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Audit Checklist - Template - ISO 9K, 14K, 45K.

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System QHSSE Group ISO 9001:2015 / ISO 14001:2015 / ISO

Checklist Name: 45001:2018


Due Date:

Requirement Hint Classification Finding Previous Finding

4.1 Has the organization determine Major NC:Internal and external local issues that affect the
the external and internal issues thatability of the organization to achieve the intended results of its
are relevant to the organization's Q-HS-S-E MS are identified on a reactive mode. Minor NC: A
purpose and strategic direction that process exists to systematically identify these issues and
would effect the management anticipate them. Area of concern:The strategic orientations
system ? defined by Bureau Veritas in its strategic plan are taken into
4.2 Have the needs and expectations Major NC:Any received requirement from interested parties is
of workers and interested parties documented Minor NC:The organization has determined the
relevant to the MS been identified? interested parties that are relevant to its Q-HS-S-E MS. Area
of concern:Requirements received from relevant interested
parties are documented and analyzed for their relevancy.
Good:The process to define their relevancy is defined.
Excellent:Proactive communication with the relevant
interested parties is organized to gather their needs and
4.3 Has the scope of the QHSSE MS Major NC:The scope of the Q-HS-S-E MS is defined and
been determined, taking into account documented. Minor NC:That scope is defined based on the
the external and internal issues, covered activities, products , services and geography. Area of
interested parties and the concern:Justification is provided (and documented) for any
organization's products & services, requirements of the standards that the organization
planned or performed work related determines as not applicable to its scope. Good:The scope is
activities? regularly reviewed and adjusted based on the needs of the
organization. Excellent:Relevant requirements of relevant
interested parties and context of the organization and taken
into account for the regular review of the scope.
4.4 Has the organization's MS been Major NC:Processes are identified Minor NC:Sequence of the
determined including the processes processes is known.
needed and their sequence and Processes cover the entire scope of the MS.
interaction? Inputs and outputs are understood. Area of concern:A process
map exists and is kept up to date.
Interaction of processes is identified.
Processes are documented as necessary. Good:KPIs are
identified for necessary processes. Excellent:Processes are
regularly reviewed for efficiency.
5.1 Does top management Major NC:Top Management ensure QHSE requirements are
demonstrate leadership and identified, integrated into business processes, understood,
commitment with respect to the supported and achieved. Top management demonstrate the
QHSSE MS and customer focus and leadership and commitment to respect the OH&S MS
leading and promoting the safety requirements Minor NC:Top management promote continual
culture? improvement using scorecards
Customer focus is reflected in the selection of the KPIs. Area
of concern:Scorecards are implemented at Beginner level
Good:Scorecards are implemented at Ivory level.
Excellent:Scorecards are implemented at gold level. Do senior
managers lead by example, are thy involved in reviews,
audits, STBT's, safety walk ?
5.2 Does a Policy written by the Major NC:A document called "Policy" exists and is signed by
management exists and current top management Minor NC:A commitment to continual
communicated within organization improvement, eliminate and reduce OH&S risks , pollution
and available to interested parties? prevention, injury prevention, compliance to applicable
requirements, consultation and communication of workers is
part of the policy. The Policy provides the framework for
setting and reviewing objectives Area of concern:The Policy is
appropriate to the scope , scale , purpose and context of an
organization and supports its strategic orientation. Good:The
Policy is actively communicated to all persons working for and
on behalf of the organization and to interested parties
Excellent:The Policy is reviewed during the management
review to assess the opportunity to improvement and the
5.3 Has the organization determined need
Majorfor changes
NC:Responsibilities and authorities are clearly defined in
and provided the resources needed the Unit and Top management assigned the responsibility and
for the establishment, the authority for ensuring conformity to OH&S requirements
implementation, maintenance and and reporting the performance to top management Minor
continual improvement of the QHSE NC:An organization chart is up to date and available to staff
MS (including people, environment Area of concern:Job descriptions are available. Good:Copies of
and infrastructure requirements)? the job descriptions are available in the staff file.
Have top management assigned the Excellent:The organization chart and scope of services and job
responsibility and authority for descriptions are reviewed on an annual basis
ensuring that the MS conforms to the
requirements of the international
standards and reporting on the
performance of the MS to top
5.4 Does the organization manage Major NC:Employees have been provided with the training
the risks of conflict of interest in relating to the Bureau Veritas Code of Ethics Minor
accordance with Bureau Veritas Code NC:Records/Documented information of Code of Ethics
of Ethics? training are held. Area of concern:There are
records/documented information of employee’s commitment
to the Code of Ethics Good:The records/documented
information of the local/regional/Division Impartiality and
Code of Ethics committee are available Excellent:An interview
of a sample of 3 employees determined the appropriate level
of awareness
5.4 Does the organization Major NC:A process is established, implemented and
established, implemented and maintained for consultation and communication with workers.
maintained process for consultation Minor NC:Consultation and participation with non managerial
and communication with workers? workers do covers all the elements identified in the standard
clause (5.4 d) and (5.4 e.) Area of concern:Potential risks are
observed for effective consultation/participation with workers
Good:No obstacles /barriers exist for effective
participation/consultation Excellent:Improvements are
triggered by down to up.
6.1 Has the organization established, Major NC:A procedure is established and implemented to
implemented and maintained a identify the risks and opportunities.
procedure(s) for the The activities performed by the employees in office, laboratory
- identification of risks and and field (considering routine and non routine activities,
opportunities related to its context, emergency situations, and situations, social factors, and
