Final Analysis
Final Analysis
Final Analysis
Final Analysis
In the past two and a half years, I have learned and grown so much as a nurse and as a
person. It has been a time of great challenges and achievements for me. I have developed skills
and expanded my knowledge further than I thought possible. I have spent the last three years
working as a surgical care tech in the main OR of St. Mary’s hospital, and I am so excited to
have been offered a job as a perioperative nurse. I start periop classes two weeks after
graduation. I went into nursing knowing that I wanted to be a part of the operating room, so this
is a great accomplishment for me. I know that it is a completely different environment in the OR
from what I am used to on the floor for clinicals, but I know that I will be able to take everything
that I have learned at my time with BSMCON and apply it to my new role as a registered nurse.
From the beginning I have always been interested in critical care. I had a feeling that I
immersion in the St. Mary’s ED. It was an amazing experience. I saw and learned so much more
than I could have hoped for. The variety of patients has allowed me to see and interact with
chronic illnesses, critical care, surgical patients, and acute problems. I have worked alongside
nurses, doctors, nurse practitioners, and imaging. Being part of an extensive and close-knit
interdisciplinary team has allowed me the opportunity to see other departments, like x-ray, MRI,
and CT. I have seen how important each role is in relation to patient care and positive outcomes.
I have also been able to practice skills. In the ED I have definitely gotten better at starting IVs
and getting labs. I have also been able to insert foleys, participate in several bed-side procedures
(like a chest tube insertion), and administered medications in a variety of routes. My physical
care abilities have also increased significantly. When a patient comes into the ED in severe pain,
it becomes so important to provide quality bed-side care. These patients are often scared and
hurting and they need to feel like someone really cares and is willing to listen.
Since my first semester of in-hospital clinicals, I knew that I did not want to work in
pediatrics or OB. It is a calling for some, put my practicum experience confirmed that it was not
for me. My time on many of the units had me questioning if this was the right profession for me.
It wasn’t until I was in the fast-paced neuro science unit at MRMC that I felt that I enjoyed what
I was doing. When I made it to the ED, I was in love. I knew that a fast-paced environment with
critical patients was what I was called to do. If I had not taken the OR position, I would have
been an emergency room nurse without contest. I love that I’m always busy, and I feel like I am
I have always enjoyed keeping busy. I cannot stand being idle. In my experience as an
SCT, I have gotten very good at juggling multiple tasks at the same time. I have always been a
hard worker who is eager to learn as much as I can. In the OR and during my immersion
experience, I would actively seek out new opportunities and expand my horizons. I have taken
on multiple extra responsibilities in the OR to better prepare me for the transition from tech to
I have definitely become more comfortable in the hospital, talking to patients and
performing skills. I can go into a room and put a patient at ease. My preceptor made the
comment that my interactions with patients felt natural and smooth. I did not hold back, but
would go in and do what needed to be done. A patient told me that I was a wonderful nurse
already. These small comments meant the world to me. They erased any doubt I had. This is the
career for me. I have worked so hard to get to the point that I am at.
This has been an amazing experience, and I am so proud of what I have accomplished. I
cannot believe how quickly the last two and a half years have passed. There is so much for me to
still learn, but I have built a solid foundation with the school that I will continue to build upon. I
look forward for all the future has to bring as I continue with my nursing career.