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Chapter - 9 Biomolecule DPP - 1 PDF

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Chapter - 9 A) C & O B) C & H

C) H & N D) N & O
Biomolecules 5. For the chemical composition
analysis____ is used:-
1. Elemental analysis on a plant tissue,
Animal tissue or a microbial paste
C) Cl3 – CCOOH D) Cl3 – COOH
6. Filtrate obtained after grinding of
A) list of elements like C; H; O &
living tissue is also known as:-
several others
A) Slurry B) Acid - soluble
B) Respective content per unit mass
C) Acid insoluble pool
of a living tissue
D) All
C) Both
7. Acid – insoluble pool is also known
D) Diversity of living organism in our
A)Slurry B) Retentate
2. Elemental analysis on earth’s crust
C) filtrate D) All
8. Analytical techniques applied to the
A) list of elements like C; H; O &
compound gives us an idea of:-
several others
A) Atomic formula
B) Respective content per unit mass
B) Molecular formula of compounds.
of a living tissue
C) Both
C) Both
D) None
D) Diversity of living organism in our
9. All the carbon compounds that we get
from the living tissue can be called:-
3. Elemental list could be _____ in _____
A) Biomolecules B) Slurry
terms of study on living tissues &
C) Retentate D) All
earth’s crust:-
10. If the tissue is fully burnt:-
A) Same; absolute
A) All the carbon compounds are
B) Different; absolute
oxidised to gaseous forms (CO2 &
C) Different; same
water vapour).
D) Same; relative
B) Remaining’s are known as ash.
C) Ash contains inorganic elements &
Paragraph – 9.1
inorganic compounds.

How to analyse chemical D) All


4. With respect to other elements which

element is relatively abundant in
living organism than in earth’s crust:-
11. Inorganic elements like sulphate and C) Both (A) & (B) D) Serine
phosphates are present in 18. Number of Amino ;
A) Ash of burnt tissue Carboxyl & the R – functional group
B) Oxidised gaseous form determines:-
C) Both A) Acidic nature of Amino acid.
D) None B) Basic nature of Amino acid
12. α – Amino acids are organic C) Neutral nature of Amino acid
compounds containing D) Any of the above
A) Amino group and acidic group 19. Which of the following group of
substituted on different carbon. amino acid is aromatic in nature:-
B) Keto – group & Hydrogen on A) tyrosine; phenylalanine
different carbon. B) tyrosine; tryptophan glutamic acid
C) Amino group & acidic group C) Glutamic acid; lysine; valine
substituted on same carbon. D) none of the above
D) Keto – group & alcohol group 20. Which of the following is neutral in
substituted on same carbon. nature:-
13. How many substituted groups are A) Valine B) Serine
present in an α – amino acid C) Alanine D) All
A) 1 B) 2 21. A particular property of amino acid is
C) 3 D) 4 the Ionizable nature of
14. The R – group in a proteinaceous A) -H B) –NH2
amino acid Could be C) CH3 D) All
A) Hydrogen B) Methyl group 22. Which of the following determines
C) Hydroxy methyl the particular property of amino acid
D) Any of the above is the Ionizable nature & structure of
15. The chemical and physical properties amino acid:-
of amino acids are essentially of the A) –NH2 & -COOH B) –COOH only
A) Amino group B) Carboxyl group C) –NH2 only
C) The R - group D) All of the above D) none of the above
23. In different solution; of different ____
16. If the R – group of amino acid is the ______ of amino acid changes.
methyl A) pH; pH B) pH; structure
A) Glycine B) Serine C) Structure; Structure
C) Alanine D) structure; pH
D) Any of the above
17. A hydrogen substituted carbon
containing amino acid is :-
A) Glycine B) Alanine
24. Which of the following is a zwitterionic 31. How many of the following is an
form. esterified glycerol:-
A) B) Diglyceride;
Muramic acid
C) Lignin;
D) All of the above Suberin
25. Lipids are generally _____ insoluble:- A) 4 B) 5
A) fat B) water C) 6 D) 3
C) Lipid D) All 32. The oil have lower melting point
26. Lipids could be a ______ fatty acids or A) All fats B) triglycerides
has a ______ group attached to an R – C) Gingelly oil D) All
group. 33. A phospholipid have
A) Carboxyl; fatty acid A) a phosphorous
B) Fatty acid; simple B) a phosphorylated group
C) Carboxyl; simple C) Both
D) Simple; carboxyl D) None
27. The R – group attached to the 34. The neural tissues have lipids with
carboxyl group could be a ______ structure
A) –CH3 B) –C2H5 A) More complex B) Less complex
C) Higher number of –CH2 C) More simple D) Less simple
D) All of the above 35. Carbon compounds in living organism
28. Palmitic acid has _______ number of having heterocyclic rings could be
carbons including carboxy carbon. A) Monoglyceride B) Adenine
A) 16 B) 15 C) Cyhosine D) Both (A) & (C)
C) 14 D) 12 36. Adenine esterified with sugar is
29. Arachidonic acid has _______ number known as
of carbon atoms including the A) Adenylic acid B) Adenosine
carboxyl C) Adenotine
A) 16 B) 20 D) None of the above
C) 21 D) 19 37. Nucleic acids like DNA & RNA consist
30. Fatty acids could be _______ ( with of
double bonds) or _______ ( without A) Nucleotide & nucleoside
double bonds). B) Nucleoside only
A) Saturated; Unsaturated C) Nucleotide only
B) Unsaturated; Saturated D) Nucleotide & phosphate groups.
C) Saturated; Saturated
D) Unsaturated; Unsaturated
Paragraph – 9.2

