The Spire (Revised Edition)
The Spire (Revised Edition)
The Spire (Revised Edition)
The Spire
Revised Edition
An Adventure Scenario for MERP
for 4 — 6 low-level PCs
by EJ Womble
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
The Spire
Revised Edition
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction........................................................4 4.2.2 The Worship Grotto.............................21
1.1 Legal Disclaimer...........................................4 4.2.3 Priest/Shaman Prep 'n' Ready Room...22
1.2 Setting And Requirements.............................4 4.2.4 Prop Room...........................................23
1.3 Definitions/Terms..........................................4 4.2.5 The Stair Well......................................23
2.0 The Tale..............................................................5 Descending the Stair Well........................24
2.1 Summary for the Players...............................5 4.2.6 The Mines Below the Spire.................24
2.2 Summary for the GM....................................5 5.0 The Adventure..................................................27
2.3 Brief History of the Shrines..........................7 5.1 Tasks............................................................27
2.4 Setting...........................................................7 5.2 Starting the Players.....................................27
2.4.1 The Land................................................7 5.2.1 Players’ Backgrounds..........................27
2.4.2 The Spire at Other Times.......................7 5.3 Aids.............................................................28
2nd Age......................................................7 5.4 Obstacles.....................................................28
3rd Age.......................................................8 5.5 Rewards.......................................................28
3.0 The Characters...................................................8 5.6 Afterward.....................................................28
4.0 Sites....................................................................9 6.0 Encounters........................................................29
4.1 The Valley.....................................................9 Concerning Travel...................................29
4.2 The Spire.....................................................10 6.1 …In the General Area.................................30
4.2.1 The Mud Hole......................................12 6.2 …In the Spire..............................................30
The 7 Shrines...........................................12 7.0 Tables...............................................................31
The Hidden Temple.................................20 Table 7.1: Combat Summaries..........................31
Author: EJ Womble
Revision Author/Editor: V. J. Schiavoni
Sponsor: the MERP Fan Modules group, website:
Glossary uses Dragon Flame v2.0. The Black Speech School and The Dwarrow Scholar were consulted.
The Middle-Earth Wiki and The Encyclopedia of Arda were consulted.
Title page image: Remember to Look Up, by John Burton; Chimney Rock, Nebraska; 2016, oil on canvas. Image
courtesy of LDS Church History Department..
Image on page 2: Castle Rock Spire, Sequoia National Park, CA, USA (image: public domain).
Revised Edition v2.0Beta, 2020-04-25 Released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 3 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 4 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
2.0 The Tale Of course this was long ago5 and nowadays the spire
stands silent and is rarely visited by anyone. Even so, its
ominous and foreboding presence cannot be ignored or
“Listen,” said the Elf, cocking his head to the side.
denied…. What dark and vile stories could the long-faded
“I hear nothing but the soft sound of wind among the murals and bits of orcish script, which cover its base, tell of
rocks,” replied Grog. the stone's long forgotten purpose and past? Only the orcs
“Yes,” said the Elf, “It is too quiet.” might still know for sure and, perhaps, the dwarves.
“Ah, you are right,” said the Dwarf, “and now I know, I
like it not.” 2.2 SUMMARY FOR THE GM
Suddenly a voice boomed out loud as thunder, reverber- Enter the Dwarves
ating through the stone halls: In TA 1581 a dwarven expedition 6 discovered several
"TRESPASSERS! DEFILERS!! YOU HAVE NO buried cave openings around the base of the Spire stone 7.
BUSINESS HERE!!!" Many of these openings led to small shrines and sacrificial
chambers dedicated to Sauron.
2.1 SUMMARY FOR THE PLAYERS Eventually, the dwarven miners discovered and unearthed
Located in the very heart of the southern stretch of the a large worship temple8 which had been built beneath the
Misty Mountains1, the Spire2, as it has come to be known base of the Spire, along with a number of tunnels leading to
by some, appears, at first glance, to be a very large and a large network of long-abandoned mines and natural
towering stone formation approximately 1200 ft. tall and caverns which reached deep into the earth.
400 ft round at its base. Its appearance is in stark contrast to Over the passing months, more and more dwarven miners
other natural formations in the area which surround it, journeyed to the Spire, from impoverished claims and
making the enormous spire of stone seem somewhat out of holdings in mountainsides near and far, as word of an
place and eerily unnatural. ancient treasure, rumored to be buried beneath the stone,
There have been many, especially in these more recent began to circulate. Greed and wanton desire for riches, thus
times3, who have made the difficult and sometimes danger-
ous journey over the mountains in order to see the great
spire of stone for themselves. Of these, few stay longer than 4 It is said, among the orcs, that during the time of the 2nd
a couple of days and fewer still return with any new insight Age, the stone called/sang to them in a booming voice
or details into how the stone came into being or what (loud as thunder and echoing from all the mountainsides),
purpose it once served. drawing them forth from all their many lairs. The voice
spoke to them in both the ancient Black Tongue of the
Legend has it, at least among the orcs, that a great and Enemy and their native tongue, calling upon them to
malevolent force caused the stone to rise up from out of the gather at the base of the stone to serve and pay tribute.
depths of the Under-deeps, to serve as a testament of 5 Before the One Ring was cut from Sauron's hand.
power, to be worshiped and, on those rare occasions in 6 Who exactly sent the dwarves to the Spire (or whether it
which it would speak in the Black Tongue4, obeyed. was simply a mining company exploring on its own) is not
known, nor is it clear from which clan or stronghold the
miners came (and although Moria lay not too far away,
1 On the ICE map which shows that portion of the Misty this matter remains open to further discussion/specula-
Mountains which passes by Taur Fangorn, the Spire is that tion).
pinnacle of stone at the heart of the range which is located 7 These were hidden from sight beneath piles of rock, large
almost directly across from that forest's northern most tip stones and packed earth (which, over the passing of many
(see the Area Map for The Spire). hundreds of years, made the covered openings near
2 "…As it has come to be known by some…" but perhaps impossible to tell apart from the other natural stones and
having other names (far more sinister and fearful) known earth).
perhaps only by the orcs and dwarves of that region (who 8 The temple, which seem to be of orcish design and con-
do not openly speak of "that" place, for reasons which will struction, had been long abandoned (since at least the
be discussed hereafter). close of the 2nd Age) with very little (if anything) of
3 Mid to late 3rd Age and early 4th Age. worth to be found within.
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 5 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
far denied them, drove the miners to dig ever further and sentries, posted around the Spire to keep watch for orcs, left
deeper beneath the great rock. their posts (momentarily)….
Of course, all this did not go unnoticed by the orcs And that's when all hell was unleashed upon the dwarves!
dwelling in the mountains and surrounding areas…. While the dwarves had steadily unearthed more and more
The dwarven digs at the Spire lasted LESS than 1 year…. of the long-buried caves and tunnels which existed beneath
The initial miners arrived in the late springtime (after an the Spire (searching in vain for riches which they were sure
early thaw) and by early summer (a few months later) word were hidden there, but simply did not exist), the expedition
about the discovery of some caves and tunnels beneath the sent to explore the utter depths of the mines and caverns
stone began to fan out and circulate among dwarven miners which lay below the stone met with sudden disaster!
in the immediate area – south-central Misty Mountains (but All the dwarves in that ill-fated expedition were killed,
at this point nothing significant had been unearthed/ meeting horrible deaths at the hands of some great evil,
discovered). which had lain dormant all this time beneath the stone. It
It was at about this time that the orcs in the surrounding was this same evil which then drove the remaining dwarven
area became aware of the dwarves’ activity at the Spire and miners out from below the Spire to a waiting ambush of a
word was sent to all nearby tribes…. thousand orcs! It is said not a single dwarf survived the
ambush of that day, which fell upon them beneath the
As more and more of the outer shrines were discovered
shadow of that ill-fated stone.
and unearthed, a call for more mining companies to help in
the dig went out (perhaps some foreman even stated: "This Shortly thereafter, the orcs quickly covered up all signs of
thing is becoming big! Why I'd bet my beard that some the dwarven digs and ensuing massacre, burying the bodies
huge treasure hoard lay hidden somewhere around here!"… of their enemies within.
