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Majelis Pendidikan Dasar Dan Menengah Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah Musi Banyuasin

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NPSN : 10605605 NSS : 3221101105605
Jln. KH. A. Dahlan, Lingkungan I, Kel. Balai Agung, No. 236, Kec. Sekayu, 30711
Pos-el: smk.muhammadiyah.sekayu@gmail.com



TAHUN AJARAN 2020/2021

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : X (Sepuluh)

JAMBI CITY, Jambi: A landslide hit a village in Kerinci 3. What was the cause of the disaster according to a
regency, paralyzing traffic between Jambi and Sungai staff of local transportation office in Sungai Penuh?
Penuh, the regency’s capital. People traveling from
Sungai Penuh to Jambi and visa versa have to take a. Tsunami b. Rock
the Trans-Sumatra highway bypassing Solok in the
c. Dirt d. Incessant rain
neighboring province of West Sumatra, which costs
them twice as much as the regular fare. e. Traffic

A staff of the local transportation office in Sungai 4. How long did it take to travel along Jambi-Kerinci
Penuh said on Wednesday that the landslide was route?
caused by incessant rain on Monday, which caused
dirt and rocks to cover and damage two sections of a. Fifteen hours b. Fifty hours
the road. Herman, a driver of a passenger bus plying
c. Fifty five hours d. Five hours
the Jambi-Kerinci route, said that it took him 15
hours for the trip, five hours longer than usual, and e. Ten hours
passengers were charged Rp 125,000, instead of the
regular fare of Rp 50,000.The traffic between Jambi 5. when was the traffic expected to return to
and Sungai Penuh was expected to return to normal normal?
on Thursday after the Kerinci administration
deployed necessary equipment to repair the a. on Tuesday b. on Wednesday
damaged road.
c. on Thursday d. on Saturday
What hit a village in Kerinci regency?
e. on Monday
a. A landslide b. An earthquake
Text untuk soal no 6-10
c. A tidal wave d. A mount eruption
Tornado Wreaks Havoc in Semarang
e. A flood
Residents assess the damage after a tornado
2. what was the effect of thee natural disaster to damages 150 houses in the district of Tembalag in
people traveling from Sungai Penuh to Jambi vice Semarang, Central Java late on Saturday
Versa? afternoon.Three people were injured and at least
five of the houses in the Sendangguwo and Tandang
a. The travelling cost double neighborhoods were destroyed, while many others
were seriously damaged as the tornado ripped off
b. The travelling cost to Jambi became cheaper their roofs. Thoirin aka Jayeng, 40, a resident whose
house was leveled at the Sendang Asri housing
c. The travelling cost was still the same
complex, said the winds hit about 4 p.m. “I saw this
d. The travelling cost becomes normal black wind coming and becoming pointed into a
e. There was no effect to the travelling
It suddenly approached and hit my house,” he said. 10. Who rebuilt the damaged homes?
Tohirin’s wife, two children and mother-in law were
in the kitchen at the time when the tornado known a. the residents
locally as “Ulur-ulur” passed over their home,
b. the residents and neighbors
destroying the guest and bedrooms. “It was as if the
wind had lifted my home up,” Thoirin said. The c. the Tembalang District head
disaster also destroyed the walls of four neighboring
houses. Many other homes in the area lost their d. the mayor of Semarang
roofs and residents and neighbors had started
e. the mayoral spokesman
rebuilding on Sunday.

Tembalang district head Dayat said the tornado also

damaged a small mosque and felled power lines and 11. Situation : Fadhli is going to participate in
about 50 trees. His office was still collecting data on the story telling competition.
the damage, he said. Villagers said the tornado was
the worst to hit the district in living memory. Hikmah shows her hope that Fadhli will get a prize.
Semarang Mayor Sukawi Sutarip and his wife, Sinto
Sukawi, visited the scene on Sunday, accompanied The conversation:
by senior officials.“We will provide the victims with
Fadhli : “Hikmah, wish me luck. I will take
assistance immediately,” the mayoral spokesman
part in the story telling competition.”
Achyani said.
Hikmah : “………………………... I hope you will win
6. When did the tornado hit the district of
Tembalang in Semarang?
a. on Saturday morning
A. Thank you very much B. I hope so
b. on Saturday afternoon
C. I’m sorry D. Sure, Good luck
c. on Saturday night
E. Very well
d. on Sunday morning
12. Situation : Fitra has just finished drawing a
e. on Sunday afternoon
picture of Tinta, his best friend.
7. How many houses were destroyed by the tornado
He will present it to her on her birthday. Dara praises
in the Sendangguwo and Tandang neighborhoods?
the picture and she’s sure that Tinta will like it.
a. less than five house
Dara : “Fitra, that’s a beautiful picture. I’m sure
b. more than ten houses Tinta will like it.”

c. five houses or more Fitra : “…………………………..”

d. exactly five house A. Wish me luck B. Happy birthday

e. three houses C. Good luck D. Thanks. I hope so too

8. The tornado hit the district? e. so good

a. at dawn b. in the morning 13. The following are the expression of hope, except
c. in the afternoon d. in the evening
A. I hope your father will be okay soon
e. at midnight
B. I have to go to airport
9. Which parts of Tohirin’s house were destroyed?
C. Let’s hope we will pass the National Examination
a. the kitchen and guestroom
D. I hope you will success
b. the guest rooms and the bathroom
E. get well soon
c. the bedrooms and the kitchen
14. You hear that your classmate, Andi, got an
d. the guest and bedrooms accident and his arm was injured when he rode his
bicycle yesterday.
e. the living room and the bedrooms
What would you say to express your hope about Rina :”That’s a good idea, so we can play it in
Andi’s condition? double.

