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Ancestry (OSR)

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A game for adventure and resource management

during the sprout of the dark ages.

Escrito por
Gustavo Tertoleone
circa 638AD
Table of Content

Characters & Adventures

Ability Score_______________________________
Página___ ___
Character Class_________________________Página
Starting Money & Equipment______________
Página___ ___X
Página___ ___
Página XIII
___ ___

Land & Lineage

Creating a Village__________________________
Página___ ___
Managing a Village_______________________
Página XVII
___ ___ _
Página XX
___ ___ _

Miracles & Spells

Miracles___________________________________ ___ XXII
___ _
___ ___XXV

T his is a minimalist adventu-

re game for those who want to build
an empire, or die trying. Players
while feudalism was starting to take
place in Europe. Living in villages
own by a Lord who descend from
become poor people in a dark and some Roman Centurions or any other
dirt village with a spark of bravery figure of power. The villagers, PCs
inside of them, burning their spirit included, live in this Lord’s land,
in order to fulfill their fate, stepping paying them in exchange for land,
up ahead of the other villagers, be- tools and protection. However, the
coming rich and glorious heroes, if beginning of play is the opportunity
they are able to survive. to change this, going into an adven-
ture seeking for glory and wealth,
It is expected from players to have but also to protect the realm from
a general idea of how Role Playing something really dangerous. If the
Games work, because of that I will PCs return alive, it is given to them
not get in details about how to play the title of knight or maiden, and
this game. For those who never land where they are able to run their
played a RPG before, YouTube is own village, improve it, and create
filled with a variety of game sessions your their own lineage.
streamed or recorded, those can give
you an idea of how RPG sessions The first adventure takes place
are. In this book you will find all when PCs are young, and it is mos-
the rules necessary to play Ancestry. tly related to a regional problem
that no one else is brave enough to
This is a game that can be played face. After resolving the adventure,
in groups of 4 to 6 people, one of if PCs return to the village alive,
them being the Game Master (GM), they must have enough resources to
and the others role playing their change their lives forever. Spend the
player character (PC). The GM is next game sessions discussing how
responsible for role playing the Non PCs will invest their new wealth and
Playable Characters (NPC) and the what changes might happen to their
Beasts. The GM is also responsible village.
for preparing the game session, and
for the description details of situa- The second adventure takes place
tions and settings. during the second decade, therefore,
update character sheets and face the
To play Ancestry you will need new adventure. If PCs survive, they
some character sheets, paper, era- will be received back into their villa-
ser and pencil. You will also need a ge as heroes, with glory and wealth
copy of this book and a set of ga- once again. The following game ses-
ming dice (the ones that have multi- sion should be spent discussing what
ple sides, from d4s to d20s). changes will occur along the next
ten years.
In this game, PCs start during the
darkest period of the dark ages, The third adventure must take place

during the third and last decade, so

update character sheets once again
before going into the new adventure.
If PCs survive, they surely will be
received as mighty leaders, ascending
their domain in importance. They
must be not just rich by now, but
also very powerful. Use the next
game session to define important con-
nections with other kingdoms, real-
ms and villages and to manage more
aspects of their town, investments,
changes, and their descendants. The
chosen ones to be their heirs will
become the new PCs, who will start
their first decade as adventurer/ru-
lers, starting then a lineage rulers.

These new PCs are part of the se-

cond half of a century and they
start as rich characters. They can
be played as Advanced Characters,
described in details in the Advanced
Ancestry Book, or they can simply
be played as the ones before them.

Enjoy your game sessions!



T o create a character,
players must roll 3d6 and compa-
re the results, in order, to the table
bellow. Then, they should note the
modifiers to their ability score:

BODY - This ability score rela-

tes to the character’s physical capa-
bilities. This score is added to the
character’s attack rolls, Dexterity
and Vigor saving throw, and to the
number of wounds the character can

MIND - This ability score relates

to the character’s mental potential.
This score is added to the charac-
ter’s Intelligence saving throw, the
chance of identifying traps, secret
passages and hidden objects, and the
extra number of languages a charac-
ter can learn.

SOUL - This ability score relates

to the character’s supernatural sen-
sitivity. This score is added to the
character’s Spell saving throw, the
chance of tricking a person or be-
ast and as a bonus to magical effects
conjured by the PC.

d6 Roll / Modifier
1 +1
2 +1
3 +1
4 +2
5 +2
6 +3


P layers should choose a character class in order to select the other

elements to create a PC. The classes available are described in details below.
Warriors are specialized in combat, Warlocks are well versed in the conju-
ring of spells, Holy Ones are capable of miracles, and Prowlers are skilled
in stealing and stealthing.

Characters who have received the gift of perform miracles for their gods. A
Holy One can be a priest, an acolyte, a witch doctor, a shaman, or any
other follower and agent of a creed. They can use any type of weapon,
shield and armor in order to defeat monstrous beasts! But need a sacred sym-
bol to perform their miracles.

A Holy One is able to perform 2d4 miracles per week, those can be se-
lected by the player at the beginning of a new decade. When a new deca-
de is achieved, the second level miracles become available for the character
to choose, being possible to select either from the first or the second level.
That repeats when the third decade arrives with third level miracles.