Thus the rumors began to spread). By late summer/early To this very day, the dwarves have never returned to the
fall the dwarven miners had discovered the "hidden temple" area of the "haunted" Spire, and of that event which took
and had grown from around 20 initial miners to just over place there, they will only say: "The Spire devours all those
200. The orcs, watching from a distance, were growing in it does not wish to be there."9
number as well and becoming quite upset at what they were *****
seeing…. By mid fall, there were nearly 300 dwarves at the
Once again the Spire is silent. The orcs of that southern
site, around 200-250 miners and another 50-100 warriors –
stretch of the Misty Mountains have again dispersed and
a dwarven patrol had been sent to investigate the now-
scattered into small bickering tribes, which rarely patrol or
widespread rumors of a lost treasure hoard having been
visit the site of the ancient stone. Perhaps now is a good
unearthed/discovered at the Spire diggings…. The rumors
time to again attempt the dangerous trek over the
turned out to be (thus far) false, but the foremen all agreed
mountains, to discover, once and for all, what lay below the
that the diggings were still in their infancy (so to speak) …
huge spire of stone and to see if, after all these years, evil
only a couple months old and now, having found the
has somehow endured.
temple, the miners were beginning to find some small
tantalizing trinkets of silver and gold… it wouldn't be long *****
now they thought!
And it wasn't.
Having found a great spiraling staircase beyond the
temple complex, the foremen wasted little time in choosing 9 There are whispered rumors, among the dwarves, that
a group of seven brave miners to descend its steps, down caves and tunnels had been discovered and unearthed
into the darkness…. below the base of the Spire. It is also believed that a great
evil, which had lain dormant/buried below it for a very
"This is it!" they exclaimed, "These stairs must lead to
long time, had been aroused by their diggings. Some say
the temple's main treasure vaults!"
that this evil drew into the Under-deeps below the stone
Word spread and all the miners began gathering around all the dwarves, earth and rocks (which they had
the main entrance to the "hidden temple" to await word of unearthed) entombing them there. Captured orcs in the
what they all hoped was a fabulous find…. Even the area of the Spire would only say (concerning this event)
that the stone awoke and swallowed them up.
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 6 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
2.3 BRIEF HISTORY OF THE SHRINES vastness of their skills and knowledge of the dark arts to
teachings, passed down to them by their elders, who
"It was on a cold and rainy night in the late fall when first learned them long ago in shrines and temples dedicated to
the SPIRE did call to us in our lairs…" recalls one of the the Dark Lord.
elder orc shamans.
It is not clear to us when first the stone did speak (call
"It's sweet song, sung in the ancient tongue of our creator, out) to the orcs, for those most earliest dates have long
called to our hearts, urging us to come forth…" recalls since faded from the stone's base, but most believe it to be
another elder. sometime during the early part of the 2nd Age. Even before
"Orcs from every tribe descended from hill and the darkest times of this age did Sauron set about gathering
mountainside, putting aside old blood feuds, to heed the unto him vast forces of evil to whom he taught some of his
Master's call…" recalls yet another. great skill and dark knowledge through devices of his own
"Only when many had gathered, in awe and wonder, at creation10.
the foot of the SPIRE, did our Master's song cease and all The SPIRE was such a device.
his congregation was held in silence, transfixed on the
stone…" recalls yet another elder. 2.4 SETTING
Then altogether: "SERVE ME!" the stone then
commanded us in our own tongue. 2.4.1 The Land
"SWEAR TO ME, IN BLOOD UPON THE STONE, The area is simply called the Valley by the locals. The
YOUR ETERNAL LOYALTY AND I WILL TEACH YOU Spire is located in the heart of one of the most remote and
THAT WHICH YOU NEED TO LAY LOW YOUR inaccessible areas of the Misty Mountains. Simply getting
ENEMIES BEFORE YOUR FEET. DENY ME NOW there will pose a challenge. See Concerning Travel.
For any GM wishing to expand this adventure into the
Under Deeps which lay beyond the tunnels shown on the
"There was then silence, followed by a single loud cry, original adventure map, may we suggest using the rules and
like thunder from the earth, and as one our ancestors rushed guidelines provided in the MERP Adventure Module
in a mass upon the stone, swearing again their eternal #8016: Ghost Warriors – Section 6.0, Intrigue in the Under-
loyalty to the Dark Lord who is now Master of all our Deeps.
kin… and on that night the sacred stone wept a sea of
blood." finishes the eldest of all the shamans gathered. Now 2.4.2 The Spire at Other Times
all take hold of the ceremonial bowls in front of them and,
as one, drink deeply from the blood held within. Here are some additional history notes on the Spire,
which might be of use/interest to potential GMs and group
Thus has the tale about the sacred stone been handed
members alike:
down, from elder to apprentice, among the orcish shamans
of the southern range of the Misty Mountains who owe the
2nd Age
During the height of its power and influence over the orcs
in this region of the Southern Misty Mountains, the bowl
surrounding the Spire stone was almost always heavily
patrolled (more so at night, less during the daytime) and
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 7 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
3rd Age
It is believed/speculated that Saruman traveled to and
used the Spire in order to recruit his orcish armies.
Instructed by Sauron to raise an army worthy of Mordor,
Saruman traveled to the Spire, entering the sacred stone
through the hidden temple entrance, where he stood upon
the suspended platform at its heart. Using his magic he
made the stone sing/call out to the orcs in that region,
which had been waiting generation upon generation for
such a call, who immediately heeded the call to serve, as
their ancestors had once did. Then stepping out from within
their hidden temple as a representative of their master,
Saruman lead the gathered orcs south to Isengard.
This information may be of some use to GMs wishing to
base a Spire adventure for the latter part of this age.
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 8 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
The area immediately surrounding the Spire (for several 11 A great deal of the falling rain is quickly absorbed by the
miles) is comprised mostly of barren rock with some small cracked and weathered stone of the area (passing through
pockets of earth. Only a very few hearty grasses, stunted loose gravel and earth) where it filters down into great
trees and thorny briars grow within the bowl which en- underground rivers, lakes and streams. Any rainwater,
compasses the towering stone (with many of these patches which still manages to pool and gather in rocky hollows
being either withered or long dead), and although light above ground, will most likely become (in a rather short
rainfall is quite a common occurrence in the area, very little period of time) a breeding place for insects and the
diseases they carry, thus becoming a very unsafe source of
drinking water.
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 9 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
seen or found within the bowl surrounding the Spire3 12, Besides the fading orcish writings15 and murals which
although bothersome insects tend to be quite numerous. encircle the base of the stone, the spire has a rather plain
The wind can, at times, be quite prevalent or very absent but weathered appearance, offering very little to intrigue
within the bowl surrounding the Spire. It is not uncommon visitors, save for its sheer size and looming presence.
for sudden (swirling) wind or dark thunderstorms to arise The Spire
with little or no warning13 inside the bowl within a matter An excellent image of such a rock spire can be seen here:
of minutes, which can prove to be a very dangerous Tigi Piton, Tibesti Mountains, Northern Chad (Factum
situation as the bowl offers very little by way of shelter
from these elements14.
The Spire itself rests upon (actually thrusts upward
Depending on the time of year, the weather within the through) a wide hill comprised of packed earth and stone
bowl can vary greatly from very hot and dry during the approximately 780 ft in diameter (on the Area Map this is
summer months, to hot and humid or muggy during the late the outer most ring encircling the Spire – of which only the
summer/early fall, to rainy and cold during the fall and top and bottom most portions are shown intact, as the side
spring or even icy and freezing during the long winter portions of this encircling ring are shown falling off the
months. edges of the map sheet).
