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2014 - Lloyd's Introduction To Jurisprudence by Professor Michael Freeman - 9 Ed.

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The document provides an introduction to jurisprudence, discussing what jurisprudence is and exploring different philosophical approaches to law.

Lloyd's Introduction to Jurisprudence is a textbook that introduces students to the study and philosophy of law. It covers different jurisprudential theories and approaches to understanding law.

According to the document text, Lloyd's Introduction to Jurisprudence has gone through 9 editions since its first publication in 1959, with various revisions and reprints in between editions.




Emeritus Professor of English Law
University College London

First Edition 1959

Second Edition 1965
Third Edition 1972
Fourth Edition 1979
Fifth Edition 1985
Sixth Edition 1994
Second Impression 1996
Third Impression 1997
Fourth Impression 1999
Fifth Impression 2000
Seventh Edition 2001
Second Impression 2002
Third Impression 2005
Fourth Impression 2006
Eighth Edition 2008
Ninth Edition 2014

Published in 2014 by Thomson Reuters (Legal) Limited trading as

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
© M.D.A. Freeman and the estate of the late Lord Lloyd of
Hampstead, 2014
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Prefacexvii Acknowledgementsxix TableofCasesxxx


1. StudyingJurisprudence1
Whatis TheRelevanceof Jurisprudence
Jurisprudence? NormativeCharacter ofLaw

Form(orStructure) andContent 7

TheNatureof Definitionsandthe MeaningofLaw

“NamingaThing”8 “Essentialism”9
AnalysisofWords orFacts 11 11
AreDefinitions Unnecessary

IdeologicalFactors12 CriteriaofValidity13

LawandRegularity15 LawandMorals16
MoralsasPartof Law 19
Law and Value Judgements

J. Austin The Uses of the Study of

W.L. Twining Some Jobs for Jurisprudence 22 J. Shklar
Legalism 25 D. Hume A Treatise of Human Nature 26
L.L. Fuller The Case of the N.R. Cahn The Case of the
Speluncean Explorers Speluncean
Explorers:Contemporary Word “Law”
Proceedings H.L.A. Hart Definition and Theory
G. Williams International Law and in Jurisprudence
the Controversy Concerning the 26 39

45 46

R. Wollheim The Nature of Law 48

J. Raz The Problem About the Nature
of Law
P. Soper Choosing a Legal Theory on
Moral Grounds
J. Finnis Evaluation and the Description
of Law
J. Raz Ethics in the Public Domain 68
J. Raz Between Authority and
B.Z. Tamanaha Law as a Means to an End 69 P. Kahn
The Cultural Study of Law 74

2. Natural Law 75
What is Natural Law? 75 81
The Attractions of Natural Law

Greek Origins 88 Jus Gentium 89 Medieval Period 90

Renaissance, 92
Reformation and Counter
Grotius and
International Law Natural Law and 95
the Social Contract
Kant and Human Freedom 96

The Enlightenment 104

Nineteenth and Twentieth Morality of Law
Centuries Fuller and the 107 108

Hart on Natural Law 113

Finnis and the Restatement of 116
Natural Law

Conclusion 124 EXTRACTS

Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 124 Cicero De Re

Publica 125 Justinian Institutes 125 Aquinas Summa
Theologica 126
T. Hobbes Leviathan 130 Locke Two Treatises of
Government 132 J.J. Rousseau The Social Contract
134 L.L. Fuller The Morality of Law 138 J.M. Finnis
Natural Law and Natural Rights 151
J. Finnis, J. Boyle, G. Grisez Positivism
The First Moral Principle 170 Sovereignty and its
Margaret Mead Some Bentham and the
Anthropological Considerations Utilitarians
Concerning Bentham’s “Of Laws
Natural Law in General”
K. Greenwalt How Persuasive is 174 177 195
Natural Law Theory?

