Micropython On ESP8266 Workshop Documentation: Release 1.0
Micropython On ESP8266 Workshop Documentation: Release 1.0
Micropython On ESP8266 Workshop Documentation: Release 1.0
Release 1.0
Radomir Dopieralski
1 Setup 3
1.1 Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Development Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Connecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Official Documentation and Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Basics 7
2.1 Blink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 External Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Pulse Width Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.5 Servomechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.6 Beepers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.7 Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.8 WebREPL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.9 Filesystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.10 Uploading Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.11 HTTP Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3 Shields 19
3.1 Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2 DHT and DHT Pro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3 Neopixel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.4 Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.5 OLED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.6 Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.7 Micro SD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.8 Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.9 Servo (Custom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.10 TFT Screen (Custom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4 Advanced 23
4.1 Schematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.2 Analog to Digital Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.3 Communication Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.4 Neopixels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.5 Temperature and Humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.6 LED Matrix and 7-segment Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.7 TFT LCD Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Micropython on ESP8266 Workshop Documentation, Release 1.0
Contents 1
Micropython on ESP8266 Workshop Documentation, Release 1.0
2 Contents
1.1 Prerequisites
The board we are using is called “WeMos D1 Mini” and has an ESP8266 module on it, which we will be programming.
It comes with the latest version of MicroPython already setup on it, together with all the drivers we are going to use.
Micropython on ESP8266 Workshop Documentation, Release 1.0
Note: The D0, D1, D2, . . . numbers printed on the board are different from what Micropython uses – because
originally those boards were made for a different software. Make sure to refer to the image below to determine which
pins are which.
It has a micro-USB socket for connecting to the computer. On the side is a button for reseting the board. Along the
sides of the board are two rows of pins, to which we will be connecting cables.
The symbols meaning is as follows:
• 3v3 - this is a fancy way to write 3.3V, which is the voltage that the board runs on internally. You can think
about this pin like the plus side of a battery.
• gnd, G - this is the ground. Think about it like the minus side of the battery.
• gpioXX - “gpio” stands for “general purpose input output”. Those are the pins we will be using for sending
and receiving signals to and from various devices that we will connect to them. They can act as output – pretty
much like a switch that you can connect to plus or to minus with your program. Or they can act as input, telling
your program whether they are connected to plus or minus.
• a0 - this is the analog pin. It can measure the voltage that is applied to it, but it can only handle up to 3.3V.
• 5V - this pin is connected with the 5V from your computer. You can also use it to power your board with a
battery when it’s not connected to the computer. The voltage applied here will be internally converted to the
3.3V that the board needs.
4 Chapter 1. Setup
Micropython on ESP8266 Workshop Documentation, Release 1.0
• rst - this is a reset button (and a corresponding pin, to which you can connect external button).
Many of the gpio pins have an additional function, we will cover them separately.
1.3 Connecting
The board you got should already have MicroPython with all the needed libraries flashed on it. In order to access its
console, you will need to connect it to your computer with the micro-USB cable, and access the serial interface that
appears with a terminal program.
On MacOS:
1.3.2 Windows
For the serial interface to appear in your system, you will need to install the drivers for CH340. Once you have that,
you can use either Hyper Terminal, PuTTy or CoolTerm to connect to it, following this guide.
The parameters for the connection are: 115200 baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control.
Once you are connected, press “enter” and you should see the Micropython prompt, that looks like this:
It’s traditional to start with a “Hello world!” program, so type this and press “enter”:
print("Hello world!")
If you see “Hello world!” displayed in the next line, then congratulations, you got it working.
1.3. Connecting 5
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6 Chapter 1. Setup
2.1 Blink
The traditional first program for hobby electronics is a blinking light. We will try to build that.
The boards you have actually have a light built-in, so we can use that. There is a LED (light-emitting diode) near the
antenna (the golden zig-zag). The plus side of that LED is connected to the 3v3 pins internally, and the minus side is
connected to gpio2. So we should be able to make that LED shine with our program by making gpio2 behave like
the gnd pins. We need to “bring the gpio2 low”, or in other words, make it connected to gnd. Let’s try that:
The first line “imports” the “Pin” function from the “machine” module. In Python, to use any libraries, you first have
to import them. The “machine” module contains most of the hardware-specific functions in Micropython.