1st 10 14 12 14 16 2d4
2nd 10 10 08 10 12 2d4
3rd 10 06 04 06 08 2d4

Individuals who had to learn how to survive in the streets, stealing, killing
and lying. Prowlers are characters with sharp skills and very versatile. They
can use any type of weapon or armor, but prefer to use light equipment in
order to do less noise and keep their agility.

Prowlers receive a bunch of skill points every decade so they can distribute
them into their skills. The skills they have are shared with any other cha-
racter, but only Prowlers are able to put up points on them, increasing the
chances of success while rolling them.

1st 08 11 14 12 15 +5
2nd 08 07 10 08 11 +10
3rd 08 03 06 04 07 +15


People who learn the chaotic ways to manipulate the reality, sometimes with
the aid of nefarious entities, long forgotten, who once were worshiped by the
ones who were not part of the sacred church. Warlocks and Witches are
able to use any kind of weapon or armor, but they tend to wear light sets
of protection so they can act swiftly, and light one-hand weapons, because
they would need both hands in order to perform their spell conjuration.

Witches and Warlocks have the possibility of calling upon their unholy pa-
trons to conjure spells. They can perform up to 2d4 spells a week, but they
do not have a spell book to note their formulations, instead, they have access
to a profane mental list of spells learned throughout the decades. They can
choose the spells they want to get fixed to their minds once a week.


1st 06 14 15 10 10 2d4
2nd 06 10 11 06 06 2d4
3rd 06 06 07 02 02 2d4

Characters who trained their whole life to combat, maybe in a war, or
maybe as a guard. Some of them end up choosing a mercenary life, and
others decide to become bounty hunters. Warriors normally wear the best
type of armor available, and choose the weapons they are more comfortable
to fight with.

These adventurers are the only ones who receive a new attack bonus every
decade, making them great combatants, even though not every encounter
should be solved crossing steel, at least they are a fail safe for problems that
can’t be solved through conversation.

1st 12 12 12 14 17 +3
2nd 12 08 08 10 13 +6
3rd 12 04 04 06 09 +9
oma nativo STARTING
e em outros idiomas. MONEY & EQUIPMENT
wRolagens de Salvamento: O modificador aplica-se às rolagens de salvamento versus
efeitos mágicos.

04 Coins
brand new PC, during
their first decade
- 05 of Copper. Nativo
3d6 x5
That is the star-
sary for their first adventure. Because
of that, itAnalfabeto
pment only
is preferable to buy equi-
after all is set to go into
ting money you will have to spend their first adventure.
06 in- 08 Nativo
equipment and any starting pro-
09 perty.
- 12 That amount should improve
Nativo The equipment for their first decade
13 considerably
- 15 after
Nativo the+ first adventure.
1 extra can be Alfabetizado
bought from the following
However, at the beginning of play table of goods available in their
16 characters
- 17 Nativo
should + 2 extra
carefully use that Alfabetizado
small village:
amount to buy
18 the equipment
Nativo + 3 extraneces- Alfabetizado


Potência de Leather
influência Light, +2 DP (Defensive Points)
da personalidade.
Armor 20 CC
wReações deSteel
PNJs: Utilizada Medium,
Chainmail* +4 DP
ao contratar 80 CC
mercenários e empregados e ao interagir
com PNJs, Wood
criaturas 1 hand, +1 DP
e monstros.
Shield 08 CC
de Empregados: Determina
wQuantidadeArrows 20x, 1 WP a quantia
(Wound máxima
Point)permitida de empregados
10 CC
que você pode
Bowcontratar. 2 hands, atk reach 300’ 20 CC
wLealdade de um Empregado: 1Determina
hand, 2 aWP lealdade que um empregado tem para
08 CC
Iron Axe
com o personagem. 1 hand, 3 WP 24 CC
Steel Axe*
Iron Dagger 1 hand, 1 WP 05 CC
Steel Dagger* 1 hand, 2 WP 15 CC
Iron Sword 1 hand, 2 WP 15 CC
03 -2 1 4
Steel Sword* 1 hand, 3 WP 45 CC
04 - 05 -1 2 5
1 hand, atk reach 150’, 1 WP 03 CC
06 - 08 Sling -1 3 6
09 - 12 Wood Staff 0 2 hands, 1 WP 4 7 02 CC
13 - 15 Crowbar +1 Used to open stuck5 doors 8 08 CC
16 - 17 Hammer +2 Used to hammer iron 6 spikes, etc. 9 04 CC
18 Iron Spike +3 12x, used to anchor 7 ropes, etc. 10 08 CC
Pole 10’ long, used to check traps, etc. 03 CC
Prowler’s Tools Used to pick locks, disarm traps, etc. 20 CC
Purse Holds up to 10 small lobjects, 100 coins. 10 CC
Cada arquétipo possui
ITEM / um ou mais DETAIL
requisitos primários, ou seja, /uma quantia mínima
de determinados pontos de características necessários para a função daquele arquétipo,
e que influenciam no quão rápido tal aventureiro recebe pontos de experiência.
wModificador de XP: É adicionado a cada ponto de experiência recebido pelo aventu-
reiro. Symbol
Tinder Box
03 - 05 -20%
06 - 08 -10%
*Only available after
09 -building
12 an Armory. Nada
13 - 15 -05%
16 - 18 -10%

The value and amount of the metals
will vary according to the ages, but
for characters starting an adventure,
copper will be the main type of coin
in their village. However, even co-
pper is fairly uncommon, with villa-
gers surviving on barter, paying ta-
xes with products they produce such
as grains and animals.