interested parties and activities other issues)are taken into account. Minor NC:Q-HSS -E risks
- determination of necessary and opportunities are identified for all processes and their
controls? interactions. Area of concern:The methodology is appropriate
to the scope and nature of the activities and provide for the
identification and prioritization.
Each risk is quoted based on its severity and frequency,
including existing control measures. Good:The results of the
identification, assessment and control measures is
“Take 2 minutes for my safety” assessments are conducted by
the employees. Excellent:These results are taken into account
in establishing, implementing and maintaining the
management system.
These results are reviewed at a minimum every 3 years or if
needed, are documented and used for the development of
action plan.
6.1 Is there a procedure to identify Major NC:A process is defined to determine and have access
the organization's compliance to the compliance obligations related to the QHSSE MS. Minor
obligations? NC:Compliance obligations (legal, contractual, statutory,
corporate, etc.) are documented. Area of concern:Compliance
obligations are analyzed for application to the organization,
and communicated to relevant persons Good:Applicable
requirements are taken into account in establishing,
implementing and maintaining its management system
Excellent:Applicable requirements are accessible at any time.
6.2 How are the company's QHSE Major NC:Annual objectives and targets are set and consistent
objectives elaborated and deployed ? with the policy. Minor NC:Objectives are consistent with policy
statements, measurable, monitored, communicated.
Program(s) is/are established to achieve these objectives and
targets and define responsibilities, time frame, means and
resources needed for their implementation. Area of concern:A
process is in place to communicate these objectives and to
ensure these programs are tracked and reviewed Good:The
actions are integrated into business processes
Excellent:Objectives are clearly linked with the strategic
orientations of the organization.
6.3 Is there a defined process for Major NC:Changes of the Q-HS-S-E MS are planned.. and risk
determining the need for changes to assessed. Minor NC:These changes are planned while
the QHSE MS and managing their considering the purpose of the changes and their
implementation? consequences and the integrity of the MS Area of
concern:Availability of the resources (including allocation or
reallocation of roles & responsibilities) are considered while
planning the changes Good:Planned changes are controlled
Excellent:The organization reviews the consequences of
unintended changes, taking action to mitigate any adverse
effects, as necessary.
7.1 Are roles defined, responsibilities Major NC:Needs for internal and external resources are
and accountabilities allocated, and identified. Resources means resources essential to establish,
authorities delegated, documented implement, maintain and improve the management system,
and communicated in order to including human resources and specialized skills,
facilitate effective management? organizational infrastructure, technology and financial
resources. Minor NC:The management give itself or its teams
the means to implement its commitment towards Q-HS-S-E.A
high level QHSE organization has been identified (steering
committee, participants, KPI’s, etc.) Area of
concern:Management ensures availability of resources.
A Q-HSE manager s) is assigned with documented roles,
responsibilities and authorities. Good:Q-HSE roles,
responsibilities and authorities are defined, documented,
communicated and understood through management line to
employees. Excellent:Individual annual reviews include Q -
HSE criteria.
7.1 If monitoring or measuring is Major NC:All technical equipment has been identified with a
used for the evidence of conformity of unique reference and selection criteria includes the safety
products and services to specified requirements Minor NC:There is a local procedure for
requirements, has the organization calibration and maintenance of technical equipment being
determined the technical resources implemented. Area of concern:There is an inventory of the
needed to ensure valid and reliable technical equipment available. Good:Technical equipment is
monitoring and measuring of results? consistent with the latest available technologies and budget
Excellent:Technical equipment is selected to support strategic
7.1 If monitoring or measuring is Major NC:All needed resources are identified Minor
used for the evidence of conformity of NC:Resources are managed as per a procedure that also
products and services to specified addresses continuing fitness for their purpose Area of
requirements, has the organization concern:Inventory of resources is current and up to date
determined the non technical Good:Resources are consistent with the latest available
resources needed to ensure valid and technologies and budget Excellent:Resources are selected to
reliable monitoring and measuring of support strategic orientations
7.1 Has the organization determined Major NC:"Organizational knowledge" is defined and
the knowledge necessary for the addressed during main HR events (retirement, dismissal, etc.)
operations of its processes and Minor NC:The need for organizational knowledge is identified
achievement of conformity of within Key operations and processes Area of
products and services and concern:Organizational knowledge within these key operations
implemented a lessons learnt and processes defined, maintained and made available.
process? Good:Necessary organizational knowledge within new
processes and operations is identified once these processes
and operations are launched. Excellent:Based on planned
changes, necessary organizational knowledge is identified in
advance and provided prior to start the operations and
7.2 Are people performing task for Major NC:The matrix of qualification is available and updated.
the organization or on its behalf Minor NC:Training/competency needs have been identified.
competent? Area of concern:Trainings or other actions have been
implemented and delivered to whoever needed them.
Good:Employees are encouraged to express their needs upon
additional training. Excellent:The organization provides
training beyond the minimum level required
7.2 Are people performing task for Major NC:All employees are inducted to Q-HS-S-E Minor NC:A
the organization or on its behalf procedure is in place to manage competence, training and
competent? awareness.
Training requirements are identified according to responsibility
and operational controls. Area of concern:
Supervision process covers HSSE and is regularly conducted.
Effectiveness of training is evaluated Good:Records of the
training courses content, participant feedbacks and testing are
completed and maintained. Key performance indicators are
implemented and tracked; gaps against targets are identified.
Excellent:A recognition process is implemented.

