Chapter 7 Politics Sociology Final
Chapter 7 Politics Sociology Final
Chapter 7 Politics Sociology Final
Max Weber: Opportunity existing within a social relationship which permits one to carry out one’s
will even against resistance and regardless of the basis on which opportunity rests.
Amos Hawley: Every social act is an exercise of power, every social relationship is a power
equation and every social group or a system is an organization of power.
Features of power:
• Structural aspect of social reality,
• operates reciprocally but usually not equally reciprocally,
• manifests itself in a relationship manner,
• appears as a process not a fixed part of social structure,
• power in inherent in social stratification,
• it becomes basis of social stratification ex CW Mills.
Sources of power:
Legitimate (traditional, charisma, rational legal) illegitimate – force (violence, coercion)
1) Elite theory of power: developed by Italian sociologists Vilferado Pareto and Gaetano
Mosca, only minority has talent/intelligence/ability/ leadership to occupy positions of
power, minority influence govt decisions and gains it dominant position beyond general
elections (democracy is utopia), elites hold power due to religious values, hereditary or
certain personal qualities
Sleepy Classes
- Society degenerates when elites occupy status due to ascription and not through
o Elites are divided into Foxes and Lions (Taken from Machiavelli’s anti thesis);
▪ Lions are conservative elites who have residue of persistence (faith in
ideology, group loyalty);
▪ Foxes have vitality and imagination, prefer materialistic goals and
strategy of emotional appeal to fraud; replace lions who lack manipulative
• No method of measuring qualities,
• T Parsons(residues change with change in society),
• Difference between foxes and lions is nothing but style of rule,
• Pareto used only 2 residues out of 6.
Sleepy Classes
a) CW MILLS: book ‘the power elite’;
Elites have same lifestyle, family relationship and perpetuate rules through self recruitment.
However, elites have no moral/psychological superiority. Elite rule is not inevitable. Masses are
not incompetent. They are kept in state of ignorance and powerlessness.
- Power of public opinion is ignored.
Karl Mannheim in his book ‘ideology and Utopia’ says that elites are different from
totalitarians. In democracy, people remove leaders not working according to their wishes
- Robert Dahl – “Who Governs” – Found in New Haven, Connecticut that power is
dispersed. Arnold Rose reconfirmed the findings.
Sleepy Classes
Based on functionalism (Parsons) and classical pluralism with emphasis on equilibrium, stability
and gradual change) society is decentralized
Power is widely shared/diffused and fragmented and derived from multiple resources.
Diverse group with conflicting interests such that none play dominant role.
T PARSONS (variable sum): criticized Weber for constant sum of power. Power can decrease
and increase.
For ex modernity has raised lifestyle of all. It is structural feature of society and a generalized
facility or resource.
It is capacity to mobilize resources for attainment of goals.
Value consensus, goals are shared and power is used to further collective goals.
Western democracies are ‘deposit’ of power and people can withdraw deposit in next elections.
- Concentration on first face (Steven Lukes),
- Not all interest groups have equal power (ex refugees),
- Safe decision are taken in disguise.
Sleepy Classes
CONFLICT theories
Haves (owners of production) have power like elites. Coercive power but accepted due to false
In communist manifesto, oppression of one class by other is political power;
Power is pervasive which dominant class exercises in every field through dominant ideologies.
Power of the state therefore involves the development of new types of knowledge, to collect
more information and exercise more control over its population.
Foucault does not just think of power in coercive terms, paradoxically Foucault only sees power
as operating when people have some freedom.
Foucault says discourse is practice that systematically forms the objects of which they speak.
Example psychiatry created the mentally ill.
Power is part of the discourse of psychiatry and not something that is held by individual
Foucault traced the changes in nature and purpose of punishments in 18th century.
By 19th century punishment changed from that of body to that of soul, intention changed to
People were judged for what they were instead of what they had done.
Motivation behind the crime began to be taken into account.
This Foucault argues brought experts into power relations making discourses carry the power.
Sleepy Classes
Michael Mann - The sources of social power
Example - Britain can be analysed as either a country, a part of military alliance NATO or part of
economic grouping EU.