Primary and Secondary


38. Alkaloids; Flavonoids; Rubber;

A) A purine (Adenine)
Essential oils; antibiotics; coloured
B) A pyrimidine (Uracil)
pigments; scents; Gums spices
C) A purine (Uracil)
D) A pyrimidine (Adenine)
How many of the above are primary
43. Which of the following is a
A) 7 B) 9
A) Adenylic acid B) Uridine
C) 5 D) None
C) Thymidylic D) All
39. Few _______ metabolites have
44. How many of the following are
ecological importance’s:-
nitrogen bases:-
A) Primary & secondary
B) Secondary & Primary
C) Only Primary
D) Only Secondary
40. The diagram represent:-

A) Ribose B) Glucose
C) Both D) None iii) Guanine iv) Uracil
41. CH3 – (CH2)14 – COOH
A) A glycerol molecule A) All four B) Only three
B) A fatty acid C) Only two D) Only one
C) An amino acid 45. which of the following group
D) A carbohydrate represents Lectins
42. Which of the following is the A) Abrin; Ricin
compound represents the shown B) Monoterpenes; Diterpenes
figure :- C) Concanavalin – A
D) None of the above
Paragraph – 9.3 iii) Molecular weight do not exceed
800 Da.

Biomacromolecules A) only i) & ii)

46. They have molecular weight ranging B) only ii)

from 18 to around 800 Da.
C) All i); ii) & iii)
The above written statement
represents:- D) only ii) & iii)
A) About Biomicromolecules
49. Which of the following statement is
B) One feature common to all those
not correct:-
compounds found in the acid
A) After grinding cell membrane
insoluble fraction.
forms the vesicles.
C) Both
B) Vesicles are water soluble.
D) None
C) Lipids are not strictly
47. How many of the following statements
are incorrect:-
D) None of the above
i) Acid insoluble fraction has only
50. The acid soluble pool roughly
four types of organic
represents ______composotion.
A) Cytoplasmic
ii) All the compound in acid
B) Nuclear
insoluble fraction have
C) Mitochondrial
molecular weight in range of
D) None
10,000 Da and above.
51. The macromolecules from the
iii) Molecular weight less than one
cytoplasm and organelles become the
thousand Dalton are usually
A) Retentate B) Slurry
referred to as Micromolecules.
C) Filtrate D) All
iv) Biomacromolecules are simply
known as Biomolecules.

A) 1 B) 2

C) 3 D) 4

48. How many of the following statement

is true regarding lipids in
i) Lipids are polymeric
ii) Have molecular weight less
than 10,000 Da.
52. A) homopolymers have only one type
Component % of the total of monoamer repeating ‘n’ number of
cellular mass times
Water 70 – 90 B) Dietary proteins are source of
i) 10 – 15 essential amino acids.
ii) 3 C) Amino acids could be essential or
Lipids iii) non – essential

iv) 5–7 D) essential amino acids are

Ions 1 synthesized in our body.

