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First Four Pages
First Four Pages
Submitted By:
Ravleen Singh
The BBA program is well structured and integrated course of business studies.
The main objective of practical training at BBA level is to develop skill in student by
supplement to the theoratical study of business management in general. Industrial
training helps to gain real life knowledge about the industrial environment and business
practices. The BBA program provides student with a fundamental knowledge of business
and organizational functions and activities as well as an exposure to strategic thinking of
Training is an integral part of BBA and each and every student has to undergo the
training for 45 days in a company and then prepare a project report on the same after the
completion of training.
During this whole training I got lot of experience and came to know about the
management practices in real that how it differs from those of theoretical knowledge and
the practically in the real life.
With immense pleasure, I would like to present this project report on a market research
work on Finance Execution By Public & Private Banks In Respect To SME Units In
Ludhiana for Axis Bank. It has been an enriching experience for me to undergo my
summer training at Axis Bank, which would not have possible without the goodwill and
support of the people around. As a student of Department of Management Studies, I
would like to express my sincere thanks to all those who helped me during my practical
training program.
Words are insufficient to express my gratitude toward Mr. Gurmeet Singh, the Chief
Executive officer of Axis Bank. I would like to give my heartily thanks to Mrs. Rajni
Sofat, who permitted me to get training at Axis Bank.
Last but not the least, I also take this opportunity who have directly or indirectly
contributed through their valuable suggestion, and presence during completion of this