highway
(viii IRC: SP 73- 2015 Manual of specification & standard for 2-laning of
) highway with paved shoulder
(ix) IRC: SP 48-1998 Manual for hill road
(x) IRC :75:2015-Guidelines for design of Highway Embankment
(xi) IRC :86:1983- Geometric design standard for urban road in plains
(xii) IRC: 106:1990- Guidelines on capacity of urban road in plain areas
(i) IRC :37-2012 Guidelines for design of Flexible Pavement
Design of
2 (ii) IRC :58-2015-Guidelines for Design of Rigid Pavement
(iii) IRC:81-1997-Guidelines for strengthening of flexible pavement
(i) IRC:65-2017 Traffic Rotaries
Junction (ii) IRC:92-2017-Guidelines for Design of interchanges
/intersecti IRC:93-1985-Guidelines on Design &Installation of Road traffic
3 (iii)
on/interch signals
anges Design of junctions based on type design of Intersection on NH
published by MORT&H- 1995
4 Kilometre (i) IRC:81-1997-Type of design for Highway kilometres stones
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(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

Sl. Descriptio
Design code
No n
stones (ii) IRC:26:1967-Type design for 200 m stones
stones and
boundary (iii) IRC:25:1967- Type design for boundary stones
(i) IRC:31:1969-Route marker signs for state routes
Traffic (ii) IRC:67:2001- Code of practice for road signs
signs (iii) IRC:79:1981-Recommended practice for Road traffic signs
(iv) IRC: SP:31: 1992-Road Traffic sign
6 (i) IRC :35:2015-Code of Practice for Road marking, road delineators

IRC: SP: 13-2004- Guidelines for design of small bridge and culvert
(i) Standard design of CD work and small bridge based on MORT&H
has been considered.
Design of IRC: 5-2015 Standard specifications and code of practice for road
culverts (ii)
7 bridges, section 1- General features of design (8threvision)
and small
bridges IRC: 6- 2017 Standard specifications for road bridges (load and
load combinations)
IRC: 78-2014 Standard specifications and code of practice for road
bridges (foundations and sub-structure)

(v) IRC: 112-2011Code of practice for Concrete road Bridges

(i) IRC :SP:42-2014-Guidelines on Road Drainage

8 Drainage
(ii) IRC:SP:50-2013-Guidelines on urban drainage
(i) IRC :103:2012-Guidelines for pedestrian facilities
9 (ii) IRC:SP:44: 1996-Highway safety Code
(iii) IRC:SP:55:2014- Guidelines for safety in construction zones
The specification included in the Final DPR broadly conforms to MORT&H Specifications for Road and
Bridgeworks (Fifth Revision).
5.3 Design Considerations
5.3.1 General
The design comprises geometric design i.e. the horizontal alignment and the vertical profile, and the
design of appurtenances and structures and other pedestrian facilities. The geometric design
consists of the following features:
(i) Design of horizontal alignment, vertical profile, intersections and junctions and other
features for upgrading the existing intermediate lane to required lane configuration by
widening, strengthening and/or reconstruction;
(ii) Avoiding obstructions, trees, utilities and structures as far as possible;
(iii) Designing drains and footpaths in built-up areas to minimize land acquisition;

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Preparation of Feasibility Study (FS), Detailed Project Report (DPR) on EPC Mode for
Improvement of Road Rajouri-Thanamandi-Surankot from Km 3.900 to Km 56.915
(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

(iv) The geometric design is subject to available right of way (ROW) and shall conform to the
standards, set out as minimum, as far as possible;
(v) The uniformity of design standards is maintained throughout the length of the Project
road, as far as possible;
(vi) Wherever the existing road geometrics are deficient, due importance to improvement of
these sections will be provided;
(vii) Existing horizontal curves, which are found deficient in radius need to be corrected to
meet the design requirement subject to ROW constraints;
(viii) Any deficiencies in the vertical profile in respect of grades layout and sight distance shall
need to be corrected to meet the minimum standard requirements;
(ix) Design of road side appurtenances shall be in accordance with relevant codes of IRC,
BIS, or other international standards and should meet minimum requirements set forth
in the MORT&H Specifications for Road and Bridge Works;
(x) The design of cross drainage works shall be in accordance with the relevant IRC Codes.
The road alignment design shall take into account the location of the cross drainage (CD)
works, bridges and other structures. In case of major bridges (above 60 m), the design
alignment shall give precedence to the bridge location.
5.4 Preliminary Design
At the preliminary stages, geometric designs will be limited to identifying locations where flattering
of slopes and horizontal curves are required and are feasible. For such cases, layout designs
showing the extend of new construction and additional land to be acquired willbe prepared.
Similarly, geometric designs will be prepared at locations of underpasses and grade-separation, if
any, and locations where service roads would be required. Moreover, recommendations will be
made by HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT in case of need for improvement of horizontal
and/or vertical alignment.
The preliminary design of road will be done based on the road improvement plan and the Digital
Terrain Model, prepared from the topographic survey data, using most commonly used Computer
Aided Design, such as AutoDesk Land Development Desktop (LDD) or INROAD. The Flow of design
process of the road using CAD is briefly described in Fig. 5.1 that HIGHWAY ENGINEERING
CONSULTANT intends to use in the Project.