A) i)  protein (ii) carbohydrate 56. What are functions of proteins:-

iii)  2 (iv)  Nucleic acid i) Carry out many functions in

living organism

B) i)  carbohydrate (ii) Nucleic acid ii) Transporter of nutrients

iii)  2 (iv)  Protein iii) Fight infections

iv) Regulates in the form of

C) i)  Nucleic acid (ii) Protein hormones & enzymes

iii)  2 (iv)  Carbohydrate

A) only two B) only three

D) i)  Nucleic acid (ii) carbohydrate C) Only four D) None

iii)  2 (iv)  Protein

57. The most abundant enzyme in animal
world is ___i)____ while in whole of the
Paragraph – 9.4
biosphere is ___ii)____
A) (i) Collagen (ii) PEPcase
B) (i) RuBisCo (ii) PEPcase
53. Proteins are:- C) (i) Collagen (ii) RuBisCO
A) Polypeptides D) None of them
B) Lenear chains of amino acid linked
Paragraph – 9.5
by peptide bonds
C) Polymer of amino acids Polysaccharide
D) All of them.
58. Polysaccharide is the part of ____
54. A protein is a heteropolymer:-
A) In – soluble fraction
A) It contains only one types of amino
B) Insoluble pellet
C) Retentate
B) it contains different types of amino
D) All
C) both
D) None
55. Which statement is incorrect:-
59. A cotton thread contains Paragraph – 9.6
A) Different Monosacharides
B) Same type of monosaccharide Nucleic acids
C) Just like cellulose
D) Just like starch 65. Nucleic acids are:-
60. Cellulose and starch is a A) Polynucleosides
homopolymer of B) Polynucleotides
a) Glucose B) Glucan C) Both
b) Galactose D) None D) None
61. Which of the following statement is 66. A nucleotide has ____ chemical
incorrect :- distinct compounds:-
A) starch is avarient of but is a A) Only one B) Two
polysaccharide honopolymer. C) Three D) Four
B) Inulin is a polymer of fructan 67. A heterocyclic compound in Nucleic
C) In a polysaccharide chain, Right acid is :-
end is reducing while left end is non – A) N2 – Base B) Sugar
reducing. C) Fatty acid D) All
D) Starch forms helical secondary 68. Adenine and ______ are _______
structures. purines
62. (I) Strach produces blue colour after A) Cytosine; Substituted
binding with I2 B) Guanine; Substituted
(II) Cellulose cannot hold I2 C) Uracil; Substituted
A) Both are wrong D) Guanine; Unsubstituted
B) Both are correct 69. The sugar found in polynucleotides is
C) (I) is correct (II) is incorrect either ribose (________) or ________
D) (II) is correct (I) is incorrect A) 2’ deoxyribose; monosaccharide
63. Paper made from plant pulp and B) Monosaccharide; 2’ deoxyribose
cotton fibre is C) Disaccharide; 2’ deoxyribose
A) Strach only B) Cellulose D) Disaccharide; Monosaccheride
C) Complex polysaccharide
Paragraph – 9.7
D) Both (B) & (C)
64. What are examples of Structure of proteins
70. In a protein the left end represents:-
A) N – acetyl galactosamine;
A) First amino acid & C – terminal
B) Last amino acid &N – terminal
B) Amino acids; sugars
C) First amino acid & N – terminal
C) Chitin
D) Last amino acid & C – terminal
D) None
71. In a protein the fight end represents 76. A adult human Hb (Haemoglobin)
A) First amino acid & C – terminal consists of ________ subunits.
B) Last amino acid &N – terminal A) 1 B) 2
C) First amino acid & N – terminal C) 3 D) 4
D) Last amino acid & C – terminal 77. ________ subunits of α – type and ____
72. Which of the following statement is of β – type together constitute the
Untrue:- human haemoglobin(Hb):-
A) A protein thread is folded in the A) 2; 4 B) 2; 2
form of a helix. C) 4; 2 D) 4; 4
B) Only some portion of the protein