Once we have the “Pin” function imported, we use it to create a pin object, with the first parameter telling it to use
gpio2, and the second parameter telling it to switch it into output mode. Once created, the pin is assigned to the
variable we called “led”.
Finally, we bring the pin low, by calling the “led” variable with value 0. At this point the LED should start shining. In
fact, it may have started shining a line earlier, because once we switched the pin into output mode, its default state is
Now, how to make the LED stop shining? There are two ways. We could switch it back into “input” mode, where the
pin is not connected to anything. Or we could bring it “high”. If we do that, both ends of the LED will be connected
to “plus”, and the current won’t flow. We do that with:
Now, how can we make the LED blink 10 times? We could of course type led(0) and led(1) ten times quickly,
but that’s a lot of work and we have computers to do that for us. We can repeat a command or a set of commands using
the “for” loop:
Micropython on ESP8266 Workshop Documentation, Release 1.0
for i in range(10):
Note, that when you are typing this, it will look more like:
That’s because the console automatically understands that when you indent a line, you mean it to be a block of code
inside the “for” loop. You have to un-indent the last line (by removing the spaces with backspace) to finish this
command. You can avoid that by using “paste mode” – press ctrl+E, paste your code, and then press ctrl+D to
have it executed.
What happened? Nothing interesting, the LED just shines like it did. That’s because the program blinked that LED as
fast as it could – so fast, that we didn’t even see it. We need to make it wait a little before the blinks, and for that we
are going to use the “time” module. First we need to import it:
import time
And then we will repeat our program, but with the waiting included:
for i in range(10):
Now the LED should turn on and off every half second.
Now let’s try the same, but not with the build-in LED – let’s connect an external LED and try to use that. The
connection should look like this:
8 Chapter 2. Basics
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Note how one leg of the LED is a little bit longer, and the other had a flattening on the plastic of the LED next to it.
The long leg should go to the plus, and the short one to the minus. We are connecting the LED in opposite way than
the internal one is connected – between the pin and gnd. That means that it will shine when the pin is high, and be
dark when it’s low.
Also note how we added a resistor in there. That is necessary to limit the amount of current that is going to flow through
the LED, and with it, its brightness. Without the resistor, the LED would shine very bright for a short moment, until
either it, or the board, would overheat and break. We don’t want that.
Now, let’s try the code:
Again, you should see the LED blink 10 times, half a second for each blink.
This time we used time.sleep_ms() instead of time.sleep() – it does the same thing, but takes the number
of milliseconds instead od seconds as the parameter, so we don’t have to use fractions.
Wouldn’t it be neat if instead of blinking, the LED slowly became brighter and then fade out again? Can we do this
The brightness of the LED depends on the voltage being supplied to it. Unfortunately, our GPIO pins only have a
simple switch functionality – we can turn them on or off, but we can’t fluently change the voltage (there are pins that
could do that, called DAC, for “digital to analog converter”, but our board doesn’t have those). But there is another
way. Remember when we first tried to blink the LED without any delay, and it happened too fast to see?
Turns out we can blink the LED very fast, and by varying the time it is on and off change how bright it seems to be to
the human eye. The longer it is on and the shorter it is off, the brighter it will seem.
Now, we could do that with a simple loop and some very small delays, but it would keep our board busy and prevent
it from doing anything else, and also wouldn’t be very accurate or terribly fast. But the ESP8266 has special hardware
dedicated just for blinking, and we can use that! This hardware is called PWM (for Pulse Width Modulation), and you
can use it like this:
pwm = PWM(Pin(2))
If you run this, you should see the blue led on gpio2 change brightness. The possible range is from 1023 (100% duty
cycle, the LED is off) to 0 (0% duty cycle, the LED is on full brightness). Why is 0 full brightness? Remember, that
the LED on the gpio2 is reversed – it shines when the pin is off, and the duty cycle tells how much the pin is on.