7.3 Are people performing task for Major NC:Q-HSS-E induction material is defined and regularly
the organization or on its behalf updated Minor NC:All employees are inducted to Q-HSS-E
aware? within the first week of arrival in Bureau Veritas.

Job specific Safety induction is given prior to start operational

jobs. Area of concern:The induction material comprises the
implications of not conforming with the Q-HSS-E MS
requirements (including sanctions)
Toolbox talks are conducted. Good:All employees are inducted
to Q-HSS-E within the first week of arrival in Bureau Veritas.
Excellent:Induction is converted into refresher training and
deployed every 2 years for all employees once inducted.
Regular internal awareness material is shared (newsletter,
7.4 In what way is the etc.)
Major NC:Internal and external communication is organized,
communication process specified ? Group Safety campaigns are deployed. Minor NC:The
communication process determines
a) what it will communicate;
b) when to communicate;
c) with whom to communicate;
d) how to communicate;
e) who communicates.. Area of concern:Information relevant
to the management system is communicated including
Personnel are consulted where there are any changes that
affect their OHS&S and E.
Personnel are involved in risk assessment and have
representation on HSE matters Good:Safety alerts are part of
the internal communication process
The organization has started if its OHS&S hazards and/or E
aspects can be communicated externally Excellent:Bottom up
internal communication is organized
Crisis external communication is organized. Consultation with
7.4 Is the certification body name Major NC:It was evidenced in several documents the
(TUV) mentioned on stationery and existence of the certification body name in charge of the BV
Internet sites ? Certification. There is no communication process to manage
this requirement Minor NC:The existence of a certification
body name was evidenced in a document Area of concern:No
communication of the certification body name on the BV
website, … nevertheless the communication process or the
integration process is not strong regarding this requirement
Good:No communication of the certification body name on the
BV website, … The topic is mastered nevertheless the
processes could be improved Excellent:The communication
process is documented and deployed.
The review of the communication material is planed.
The integration process is documented and strongly managed.
The responsibilities are clearly defined

7.5 Does the management system Major NC:A management system manual exists (whatever it is
documentation contains all necessary constituted of)
documents and records and are they
properly managed? A divisional or local procedure about Control of Documents is
implemented Minor NC:Management system documentation
includes all documents requested by the standard(s) and for
the implementation of an efficient management system

A list of controlled documents is available for divisional and

local requirements Area of concern:A process is in place to
ensure all documents and records are properly managed for
approval, review, update, changes and circulation of only
current versions, legibility and identification, controlled
distribution, obsolete documents

The list is managed and updated. Good:Documents are

available for relevant persons in an easy manner.

Evidence are available that documents held by operatives are

being controlled Excellent:Storage (archive) duration is
defined for relevant documents.

A sample of 3 inspectors, technical or support processes can

provide evidence of compliance
7.5 Are operational records properly Major NC:There is a documented procedure for the control of
managed? records/documented information.
All documented information necessary for the management
system have been identified. Minor NC:The accessibility,
security, safety and integrity of the stored
records/documented information have been assessed Area of
concern:Records/Documented information are efficiently and
effectively accessible. Confidentiality is properly defined and