During the first decade, the coin

conversion rate would be:

1 GC = 50 SC = 2.500 CC
GC = Gold Coin
SC = Silver Coin
CC = Copper Coin


T here is a list of character OPEN DOORS - Used to crack

skills available for all character clas- doors open with raw strength. Makes
ses. They are a way to mechanize a lot of noise.
actions that could imply be described
by the player, as it is done in most SEARCH - Used to look for some-
OSR games. But sometimes, even af- thing specific in a room or chamber.
ter trying hard to describe an action,
this show no effects, and then the SNEAK ATTACK - Used to
player has the possibility of rolling amplify the damage caused during
Todo personagem possui um conjunto de crenças e formas de enxergar o mundo.
the skill as a final chance of succee- an attack. The number of Wound
É importanteding. que o jogador tenha isso em mentePoints ao interpretar o aventureiro
is multiplied by the amountcriado
por ele, e para isso existe o Alinhamento, uma espécie pointsdein bússola
this skill.
is necessary to
este con-
Each PC has a 1-in-6 chance of be hidden from the target in order
junto particular desenvolvido
succeeding in any pelo
but someum of lembrete
to use para
this que
skill.ele guie suas escolhas
e ações. Existem
them are trêsmodified
by thepossíveis a serem escolhidos:
ability sco-
res. Prowlers can add extra points STEALTH - Used to hide from
into their skills anyway they want. enemies or to move silently.
To roll - Personagens
a skill, use caóticos
a d6, if não acreditam que haja uma grande ordem di-
the re-
vina por trássultdosis acontecimentos
equal or less than mundanos,
the amountcreem no universo como uma grande trama
a character
caótica tecida pela própria has, natureza,
it is a success.
olham Ifpara
a um grande descampado verdejante para
character has 6 points in one of the
enxergar buracos,
skills, itinsetos devorando
is necessary unsa aos
to roll d6 outros, raízes de grama crescendo aleato-
twice, por
riamente e assim onlydiante.
failing Feiticeiros
to the roll devem
if two ser sempre Caóticos.
6 are scored.

CLIMB- Personagens ordeiros
- Used to climb são o contraponto dos caóticos, eles creem que
nada é por surfaces.
acaso, que existe um relojoeiro comandando os acontecimentos universais
e ao olhar DISARM
para um descampado,
TRAP - Used enxergam apenas um grande e perfeito tapete verde.
to disarm
Sacerdotes devem ser sempreof Ordeiros.
the mechanisms a trap after it has
been found.
Neutro - Com todos- osUsed
LANGUAGES problemas mundanos e seculares, se interessar pela rea-
to describe
lidade de maneira
how manyprofunda é paraa poucos,
languages characterprincipalmente
is com tantos inocentes morrendo
able topessoas
de fome, tantas learn. sendo torturadas e assassinadas, intrigas políticas borbulhando
por toda parte…
O personagem Used está
to open
desinteressado por toda essa ladainha, e está
regular and small locks silently.
apenas preocupado em sobreviver, lidando com os problemas um dia de cada vez.
Prowler’s tools are necessary.
Arquétipos são conglomerados de características que juntas formam um tipo de
personagem possível de ser jogado como aventureiro. Essas características são tanto me-

cânicas quanto narrativas e descritivas. Existe um total de sete Arquétipos possível de
serem escolhidos,
e três delesa são
countering NPC
4 deles
are the
act ofhumanos
or a Beast during
an adventure. Those normally tend
en- number
is changed
used. e Elfos).
to the e Gatuno),

A escolha de um arquétipo é um dos

to end in combats, but there is also MORALE
the possibility of ending an encounter When momentos
Beasts mais
or NPCsimportantes
who arenaincriação de per-
in peaceful ways. When encountering combat sonagens,
they are da escolha
somewhato jogador
in definirá
a character controlled by the GM: disadvantage,
uma porçãothey de can check que
elementos for mo-
serão utilizados
rale. To do so, the GM should roll
2d6 and compare ao longo das sessões
the result to thede jogo, de in-
ROLL FOR SURPRISE - If neither character’s morale score, ifmecânicas
formações the result relacionadas
of the parties were planning to ambush is equal or less, the character will
each other. Roll 1d6 for each: results of keep on fighting, but a cada tipo específico de ar-
if the result is
4 or less mean the party is surprised, so higher, they will flee quétipo (envolvendo o estilo de
or surrender.
they loose their actions during the first
round. jogo a longo e curto prazo),
Characters can flee a tratamentos
from an en- socio-culturais
ty must roll 1d6, the highest roll begin counter by simplydedeclaringoutras criaturas
it as e PNJs para
the set of actions. Initiative must be rol- a group. Theycom will os then run from dos jogadores
led at the beginning of each round. their enemies at full speed, at the
durante carrying
speed of the character encontros. the
ACTIONS - The party who won the heaviest weight. If they are still fas-
initiative can decide their actions: they ter than theOgroup of enemies, they
can attack, talk, conjure spells, use spe- arquétipo do aventureiro irá mol-
succeed, otherwise their enemies will
cial abilities or call for miracles. They dá-lo fisica e rounds.
mecanicamente. A escolha do
can also pick up objects or move besides
catch up in 1d6 Dropping
the actions previously mentioned. stuff during apode
arquétipo pursuit
ser isfeita
a good way
a qualquer momento
to get rid of pursuers, once some of
durante a criação de personagem, contudo, é
them might be interested in coins or
COMBAT importante esclarecer que a escolha do arqué-
If an encounter end up in violence, tipo após as rolagens iniciais fará com que o
groups can attack by rolling a d20. DYING jogador tenha acesso a enough
algumas bonificações
If the attack is melee or a long ran- When a character receives
ged one, the character should add e melhor
damage desenvolvimento
to check all their wound mecânico
bo- do perso-
their Body modifier to the attack xes,nagem.
the character dies. Their body
roll, then compare it to the target’s should not be left to rot in an old
DP. If the roll is equal or higher, temple or ruin, but taken back to
the attack hits, and the target re- the village so it can be buried ac-
ceives a wound equivalent to the one cording to the tradition. If a whole
noted at the weapon’s description. In party dies during an adventure, the
PCs, the base DP is 12, but this game ends and new characters should

