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Engineering Structures
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Korea Railroad Research Institute, 176 Chuldobangmulgwan-ro, Uiwang-si, Gyeonggi-do 16105, Republic of Korea
School of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), 50 UNIST-gil, Ulju-gun, Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea
Keywords: This experimental research investigates the structural and electrical responses of ultra-high performance con-
Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) crete (UHPC) railway sleepers with three different levels of steel fiber content. The UHPC sleepers used in this
Railway sleeper research were fabricated using a conventional concrete sleeper manufacturing process including the post-ten-
Steel fiber sioning method. They were then evaluated via static bending tests at the rail-seat section and via electrical
Static bending test
insulation performance tests. Test results indicate that UHPC sleepers with all three levels of steel fiber content
Electrical resistance test
sufficiently meet international requirements. The results from the first cracking load and the load when a crack
width becomes 0.05 mm indicate that an amount of steel fiber greater than 1% is required to effectively control
early-stage crack development in UHPC sleepers. In addition, the relationship between fiber volume fraction and
normalized strength highlights that the material characteristics of UHPC, especially its tensile capacities, cor-
relate strongly with the structural behavior of UHPC sleepers.
1. Introduction and motivation carrying capacity and fatigue performance. They reported that 0.25%
steel fiber content enhanced load carrying capacity and fatigue re-
Concrete has been adopted as the primary material used for railway sistance when compared to sleepers without any steel fiber; however,
sleepers (ties) in modern railway systems, excluding North America, to adding 0.5% steel fiber produced irregular results. Sadeghi et al. [18]
deliver vehicle loading from rails to substructures. While traditional designed and manufactured prestressed concrete (PSC) sleepers with
wooden sleepers have a useful lifespan of about 20 years, concrete various amounts of hybrid steel fiber (a mixture of short and long fi-
sleepers have a much longer potential service life of more than 50 years bers) and different numbers of prestressing steel wires, then evaluated
[9]. However, cracks in concrete sleepers could be initiated and pro- the effects of these additions on the mechanical properties of the PSC
pagated due to a variety of factors, including train repetition load, sleepers. The fibers were mixed with a volume ratio of 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7,
temperature expansion, stress concentration, age degradation, and poor and 1%, while the number of prestressing wires were 4, 6, or 8. Based
ballast conditions. If deteriorating concrete sleepers are not properly on a series of structural tests, they concluded that the sleepers that
maintained, the safety of the railway system can be compromised. In an included 6 prestressing wires and 0.5% steel fiber (by volume) showed
investigation of the most common causes of damage to concrete slee- the best performance. Yang et al. [25] also investigated how the use of
pers in North America and around the world, Van Dyk et al. [21] listed steel fibers and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) influ-
the following: deterioration of concrete material beneath the rail, enced the static and fatigue performance of PSC sleepers. By using
shoulder/fastening system wear or fatigue, cracking from dynamic 0.75% steel fiber content, they were able to reduce the number of
loads, derailment damage, tamping damage, cracking from environ- prestressing wires in the sleepers from 16 to 14. Experimental results
mental or chemical degradation, manufacturing defects, and so on. showed that the sleepers reinforced with steel fiber had greater bending
A large number of studies are being conducted to minimize concrete and fatigue capacities, preventing both crack propagation and brittle
sleeper failure due to cracks. Recently, there have been various at- shear failure, when compared to the sleepers without steel fiber. Al-
tempts to mitigate crack problems in sleepers and improve their fatigue though various studies have attempted to apply steel fiber to concrete
performance by adding steel fiber to the concrete [18,10,25]. Parvez sleepers in order to increase their ductility and fatigue resistance, there
et al. [10] evaluated the effect of adding 0%, 0.25%, and 0.5% steel have been limited case studies. More research is therefore required to
fiber content to concrete sleepers as a means of improving their load quantitatively investigate the effects of steel fiber on different types of
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Pyo).