3. Bentham, Austin and

195 196 198
Classical English

Austin 202 Law as a Command 204 Sovereignty 205

Law and Morals 209 Sanctions 211
Hart’s “Concept of Law” and Austinian
Austin Did Austin Remain an 215 216

Conclusion 216 EXTRACTS

J. Bentham A Fragment on Government 217
J. Bentham An Introduction to the Legislation
Principles of Morals and 218

J. Bentham Of Laws in General 221

J. Austin The Province of 4. The Pure Theory of
Jurisprudence Determined Law
237 249

Normativism 250
The Pure Science of Law Hierarchy of Norms and Law-
Norms and the Basic Norm making Process
251 252 254

Sanctions 255
Critique 257 The Basic Norm 258 International Law 263
The Rule of International Law and Sanctions
Recognition: A Comparison 265 267

Law and Fact 268 Non-legal Norms 268 Conclusion



H. Kelsen The Pure Theory of Law 269

H. Kelsen General Theory of Law H. Kelsen Professor Stone and
and State the Pure Theory of Law
275 282

H. Kelsen The Pure Theory of Law 284 H. Kelsen The

Function of a Constitution 295 J. Raz The Purity of the
Pure Theory 300

5. Modern Trends in Analytical Hart’s Concept of

Jurisprudence Law
An Outline of Hart’s Jurisprudence “Legality”
The “Internal
Aspect” of Law
The Rule of
Recognition 315 316
Is Law A System of Rules?
Raz and Reasons for Action 319 322 326 330 333
Shapiro and

Rights 335 The Nature of Rights 335

Hohfeld’s Analysis of Rights H.L.A. Hart Positivism and the
The Obligation to Obey the Law Separation of Law and Morals
The Legal L.L. Fuller Positivism and Fidelity
Enforcement of Morality to Law – a Reply to Professor Hart
337 340 343 348 352


F. Schauer The Nature of the Debate 355 G. Radbruch

Statutory Lawlessness and Supra-Statutory Law 359
R. Alexy A Defence of Radbruch’s in Jurisprudence
Formula 364 380
H.L.A. Hart Definition and Theory

J. Raz Practical Reason and Norms 385 J. Raz

Authority, Law and Morality 389 S. Perry Law and
Obligation 405
S. Perry Hart’s Methodological MacCormick
Positivism A Very British Revolution? 442
413 W.N. Hohfeld Fundamental Legal
Conceptions as Applied in
Sir Neil Judicial Reasoning

W.A. Edmundson The Duty to Obey the Law 460 S.

Shapiro Legality 468
6. Theories of Justice 481 Introduction 481
Rawls and as Entitlement
Distributive Justice Nozick: Justice 481 492

Capabilities and the 498

Frontiers of Justice
Justice as Rights 500
Feminism and Economic Theories of Law and
Justice Justice
509 517

Corrective Justice 524 EXTRACTS

J. Rawls A Theory of Justice 527 J. Rawls Political

Liberalism 537 R. Nozick Anarchy, State and Utopia
544 R. Dworkin A Trump Over Utility 547
R. Dworkin What is Equality? Part Domination and Oppression
2: Equality of Resources 556 567
I.M. Young Defining Injustice as

S.M. Okin Justice as Fairness: For Whom? 582

7. Dworkin and Dworkin and

Interpretivism Discretion
The Critic of Dworkin and
Positivism Interpretation
Dworkin and “Hard Cases” 593 593 594 596 597

Law as Integrity 599 One Right Answer? 603

Integrity and Legitimacy 608
Right Answers and Wrong 609
Answers Justice for

R. Dworkin Taking Rights Seriously 610 R. Dworkin

Law as Interpretation 621 R. Dworkin Law’s Empire 628
J. Waldron, TheR. Rule
of Law
as a InJurisprudence
Robes 648 R.and
the Justice for
Theatre of Debate
Hedgehogs 661 G.Sociology
Postema Integrity: Justice in
of Law
Workclothes 667 S.695 Hershovitz
701 Integrity and Stare
8. SociologicalDecisis 690

Introduction 701
Comte and Laissez Faire and Herbert
Sociology Spencer
702 703

Jhering (1818–1892) 704

Max Weber (1864– 1920) Roscoe Pound
Emile Durkheim (1858–1917) (1870–1964)
Eugen Ehrlich 704 708 712 715

Social Engineering 715 Values 717

A Consensus Model of Society Jurisprudence since Pound
Sociological 718 720

Talcott Parsons 721 Selznick 722

Towards a Sociology of Law 724 731
Unger and the
Development of Modern Law
Habermas and the Centrality of 733

Critical Empiricism 737

Bourdieu and Habitus 741

Autopoiesis and Law 743 EXTRACTS

R. von Jhering Law as Means to an End 746 M. Weber

Economy and Society 747
E. Durkheim The Division of Sociology of Law
Labour in Society 756 759
E. Ehrlich Principles of the
R. Pound Philosophy of Law 763 P. Selznick The
Sociology of Law 765
R. Cotterrell The Significance of a Research
Concept of Law Not Restricted to N. Luhmann Operational Closure
State Law and Structural Coupling: The
770 Differentiation of the Legal
R. Cotterrell Why Must Legal
Ideas be Interpreted
D. Nelken Blinding Insights? The
Limits of a Reflexive Sociology of