be created. If at least one character

is able to return from the adventure
with treasures, they can look for re-
latives of the other PCs, who must
become the new PCs, advancing then
to the next decade.

Character can heal during an adven-
ture by using specific items that can
cure a number of Wound Points.
Those items are normally found du-
ring adventures, such as potions, or
scrolls. Cure can also be done throu-
gh the use of spells and miracles.

After moving to a new decade, all

Wound Points are erased, and the
character is fully healed for a new
adventure, unless the Wound Points
caused are specified to be incurable.
Quando Sacerdotes desagradam seu Deus, eles
Requerimentos:Nenhum são punidos perdendo a capacidade de perfor-
Requisitos Primários: SAB mar milagres e recebendo desvantagem em
Dado de Vida: 1d6 qualquer teste que fizerem, rolando sempre
Nível Máximo: 14 dois dados em vez de um, e ficando com o
Armas: Apenas armas contundentes pior dos resultados até que se redimam com

Línguas: Comum
fter returning from the
São seguidores
coins and with proof that the regio-
sua fé.
the place where they grow their
first adventure, PCs might
da fébee full of food.tementes
Draw 5a ofuma those squares Treinados
de the area around the d20, so those
insi- nas
artes da batalha, canalizam a energia divina para efetuar milagres. Graças a doutrina
nal problem has been settled. That are the Land Lord’s (PC) fields.
is seguem,for não
thempodem utilizar
to receive landarmas perfurantes ou cortantes contra seus inimigos.
and title as de
Necessitam payment for theirsagrado
um símbolo ser- e devem
t Finally,
seguir draw a hexagon
a hierarquia aroundde sua fé.
vices. So, during the first and the the d20, so this will be the PC’s
Após atingir o nível
second decade of adventure, generate9, um Sacerdote
number on ou the
d20 uma forta-
leza pela
each PC’s metade do preço,
new village using graças
the to- a intervenção divina,
represent the amountse of
o Sacerdote
guards pro-ainda estiver
sob bellow.
proteção de sua Entidade. Uma veztecting the place.
estabelecida, a fortaleza atrairá seguidores
(6d6x10 Combatentes
GENERATING de nível 1-2). As tropas são devotas do Sacerdote e de sua
Entidade, e nunca precisarão fazer testes Rollde once
for Seus
each níveis
hut: serão definidos pelo
t Roll 1d20
Mestre, assim over
comoa quais
sheet tipos
of white
de combatentes
d20 Rolleles/Villager’s
são (infantaria, arqueiros, etc).
paper. Cover the die with a saucer
or something de
Progressão withNível
similardesize, and
Sacerdotes 02_______________________________________
- 04 1d4 cows
outline it on the paper with a pencil. 05 - 07 1d6 pigs
08 - 13 2d4 chickens
t Roll 6d4s on the top of the whi- 14 - 16 2d4 goats
te XP in
sheet of paper, /DV
17 1d6 horses
| M / O / P / R / F | 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 /
one specific 5
01 instead 0.000
of making
1d6 them roll11all 12 18 14 - 2016 2d415 sheep
02 the paper. 1.500This
2d6will generate
11 12 14 16 15 1
03 huts presented
3.000 in3d6
the PC’s 11 land. 12 14 16 15 2
Remove any of them from the area Roll twice to define what already
around the d20, relocating them to
04 6.000 4d6 11 12 14 16 15 2
exists at the PC’s new land:
a05different 12.000
part, and5d6
circle the 09dice. 10 12 14 12 2 2
Those are 25.000
the locations
6d6 of the 09 huts. 10 d20 Roll / Place
01 - 12 A well2 2 1 1
12 14 12
07 50.000 7d6 09 10 1213 14 12 A church
2 2 2 1 1
t Then, write the result of each
08 inside100.000
each circle,
8d6so those09 are 10 1412- 15 14 12 A heathen
3 cemetery
3 2 2 1
09 number of villagers
200.000 06 07 0916 11 09
9d6 living in A river3 3 3 2 2
10 hut. 300.000
They could be a family,
9d6+1* 06 07 1709- 19 11 09 Roman4 Ruins 4 3 3 2
or a bunch of brothers, is really up
11 the PC400.000
to to define.9d6+2* 06 07 0920 11 09 A circle
4 of 4stones
4 3 3
12 500.000 9d6+3* 06 07 09 11 09 5 5 4 4 3
t13 Now, 600.000
draw a square next to03each 05 07 08 07
9d6+4* 5 5 5 4 4
hut with 4 times its size. The squa-
14 700.000 9d6+5* 03 05 07 08 07 6 5 5 5 4
res represent the fields, property of
the villagers living
*Modificador de CONin each
não hut, and
é aplicável.

