Devops Qaa
Devops Qaa
Devops Qaa
Shell script
1) Write a shell script to fetch the data from rest api and take out the required fileds
2) Write a shell script to extract the number of alphabets characters and digits and tell the count
3) Write a shell script to extract the ip addresss from a file and the count of similar ipadress
4) Write a shell script to hit the rest api and modify the json data and put it back to the database
5) How to declare an array in shell script
6) What is crontab and tell some time set you have done
7) Why do we give #!/bin/sh at start of shell script
8) Write a shell script to find old logs and archive it
9) What is $#,$?,$@ etc.. in linux shell script
1) What is VPC and its components (Public, private, NACL, Route tables, Internet gateway)
2) What is differenece between NACL and Security groups
3) What is diffrenet types of load balance and tell diffrenece between Network and application
load balancer
4) What is route 53, types of routing policy and routing used
5) What is ASG and Launch config
6) How to restore the login into ec2 if pem file is lost
7) How to encrypt the unencrypted AMI
8) What is EBS and EFS
9) What is VPC pearing and VPC endpoint
10) What is S3/types of S3 bucket/S3 bucket policy/S3lifecycle
11) What is IAM roles and how the cross region roles work
12) How to tell one Ec2 to talk to other ec2 in other region
13) What is MYsql Aurora/Backup plan done/Masetr and reader endpoints/Failover mechanism
14) What is CFT template/how a resource depends on other resource
15) What are importanat components of CFT
16) Which is faster storage EBS or S3
Design Diagrams:
1) Jenkins pipeline
2) AWS architecture
Managerial questions:
1) Tell me what was your most difficult situation you faced and you resolved
2) When you had issue with your management and how you convince them
3) How you have helped your peer
4) Did you got a chance to convince cutomers for your work
5) How the Jira tasks are assigned to your team
6) Tell me what your manager told negative point about you
7) Tell me you put time significant outside your work
8) Critical feedback from colleague and you worked
9) Give me an example of calculated risk where speed was critical
10) You worked on deadline and did not had options before taking descion