Lab Digital Assignment Iv - Prodiscover
Lab Digital Assignment Iv - Prodiscover
Lab Digital Assignment Iv - Prodiscover
ProDiscover is a powerful forensics data analysis tool that enables computer professionals to quickly find all ‘data of
interest’ on a computer disk or any portable memory device while protecting evidence and creating evidentiary quality
reports for use in legal proceedings.
Part I - Create and Delete Files on USB Drive / Portable Drive / External Drive
1. On your USB drive create a word file named “Assign_4_CSE4004 .doc”, where the blank should be
filled with your name (e.g. Assign_4_CSE4004_Alice.doc).
The file should contain the following sentence: “I registered for CSE4004 course on
.” The first blank in the sentence should be filled in with your name and the second blank with the
date when you registered for the course.
2. On the same drive create an excel file named “Assign_4_CSE4004 .xls”, where the blank should be
filled with your name (e.g. Assign_4_CSE4004_Alice.xls).
The file should contain columns: “user name”, “VITUni student number”, and “year of admission to VITUni”.
Fill in your data as the first record in the file and save the file.
3. Take a screenshot of your Windows Explorer window showing the content of the USB’s folder / Portable
Drive Folder / External Drive Folder hosting the two files. Include this screenshot in your final report!
4. Now delete both files, and then take another screenshot of the respective folder’s content (after the two files
have been deleted). Include this screenshot in your final report!
Part II - Use ProDiscover to Acquire an Image of USB Drive
1. In the main window, click Action, Capture Image from the menu. (Prior to executing this step, make sure your
USB drive is properly inserted/connected to your computer.)
2. In the Capture Image dialog box, click the Source Drive dropdown list, and select the USB drive as used in Part
3. Click the >> button next to the Destination text box, then select Choose Local Path option. When the Save As
dialog box opens, navigate to your work folder (D:\Digital_Forensics\), and enter the following as the name
of the image (.eve file) that you are making: CSE4004_Asgn4_USB. Click Save to save the file.
4. Next, in the Capture Image dialog box, type your name in the Technician Name text box, and
CSE4004_Asgn4_USB_01 in the Image Number text box. Click OK. ProDiscover will now acquire an image
of your USB drive. This step may take several minutes, depending on the overall amount of data stored on the
5. When ProDiscover is finished, click OK in the completion message box. Click File, Exit from the menu to exit
Part III - Use ProDiscover to Recover Deleted Images
1. Start ProDiscover again. Type ‘CSE4004_Asgn4_USB’ in the Project Number text box and again in the (New)
Project File Name text box.
2. Select Action -> Add -> Image File, and in the Open dialog box navigate to the folder containing the USB’s
image (CSE4004_Asgn4_USB.eve). Click on CSE4004_Asgn4_USB.eve, and then click Open.
3. Select View -> Content View -> Image. (Path) name of your image file CSE4004_Asgn4_USB.eve should
appear in the work area. Take a screenshot of the work area and include it in your final report!
4. From the Toolbar click on the Search button/option. In the search dialogue box search for your student ID
choosing the correct image file - CSE4004_Asgn4_USB.eve. (The figure below illustrates the appropriate
parameter setup when searching for student ID = 19BCE0000.) Click OK.
5. Once the search is completed, the name of deleted .xls should appear in ProDiscover’s work area. Take a
screenshot of the work area and include it in your final report!
6. Double-click on the deleted file, to retrieve its content. Take a screenshot of the recovered file and include it in
your final report!
7. From the Toolbar click on the Search button/option. Select OPTION Search for files named:, and in the search
dialogue box enter the name of your deleted .doc file (e.g. . Assign_4_CSE4004_Alice.doc). Click OK.
8. Once the search is completed, the name of deleted .xls should appear in ProDiscover’s work area. Take a
screenshot of the work area and include it in your final report!
9. Double-click on the deleted file, to retrieve its content. Take a screenshot of the recovered file and include it in
your final report!
10. Select View -> Report. Take a screenshot of the Evidence Report that has been created for your project and
include it in your final report!