The land of the Land Lord is divi- CORVEIA

ded in three different types: Mandatory work that should be done
by every servant a few days a week
THE LORD’S TERRITORY at the Lord’s Territory.
A third of the land. The fortress Is
here just like the PC’s fields. Every- DÍZIMO
thing produced here is property of 10% of what the servant has pro-
the PC. duced should be paid to the Holy
The area where servants can live, GUARDIÕES
work and crop in exchange for a The demand for knight from land
bunch of taxes. owners under the command of the
Land Lord.
Area used for the servants and the JUSTIÇA
Lord to create cattle, extract wood Payment that servants and free pe-
and hunt (only the Land Lord can ople should pay to be be judged at
hunt in here). the Land Lord’s court.

Villagers should pay different types Payment that a son or daughter
of taxes to the PCs. Bellow you will should pay in order to keep living
find the list of taxes: at the land after their parents have

Every servant must open their doors A third of the servant production
to the Land Lord of this needs it. should be sent to the Land Lord.

Payment demanded by the use of the
Lord’s tools, such as the mill, the
oven, the barn, the bridges and ro-

Payment per each member of the
Combatentes podem anunciar com uma ro-
Requerimentos:Nenhum dada de antecedência, a manobra de bata-
Requisitos Primários: FOR lha que pretendem adotar:
Dado de Vida: 1d8 Agressivo - +2 Bônus de Ataque/-4 CA
Nível Máximo: 14 Defensivo - -4 Bônus de Ataque/+2 CA
Armas: Qualquer arma Comum - +0 Bônus de Ataque/ +0 CA

Línguas: Comum
fter the second decade it
guerreiros quere-dominam
sources from the village in order to
suffers effects from different events
will be Poderosos
time to start managing thatasalso
artestake place annually.
marciais Aftere guerras.
das batalhas
Seu papel em um grupo de aventureirosa édecade, and an adventure session,
o de proteger seus companheiros e enfrentar
keep your domain successful. In this players can get together with the
book fisicamente
you will find theserules
for neces-
necessário. GM
to checkcombatente
how many queresources
tiver moedas o sufi-
keep comprar
the gameourunning in um castelo
construir they gotou from the last
fortaleza 10 yearsmomento,
a qualquer and desta
an interesting way, for a long long how they are going to invest them
forma controlando as terras
time, but if you are looking for ao redor. throughout the next 10 years. Use
Após onatingir
more details raisingo an
nível 9, Combatentes
empire, podem
the table bellow receber o título
to define de barão ou ba-
the amou-
and becoming
ronesa, a more
suas terras powerful
passam entãomem-
a ser nt of each type
consideradas um ofbaronato.
resource Combatentes
produced rece-
ber of the royalty, check the “Ad- during the last 10 years, then roll
bem bônus
vanced de ataque
Ancestry Book”.de maneira progressiva,
10 times1 at ponto por nível Event
the “Annual avançado.
Ta- Este bônus
é válido apenas para rolagens de ataque, nunca
ble” para othis
to modify dano causado.
Progressão de Nível de Combatentes ____________________________________
A village generates a specific amount
of resources every year, this amount
TABLE0.000 1d8
13 14 15 16 +1
02 2.000 2d8 11 12 14 16 15 +2
03 4.000 3d8 6 - 1011 12 11 14 - 18
16 15 19 - 24 +3
04 8.000 4d8 11 12 14 16 15 +4
05 16.000 5d8
4 7
09 10 12 14 12
10 +5
06 32.000 6d8 1d4 09 10 12 2d4 14 12 3d4 +6
07 64.000 7d8 12 09 10 12 18 14 12 24 +7
08 120.000 8d8 2d4 09 10 12 2d4 14 12 2d6 +8
People 240.000 9d8 1d4 06 07 09
09 2d4 11 09 3d4 +9
Silver 360.000 9d8+2*
1d4 06 07 09 1d4 11 09 1d4 +10

Wood 480.000 9d8+4*

10 20
06 07 09 11 09
12 600.000 9d8+6* 06 07 09 11 09 +12
13 resources above9d8+8*
720.000 are the total
03 amount
05 produced
07 08 during
07 a year. The PCs
have access to a limited amount of them, as noted in each individual descrip-
14 840.000 9d8+10* 03 05 07 08 07 +14
tion. Multiply the annual amount by 10 and then apply any changes affec-
ted by the Annual Event Table rolls. The result can be used by the PC in
different typesdeof CON
*Modificador investment.
não é aplicável.