operational documents) and for new services shall be

reviewed at least once a year and HSSE shall be a part of
document approval process Good:Stored records are properly
disposed of once the defined storage period is over.
Format of the storage is regularly reviewed for effectiveness
Excellent:Documented information is reviewed for its
continuing relevance and effectiveness
8.1 Is there a defined process to Major NC:The organization has identified its operations,
meet the Q-HS-S-E management activities, products and services for which the implementation
system requirements (including for of controls is necessary to meet requirements.
the provision of products and services Minor NC:Criteria have been defined for processes and
defined by customer) and implement acceptance of products and services.
the actions identified? Needed resources are known. Area of concern:Operational
controls are developed, implemented and maintained for
identified operations, activities, products and services.
Good:Operational controls are documented ( if necessary),
and relevant internal and external persons have been made
aware/trained on them. Other visitors in the work place are
managed. Excellent:Tracking of contractors/subcontractors
compliance is done.
8.1 When changes are planned are Major NC:Changes (temporary or permanent) are planned.
they carried out in a controlled way Minor NC:Unintended changes are managed Area of
and actions taken to mitigate any concern:Impacts on the management system are taken into
adverse effects? account in the planning of change
Availability of the resources (including allocation of reallocation
of roles & responsibilities) are considered while planning the
changes Good:Planned changes are controlled. Excellent:The
organization reviews the consequences of unintended
changes, taking action to mitigate any adverse effects, as
8.1 Are the process(es) to control Major NC:Procurement processes are addressing the health
the procurement of and safety requirements for suppliers, equipment, and other
products and services in order to goods and related services to ensure OHS risks are under
ensure their conformity to its OH&S control Minor NC:It is verified that equipment, installations
management system establish, and materials are safe for use Area of concern:Procurement
implement and maintain? (for Non- processes addresses the need for consultation and
exclusives and Subcontractors refer communication Good:Contractor activities effecting OH&S
to Questions #49 and #50) performance of the entity such as maintenance, cleaning
services etc. are controlled /coordinated Excellent:Post work
evaluation and feedback is provided
8.1 What measures are adopted to Major NC:Energy, water, paper, and ozone depleting
manage CO2 emissions related to the substances consumption together with business travels and
activities? quantity of wastes generated are measured (if applicable).
CO2 impacts are defined Minor NC:Action plans are
implemented to reduce the CO2 footprint. Area of
concern:Key performance indicators are implemented and
tracked; gaps against targets are identified. Good:Indicators
are managed and review with the management at least once a
Actions are linked to the KPIs Excellent:An environmental
committee is in place
The effectiveness of the action plan is checked
The performance is communicated to the employees
8.1 How are confined space entry Major NC:Confined space entry was risk assessed by the HSE
risks identified and managed to coordinator. Minor NC:PPE is provided and fit for purpose in
ensure the health and safety of confined space. Area of concern:Induction and awareness
Bureau Veritas’s employees and training are conducted and provide enough information to
other managed persons? enable performer to assess and manage risks related to
confined space entry. Good:A well detailed procedure exists
and is implemented to managed risks related to confined
space entry. This procedure includes permits to enter confined
spaces. Excellent:Confined space entry is controlled and
supervised. (Review supervision process)
8.1 How are risks related to working Major NC:Working at height was risk assessed by the HSE
at height identified and managed for coordinator. Minor NC:The personnel (including sub-
Bureau Veritas’s employees and contractors) are duly qualified based on applicable legal or
other managed persons? internal Bureau Veritas requirements. Area of concern:PPE is
provided and fit for purpose of working at height. Good:A well
detailed procedure exists and is implemented to managed
risks related to working at height. Excellent:Working at height
is controlled and supervised. (Review supervision process)

8.1 How are risks related to ionizing Major NC:Procedures are in place including specific emergency
radiations identified and managed for response plans related to Ionizing Radiation. Minor NC:The
Bureau Veritas’s employees and personnel are duly qualified and receive regular medical
other managed persons? checkup. Area of concern:Personal Protective Equipment is
provided and fit for the purpose. Good:IR equipment (sources,
exposure, dosimeter, ...) is monitored and this monitoring is
documented. Excellent:Internal compliance audits are
conducted against applicable legal and Group requirements.

8.1 Are appropriate personal Major NC:Risk assessments for all tasks are conducted and
protective equipment provided to all documented by a competent person. Minor NC:PPE fits for
employees and managed by Bureau purpose and comply with applicable legal requirements. Area
Veritas? of concern:Appropriate PPE records are maintained.
Good:Record of PPE induction training and management
system review are available. Excellent:An
enforcement/monitoring system (e.g. monitoring, field visits,
annual appraisal, management review, etc.) is in place.