thread are arranged in the form of a
Paragraph – 9.8
Nature of bond Linking
C) In proteins only left handed helices
are observed. monomers in a polymer.
D) Both (B) & (C)
78. In polypeptide amino acids are linked
73. The long protein chain is also folded
upon itself like a hollow woollen ball
A) H – bond
known as:-
B) Glycosidic Bond
A) Primary structure
C) Peptide bond
B) Secondary Structure
D) Peptide and H – bond both
C) Tertiary structure
79. Choose the correct about peptide
D) None of the above
74. Identify the diagram given below
A) It is formed when carboxyl(-COOH)
group of one amino acids react with
carboxyl (-NH2) group of other amino
B) It is formed when amino (-NH2)
A) (i) Primary (ii) Secondary group of one amino acid react with
B) (i) Secondary (ii) Tertiary carboxyl (-COOH) group of other
C) (i) Tertiary (iii) Primary amino acid.
D) None of the above C) It is formed when carboxyl group
75. Protein polypeptides or subunits (-COOH) of one amino acid react with
arranged with respect to each other of amino (-NH2) group of other amino
a protein otherwise called the acid.
A) Primary structure D) It is formed when amino (-NH2)
B) Tertiary structure group of one amino acid react with
C) Quaternary structure amino (-NH2) group of other amino
D) Secondary structure acid.
80. Peptide bond is formed by- of sugar
A) Elimination of water moiety i.e. d. H – Bond (iv) Between
rehydration adjacent carbon
B) Addition of water moiety i.e. of
rehydration monosaccharide
C) Addition of water moiety i.e.
A) a – i, b – ii, c – iii, d – iv
D) Elimination of water moiety i.e.
B) a – ii , b – iv , c – i, d – iii
C) a – iii, b – iv, c – i, d – ii
81. Polysaccharide is formed by linking of
D) a – ii, b – iv, c – iii, d – i
monosaccharide by-
85. In nucleic acid phosphate links –
A) H – bond B) S – bond A) 3’ carbon of both sugar of
succeeding sugar
C) Peptide Bond D) Glycoside bond
B) 3’ carbon of one sugar & 5’ carbon
82. Dehydration is cause of formation of – of the other sugar of succeeding
A) Peptide bond B)Glycosidic bond nucleotide
C) Both A & B D) None of these C) 5’ carbon of one sugar of
83. Glycosidic bond is formed between succeeding sugar.
monosaccharide while linking- D) 5’ carbon of one sugar & 3’ carbon
A) Carbon & Carbon of other group of succeeding
B) Carboxyl & amino group nucleotide.
C) Carbon & Hydrogen 86. What is / are number of ester bond &
D) Carbon & Oxygen phosphodiester bond either side of
84. Match the Column- I & column – II nucleic acid respectively-
Bond Occurrence A) 1, 2 B) 1, 1
(Column- Column – II C) 2, 1 D) 2, 2
I) 87. The famous Watson – crick model is
a. Peptide (i) Between related to-
bond Nitrogenous A) Nucleic acid (DNA)
bases of nucleic B) Protein
acid C) Carbohydrate
b. Glycosidic (ii) Between D) Enzymes
bond adjacent amino
c. Ester bond (iii) Between
phosphate &
hydroxyl group
88. How many of following is / are correct 94. Cytosine (C) bond with _____by _____
with respect to Watson – crick model. H – Bond.
i) DNA exist as a double helix A) Guanine (G); 2 B) Thymine; 2
ii) The strands of polynucleotides are C) Guanine (G); 3 D) Thymine; 3
iii) Backbone is formed by sugar only. Paragraph – 9.9
iv) Nitrogen bases faces inside
v) A of one strand bound with U on Dynamic state of body
other strand constituent’s concept of
A) 2 B) 3
C) 4 D) All fives
89. Choose the correct nitrogen base
95. What is ‘turn over’?
pairing of DNA
A) Biomolecules are never being