You can also change the frequency of the blinking. Try this:
That should blink the LED with frequency of 1Hz, so once per second – we are basically back to our initial program,
except the LED blinks “in the background” controlled by dedicated hardware, while your program can do other things!
2.4 Buttons
We don’t have a button in our kit, but we can simulate one by just using two wires, one with a male plug, and one with
female. Connect them like so:
10 Chapter 2. Basics
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Now we will write some code that will switch the LED on and off each time the wires are put together:
We have used Pin.IN because we want to use gpio14 as an input pin, on which we will read the voltage. We also
added Pin.PULL_UP – that means that there is a special internal resistor enabled between that pin and the 3V3 pins.
The effect of this is that when the pin is not connected to anything (we say it’s “floating”), it will return 1. If we didn’t
do that, it would return random values depending on its environment. Of course when you connect the pin to GND, it
will return 0.
However, when you try this example, you will see that it doesn’t work reliably. The LED will blink, and sometimes
stay off, sometimes switch on again, randomly. Why is that?
That’s because your hands are shaking. A mechanical switch has a spring inside that would shake and vibrate too.
That means that each time you touch the wires (or close the switch), there are in reality multiple signals sent, not just
one. This is called “bouncing”, because the signal bounces several times.
To fix this issue, we will do something that is called “de-bouncing”. There are several ways to do it, but the easiest is
to just wait some time for the signal to stabilize:
import time
from machine import Pin
led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT)
button = Pin(14, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
while True:
if not button.value():
2.4. Buttons 11
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led(not led())
while not button():
Here we wait 3/10 of a second – too fast for a human to notice, but enough for the signal to stabilize. The exact time
for this is usually determined experimentally, or by measuring the signal from the switch and analyzing it.
2.5 Servomechanisms
Time to actually physically move something. If you plan on building a robot, there are three main ways of moving
things from the microcontroller:
• a servomechanism (servo for short),
• an H-bridge and a DC motor,
• a stepper or brushless motor with a driver.
We are going to focus on the servo first, because I think this is the easiest and cheapest way. We are going to use a
cheap “hobby” servo, the kind that is used in toys – it’s not particularly strong, but it’s enough for most use cases.
Warning: Don’t try to force the movement of the servo arms with your hand, you are risking breaking the delicate
plastic gears inside.
A hobby servo has three wires: brown or black gnd, red or orange vcc, and white or yellow signal. The gnd
should of course be connected to the gnd of our board. The vcc is the power source for the servo, and we are going
to connect it to the vin pin of our board – this way it is connected directly to the USB port, and not powered through
the board.
Caution: Servos and motors usually require a lot of current, more then your board can supply, and often even
more than than you can get from USB. Don’t connect them to the 3v3 pins of your board, and if you need two or
more, power them from a battery (preferably rechargeable).
12 Chapter 2. Basics
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The third wire, signal tells the servo what position it should move to, using a 50Hz PWM signal. The center is
at around 77, and the exact range varies with the servo model, but should be somewhere between 30 and 122, which
corresponds to about 180° of movement. Note that if you send the servo a signal that is outside of the range, it will
still obediently try to move there – hitting a mechanical stop and buzzing loudly. If you leave it like this for longer,
you can damage your servo, your board or your battery, so please be careful.
So now we are ready to try and move it to the center position:
from machine import Pin, PWM
servo = PWM(Pin(14), freq=50, duty=77)
There also exist “continuous rotation” servos, which don’t move to the specified position, but instead rotate with
specified speed. Those are suitable for building simple wheeled robots. It’s possible to modify a normal servo into a
continuous rotation servo.
2.6 Beepers
When I wrote that PWM has a frequency, did you immediately think about sound? Yes, electric signals can be similar
to sound, and we can turn them into sound by using speakers. Or small piezoelectric beepers, like in our case.
The piezoelectric speaker doesn’t use any external source of power – it will be powered directly from the GPIO pin –
that’s why it can be pretty quiet. Still, let’s try it:
from machine import Pin, PWM
import time
2.6. Beepers 13
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We can even play melodies! For instance, here’s the musical scale:
Unfortunately, the maximum frequency of PWM is currently 1000Hz, so you can’t play any notes higher than that.