If one looks at the Area Map carefully, you can see that
4.2 THE SPIRE there exists two other elevation rings prior to reaching the
The Rock Formation and Surrounding Area outer stone of the Spire itself. The change in elevation
The Spire itself is formed of a relatively smooth granite between the outermost ring (ring 1) to the middle ring (ring
(perhaps scored smooth by the wind and rain of many 2) is approximately 30-40 degrees of inclination and from
passing years) and is virtually impossible to climb, except this ring (ring 2) to the one closest to the Spire (ring 3) the
along the few large cracks and fissures which run up its inclination increases to between 45-60 degrees.
length. The dark/shaded area near the bottom half of the Area
Only skilled climbers with a good assortment of climbing Map (which touches upon both the middle and closest rings
gear should be allowed to climb the stone to any significant (rings 2 and 3) to the Spire) represents a large portion/
height. It does however look, upon close examination, as if section of the Spire rock which has broken/separated away
the stone had (in eons past) thrust its way upward from from the main stone. It is approximately 200 ft long, 20-45
beneath the earth's crust in some cataclysmic or prolonged ft wide and 240 ft high (tapering to a blunt point near its
seismic event. top – see Illustration of the Spire below).
Dispersed around the Spire, along the middle and closest
rings to the main stone (rings 2 and 3) are the hidden
12 One can still come across the occasional ground squirrel,
rat, mouse, fox, lynx, stray wolf and/or jackal. A few
small fowl – like owls, hawks, crows and the occasional 15 The orcish writings surrounding the base of the Spire are
larger crebain – also frequent/live in or near the bowl. mostly poems and songs giving praise to the Dark Lord
13 An experienced Ranger or very observant party member Sauron. Tales of fierce battles with several victories won
might notice a sudden hush (stillness) fall over the bowl against the free peoples of ME are also recounted across
just prior to a major event/weather change (as birds and the face of the stone, followed by a very long list of orcish
animals suddenly disappear from sight or flee from the names numbering in the thousands (the names of all those
area to seek shelter). A successful Perception Check orcs from this region who swore an oath of allegiance to
would be required to notice such an event (each GM Sauron and who served in the Dark Lord's armies – each
should determine the difficulty of such a roll according to orc inscribing his own name or mark on the stone in his
his campaign). own blood at the time the oath was taken).
14 A jumble of large rocks, cracks/clefts in the stone or Inscribed along side these various writings (in different
similar feature might be able to serve as a temporary areas around the stone) are many dates which indicate a
shelter from such events. Again, a successful Perception great many things, including when the Spire had last
Check would be required to locate such a shelter (each spoken and when someone of great power would come to
GM should determine the difficulty of such a roll visit (whether this figure was Sauron himself or one of his
according to his campaign). many servants is not made clear).
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 10 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
The Spire. The arrow pointing to the "Hidden Temple" is actually pointing into a crack in
between the first smaller stone - which has broken/split away from the main spire of stone
- and the Spire itself.
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 11 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
entrances to the 7 shrines of worship (marked with "X"s concealed (for reasons which will be later explained),
and labeled "a" through "g" on the Area Map). remained accessible to any visiting the Spire from that time
Several well-worn footpaths (still visible) lead around to the present.
and up the Spire mound/hill to the hidden entrances (these Layout of the shrines
footpaths are marked/designated on the Area Map by a a) The Dirty Sock
"red" line).
Nowadays it is obvious to the average passer-by
There are also two other barely visible trails (hardly (due to heavy erosion over the passing of many
discernible after more than a thousand years of disuse and years) that some sort of cave lay concealed beneath
weathering – shown on bottom half of the Area Map) which a crumbling pile of loose earth and rock (which is
eventually lead behind the large separated stone in front of slowly sinking into an ever widening cave
the Spire to the entrance of the Hidden Temple (these are opening).
marked on the Area Map by "dashed" lines and labeled
(There is now a 3 ft high, 5 ft wide, cave opening
about 7 feet above the level at which the trail/foot-
path leading here ends. In order to reach the cave
4.2.1 The Mud Hole opening, PCs must climb up 15 feet of crumbling
(Located at the top-most center of the area map, marked rubble, which requires each of them to make an
with a circled ‘1’: ). "EASY" Climb MM. If more than one person at a
time attempts to climb the unstable rubble pile,
This large open area (stretching/fanning outward for ¼ of
there is an accumulative 10% chance that the
a mile away from the Spire) was once used, a long time
rubble beneath them will suddenly give way, dou-
ago, by thousands of visiting orcs to pitch their tents and set
bling the size of the opening, but causing 10/5/0
up campsites. Because of the amount of use, the earth in
hits to each PC caught in the shifting debris if a
this area has been hammered flat and all but laid bare
"MEDIUM" MM is not/partially/fully successful.)
(devoid even to this very day of life) which, at many times
during the year, has caused this large expanse of packed
dirt to become nothing more than a very large mud hole.
Bits of refuse, broken pottery, wood and other discarded
refuse (like the many cut or broken bones of animals)
and/or useless equipment, from centuries long since past,
can still be found (on occasion) scattered across and/or
embedded in this wide (and sometimes very muddy)
expanse of open earth.
The 7 Shrines
There are several well-worn footpaths, encircling the
Spire mound/hill, which once led to the 7 orcish shrines of
worship, which had been in use until the close of the 2nd
Age. Nowadays, most of these footpaths/trails (if followed)
lead to nothing more than heaps of stone and earth (which
appear to have been formed by the occurrence of natural
landslides over the passing of many years – shrines "a",
"c", "d", "f" and "g" are concealed/hidden beneath/behind
such heaps), a large cave opening (shrine "b") or open air
stage (shrine "e"). Of the 7 shrines, 5 were intentionally
buried at the close of the 2nd Age (and again in TA 1581
when they were discovered and briefly uncovered by
dwarven miners). The 2 shrines, which could not be easily
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 12 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
Area map. The large shaded area outside the main circle of the spire is the part of the rock formation,
which has split away from the main spire. The entrance to the "Hidden Temple" lay in between these
two stones. Areas a-g, located outside the main circle of the Spire (in its base), are the 7 shrines
detailed on another map.
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 13 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
Beyond the cave opening is a tunnel (8 ft high and of the main Spire stone. Visible just beyond this
20 ft wide), which narrows some (to about 15 ft wall of rubble is an odd-looking rock formation
wide) then widens again (to about 20 ft wide and (approximately 25 ft x 20 ft) of overlapping ridges,
10 ft in height), where it opens up into a much which seem to form a wide staircase of natural
larger chamber. stone steps, which descend (ripple down) into a
At about 40 feet from the cave opening, down a bowl like cavern (approximately 100 ft in
gently descending slope, the tunnel opens into a diameter). A rough ledge of stone (10-15 ft wide,
large man-made (orc-dug) cavern roughly 60 ft rising from the floor at a 45 degree) encompasses
wide, 120 ft long and 15 ft high. Strewn all about the large cavern, whose domed ceiling looms far
the floor of this room are many 1.5 ft wide, 8-10 ft overhead at a height of 50 feet. In the center of the
long stone planks (which were laid upon the floor room there is evidence (severely scorched and fire-
to be used as work benches) and 1-3 ft round blackened stone) to suggest that, long ago, large
stones (used for sitting or resting benches upon). bonfires were periodically built (for light and
warmth) in the center of the room. On the far side
The walls of the cavern were once painted with
of the cave, directly across from the partially
bright frescoes depicting orcs in fierce battles
blocked entrance, is a raised platform of stone
against both humans and elves, of their villages
(approximately 20 ft wide x 50 ft across and some
being pillaged and burned and of human (elf?)
30 ft above the level of the floor), which is flanked
sacrifices being offered to a dark and shadowy lord
on three sides by hand carved stone steps.