Mann said throughout history there has never been an isolated society.
His idea of power is the ability to pursue and attain goals through mastery of the environment.
2) Intensive Power - ability to organise tightly and command high level of mobilisation or
commitment from the participants.
Example - Religious sect.
Diffused power spreads in a more spontaneous way. It involves power relationships but ones
which operate without commands being issued.
Example – a company going out of business not because someone commands it to but because
it is unable to compete.
Sources of power
• Economic
• Ideological
• Political
• Military
That is, Mann’s idea is wider than that of Karl Marx’s.
Sleepy Classes
Pierre Bourdieu - The concept of symbolic power
To account for the tacit almost unconscious modes of cultural/social domination occurring within
the everyday social habits maintained over conscious subjects.
Symbolic power accounts for discipline used against another to confirm that individual's
placement in a social hierarchy, at times in individual relations but most basically through system
institutions, in particular education.
Also referred to as "soft power", symbolic power includes actions that have discriminatory or
injurious meaning or implications, such as gender dominance and racism. Symbolic power
maintains its effect through the mis-recognition of power relations situated in the social matrix of
a given field.
While symbolic power requires a dominator, it also requires the dominated to accept their
position in the exchange of social value that occurs between them.
The concept of symbolic power was first introduced by Pierre Bourdieu in La Distinction.
Bourdieu suggested that cultural roles are more dominant than economic forces in determining
how hierarchies of power are situated and reproduced across societies.
Status and economic capital are both necessary to maintain dominance in a system, rather than
just ownership over the means of production alone. The idea that one could possess symbolic
capital in addition and set apart from financial capital played a critical role in Bourdieu's analysis
of hierarchies of power.
Sleepy Classes
Political parties
They are driven by clear ideologies which influence other members to become part of these
organizations which then elect a common leader.
This leader is defined by the ideology and rule of law.
In a democracy–
Maurice Duverger -
Robert Dahl –
1) Exterior Party – Emerging out of external influence. Like CPI in India due to CP China,
2) Interior Party – Like Communist Party of USSR.
General Criteria –
Sleepy Classes
Advantages of Uniparty System-
Maurice Duverger-
Political Stability. Strict adherence to public policy. Glorification of Nationalism.
Disadvantages –
David Lane-
Voice of people not given due acknowledgement. Authoritarian govt.
Disadvantages –
Robert Smith -
Divides the nation. In the globalised world, parties follow similar policies.
Disadvantages –
Political Confusion. Instability. Opportunistic politics. Death of ideological
politics. FPTP employed, with its own demerits (a small fraction can win the results).
Elite pluralist parties are governed by leaders who are Elite and elite make critical decisions.
Pressure groups
Interest Group - Unlike political parties interest groups do not aim to form government, rather
they seek to influence political parties and the various departments of the state.
They do not have wide range of interests rather they want to project a specific interest (e.g. CII
- confederation of Indian Industries)
When an interest group seeks governmental aid in achieving its own ends and succeeds in
influencing governmental policy to its advantage, then it becomes a pressure group.
Robert McKenzie –
Two types of pressure groups –
Protective groups- Defends the interests of a particular section of society, e.g. trade unions, CII
(zero-sum game)
Promotional groups- Support a particular cause rather than guard the interests of a particular
group- e.g. Greenpeace, PETA etc. membership is larger and open than the protective groups
Sleepy Classes
Gabriel Almond –
Categorized these groups in terms of structural forms as under:
1. Institutional interest groups (within the institutions like army and business associations) –
Associations or groups out of human’s sociable character. Formed on the basis of different
grounds. Same religion, ethnic group, or kinship. The members complain about their non-
delegation to the legislature, or the non-fulfilment of their legitimate demands. Very common in
developing societies (because stronger ascriptive identities).
Another criteria-
1) Insider - With access to power
2) Outside the power circles
Durkheim –
In “Professional Ethics and Civic Morals” Durkheim calls them tool for associative
They hold people together and effective checks on individual in Industrial society.
Bernard Barber –
They are called third sector of democracy.