8.1 How are risks related to driving Major NC:The number of employees driving company cars or
for business reasons identified and vehicles for work related trips is tracked. Minor NC:Personal
managed for Bureau Veritas relevant documentation for vehicle users is checked and maintained.
employees? Area of concern:Drivers have been made aware of their
responsibilities and duties related to business driving. Good:A
risk assessment of the drivers was conducted and
documented to identify necessary control measures.
Excellent:Specific measures are implemented for drivers, and
completion is tracked.
8.1 Are employees provided with an Major NC:A medical surveillance procedure is in place. Minor
appropriate medical surveillance? NC:An occupational doctor is identified. Area of concern:All
new employees (apart from office employees) go through an
initial medical examination. Good:All employees performing
jobs ( Appendix 2) are provided with an appropriate medical
surveillance. Excellent:Number of medical examinations
(initial) is quarterly reported in SAS.
8.1 Do all Bureau Veritas entities Major NC:A Fire Prevention team is in place and known. Minor
implement measures to prevent fire NC:Appropriate fire detection and fighting equipment are in
and to respond to such event? place, maintained with records. Area of concern:Appropriate
signage is posted and annual fire drill is conducted and
documented. Good:Employees, sub-contractors and visitors
receive a fire prevention/emergency induction. Excellent:Log
books or other processes are in place to identify who is in/out.
8.1 How are risks related to travel for
Major NC:A process is in place to prepare travels (medical,
business reasons identified and training, etc.) Minor NC:Travel security passport is used,
managed for Bureau Veritas relevant Securtiy plans are properly prepared and approved for high
employees? and extreme risk destinations.Relevant TSO approvals are in
place. Area of concern:A document summarizing local safety
information exists and has been communicated as requested.
Good:Managers validate travels only if the employees have
completed necessary preparation steps. Excellent:For
extreme and high risk countries, the CCE knows which
foreigners are in his country and their emergency contact
8.1 Are the usage, being under the Major NC:Disciplinary sanctions have been developed. Minor
influence, possesses of, distribution NC:Induction contains Drug, Alcohol and Smoking
or sell of alcohol or illegal drugs requirements and disciplinary sanctions. Area of concern:Local
controlled? Is smoking controlled? independent test service or suitably trained tester is identified
and contacted if needed. Good:Rehabilitation/counselling
solutions are proposed to employees. Excellent:Prevention
campaigns are conducted.
8.1 Are Health, Safety, Security and Major NC:HSSE plans for projects are developed for large
Environment requirements related to projects and large project list is maintained by HSSE Manager
large projects gathered in a plan and Minor NC:The content of the HSSE plans complies with Group
complied with? requirements and clients specifications. Area of
concern:Clients’ requirements are identified during the phases
of tendering and contract review. Good:Compliance with the
HSSE plans is documented and reported Excellent:HSSE plans
are periodically reviewed for updates.

8.1 Is exposure to asbestos Major NC:A written asbestos procedure is developed Minor
controlled to prevent short and long- NC:Activities during which employees might be exposed to the
terms health effect? inhalation of asbestos fibres are identified and documented
Area of concern:Local applicable requirements about asbestos
exposure are identified and documented Good:A written
asbestos exposure protection program is developed
Excellent:Controls are implemented to verify the
implementation of the asbestos protection program.
8.1 Does the organization has a Major NC:There is a local/divisional procedure to meet the
process to manage offshore safety? requirements of this procedure Minor NC:Compliance of BV
employees with Offshore training and medical requirements is
monitored Area of concern:Provision of PPEs fit for purpose for
the required work and environment is monitored Good:A
detailed analysis of this policy’s implementation is part of the
local annual management review Excellent:Internal
compliance audits are conducted against applicable legal,
Group and clients requirements
8.1 Does the organization have a Major NC:All activities are risk assessed for lone working
process to efficiently manage lone situations. Minor NC:Control means are clearly defined. Area
working? of concern:Control means are implemented and a training
process is to be put in place Good:Monitoring of lone working
control measures is to be regularly done and deficiencies are
to be corrected. Excellent:Existing activities which involves
lone working are regularly reviewed to check if another way of
conducting them without working alone is possible.

8.1 Does the organization have a Major NC:All machines in all activities are risk assessed. Minor
process to efficiently manage NC:Control means are defined and implemented. If necessary,
machine guarding? machines are locked out tagged out. Area of
concern:Appropriate training is provided (related to both
machines under and out of Bureau Veritas authority). Good:A
preventive maintenance plan is in place to ensure the
sustainability of the guarding Excellent:Machine guarding is
ensured prior to using a new machine in production.

8.2 Is a procedure in place to identify Major NC:The organization has established, implemented and
and manage emergency situations maintained a procedure(s) to identify potential emergency
and to implement appropriate situations and respond to such emergency situations. Minor
responses? NC:The organization has identified how to respond to actual
emergency situations and prevent or mitigate associated
adverse consequences. Area of concern:In planning its
emergency response, the organization has taken into account
the needs of relevant interested parties. Good:The
organization periodically tests such procedures where
practicable, involving relevant interested parties as
appropriate. Excellent:The organization periodically reviews
and, where necessary, revises its emergency preparedness
and response procedures, in particular, after periodical testing
and the occurrence of accidents or emergency situations.
8.2 Is there a defined process for Major NC:Communication with customers occurs but is not
reviewing and communicating with organized. Minor NC:Marketing & Sales people and quality
customers in relation to information persons in charge have defined and structured the
relating to products and services, communication with customers to provide them with or obtain
enquiries, contracts and other from them some information. Roles & responsibilities are
handling? clear. Area of concern:Handling customer's property and
specific requirements for contingency measures are defined.
Good:Content communicated to customers is regularly
reviewed / updated. Excellent:Latest technologies and
strategic orientations are taken into account to improve
communication with customers.
8.2 Is there a defined process for Major NC:Customer complaints are received, documented and
reviewing and communicating with answered within an appropriate delay. Minor NC:Complaints
customers in relation to information are analyzed for trends. Actions are implemented in the
relating to products and services, processes Area of concern:Complaints are documented in
enquiries, contracts and other QESIS Good:Major complaints undergo an RCA process as per
handling? Group QHSSE 107 PT. Excellent:Customer complaints are
visible in the CRM tool.
8.2 Is there a defined process for Major NC:Certifications and accreditations needed for the
identifying the needs for and current scope of work are identified. Minor NC:Their
maintaining the necessary requirements are met. Consequences of not passing these
certifications and/or accreditations ? certifications & accreditations are known by management.
Area of concern:Valid certificates or evidences of
accreditation/certification are available Good:Needs for
accreditations or certifications is regularly assessed.
Excellent:Upon a new product, service, client or legislation,
the need for an accreditation or certification is assessed.
8.2 Is this review conducted prior to Major NC:A process exists to issue proposal, offer and
the organization's commitment to contract. Minor NC:A review is conducted by a designated
supply products and services? person before committing to supply the service. Safety
Criteria is a part of review process. Only authorized line
managers can sign offers. Area of concern:Contract file must
contain all necessary records pertaining to the results of the
review and any new requirements for the products and
services. Good:Engagement committees are organized for the
contracts at risks (size, type of service, geography, etc.)
Excellent:Engagement committees also focus on low volumes
and low costs to ensure the quality of the delivered services.
8.1 Are all service portfolio defined Major NC:Service portfolio list is available and updated on an
and reviewed regularly to provide annual basis Minor NC:New services development process
services in line with the Bureau includes a risk assessment step Area of concern:Bureau
Veritas Code of Services? Veritas liability exposure is assessed for new services
Good:Risk assessment including safety criteria process is
carried out, with Quality Support and under the BU manager
responsibility Excellent:Documented review is led for
reviewing current portfolio and new services development