(Sauron?), which are now just barely discernible
on the badly cracked and peeled walls of this The stone ledge, which encompasses this chamber,
chamber. A huge (20 ft x 40 ft) ghostly black hand is marked with many semi-smooth, shallow,
(now badly faded, but still visible) has been indentations which were formed, over the passing
painted on the ceiling high above. of many centuries, by the wear and tear of
hundreds of orcish spectators who sat atop the
At the far end of this chamber, on a raised platform
rough surface of the stone in attendance of an
of chiseled stone (5 feet higher than the center of
assortment of unknowable events which once took
the room), two stone pillars (reaching from
place here long ago. Except for some small bits of
platform to ceiling) have been placed. Beyond
refuse and about a dozen or so 1-3 ft round
these, it appears that a holding pen (some 10 ft x
"sitting" stones scattered around the perimeter of
20 ft, encircled with thick iron bars) has been
cavern floor, this large chamber is empty.
constructed against the far wall.
c) The Crooked Knife
(Hidden under a thick layer of dust, the base of the
pillars and floor around them has become The entrance to this cave is still clogged with a
discolored, stained black over many years by the dense mixture of packed earth and rock. It appears
spilling of sacrificial blood. A PC will notice this if that at one time or another someone, or possibly
they search that area closely or make a successful something, had once attempted to dig its way in,
"LIGHT" Perception roll. Iron chains with arm and leaving behind a 3 foot round tunnel which gently
leg shackles can also be found near the base of the slopes down 20 feet to a dead end.
pillars. There is a crude gate built into the bars of If there is a dwarf in the party he, on a successful
the holding pen with no obvious way of locking it "ROUTINE" Perception roll check, can tell that
shut. the entrance to this cave had been intentionally
(This room was stripped bare of anything valuable, filled in a very long time ago and that the tunnel
long ago, by the dwarven miners who discovered it looks to be relatively safe.
in TA 1581.) With the appropriate tools and 4 to 6 hours of
b) The Bowl continuous digging, a single person could tunnel
through the remaining 10 feet of packed earth and
A rubble pile (approximately 5 ft high, 7 ft wide
rock to reach the buried chamber beyond.
and 50 ft across) partially obscures a huge (20 ft
high x 40 ft wide) cave opening very near the base
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 14 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
The 7 shrines: a) The "dirty sock"; b) The "bowl"; c) The "crooked knife", x=dwarf remains, z = orc remains;
d) The "eye", S=secret door; e) The "half moon", S=secret door to shrine f; f) The "hole", S=secret door to
shrine e, X=three large piles of remains; g) The "other foot". Details for each are given in the adventure.
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 15 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
However, the 20 foot long tunnel is not as secure PCs through careful searching and only if suc-
as it might at first seem. Any prolonged digging cessful Perception rolls are made.
activity inside or beyond it has a 10% chance per These items are as follows:
hour – not cumulative – of triggering a cave-in.
• 2 rings (25 gp and a ring of "good luck" which
Anyone caught in such a cave-in beyond the first
gives it's wearer a special +5 bonus on all non-
10 foot mark of the tunnel will be buried alive with
combat rolls)
little hope of being rescued in time, unless he
expends a FATE POINT to save his life – in which • 1 necklace (10 gp)
case he will be considered to be only partially • 4 gp
buried, with a 2 hour air supply. It will take 1 hour • 14 sp
of digging to clear away 8-10 feet of collapsed
• 1 bracer (acts like a buckler without any
tunnel. For the expenditure of yet another FATE
POINT, any person trapped beyond the 20-foot
mark can be saved. • 1 small shield (+10 DB, badly dented, but
The collapsing of this tunnel will occur only once,
if at all, during the course of this adventure. • 1 dagger
(Reward any participating PCs who successfully • 1 dagger (+10 OB when thrown)
tunnel their way into this chamber with 100 XP • 1 metal headband (acts like a pot helmet
apiece.) without any penalties)
Upon breaking through the last foot of a now 30 • 2 helmets
foot long tunnel, your eyes are immediately drawn • 1 helmet (+20 to Perception rolls)
to a litter of dwarven skeletons dressed in the • 5 gems (8 gp, 15 gp, 23 gp, 47 gp, 120 gp)
remnants of tattered cloth and bits of torn leather
which lay strewn across the floor of a cavern • 53 silver fillings (worth a total of 10 sp)*
which seems to widen beyond the reach of your • 21 gold fillings total (worth a total of 4 gp)*
light. • 9 mithril fillings total (worth a total of 2 mp)*
Entombed within this buried shrine are the skeletal *Now we're talking teeth here – just how low are
remains of between 30-40 dwarven miners – greedy adventurers willing to stoop… even to
marked with "X"s on the Shrine Map – who all obtain a little mithril! These teeth would have to be
perished here in TA 1581 at the hands of a great extracted from the dead miners’ jaws, which pretty
number of orc ambushers. Although cornered and much means ripping their heads off… this is pretty
seriously outnumbered, these miners did not go low IMO. :-(
down without putting up a fight, killing between 8- d) The Eye
10 well armed and armored orcs using only their
mining tools, a few weapons and their bare hands – (This eye shaped cavern could once be accessed by
the skeletal remains of the slain orcs are marked any one of three front openings, which face the
with "Z"s on the Shrine Map. trail/footpath. However, just prior to abandoning
this area, the orcs carefully concealed the three
Besides the litter of skeletal remains, there is openings behind large piles of earth and stone.) It
nothing else worth noting about this chamber – seems that the trail you have been following has
what purpose it once served for the orcs remains a come to a dead end. Except for a large pile of
mystery to this day. rubble against the cliff-side, there appears to be
Note: The bodies of the dwarves were picked nothing of interest here.
cleaned by the orcs who ambushed them here long (The PCs should all make "MEDIUM" Perception
ago, however, in their haste to ambush others and rolls at this time. Any roll which generates a result
bury this cave, a few items were overlooked, but of "Partial Success" will allow a PC to determine
only some of these items will be discovered by the that the now single large pile of rubble looks as if
it had, at one time, been three distinct smaller
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 16 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
rubble piles and that these piles do not appear to (As the PCs begin to move about the room, in
have been naturally formed, as there is no evidence order to better investigate/examine its contents,
of a large land- or rock-slide on the cliff-side. Any they soon discover a horrific sight. Piled behind
roll which generates a result of "Near Success" the cavern's central partition are the skeletal
will allow a PC to spot the 2 ft high, 4 ft wide, gap remain of between 40-50 dwarves stripped
which now exists at the top of the pile covering the completely and quite utterly bare – down to the
center entrance into the cave. A result of "Success" bone! Most of the remains appear to be badly
will allow a PC to determine BOTH of the above broken (with many of the skulls missing a great
mentioned results, while a result of "Absolute many teeth) and all but hopelessly tangled
Success" will allow a PC to realize, in addition to together, as if the bodies had been torn apart, limb
the above results, that there is, hidden beyond the from limb, then piled here in great haste. It looks
rubble and opening, a cave. as if the naked and mutilated corpses of the
The rubble pile in front of the center cave opening, dwarves were then buried and left to rot in this
though rather wide is only around 10 ft high. It has god-forsaken place.
become, over the passing of many years, very hard The PCs will notice that a few of the scattered
and quite compacted, therefore making it very remains lay just outside the main heap, with two,
secure-able to support the weight of all the PCs if nearly intact, skeletons lying face down on a large
they were to all climb or stand atop the rubble pile stone ledge in the upper/left corner of the cave – in
together. It will take PCs, working together, front of the "secret door", which is shown as a
between 5-10 minutes to widen the hole at the top large "S" in the wall on the Shrine Map.
of the center entrance from 2 to 3 ft in height to The Secret Door can only be discovered and
allow easy access to the cave beyond, as the earth opened on a successful "EXTREMELY HARD"
and stone of the pile are very hard and so do not Perception roll. The door conceals a narrow tunnel
give way easily. which eventually leads to Area "g" inside the Spire
Gazing through the small opening, you can see a – located nearly straight across from shrine ("d" on
large cave (some 100 ft long, 70 ft wide and 30 ft the Area Map).
high). Near its center is a natural stone partition There is nothing else of value to be discovered
(approximately 50 ft long, 5 ft thick and 15 ft here).