For parties :
- Funds and resources
- Policy feedback
- Constructive criticism
- Mobilize support and votes
Sleepy Classes
- Link between people party and state
- Conduit for opinion transition
For society :
- Control individualism
- Platform
- Grievance venting organ
- Represent sectional interest
- Criticise policies
- Check Elite rule or authoritarianism
- Transmit public opinion
- Sensitize people
- Represent disadvantaged
Criticism :
- Lobbying between pressure group and state
- Often vulnerable groups left out only dominant voice is heard
- Many pressure groups try to capture political power
- Often disintegrate and lose vigor
- Can't handle repressive state
But Dawes and Hughes believe that pressure group are continuous mandate for government or
parties and democracy can't be conceived without them
Voting behaviour
Sleepy Classes
Gandhi – It is not a legal phenomenon but a spiritual one involving respect for each other and
decentralisation of power.
Abraham Lincoln - Rule by people and government by, of, for the people
Functionalist (Parsons) - people bestow power to leaders which could be withdrawn during
elections (as in a saving account in a bank).
1) Participative-
Direct participation via referendum, recall, plebiscite, initiative
2) Representative
- Agent based (one who consults the electorate).
- Delegate based (one who acts on his own discretion while taking decisions)
3) Associative
In “Professional ethics and Civic morals” by Durkheim
Participation via voluntary organisation (socialist society)
Sensitize, check on bureaucracy, Civic culture etc
3) R Aran - communist societies represent all interest. Pluralist represent Elite rule.
4) Lipset and Coleman find control of Institutions by economic elites but Real democracy
requires institutional democracy.
6) Dynasty Rule
Sleepy Classes
7) Elite Self Recruitment
8) Catch-All - Parties with divergent ideologies tend to become centrist after being voted-in
9) Illetracy and ignorance of populace
10) Episodic Accountability - Democracy limited to voting only.
11) Limited accountability mechanism.
12) Alexis de Tocqueville - Tyranny of majority.
13) Steven Lukes – 3rd Face of Power – State using its power to form opinions of people in its
14) JS Mill - “If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the
contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he
had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind” -
Sleepy Classes
Weber - State is a "human community that successfully claims monopoly over the legitimate
use of physical force within a given territory".
Other groups might resort to violence, but they are termed as terrorists, or hooligans.
Machiavelli –
Members confined in a boundary are deemed citizens and enjoy several political, cultural,
religious, social and economic rights.
1) Pluralist –
State controlled by many parties and organisation and represent interest of all.
Lipset - institutionalization of class-conflict through parties.
Aran - power with people in socialist regimes (pluralism).
2) Elite –
CW Mills - State represents Elite interest
Michels - democracy is rule by oligarchic organisations through Bureaucracy.
Elite interest not put to serious challenge
3) Functionalist –
Parsons : State needed for two objectives –
- Determining goals based on value consensus
- Mobilizing resources for fulfillment
4) Marxian –
(state in capitalism)
State committed to common interest of capitalist and staffed by ruling class.
Sleepy Classes
Relation between ruling class and governing class –
Ralph Miliband - State functions to serve capitalist interests. Because of the similar social
origins of members of state, government and the personal ties between members of state
government and the ruling-class elites.
Poulantzas - The relative autonomy of the state from the capitalist class. The structure of
society is capitalist, thus, state is by default capitalistic in nature. No need for capitalists to be
there in the governing class.
Westergaard and Risler - welfare state a myth. Still inequality prevails. Social security
systems concessions to suppress proletarian Revolt.
Postmodernist – Habermas
Space between public private is shrinking
Institutional apparatus serves state interest at cost of individual Liberty
Ralph Milliband (Marxist) says that state becomes agent of wealthy but direct intervention is not
needed. (3rd face – indoctrination)
Hegemony is achieved not by force but by idea (concessions /dual consciousness – ideas are
not always derived from capitalists).
Cultural ideological hegemony: In culturally diverse society ruling class manipulate culture
(beliefs/ explanations/ perceptions/values) so that it becomes accepted;
Dominant ideology becomes acceptable/perpetual and beneficial for all (status quo) rather than a
fake social construct;
(The future of capitalist state) Neo-marxist
Sleepy Classes
Repressive state apparatus : ruling class controls govt/courts/police/military and even state.