Half of the cattle raised is proper- A tenth of the amount of grain pro-
ty of the PC. A third of the rest duced should be paid by people born.
is also property of the PC, paid as Every ten years, an amount of peo-
“Talha”. ple is picked to serve as soldiers or
guards. More people mean more huts
COPPER should be make, increasing the amou-
Two thirds of the amount mined is nt of taxes every year.
property of the PC.
GRAIN Two thirds of the amount mined is
Half of the cattle raised is proper- property of the PC
ty of the PC. A third of the rest
is also property of the PC, paid as WOOD
“Talha”. Half of the wood gathered is proper-
ty of the PC.
Two thirds of the amount mined is
property of the PC


1 - 3 A plague ravages the village. -10 people
4 - 8 A group of fugitives seek haven. +5 people
9 - 10 An abandoned cart with logs is found. +10 wood
11 - 14 The fertility of the land increases. x2 people
15 - 20 A plague ravages the crops. -15 grain
21 A huge treasure is found buried. +20 silver
22 A thief breaks into the fortress. -20 silver
23 - 25 Beehives are found filled with honey. +10 silver
26 - 32 The fertility of the people increases. +5 people
33 A mausoleum full of antiques is found. +30 silver
34 - 42 A caravan brings exquisite gifts from the east. +5 silver
42 - 50 A plague ravages the cattle. -10 cattle
51 - 55 Bandits invade the village. -10 grain
56 - 62 The fertility of the cattle increases. +8 cattle
63 - 69 A flood ravages the crops. -10 grain
70 - 75 A mine of silver is found. +10 silver
76 - 80 A mine of copper is found. +10 copper
81 - 85 A drought ravages the crops. -15 grain
86 - 88 A mine of iron is found. +10 iron
89 - 94 New peasants arrive. +5 people
95 - 96 A traveler from the east brings new seeds. +15 grain
97 - 98 A new race of cattle is brought from the east. +5 cattle
99 A summer like no other. +10 resources
100 A winter like no other. -10 resources


A fter counting the total

amount of resources gathered along
the last 10 years, the PC can start
A church will act to enforce the
power of the land ruler, working to
choosing what kind of investments make the PC gain new titles, and
will happen along the next 10 years. maybe even more land. However,
The possibilities of investment, cost the church also will demand 10%
and benefits of each one are listed of the total amount of resource pro-
bellow. duced every year. In Advanced Ga-
mes there is a church event table
ALE HOUSE that should have effects every year.
An ale house can improve the land’s It costs 400 Iron, 600 Wood and
amount of Silver in 1d4 extra per 1.500 Silver to build a church.
year. It also generate 1d6 secret
information related to the neighbor HUT
kingdoms every year. It costs 30 A hut can hold up to 4 people li-
Silver, 60 Wood and 20 Iron to ving in it, and it cost 2 Silver and
build an ale house, plus the amount 5 Wood. Huts are necessary when
of 10 Grain every year. there are more peasants in the PC’s
land than huts for them to live in.
ARMORY Peasants without huts to live in be-
Used to smelt steel, improving wea- come bandits, stealing 1 of each re-
ponry and the defenses of the land. source every week.
PCs and soldiers have then access
to steel weapons and armors. More IMPROVED HUT
details on Armories are found in A more comfortable house with more
Advanced Games. It costs 80 Iron, space that can hold up to 6 people
100 Wood and 300 Silver to build instead of just 4. It costs 4 Silver
an armory. and 10 Wood to build an improved
Barracks allow PCs to take 1d4 sol- MILL
diers with them into adventures. Sol- A mill adds an extra amount to the
diers are treated as Non Player Cha- total grain produced. The amount is
racters (NPCs) commanded by the equal to one extra third of the an-
GM. A soldier has the same stats as nual amount, and the cost for produ-
a first-decade Warrior. It costs 80 cing a mill is 20 Silver, 40 Wood,
Iron, 100 Wood and 100 Silver to 15 Iron.
build the land’s barracks.

ROAD four towers built, there is one pos-

Roads facilitate the coming and sibility of re-rolling a result related
going of resources, information and to thieves or bandits on the Annual
people. By making a road, caravans Event Table. It costs 10 Iron, 20
shall arrive more often with more pe- Wood and 20 Silver to build one
ople, more news, more dangers, etc. tower.
Therefore, 4 rolls should be made at
the Annual Event Table every year. WELL
It costs 400 Wood, 800 Iron and Clean fresh water increases the pro-
600 Silver to build a road connec- duction of Grain and Cattle in +4,
ting the PCs land to every neighbor and increase the number of People
realm. born in +1. The production of a
well costs 5 Silver, 2 Wood and 1
An improvement to the PC’s for-
tress. With more space as security,
the PC can now open space for their
court of important people, from sages
to knights, dames to jesters. This
will increase the political importance
of the PC to other realms. It costs
100 Iron, 400 Wood and 600 Sil-
ver to build a stone castle.

An improvement to the PCs fortress,
and a symbol of power to other real-
ms. Can handle a siege for 1d4 ye-
ars, depending on the amount of food
and water available. This symbol
of power will attract 3d6 peasants
to the PC’s lands per year. It costs
400 Iron, 800 Wood and 900 Sil-
ver to build a stone wall.