A) A ≡ T B) A = U changed into some other

biomolecules and also made from
C) A = T D) A ≡ U
some other biomolecules.

90. Each step of ascent is represented by B) Biomolecules are constantly being

how many pairs of bases according to changed into some other

Watson – crick model. biomolecules but never made from

A) 1 B) 2 some other biomolecules.

C) Zero D) None of these C) Biomolecules are never being

91. At each of ascent, the strand turn ___ changed into some other

A) 63° B) 36° biomolecules nor being made from

C) 34° D) 3.4° some other biomolecules.

92. One full turn of helix strand of D) Biomolecules are constantly being

B – DNA involves how many nitrogen changed into some other

bases biomolecules and also made from

A) 10 B) 20 some other biomolecules.

C) 2 D) none of these 96. The breaking & making through

93. Choose correct statement regarding chemical reaction which occur

B – DNA constantly in living organism are

A) Pitch would be 36° A called

B) The rise per base pair would be A) Metabolism B) Anabolism

3.4° C) Catabolism D) none of these

C) Pitch would be 3.4A°

D) The rise per base pair would be
97. Amine are formed by- iii) Acetic acid becomes
A) removal of (-COOH) from amino cholesterol.
iv) Metabolic pathway that lead to
more complex structure from a
B) removal of (CO2) from amino acid simpler structure.
C) addition of (CO2) to amino acid
A) i & iii B) i & ii
D) addition of (COOH) to amino acid
C) iv & ii D) iv & iii
98. Metabolites are converted into each
other in a series linked reactions 103. Which of following expect to
consume energy?
i) When glucose is degraded to
A) Catabolic pathway only lactic acid
B) Anabolic pathway only ii) Assembly of protein from amino
C) Metabolic pathway acid
iii) Anabolic pathway
D) None of these iv) Catabolic pathway
99. Metabolic pathway are-
A) i & iii B) i & iv
A) Linear only B) Circular only
C) May be linear or circular B) ii & iii D) ii & iv

D) None of them 104. How many of following is /are

100. How many uncatalysed correct about glycolysis
i) Formation of glucose from
metabolic conversion is / are found in
lactic acid
living system ii) Occur in ten(10) metabolic
A) 1 step.
B) More than 1 but less than 100 iii) Energy liberated during
degradation is store in form of
C) Zero chemical bond.
D) Thousand iv) Formation of lactic acid from
Paragraph – 9.10 A) i, ii, iii B)ii, iii, iv
C) i & ii D) i & iv
105. Energy currency in living
Metabolic Basis for Living
system is –
101. Metabolic pathway that lead to A) Adenosine triphosphate
a more complex structure from a B) Glucose
simples structure is / are C) Protein
A) Anabolic pathway D) Enzyme
B) Catabolic pathway 106. Bioenergetics deals with-
C) Both A & B A) How do living organism derive their
D) None of these energy
102. Choose the correct about B) How do living organism store
catabolic pathway energy & in what form.
i) Metabolic pathway that lead to C) How do living organism convert
simpler structure from a energy into work.
complex structure.
ii) Glucose becomes lactic acid in
our skeletal muscles
Paragraph – 9.11 C) Inorganic catalyst are not efficiency
at high temperature but enzymes of
all living organism work efficiency at
The Living State
high temperature.
107. The blood concentration of D) None of these
glucose in normal healthy individuals 113. Choose correct regarding
is “active site”
A) Less than 2.4 mmol/L 1) Substrate fits
B) More than 10 mmol/L 2) Enzymes catalyst through active
C) 4.2 mmol/L – 6.1 mmol/L site show low rate
D) None of these 3) It forms by crevices or pocket
108. Living state is – made by primary protein only.