People submit due to fear of legal prosecution and police action.
Critique :
State is stronger than ever,
Eco growth has become imp functional duty of state,
Other sources of power than wealth.
Although some Marxists and neo Marxists predicted relative autonomy of state but state is never
to go against ruling class. Nordlinger says that state has autonomy.
TYPE 1: State has different wishes from major groups (state has resources. Decision making
TYPE 2: Persuades opponents to change their mind (active role in manipulating public opinion).
TYPE 3: Apathy of the public (not every group is sure of its demands so leaves it to state).
State can have its own goals like reinforce the authority, political longevity etc
She talks about state capacity which depends on reliable income (taxes from rich), no foreign
debt, increase in state power by having human resource etc.
When state capacity decreases only then revolution occurs (ex Russian, French, Chinese
Sleepy Classes
Globalisation and power of the nation-state
- globalisation is not New and it is not reducing power of nation state
- globalisation has impacted Western societies more where infrastructure is present
- globalisation has exploited the poor explicitly
- Global problems have emerged like terrorism, drug, weapon trade, money laundering
- Global Institutions may not be subject to democratic control
Globalisation has mostly negative impact that is class polarization and ecological unsustainability
Transformationalist Stance:
There is nothing new about globalization and in future, it might change direction or can be
Globalization is bringing diverse people together which can become source of conflict.
Sleepy Classes
A citizen is not one who lives in a nation state, he is not just an inhabitant (aliens also are), he is the
one who participates in the process of govt-two way – rights (demands on state) and duties (demand
by state). Harold J Laski says that state is known by rights it maintains. State is not merely a
sovereign organization which is entitled to citizen’s allegiance. In monarchies, only subjects are
Citizenship has been defined as legal status of membership in political community. Citizenship is
rights to have rights.
TH MARSHALL defines citizenship as a status, which is enjoyed by a person who is a full member of a
community. Citizenship has three components: civil (individual freedom institutionalized in law)
political (right to participate in exercise of political power and holding of public office) and social
(right to participate in appropriate standard of living). He says that there is permanent tension
between citizenship and capitalist market (capitalism involves inequality while citizenship involves
distribution of sources because of rights).
Marshall theory critique: only English experience with no comparative analysis. Expansionary
analysis of citizenship without examining social processes which undermine citizenship (gender
differences, discrimination ). It is not clear about cause of expansion of citizenship.
Talcott Parsons says that citizenship is measure of modernization of society because it is based on
values of universalism and achievement.
State is imp political organization but it mainly pursues its objective through law and coercive force.
State role is expanding due to welfarism even if as a regulator. State and citizens often are at
opposite end due to difference of opinion on morality, private sentiments, high social values,
aspirations etc. ex Kashmir.
Sleepy Classes
It represents an ideology that those with the common identity and characteristics represent
distinct political community.
This political community is unified by territorial boundary.
Albert Cohen - Nationalism was the result of a reaction to colonialism in third world Nations.
Economic globalisation to pose threat to territorial homogeneity and control the economy of
nation state.
Privatization, rise of new non state Agencies, civil society organisations, ngos etc would make
differentials in society.
Andrew Pilkington –
Otherisation - As the globalisation grew, the idea that we are different from the others also grew.
Eventually leading to the proposal of the idea of nation and nationalism. It flew from Elites to
lower stratas.
Hybrid Identities – One is English + British + European at the same time.
Hyphenated identities (minorities) need to be mainstreamed and protected to form ‘inclusive
Sleepy Classes
Ernest Gellner - nationalism intensifies with global forces.
Stuart hall - nationalism provides sense of security to ethnies amidst turbulence of global forces.
Sleepy Classes
The most dramatic and far-reaching example of non -orthodox political action is revolution - the
overthrow of an existing political order by means of a mass movement, using violence.
Revolutions are tense, exciting and fascinating events; understandably, they attract great
Yet for all of their high drama, revolutions occur relatively infrequently
Any sudden change in government of a society brought about violently often called coup-de-etat
or Palace revolution.
