Speech Styles LP
Speech Styles LP
Speech Styles LP
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to;
A. Distinguish types of speech style an identify social situations in which each speech style is
appropriate to use.
B. Create several conversations or skills in which they act out all the different types of speech
styles in various situations.
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review
B. Motivation
Present a picture of Kuya Kim Atienza to the class and tell them that he will be visiting
GFI with them as his tour guide. Imagining, Kuya Kim and the rest of class will meet
some people on his way to GFI.
Guide question:
How you say it as soon as you meet each of them?
The teacher will flash some pictures to the class.
1. Schoolmates
2. Principal
Motive Questions:
1. What have you observed in the utterances you have just made?
2. How about the style or manner of your speech?
3. Have you spoken to the above people in the same way or style?
C. Activity
Call some volunteers to read each of the excerpts in front of the class. Ask them to identify
the situation or setting and speakers that each experts represents.
D. Analysis
1. From the excerpts presented, is there any differences the way it said?
2. Does the manner of speaking vary to the people to whom we are talking to?
3. What’s the purpose of styles in speaking?
E. Abstraction
Speech Style
Martin Joos’ (1976) definition: the form of language that the speaker uses which
characterized by the degree of formality from the most formal to the least formal style.
d. Casual or Informal Style - styles common among peers and. Free and easy
participation of both speaker and listener. Diction or vocabulary to use informal
or colloquial.
e. Intimate Style - it is used in conversations between people who are very close.
Also free and easy participation. Language used is not public.
Examples: husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, siblings, parent and
Motive Questions:
How does speech style affect the language form?
How does speech style differ?
F. Application
Divide the class in to 5 groups. Will be assigned to certain situation. Be able to present it
creatively using the appropriate speech styles. Learners are given five minutes to practice and
two minutes to present. Each member of the group shall have a role to play and speech lines to
Appropriate style and language – 5%
Grammar – 5%
Delivery – 5%
Creativity/Interpretation – 5%
Teamwork – 5%
Total: 25%
G. Valuing
Do you think you should always be tactful or careful in what you will say? Why?
Direction: Pair with someone and create just a two sentence conversations or skits. Act
out the different types of speech styles and various situations given. Present it to the class.
Appropriate style and language – 5%
Grammar – 5%
Delivery – 5%
Total: 15%
“Watch and Write”
Direction: Watch your favorite primetime “teleserye” or talk show tonight. Choose a
certain situation or part that you consider interesting. Write the dialogue exchanges of the
two persons. Limit your dialogue to 4-6 lines. Consider the types of speech styles that are
most appropriate to the chosen situation. Practice delivering your dialogue as you will
interpretatively read it next meeting.
Content – 5%
Appropriate style and language used – 5%
Grammar – 5%
Delivery – 5%
Total: 20%
Prepared by: Noeliza S. Roma