Fig 5.1: Flow of Highway Design Using Computer Aided Design

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Preparation of Feasibility Study (FS), Detailed Project Report (DPR) on EPC Mode for
Improvement of Road Rajouri-Thanamandi-Surankot from Km 3.900 to Km 56.915
(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

The horizontal alignment and longitudinal profiles will be designed based on the design standards
established and approved by the Client. The ‘templates’ will be created in CAD to design the cross
sections, accommodating the stretches requiring 2/4-lanes, as defined in the road improvement
plan. Cross sections will be automatically generated and the quantities will also be calculated
5.5 Detailed Design
5.6 Horizontal Alignment
The horizontal alignment shall be straight as far as practicable. However the straight stretch shall
not be more than 1500 m to avoid the effect of monotony and induction of an unconscious increase
in speed. Similarly, last few metres of the tunnel shall have gentle curve. The curves if provided shall
be gentle and meet the minimum radius requirements for design speed of the tunnel. Tunnel
alignment at the ends and open/approach cuts shall merge smoothly with adjoining road in the
open air. The crossing of central median, wherever applicable shall be provided at suitable locations
at approaches of both tunnel tubes so as to allow emergency services gain immediate access to
either tube and also to send back diverted traffic to proper traffic lanes.
As per the requirements of IRC: SP 73:2015 the following guidelines were followed during the
 Uniformity of design standards;
 Horizontal alignment should be fluent and blend well with the surrounding topography;
 Limit the damage to the existing environment including preservation of natural crops and
plant growth and conservation of existing features
 The horizontal alignment should be designed in consideration of the longitudinal profile and
vice versa; and
 Location of bridges and their approaches are to be properly co-ordinate keeping in view the
overall technical feasibility, economy, fluency in alignment and aesthetics.
The geometric design shall also be undertaken so as to minimize impact on trees, utilities, houses,
shops and avoid extending beyond the existing right of way (ROW).
5.6.1 Horizontal Curves

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Improvement of Road Rajouri-Thanamandi-Surankot from Km 3.900 to Km 56.915
(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

Radii of Horizontal Curves

The desirable minimum and absolute minimum radii of horizontal curves for various classes of
terrain are given in Table 5.2 & 5.3 below:
Table 5.2: Minimum Radii of Horizontal Curves
Nature of Terrain Desirable Minimum Radius Absolute Minimum Radius
Plain and Rolling 400 m 250 m
Mountainous&steep 150 m 75 m

The radius of horizontal curves for various terrain conditions shall not be less than the desirable
values given in Table 5.2except for sections as indicated in Schedule ‘D’. For such sections radius
shall not be less than the absolute minimum.
Table 5.3:Minimum Radii of Horizontal Curves (in meters)
Plain Terrain Rolling Terrain Hilly Terrain
Ruling Minimum Absolute Ruling Absolute Absolute Ruling
Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimu Minimum
360 230 230 155 20

Based on above methodology, the horizontal alignment has been designed using MX Road software.
Radius at Which Camber is not required
Radius for which Camber is not required is given below in Table 5.4:
Table 5.4: Radius at Which Camber is not required
Design Speed (Km/h)
40 50 65 80 100
Radius for camber of 3 % 240 370 620 950 1500

These are indicative design speeds. Due to constraints in ROW, large scale easing of sub-standard
curves is not feasible. Wherever, improvement of curves from design speed considerations is not
possible, speed limitation shall need to be resorted to.
5.6.2 Transition Curves
Minimum length of transition curve shall be determined from the following two considerations and
the larger of the two values adopted for design:
i) The rate of change of centrifugal acceleration should not cause discomfort to drivers. From
this consideration, the length of transition curve is given by:
Ls = 0.0215 V3/CR,

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Preparation of Feasibility Study (FS), Detailed Project Report (DPR) on EPC Mode for
Improvement of Road Rajouri-Thanamandi-Surankot from Km 3.900 to Km 56.915
(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