More broadly it's a complete change of social structure where political change reflects one of its
Revolution may be due to political, economic and social other factors or a combination of all on
any of these.
J curve theory of revolution - believe that it's a result of relative deprivation when period of
economic prosperity are reversed.
Marxian view –
Describe nature of revolution where changes brought about in economic organisation results in
change in political structure
For Marx history of society was history of struggle between the classes (replacement of one
mode of production by another is involved in a revolution)
Many believed that Revolution would occur where the social contradictions are more prominent.
Example collapse of socialism in Soviet replaced by multi party
Fukuyama (End of History) - Democracy and economic capitalism called true revolution.
Sleepy Classes
Althuser believed that Revolution would occur in weak link in chain of capitalism where social
condratictions are more prominent
Theda Skocpol – Revolutions occur when state capacity wekanens. (Russian, French, Chinese)
Civil society-
Civil society is community of citizens linked by common interests and collective identity. It
manifests will and interests of the citizens. It is third sector of society after govt and business. It
limits power of state and usher in true and vibrant democracy by enhancing participation.
JS MILL and Alexis de Tocqueville: CS is domain of social association which will check
excesses of the state. (based on liberal democratic theory: right bearing individuals are free to
pursue their private associations with others)
Anthony Giddens—
Groups which fall outside the market and government both can be termed as civil society.
Government and the market alone are not enough to solve the many challenges in late modern
Civil society - must be strengthened and joined up with government and business.
Voluntary groups, families and civic associations can play vital roles in addressing community
issues from crime to education.
Some elements of civil society (often characterised as ‘social movements’) seek radical
transformations of the prevailing order.
However, civil society also includes reformist elements that seek only modest revisions of
existing governance arrangements and conformist elements that seek to reinforce established
Sleepy Classes
- Increases public accountability- Civic groups can monitor the implementation and effects
of policies
- Fosters legitimacy- providing for interaction between people and the government, giving
the government legitimacy
Caution -
- Civil society can pursue anti-democratic goals
- Employ antidemocratic means
- produce anti-democratic consequences
But these risks are by no means grounds to exclude civil society, but they give reason to treat it
with care.
General issues
• Funding and elite run,
• Mafia and militia group are part of cs (ideology and propaganda),
• Black money in the name of aid,
• Internal democracy lacking and corruption,
• Govt agencies are ill equipped to handle cs inputs,
• Insensitivity to local cultures (foreign ngo)
• People power,
• Empowering citizen,
• New leaders,
• End of tyranny,
• Generate public support
Sleepy Classes
Protest, agitation, social movements, collective action, revolution
Collective action—
Group of people engaged in some sort of interaction, within the group as well as with other
groups, which creates a collective identity.
In sociology collective action is treated differently from individual action and can be classified
in terms of (DISCOO) –
• Duration
• Ideology
• Structure (under what structure is the collective action happening, Authoritative or
• Consequences
• Objective
• Organisation
The process of opposition against any other person, group, issue or even society.
The activity of showing opposition to fulfill the purpose of protest.
Both could be
- Organised (Socio-Religious Movements of 19th Century)
- Unorganised (Rioting, blockade)
- Acceptability (Acceptability in the society. Anna Hazare movement)
- Non-Acceptability (Non-Acceptability in the society. LGBT protests, Slut Walk)
General Causes -
- Dissatisfaction (with the prevalent conditions)
- Dissent (Manifest. Difference of opinion)
- Disagreement (Latent)
- Relative Deprivation
- Strain
Sleepy Classes
- Vested Interest
Special Causes –
- Precipitating Factor
- Specific Demands.
Example – Driver beaten after an accident is not a movement because it is not sustained, but
Sanskritisation by Rajvanshis is.
Sleepy Classes
Social movements-
Anthony Giddens-
"collective attempts to further a common interest or secure a common goal through action
outside the sphere of established institutions"
Social movements often arise with the aim of bringing about change on a –
- public issue, such as expanding civil rights for a segment of the population.
- In response to social movements, counter-movements sometimes arise in defence of
the status quo.
The American civil rights movement succeeded in pushing through important pieces
of legislation outlawing racial segregation in schools and public places.