8.3 If the organization designs and Major NC:A project organization is defined (committee, team,
develops products or services, are charters to specify roles & responsibilities, etc.) Minor
these processes established and NC:New services are technically defined. Requirements, risks
implemented in line with the and resources for their development are identified and
requirements of the standard? documented. Area of concern:Design and development are
controlled and validated at key steps. If inputs are not met,
outputs can not be validated.
Outputs and changes to the design and development are
documented. Good:A detailed list of all new products and
services exists and is kept up to date and accurate.
Excellent:Prior to launching the process to create a new
product or service, internal investigation is conducted to
ensure this product or service has not been already developed
8.4 Does the organization ensure that by another
Major entity.
NC:There is a local or divisional procedure for the
externally provided processes, selection of subcontractors being implemented. Safety criteria
products or services conform to is part of selection process. Minor NC:Records/documented
specified requirements and re- information of subcontractors are held and maintained by the
evaluation criteria? business unit. Area of concern:Contracts are signed with
subcontractors. Good:There is proof that the use of a
subcontractor has been accepted by the client.
Excellent:There is evidence of a review of the subcontracted
work and the subcontract agreement.
8.4 Does the organization ensure that Major NC:There is a list of Non-Exclusive people Minor
externally provided processes, NC:Engagement contracts exist for Non-Exclusive persons.
products or services conform to Safety criteria is part of selection process. Area of
specified requirements and re- concern:Non-Exclusive people are duly trained and qualified
evaluation criteria? Good:
Non-Exclusive people are duly supervised Excellent:All jobs
contracted with non-exclusive persons are clearly identified
and ordered with the required information
8.5 Are Bureau Veritas contract files Major NC:A documented local procedure for contract file
maintained in a current status, with management is available and complies with appropriate
valid and relevant records to ensure requirements Minor NC:Persons in charge have been trained.
that the work undertaken meets Area of concern:Contract files are stored in a safe and
contract and standard requirements? appropriate manner. Contracts are closed as per the
procedure. Good:Stored files are properly disposed of once
the defined storage period is over. Excellent:Format of the
storage is regularly reviewed for effectiveness
8.5 Are all internally subcontracted Major NC:Contract manager are nominated.
works between business units or Details of the work to be transferred are clearly documented
regions managed and communicated and communicated to the entity performing the work as an
to ensure the requirements are internal work instruction Minor NC:A structured process is
understood and the deliverables are defined and implemented to ensure a consistent performance
agreed? of the work quality and the traceability of who did what. Area
of concern:An exhaustive and up to date list of internal work
orders is available upon request and at any time for the
contract managers. Good:Upon the leave of contract
managers, their internal work orders are taken care of by a
designated person. Excellent:Requesters are managed as
external customers.
8.5 Are all contracts in Bureau Veritas Major NC:Contract managers are nominated.
managed to ensure that All details of the contract information is provided to them
commitments, obligations and including the associated HSSE risks. Minor NC: A structured
deliverables are met in accordance process is defined and implemented.
with the contract terms?
Hand-over are organized between the Sales team and the
nominated contract manager. If handover are limited to
specific type of contracts, this is clearly documented.
Area of concern:An exhaustive and up to date list of contracts
and their related contract managers is available at any time,
including for and by contract manager.

