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sneer eos Bonus Loot TOWARDS COMPLETING STORY CARDS 4 sremure nx S SCORN onus roms roe ‘eae 5 Saup eal 1 random Squire card 10 each lay ‘Shuffle the deck and deal two Loot cards to each player. Each player chooses one cord to place at ther starting bag, ond posses the other card to the player on their left. Add your new card on top ofthe Fis (xe: To add a new Loot Card). Ine single player geme, the second card must cover nonunk item Place the deck Story-side up in the middle of the playing area. Flip the top two cards to either side of the deck, Loot-sde up. The player who last packed « bag goes first by read! ing the fist Story cord outloud Teri bat nl You yt (A) Check your bog of cord tos f you have enough tem Vole Bl oF he type shown. (em Vou ithe toll nunbar of fies of «given item yp) on (B)1F you dont have enough tes, tory cord may stood require you to ure am itm in your bog by covering T up (el To do this pik up the Loot card you want ox a rewrd fst, cond fully cover the lem being ved 1) ITEM VALUE ®) USE AN ITEM REQUIRED ie. Cover ny ie, Weopens 1 Volvable tem (Bows, Daggers or (Coins, chest, ‘Swords totaling or Bing), 2spoces To add « new Loot card to you bag; fit ot least one fll item from the new card on to the same number of files in your bag. You may cover any number of other items or junk, as long os the contre itom is covered, ‘Once you have place « Loot card, or choose fo past, end Your turn by flipping the Story card to an empty side of the deck. If both sides have Loot cards, cover elther card. End your turn by flipping the Story card info an empty spot beside the deck. If both sdes already have Loot cards, cover one card of your choice. you run out of story cards, restufle ony laover loot cards once to continue. If only 2-3 cards remain, flip one into Story cord. If one card remains, the next player may choose te toke it for free on their turn Ina 1 player game, de not reshuffle Loot cards. lo Loot cards are claimed, odd up each Sauire's points to determine the winner In the event of & tie, the player with the least emount of junk wins. Score 25 points or more in solo mode to get hired! Once all tend remove the rest from the game. (Note the ‘Bonus item Valve fill] on the top right, and bonus points for adjacent items at the bottom). i LOOT CARDS ‘Mystic Runes re powerful stones thet can manipulate Squire's bog. Rune abilities are cctive at long as they are visible in your bag. Runes ore worth T point at the end of the ‘gome, ond gain an extra point if placed adjacent to ony other Rune. cere es rer, Soe arrears: nen) “+ New carde are always placed ‘on top of your existing "bag + Junk tome (th © darker bboekground) deduct 1 point If left covered, + Your tem Voive ll ‘quel the combined umber ile that item type takes up in your bag. (ie the Statue ond two necklaces tot! 7) lace identical items together te score I point {or the pol (Once cil Loot cards are placed, tly you scores as shown below. ems can be counted mutiple times for multiple scoring methods Score 25 points or more in Sole to get hired! +1 pt for each Weapon, Armour, Magic, Valuable, Potion or Rune placed anywhere in your bag. + 1 pt for each pair of identical adjacent items (corner-to-comer doesn't count) + X pts for adjacent item combinations and elternate junk scoring shown on your Squire card. = 1 pt for every visible Junk item. i a * ‘ coummapinmg BE These rules adjust standard gameplay to allow for up to a 3-4 player game by reducing the playtime required for combined decks and offering players extra choice when completing story cards. However, they are not required - you may use standard rules when playing with combined decks for a longer game. You may also wish to use these rules when playing solo* or two player games with combined decks. Shuffle any two core sets together for a 3-4 player game. Split the combined deck back into two equal decks. Next, flip the top two cards to either side of each deck as normal. (On your turn, you may attempt to complete either of the two Story cards. However, you may only take the Loot card from beside the Story card you completed. Story cards can be flipped into an empty loot card space if one exists, or into a filled space covering an existing loot card. When flipping a Story card, fill any empty space, or cover any existing loot card if all spaces are filled. Once either Story deck runs out of cards, you may reshuffle only the loot cards beside that deck once. If either deck runs out of story cards, the game ends. All players add up their points to determine a winner! If playing a solo game using the above combined decks rules, solo mode — C Aline eilsenene » Se 2, CUTALONG THIN LINES 3. KEEP FRONTS AND BACKS TOGETHER BY GLUING OR SLEEVING THEM, rf tm ny 2, CUTALONG THIN LINES 2. KEEP FRONTS AND BACKS TOGETHER BY GLUING OR SLEEVING THEM. 2, CUTALONG THIN LINES 2. KEEP FRONTS AND BACKS TOGETHER BY GLUING OR SLEEVING THEM. \ Y ig Coane i a Cuan Toe ec See ely aa CE 1 oF ier ah eeQy

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