Ls = Length of transition curve in metres,
V = Speed in km/hr,
R = Radius of circular curve in metres,
C = 80/ (75+V) (subject to a maximum of 0.8 and minimum of 0.5)
ii) The rate of change of super elevation should be such as not to cause discomfort to
travelers. Further, rate of change should not be steeper than 1 in 150 for roads in
plain/rolling terrain, and 1 in 60 in mountainous/steep terrain. The formula for minimum
length of transition on this basis is:
Ls = 2.7V2/R
5.6.3 Sight Distance
Visibility is an important requirement for the safety of travel on roads. For this, it is necessary that
sight distance of adequate length is available in different situations, to permit drivers enough time
and distance to control their vehicles so that chances of accidents are minimized.
On two-lane roads, normally intermediate sight distance should be available throughout. The
attempt should, however, be to provide overtaking sight distance in as much length of the road as
possible. In stretches where even intermediate sight distance is not available, the safe stopping sight
distance should be provided as a last resort. Such sections shall be specified in Schedule ‘B’. Traffic
signs depicting "Overtaking Prohibited:" shall be installed at all such locations.
The recommended sight distances for various speeds are given in Table 5.5
Table 5.5: Sight Distances for Various Speeds
Speed (km/hr) Stopping Sight Intermediate Sight Overtaking Sight
Distance (m) Distance (m) Distance (m)
100 180 360 640
80 120 240 470
60 90 180 340
40 45 90 165
The requisite sight distance shall be available across the inner side of horizontal curves.
Where horizontal and summitcurves overlap, the design shall provide for the required sight
distance, both in the vertical direction, along the pavement and in the horizontal direction on the
inner side of curve.
6.6.4 Design Speed
The design speeds given in Table 5.6 shall be adopted for various terrain classifications (Terrain is
classified by the general slope of the ground across the highway alignment).
Table 5.6: Design Speed
Nature of Terrain Cross Slope of the Ground Design Speed (km/h)
Ruling Minimum

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Improvement of Road Rajouri-Thanamandi-Surankot from Km 3.900 to Km 56.915
(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

Plain and Rolling Up to 25 percent 100 80

Mountainous and Steep More than 25 percent 60 40

Short stretches (say less than 1 km) of varying terrain met with on the road stretch shall not be
taken into consideration while deciding the terrain classification for a given section of Project
In general, the ruling design speed shall be adopted for the various geometric design features of the
road. Minimum design speed shall be adopted only where site conditions are restrictive and
adequate land width is not available. Such stretches where design speed other than ruling speed is
to be adopted shall be as indicated as deviation in Schedule 'D' of the Concession Agreement.
5.7 Vertical Alignment
The vertical alignment should provide for a smooth longitudinal profile. Grade changes should not
be too frequent as to cause kinks and visual discontinuities in the profile.
Ruling gradients shall be adopted as far as possible. Limiting gradients shall be adopted in difficult
situations and for short length.
The ruling and limiting gradients are given in Table 5.7
Table 5.7: Gradients
Nature of Terrain Ruling Gradient Limiting Gradient
Plain and rolling 2.5% 3.3 %
Mountainous 5.0% 6.0 %
Steep 6.0% 7.0 %
Long sweeping vertical curves shall be provided at all grade changes. These shall be designed as
square parabolas.
Design of vertical curves and its co-ordination with horizontal curves shall be in accordance with
IRC: SP: 23.
5.7.1 Vertical Curves
Long sweeping vertical curves shall be provided at all grade changes. These shall be designed as
square parabolas.
Design of vertical curves and its co-ordination with horizontal curves shall be in accordance with
IRC: SP: 23 and given in Table 5.8 below:
Table 5.8: Minimum Length of Vertical Curves
Maximum grade change (per cent) Minimum length of vertical
Design Speed (Km/h)
not requiring a vertical curve curve (meters)
Up to 35 1.5 15
40 1.2 20
50 1.0 30
65 0.8 40

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(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

Maximum grade change (per cent) Minimum length of vertical

Design Speed (Km/h)
not requiring a vertical curve curve (meters)

80 0.6 50
100 0.5 60
Length of summit curves is governed by the choice of sight distance. Length of the valley curves
should be such that for night travel, the head light beam distance is equal to the stopping sight
distance. The lengths of the valley curves are worked out as per the guidelines and formula given in
the IRC: 73-1980.
5.7.2 Summit curves
The length of summit curve is governed by the choice of sight distance. The length of summit curve
shall be calculated based on following formulae:
For safe stopping sight distance
Case (i) L>S

L= -------
Case (ii) L<S

L = 2S - -------
L = length of the Summit curve (m)
S = required sight distance (m)
N = algebraic difference between the grades.

5.7.3 Valley Curves:

The length of valley curve shall be such that for night travel, the headlight beam distance is equal to
the stopping sight distance. The length of valley curve shall be calculated based on following

The length of valley curves will be calculated as follows:

Case (i) L>S

L= ----------
1.50 + 0.35S

Case (ii) L<S

1.50 + 0.035S
L = 2S - --------------------
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(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

L = length of the Summit curve (m)
S = required sight distance (m)
N = algebraic difference between the grades

