Education and Industrial Revolution 4.0
Education and Industrial Revolution 4.0
Education and Industrial Revolution 4.0
Delipiter Lase
STT Banua Niha Keriso Protestan Sundermann Nias
Industry 4.0 then replaces (b) virtual and augmented reality would
industry 3.0, which is characterized by change the educational landscape, (c)
cyber-physical and manufacturing Flexible assignments that accommodate
collaboration (Hermann at al., 2016; many learning styles, and (d) MOOC
Irianto, 2017). Lee, Lapira, Bagheri, & and other online learning options will
Kao (2013) explain, industry 4.0 is have an impact on secondary education.
characterized by an increase in The 21st century is a century of
digitalization of manufacturing driven globalization. Therefore, learning
by four factors: 1) increased data content is expected to be able to reach
volume, computing power, and 21st-century skills. First, learning and
connectivity; 2) the emergence of innovation skills include mastering
analysis, capability, and business diverse knowledge and skills, learning
intelligence; 3) the occurrence of new and innovation, critical thinking and
forms of interaction between humans problem-solving, communication and
and machines; and 4) improvement of collaboration, and creativity and
digital transfer instructions to the innovation. Second, skills digital literacy
physical world, such as robotics and 3D includes information literacy, media
printing. The basic principle of industry literacy, and ICT literacy. Third, career
4.0 is the incorporation of machines, and life skills include flexibility and
workflows, and systems, by applying adaptability, initiative, social and
intelligent networks along the chain and cultural interaction, productivity and
production processes to control each accountability, and leadership and
other independently (Liffler & responsibility (Trilling & Fadel, 2009).
Tschiesner, 2013). One of the unique Today, individuals aged 18 and
characteristics of industry 4.0 is the 23, known as Generation Z (Gen Z)
application of artificial intelligence have changed due to technological
(Tjandrawinata, 2017). advancements. This generation has
learning preferences which are fully
Education 4.0
involved in the learning process. They
Education 4.0 is a general term
welcome challenges and enjoy group
used by educational theorists to describe
discussions and a very interactive
various ways to integrate cyber
learning environment. For them,
technology both physically and not into
learning is unlimited; they can study
learning. It is a leap from education 3.0.
anywhere and anytime and have
Education 3.0 includes meeting
unlimited access to new information.
neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and
They pay attention to learning that
educational technology, using digital
involves active collaboration with the
and mobile web-based, including
team and learning in places other than
applications, hardware, and software
class. Also, the use of digital tools and
(Hussain, 2013). Education 4.0 is a
online forums is becoming more
phenomenon that arises as a response to
preferred; they prefer to be integrated
the needs of the industrial revolution
into their learning process. Because Gen
4.0, where humans and machines are
Z students like digital tools, they hope
harmonized to obtain solutions, solve
they are available whenever they need
various problems faced, and find various
them with low access barriers. These
possibilities for innovations that can be
Gen Z students need to be prepared to
utilized to improve the lives of modern
develop in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution
(Kozinski, 2017).
Dunwill (2016) said that there
would be many changes in the future In his speech, Mendikbud RI
and estimating how classrooms would Muhadjir Effendy at the National
be seen in the next 5-7 years. (a) Education Day (Hardiknas) May 2,
significant changes in classroom layout, 2018, at University of Yogyakarta, said
skills that teachers need to face of the creativity and undertaker how this
Industry 4.0 era, are among others: creativity is integrated into their
1. Friendly with Technology teaching. Educators also do not need
The world is changing and to be too afraid of being wrong but
developing to a higher level, always ready to face the risks that
everyone will not be able to fight arise. Mistakes are things that are
technology, so in order not to be often faced when starting learning
crushed by it, teachers must have the activities, and do not need to be
willingness to learn continuously. obstacles to progress; errors must be
Changes in the world by corrected.
technological advances do not need 4. Have a good sense of Humor
to be a threat, but face positively, A laughter and humor teacher is
learn and adapt, and want to share usually the teacher who is most often
with colleagues, both success and remembered by students. Laughter
failure. and humor can be essential skills to
help in building relationships and
2. Collaboration relaxation in life. It will reduce stress
The optimal results will be difficult and frustration while providing
to achieve if done individually opportunities for others to see life
without collaborating with others. from the other side.
Therefore, the teacher must have a
strong willingness to collaborate and 5. Teaching Holistically
learn with and or from others. This In various learning theories, we
skill is essential now and in the recognize individual and buzz-group
future. Doing so is not too tricky, learning. Moreover, lately, individual
because the world is already learning and learning preference is
interconnected, so there is no reason increasing. Therefore, the present
not to collaborate with others. teachers need to recognize students
individually, including their families
3. Creative and Taking Risks and the way they learn (know them in
Creativity is one of the skills needed their entirety, including the obstacles
in the Top 10 Skill 2020; creativity they experience both personally and
will produce a structure, approach, or within their families).
method to solve authentic problems.
Teachers need to model this
p-ISSN: 2355 - 1739
e-ISSN: 2407 - 6295
Jurnal Handayani (JH). Vol 10 (1) Juni 2019, hlm 48-62
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e-ISSN: 2407 - 6295