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UH Lesson Plan Template: First and Last Name

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UH Lesson Plan Template [To be completed by Teacher Candidate]

First and Last David Emmons


Lesson Overview

Lesson Title John Brown: Hero, Terrorist? (or other)

Lesson Description//Central Focus We are going to learn more about John Brown and the events surrounding him as they pertain to
of the Lesson U.S. History and the lead up to Bloody Kansas and the civil war. More importantly, each student
is going to use the class period as a chance to use class and teacher assistance to begin their
essay assignment they will do over the weekend.
Unit Title Unit 16 Civil War (Pearland East Junior High)

Real world applications or https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x15u97u

Students will have watched this video and learned already the basics about John Brown. The idea of
this lesson is to work on their essay writing, historical thinking, and critical thinking skills. All of this
applies in the real world because it makes them better critical thinkers which is super important, and
better able to express their ideas on paper.
Content Area TEKS (7) History. The student understands how political, economic, and social
Standards Alignment factors led to the growth of sectionalism and the Civil War. The student is
expected to:
(C) analyze the impact of slavery on different sections of the United States;
(8) History. The student understands individuals, issues, and events of
the Civil War. The student is expected to:(B) explain the causes of the
Civil War, particularly the central role of the expansion of slavery and
other contributing factors, including sectionalism

Deconstructing/Unpacking the Standard(s)

Determine key verbs: Analyze, understand, explain
Identify concepts and skills students will need to know the facts surrounding John Brown so they are
able to use them as evidence to support their idea. This will achieve the highest level of analysis, which
is to create your own ideas based on the facts.
Technology Standards

ELPS (G) express opinions, ideas, and feelings ranging from communicating single words
and short phrases to participating in extended discussions on a variety of social and
grade-appropriate academic topics;
Lesson Objective I will be able to analyze the impact of slavery on America leading up to the Civil War by analyzing the
actions of John Brown and creating a thesis paper based on his life.
Sub-Objectives I will use a sentence starter for anyone that wants to use it for their thesis and first paragraph help.
I will teach the lesson that everyone has bias but that is part of life. I will teach the important lesson of
expectations for further education writing (speaking as a college history major).
ELPS Objective, if applicable I can express opinions, ideas, and feelings ranging from communicating single words
and short phrases to participating in extended discussions on a variety of social and
grade-appropriate academic topics;
This is a perfect lesson for 8th graders towards the end of the schoolyear so that
Grade Level
they can become better prepared for high school essays.

Estimated Time Needed for

this Lesson One 50-minute class period (with the essay to do over the next week)

How will you summatively assess student
mastery? The essay will be graded (by me) and be the last major grade before the final Civil
NOTE: The summative assessment might War test and STARR exam.
not be a part of this lesson.You can also
use this space to describe your post
How will you formatively assess student
mastery? For formative assessment, just
generally describe what you will be doing. I will walk around the room helping individual students form their thesis, find their
Specific questions will be included later in evidence, stay motivated, and write their first paragraph. Every student should have
the lesson plan.
their “John Brown thesis word” chosen by the end of the period.

What are your plans for adjusting the pacing

of the unit for struggling learners?


Technology resources This is a pen and paper assignment. I will handout worksheets for us to work on
(hardware, software, websites, during the class period, and I have a short slide show that will provide some
Technology- Enhanced Lesson pictures and reminders to keep at the front of the classroom.
Supports), and rationale for
why each is vital for

Non-Technology resources
and rationale for why each The resource of the daily motion video was very helpful in teaching the material
is vital for instruction: in the TEK and helping students understand what was really happening at this
time period. The character of John Brown serves as the perfect historical
character for a thesis paper because he is so controversial that many different
viewpoints are backed up by different perspectives on evidence.

Managing Student Behavior: You can’t teach them if you can’t reach them!!!
When and how will you establish rules for Behavior expectations for this assignment are full attention and engagement. This
learning and behavior during the lesson? is a not a day when goofing around or looking on our computer will be tolerated.
Computers will be put away, students will be involved and focused.
What will it look and sound like if students
are engaged vs. compliant in the lesson? I expect active answers from students during the presentation, and then every
student to make a list of evidence and chose a thesis word by the end of the
How will you allow for movement, period.
transitions or brain breaks to capitalize on
engagement and performance The movement from lesson to work will be easy to make as they will work on the
same piece of paper. The big difference will be the teacher will be moving around
What will you do as an attention signal? the room during individual work and helping students.