5.8 Co-ordination of Horizontal and Vertical alignment

5.8.1 General
The overall appearance of a highway can be enhanced considerably by judicious combination of the
horizontal and vertical alignments. Plan and profile of the road is not designed independently of
each other but in combination it has to produce an appropriate three dimensional effect. Proper
coordination in this respect ensures safety, improve utility of the highway and contribute to overall
The degree of curvature is proposed in proper balance with the gradient. Vertical curvature
superimposed upon horizontal curvature gives a pleasing effect. Vertical and horizontal curves
should coincide as far as possible and their length should be more or less equal. If not feasible, the
horizontal curve should be somewhat longer than the vertical curve. Sharp horizontal curves are
avoided at or near the apex of pronounced summit/sag vertical curves from safety considerations.
These guidelines are however, feasible under ideal conditions for new road alignment.
5.9 Design Standards Pertaining To Road Cross Sections
The cross sectional element of any road comprise of:
 Right of way (ROW)
 Roadway width
 Roadway width at cross drainage structure
 Extra Width of Road carriageway:
 Width of Shoulder
 Camber or cross fall.
The above element clubbed together constitutes a Road cross section. Adoption of various elements
with appropriate manner in accordance with IRC codes for safe movement of traffic is a major
design requirement and discussed in the following paragraph.
5.9.1 Right of way (ROW)
Although the IRC codes provided indicative standard for state Highway but these could apply to
only new roads proposal. The detail of ROW is given in Table 6.9 below:
Table 6.9: ROW Width
Recommended Right of way (ROW)
Road classification Open areas Built-up Areas
Normal Range Normal Range
National / State Highways
Plain and Rolling 45 30-60 30 30 -60

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(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

5.9.2 Roadway Width

The IRC SP:73-2015 lays down formation width guidelines for 2 lane multilane carriageway
configuration as given in Table 5.10 under:
Table 5.10: Roadway Width
Sl. No Lane Configuration Roadway width (m) Remarks
Carriage way -7.0 m Shoulder -
1 2-Lane 12
2x2.5 m
4- Lane divided Carriage way -2x7.50 m Shoulder
2 22.50
Carriageway -2x2.5 m Median-1x2.50

5.9.3 Extra Width of Road carriageway

The width of roadway shall depend upon the width of carriageway, shoulders and the median.
On horizontal curves with radius up to 300 m, width of pavement and roadway shall be increased as
per Table 5.11 below
Table 5.11: Extra Width of Pavement and Roadway
Radius of Curve Extra Width
75-100 m 0.9 m
101-300 m 0.6 m

5.9.4 Width of Shoulder

The shoulder width on both sides of the carriageway shall be as given in Tables 5.12 and 5.13:.
Table 5.12: Width of Shoulders in Plain and Rolling Terrain
Type of Section Width of Shoulder (m)
Paved Earthen Total
Open country with isolated built up area 1.5 2.0 3.5
Built up area (2-lane section) 2.5 - 2.5
Built up Area (4-lane section) - - -
Approaches to grade separated structures 2.0 - 2.0
Approaches to bridges 1.5 2.0 3.5

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(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

Table 5.13: Width of Shoulders in Mountainous and Steep Terrain (Hilly Area)
Type of Section Hill / Width of Shoulder (m) *
Valley Side
Paved Earthen Total
Hill Side 1.5 m - 1.5 m
Open country with isolated built up area
Valley Side 1.5 m 1.0 m 2.5 m
0.25 m + 1.5 m
Hill Side - 1.75 m
Built up area and approaches to grade (Raised)
separated structures/ bridges 0.25 m + 1.5 m
Valley side - 1.75 m
* Exclusive of parapet son valley side and side drains on hill side
i) In case retaining wall with parapet is provided on valley side, the earthen shoulder may not
be provided.
ii) Width of paved shoulders in approaches to grade separated structures as indicated in Table
2.2 and 2.3 above shall extend on either side of the structure in the entire length of
retaining/RE wall. The retaining/RE wall on either side shall be abutting the paved
shoulders and shall have crash barriers on top.
iii) In built up areawhere two lanehighway is provided and extra right of way is available, the
space between the paved shoulder and foot path cum drains on both sides shall be covered
with paver block flooring. Similarly in 4-lane sections the space between carriageway and
footpath cum drains on both sides shall be covered with paver block flooring,
5.9.5 Camber/Cross fall
Following camber/cross slope have been adopted in the design, considering the IRC guidelines.
The cross fall on straight sections of road carriageway, paved shoulders and paved portion of
median shall be 2.5 percent for bituminous surface and 2.0 percent for cement concrete surface.
The cross fall for earthen shoulders on straight portions shall be at least 0.5 percent steeper than
the slope of the pavement and paved shoulder subject to a minimum of 3.0 percent. On super
elevated sections, the earthen portion of the shoulder on the outer side of the curve shall be
provided with reverse cross fall of 0.5 percent so that the earth does not drain on the carriageway
and the storm water drains out with minimum travel path.
The two-lane roads shall be provided with a crown in the middle. On horizontal curves, the
carriageway shall be super elevated. The details of cross slope is given below in Table 5.14 below
Table 5.14: Details of Cross Slope
Sl.No Type of Surface Recommended Cross Slope
1 Bituminous Surface 2.5%
2 Earthen Shoulders 3.0%

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(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

