General Physics 2: Quarter 3-Module 4: Intro To Capacitors
General Physics 2: Quarter 3-Module 4: Intro To Capacitors
General Physics 2: Quarter 3-Module 4: Intro To Capacitors
Quarter 3- Module 4:
Intro to Capacitors
Prepared by:
Ian Karlo Perilla
Special Science Teacher I
3 Module 3
What I Know
1. Shown in the figure is a uniform electric field between a parallel plate capacitor, directed toward
the right. Which statement about this situation is correct?
What’s New?
In the previous modules, you learn that energy is stored in an electric field. The energy is in the form of
electric potential. So far, you know how to generate an electric field, even a uniform electric field. Can we
make some energy storage device through the use this principles? Yes – a capacitor.
What Is It
I. Whats inside: Capacitors
Capacitor is formerly
Capacitor is simply two pieces of metal (called plates) near each other, known as condenser, and
separated by an insulator or air (called dielectrics). A capacitor is used to store prior to that known as
charge and energy in an electric field permittor
Another type you can commonly see is the Disc Capacitor or Ceramic Capacitor it is also made from
two conductive material separated by a ceramic as dielectric.
II. Working principles of capacitors
Capacitor stores energy in the electric field. The principle is to create an electric field by keeping two
conductive material/metal plates as near as possible to each other BUT never touching (so we need a
dielectric/separator). If one plate is positively charged and the other plate is negative and both has the
same amount of charge Q (the no. of electron lacks on the other side, is the same no. of excess
electrons on the other side) then the plate will experience an attractive force = will generate electric
Example: Parallel plates are separated by a distance d, each plate with an area A. If A is large and d
is small, the plates are effectively infinite planes, and the E Field is uniform and entirely in between
Negatively charged plate
charged plate
If you connect the two plates together (i.e. using a wire or any conductive
material), the electrons from the negative plate will RUSH towards the
positive plate.. thus, you create flow of electrons! Flow of electrons =
current, sometimes you see SPARKS, if electrons br
1. At the positive plate the potential is higher and its magnitude decreases towards the
negative plate.
2. The potential difference between points A and B means potential at A minus potential at B
(ΔV=Va-Vb). So if you areinlooking
eaks the air.for the potential difference between the plates of a
capacitor, your will just subtract the Vs of both plates.
3. Can you light a bulb using a capacitor? Yes!
It depends on how fast the electron flow in the
connecting wire. So.. you can try, get the
parallel plate capacitor, connect the two parallel
plates using a wire… if you do it, the electrons
from the negative plate will rush in the wire just
to reach the positive plate… hence you’ve
created an electron flow! (just connect your bulb
on the wire)
In the picture at the right, just an aluminum foil
and plastic bottle serves as an energy storage
and lights up the bulb.
4. How can I charge the plates? There are many ways: charging by induction.. charging by
conduction.. HOWEVER, you can also use BATTERIES to charge a capacitor. A battery is
also an energy source, however it stores energy through chemical means unlike the capacitor
which stores its energy in the electric field.
Battery is like a PUMP, once you
connect something between the
This hexagonal terminal, it will make electrons
terminal is the flow in the direction NEGATIVE to
NEGATIVE terminal POSITIVE.. since the plates are
(electron ENTRANCE) separated by an insulator, one
of the battery plate will accumulate the extra
electrons, while the other plate
loses electrons….. and this will
create E Field between the plates.
This circular terminal is (More discussion about electron
the POSITIVE terminal flow in the next modules)
(electron EXIT) of the
What happen when you attach the capacitor on a battery? In the picture, the battery is 9V it
means that the potential difference between the negative terminal and the positive terminal is 9.
This also tells us that in the negative side the potential is zero volts, and on the positive one is 9
volts. SO.. if you connect the uncharged capacitor in the battery.. ELECTRIC FIELD will be
generated inside the capacitor because the plate that is connected to the negative terminal gains
extra electrons with MAXIMUM 9 VOLT potential, while the plate that connects to the positive
terminal loswill have the zero volt potential. Leaving the capacitor with a potential difference
of 9V, same as the battery (Note: This is true if the capacitor is IDEAL, it means it doesn’t have
internal resistance)
[You will learn more about batteries when we talk about electric current in the next modules]
5. Charges are always on the inside surfaces, because (+) attracts (–) . The outside surfaces
remain uncharged.
6. "Charge Q on a capacitor" always means +Q on one plate, –Q on the other plate. Capacitors
are charged by transferring (–) charge from one plate to the other. Taking (–) charge off a plate
leaves behind an equal-sized (+) charge
7. The charges make an E-field, which means a voltage difference between the plates. The
"voltage V on a capacitor" always means the voltage difference ΔV between the plates.
Question 1.1 Capacitor is used to store charge and battery also stores charge. Is a household battery a
capacitor? Explain.
III. Capacitance: A new concept
Capacitance C of a capacitor: C = Q/V
It is a measure of capacitors ability to store energy.
