Lesson Plan For Maintenance Course For Engineers
Lesson Plan For Maintenance Course For Engineers
Lesson Plan For Maintenance Course For Engineers
Engine Maintenance for Junior Engrs. Aims to Improved Skills and Competency of Engineers Personnel in Performing Engine Maintenance Job
Page (Video/
Contents Details Reference Instructio Time Local (mins.)
from n Manual/ (mins.)
Handout STARS/etc.
Opening and Introduction 1st Day ask trainee to change
Self introduction - Trainees and instructors; 10 09:00~09:10 to working clothes
Name, rank, job experience (NYK, type of ships), etc.
[View NYK
Objectives Group Values
1. Explain the objectives of the course. Explain NYK Group Values [View NYK Group Values Video presented presented by 15 09:10~09:25
by Chairman Koji Miyahara] Chairman Koji
Course Schedule
10 09:25~09:35
Explain the Course schedule
1 Management of Worksite and Safety of Works 1
Guideline for Safe Practices in Worksite 1
.1 Tool Box meeting 1
15 09:35~09:50
1. Discuss the importance of toolbox meeting. 1
2. Discuss the procedure of conducting a toolbox meeting. 2
2. Job Hazard Assessment 2
1. Discuss the definition and importance of JHA. 2
2. Discuss the benefits of having a JHA. 3 30 09:50~10:20
1. Discuss tools that are commonly used in the E/R. (Adjustable wrench to Chain Hoist) 15
-Adjustable Wrench 15 Discuss only 0.69 Brief Discussion only
-Single open ended spanners/ Double open end spanners 15 Discuss only 0.69 and Make it fast during discussion
-Straight Pipe Wrench 16 Discuss only 0.69
-Solid Steel Bar Wrench 16 Discuss only 0.69
-Spud Wrench 16 Discuss only 0.69
-Single End Angle Wrench 16 Discuss only 0.69
-Hook Spanner Wrench 17 Discuss only 0.69
-Socket Wrench 17 Discuss only 0.69
-Hexagon Wrench (Allen Key) 17 Discuss only 0.69
-T- Wrench 17 Discuss only 0.69
-Flat Nose Pliers 18 Discuss only 0.69
-Combination Pliers 18 Discuss only 0.69
-Side- cutting Pliers 18 Discuss only 0.69
-Water Pump Pliers / 18 Discuss only 0.69
-Snap Ring Plier 19 Discuss only 0.69
-Hand Snip 19 Discuss only 0.69 11:30~11:50
1. Discuss the importance of proper storage of tools in the engine room. 33 2 14:12 ~ 14:14
2. Discuss the correct location and proper storage of tools when not in use. 33 2 14:14 ~ 14:16
3. Enumerate and discuss the things or places to avoid when storing the tools. 33 2 14:16 ~ 14:18
4. Enumerate and discuss the preventive measures when storing the tools to avoid accident, 33 2 14:18 ~ 14:20
2. Demonstrate the procedures on how to detect crack and flaw of bearings and other parts of D/G. 35 5 14:25 ~ 14:30
6. Discuss the application and use of each type of washer. 39 3 14:39 ~ 14:42
13. Discuss/demostrate the procedures in operating hydraulic oil jack during D/G maintenance. 47 Hands On 5 16:05 ~ 16:10 To Demo in Workshop
14. Discuss the proper way of installing O-rings of Hydraulic Jack 48 5 16:10 ~ 16:15
15. Demonstrate the use of Hydraulic jack by pulling out Hyd. Bolts of M/E Exh. Valve 48 Hands On 25 16:15 ~ 16:40 To Demo in Workshop
16. Discuss the procedures on tightening bolts by hydraulic. 48 Discuss only 5 16:40 ~ 16:45
17. Explain the difference between torque bolt tightening and hydraulic bolt tightening. 48 Discuss only 5 16:45 ~ 16:50
18. Discuss the Bolt tightening sequence by torque 49 Discuss only 5 16:50 ~ 16:55
Discuss the Activities for the next 4 days, Preparation for Hands On Exercises 5 16:55 ~ 17:00
13. Maintenance of Auxiliary Machinery
Auxiliary Diesel Engine 52
Discuss, Plan, Prepare, Proper tools Needed for D/G Overhauling (Give Job Cards, Drawing Plan) 52