high). There are several irregular natural stone
e) The Half Moon
ledges, rising from the floor to a height no greater
than 3-4 feet, along several of the outer edges of The trail you have been following eventually leads
the cave, which are periodically broken up by to a large open air stage cut into the natural stone
some small piles of rubble (rock and stone debris of the cliff-side, who's flat top rises 10 feet above
which has spilled in from the outside through the your heads.
three front cave openings which were buried). This large stone stage was cut from the
(From the central cave opening the PCs are unable surrounding stone in a shape that resembles a
to see, by the positioning/placement of the stone cycled moon, approximately 200 feet from tip to
partition, the skeletal remains, which have been tip and varying from 10-35 feet in width. Three
concealed here). carved stone ledges, approximately 3 ft high each,
As you begin to enter the cave, your light reveals act like over-sized steps for any wishing to reach
ancient symbols, both carved and painted, on the the stage top.
cavern walls and stone partition in the center of the The back wall of the stage is all but covered with
room. Some orcish script can also be seen, though ancient looking symbols and orcish script, much of
they are too badly faded and chipped away to be which is too badly faded to be deciphered. On a
deciphered. Except for a very thick layer of dust successful "LIGHT" Perception roll, PCs will
and a lot of obscuring, ancient-looking, cobwebs, discover some more recent dwarvish writings upon
the cave appears empty…. the back wall, near the center of the stage. The
writing essentially translates to mean: "I WAS
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 17 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
HERE", followed by the date TA 1581. Below this block/obscure from sight the buried front entrance
is a fairly faded list of dwarven names, over 300 in of the cave.
all - which include some fairly peculiar nicknames, Looking more closely at all the dead lying around
one of which is that of "Toothless Tootsie"! them, the PCs will notice that most appear to have
Against the back wall of the stage are two been purposely piled into three distinct, wide-
depressions in the stone, approximately 5 feet deep spread, heaps (the shaded areas marked with "X"s
each. In the larger of the two is hidden a "secret on the Shrine Map). The three distinct piles/heaps
door" – a successful "EXTREMELY HARD" contain a total number of between 100 and 150
Perception roll to discover/open – which conceals dwarven remains/bodies, as well as the skeletal/
a tunnel, which eventually leads to another "secret mummified remains of between 30-40 orcish
door" in shrine "f". warriors. Many weapons, shields and metal
Both "secret doors" (in shrines "e", "f" and in "d" helmets lay strewn about everywhere in what was
as well) are easy to locate/open from within the apparently some sort of "last stand" against orcish
tunnel itself. ambushers.
There is nothing else of value to be discovered While some of these items appear to be rusted or
here. broken, there are quite a few which still appear to
be in usable condition. The following list of useful
f) The Hole
items can be discovered with a quick search of the
As you continue to follow the trail around the foot area – no Perception roll required:
of the Spire, your way becomes partially blocked
• 19 shields and/or bucklers
by what appears to be the remnants of a massive
rock-slide that occurred some years ago. • 5 suits of dwarvish plate
Although quite large in size and covering much of • 9 suits of chain mail
the hillside, it does appear that with some effort • 2 suits of studded leather
and a little care your group can still skirt around • 47 various types of weapons (those used
the obstruction to continue up the trail (to shrine primarily by dwarven miners/warriors)
• 56 various types of helmets
(Due to a massive rock-slide, which occurred some
On a successful "MEDIUM" Perception roll the
centuries ago, the entrance to this shrine is no
following additional items may be discovered:
longer accessible from the trail. The only way to
gain access to the interior of this shrine is by the • 11 necklaces (roll 1d10: 1 = mithril, 2-6 =
use of the tunnel which connects this shrine to the silver, 7-8 = gold, 9-10 = gold/w/gemstones –
"secret door" located at shrine "e" – The Half regardless of the rolls, there can only be a
Moon). max. of 2 mithril necklaces discovered here)*
(Entering from the "secret door"…) • 17 rings (1-100 gp each)
Opening the secret door, you find yourselves • 5 miscellaneous jewelry items (nose or ear
staring into the utter darkness of a long buried rings, bracer, head band, etc. - 1-10 gp each)
cave. Just ahead of you, on the fringes of your • 23 gems (5-50 gp each)
light, lay the skeletal and mummified remains of • 110 gp and 416 sp
many dwarvish miners and warriors!
*To determine the value of each necklace found,
(This round cavern is approximately 90-100 ft in roll as follows for: mithril 100-1000 gp, silver 10-
diameter. Its domed ceiling varies in height from 100 sp, gold 10-100 gp and gold/w/gems 50-500
around 5 ft, near the buried front entrance, to about gp.
15 ft in height near the very back of the cave. Two
On a successful "EXTREMELY HARD" Percep-
large, free-standing, boulders, one 10 ft round and
tion roll or on any prolonged search of the area
the other 5-10 ft high and 25-30 ft round, partially
(lasting 2 or MORE days), SOME of the following
items may be discovered:
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 18 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 19 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
and battle axe clutched in each of its four arms, 300+ dwarven miners and warriors at the dig site,
ready to do battle against the intruding PCs (the some of which had reported seeing a steady
great maul and battle axe, though wielded 1- increase in the number of orcs, scouts and/or small
handed, hit on and inflict 2-handed damage bands of wandering warriors, on or along the
because of the golem’s size and great strength). fringes of the bowl of the Spire Valley. By late fall
Around the golem's neck is worn a single gold guards and sentries had been established around
chain (worth 250 gp) from which hangs a large the dig site to keep an eye out for curious orcs.
ruby medallion shaped in the likeness of a great Around that same time a great descending stairwell
lidless eye (?) (worth another 750 gp). had been discovered beyond the hidden temple,
A careful search of the pile will reveal some near the center of the Spire stone. Seven dwarven
broken bits of weaponry (crude sword tips, axe/ miners were chosen to descend the stairwell…
arrow/spear heads, etc.), bits of leather armor and among them an experienced dwarven miner going
(on a successful "MEDIUM" Perception roll) a by the nickname "Toothless Tootsie".
small, very old looking, leather bound book. The iron poles embedded in the stone platform are
The book, a dwarven foreman's daily journal, is in marked and scratched in many places as if by
fact quite old and brittle, containing within its chains and/or edged weapons. On a successful
protective leather bindings many crumbling pages "LIGHT" Perception roll, PCs may notice, beneath
(all written in the dwarven tongue by way of a thick layer of dust, the discoloration of the stone
Runes). It will require any PC trying to decipher around each pole base made over the passing of
the contents of the book to make a "HARD" Read many years by the pooling of blood.
Runes roll: The cage (formed by a ring of iron bars embedded
PARTIAL SUCCESS – The PC learns that the in the floor and ceiling of the cave) at the far end
book is some kind of journal, with many dates and of the cavern has a single crude gate, which has
dwarven names from the year TA 1581. There are rusted shut and can only be forced open with
several supply lists and inventories of goods, but EXTREME effort. The cell inside is empty.
more than that, the PC cannot say. There is nothing else of worth to be discovered
NEAR SUCCESS – The PC learns that the book is here.
a foreman's journal detailing several of the major
finds around the Spire diggings. It tells of the The Hidden Temple
unearthing of several hidden shrines and the Concealed behind a large and towering cleft of stone lay
discovery of a hidden temple (in addition to the the hidden entrance of an orcish temple, carved beneath the
above information). Spire stone. It is not, at first, apparent by following the
SUCCESS – The PC learns that dwarven miners ancient and weathered footpaths which lead between the
began digging at the Spire in the early spring of TA cleft and the Spire itself, that these trails do indeed
1581 and that the diggings continued into the fall eventually lead to an entrance into the stone, for as the
of that year. During that time 7 shrines in all were trails merge into one, turning in the direction of the Spire,
unearthed around and beneath the base of the stone they rise up a steep incline of packed earth and rock and
and that in the late summer a hidden temple was disappear from sight. On the other side of this incline,
discovered behind a cleft of stone on the Spire hidden from normal view, is the actual temple entrance.
rock itself. By summer's end there were a total of
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 20 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
4.2.2 The Worship Grotto around the room, from atop the white marble podium from
which he would address the crowd and/or conduct his
Concealed from view, just beyond a steep incline of service. Usually on nights in which sacred services were
packed earth and rock, is a large cavern some 130 ft x 100 held, because of the limited amount of space in the cavern,
ft x 40 ft deep (area map, marked with a circled ‘2’: ). A more than one holy/unholy service, sometimes lead by
slowly receding pool of water, which looks as if it had once different shaman, would be held in order that all visiting
completely filled the room in more ancient times, has orcs to the Spire would have an opportunity to attend
created a series of rings around the cavern which have cut and/or participate. On these rare occasions, some tribes
deeply into the wall, forming a descending ripple of stone might be required to bring with them their own ritual
ledges or steps which drop down to the water's current level offerings and/or living sacrifices.)