S. Silbey & A. Sarat Critical 773 783 790 795
Traditions in Law and Society

R. Cotterrell Law and Social Theory 803

J. Habermas Between Facts and R. Banakar & M. Travers
Norms: An Author’s Reflections Law and Sociology 816

9. American Realism 823

The “Revolt against Formalism” 823

Mr Justice Holmes 824

The American Legal System Normative Laws
The “Realist” 826 826 834
Movement in Law Scientific and

Pragmatism in Law 837 Legal Process 839

O.W. Holmes The Path of the Law 840 J. Frank Law
and the Modern Mind 841 K. Llewellyn Some Realism
About Realism 844
K. Llewellyn My Philosophy of Law 848 K. Llewellyn
The Common Law Tradition 854 W. Twining The
Significance of Realism 862

10. The Scandinavian Realists 869 870

Axel Hägerström (1868–1939)

Law as Fact 872

Ross’s Theory of Law 874 877
The “Verifiability” Principle

Origin of Law 879

“Reductionism” and Legal 880

Features of Law 881 Law and Morals 882

Legal Ideology—the Method of 885
Justice v Social Welfare
Scandinavian and American
883 Axel Hägerström Inquiries into the
Nature of Law and Morals

K. Olivecrona Law as Fact 891 A. Ross On Law and

Justice 899 A. Ross Directives and Norms 902 A. Ross
Tû-tû 907

11. Historical and Anthropological Reaction

Jurisprudence The Romantic 911

Herder and Hegel 911

The German The Volksgeist— Some Problems
Historical School F.K. von Savigny Legislation and Juristenrecht
(1779–1861) Sir Henry Maine (1822–1888)
Law and Anthropology
912 913 914 915 916 917

Dispute Processes 923 Legal Pluralism 926


F.K. von Savigny System of Modern Roman Law 928

Sir Henry Maine Ancient Law 932 E.A. Hoebel The Law
of Primitive Man 935
M. Gluckman Judicial Process 940
among the Barotse

L.L. Fuller Human Interaction and the Law 943

12. Marxist Theories of Law and Marx and Hegel’s

State Political Philosophy
Dialectics, Hegel 953 954 955
and Marx

The Materialist 956

Conception of History 958 963
Base and
Superstructure The Question of

Marx and Ideology 965 The State and Law 968

Marx and Justice, Morality and The “Withering Away” of the State
Human Rights 972 976

Other Marxisms 978

Karl Renner 979 Antonio Gramsci 980 Pashukanis
Marxist Theories of Law and State EXTRACTS
—a Critique K. Marx Critique of Hegel’s
984 Philosophy of Right
K. Marx Preface to Contribution to
Critique of Political Economy
989 990

K. Marx & F. Engels The German Ideology 991 F.

Engels The Housing Question 991 G.A. Cohen Karl
Marx’s Theory of History 993
S. Lukes Can the Base be Superstructure?
Distinguished from the 997

K. Marx & F. Engels The German Ideology 1002 K.

Marx Preface to The Critique of 1002
Political Economy
K. Marx & F. Engels The German Ideology 1003 K.
Marx The Civil War in France 1003
K. Marx Critique of the Gotha 1004

F. Engels Anti-Dühring 1005 V. Lenin State and

Revolution 1006 E. Pashukanis Law and Marxism 1008

13. Critical Legal Studies 1017

Critical Legal Studies and 1018
Liberalism’s Contradictions

Rules and Reasoning 1023

Critical Legal Studies and Legal Legal Theory and Social Theory
Practice 1025 1028

Conclusion 1031 EXTRACTS

R.W. Gordon Law and Ideology 1033

R.W. Gordon New Developments 1038
in Legal Theory

P. Gabel Reification in Legal Reasoning 1042

M. Kelman Interpretive Criminal Law
Construction in the Substantive D. Kennedy The Ideological
Content of Legal Education 14. Feminist
R.M. Unger The Spell of Jurisprudence
Rationalizing Legal Analysis 1079
1050 1062 1066