Periodic review of the contract compliance are organized

internally with upper management and sales team, and with
the client. All safety control measures are in place and team
has relevant competency to perform the task safely
Good:Upon the leave of contract managers, their contracts
are taken care of by a designated person with no delay. The
customer is proactively informed of that change. Excellent:All
contract managers in charge of contracts for the same global
clients hold regular meeting/discussion among them and with
the sales team in order to present one common face to the
8.5 Does the organization have Major NC:Reports and certificate generation process has been
effective methods of ensuring defined,. Its content and templates are set up and controlled.
traceability during the operating Minor NC:Elements to ensure traceability of reports and
process? certificates have been defined . They are systematically
implemented and documented when needed. Area of
concern:Reports and certificates can be issued only after a
compliance check and once signed by an authorized person.
Good:Technical solution to protect certificates and reports re
implemented to avoid the generation of counterfeited
documents. Excellent:Best available technologies are regularly
reviewed to identify the potential to make this report easier
and more secure.
8.5 Where property belonging to Major NC:Property belonging to customers or external
customers or external providers is providers is properly identified/tagged in order to not be
used in the provision of the product confused with Bureau Veritas or other customer property.
or service, is this effectively Minor NC:A structured process is defined and implemented to
controlled? ensure that such property is not only identified but also
verified, protected and safe guarded. Area of
concern:Communication to customers or external provider
regarding the loss, damage or otherwise found unsuitable for
use of their property is done as soon as found and is
documented. Good:If such property needs to be disposed of
once used or returned to the provider, the action is
documented. Excellent:The process is regularly reviewed for
8.5 Has the organization determine efficiency.
Major NC:Post delivery activities are complied with upon
the extend of post-delivery activities need/request/occurrence. Minor NC:Post delivery activities set
that are required, and does it meet by contract or by law are identified and complied with. Area of
them? concern:All post delivery activities are systematically identified
and complied with. Good:Analysis on the performed post
delivery activities is conducted at least annually for efficiency.
Excellent:Follow up of the post delivery activities is conducted
to check for client satisfaction.

8.6 Has the organization Major NC:Products and services are released once validated
implemented a process to release by an authorized person Minor NC:Planned arrangements are
products and services? identified at appropriate stages and they are used to verify
that the product and service requirements have been met.
Products and services are released only if these arrangements
are met (unless otherwise approved by a relevant authority)
Area of concern:Conformity with the acceptance criteria and
authorizing person are documented for each release.
Good:Planned arrangements are regularly reviewed for
efficiency. Excellent:Feedback from clients and relevant
authority are analyzed to improve products and services