40 ft below (60 ft below the top of the caverns arched Along the course of each walkway, which descends into
ceiling). There are two 10 ft wide stone walkways, which the room, are several curious looking 10 ft x 10 ft x 15 ft
descend from the entrance-way, on either side of the room, tall niches carved into the cavern wall.
which disappear through tunnels in the wall on the far side Many dark colored stalactites dot the arched and fire
of the cavern. In the center of the pool and against the far blackened ceiling of the cavern. It appears, over the passing
wall of the chamber is an island of dry earth and rock, of many years, that several have broken off and tumbled
roughly 60 ft x 35 ft in size. Near the center of this island, into the pool far below, leaving behind only scattered trails
positioned against the very back wall of the chamber, is a of broken stone which can be seen descending down the
perfectly carved cylinder of white marble, 20 ft round x 20 rippling ledges of the room to the water's edge.
ft high, which is flanked on either side by a series of hand
carved black stone steps which ascend from the floor of the The Niches (marked by letters on area map)
island, along the back wall of the chamber, to the very top a) Toilet/Trash Port. In the center of these niches are
of the marble cylinder. At the top rear/center of the cylinder 5 ft round holes used for the disposal of orcish
can be seen an open doorway carved into the caverns back wastes. Each hole descends straight down for over
wall which leads into darkness. 100 ft to eventually empty into a very large
(This chamber was once used as an auditorium for mass enclosed natural cavern, which is piled deep with
worship and/or lecture by orcish shamans who enthralled ancient orcish excrements and trash – YUK!!
orcs here by the hundreds in crowded seating along the b) Merchant Port. These niches were used by orcish
stone steps and ledges, which surround the chamber's outer merchants and/or shaman to peddle religious para-
wall. The shaman would enter the packed chamber, lit by phernalia, herbal hallucinogenic and/or other
many torches placed atop tall poles on the island and/or drugs, etc.
c) Food & Beverage Port. These niches were often
times used to distribute food and drink prior to the
start of a lecture or religious service.
Guard Post. Anywhere from 1-3 (or more) guards
would be stationed here when the temple was in
use. These guards would be the best trained, armed
and armored from among their race, often times
dressed in ceremonial chain or plate mail armor.
(It is possible for the PCs to climb down to the
caverns central island from the end of either of the
two 10 ft wide stone walkways which descend
from the cavern entrance, but of course this will
require a Climb MM as the each walkway is still
about 15-20 ft above the island floor itself. The
water in the pool is quite stagnant and very
brackish, causing any who drink from it to make a
Resistance Roll vs. 5th Level Poison or take 5-50
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 21 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
points in damage and be incapacitated from severe corners or by large bends in the tunnels. Strange
stomach cramps for 1-3 days. Those who make noises (made by echoes of the party's movements,
their RR will still take from 1-10 points of damage bats, rats, insects, shifting dirt or rocks, etc., etc.)
and be incapacitated from stomach cramps for 1-3 will occasionally be heard coming from different,
hours.) and sometimes unidentifiable, directions which can
There is nothing of value to be discovered in this be a bit unnerving for exploring PCs. And last but
large cavern. not least, don't forget to throw in a wondering
monster or two once in a while (like a troll, giant
The Caverns Beyond
spider, ghoul, etc.), just to keep the group on their
Beyond the Worship Grotto is a network of caves toes.
labeled d), e), f) and g) on the area map. A brief
description for each of these is given below. 4.2.3 Priest/Shaman Prep 'n' Ready Room
d) Guard Post (as outlined above).
This 40 ft × 30 ft chamber (area map, marked with a
e) Storage Area. This cavern was once used to store
circled ‘3’: ) appears empty except for several rotting
wood, furniture, stone benches/shelves, vats,
torches, tools, rope, common supplies, etc. Most leather sacks, two large wooden chests and a wide array of
are near empty of their former supplies, with only digging and mining tools and supplies.
small bits and broken pieces of what they use to (This chamber had once been used as a ready room to
house remaining. Several of these storage areas help prepare priests and/or shamans to give their lectures or
have now become the home of large rat services to the gathered congregation of orcs in Room 2.
colonies/nests, which can pose a serious threat to Ritual garbs and ceremonial devices were often times
any intruding PCs, which may be caught off guard! stored here when the temple was in use. This chamber,
f) Communal Sleeping Rooms. These rooms were along with most of the other rooms and chambers of the
often times used to house female orcs, shamans Hidden Temple, was completely emptied out by the orcs
and their apprentices, visiting chieftains and their when the Spire was abandoned at the close of the 2nd Age.
bodyguards, etc. A scattering of broken furniture However, in their excavations of the temple in TA 1881,
and bedding is all that remains in these areas. persistent dwarven miners still managed to uncover a few
artifacts of value from within the temple complex, which
g) Communal Dining Areas. In these areas food and they bagged and placed in trunks for removal at a later date.
drink for persons assigned to occupy the
Communal Sleeping Rooms were prepared and 10 rotting leather sacks:
served. Several large cooking pits, long stone or • 1-2) 225 tp each
wooden dining tables, cracked and broken with • 3) 175 cp
age, along with many chairs in various states of • 4) 115 cp
disrepair are the most dominate features of the
• 5-6) 160 bp each
room. Many crude-looking metal pots, pans, plates
and eating utensils can also be discovered scattered • 7-8) 105 sp each
about each of the chambers. • 9) 100 gp
There is nothing of value to be found in any of • 10) 38 gp
these areas. 2 large wooden chests:
Note: GMs should try to make the exploration of • Chest 1) Gold and gem encrusted sacrificial dagger
the above mentioned areas as interesting as (worth 150 gp), 2 silver candle stick holders (worth 15 sp a
possible for the PCs. Remember that these tunnels piece), decorative gold offering bowl (worth 100 gp), gold
are quite old and have not been in use for some chain with ruby pendant (worth 125 gp) and a gold and
time (lined with thick cob webbing and very dusty gem encrusted goblet (worth 250 gp).
in many places). Torches, as well as many other
• Chest 2) Bone Flute (worth 1 sp), gold necklace
light sources, will cast strange shifting shadows
(worth 50 gp), emerald ring (worth 75 gp), small bag of
along the walls and will most likely be unable to
rough cut gemstones (15 in all, worth 5-50 gp a piece),
illuminates many areas hidden from view around
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 22 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 23 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
its framework to the great crane which no longer works, "Enemies of my Master, you are unworthy to tread upon
having rusted in place long ago from lack of use and such sacred ground! Now you must all DIE!!"
maintenance. For those PCs who are "surprised" they hear only the two
Among the orcs in this region it is said that the well has lines stated above just prior to being attacked.)
always existed, since the time when the great stone first The GREATER Specter will now attack the group,
rose from the earth, and that it is from this place, at the calling upon 2 LESSER Specters from far below to come
center of the platform, that their master once stood when and aid him (they will arrive in 2-5 rounds)!
first he called to them.)