1. Demonstrate how to perform maintenance and inspection on a Daihatsu Diesel Engine.
> crank case (deflection) > Conn. Rod Brg. (side play check) 52-53 105 08:30 ~ 10:00
> crank case (deflection) > timing injection & Camshaft Inspection 53 45 10:15 ~ 12:00
> fuel injection pump Inspection > fuel valve inspection 59 60 13:00 - 14:00 While inspection of fuel pp and
> Preparation for Decarb. No. 1 Cyl Hd. > draw out cyl. Head and piston 59 60 14:00 ~ 15:00 fuel v/v Prepare to drain water for OH
Tea Time 15 15:00 ~ 15:15
> draw out cyl. Head and piston (1 Pc. Only) > piston & ring Inspection 54 105 15:15 ~ 17:00 After Drawing out Cyl hd and piston
3RD DAY Measure cyl liner wear &
> draw out cyl. Head and piston / > Mounting Back / Valve End Clearance Check 54 08:30 ~ 12:00 Inspect Spare Piston
Lunch break 12:00 ~ 13:00
> Valve End Clearance check > Final Check and Run test 54 Hands On 60 13:00 ~ 14:00
> turbo charger Video Film Showing ( Water Washing, O/hauling, clearance check, Inspn.) 59 Video Show 30 14:00 ~ 14:30
> Turbo Charger Overhauling > Dismantling, Inspection, Clearance checking 59 30 14:30 ~ 15:00
Tea Time 15 15:00~15:15
> Turbo Charger Overhauling >Clearance checking /Assembling) 59 105 15:15 ~ 17:00
4th DAY
> Turbo Charger Overhauling >Clearance checking /Assembling) 59 90 08:30 ~ 10:00
tea Time 15 10:00 ~ 10:15
> Turbo Charger Overhauling >Clearance checking /Assembling, Test Run) 59 60 10:15 ~ 12:00
Lunch Break 12:00 ~ 13:00
14. Filters and Strainers 63
1. Explain the difference between filters and strainers. 63 2.5
2. Enumerate the standard mesh sizes of filters and strainers. 64 2.5 13:00 `~ 13:10
Practical Exercise of Gear Pump and Centrifugal Pump at Workshop (Continuation) 75 Hands On
3. Pumps Type 75
1. Discuss the working principle of gear pump. 75
2. Discuss how to align the pump and its motor coupling/ Practical on workshop 75
3. Discuss the check points upon maintenance of a gear pump. 75
4. Discuss the maintenance procedure of a gear pump. 75
5. Discuss the procedure on proper connection and alignment of gear pump coupling. 75 Interactive 120 15:15 ~ 17:00
6. Discuss the working principle of screw pump. 75 while having
Hands On
7. Discuss the check points upon maintenance of a reciprocating pump. 75 Exercises
8. Discuss the tools needed during maintenace on a Reciprocating Pump. 75
9. Discuss the working principle of Centrifugal pump. 75
10. Discuss the check points upon maintenance of a centrifugal pump. 75
11. Discuss the proper tools needed during maintenance on a centrifugal pump. 75
16. Air Compressor 75
1. Discuss the tools needed during maintenance on Air compressors. 75
2. Demonstrate how to disassemble and reassemble the 1st and 2nd stage valve. 75 Hands On 90 08:30 ~10:00
8. Discuss the oil system and its maintenance (gear case inspection). 76
9. Demonstrate proper maintenance for compressor's unloader 76
Lunch Break 12:00 ~ 13:00
4. Enumerate and Discuss the types of boiler burner (i.e. rotary cup type and pressurized type). 82 5 13:25 ~ 13:30
5. Discuss the common maintenance done on each type of boiler burner 88 5 13:30~13:35
6. Demonstrate the common maintenance done on a rotary type boiler burner. 83 15 13:35 ~ 13:50
8. Inspection and Maintenance of Boiler Safety Valve (Includes Safety Precaution) 88 10 14:05 ~ 14:15
3. Enumerate and discuss the minimum requirements that a PMS must contain. 98 2 14:35 ~ 14:37
4. Enumerate and discuss the additional requirements for computerized PMS. 98 2 14:37 ~ 14:39
5. Discuss the procedures on how to handle unscheduled maintenance, relating it to PMS. 98 2 14:39 ~ 14:41
6. Demonstrate and discuss the use and importance of filling up an engine room failure log book. 99 4 14:41 ~ 14:45