Towers are build near the borders of
PC’s land to notify the Lord of any
suspicious action occurring. To every


E very Holy One is able to

conjure miracles from the list bellow,
but their access is related to the de-
7. God’s Whisper
God’s voice projects from the mou-
th of the PC, causing confusion to
cade in which they are adventuring every foe in a 40’ radius. They
in. The 10th decade allow the ac- can’t act for 1d4 rounds.
cess to the first level miracles, the
20th decade allow the access to the 8. Deafness
first and second level miracles, and An area of 10’ radius, that moves
finally, the 30th decade allow the with the PC, becomes completely si-
access to all levels of miracles. lent. No one outside of this area can
hear the characters inside of it.
9. Enthrall
1. Touch of God 2d4 foes who are close to the PC
Heals 1d4 Wound Points to anyone will pay attention to anything they
touched by the PC. have to say for 1d4 rounds, not
paying attention to their surroundin-
2. Sacred Embrace gs.
The PC’s group become invisible to
undead beings for 1d4 turns. 10. Water Walk
The PC is able to walk on water
3. Protection for 1d4 turns.
No one can harm the PC for 1d4

4. Purify Poison
The PC touches a poisoned individu-
al, canceling the poison effects.

5. Resistance to Cold
Any cold based Wound Point caused
against the PC is negated. Works
for 1d4 rounds.

6. Resistance to Fire
Any fire based Wound Point caused
against the PC is negated. Works
for 1d4 rounds.

SECOND LEVEL MIRACLES 8. Signs of the Lord

The PC inflicts 2d4 Wound Points
1. Purge to 1d4 humanoid foes at sight by
1d4 foes at PC’s sight start vomi- causing stigmata to their bodies, just
ting their guts for 1d4 rounds, re- like the ones caused to Jesus Christ.
ceiving 1 Wound Point per round.
9. The White Horseman
2. God’s Breath A white spectral horseman rides over
Heals 2d4 Wound Points to anyone the PC’s foes at sight causing 2d6
touched by the PC. Wound Points to each, disappearing
right after.
3. Evil Immunity
The PC becomes immune to any 10. The Red Horseman
kind of spell for 1d4 rounds. A red spectral horseman rides along
the PCs, shouting out loud and rai-
4. God’s Name sing his sword. PCs get advantage
2d6 undead beasts near the PC flee during that encounter, rolling 2 atta-
in fear. ck dice and choosing the best result.

5. Genesis Spark
Light is cast from the PC’s fingers, THIRD LEVEL MIRACLES
blinding foes for 1d4 rounds. Their
attack rolls should be done with 2 1. Calling the Third Sphere
dice, with the worst result being An Archangel descend to our plane
chosen. and incarnate the PC’s body, figh-
ting against enemies for 2d4 rounds.
6. Israel’s Army The PC causes 2 damage dice, and
A rain of ghostly arrows fall over has 20 bonus Wound Points that di-
the PC’s foes causing 2d4 Wound sappear with all damage caused when
Points to an area of 20’ radius. the Archangel leaves the PC’s body.

7. Crown of Thorns 2. Calling the Second Sphere

The PC’s forehead starts to bleed, A Virtue is called upon a dead PC,
and the blood take the shape of a raising them from the dead.
sword that can be used by the PC
for 2d6 turns. The sword causes 3. Calling the First Sphere
2d6 Wound Points. A Cherubim descend to our plane
in its physical form for 1d4 rounds.
The Cherubim fright 3d6 foes at

the PC’s sight. They flee in fear 9. The Black Horseman

for 2d4 turns at full speed. PC’s A black spectral horseman rides
allies must succeed on a INT saving through the PCs foes at sight, we-
throw so they do not suffer the same akening them causing them to be
effects. prone to the floor, loosing their mo-
vement for 2d4 rounds, attacking
4. Sacred Armor only those who approach to a melee
An Angel cast a sacred armor on distance.
the PC, giving them a DP of 16.
10. The Pale Horseman
5. The God’s Code A skeletal horseman rides through
Convert a foe at sight to fight for the PC’s foes at sight, reaping their
the PCs. The foe has to be a hu- lives away and taking their souls to
manoid of 4 HD or less. Hades. They are dead.

6. Bless Water
The PC can make a whole bun-
ch of water sacred, by touching the
body of water. The body of water
can’t be bigger than a 10x10x10
feet pool of water. Holy Water cau-
ses 1d4 Wound Points to undead
beings per round.

7. Transmutation
The PC can turn anything into a
different physical state, liquid water
into vapor, or solid gold into liquid,
for example.

8. Insect Plague
The PC summon a cloud of flying
insects that can be controlled by the
PC during a whole encounter, dissi-
pating after that. The cloud can be
commanded to attack foes, causing
1d4 Wound Points per round and
creating a disadvantage to their atta-
ck rolls.


E very Witch and Warlock

is able to conjure spells from the list
bellow, but their access is related to
5. Hypnos Whisper
The PC commands other NPCs at
their sight to sleep, and they then
the decade in which they are adven- fall asleep for 2d4 turns.
turing in. The 10th decade allow
the access to the first level spells, 6. Change Flesh
the 20th decade allow the access to The PC is able to change their face
the first and second level spells, and and body shape entirely, mimicking
finally, the 30th decade allow the another humanoid NPC or PC. The
access to all levels of spells. spell ends when the PC says so.