Note: This encounter is quite dangerous! Not only must
PCs fight the Spectres from atop the stairs with nowhere to
Descending the Stair Well hide or run to, but they will also be losing a great deal of
The 8' wide spiraling stone staircase descends along the CON points during the course of the battle and run the risk
outer wall of the well for quite a long distance until it of being knocked from the stairs, and to their deaths, by
reaches the bottom some 300 ft below. A steady and strong any unkind "critical" roll. Any PCs attempting to fight their
wind can be felt rising up from the depth of the well, which way down or up the stair well or simply stating that he/she
is concealed from view in utter darkness. Most light will flee up or down the stairs runs the risk of losing their
sources used to illuminate the descent will only be able to footing and falling to their deaths - GMs should have the
reveal about 30 feet of the stairs ahead of the PCs due to PCs make MM or AGL Rolls whenever it is deemed
the group’s proximity to and curvature of the wall. Most necessary and/or appropriate.
light sources will not be able to illuminate the opposite side (The miners pack contains only some long rotted food
of the well, which is some 70 ft away. About halfway down supplies, 12 iron pitons, a small hammer and several small
the stair well the PCs will come upon a discarded miners leather sacks.)
pack, 50 ft bundle of rope and a war hammer lying on the
stone steps. At this point have all the PCs make an "EASY" 4.2.6 The Mines Below the Spire
Perception SM Roll. Any PC who generates a result of
Partial Success or better sees the following (and thus will The well descends down some 300 ft before opening into
avoid being "surprised"): a larger cavern. The spiraling staircase is suspended in mid-
air for the last 50 ft of its descent as the walls of the well
(Read aloud to all the PCs) "As your light reveals the
melt away into the ceiling of the larger cavern.
discarded miners pack, bundle of rope and war hammer
lying on the stone steps just ahead of you, a glint of 1) A litter of empty metal ore carts, some still on crude
greenish light suddenly catches your eye. The weak light metal tracks which crisscross the floor of this large cavern
seems to be suspended in mid air at the center of the well (mine map, marked with a circled ‘1’), some mining tools
far below your group and as you watch it, almost and a scattering of rock can be seen lying all about this
mesmerized by what you see, it flashes, its light gathering huge chamber. Also visible on the cavern floor, near the
in strength and intensity. It suddenly begins to move center of the stair well, are the crushed and broken remains
towards you with great speed, as the howl of the wind all of seven dwarven miners who look as if they fell to their
around your group begins to change into a dreadful wail! deaths here a long time ago.
"TRESPASSERS! DEFILERS!! YOU HAVE NO (If searched, the following items can be recovered from
BUSINESS HERE!!!" the 7 dwarven miners:
A green ball of light now hovers in the center of the well • 6 miner's packs (which each contain only rotted
directly across from your group. food supplies, 12 iron pitons, a small hammer and
several small leather sacks)
(For those who are not "surprised" by this encounter,
having earlier made their successful Perception SM Roll, • 3 small shields (one is +15 DB)
read the following: • 7 helmets (one allows 50 ft of normal sight even in
As you prepare for the confrontation you are sure is total darkness)
forthcoming, the ball of light begins to change its form to • 2 suits of dwarven chain (MM as Rigid Leather)
that of a ghostly figure, a phantom with black menacing • 3 suits of rigid studded leather armor (one has a
eyes: MM as Soft Leather)
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 24 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
Mine Map. Layout of the mines below the temple. Insert (lower left corner) shows a vertical cross section of the stairwell.
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 25 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
• 6 short swords (one is +10 OB, another +20 OB only in later times, at the peak of the Spire's power and
and can shed light in a 20 ft radius upon command) influence over the orcs, that the mines came into being.
• 4 hand axes (one is +10 OB/+20 OB when thrown) The stair well is not often used to enter or exit from the
• 2 war hammers (one is +15 OB and returns when mines far below, rather the mines are entered into and
thrown) exited from other connecting tunnels which exist in other
hidden places lying outside the Spire valley, but still within
• 8 daggers (two are +10 OB)
the range of the Southern Misty Mountains.
• 5 bundles of 50 ft rope
The many tunnels of the mines, which exist below the
• 2 lanterns (one is crushed and useless, the other Spire, enter into yet uncharted portions of the Under Deeps,
never needs oil and lights/darkens upon command) which lay far below the southern ranges of these parts.
• 14 torches Only the orcs of this region would know well where these
• 2 tinder boxes /w/ flint and steel hidden passages enter, exit and travel to.
• 3 rings* (worth 150, 200 and 275 gp respectively)
• 2 necklaces (worth 50 and 85 gp respectively)
• 35 gp and 112 sp (total)
• 7 water skins (now empty)
• large blankets
Note: The miners were also wearing boots and other
items of clothing, some beneath their armor, which are all
in poor condition.
*The "fancy" ring worth 275 gp is also engraved with a
clan insignia (the same clan from which Toothless Tootsie
was a member). In fact, if the body from which this ring
was taken is closely examined, one will discover that it is
missing a fair number of teeth from what appear to be
natural causes.
"Yes" the ring can be used to identify the body of long
lost Uncle Tootsie, as the dwarven PC or NPC will attest
that his father wore a similar "clan" ring, which was passed
down to him from his father and his father before him.
a) The Great Forges
Now cold and still, the three great forges, which were
built here by orcs of the 2nd Age, sit in silence surrounded
by piles of coal and a scattering of rock ore.
b) Storage Area
In these areas newly mined ore from the mines were
brought, dumped and heaped into great mounds to await
smelting in the Great Forges of the Spire Mines. In days
when the temple was in use, many orcs labored in the
mines located far below the stair well. However, when the
orcs first discovered the stair well at the center of the Spire
and finally decided to descend its depths into the dark
Under Deeps far below, no such mines existed, only deep,
natural, tunnels which stretched out forever beneath the
towering peaks of the Southern Misty Mountains. It was
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 26 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
5.0 The Adventure f) "I heard that the stone is alive and that it keeps
watch over a very ancient and fabulous
treasure hoard."
5.1 TASKS g) "Some believe that an ancient evil, most vile,
lay imprisoned beneath the stone."
This adventure scenario is the most basic type: a
“dungeon crawl”. There aren’t even that many monsters, Note: GMs should feel free to use as many (or as
just physical hazards. The objectives are to explore, loot, few) of these rumors as are desired and/or to make
and survive, not necessarily in that order. up some of their own from the information and
materials provided within this adventure.
5.2 STARTING THE PLAYERS 2) A dwarven NPC or PC has hired/asked the other
PCs to help him solve an ancient family mystery
Several suggestions for starting the players are detailed concerning the last whereabouts of a missing
below. great-uncle.
5.2.1 Players’ Backgrounds "My Great Uncle Tootsie!"18. From all indications,
he and several other dwarven miners had left their
Listed below are several possible background options holdings far to the north of the Spire to take part in
from which GMs may choose in order to help introduce some promising diggings going on there: "It is said
PCs into this adventure. that they have found several large chambers and
1) PCs traveling near to this region of the Misty caverns with deep tunnels hidden beneath the
Mountains have heard tales/stories (from local stone. Many there believe that a very ancient and
inhabitants, trappers, passing dwarves, Rangers, fabulous treasure hoard will soon be discovered
etc.) of the strange and mysterious rock formation and so have promised a full share to any miner
known as the Spire. who will come and help in the dig!"
A list of the more common rumors about the Spire These were Great Uncle Tootsie's last words.