It’s possible to make the sounds louder by using a better speaker and possibly an audio amplifier.
2.7 Network
The ESP8266 has wireless networking support. It can act as a WiFi access point to which you can connect, and it can
also connect to the Internet.
To configure it as an access point, run code like this (use your own name and password):
import network
ap = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF)
ap.config(essid="network-name", authmode=network.AUTH_WPA_WPA2_PSK, password=
To scan for available networks (and also get additional information about their signal strength and details), use:
import network
sta = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
14 Chapter 2. Basics
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import network
sta = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
sta.connect("network-name", "password")
Once the board connects to a network, it will remember it and reconnect every time. To get details about connection,
2.8 WebREPL
The command console in which you are typing all the code is called “REPL” – an acronym of “read-evaluate-print-
loop”. It works over a serial connection over USB. However, once you have your board connected to network, you
can use the command console in your browser, over network. That is called WebREPL.
First, you will need to download the web page for the WebREPL to your computer. Get the file from https://github.com/
micropython/webrepl/archive/master.zip and unpack it somewhere on your computer, then click on the webrepl.
html file to open it in the browser.
In order to connect to your board, you have to know its address. If the board works in access point mode, it uses the
default address. If it’s connected to WiFi, you can check it with this code:
import network
sta = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
You will see something like XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX – that’s the IP address. Enter it in the WebREPL’s address box at
the top like this ws://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8266/.
To connect to your board, you first have to start the server on it. You do it with this code:
import webrepl
Now you can go back to the browser and click “connect”. On the first connection, you will be asked to setup a
password – later you will use that password to connect to your board.
2.9 Filesystem
Writing in the console is all fine for experimenting, but when you actually build something, you want the code to stay
on the board, so that you don’t have to connect to it and type the code every time. For that purpose, there is a file
storage on your board, where you can put your code and store data.
You can see the list of files in that storage with this code:
import os
You should see something like ['boot.py'] – that’s a list with just one file name in it. boot.py and later main.
py are two special files that are executed when the board starts. boot.py is for configuration, and you can put your
own code in main.py.
2.8. WebREPL 15
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You can create, write to and read from files like you would with normal Python:
Please note that since the board doesn’t have much memory, you can put large files on it.
You can use the WebREPL to upload files to the board from your computer. To do that, you need to open a terminal in
the directory where you unpacked the WebREPL files, and run the command:
Where yourfile.xxx is the file you want to send, and XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the address of your board.
Note: You have to have Python installed on your computer for this to work.
This requires you to setup a network connection on your board first. However, you can also upload files to your
board using the same serial connection that you use for the interactive console. You just need to install a small utility
Warning: The serial connection can be only used by a single program at a time. Make sure that your console is
discobbected while you use ampy, otherwise you may get a cryptic error about it not having the access rights.
Once you are connected to network, you can talk to servers and interact with web services. The easiest way is to just
do a HTTP request – what your web browser does to get the content of web pages:
import urequests
r = urequests.get("http://duckduckgo.com/?q=micropython&format=json").json()
You can use that to get information from websites, such as weather forecasts:
import json
import urequests
r = urequests.get("http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=Zurich&appid=XXX
16 Chapter 2. Basics
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print(r["main"]["temp"] - 273.15)
It’s also possible to make more advanced requests, adding special headers to them, changing the HTTP method and
so on. However, keep in mind that our board has very little memory for storing the answer, and you can easily get a
18 Chapter 2. Basics
There is a number of ready to use “shields” – add-on boards – for the WeMos D1 Mini, containing useful components
together with all the necessary connections and possible additional components. All you have to do is plug such a
“shield” on top or bottom of the WeMos D1 Mini board, and load the right code to use the components on it.
3.1 Button
This is a very basic shield that contains a single pushbutton. The button is connected to pin gpio0 and to gnd, so
you can read its state with this code:
from machine import Pin
button = Pin(0)
if button.value():
print("The button is not pressed.")
print("The button is pressed.")
