NLRB/Nintendo + Aston Carter
NLRB/Nintendo + Aston Carter
NLRB/Nintendo + Aston Carter
Case 19-CA-294207
Correspondence: All documents submitted to the Region regarding your case MUST be filed
through the Agency’s website, This includes all formal pleadings, briefs, as well as
affidavits, documentary evidence, and position statements. The Agency requests all evidence submitted
electronically to be in the form it is normally used and maintained in the course of business (i.e., native
format). Where evidence submitted electronically is not in native format, it should be submitted in a
manner that retains the essential functionality of the native format (i.e., in a machine-readable and
searchable electronic format).
If you have questions about the submission of evidence or expect to deliver a large quantity of
electronic records, please promptly contact the Board agent investigating the charge. If you cannot e-file
your documents, you must provide a statement explaining why you do not have access to the means for
filing electronically or why filing electronically would impose an undue burden.
In addition, this Region will be issuing case-related correspondence and documents, including
complaints, compliance specifications, dismissal letters, deferral letters, and withdrawal letters,
electronically to the email address you provide. Please ensure that you receive important case-related
correspondence, please ensure that the Board Agent assigned to your case has your preferred email
address. These steps will ensure that you receive correspondence faster and at a significantly lower cost
to the taxpayer. If there is some reason you are unable to receive correspondence via email, please
contact the agent assigned to your case to discuss the circumstances that prevent you from using email.
Information about the Agency, the procedures we follow in unfair labor practice cases and our
customer service standards is available on our website, or from an NLRB office upon your
request. NLRB Form 4541, Investigative Procedures offers information that is helpful to parties involved
in an investigation of an unfair labor practice charge.
We can provide assistance for persons with limited English proficiency or disability. Please let us
know if you or any of your witnesses would like such assistance.
Daniel N. Nelson
Regional Director
Dirksen Federal Building Agency Website: Download
219 South Dearborn Street, Suite 808 Telephone: (312)353-7570 NLRB
Chicago, IL 60604-2027 Fax: (312)886-1341 Mobile App
Enclosed is a copy of a charge that has been filed in this case. This letter tells you how to
contact the Board agent who will be investigating the charge, explains your right to be
represented, discusses presenting your evidence, and provides a brief explanation of our
procedures, including how to submit documents to the NLRB.
Investigator: This charge is being investigated by Field Attorney Emily O'Neill whose
telephone number is (312)353-7610. If this Board agent is not available, you may contact
Supervisory Field Examiner Paul Prokop whose telephone number is (312)353-7171.
If you are contacted by someone about representing you in this case, please be assured
that no organization or person seeking your business has any "inside knowledge" or favored
relationship with the National Labor Relations Board. Their knowledge regarding this
proceeding was only obtained through access to information that must be made available to any
member of the public under the Freedom of Information Act.
Full and complete cooperation includes providing witnesses to give sworn affidavits to a
Board agent, and providing all relevant documentary evidence requested by the Board
agent. Sending us your written account of the facts and a statement of your position is not
Aston Carter - Nintendo of America -2-
Case 19-CA-294207
enough to be considered full and complete cooperation. A refusal to fully cooperate during the
investigation might cause a case to be litigated unnecessarily.
In addition, either you or your representative must complete the enclosed Commerce
Questionnaire to enable us to determine whether the NLRB has jurisdiction over this dispute. If
you recently submitted this information in another case, or if you need assistance completing the
form, please contact the Board agent.
We will not honor requests to limit our use of position statements or evidence.
Specifically, any material you submit may be introduced as evidence at a hearing before an
administrative law judge regardless of claims of confidentiality. However, certain evidence
produced at a hearing may be protected from public disclosure by demonstrated claims of
Further, the Freedom of Information Act may require that we disclose position statements
or evidence in closed cases upon request, unless an exemption applies, such as those protecting
confidential financial information or personal privacy interests.
Correspondence: All documents submitted to the Region regarding your case MUST be
filed through the Agency’s website, This includes all formal pleadings, briefs, as
well as affidavits, documentary evidence, and position statements. The Agency requests all
evidence submitted electronically to be in the form it is normally used and maintained in the
course of business (i.e., native format). Where evidence submitted electronically is not in native
format, it should be submitted in a manner that retains the essential functionality of the native
format (i.e., in a machine-readable and searchable electronic format).
If you have questions about the submission of evidence or expect to deliver a large
quantity of electronic records, please promptly contact the Board agent investigating the charge.
If you cannot e-file your documents, you must provide a statement explaining why you do not
have access to the means for filing electronically or why filing electronically would impose an
undue burden.
Aston Carter - Nintendo of America -3-
Case 19-CA-294207
Information about the Agency, the procedures we follow in unfair labor practice cases
and our customer service standards is available on our website, or from an NLRB
office upon your request. NLRB Form 4541, Investigative Procedures offers information that is
helpful to parties involved in an investigation of an unfair labor practice charge.
We can provide assistance for persons with limited English proficiency or disability.
Please let us know if you or any of your witnesses would like such assistance.
Daniel N. Nelson
Regional Director
1. Copy of Charge
2. Commerce Questionnaire
Charged Party
Case 19-CA-294207
(b) (6), (b) (7)(C)
Charging Party
I, the undersigned employee of the National Labor Relations Board, state under oath that on
April 18, 2022, I served the above-entitled document(s) by post-paid regular mail upon the
following persons, addressed to them at the following addresses:
/s/ Annie La