David Aberle –
Charles Tilly –
Social movements as a series of contentious performances, displays and campaigns by which
ordinary people make collective claims on others.
For Tilly, social movements are a major vehicle for ordinary people's participation in public
On basis of Ideology –
- Marxian
- Gandhian
- Feminist
- Anti-state
Sleepy Classes
- Anti-Society
Theories of social movement
'Active' or outwardly directed, aiming to transform society—
e.g. An example of the former would be the labour movement, which aimed to radically change
capitalist societies in egalitarian ways
'Expressive' or inwardly directed, trying to change the people who become involved.
e.g. 'New Age' movements, which encourage people to transform their inner selves.
In practice most social movements involve both active and expressive elements.
As movement activists and supporters undergo changes in their self-identity as a result of
campaigns to change society.
Many environmental campaigns. for example, are explicitly aimed at preventing environmental
damage, but in the process they often generate an increasing self-identification with the natural
world, thereby transforming people's perception of self.
(also Tilly - )
Studies tended not to explore the rational decisions and strategies of movement activists.
This aspect was left for later scholars to pursue.
Critics argued that these were largely descriptive accounts that did not really pay enough
attention to explanations that were able to connect social movement activity to changes in the
social structure.
Sleepy Classes
Neil Smelser- Strain theory (CS GF AC)
Smelser argued that six 'value-added' elements are necessary for a social movement
to develop:
Structural strain -- There needs to be a strain between people's expectations and social
Generalized beliefs- If the first two conditions are met, then it is necessary for generalized
beliefs about the causes of strain to develop and spread in order to convince people of the need
to join or form a social movement. He sees such generalized beliefs as often quite primitive and
based on wish fulfilment, rather than rationally thought through
Precipitating factors- These are essentially events that act as sparks to ignite the flame
of protest action. A good example of this would be the removal of Rosa Parks from a
racially segregated bus in the USA in 1955, which triggered protests and became a key event
in the black civil rights movement. Without them, the process of movement formation may be
stalled for a long period. Tunisia – Vegetable Vendor self-immolated, started Arab Spring.
Mobilization for action Having witnessed a precipitating event, the next value-added element is
effective communication via the formation of an active social network which allows activists to
perform some of the functions necessary for successful protest and organization-building; writing
and distributing pamphlets. organizing demonstrations, taking membership fees and so on. All of
this activity requires a higher level of networking and social networking. (made possible in today's
times by internet)
Failure of social control -- The final causal factor in Smelser's model is the response of
the forces of social control. The response of authorities can be crucial in closing down
an emergent social movement or creating opportunities for it to develop. Sometimes an over-
reaction by authorities can encourage others to support the movement, especially in our
media-dominated age. Theda Skocpol calls it- Decrease in State Capacity.
Critical points
- In focusing attention on generalized beliefs, Smelser's model implied that individuals are
motivated to start social movements for irrational reasons, rooted in misleading
ideas about their situation.
- This fell back into an older tradition that saw movements as unusual or marginal
Contemporary significance
Smelser's work on social movements has deservedly received more attention in recent years and
is undergoing something of resurgence.
Sleepy Classes
It still offers a multi-causal model of movement formation and even critics have extracted
elements from it - such as ideas within resource mobilization theory, political opportunity
structures and frame analysis - which have proved very productive
Similarly, his model connects movement activism to social structures and may provide insights
into the rise of new social movements.
Resource mobilisation theory
RMT developed in the late 1960s and 1970s, partly as a reaction to social unrest theories,
which appeared to portray social movements as 'irrational' phenomena.
Chronic discontent turn into social movements when necessary resources are available to
effectively challenge the established order.
- Political dissatisfaction is not enough to bring about social change.
- Resources are needed to become an active force in society.
- RMT have an economistic feel.
- There are similarities between social movements and the competitive market economy.
- There is a competitive field of movements - a 'social movement industry' (SMI) -
within which movements compete for scarce resources, members and activists.
- Social movement organizations (SMOs) therefore find themselves in competition with
other SMOs, some of which may appear to share their aims.
- RMT underplays the effects of post-industrialism or globalization processes in bringing
change on Social Movements. These may change the context of movement struggles.