– some true, some not, some both – which the PCs "No one can say for sure if he or the other miners
could have learned, overheard or been told during in his company ever made it to the Spire or even if
their travels, has been provided below: such a dig ever took place there. Few among my
a) "It is an eerie and unnatural place, a barren and people will even speak about that eerie place, and
inhospitable wasteland of rock and earth, those that have say only that it is a haunted and
pierced at its heart by a spire of stone a evil place which devours any it does not want
thousand feet high." there, and that if ever my Great Uncle reached that
b) "Some have said that in ages long since past, it place, then surely the stone has claimed his bones."
must have served some dark and sinister The NPC/PC wants closure to the mystery sur-
purpose for the orcs of that region who rounding his Great Uncle's disappearance and thus
scratched and sketched upon the stone’s base, he wants to spearhead an expedition to the Spire in
giving praise to the Dark Lord." order to search for signs of a dig and the bones of
c) "I have heard whispered tales among the his long missing Great Uncle, if they exist.
dwarves that caverns and tunnels lay hidden Note: If the PCs must be hired by a dwarven NPC,
beneath the towering stone." then they will be made the following offer: 100 gp
d) "It has been said that on rare occasions the apiece, all supplies and equipment deemed
stone can be heard singing in a strange and necessary for the expedition paid for, and an equal
uncouth tongue to the surrounding hills."
e) "Many ancient murals with strange markings, 18 "Tootsie" is most probably some sort of Westron-derived
most of which are badly faded, encircle the nickname, and obviously not the Great-Uncle's real/
entire base of the stone." dwarven name (feel free to change it if you really feel a
need/desire to do so, but doesn't everyone, everywhere,
have an Uncle Tootsie in their family tree?).
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 27 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
5.3 AIDS
If the players need assistance in finding and/or traveling
to the Spire, the GM may provide a Dwarf, either for-hire
or through their sponsor (if any); however it is strongly
recommended that this NPC be a guide only who will
refuse to either lead the party or serve as cannon fodder.
Stats for such an NPC are provided in the Table.
Simply traveling to the Spire presents a challenge. Once
there, the primary obstacles are the traps and physical
hazards; and the monsters. All are keyed to specific
locations and are detailed herein. The GM may wish to add
random Orcs at any point, to increase the challenge and/or
to harass the PCs; stats for such are provided in the Table.
The rewards during this adventure depend upon how the
PCs start the scenario. In any case, the rewards consist
primarily of whatever items and cash that the PCs can loot
or steal from the sites – which in this case are a consider-
able amount. If an NPC has hired/retained the party, a fee
will also be offered (see above).
For any GM wishing to expand this adventure into the
Under Deeps which lay beyond the tunnels shown on the
original adventure map, may we suggest using the rules and
guide lines provided in the MERP Adventure Module:
Ghost Warriors – Section 6.0, Intrigue in the Under-Deeps.
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 28 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
6.0 Encounters GMs. Encounter checks (in most of my campaigns) fall into
two groups:
There are NO set or predetermined encounters outside the 1. Set or Predetermined Encounters
Spire itself, however, this is not meant to suggest that there 2. Random Encounters
will be no encounter for PCs as they attempt to reach the For this adventure there are NO set or predetermined
area of Spire, but rather that such encounters will be of the encounters outside the SPIRE itself, however, this is not
"randomly generated" variety. meant to suggest that there will be no encounter for PCs
Encounter checks should be made TWICE daily for this attempting to reach the SPIRE, but rather that such
adventure (once during the daytime and once again at encounters will be of the "randomly generated" variety.
night). GMs should feel free to use whatever method(s) GMs are free to use whatever method(s) they are most
they are most familiar/comfortable with in determining if, familiar/comfortable with in determining if, when and what
when and what type of encounter (if any) might take place type of encounter (if any) might take place for their group
for their group of PCs in reaching the main adventure site. of PCs in reaching the main site of this adventure, but for
Note: For creature encounters one should use whatever any GM interested I have provided below the Random
creatures are commonly found in and around this area (for Encounter tables I use for my games.
this adventure one should use animals/creatures common to Random Encounters
the southern Misty Mountain region). Encounters with orcs
Roll once per day and once per night.
in this region can be particularly bad for PCs, especially if
they are seen heading in the direction of the Spire or into % to encounter: No encounter Encounter
the bowl itself.
Rural Areas (well populated)* 01-20 21-00
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 29 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
Non-creature types the Spire site, once in the bowl, however, the area should
be treated as bleak).
Type Description
Now an encounter with orcs can be bad news for players
Noise Scream, strange animal cry, horn, drum, in the fact that if any see the PCs heading in the direction of
trumpet, rustling creaking, bird cry, gong,
the Spire or into the bowl itself, they may become quite
booming sound, splashing, etc
agitated and we all know what happened to the dwarves
Natural Occurrence Clearing, trees, river, natural spring, dead when they overstayed their welcome….
animal, skeleton, crevasse or cliff, weather
change (clouds, rain, wind, etc.), earth quake, Concerning Travel Time…
storm, landslide, fire, avalanche, etc Depending on how far your PCs may have to travel in
Adventure Site In wilds: ruin, cave, burial site, etc. In Rural order to reach this adventure site, will of course determine
Areas: village, town, store, tavern, signal fort, the mode of travel (by foot or horseback), the amount of
trading post, etc provisions which must be taken, the type of clothing and
Situation Trade caravan, brigand assault, battle, other supplies which might be needed, the number of
campsite, armed patrol, injured traveler, etc. possible "random" encounter checks which will need to be
In Rural Areas: murder, bar fight, fire, robbery, rolled, weather checks, etc., etc.
harassment, etc I personally try to make just getting to an adventure site
seem as much fun for my players as the adventure itself
NPC or Creature Encounters: (with interesting encounters, situations, skill and perception
checks, and so forth), but I realize that there will always be
Rural Wild Description
some players who just want to get to the adventure site as
01-90 01-30 Friendly Encounter – helpful NPC(s), domesticated quickly as possible. Don't worry about distance, travel time
or non-aggressive animal(s) (birds, squirrels, deer, and encounter checks if you are pressed for time (in the real
dog, cat, horse, pig, etc.) world) and your players just want to start the adventure,
91-00 31-00 Unfriendly Encounter – harmful NPC(s) (ruffians, just go ahead and start them at the Spire (no harm done). :)
brigands, guardsmen, etc.), wild animal(s) or other For those GMs who like to make the PCs work a little, it
aggressive creature(s) takes about 1 full day to descend from the top of the bowl
to the Spire itself. Horses can not be ridden for the first 2/3
Relative Strength of the descent because of the steepness and make up of the
terrain (mostly slick or loose stone/rock) and so travel will
Roll Encounter strength
be a slow going process (which may involve a variety of
01-35 Weak (in relation to party strength) skill checks (general agility, MM, climbing, animal
handling, riding, etc.) as determined by each GM.
36-75 Equal to party (in relative strength)
I have a simple weather table I use for determining daily
76-95 Superior (in relation to party strength)
weather changes during a game
96-00 Overwhelming (party should try and avoid this encounter if
at all possible) - a war party of orcs, 20 trolls, an ancient 6.1 …IN THE GENERAL AREA
dragon, 9 Nazgûl, Sauron, etc
No one lives in the valley of the Spire. Orcs are the only
possible encounters. The GM may wish to add random
I usually roll for these in order then apply them to the Orcs at any point, to increase the challenge and/or to harass
situation at hand. For creature encounters I use whatever the PCs; stats for such are provided in the Table below.
creatures are common in the area (for this adventure I
would use animals/creatures commonly found in the 6.2 …IN THE SPIRE
southern Misty Mountain region).
Orcs, a mountain troll or two, wolves (perhaps even a All encounters are keyed to specific locations, and are
warg or two), small drake, mountain lion(s) are just a few detailed in the text of that location.
which pop into mind (now this is on the way/approach to
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 30 of 31
The Spire (Revised Edition), an adventure for the MERP game system, set in the
southern Misty Mountains of Middle-earth, TA 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing game. By EJ Womble and VJ Schiavoni Rev April 2020.
7.0 Tables
This section provides MERP game stats for the characters
The End
T e Spire eR( vised dE ition), an adventure for the PREM game system, set in the
southern i M sty o
M untains of i M ddle-earth, A T 1640. Being a fan-made resource
for the iM ddle-Earth o R le-Playing game. y B JE Womble and JV Schiavoni. Page 31 of 31