Received 20 March 2020; Received in revised form 11 June 2020; Accepted 14 July 2020
Available online 31 July 2020
0141-0296/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Bae and S. Pyo Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111131
Y. Bae and S. Pyo Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111131
This section reviews the structural design of the used UHPC sleeper
developed by the authors [2]. The structural design was carried out
based on the strength design method to fully utilize the material ben-
efits of UHPC. The positive bending moment at the rail-seat section and Fig. 2. UHPC-PSC sleeper mold.
the negative bending moment at the center section of the sleeper were
both calculated by considering the dynamic loading and dynamic in-
tensioning method [22]. After the introduction of prestressing forces,
crease factors, the effective moment arm length (following UIC 713R
the sleepers were air cured for at least 28 days before the structural and
[22]), the dimensions of the sleeper, and non-uniform distribution of
electrical resistance tests. Three sleepers for F0.5 and F1.5 series each
support from the ballast. Fig. 1 shows the dimensions of the sleepers
and six sleepers for F1.0 series were prepared for the study into the
used in this research, which were adapted from the authors’ previous
effects of steel fiber content on the structural performance of UHPC
research [2]. They were also designed to incorporate four prestressing
sleepers, focusing in particular on the rail-seat section.
rods with diameters of 9.2 mm and a prestressing force of 69 kN per
steel rod.
The sleeper’s structural design was reviewed based on a compat- 3. Test results and discussions
ibility analysis of strain. This resulted in safety factors of 1.61 and 1.34
for the rail-seat section and center section, respectively [2]. A post- 3.1. Requirements for performance tests
tensioning method was adopted in order to allow for the fabrication of
small quantities of UHPC sleepers for the purposes of this research, In order to examine the effects that different amounts of steel fiber
following the method used by Bae and Pyo [2]. In addition, two an- on UHPC sleepers, static bending strength tests and electrical resistance
chorage reinforcing bars (H10) were placed on both ends of the sleeper, tests were carried out. The static bending strength test was performed
where prestressing anchors are located. No stirrup was used. on the rail-seat section of the sleeper, which is the most critical. Before
conducting the static bending test, performance criteria for the de-
2.3. Fabrication of UHPC sleepers signed UHPC sleeper were calculated using EN 13230-2 [6]. The re-
ference test load of the rail-seat section, Fr0, can be calculated using the
Fig. 2 shows the mold that was used to fabricate the UHPC sleepers, positive design bending moment (Mdr+) at the rail-seat, as shown in Eq.
as well as the four prestressing rods with diameters of 9.2 mm each (1). More detail on evaluating the bending moment can be found in Bae
according to the aforementioned structural design. The three different and Pyo [2].
UHPC mixtures listed in Table 1 were prepared using the mixing pro- 4Mdr+ 4 × 12.68[kN m]
cedure described in Section 2.1. The wet mixture was poured into the Fr0 = = = 126.8[kN ]
Lr 0.1 0.5 0.1[m] (1)
mold and the same external vibration process that is used in the con-
ventional PSC sleeper production method was applied. The cast sleepers where, Lr is the distance between the center lines of the supports for the
were covered with a plastic sheet and demolded after 24 h of curing. bending test arrangement on the rail-seat section, which was set to
The demolded sleepers were air-cured for an additional 24 h, and then 500 mm. The other two reference values are the maximum load when a
prestressing forces were introduced with 69 kN per each rod. As in- crack width becomes 0.05 mm (Fr0.05) and the failure load (FrB). For the
dicated in Table 1, three UHPC mixtures produced sufficient compres- static bending test, these values were set by multiplying the reference
sive strengths (of more than 45 MPa) to proceed with the post- test load (Fr0) by the coefficient for each case, in which the coefficients,
Fig. 1. Schematic of the UHPC sleeper designed for this research: (a) top view, (b) side view.
Y. Bae and S. Pyo Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111131
Table 2
Performance criteria of the UHPC sleeper.
Test items Requirements
k1s and k2s, are 1.8 and 2.5, respectively, as defined in UIC 713 (2004).
In addition, Frr is the load when the first crack propagates up to a point
of 15 mm from the bottom of the rail-seat section.