- One-off incidents, like reporting of an asylum seeking kid dying while crossing the seas,
stirred the European community to change their asylum policy.
- But once they became more effectively organized, direct actions became fewer and the
'dead hand of bureaucracy', as described by Max Weber and Robert Michels, took
over as the movements lost momentum and impact.
Anthony Giddens states that some recent changes have been taking place in modernity. He
believes modernity is developing into a phase which may be called high modernity or radicalised
He identifies 4 dimensions of modernity
1. Capitalism-Private ownership
2. Industrialism-Mass production using machines
3. Surveillance-Supervision of activities of subjects
4. Military Power- Control of means of violence
According to Giddens SMs develop corresponding to these 4 dimensions
Sleepy Classes
1. Labour movements-
2. Ecological movements-
3. Free speech/democratic movements-
4. Peace
Giddens believes ecological and peace movements are relatively new phenomenon which have
come up with globalisation and more awareness.
(Nation – Psychological. State – Political. Country – Geographical)
A nation is a large group or collective of people with common characteristics attributed to them -
including language, traditions, mores (customs), habitus (habits), and ethnicity.
By comparison, a nation is more impersonal, abstract, and overtly political than an ethnic group.
It is a cultural-political community that has become conscious of its autonomy, unity, and
particular interests.
Joseph Stalin –
"a nation is not a racial or tribal, but a historically constituted community of people;"
"a nation is not a casual or ephemeral conglomeration, but a stable community of people";
"a nation is formed only as a result of lengthy and systematic intercourse, as a result of people
living together generation after generation";
"a nation is a historically constituted, stable community of people, formed on the basis of a
common language, territory, economic life, and psychological make-up manifested in a common
For the most part, members of a nation remain strangers to each other and will never likely
Vance Packard - Hence the phrase, "a nation of strangers".
Ernest Renan - A willingness to "live together", producing a nation that results from an act of
Sleepy Classes
- Identifying the individual and collective mechanisms within a nation (Duties vs Rights
of a citizen)
- Role of United Nations as an international collectivity
- the role a State plays in a nation (Granville Austin – in India, the State is making the
- Nations becoming economies
- Issues of Sub-nationalism
Bureaucracy is the administrative system governing any large institution.
Karl Marx
Marx was opposed to the bureaucracy.
He saw the development of bureaucracy in government as a natural counterpart to the
development of the corporation in private society.
Marx posited that while the corporation and government bureaucracy existed in seeming
opposition, in actuality they mutually relied on one another to exist.
Max Weber
1922 essay Bureaucracy published in his “Economy and Society”.
Bureaucratic administration means fundamentally domination through knowledge.
Bureaucracy as an Ideal-typical forms of public administration, government, and business.
Bureaucratisation of society.
As the most efficient and rational way of organizing.
Bureaucratization - key part of the rational-legal authority
Weber does agree that bureaucracy constitutes the most efficient and (formally) rational way in
which human activity can be organized, and that thus is indispensable to the modern world.
Sleepy Classes
Weber listed several precondititions for the emergence of bureaucracy-
- The growth in space and population being administered
- The growth in complexity of the administrative tasks being carried out
- The existence of a monetary economy requiring a more efficient administrative system.
- Democratization and rationalization of culture resulted in demands that the new system
treats everybody equally
Weber's ideal-typical bureaucracy is characterized by
- hierarchical organization
- delineated lines of authority in a fixed area of activity
- action taken on the basis of and recorded in written rules
- bureaucratic officials need expert training
- rules are implemented by neutral officials
- career advancement depends on technical qualifications judged by organization, not
There is
- a rigid division of labor
- a chain of command is established, restricted by regulations
- there is a regular and continuous execution of the assigned tasks by qualified and trained
Woodrow Wilson
Essay "The Study of Administration"
Argued for a bureaucracy as
- A professional cadre
- Devoid of allegiance to fleeting politics of the day
- Raised very far above the dull level of mere technical detail
- Administrative questions are not political questions
- Politics sets the tasks for administration but it should not be suffered to manipulate its
Robert K. Merton
In “Social Theory and Social Structure”
Dysfunctional aspects of bureaucracy-
- A "trained incapacity" resulting from "overconformity."