Hey, (name)! Please…

Lesson Procedures
Differentiation Formative Assessment
Stage of Lesson Step-by-Step Lesson Sequence

This template is built on 1-3 minutes Address the following for Address the following for each part
the traditional “Madeline each part of the lesson of the lesson plan:
Students enter room and receive plan”:
Hunter” type of lesson
structure. The format can explanation of lesson plan for the day. Questioning: Important questions
Grouping of students:
also be used with 5 E . . . or Students already know to grab a worksheet Students are already in good will be asked like, based on the
evidence you have gained what is
another lesson plan from the front of the classroom and sit assigned seats which Coach your opinion on an important
scheme . . .this is where you Turner believes are helpful historical figure in U.S. History?
can customize to fit your
down. Students will be told to put away to them. They will not be
purpose. their computers as they will just need their grouped or move for this I will work around the room and make
pencil and the worksheet. assignment. sure I give attention to every single
student who needs it during the class
4-14 minutes Differentiation - period.
Review of John Brown with some additional Enrichment and
Remediation: Academic Feedback To overcome
information added Differentiation will come in the challenges of becoming a better
15-23 minutes the form of help given. The historical thinker and essayist they
Modeling of the assignment, teaching about assignment will be due the need to learn and be pushed more
following Friday, so I will be than they have currently in their
essays and high school expectations, there to help any students education experience.
grading rubric explanation, that may need it. I will also
help students get started
24-29 during this class period,
Building our evidence charts as a class some students will need no
help and I know well who
30-46 those are.
Individual work on our thesis. Each student
Accommodations and
will choose a thesis and find at least 3 Modifications: There are a
pieces of evidence that support their idea few accommodations where
by the end of the period. Teacher will move a student may need an
extension, but these are
around the room and help students, looking advanced classes so
for hands raised but also looking over expectations will remain
high for all.
shoulders to help students who may be
focused but need guidance. Students can
write as much as they can.
Ask class if anyone chose their own thesis
adjective and if so will they share it.
Remind students of the lesson learned,
when assignment is due, and wis them a
good weekend.

● Differentiation (Enrichment and remediation): Tailoring instruction to meet individual needs; differentiating the content, process, and/or
product. Consider cultural diversity, gifted, etc.
● Accommodation(s)- (A change that helps a student overcome or work around the disability); Remember, an accommodation is not lowering
expectations or teaching below grade level content/objectives. Informed by an IEP
● Modification(s)- (A change in what is being taught or what is expected from the student) - Informed by an IEP

Helpful Links:
ESL Strategies Document
ESL Strategies Matrix
Opening __3_ minutes
What will students be doing
immediately after the bell
rings to kickstart class? (if Students enter room and receive
applicable) explanation of lesson plan for the day.
Students already know to grab a worksheet
Focus/ Anticipatory
from the front of the classroom and sit
down. Students will be told to put away
(motivational hook) their computers as they will just need their
pencil and the worksheet.

___ minutes
Content Input /I Do __19_ minutes
During this part of the lesson,
the teacher will model the Review of John Brown with some additional
strategy or skill that students information added from video
will learn. What content
knowledge are you teaching
students based on your own Modeling of the assignment, teaching about
understanding? essays and high school expectations,
Should include both Tier 1
(examples) and Tier 2 (think grading rubric explanation,

Guided Practice / We Do _5_ minutes

During this part of the lesson, the
teacher and students are thinking
aloud together Building our evidence charts as a class

Independent Practice/ You _16_ minutes

During this part of the lesson, the
teacher will monitor students’ Individual work on our thesis. Each student
understanding through will choose a thesis and find at least 3
independent practice.
pieces of evidence that support their idea
by the end of the period. Teacher will move
around the room and help students, looking
for hands raised but also looking over
shoulders to help students who may be
focused but need guidance.

Closure _4_ minutes

Write your Closure using the
Planning a Discussion Framework

NOTE: This can be done after Ask class if anyone chose their own thesis adjective and if so will they share it. Remind students
the GP or after the IP.: of the lesson learned, when assignment is due, and wis them a good weekend.
Launch Frame
Opening statement and
question to get the discussion
started (Example, “We have
been learning how to add
fractions in this activity. What
was an important key in
adding the fractions that
helped you? What have we
been learning about today?”)

Eliciting, Orienting
Questions to ask During the
What eliciting, probing, and
orienting questions will you
ask during the discussion?

Conclusion Frame
Closing statement about
what they learned in the
lesson, , a question about the
learning, and what they will
be working on next.
(Example - “We have been
adding fractions in this
lesson - What have you
learned about adding

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