Fig. 4. Static bending test procedure at the rail-seat section (modified from
Maintaining electrical insulation is vital to the proper functioning of [6]).
railway track circuitry, and the electrical resistance of concrete slee-
pers, especially those reinforced with steel fibers, needs to be evaluated,
Table 3
in which the European standard requires 5 kΩ or more (EN 13481-2
Static test results for rail-seat section of F0.5 PSC sleeper.
[7]). Table 2 summarizes the performance criteria for UHPC sleepers
for both the static bending test and the electrical resistance test. Specimen No. Frr (kN ) Fr0.05 (kN ) FrB (kN ) Failure mode
Table 4
Static test results for rail-seat section of F1.0 PSC sleeper [2].
Specimen No. Frr (kN ) Fr0.05 (kN ) FrB (kN ) Failure mode
Y. Bae and S. Pyo Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111131
Table 5 series, while still producing similar failure load values (FrB) when
Static test results for rail-seat section of F1.5 PSC sleeper. compared with the F1.0 series. The F1.0 and F1.5 series demonstrated
Specimen No. Frr (kN ) Fr0.05 (kN ) FrB (kN ) Failure mode more than 30% higher first cracking load values (Frr) and maximum
load when a crack width becomes of 0.05 mm (Fr0.05) compared with
F1.5 - No.1 326.8 456.8 516.8 Flexural the same values for the F0.5 series. Furthermore, the difference be-
F1.5 - No.2 336.8 466.8 526.8 Flexural tween the average Frr and Fr0.05 values for both the F0.5 and F1.0 series
F1.5 - No.3 256.8 466.8 496.8 Flexural
Average 306.8 463.5 513.5
was about 70 kN, whereas the difference between those for the F1.5
Standard deviation 43.6 5.8 15.3 series was 156.7 kN, which is more than twice as high as the other two
Requirement > 126.8 > 228.2 > 317 series. Finally, the difference between the average Fr0.05 and FrB values
for the F0.5 series was about 123.4 kN, whereas the difference between
the same values for the F1.0 and F1.5 series was less than 50 kN. Based
178.3, and 180.0 kN higher than the requirement (126.8 kN) for the on these results, it can be concluded that more than 1% steel fiber
F0.5, F1.0, and F1.5 series, respectively. The average values of the content is necessary in order to effectively control early-stage crack
maximum load when a crack width of 0.05 mm (Fr0.05) were 61.9, development in UHPC sleepers. One can also conclude that prestressing
148.6, and 235.3 kN higher than the requirement (228.2 kN) for the forces are dominant for failure load in UHPC sleepers that include up to
F0.5, F1.0, and F1.5 series, respectively. Furthermore, the average va- 1% steel fiber content, and UHPC including 1.5% steel fiber content
lues of the failure load (FrB) were 96.5, 104.8, and 196.5 kN higher than could enhance the ultimate structural response of the sleeper in addi-
the requirement (317.0 kN) for the F0.5, F1.0, and F1.5 series, re- tion to prestressing forces. It was also evident that compressive strength
spectively. Average values for Frr, Fr0.05, and FrB obtained across the might not be an influential factor in structural responses, since com-
series of tests support the findings that higher amounts of steel fiber in pressive strength was very similar between the F1.0 and F1.5 series.
UHPC sleepers lead to structural responses that outpace requirements. The material responses of UHPC can be correlated with the struc-
However, it should be noted that the F0.5 series showed sub- tural responses of the UHPC sleepers. Pyo et al. [15] evaluated the
stantially lower first cracking load values (Frr) than the F1.0 and F1.5 tensile performance of UHPC mixtures with mix proportions that were
Fig. 5. Results of crack propagation after static bending tests at rail-seat section: (a) F0.5 specimen, (b) F1.0 specimen, and (c) F1.5 specimen.
Y. Bae and S. Pyo Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111131
Fig. 7. Relationship between fiber volume fraction and normalized strength for
the material and structural responses of UHPC.
Table 6
Comparisons between the experimental data and the calculated data of the
failure load at rail-seat section.