A.I hope he gets well soon A.I hope everything is okay

B. He should not ride bicycle carelessly B.You are right

C. Good Job! C. What do you think?

D. I have to visit him in the hospital D. May I congratulate you on?

e. well done e. may I know you?

15. Elki : “Happy birthday to you, Mail. May God 20.If we want to ask someone not to tell something,
bless you”. we say….

Ismail : …… A.Tell it to others

Elki : “You’re welcome.” B. Don’t tell to anyone else

A. I’m sorry B. Well done! C. Please tell to anothers

C. I hope so D. Thanks D. You should tell it to others

e. see you e. please do

16. Alya “ Do you know where is Gibril?” This text is for questions number 11-13

Nisa :”I heard he went to Semarang. His uncle held Indra :”Hi, Fajar, My father asks me to pick my
a wedding party. brother, Ismail, in his school,but at the same time I
have a promise to accompany Heri to buy a
Alya :”… He has promised to company me watching newjacket. What do you suggest? I am confused.”
movie tomorrow.”
Fajar :”I would recommend that you pick your
A.Thank you B. Congratulation brother first then you can go to accompany Heri. I
think that is the good solution for you.”
C. I agree with you
Indra :”That’s good suggestion, thanks.”
D. I hope he will go home soon
21. Who asks Indra to pick Ismail in his school
e. I cant wait for it
A. Heri B. Fajar
17. Haris :”What do you think about tangled
movie?” C. Fajar’s father D. Indra’s father

Sinta :”I think it is a good movie. Although it is e. father

animation, but it contain
22. Fajar says”I would recommend that you pick your
many moral values.” brother first then you can go to accompany Heri. I
think that is the good solution for you.” It means
Haris :”…. I think this movie isn’t fit for us, isn’t for
that he ….
A. ask a suggestion
A.Do you agree? B. Sure
B. give a suggestion
C. I completely agree D. I don’t think so
C. accept a suggestion
e. I cant comment
D. reject a suggestion
18. If we want to show our agreement, we can say…
e. complement
A.I don’t think so B. I’m with you
23. Does Indra accept Fajar’s suggestion?
C. good job! D. Thank you
A.Yes, he is B. No, He is not
19. Rina : “…… If we play badminton this
afternoon?” C. Yes, he does D. No, he doesn’t

Rini :”Yes, I agree. We can ask Nuri and Wahyu to e. yes, she does
play badminton.”
24. Endro : “Do you agree if we go to night festival
tonight, Gus?”

Agus :”….. I want to play some games there.”

Endro :”I’ll pick you at seven pm.”

Agus : O.K.

A. That’s a good idea

B. Do you agree?

C. No, I disagree

D. Sorry, I have another opinion

e. see you

25. Beni : “Remember that Dayu got diarrhea

because she did not wash the fruit before she ate

Luna : “So, you should always wash your fruit

before you eat it ….. you will not get diarrhea.”

A. so that B. but

C. because D. before

d. after
26. They …… wear sandals, a T-shirt, or a casual D. Do you have to go now?
wear at anyplace and at any time
e. do you?
during the school hours.
32. Fajar :”I want to make a kite, but I don’t have
A.must B. in order to paper. What do you suggest?

C. must not D. so that Eko :”… use plastic. I’ve ever seen a plastic kite.

e. so Fajar :”O.K. I will use it. Thanks.”

27. Here are the expressions of prohibition, except A. Why don’t you
B. I agree with you
A. Don’t use dictionary.
C. What do you think I should do
B. Don’t be pessimist.
D. Do you have any suggestion
c. Do it yourself D. Don’t cry
e. are you?
e. don’t look
33. Today is our National Examination test. So, we …
28. To respond the expression of prohibition, we be late.
can say …
A. have to b. had to
A. thanks b. so that
C. has to D. mustn’t
C. alright D. in order to
e. isnt
e. okay
34. Throw the rubbish in the …., please.
29. Ani : “Where is Andi, Don? ….. I will borrow
some money from him. A. class B. yard

Doni :”Sorry, I don’t know where he is.” C. floor D. bin

A.I had to go to canteen e. hall

B. I have to meet him 35. If you want to say a farewell for the last time
before I continue my study in Australia, please…. to
C. What do you suggest? the Adi Sucipto airport this evening.

D. What your plan? A. come B. came

e. what are you doing? C. coming D. comes

30. We …. Have a driving license when we drive/ride e. coming

a vehicle.
36.My parents … fishing with their friends
A. must B. had to
a. went b. goes
C. have to D. mustn’t
c. go d. going
e. isnt
e. gone
31. Edi : “…………………………”.
37. Siti: Mr. Katara, I’d like to introduce my self.
Alex :”Yes, I have to go now. I have a promise with _____ a new secretary at Inc.
my father
Mr. Harjono: How do you do? It’s nice to meet you.
To go to the hospital”.
Yuli: How do you do? It’s nice to meet you, too.
Edi :” take care.”
a. She’s Siti b. I’m Harjono
A. I have to go now
c. I’m Siti d. He’s Harjono
B. What do we have to go now?
e. katara
C. You mustn’t go now.
38. Nowadays people prefer using small cars than e. that
big ones because they are more…
40. Touring – my – bought – a – father – beautiful –
a. economic b. economically car - Suzuki.

c. economical d. economize a. My father bought a beautiful touring car Suzuki

e. economical b. My father bought a Suzuki beautiful car touring

39. The place ... the Dutch imprisoned Pangeran c. My father bought a beautiful Suzuki touring car
Diponegoro was hilly
d. My father bought a touring beautiful Suzuki car
a. which b. in which
e. my father buys a touring beautiful car suzuki
c. that d.on which

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