5.10 Super Elevation

Super elevation shall be limited to 7 percent, if radius of curve is less than the desirable minimum. It
shall be limited to 5 percent, if the radius is more than desirable minimum and also at section where
Project Highway passes through an urban section or falls on a major junction.
5.11 Proposed Cross Section
The proposed cross section will be finalized during the Feasibility stage of the project.
5.12 Pavement Design
HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will develop various cost effective need based pavement
design/up-gradation options, taking into account the following factors: Traffic forecasts (volume
and composition) for the design life of the project road; Results of pavement condition surveys in
conjunction with sub- grade strength values (CBR) for strengthening/up-gradation designs and
maintenance measures for existing road and axle-load spectrum and VDF used in similar projects
from secondary source for design of new pavement stretches; Results of soils and materials
investigations and availability of pavement construction materials in the project area
Pavement design will be carried out for various alternative options using the relevant Indian and
International Codes and Practices; the results obtained from these different methods will be
compared and analysed, in order to select and propose the best technical option to the BRO.
Pavement design/up-gradation alternatives will be evaluated for life cycle cost analysis using HDM-
4 model, in order to select the best option in terms of construction and maintenance costs and
expected benefits to the road users.
Pavement design will be supported by all necessary calculation and justification and typical cross-
section drawings will be prepared to show various cases of adaptation of the new pavement on the
existing road.
5.12.1 Design Procedures
Pavement design methodology includes two basic functions namely; design of strengthening
overlay for existing pavement and design of new crust for widening to 2 lane standard. Accordingly,
the following methodology has been adopted in pavement design to achieve requirements of TOR.
Step 1: Various Pavement investigations will be carried out on the project corridor to assess the
adequacy of the existing pavement crust as explained above from para 3 to para4. These
investigations include:
 Visual Pavement Condition
 BBD measurements
 Subgrade Investigations
 Investigations on existing granular layers
 Investigations for quarry and Barrow areas

Step 2: Axle load surveys will be conducted on the corridor and VDF for different categories of
vehicle established. Design traffic loading for pavement design will be estimated from VDF and
projected traffic figures. Axle load spectrum for the rigid pavement design will also be

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(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

Step 3: Detailed material investigations will be conducted in the projected influence area and
strength characteristics and availability of borrow area material will be determined.
Step 4: Design thickness of overlay will be estimated from IRC-81-1997 using estimated traffic level
and characteristic deflection of particular homogeneous section. Estimated BM thickness is then
adjusted to equivalent thickness of AC & DBM using conversion factors given in IRC 81-
1997.tep 5: Homogeneous sections for pavement design will be established and design traffic
loadings for each of them will be identified. Design of flexible pavement for widening portion will be
carried out in accordance with guidelines of IRC-37-2012.
Step 6: Design of rigid pavement will be carried out in accordance with IRC: 58 – 2011 guidelines.
Step 7: Design of flexible pavement for paved shoulders, service roads, and interchange ramps will
be carried out in accordance with IRC 37-2012 guidelines.
The above methodology is presented in the form of a flow chart in Figure 5.6 below

Figure 5.6: Flow Chart of Methodology of Pavement Design

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5.13 Embankment Design

The embankments design will provide for maximum utilization of locally available materials
consistent with economy. Use of fly ash wherever available within economical leads will be
considered. In accordance with Government instructions, use of flyash within 100 km from Thermal
Power Stations is mandatory. However HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will check
economy, availability, planning of work before suggesting the same.
HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will carry out detailed analysis and design for all
embankments of height greater than 6 m based on relevant IRC publications.
The design of embankments will include the requirements for protection works and traffic safety
5.14 Design of Bridges and Structures

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(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will prepare General Arrangement Drawings (GAD) and
alignment plan showing salient features of the structures proposed to be constructed/re-
constructed/rehabilitated along the project road and identify cost effective improvement options
for the existing CD structures.
Identify new locations for placement of bridges, culverts, grade separators, underpasses and
overpasses to ensure maximum connectivity. Any requirements for providing new bridges or other
major structures will be agreed with TNRSP prior to commencement of the design.
The GAD for new culverts will be supplemented by detailed designs to enable employer to approve
the location and length of CD structure. All the existing cut stone culvert and pipe culvert less than
0.9m diameter are proposed to be reconstructed as Box culvert.
Subsequent to approval of the GAD and alignment plan by the Employer HIGHWAY ENGINEERING
CONSULTANT will prepare detailed designs and working drawings for all the components of the
Cross Drainage and structures. HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will furnish the design and
working drawings for suitable protection works and/or river training works wherever required.
The designs will be carried out and prescribed in detail with cross references, supporting data,
detailed geotechnical data, sketches and input/output data in case of analysis through a structural
analysis packages.
Dismantling of existing structures will be avoided as far as possible except where considered
essential in view of their poor structural conditions/inadequate provisions etc. The inadequate
carriageway width will be widened/reconstructed in part or full to 12m as per the latest Ministry
HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will carry out the design and make suitable
recommendations for protection works and/or river draining works for proposed/existing bridges
and drainage structures.
5.15 Design of Drainage System
HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will work out the requirement of longitudinal drainage
system and integration of the same with the proposed cross drainage system for the entire length of
the project road. The drainage design will also include integration with village / municipal storm
water drainage in village/ urban stretches and drainage design for the intersections. Wherever
feasible, a rain harvesting system for outfalls will also be designed.
The designed drainage system will show locations of turnout/ outfall points with details of outfall
structures fitting into the natural contours. Provision will also be made for continuing longitudinal
drains through the cross road junctions. Special drainage provision for road sections passing
through cuts and section with super-elevated carriageways will be made. Adequate drainage
provisions will be worked out for road segments passing through urban areas. During the site visits,
HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT noticed the necessity of good drainage system along the
urbanized areas, where the pavement is badly damaged mainly due to poor drainage system.