8.7 Are any nonconforming process Major NC:Non conforming outputs are corrected and verified
outputs managed so as to prevent once corrected. Minor NC:Risk assessment is conducted to
their unintended use or delivery? decide if segregation, containment, return or suspension of
provision are necessary. Once decided, they are implemented
and client is informed. Area of concern:Documented
information is maintained for each non conforming output (
description, actions, obtained concessions, final authorization)
Good:RCA is conducted on major non conformity and/or on
the most frequent ones. Actions are taken to address the root
causes. Excellent:Proactive communication is ensured with the
clients/the authorities to inform about the improvement
measures implemented.
9.1.1 Does the organization monitor, Major NC:The organization has established, implemented and
measure, analyze and evaluate its maintained a procedure(s) to monitor and measure, on a
QHSE performance? regular basis, OH&S, E performance and/or the key
characteristics of its operations. Minor NC:The company
effectively tracks its performance. Area of concern:The
program of maintenance for monitoring equipment is
exhaustive. Proactive and reactive measures are completed.
Good:The organization has established and maintained a
procedure for the calibration and maintenance of monitoring
and measurement equipment. Excellent:Associated records
are retained and available.
9.1.1 Are all technical staff involved Major NC:An updated list of area of expertise is defined
in operational activities monitored for according to the portfolio evolution. Minor NC:The schedule for
competency in defined areas of monitoring of inspectors or technical operatives takes risk into
expertise? account. The schedule is maintained up to date and available
for all managers. Monitoring is performed accordingly. Area of
concern:Results of the monitoring are analyzed. Identified
findings are managed and closed as per the requirements.
Good:Assessors are also monitored. Excellent:10% of the
monitoring is unannounced.
9.1.1 Are safety incidents reported Major NC:Incidents are defined according to Bureau Veritas
and analyzed efficiently in order to requirements All work related incidents are reported in
allow for the identification of effective QESIS. Minor NC:Root cause analysis and action plan of the
actions? work-related lost-time accidents and serious accidents and
significant events (near hit or an unsafe condition etc. ) that
could have resulted in one or more fatalities or serious injuries
in other circumstances are recorded in QESIS. Evaluations
are performed with participation of workers Area of
concern:Serious accidents – including fatalities – have been
reported to Bureau Veritas Group QHSSE Director as per the
required timing and using the requested template.
Safety alerts are issued as appropriate. Good:Analysis and
trends of other type of incidents are conducted and used to
defined improvement actions. Excellent:Staff actively reports
interesting near hits and unsafe conditions.
9.1.2 Has the organization Major NC:A procedure(s) is established, implemented and
established, implemented and maintained for periodically evaluating compliance (legal,
maintained a process to evaluate contractual, statutory; corporate, etc.) with compliance
fulfillment of its compliance obligations. Minor NC:Actions are taken in case of non
obligations? compliance Area of concern:Records of the periodic
evaluations are retained. Good:Evidences of assessment are
referenced for each applicable obligation.
Excellent:Compliance assessment is planned and this planning
is documented.
9.1.2 Have methods of monitoring Major NC:Method(s) to obtain and monitor customer
customer perceptions of the provision satisfaction is/are defined. Minor NC:Customer satisfaction is
of products and services been monitored, evidences are available for each strategic business
established? lines. Area of concern:Results of the Customer satisfaction
monitoring are analyzed and actions are taken to improve
satisfaction level as appropriate. Good:Marketing and Sales
are involved during the full process and benefit from the
outputs of the monitoring to propose marketing actions.
Excellent:Methods /strategy are regularly reviewed to improve
the quantity and quality of obtained answers.
9.1.3 Has the organization Major NC:Data from monitoring and measurement are
determined the need or opportunity presented during management review. Minor NC:Analysis of
for improvement within the QHSE MS these data is conducted to identify trends, gaps, successes.
and how these will be fed into Area of concern:The results of this analysis is compared to the
management reviews? targets. Opportunity of improvements are identified and
proposed. Good:The analysis is ran more frequently than the
MR in order to help management making decisions at the
proper timing. Excellent:The identified opportunities for
improvement also support the strategic orientations of the
9.2 Are internal audits conducted? Major NC:Q-HS-S-E internal audits are conducted by
competent auditors. Minor NC:A planning of internal audits is
available and integrates: audit criteria, scope, frequency,
methods. Frequency of the audits integrates criticality of the
operations. Area of concern:Audit program and results are
documented in Group internal audit tool. Actions to close non
conformances are implemented within 90 days. Good:Cross
auditing is organized. Excellent:30% of the internal audits are
9.3 Does the organization conduct Major NC:The top management reviews the organization's Q-
management review? HSS-E management system, at planned intervals and
minimum once per year. Minor NC:The inputs to management
reviews include all requested elements of the standards. Area
of concern:The outputs from management reviews are
documented and include any decisions and actions related to
possible changes to opportunities for improvement, need for
changes to the Q-HS-S-E MS, resources needed.
Good:Outputs of the management review are cascaded
through the organization for information and actions.
Excellent:Local management review outputs are used as
inputs of the management review of the above entity (is: sites
10.1 Has the organization determined MR forNC:Actions
Major country MR)are implemented to achieve the intended
and selected opportunities for outcomes of its QHSE MS. Minor NC:Actions are selected
improvement and implemented the based on proposed opportunities for improvement which are
necessary actions to achieve the identified through various processes. Area of concern:Actions
intended outcomes of its QHSE MS? are risk assessed before implementation to verify they do not
generate new risks and to confirm their intended results.
Good:Actions are risk assessed prior to implementation to
avoid generating new risks. Excellent:Actions are tracked and
monitored. Their efficiency and effectiveness are verified.
10.2 Has the organization Major NC:Non conformities are corrected and verified once
appropriate processes for managing corrected. Minor NC:Risk assessment is conducted to decide if
nonconformities and the related segregation, containment, return or suspension of provision
corrective actions? are necessary. Once decided, they are implemented and client
is informed (if appropriate) Area of concern:Documented
information is maintained for each non conformity (
description, actions, obtained concessions, final authorization)
Good:RCA is conducted on major non conformity and/or on
the most frequent ones. Actions are taken to address the root
causes. Excellent:Proactive communication is ensured with the
clients/similar activities in the Group to inform about the
improvement measures implemented.
10.2 Has the organization Major NC:Actions are taken to control and correct any non
appropriate processes for managing conformity. Minor NC:Actions are taken to deal with the
nonconformities and the related consequences of the non conformity.
corrective actions? There is a documented process to monitor all actions. Area of
concern:The non conformity is analyzed as per the Group
Possible impact on business is assessed. Good:Actions are risk
assessed prior to implementation to avoid generating new
risks. Excellent:Best practices are shared.
10.2 Are Q-HS-S-E accidents properly Major NC:Serious accidents, lost time accident and significant
investigated and further measures quality event are all tracked and root cause analyzed using
implemented? Group templates. Minor NC:Actions have been selected based
on the type of issue (knowledge / ability / willingness) Area of
concern:Actions have been implemented. Their effectiveness
has been verified. Results are documented. Good:Safety alerts
are issued and cascaded through the organization.
Excellent:Each RCA event has not re-occurred.

10.3 Has the organization decided on Major NC:Top management is provided with the minimum
how it will address the requirement to information requested by the standards. Minor NC:All
continually improve the suitability, necessary and appropriate analysis and evaluation are
adequacy and effectiveness of the provided during the MR. Area of concern:The management
MS? review concludes if the QHSSE MS is suitable, adequate and
effective. Decision are made to ensure continual
improvement. Good:Analysis and measurement and regularly
reviewed for effectiveness. If necessary they are changed,
upgraded. Excellent:External and internal benchmark is seek
from well performing entities, and used to contribute to
continuous improvement

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