A) Equilibrium steady – state to be 4) It form by crevices or pocket made
not to perform work. by tertiary protein structure
B) Non – equilibrium steady – state to A) 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 2, 4
be not to perform work. C) 1, 3 D) 1, 4
C) Equilibrium steady – state to be D) All of these
able to perform work.
D) Non – equilibrium steady – state to Paragraph – 9.12.1
be able to perform work.
109. Living process is a constant Chemical Reaction
effort to prevent falling into
equilibrium. This is achieved by – 114. Physical change refers to –
A) Energy output B) energy input A) Change in shape without breaking
C) Both of these D) None of these bonds.
B) Change in state of matter
Paragraph – 9.12 C) Ice  water  water vapour.
D) All of these
Enzymes 115. Chemical change differ to
physical change in
110. Enzymes are chemically – A) Dissociation of bond
A) Protein B) Carbohydrate B) Formation of new bond
C) Lipid D) Nucleic acid C) A & B bond
111. Ribozymes are chemically D) There is no difference in both
A) Protein B) Lipid 116. Hydrolysis of starch into
C) Carbohydrate D) Nucleic acid glucose is :-
A) Inorganic chemical reaction
112. What is / are difference B) Organic chemical reaction
between inorganic catalyst and C) Physical changes
enzyme catalyst. D) A & B both
A) inorganic catalysts work efficiency 117. Rate of physical or chemical
at low temperature but enzyme of only process refer to –
thermophilic organism work efficiency A) Amount of reactant formed per
at low temperature unit time
B) Inorganic catalyst work efficiency B) Amount to product dissociate per
at high temperature but enzyme get unit time
damaged t high temperature except of C) St/ Sp
microbes that are lives in sulphur D) Sp/St
118. Choose the correct B. Formation of (ii) Yeast
A) Rate can be called velocity if the pyruvic acid
direction is not specific. C. Formation of (iii) Aerobic
B) Rate of physical & chemical lactic acid condition of
processes are not influenced by normal
temperature human cell
C) Catalysed reaction proceeds at A) A  I, B  iii, C  ii
rates vastly lower than that of B) A iii, B  ii, C  i
uncatalysed ones. C) A  ii, B  I, C  iii
D) Catalysed reaction proceeds at D) None of these
rates vastly higher than that of
uncatalysed ones. Paragraph – 9.12.2
119. Choose the correct response
A) For every increase by 10°C, rate is How do enzymes being about
B) Rate decrease by one – fourth by such high rates of chemical
decrease in temperature by 10°C. conversions?
C) When enzymes catalysed reaction
are observed the rate would be 123. Which of the following correctly
vastly lower than the same but about enzymes
uncatalysed reaction. A) It is 2 – D structure
D) None of these B) Convert product into substrate
120. Choose correct response with C) They have active site
respect to given equation:- D) All of these
124. Transition sate structure is
Carbon dioxide + water ⇌ carbonic acid formed when –
A) Enzyme is free
A) Carbonic anhydrase is enzyme
B) Enzyme bound with product
required for accelerated reaction.
C) ‘ES’ complex
B) In absence of enzyme, still this
D) Substrate structure do not change
reaction is fast enough
even until product formed.
C) 200 molecules of H2CO3 being formed
125. Which of following are unstable
by enzyme accelerated reaction.
A) Enzyme B) Product
D) 600,000 molecules of H2CO3 being
C) Reactant
formed every second in absence of any
D) Intermediate structural states.
121. Which of the following is
correct chemical formula for pyruvic
A) C2H3O4 B) C3H3O3
C) C3H4O3 D) C6H12O6
122. Match column – I and column –
Column – I Column – II
(Metabolic (Occurrence)
A. Formation of (i) Anaerobic
alcohol condition of