Of course everything we learned about buttons and debouncing applies here as well.
Those two shield have temperature and humidity sensors on them. The first one, DHT, has DHT11 sensor, the second
one, DHT Pro, has DHT22, which is more accurate and has better precision.
In both cases the sensors are available on the pin gpio2, and you can access them with code like this:
from machine import Pin
import dht
sensor = dht.DHT11(Pin(2))
Micropython on ESP8266 Workshop Documentation, Release 1.0
3.3 Neopixel
That shield has a single addressable RGB LED on it, connected to pin gpio4. Unfortunately, that means that this
shield conflicts with any other shield that uses the I2 C protocol, such as the OLED shield or the motor shield. You can
use it with code lik this:
3.4 Relay
This shield contains a relay switch, together with a transistor and a couple of other components required to reliably
connect it to the board. It uses pin gpio5, which unfortunately makes it incompatible with any other shields using
the I2 C protocol, such as the OLED shield or the motor shield. You can control the relay with the following code:
3.5 OLED
A small, 64×48 monochrome display. It uses pins gpio4 and gpio5 to talk with the board with the I2 C protocol. It
will conflict with any other shield that uses those pins, but doesn’t use I2 C, like the neopixel shield or the relay shield.
It can coexist with other shields that use I2 C, like the motor shield.
Up to two such displays can be connected at the same time, provided they have different addresses set using the jumper
on the back.
You can control the display using the ssd1306 library:
import ssd1306
from machine import I2C, Pin
i2c = I2C(-1, Pin(5), Pin(4))
display = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(64, 48, i2c)
display.text("Hello", 0, 0)
display.text("world!", 0, 8)
display.pixel(20, 20, 1)
20 Chapter 3. Shields
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3.6 Motor
The motor shield contains a H-bridge) and a PWM chip, and it’s able to drive up to two small DC motors. You can
control it using I2 C on pins gpio4 and gpio5. It will conflict with any shields that use those pins but don’t use I2 C,
such as the relay shield and the neopixel shield. It will work well together with other shields using I2 C.
Up to four such shields can be connected at the same time, provided they have different addresses selected using the
jumpers at their backs.
In order to use this shield, use the d1motor library:
import d1motor
from machine import I2C, Pin
i2c = I2C(-1, Pin(5), Pin(4), freq=10000)
m0 = d1motor.Motor(0, i2c)
m1 = d1motor.Motor(1, i2c)
3.7 Micro SD
This shield lets you connect a micro SD card to your board. It connects to pins gpio12, gpio13, gpio14 and
gpio15 and uses SPI protocol. It can be used together with other devices using the SPI protocol, as long as they
don’t use pin gpio15 as CS.
You can mount an SD card in place of the internal filesystem using the following code:
import os
from machine import SPI, Pin
import sdcard
sd = sdcard.SDCard(SPI(1), Pin(15))
os.VfsFat(sd, "")
Afterwards you can use os.listdir(), open() and all other normal file functions to manipulate the files on the
SD card. In order to mount the internal filesystem back, use the following code:
import flashbdev
os.VfsFat(flashbdev.bdev, "")
3.8 Battery
This shield lets you power your board from a single-cell LiPo battery. It connects to the 5V pin, and doesn’t require
any communication from your board to work. You can simply plug it in and use it.
There is an experimental 18-channel servo shield. It uses the I2 C protocol on pins gpio4 and gpio5 and is compat-
ible with other I2 C shields.
3.6. Motor 21
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In order to power the servos, you need to either provide external power to the pin marked with + next to the 5V pin, or
connect it with the 5V pin to make the servos share power with the board.
You can set the servo positions using the following code:
There is an experimental breakout board for the ST7735 TFT screen. It uses the SPI interface on pins gpio12,
gpio13, gpio14, and gpio15.
You can use it with the following example code:
If you have a display with a red tab, you need to use a different initialization:
22 Chapter 3. Shields
4.1 Schematics
The pretty colorful pictures that we have been using so far are not very useful in practical projects. You can’t really
draw them by hand, different components may look very similar, and it’s hard to see what is going on when there are
a lot of connections. That’s why engineers prefer to use more symbolic representation of connection, a schematic.
