Exploration - 01
Exploration - 01
Exploration - 01
From the Table below, one boring will be needed for every 200 to 400 m2 of footprint area. Since the
total footprint area is 30 x 40 =1200 m2, use four borings.
The minimum depth is 5 S0.7 + D = 5(3)0.7 + 1 = 12 m. However, it would be good to drill at least one
of the borings to a slightly greater depth to check lower strata.
In summary, the exploration plan will be 4 borings with, 3 borings to 12 m, and 1 boring to 16 m.
Exploration – 02
A standard penetration test SPT has been conducted in a coarse sand to a depth of 16 ft
below the ground surface. The blow counts obtained in the field were as follows: 0 – 6
in: 4 blows; 6 -12 in: 6 blows; 12 -18 in: 6 blows. The tests were conducted using a
USA-style donut hammer in a 6 in diameter boring with a standard sampler and liner.
The vertical effective stress at the test depth was 1500 lb/ft2. Determine ( N1 )60 .
The US-style donut hammer efficiency is Em = 0.45, CB = 1.05, CS = 1.00, CR = 0.85. With these
values, find the corrected SPT to a 60% efficiency using Skempton’s relation,
That corrected SPT N60 is finally corrected for depth, using the Liao and Whitman formula,
(N1)60 = 9
Exploration – 03
Correct the SPTs shown below with an energy ratio of 60%. The bottom of the mat
foundation (the invert) is at elevation +5.2 feet.
Ground Surface
+10.9’ WT
+10.0’ Invert of mat
sand+ gravel
28.5- N=30
Em C B C S C R N
N 60=
Solution: 0 . 60 (from Skempton, 1986)
where: N60 = SPT N-value corrected for field procedures assuming 60% efficient
Em = 0.60 hammer efficiency (for safety hammer)
CB = 1.00 borehole diameter correction
CS = 1.00 sampler correction, = 0.75 (10’-13’)
CR = 0.85 (13’-20’) rod length correction, = 0.95 (20’-30’), = 1.0 (>30’)
N = SPT N-value recorded in the field by the driller.
At depth:
Exploration - 04
An SPT was performed at a depth of 20 feet in a sand stratum that has a unit weight of 135 lb/ft 3, and
yielded a blow count of 40. Find the depth corrected N-value.
or if is in kN / m2
if 1.5 kips / ft
if 1.5 kips / ft
with in kN / m2
Exploration - 05
A vane tester with a diameter d = 3.625 inches and a height h = 7.25 inches requires a torque of 17.0
ft-lb to shear a clay soil sample, with a plasticity index of 48%. Find the soil un-drained cohesion cu.
From the figure at the right (from Bjerrum, 1974), for a plasticity index of 48%, the correction factor
= 0.80. Therefore,