Prior to commencing the drainage design HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will carry out a
thorough survey of existing structures on the route and make an inventory of them, recording their
dimensions, condition and functional adequacy, in accordance with IRC-SP: 35. This survey will
identify those facilities requiring extension or rehabilitation, and those, which are simply
inadequate for the run-off experienced. HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will check existing
drainage systems for signs of deficiencies and design any necessary remedial works. If necessary,

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(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will prepare a drainage design for the road covering river
and stream crossings, minor drainage channels, side ditches, and all other drainage requirements.

As part of hydrological studies, HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will check existing ground
levels and catchments, streambeds and cross drainage channels above and below the road for
possible erosion effects; design and quantify any necessary protective works. In addition, he will
examine the existing side drainage; specify, design and quantify new side drainage and lined drains
where necessary to eliminate scour and erosion or to provide support for narrow road cross

To analyze the Rainfall-Run-off Relationships, HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will

commence this element of the design with a map study to identify and measure all the major
watersheds along the road. Rainfall-duration-frequency data for stations along the route will be

HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will calculate storm run-off for each catchment area and
stream crossing and will check his calculations with observations of actual flood levels in the field
(this will also require interview with people along the roads). The Rational method will be used for
calculating storm run-off for catchments of up to 2.5 km². For larger catchments HIGHWAY
ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will consider the use of the Snyder Method. For rivers with regular
measuring stations, observed flood data will be used.

HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT is aware of the importance of good drainage design and the
need to provide drainage protection works in places prone to flooding. If found necessary,
HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will prepare standard designs for Bridges, Pipe culverts,
Box culverts, Culvert headwalls, Culvert inlet and outlet structures, Lined drains, Cut-off drains and

Depending upon the availability of land covered/lined drain will be proposed in urban/town limit,
open drain in semi urban/ village areas and unlined drains in rural section.

5.16 Design of Intersections

Road junction/intersection is a key element of highway design. The efficiency, safety, speed, cost of
operation and capacity of road system depends very much on the intersection design. The choice
between an at-grade and grade separated junctions at a particular site depends upon various
factors such as traffic, economy, safety, aesthetic delay etc. Grade separated junctions generally are
more expensive initially and are justified in certain situations. The main objective of intersection
design is to reduce the severity of potential conflicts between motor vehicles, buses, trucks, bicycles,
pedestrians and facilities while facilitating the convenience, ease and comfort of people traversing
the intersections. The design should be fitted closely to the natural transitional paths and operating
characteristics of the users.

A signalized intersection besides other warrants is justified, if the major street has a traffic volume
of 650 to 800 vehicles per hour (both directions) and minor street has 200 to 250 vehicles per hour
in one direction only. The detailed warrants for signalized intersection are laid down as per IRC: 93-

The standards proposed in IRC SP: 41-1994 “Guidelines for the Design of At-Grade Intersection in
Rural and Urban Areas” is applied for at-grade junction improvements. Each junction on the project

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Improvement of Road Rajouri-Thanamandi-Surankot from Km 3.900 to Km 56.915
(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

road is carefully designed with due regard to physical conditions of the site, extent and cost of
land, cost of construction and the effect of proposal on the neighbourhood. Allowances made
for space needed for traffic signs, lighting columns, drainage, public utilities etc. A curve radius of
15 to 30 m adopted depending on site conditions. To ensure large vehicles turn right / left without
difficulty on to or from a major road, a radius of 15-20 m control circles tangential both to the
Centre line of the major road and the side of the central verge away from the minor road used. A
minimum width of 5.5m is provided for turning lanes at the intersections.

5.17 Design of Traffic Safety Features, Road Furniture and Road Markings
While conducting the detailed engineering, HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will conduct
traffic safety audit for all the project roads in formats in consultation with the Employer.

After traffic safety audit the vulnerable points will be selected on least safety wise order. On arriving
at the order of priority the following aspects will be provided:

 Traffic safety appurtenances as per section 800 of MoRT&H specifications.

 Schedules for road marking with reflective paints.
 Measures for traffic controls like providing Traffic signals.
 Speed control devices (speed recording cameras).
 Any other latest innovative devices for speed control and traffic control

The recommendation from the road safety will be integrated in the engineering design in the form
of improved intersection layout, traffic segregation arrangement for slow moving vehicles,
pedestrian facilities, improved road geometrics and installation of traffic signs, road delineators,
reflectorized marker pots and other traffic calming and road safety measures. Pavement marking
and sign layout plans will be prepared for safe and efficient traffic movement. Both will be based on
current international practice for roads of this type, adjusted through discussion with the TNRSP to
suit Indian conditions. Roadway lighting designs for sections through urban areas and other areas
where lighting is required will be prepared. Lighting design will be based on a recognized
international standard. The locations of these features will be given in the reports and also shown in
the drawings.