Sleeper type Mn (Cal.) FrB (Cal.) (kN) avg. FrB FrB (Exp.)/ FrB
(kN•m) (Exp.) (kN) (Cal.)
the structural design. According to Bae and Pyo [2], Mn and FrB for F1.0
series are calculated as 44.37 kN•m and 443.7 kN, respectively. Using
the same method based on strain compatibility analysis, Mn and FrB for
F0.5 and 1.5 series are also evaluated as Table 6. As can be seen in the
table, the calculated flexural strength was conservatively predicted for
the case of the UHPC sleeper with steel fibers less than 1.0%, and were
closely predicted for the cases of the UHPC sleepers with steel fiber
contents of 1.0% or more.
Fig. 8 shows representative relationships between load and deflec-
tion of UHPC sleepers for each loading step. It can be found from the
figure that the stiffness of UHPC sleeper increases and the resistance to
bending increases as the amount of steel fiber increases. For F0.5 series,
a relatively constant slope of load–deflection curves can be observed up
to 346.8 kN (crack width of 0.34 mm after load removal), which is
colored gray area in Fig. 8(a). From the level of load of 356.8 kN, the
decrease of the slope can be clearly identified as the load increases,
represented as dotted lines in Fig. 8(a). In specific, the drastic decrease
of slope can be observed after the load of 366.8 kN (crack width of
0.56 mm after load removal). This is because as crack width increases
the moment of inertia decreases due to the decrease of effective cross-
sectional area, which leads to the increase of deflection, in which the
deflection (y) can be simply evaluated using the equation of y = PL3/
48EI for three-point bending. Here, P, L, E, and I stand for external load,
distance between the supports, elastic modulus of UHPC and effective
moment of inertia, respectively.
UHPC sleepers with steel fiber contents of 1.0% or more show more
Fig. 6. Relationship between applied force and crack width during bending test stable behavior compared with the sleeper with steel fiber contents of
at rail-seat section: (a) F0.5 series, (b) F1.0 series [2], and (c) F1.5 series.
0.5% as can be seen in Fig. 8. For F1.0 series, a relatively constant slope
of load–deflection curves can be also observed up to 406.8 kN (crack
the same except for the partial substitution of GGBFS for cement. Ac- width of 0.10 mm after load removal), which is colored gray area in
cording to their results, the average first cracking strength and ultimate Fig. 8(b). From the level of load of 416.8 kN, the decrease of the slope
tensile strength of UHPC were 6.31 and 8.74 MPa for UHPC with 0.5% can be noticed as the load increases; however, the level of the decrease
steel fiber content, 9.51 and 15.59 MPa for the 1% series, and 9.97 and was insignificant compared with the F0.5 series. Similarly, for F1.5
18.43 MPa for the 1.5% series. Fig. 7 compares the normalized strength series a relatively constant slope of load–deflection curves can be ob-
(relative strength compared to the strength of those with 0.5% steel served up to 476.8 kN (crack width of 0.19 mm after load removal) as
fiber content) between material and structural responses according to shown in Fig. 8(c). The mild decrease pattern of the slope was observed
the fiber contents, highlighting the fact that the material strength of from the level of load of 486.8 kN to 506.8 kN. Therefore, it can be
UHPC, particularly in terms of first cracking strength, strongly corre- concluded that the increment of steel fiber content from 0.5% to 1.0%
lates with the structural responses of UHPC sleepers, especially in the was critical to maintain flexural stiffness of sleepers by resisting crack
context of early-stage crack development. opening with the fiber bridging effect.
The experimentally obtained averaged results were compared with
Y. Bae and S. Pyo Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111131
Fig. 8. Relationship between load and deflection of UHPC sleepers for each
loading step: (a) F0.5-No. 3, (b) F1.0-No. 1, and (c) F1.5-No. 1. Fig. 10. Electrical circuit configuration.
Y. Bae and S. Pyo Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111131
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 11. Relationship between electrical resistance and time: (a) F0.5 series, (b) F1.0 series, (c) F1.5 series, and (d) minimum electrical resistance results for each
Y. Bae and S. Pyo Engineering Structures 222 (2020) 111131
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This work is also supported by the Korea Agency for Infrastructure High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) in quasi-static mode and
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Infrastructure and Transport (Grant 20CTAP-C152046-02). The opi-
nions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not