Origins 1079
The Inquiries of A.C. Scales The Emergence of
Feminist Feminist Jurisprudence: An Essay
Jurisprudence P.A. Cain Feminism and the Limits
of Equality
Equality and 1081
Women and
The Public and the 1084 1086 1087 1089 1091
Cultural Pluralism
and Women’s Rights
Feminist Legal
Methods 1094 1105


R. West Jurisprudence and Gender 1114

C.A. MacKinnon Difference and Discrimination
Dominance: On Sex 1130

K.T. Bartlett Feminist Legal Methods 1139

L.M. Finley Breaking Women’s Reasoning
Silence in Law: The Dilemma of N. Lacey The Feminist Challenge
the to Conventional Legal Scholarship
Gendered Nature of Legal 1157 1167

S.M. Okin Is Multiculturalism Bad for 1179

Women? Postmodernism and
15. Postmodernist The Death of the
Subject 1189
The “Subject” and
the Legal System
Lawyers, their 1189 1190 1191 1193
Clients and their

A Political Agenda 1194

Postmodern Law: Postmodern Legal Coherence
State Semiotics and Legal Theory B. de Sousa Santos The
1195 Postmodern Transition: Law and
1197 1201 1203 1214 1223

J.F. Lyotard Answering the 1239
Question: What is
J. Wicke Postmodern Identity and
the Legal Subject
P. Schlag Normativity and the
Politics of Form
J.M. Balkin Understanding Legal
Understanding: The Legal
Subject and the Problem of

C. Douzinas & R. A Well-Founded Fear of 1247

Warrington “ Justice”: Law and Ethics in

16. Critical Race Theory 1257 Introduction 1257

But What Does Race R. D. Barnes Race
Mean? Consciousness: The Thematic
Content of Racial
Distinctiveness in Critical Race Scholarship
1259 1261


R. Delgado and J. Critical Race Theory: Bibliography

Stefancic An Annotated 1265

A. Harris The Jurisprudence of Discrimination Law

Reconstruction K.R. Johnson Celebrating LatCrit
M.S. Ball The Legal Academy and Theory: What Do We Do When
Minority Scholars the
K. Crenshaw Race, Reform and Music Stops?
Retrenchment: Transformation
17. The Philosophy of
Human Rights
1266 1272 1274

and Legitimation in Anti 1283 1287

Introduction 1287 Human Rights 1288

Illustration 1 – The Right to Health Human Rights and Dignity
Illustration 2 – Do Children Have Human Rights?
Freedom of Speech Justifying Globalisation and Human Rights
Human Rights 1294
Do We Need a
Philosophy of 1297
Human Rights? The Interests
Theory Approach 1303
The Will Theory Approach
1304 1305



L. Hunt Inventing Human Rights 1309 J. Griffin On

Human Rights 1315
J. Tasioulas Human Dignity and 1324
the Foundations of Human Rights

S. Benhabib Dignity in Adversity 1337 A. Sen Human

Rights and Capabilities 1339
D. Kennedy The International 1348
Human Rights Movement

M. Freeman The Human Rights of Children 1358 J.

Wolff The Human Right to Health 1363 S. Mill On
Liberty 1368 C. MacKinnon Only Words 1370
Israel Holocaust Denial Law 1375

18. Globalisation and the Legal The Nation State

Order System
Globalisation – An Introduction 1377 1377 1379

Global Integration 1380 Global Justice 1380 Migration

Arguments for Open Borders Closed Borders
Arguments for 1383 1384

Climate Change 1386 EXTRACTS

J. Rawls The Law of Peoples 1388 R. Cotterrell Law

and Social Theory 1391
A. Brysk Transnational Threats 1393
and Opportunities
R. Domingo The New Global Law 1395
R. Falk Toward Humane Global Gender Justice
Governance 1396 1405 1416
N. Fraser Reframing Justice in a
Globalizing World
A.M. Jaggar Transnational Cycles
of Gendered Vulnerability: A
Prologue to a Theory of Global

M. Risse On Global Justice 1432 M. Steger Ideology

and the Global 1447
W. Twining Globalization & Legal Theory 1450

19. Law, Language and Literature Interdisciplinarity

Introduction – 1457 1457

Law and Language 1458 Law as Language 1464 Law

and Literature 1466
Shakespeare and the Law R. Carston Legal Texts and
Charles Dickens and the Law Canons of Construction
Modernist Literary Critiques of Law K. Dolin A Critical Introduction to
1467 Law and Literature
M. Freeman Truth and Justice in
Bertolt Brecht
E. Heinze “Where be his quiddities
now”? Law and Language in
1472 1474 1479

