Unit - 1 Strategic Mgmt.
Unit - 1 Strategic Mgmt.
Unit - 1 Strategic Mgmt.
Types of Strategy
1 Corporate Strategy
2 Business Strategy
3 Functional Strategy
Fig: Types of Strategy
1. Corporate Strategy
➢ It is hierarchically the highest strategy plan of the Organization,
which defines the corporate overall goals and directions and the
way in which it will be achieved.
It is a long term, clearly defined vision of the direction of a
company or organization.
It is fundamentally concern with the selection of business in
which company should compete and co- ordinate to achieve its
organizational goals.
e.g.- It Includes pursuing specific and new product areas or
entering new distribution channels. Diversification is a form of
corporate strategy.
Corporate Strategy
Business Business Business Business
Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy
(iii) Portfolio (iv) Strategic
Management. trade off.
2. Business strategy
➢ A strategy business unit may be a division product line or
other profit centre that can be planned independently from
other business.
Goal Objective
(i) Goals are the final result or It is specific result that helps
outcome of an endeavor. to achieve the final goal.
Strategic Management
1. According to Glueck, “ Strategic Management is a stream of
decisions and actions which leads to development of an
effective strategy or strategies to help in achieving corporate
2. According to Sharplin, “Strategic Management is formulation
and implementation of plans and carrying out of activities
relating to the matters which are of vital importance to the
3. According to Pearce and Robbinson, “Strategic Management is
the set of decisions and actions resulting in the formulation
and implementation of plans designed to achieve
Organization's goals.
Features and Characteristics of Strategic Management
Corporate level
Business level
Functional level
It helps a business:-
a) Acting as a reference for any major decision of the
b) Guiding and providing a right guidance to the business.
c) Preparing the business for any potential challenges and in
exploring opportunities.
d) It helps a business or an organizational in coping
(*overcome) with the competition in a dynamic
e) It also helps a business to survive in an uncertain market.
f) It helps in identifying and maximizing the organization’s
competitive advantage & core competencies.
Environmental Scanning:-
Strategy Formulation:-
Strategy Implementation
Strategy Evaluation:-