FIRST LEVEL SPELLS 7. Invisibility

The PC becomes invisible for 2d4
1. Mesmerizing turns, or until they decide to end the
The PC can mesmerize a character spell.
through the eye sight. If the target
fails a SPE saving throw they will 8. Entropic Push
be under the PCs charm, obeying The PC release a force blow,
them until they succeed a saving pushing 2d4 foes 10 feet away, cau-
throw (triggered every week). NPCs sing 1d4 Wound Points.
under this spell won’t obey suicidal
commands. 9. Unholy Copies
The PC produces 2d4 copies of
2. Tongues themselves. Each copy disappear after
The PC is able to understand any being hit by an attack, but only the
language for 2d4 turns. original can receive Wound Points.
All of them are able to attack.
3. Unnatural Fire
The PC can conjure a greenish li- 10. Pan’s Tongue
ght that fluctuates near them. The The PC can talk to animals. The
light disappears after 2d4 turns. spell lasts for 2d4 turns.

4. Runic Lock
Upon the PC’s call, an arc of runes
is summoned around a door, locking
it magically, only opening by the
command of the PC.

SECOND LEVEL SPELLS to anywhere they want. The loca-

tion must be known to the PC. The
1. Icarus Spark portal is closed in 2d4 rounds.
The PC is able to fly freely for
2d4 turns, carrying at least one cha- 8. Hercules Strength
racter with they. The PC’s Body score tripled during
one encounter.
2. Medusa’s Gaze
The PC gaze upon 1d4 NPCs, who 9. Helios’ Chariot
should then succeed at a SPE saving The PC can summon a sphere of
throw or will be frozen, not able to fire over an area of 20 sq. feet.
move for 2d4 turns. Anyone in this area suffer 2d8
Wound Points. The sphere disappear
3. Cerberus’ Howl right after.
The PC howls like the Greek dog,
causing panic to anyone at their si- 10. Dionysius’ Bad Trip
ght. Those NPCs should succeed a The PC melts the floor under the
SPE saving throw, or they will flee feet of 1d4 character at sight. The
in terror for 2d4 turns. NPCs should succeed a DEX saving
throw to avoid sinking into the li-
4. Hermes’ Hat quid ground. Those who fail end up
The PC conjure a spectral hat of forever trapped when the ground soli-
the Greek god. The hat will attract dify again.
any physical missile thrown at the
PC or their allies, neutralizing them.
The hat disappears after 1d4 rounds. THIRD LEVEL SPELLS
5. Poseidon’s Breath 1. Hex
The PC is able to breath under wa- The PC chooses a target at sight
ter for 2d4 turns. to hex. The target starts to attack
their allies for 2d4 rounds, killing
6. Hades’ Tongue themselves after that time has passed.
The PC is able to talk to the dead.
After the conversation ends, the spell 2. Insanity
ends, and the dead’s soul leave the The PC disrupt the mind of 2d4
body once again. targets, creating a hallucination arou-
nd them. The targets should succeed
7. Pandora’s Door on a SPE saving throw, or they will
The PC is able to open a portal to see the world as described by the

PC for 2d4 rounds. 7. Call Upon the Grave

The PC calls the realm of the dead
3. Animal Conversion for aid. 2D4 ghost warriors are
The PC can convert a target into summoned to fight for the PC for
one of the following animals if the 2d4 rounds. Ghosts can’t be hurt
target fails on a SPE saving throw: by normal weapons, and receive only
frog, sheep, turtle, lizard, snake or half damage from silver weapons.
monkey. Their DP is 20 and they can recei-
ve up to 15 Wound Points each.
4. Call of the Familiars
The PC is able to call their fami- 8. Lycanthropy
liars to aid in any situation. The The PC releases a curse into their
animals will obey any command the own body, shape-shifting into a we-
PC gives. The familiar will disappe- rewolf. The creature has 18 DP
ar when the PC commands or after and can handle 25 Wound Points.
2d4 turns. PC’s familiars are: a cat, However, the PC looses their grip,
a rat, a rabbit, a crow, a goat and and will attack anyone at sight. The
a frog. curse lasts for 2d4 rounds.

5. A Murder of Crows 9. The Language of the Stones

The PC summons a murder of 4d4 A PC is able to communicate with
crows that will swarm foes causing any stone for 1d4 turns.
2d4 Wound Points per round during
2d4 rounds. Each crow attacked di- 10. A House of Elements
sappears. The murder of crows DP The PC can create a shell of any
is 15. element (fire, clay, ice or air) around
their allies. Fire shell burns anyone
6. Nekromantik Call close to the PC causing 2d4 Wound
The PC can revive 2d4 foes who Points, clay shell will protect them
had died, if their corpses are still from any physical attack, ice shell
visible. They wake up as zombies, will protect them from any fire ba-
under the command of the PC. sed attack, and air shell will protect
Their DP is 14, and than can han- them from any magical attack. The
dle up to 10 Wound Points before shells last for 2d4 rounds.
perishing. The zombies can move at
40’ per round, and have a morale of

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