Paragraph – 9.12.3
Nature of enzyme action
129. Which is correct way to
represent enzyme action
A) E + S  ES ⇌ EP ⇌ E + P
B) E + S ⇌ E + P
C) E + S ⇌ ES  EP  E + P
D) E + S  ES  EP ⇌ E +P
(i) (ii) (iii) 130. ES complex is _____ and
A) Activation Transition Activation dissociates into _____ and _____
energy state energy A) Long lived; product; changed
without with enzyme
enzyme enzyme B) Short lived; reaction, changed
B) Transition Activation Activation enzyme
state energy energy C) Long lived, reactant, unchanged
without with enzyme
enzyme enzyme D) Short lived, product, unchanged
C) Activation Activation Transition enzyme
energy energy state 131. Arrange in correct sequence of
with without catalytic cycle of an enzyme action-
enzyme enzyme i) The active site of the enzyme, now
D) Activation Activation Transition in close proximity of the substrate
energy with state breaks the chemical bonds of the
without enzyme substrate and the new enzyme
enzyme product complex is formed
ii) The substrate binds to the active
127. Choose correct response
site of enzyme, fitting into the
i) Y – axis represent potential
active site
iii) The enzyme release the products of
ii) X – axis represent substrate
the reaction and the free enzyme is
iii) Y – axis represent progress of
ready to bind to another molecule
of the substrate
iv) X – axis represent state
iv) The binding of the substrate
through transition state
induces the enzyme to alter its
A) i) & ii) B) iii) & iv) shape, fitting more tightly around
the substrate.
C) i) & iv) C) ii) & iii A) i  ii  iii iv
B) i  iii  ii  iv
128. If ‘P’ (product) is at lower level
C) ii  iv  i  iii
than ‘s’ (substrate), the reaction is
D) ii  iv  i  iii
A) Endothermic reaction
B) Exothermic reaction
C) Spontaneous reaction
D) A & C both
Paragraph – 9.12.4 136. As pH increase, enzyme
A) Constantly increase
Factors affecting enzyme
B) Constantly decrease
activity C) No effect
D) Increase until optimum and
132. Which of the following can decrease further pH
change enzyme activities? 137. With increase in substrate
A) All such activities that can alter concentration, the velocity of the
the tertiary structure of the protein enzymatic reaction –
B) Temperature pH A) Constantly increase
C) Substrate conditions B) Rise at first until Vmax and
D) All of these further no rise
133. Enzyme activity decline- C) No effect
A) Above the optimum value D) Decrease first until Vmax and
B) Below the optimum value increase further
C) A & B both 138. After reaching Vmax, the
D) Enzyme activity never decline enzymatic reaction does not exceed by
134. Optimum pH refer to – any further rise in concentration of
A) pH at which enzyme activity is substrate because-
lowest A) Enzymes molecules are fewer than
B) pH at which enzyme activity is substrate molecules
highest B) After saturation of those enzyme
C) pH at which enzyme activity molecules these are no free
started immediately enzyme molecules to bind with
D) pH at which enzyme activity ended additional substrate molecules
completely C) A & B
135. choose response with respect to D) After saturation of those enzyme
enzyme activities molecules, enzyme get changed it’s
i) low temperature destroy form.
enzyme 139. When the binding chemical
ii) high temperature preserve shut off enzyme activity, the process
enzyme in a temporarily is called ______ and the chemical is
inactive state called_____
iii) optimum temperature is A) Inhibition; inhibitor
temperature at which enzyme B) Inhibition; cofactors
activity is highest C) Exhibition, exhibitor
iv) As temperature increase, D) None of these
enzyme activity increase until 140. Da what effect is observe on
optimum and thereafter enzyme activity due to inhibitor
increase in temperature lead to A) It fasten enzyme kinetics
decline in enzyme activities B) It decline enzyme kinetics
v) As temperature increase C) It shut off enzyme kinetics
enzyme activities is zero until D) No effect on enzyme kinetics
optimum temperature &
thereafter increase in
temperature lead to increase in
enzyme activities
A) i, iii, iv B) ii, v
C) i, iv, v D) iii, iv
141. Inhibition of succinic i) Hydrolysis of ester, ether, peptide,
dehydrogenase by malonate is due to glycosidic,
A) Malonate is closely resembles with ii) C – C breakdown
substrate succinate in structure iii) C – halide breakdown
B) Malonate is competitive inhibitor iv) P – N breakdown
C) It binds with active site of succinic A) (i) only
dehydrogenase in place of B) (i) & (ii) only
structure C) (iii) & (iv) only D)
D) All of these D) i, ii, iii & iv
142. Competitive inhibitors are often 149. Lysase catalyse _ _ _ _ _ _ of