A schematic doesn’t care how the parts actually look like, or how their pins are arranged. Instead they use simple
symbols. For instance, here’s a schematic of our experiment with the external LED:
Micropython on ESP8266 Workshop Documentation, Release 1.0
The resistor is symbolized by a zig-zag. The LED is marked by a diode symbol (a triangle with a bar), with additional
two arrows showing that it’s a light emitting diode. The board itself doesn’t have a special symbol – instead it’s
symbolized by a rectangle with the board’s name written in it.
There is also a symbol for “ground” – the three horizontal lines. Since a lot of components need to be usually connected
to the ground, instead of drawing all those wires, it’s easier to simply use that symbol.
Here are some more symbols:
It’s important to learn to read and draw electric schematics, because anything more advanced is going to use them, and
you will also need them when asking for help on the Internet.
Our board has only one “analog” pin, A0. That pin is connected to an ADC, or “analog to digital converter” – basically
an electronic voltmeter, which can tell you what voltage is on the pin. The one we have can only measure from 0 to
1V, and would be damaged if it got more than 1V, so we have to be careful.
We will connect a photo-resistor to it. It’s a special kind of a resistor that changes its resistance depending on how
much light shines on it. But to make this work, we will need a second, fixed, resistor to make a “volatge divider”. This
way the voltage will change depending on the resistance of our photo-resistor.
24 Chapter 4. Advanced
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Now, we will just read the values in our program, and print them in a loop:
You should see a column of numbers changing depending on how much light the photo-resistor has. Try to cover it or
point it toward a window or lamp. The values are from 0 for 0V, to 1024 for 1V. Ours will be somewhere in between.
So far all devices we connected to the board were relatively simple and only required a single pin. More sophisticated
devices are controlled with multiple pins, and often have very elaborate ways in which you have to change the pins to
make them do something, like sending a character to them, or retrieving a value. Those ways are often standardized,
and already implemented for you, so that you don’t have to care about all the gory details – you just call high-level
commands, and the libraries and/or hardware in your board handles it all for you.
Among the most popular protocols are UART, I2 C and SPI. We are going to have examples of each of them, but we
are not going to get into details of how they work internally. It’s enough to know that they let you send bytes to the
device, and receive bytes in response.
4.4 Neopixels
Those are actually WS2812B addressable RGB LEDs, but they are commonly known as “neopixels”. You can control
individually the brightness and color of each of the LEDs in a string (or matrix, or ring). The connection is simple:
And the code for driving them is not very complex either, because the library for generating the signal is included in
Where 8 is the number of LEDs in a chain. You can create all sorts of animations, rainbows and pretty effects with
The DHT11 and DHT22 sensors are quite popular for all sorts of weather stations. They use a single-wire protocol for
communication. MicroPython on ESP8266 has that covered:
26 Chapter 4. Advanced
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Adafruit sells a lot of “backpacks” with 7- or 14-segment displays or LED matrices, that we can control easily over
I2 C. They use a HT16K33 chip, so that we don’t have to switch on and off the individual LEDs – we just tell the chip
what to do, and it takes care of the rest.
The schematic for connecting any I2 C device will be almost always the same:
Note: The two resistors on the schematic are needed for the protocol to work reliably with longer wires. For our
experiments, it’s enough to rely on the pull-up resistors that are built into the board we are using.
The communication with the backpack is relatively simple, but I wrote two libraries for making it more convenient.
For the matrix:
The I2 C protocol is nice and simple, but not very fast, so it’s only good when you have a few pixels to switch. With
larger displays, it’s much better to use SPI, which can be much faster.
Here is an example on how to connect an ILI9340 display:
28 Chapter 4. Advanced
Micropython on ESP8266 Workshop Documentation, Release 1.0
And here is a simple library that lets you draw on that display:
As you can see, the display is still quite slow – there are a lot of bytes to send, and we are using software SPI
implementation here. The speed will greatly improve when Micropython adds hardware SPI support.
30 Chapter 4. Advanced
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