5.18 Road Side Facilities

The road designs will also include bus stops, truck lay byes, as well as road side facilities like petrol
pumps, rest areas for truck drivers, medical help, repair shops, hotels in consultation with the Client
and some of these amenities will be provided on the basis of public consultations.

HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will take into consideration the following few points for
providing the traffic safety amenities.

a) Bus Bays on either side of road with adequate space for negotiating the vehicle from the
main track; designing the Bus bay section to withstand the wear and tear due to stoppage
and pulling of vehicles. If required provision for retaining walls may be made.
b) Truck lay Bays: These provisions are to be made away from the inhabited area, this item
requires enough space for parking of trucks carrying the agricultural produce, market

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(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

commodities etc. The possibility of allotting adequate space may be considered (without
going for Land Acquisition).
c) Petrol Pumps: The possibility of erecting petrol pumps and the existing facility to provide
access to petrol pumps, nature of existing geometrics etc.
d) Rest areas for truck drivers: A detailed schedule for this item is required in the lines of
National Highways where already this provision is made. This item requires the LA schedule
(extent of land required for each rest area etc.)

5.19 Road Safety Review / Audit

A comprehensive road safety review will be undertaken along the project road and at the identified
black spots. The review will be made in accordance with IRC manual for safety in road design and
other international best practices. Public consultation, including consultation with road side
communities, police, NGOs working in the area and other road users will be undertaken to assess
the road safety vulnerability. Special attention will be paid to road sections with poor geometric
standard and constrictions, town and village stretches and at all junctions and cross road locations.
Road safety will be fully integrated in engineering design and this should be subjected to Road
safety Audit.

Recommendations from road safety review will be integrated in the engineering design in the form
of improved intersection layout, traffic segregation arrangement for slow moving vehicles,
pedestrian facilities, improved road geometrics and installation of traffic signs, road delineators,
reflectorized marker pots and other traffic calming and road safety measure.

Pavement marking and sign layout plans will be prepared for safe and efficient traffic movement.
Both are to be based on current international practice for roads of this type, adjusted through
discussion with the TNRSP II/HD to suit Indian conditions.

Roadway lighting designs for sections through urban areas and other areas where lighting is
required will be prepared. Lighting design is to be based on a recognized international standard.

All activities related to field studies, design and documentation will be done as per the latest
guidelines / circulars of MORTH and relevant publications / codes of Indian Road Congress (IRC)
and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). For aspects not covered by IRC and BIS, international
standard practices, such as, Australian, British and American Standards may be adopted. All
notations used in the reports, documents and drawings will be as per IRC: 71- 1977.

5.20 Economic Analysis

5.20.1 Estimation of traffic growth rates
Past trends in traffic based on earlier studies/secondary data will be analyzed. However, traffic
growth rates will be established on the project corridors for estimating future traffic, using the
elasticity approach. The approach relates to the growth of traffic on the corridor to the growth of
various economic indicators of the Project Influence Area (PIA). The PIA will be determined from
traffic flow pattern obtained from the analyzed O-D survey data. The various economic parameters
to be considered include Net State Domestic Product (NSDP), per capita income and income
accruing to major sectors of the economy. Regression analysis will be carried out using time series
data on economic indicators along with past traffic data/registered vehicles in order to establish
vehicle- wise transport demand elasticities.

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(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

Projection of future economic growth will take into account the past performance, both of the
national economy as well as the regional/PIA economy as also future economic development plans.
Three scenarios of future economic growth, namely, optimistic, pessimistic and the most likely will
be considered for analysis. For this purpose, secondary data will be collected from the State
government’s Department of Economics and Statistics, State Planning Department, Census of India,
Central Statistical Organisation and through internet browsing. Documents like the 12th Five Year
Plan, Vision 2023 for the state, Economic Survey, State Statistical Abstract etc. will be studied.

In dealing with macro-economic indicators, trends in NSDP over a period of time, at current as well
as at constant prices, will be analyzed. The sectoral composition of NSDP will be studied and
structural changes, if any, brought out. Average annual growth rates (at constant prices) will be
worked out for the economy as a whole as well as for various economic sectors.

Future transport demand elasticities will be estimated for the analysis period keeping in view the
future vehicle mix and past elasticity values.

Projected vehicular growth rates would be estimated based on the projected transport
demand elasticities and projected growth rates of the socio-economic parameters for the
corresponding period. Traffic growth rates by vehicle type under the three scenarios will be
determined for a period of 20 years from completion of up-gradation, at five-yearly intervals. The
growth rate projected by vehicle type under three scenarios would then be applied to the base year
traffic. The future traffic, in terms of number of vehicles, will be projected in each successive year
upto the horizon year of the study. However, the viability analysis will be carried out using the
traffic growth rates of the most likely scenario.