If we double the charge Q, the voltage V doubles, but the ratio Q/V remains constant. [Remember: Q
means +Q and –Q , V means ΔV.]
units [C] = coulomb / volt = farad (F)
Big capacitance (1F) ⇒ can store a big Q with a small V
Small capacitance (nF = 10 F) ⇒ small Q stored with a big V
Notice that the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor depends only on the size and shape of the two
metal parts. This turns out to true of all capacitors. The capacitance of two pieces of metal depends solely
on their geometry.
Note that this formula means C increases as d decreases. Why? If Q is kept fixed, we have the same
magnitude E-field (because same charge density σ = Q/A creates the E = σ/ε0 ). Smaller d and same-sized
E means smaller voltage V = E d. Same Q and smaller V means bigger C = Q/V
Effects of Dielectric on a capacitor:
When dielectric is inserted the capacitance is increased by a factor of k.
𝑘𝜀0 𝐴
Other derivations:
U = ½ CV2 U= ½ Q2/C
Whats More?
1. The plates of a parallel plate capacitor have an area of 0.4 m2 and are 3 mm apart in air. What is the
Identify: Find the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.
Set-Up: The capacitor has 2 metal plates of with areas 0.4 m2 each. So we have A=0.4 m2, the separation
distance d=0.003 m (Always convert to SI unit), our dielectric is air, so k=1.
C = Q/V = kε0 (A/d) = (1)(8.85x10-12) [(0.4) /0.003 ] = 1/18nF
Evaluate: The capacitance is 1/18nF. As we can see, we always see capacitance in small quantities, like
nano farad.
2. An ideal parallel-plate capacitor consists of two parallel plates of area A separated by a distance d.
This capacitor is connected to a battery that maintains a constant potential difference across the plates.
If the separation between the plates is now doubled, the amount of electrical energy stored on the
capacitor will
Identify: What will happen to the energy stored in the capacitor if capacitor has charge Q and a
constant potential difference V? (since it is connected at the battery the whole time, potential
difference between the plates will be the same as the battery)
Set-Up: We know that the capacitance of a capacitor decreases if the separation distance d increases,
given C= kε0 (A/d). if you double d.. then C= kε0 (A/2d) so.. the new C is half of the original value.
So we plug it in the equation of calculating energy U.
Identify: What will happen to the energy stored in the capacitor if capacitor has charge Q and a
potential difference V? (take note that the battery is not connected when the separation between
the plates was doubled… so it means that the potential difference between the plates also
CHANGES as the plates are moving, it is not constant.)
Set-Up: The plates has charged Q and as the separation distance increases, the strength of the E
field between the plate will also change since E=V/r (in a uniform E Field). If r is doubled then V
will also be doubled. Now, we plug it in the equation of calculating energy U.
Execute: U=1/2 QV, Q is constant in this case but the V is doubled. Then.. U=1/2 Q(2V) then
U=QV, so.. the electric energy stored doubles.
Learning Goals:
Students will be able to:
● Identify the variables that affect the capacitance and how each affects the capacitance.
● Determine the relationships between charge, voltage, and stored energy for a capacitor.
● Relate the design of the capacitor system to its ability to store energy.
● Explain how to use a capacitor to light a bulb.
● Describe what happens as charge drains away from a capacitor into a light bulb
Develop your understanding: Open the Capacitance screen, then explore to develop your own ideas
about how a capacitor is designed.
Explain your understanding: Use your own words and captured images from the simulation to show
you can:
1. Identify what features of a capacitor can be maximized or minimized to make a capacitor with the
greatest capacitance.
2. Design experiments to find the relationships between charge, voltage, and stored energy for a
capacitor. Summarize your experimental procedures and findings.
3. If you wanted to design a capacitor system to store the greatest energy, what would you use?
4. What are the required components to use a capacitor to light a bulb and how does the
system operate?
5. How would using a capacitor to light a bulb compare to using just a battery as
6. Describe what happens as charge drains away from a capacitor into a light bulb.
Include the use of as many tools in the simulation as possible in your observations.
a. What features of the simulation did you use to help you?
7. Research to find a practical application where the energy stored in a capacitor is used. (cite
11. Shown in the figure is a uniform electric field between a parallel plate capacitor, directed toward
the right. Which statement about this situation is correct?
Evidence of 5 3 2 Score
Focuses reflections on
the topics, activities or 15%
tasks presented in the
Supports reflections 25%
with examples based
on a personal account
or real-life experience.
Reveals feelings 5%
(negative or positive)
towards the topic or
work with explanation.
Relates current 10%
insights with the
Future applications
Relates lessons
learned with what one
already knows/to a
real-life situation.
Encompasses all 15%
topics discussed or
assigned as coverage
of reflection
Presents no idea that is 15%
Others (Pls. specify)
Submitted on Time 10%
Final Mark 100%
Additional Activities
Watch the following videos: Module 3: Playlist
Different types of capacitor; Effects of inserting dielectric(5:21)
o University Physics 14th ed., Young and Freedman
o Openstax AP Physics
o PHET Simulation University of Colorado Boulder
o M Dubson PHY 102 Lecture Notes, University of Colorado.
Discussion Forum: Can I use the capacitor as a replacement for battery? Why? (Please provide thorough