- Bureaucrats more likely to defend their own interests than to act to benefit the
Sleepy Classes
- Bureaucrats took pride in their craft, which led them to resist changes.
- Bureaucrats emphasized formality over interpersonal relationships
- Trained to ignore the special circumstances of particular cases, causing them to come
across as "arrogant" and " haughty”.
Peter Blau on the other hand, found that informal organization actually tend to increase the
efficiency of workers instead of pulling it down. Informal networks bring life into the organisations.
Elton Mayo’s study of human relations- Study of Hawthrone works of GE, Chicago
It came as a response to classical theory which laid emphasis on formal structure
• Robert K merton: Bureaucracy is rule ritualism which provides no space for creativity
or own judgement. It leads to displacement of goals as rules become end in itself.
• Alvin Gouldner: Study inside industrial mine. How degree of bureaucratisation
changes [gave three types- Mock (no smoking- but smoking allowed), representative
centred (to solve differences), punishment centred ( no absenteeism )]
• Burns and Stalker: argue that system should not be mechanistic like bureaucracy but
• Robert Michels: In his political theory- ‘iron law of oligarchy’ he says that flow of
power towards the top is an inevitable part of increasingly bureaucratised world.
Bureaucracy is sworn enemy of individual liberty.
• Peter Sleznik- in his book ‘TVA and grass roots’ argues organisations need to be
flexible and restructure power in order to create more participatory and adaptive
• Giddens: in defence of bureaucracy observes that as organisations expand in size,
power relations become looser and there is increased decentralization in decision
making. It is not possible to have a top down approach as size increases. Eg:
Transnational organisations can be ethnocentric- where power resides in home
country; polycentric- where it is shared or geocentric- where it’s most flexible.
Sleepy Classes
An ideology is a set of cultural beliefs, values, and attitudes that underlie and justify either the
status quo or movements to change it.
Ideology can also underlie movements for social change, which rely on sets of ideas that explain
and justify their purpose and methods.
Marxist view
A society's dominant ideology is integral to its superstructure.
In the Marxist economic base and superstructure model of society, base denotes the relations of
production and modes of production, and superstructure denotes the dominant ideology
(religious, legal, political systems).
The economic base of production determines the political superstructure of a society.
Ruling class-interests determine the superstructure and the nature of the justifying ideology.
For example, in a feudal mode of production, religious ideology is the most prominent aspect of
the superstructure, while in capitalist formations, ideologies such as liberalism and social
democracy dominate.
Hence ideology politically confuses the alienated groups of society via false consciousness.
Marx argued that "The class which has the means of material production at its disposal has
control at the same time over the means of mental production."[13]
György Lukács proposes ideology as a projection of the class consciousness of the ruling class.
Antonio Gramsci
Uses cultural hegemony to explain why the working-class have a false ideological conception of
what are their best interests.
Gramsci wrote about the power of ideology to reproduce the social structure via institutions like
religion and education.
Intellectuals, often viewed as detached observers of social life, enjoy prestige in society.
They function as the “deputies” of the ruling class, indoctrinating the populace to follow the
norms and rules established by the ruling class.
Importantly, this includes the belief that the economic system, the political system, and a
class stratified society are legitimate, and thus, the rule of the dominant class is legitimate.
Karl Mannheim, Daniel Bell, and Jürgen Habermas - The Marxist formulation of "ideology as
an instrument of social reproduction" is conceptually important to the sociology of knowledge
Pierre Bourdieu - ideology a psychoanalytic insight that ideologies do not include only
conscious, but also unconscious ideas.
Sleepy Classes
Made use of a special type of discourse: the lacunar discourse. A number of propositions,
which are never untrue, suggest a number of other propositions, which are.
Example, the statement "All are equal before the law", which is a theoretical groundwork of
current legal systems, suggests that all people may be of equal worth or have equal
"opportunities". This is not true, for the concept of private property and power over the means of
production results in some people being able to own more (much more) than others.
The rich can afford better legal representation, which practically privileges them before the law.
Sleepy Classes