5.20.2 Economic Evaluation

Economic appraisal of the project roads will be carried out within the broad framework of cost-
benefit analysis under ‘with’ and ‘without project’ situations. The analysis will be carried out for a
20 year period.

Economic analysis will be carried out using HDM-4 model. The main inputs for HDM relate to
existing as well as proposed road and pavement characteristics, traffic volume and its composition,
traffic growth rate, vehicle characteristics, pavement construction and maintenance policies. In
addition, economic prices for vehicles, tyres and tubes, fuel, maintenance labour and crew are to be

Economic costs reflect the resource cost to the economy and are derived from financial costs after
removing taxes and transfer payments. Economic costs will be derived from financial costs of
construction and maintenance using a conversion factor as appropriate (presently considered as 0.9
for road projects in India).

The annual stream of costs, divided into major components of construction/improvement, and
maintenance, will be developed for the analysis period. The direct economic benefits that accrue by
improvement of the road include savings in Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC) and travel time costs for
passengers and goods in transit. In addition, road improvement results in reduced maintenance
costs as well as reduced congestion and accident costs. For economic viability analysis, direct
benefits would be estimated comparing costs for “with” and “without project” situations and annual
stream of benefits computed over the analysis period. Subject to the availability of data related to
accidents (by cause) and type of damage along the road section, HIGHWAY ENGINEERING

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(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

CONSULTANT will estimate the benefits due to savings in accident costs resulting from reduced
incidence of road accidents. The values assigned to accident, by type, as given in IRC-SP30 for
“Manual on Economic Evaluation of Highway Projects in India” will be used and updated to base
price levels for analysis.

5.20.3 Economic Appraisal

The project's economic viability will be measured in terms of Economic Internal Rate of Return
(EIRR) and Net Present Value (NPV) by applying the discounted cash flow (DCF) technique to the
annual stream of net benefits of the project. The analysis will be carried out "with" and "without"
time and accident savings. The NPV of the stream of net benefits would be computed using the
prevailing discount rate of 12 percent which is considered as opportunity cost of capital. The
resultant EIRR will be compared with the accounting rate of return, generally taken as 12% for
transport infrastructure projects in India.

5.20.4 Sensitivity Analysis

A sensitivity analysis will be performed to indicate the extent to which the results of the analysis are
sensitive to changes in the values used in the basic analysis. The changes of the main determinants
to be tested for are as follows:

 Increase in project cost by 15 percent

 Decrease in project benefits by 15 percent
 Combined effect of (i) and (ii) above (increase in project cost by 15 percent and decrease in
benefits by 15 percent.
5.21 Methodology for Financial Analysis (EPC)
The procedure and steps undertaken to assess the financial viability of the Project will be outlined
in this section. The first stage in evaluation of the financial viability is the identification of revenue
and expenditure streams and will be calculated in HDM-4 software. The revenue for the above said
project will be primarily from users of the.

The main objective of Financial Analysis is to examine the viability of the project on EPC basis. The
analysis attempts to ascertain the extent to which the investment can be recovered through
different sources of revenue.

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Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Preparation of Feasibility Study (FS), Detailed Project Report (DPR) on EPC Mode for
Improvement of Road Rajouri-Thanamandi-Surankot from Km 3.900 to Km 56.915
(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.


6.1 Proforma
Proforma for the following field work is here by appended below:
6.1.1 Inventory and Condition for Roads and Structures
a) Road Inventory
b) Pavement Condition Survey
c) Roughness Test
d) Culvert Inventory
e) Bridge Inventory
6.1.2 Traffic Survey Formats
a) Traffic Volume Count
b) Origin - Destination Survey (Passenger)
c) Origin - Destination survey (Commercial)
d) Turning Movement Count Survey
e) Pedestrian Count Survey
f) Animal Crossing Survey
g) Truck Terminal Survey
h) Speed and Delay Survey
6.1.3 Axle Load Survey
a) Axle Load Survey
6.1.4 Benkelman Beam Deflection Survey
a) BBD Test
6.1.5 Soil and Material Investigations
a) Format for Pavement Composition
b) Field Density by DCPT
c) Field Density by Core Cutter
d) Natural soil Investigation
e) Soil Investigation Flexible Pavement
f) Aggregate Testing
g) Quarry Format
h) Soil Investigation for Embankment construction
6.1.6 Environmental Impact Assessment and EMP Report
a) Format of Effect on Environment

Page | 88
Highway Engineering Consultant
Draft Inception Report
Preparation of Feasibility Study (FS), Detailed Project Report (DPR) on EPC Mode for
Improvement of Road Rajouri-Thanamandi-Surankot from Km 3.900 to Km 56.915
(Net Length 53.015 Km) Under 31 BRTF Area Under Project Sampark In J&K State.

b) Format of Environmental Screening

c) Format of Tree Enumeration
6.1.7 Social Assessment
a) Social Assessment, Land Acquisition and Resettlement Process Matrix
b) Formats for Socio-Economic Studies
The above proforma are prepared based on IRC SP: 19. The above listed formats are attached in
ANNEXURE A to this report.

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Highway Engineering Consultant

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