used in the control of – groups from substrates by mechanism
A) Viral pathogen other than hydrolysis leaving _ _ _
B) Bacterial pathogen bond.
C) Both A & B A. Addition ; double
D) None of these B. Removal ; double
C. Addition ; single
Paragraph – 9.12.5 D. Removal ; triple
150. Isomeric catalyse inter-
Classification & conversion of:
A. Optical isomer
nomenclature of enzyme B. Geometrical isomer
C. Position isomer
143. Enzyme are divided into how
D. All of these
many classes-
151. Linking of two compound is
A) 2 B) 4
achived by-
C) 6 D) 8
A. Lyases
144. Each classes of enzyme were
B. Transferase
further classification into______
C. Ligases
subclass and narned by ___ digit
D. Hydrolase
A) 13; 4 – 13 B) 4 – 13; 13
152. Ligase catalyse-
C) 4 – 13; 4 D) 4; 4 – 13
A. Joining of C-O
145. S reduced + S’ oxidised  S
B. Oxidation – reduction of substrate
oxidised + S’ reduced
C. Hydrolysis of C-C
A) Oxidoreductase
D. Conversion of optical isomer
B) Dehydrogenase
C) Transferase
D) A & B both
146. Enzyme catalysing a transfer of
a group i.e. hydrogen between pair of
substrate S and S’ is-
153. Cofactors are:-
A) Transferase B) Oxidoreductase
A. Proteinous part of enzyme
C) Lyases D) Ligases
B. Non-proteinous part of enzyme
147. Transferases enzyme catalyse a
C. Bound to substrate
transfer of G between pair substrate S
D. Bound to enzyme to make enzyme
& S’.
catalytically retard
G is other than –
A) Oxygen B) Amino
C) Hydrogen D) Carbon
148. Hydrolases catalyse –
154. How many kind of cofactors 160. Choose correct response from
may be identified- following with respect to
A. 1 carboxypeptidase.
B. 2 A. Zine are found as apoenzyme
C. 3 B. It is proteolytic enzyme
D. Zero C. Cofactor are covalent bond with
155. Cofactors are _ _ _ _ _ _ and side chain at active site
apoenzyme are _ _ _ _ part of enzyme. D. Between cofactor and substrate
A. Protein ; protein ionic bond is formed
B. Non-protein ; non-protein 161. How many coordination found
C. Protein ; non-protein in activity of carboxypeptidase?
D. Non-protein ; protein A. Only one ; between cofactor and
156. Prosthetic group are _ _ _ _ _ side chain at active site
and are distinguished from other B. Two between cofactor and side
cofactors in that they are _ _ _ _ _ chain at active site and at to many
bound to apoenzyme. ; same time form one or more bond
A. Organic compound ; tightly with substrate.
B. Organic compound ; loosely C. Zero
C. Inorganic compound ; loosely D. Only one ; between cofactor &
D. Inorganic compound ; tightly substrate
157. Which of following is/are 162. Find mismatch.
correct? Column-I Column-
(i) Haem is prothetic group. II
(ii) Haem is apoenzyme. (a) Carboxypeptid (i) Zine
(iii) Haem is not part of active site of ase
peroxidase. (b) NADP (ii) Niacin
(iv) Haem catalyse the formation of (c) Haem (iii) Peroxida
hydrogen peroxide from water & se
oxygen. (d) NAD (iv) Zine
(v) Haem is part of active site of 163. When cofactor is removed from
peroxidase. enzyme ; what effect is observed.
(vi) Haem catalyse the breakdown of A. Catalytic activity lost
hydrogen peroxide into water & B. Catalytic activity enhance
oxygen. C. Catalytic activity fix at optimum
A. i , iii , vi D. None of these
B. ii , iv , v
C. i , v , vi
D. ii , v , vi
158. NAD & NADP contain-
A. Vitamin niacin
B. Vitamin C
C. Vitamin D
D. Vitamin K
159. Full form of NAD is:-
A. Nicotinamide adenine nucleotide
B. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleoside
C. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
D. Nicotinamide adenine nucleoside
Answer Key: 38. D 76. D 118. D
39. D 77. B 119. A
1. C 120. A
40. A 78. C
2. A 121. C
41. B 79. C 122. D
3. A
42. A 80. D 123. C
4. B 124. C
43. B 81. D
5. C 125. D
44. B 82. C 126. C
6. B
45. C 83. A 127. C
7. B 128. B
46. D 84. D
8. B 129. C
47. B 85. B 130. D
9. A
48. D 86. C 131. D
10. D 132. D
49. B 87. A
11. D 133. C
50. 88. B 134. B
12. C
51. A 89. C 135. B
13. D 136. D
52. A 90. A
14. D 137. B
53. D 91. B
15. D 138. C
54. B 92. B 139. A
16. C
55. D 93. B 140. C
17. A 141. D
56. C 94. B
18. D 142. B
57. C 95. D 143. C
19. A
58. D 96. A 144. B
20. A 145. D
59. A 97. B
21. B 146. B
60. D 98. C 147. C
22. A
61. B 99. C 148. D
23. B 149. B
62. B 100. C
24. B 150. D
63. D 101. A
25. B 151. C
64. C 102. B
152. A
26. D 103. A
65. B 153. B
27. D 104. B
154. C
66. C 105. A
28. A 155. D
67. A 106. D
156. A
29. B 107. C
68. B 157. C
30. A 108. D
158. A
69. B 109. B
31. D 159. C
70. C 110. A
160. B
32. C 111. D
71. D 161. B
33. C 112. B
72. C 162. D
113. D
34. A 163. A
73. C 114. D
35. D 115. C
74. B
36. B 116. B
75. C 117. D
37. C

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