J. Ainsworth Remaining Silent as

1489 1497
an Exercise of the Right to
Remain Silent

D. Nabers The True Image of Authority 1506 P. Pether

20. Theories ofLanguage 1509 R. Reichman
The NatureTheof Affective
Legal Sources
Life of Law
Adjudication 1519 I. Ward The Stuff
1549of 1549
Nightmares 1532 J.B. White
Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 1540
The Common Law 1550
The Institution of Adjudication 1551

Justiciability 1553 Stare Decisis 1554

The Common Law Approach 1555 1556
Rules of Law or Rules of Practice?

The Civil Law 1558 Why Precedent? 1560

Judges and Discretion 1563

Judge-made Law 1565 Judicial Reasoning 1567

Statutory EXTRACTS
Construction Statutory H.L.A. Hart Problems of the
Construction and Democracy Philosophy of Law
1572 1583


B. Cardozo Nature of the Judicial Process 1588 G.

Williams Language and the Law 1591 J. Wisdom Gods
D.N. MacCormick Formal Justice E.H. LeviAnIntroductiontoLegal
and the Form of Legal Arguments Reasoning
1596 1599

IndexofAuthors1603 IndexofSubjects1611

Dennis Lloyd wrote the first edition of this book in

the 1950s. I borrowed it from Hendon library and
decided there and then that I wanted to study
“Law” at university. I didn’t realise that the
pleasures of learning to think about law were
reserved to a 3rd year course, and that I would
have to plod through “Contract”, “Land Law” etc.
first. That these subjects also had “theory” was not
appreciated at the time. I was taught Jurisprudence
by Lord Lloyd – he was ennobled at the time he
taught me – and by Donovan Waters, both
stimulating teachers, even if their perspective on
the subject was rather too positivistic for my liking.
I first taught Jurisprudence at Leeds University in
1966 and at UCL in 1969. I became involved with
Lloyd’s Introduction to Jurisprudence immediately
and this is the 7th edition I have been responsible
for. The book is now about four times the length it
was in 1959. Much of the terrain covered now was
not even on the horizon then. I like to think that
Lloyd has played its part in expanding the
boundaries of the subject, and that each
successive edition has introduced something new.
There are three new chapters this time: “The
Philosophy of Human Rights”; “Globalisation and
the Legal Order”; and “Law, Language and
Literature”. To include these subjects without totally
removing others there has been pruning
The first two chapters have been amalgamated
with the title “Studying Jurisprudence”. There are
now 20 chapters. I have resisted the temptation to
“schools” of thinking. I have been asked more than
once why “Scandinavian Realism” retains a place.
The answer is simple: Olivecrona and Ross still
offer important insights into law and language, law
and morality and law as “fact”. It is true that few
read Roscoe Pound today, but his views on “social
engineering”, the relationship between interests
and values, are worth studying if only to learn from
his errors.
There is a focus on important new literature:
Scott Shapiro’s restatement of positivism in
Legality (his theory of law as “plan”), and Ronald
Dworkin’s Justice for Hedgehogs, published shortly
before his untimely death in 2013. The new
chapters enable me to discuss for the first time in
this textbook – with space at a premium – only law
and language and literature. It would have been an
equally valid exercise had I included “Law and
History” or “Law and Neuroscience”. Many other
issues are discussed for the first time:
humanitarian intervention into other countries,
immigration (or migration), limits to free speech (for
example, Holocaust Denial, pornography),
children’s rights (it puts things into perspective
when we remind ourselves that Lloyd was first
published 30 years before the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child).
Most of the new extracts are from literature
published since the last edition appeared in 2008.
A notable exception is a passage from John Stuart
Mill’s On Liberty (1859), the classic defence of
freedom of speech. A couple of the extracts are
taken from 2014 publications. Reference is made
to new scholarship on Austin (did he remain an
Austinian?), to new analysis
of Kelsen, to the renewed interest in Ehrlich, and
the rediscovery of Axel Hagerstrom. There is
discussion also of Kristen Rundle’s impressive new
monograph on Lon Fuller. There is new work on
custom (Bederman) and on the canons of statutory
construction (Carston). Those interested in law and
literature will note the discussion of Virginia Woolf,
of Hamlet and King Lear, and of Brecht’s
Caucasian Chalk Circle.
Many of the extracts are brief, some such as
Paul Kahn’s in Chapter 1 and Rafael Domingo’s in
the chapter on “Globalisation” because they make
an important point in a few words. To include as
much as possible I have been parsimonious with
footnotes, removing many of little interest to
students. A substantial number of extracts have
had to be dropped, not because they were not
valuable, but to find space and ring the changes.
It remains to thank the many colleagues who
have assisted me to prepare this new edition,
Deborah Burns for her secretarial help –
deciphering the writing of a Parkinson’s sufferer is
not easy – and the editorial staff at Sweet &
Maxwell, especially Amanda Strange and Benjamin
Johnson with whom it was a pleasure to work (at
least a pleasure for me!).
M.D.A. Freeman
April, 2014

Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to

reproduce extracts from the following works:
AINSWORTH, J., “Silence, Speech, and the Paradox of
the Right to Remain Silent in American Police
Interrogation” from Freeman and Smith (eds),
Law and Language (Current Legal Issues
Volume 15, 2013, Oxford University Press).
ALEXY, R., “A Defence of Radbruch’s Formula” from
Dyzenhaus (ed.), Recrafting the Rule of Law:
The Limits of Legal Order (© Dyzenhaus, 1999,
Hart Publishing, an imprint of Bloomsbury
Publishing Plc).
AQUINAS, Summa Theologica (ed. D’Entreves, trans.
Dawson, 1948, Basil Blackwell)
ARISTOTLE, Ethics Nicomachea translated by Ross
from ETHICS from The Oxford Translation of
Aristotle edited by W.D. Ross (Volume 9, 1925)
595w from p.124. By permission of Oxford
University Press.
AUSTIN, J., The Province of Jurisprudence
Determined (1832).
BALKIN, J.M., “Understanding Legal Understanding:
The Legal Subject and the Problem of Legal
Coherence” (1993) 103 Yale L.J. 105 (The Yale
Law Journal Company, reproduced with
permission via Copyright Clearance Center).
BALL, M.S., “The Legal Academy and Minority
Scholars” (1990) 103 Harv.L.Rev. 1855 (The
Harvard Law Review Association, reproduced
permission via Copyright Clearance Center).
BANAKAR, R. and TRAVERS, M., Law and Social Theory
(© Banakar and Travers, 2013, Hart Publishing,
an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.)
BARNES, R.D., “Race Consciousness: The Thematic
Content of Racial Distinctiveness in Critical Race
Scholarship” (1990) 103 Harv.L.Rev. 1864 (The
Harvard Law Review Association, reproduced
with permission via Copyright Clearance
BARTLETT, K., “Feminist Legal Methods” (1990) 103
Harv.L.Rev. 829 (The Harvard Law Review
Association, reproduced with permission via
Copyright Clearance Center).
BENHABIB, S., Dignity in Adversity: Human Rights in
Troubled Times (2011, Polity Press).
BENTHAM, J., A Fragment on Government (1776).
BENTHAM, J., An Introduction to the Principles of
Morals and Legislation (ed. Burns and Hart,
1970, The Athlone Press, University of London).
BENTHAM, J., Of Laws in General (ed. Hart, 1970,
The Athlone Press, University of London).
BOYD WHITE, J., Living Speech: Resisting the Empire
of Force (© 2006 by Princeton University Press.
Reprinted by permission of Princeton University
BRYSK, A., Globalization and Human Rights (2002,
University of California Press).
CAHN, N. ET AL., “The Case of the Speluncean
Explorers: Contemporary Proceedings” 61 Geo.
Wash. L. Rev. 1754, 1755–1763 (1993).
CAIN, P.A., “Feminism and the Limits of Equality” 24
GA. L. REV. 803 (1990).
CARDOZO, B., Nature of the Judicial Process (1921,
Yale University Press).
CARSTON, R., “Legal Texts and Canons of
Construction”, from Freeman and Smith (eds),
Law and Language (Current Legal Issues
Volume 15, 2013, Oxford University Press).
CICERO, De Republica, trans. C.W. Keyes. Reprinted
by permission of the publishers and the Trustees
of the Loeb Classical Library from CICERO: ON
Classical Library Volume 213, translated by
Clinton Walker Keyes, edited by Jeffery
Henderson, p.211, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, Copyright © 1928 by the
President and Fellows of Harvard College. Loeb
Classical Library ® is a registered trademark of
the President and Fellows of Harvard College.
COHEN, G.A., Karl Marx’s Theory of History: A
Defense (© 1978, 2000, 2001 Princeton
University Press. Reprinted by permission of
Princeton University Press).
COTTERRELL, R., Law’s Community (1995, by
permission of Oxford University Press).
COTTERRELL, R., Law, Culture and Society (© Roger
Cotterrell 2006, Ashgate).
COTTERRELL, R., “Why Must Legal Ideas be
Interpreted Sociologically?” (1998) Journal of
Law and Society Vol. 25, 171 (Wiley-Blackwell,
reproduced with permission via Copyright
Clearance Center).
CRENSHAW, K., “Race, Reform and Retrenchment:
Transformation and Legitimation in
AntiDiscrimination Law” (1988) 101 Harv.L.Rev.
1331 (The Harvard Law Review Association,
reproduced with permission via Copyright
Clearance Center).
DE SOUSA SANTOS, B., “The Postmodern Tradition:
Law and Politics” from Sarat and Kearns (eds),
The Fate of Law, (Ann Arbor: The University of
Michigan Press).
DELGADO, R. AND STEFANCIC, J., “Critical Race Theory:
An Annotated Bibliography” (1993) 79 Virginia
Law Review 461 (The Virginia Law Review
Association, reproduced with permission via
Copyright Clearance Center).
DOLIN, K., A Critical Introduction to Law and
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TABLE OF CASES [2000] H.R.L.R. 721; [2001] U.K.H.R.R.
1; 9 B.H.R.C. 261; [2000] Lloyd’s Rep.
Med. 425; (2001) 57 B.M.L.R. 1; [2001]
A (A Minor: Custody), Re [1991] 2 F.L.R. Crim. L.R. 400; [2001] Fam. Law 18;
394; [1992] Fam. Law 64 CA (Civ Div) A (2000) 150N.L.J. 1453 CA (Civ Div)
(Children) (Conjoined Twins: Medical
Treatment) (No.1), Re; sub nom. A
(Children) (Conjoined Twins: Surgical
Separation), Re [2001] Fam. 147; [2001] 13–002
2 W.L.R. 480; [2000] 4 All E.R. 961;
[2001] 1 F.L.R. 1; [2000] 3 F.C.R. 577; 2–016, 5–012, 17–002

Abrams, 250 U.S. 616 (1919) 9–003

Adarand Constructors Inc v Pena, 515 Allen v Flood; sub nom. Flood v Jackson
U.S. 200 (1995) [1898] A.C. 1 HL
Aello, The. See Sociedad Financiera de Amministrazione delle Finanze dello
Bienes Raices SA v Agrimpex Stato v Simmenthal SpA (106/77); sub
HungarianTrading Co for Agricultural nom. Italian Tax and Revenue
Products (The Aello) Administration
Airedale NHS Trust v Bland [1993] A.C. 17–020 17–002
789; [1993] 2 W.L.R. 316; [1993] 1 All
E.R. 821; [1993] 1 F.L.R. 1026; [1994] 1
F.C.R. 485; [1993] 4 Med. L.R. 39;
(1993) 12 B.M.L.R. 64; [1993] Fam. Law
473; (1993) 143 N.L.J. 199 HL
Alhaji Mohamed v Knott; sub nom. M v
Knott; Mohamed v Knott [1969] 1 Q.B. 1; 17–002
[1968] 2 W.L.R. 1446; [1968] 2 All E.R.
563; (1968) 132 J.P. 349; (1968) 112
S.J. 332 DC
5–024 3–006 20–014 20–014

vSASimmenthal,Monza(Italy) (106/77)
[1978]E.C.R. 629;[1978]3 C.M.L.R.
Ltd[1916]1K.B. 402CA
AshervSeafordCourtEstates[1950] A.C. 20–014 20–014
508;[1950]1AllE.R. 1018;66 T.L.R.
(Pt.1)945;(1950)94S.J. 284 HL
AshworthvBallard. SeeBallard(Kent)
A.C.445HL 20–008 20–014
NewspapersLtd(1992)[1994]2A.C. 238;
[1994]2 W.L.R. 277; [1994] 1 All E.R.
556;(1994)99Cr. App. R. 131;
[1994]Crim. L.R. 672;[1994]C.O.D. 275;
(1994) 144 N.L.J. 195; (1994) 138
BakervSims[1959]1Q.B. 114;[1958]3
S.J.L.B. 52HL
W.L.R. 546;[1958]3AllE.R. 326;
(1958)102S.J. 776CA
1Ch. 276CA
(Holdings)Ltd;subnom. Oliver
AugustusofHanover;subnom. Prince
(Kent)Ltd[2000]Ch. 12;[1999]3 W.L.R.
57;[1999]2AllE.R. 791; [1999]L. &T.R.
[1957]A.C. 436;[1957]2W.L.R. 1;
[1957]1AllE.R. 49;(1957)101S.J. 60 HL
E.G.L.R. 23;[1999]19E.G. 161;
AttorneyGeneralvWindsor(1860)8HL 369
(1999)96(16)L.S.G. 36;(1999)149 N.L.J.
AttorneyGeneralofNewZealandvOrtiz 521;[1999]N.P.C. 36CA(Civ Div)
[1984]A.C. 1;[1983]2W.L.R. 809; BarnetLBCExp. Shah(Nilish);Akbarali
[1983]2AllE.R. 93;[1983]2Lloyd’s Rep. vBrentLBC;AbdullahvShropshire
265;(1983)133N.L.J. 537; (1983)127S.J. CC;ShabparvBarnetLBC;Shah
307HL (Jitendra)vBarnetLBC;Ablackv
BandG(Minors)(Custody),Re[1985] Fam. InnerLondonEducationAuthority;R. v
Law127CA(CivDiv) Shropshire CC Ex p. Abdullah [1983]
2A.C. 309;[1983]2W.L.R. 16;[1983]
1AllE.R. 226;81L.G.R. 305;(1983)
133N.L.J. 61;(1983)127S.J. 36HL
BaylisvBlackwell[1952]1K.B. 154;
20–014 5–006 [1952]1AllE.R. 74;[1951]2Lloyd’s
Rep.625;[1951]2T.L.R. 1245;(1951)
95S.J. 818KBD
20–014 20–014
20–014 20–014

BeamishvBeamish(1861)9H.L.C. 27420–008
Beaumont(Deceased),Re;subnom. [1980]1AllE.R. 266;(1979)123S.J. 803
Martin v Midland Bank Trust Co [1980] Ch D
Ch. 444; [1979] 3 W.L.R. 818; 20–014

BeckevSmith(1836)2M.&W. 19120–014 BGH,RZW1962,5635–017

BGHZ9,34(44);10,340(342);16,350 W.L.R. 1037; [1971] 2 All E.R. 1380;
(354);26,91(93) [1971] C.M.L.R. 784; (1971) 115 S.J.
BlackClawsonInternationalLtdv 386 CA (Civ Div)
PapierwerkeWaldhof-Aschaffenburg Blanch-flower, 834 A.2d 1010 (N.H.
AG[1975]A.C. 591;[1975]2W.L.R. 2003)
5–017 20–014

513; [1975] 1 All E.R. 810; [1975] 2

Lloyd’s Rep. 11; (1975) 119 S.J. 221 HL 3–006 5–015
Blackburn v Attorney General [1971] 1

Bole v Horton (1673) Vaughan’s Rep. 382 20–007 Boston Sand v

United States, 108 U.S. 37 20–014
Bottom v Ontario Leaf Tobacco Co 2 All E.R. 396; 1942 S.C. (H.L.) 78; 1943
[1935] 2 D.L.R. 699 S.L.T. 105 HL
Boughton v Knight; Marston v Knight 8–010 20–18
(1872–75) L.R. 3 P. & D. 64 Ct of
Bourhill v Young; sub nom. Bourhill v 14–007
Young’s Executor [1943] A.C. 92; [1942]

Bowsher v Synar, 478 U.S. 714 (1986) 5–015

Boyse v Rossborough, 10 E.R. 1192; Bradwell v Illinois (1872) 83 U.S. (16
(1857) 6 H.L. Cas. 2 HL Wall.) 130
20–018 7–009, 14–008, 14–012, 14– 013
Brandling v Barrington, 6 B. & C. 467 20–014
British Coal Corporation v R. [1953] A.C. Buchanan v Babco. See James
500 Buchanan
Broome v DPP; sub nom. Hunt v 3–006
Broome [1974] A.C. 587; [1974] 2
W.L.R. 58; [1974] 1 All E.R. 314; [1974] 5–024
I.C.R. 84; [1974] I.R.L.R. 26; [1974]
Crim. L.R.311; (1973) 118 S.J. 50 HL
Brown Case. See R. v Brown (Anthony
Brown v Board of Education (1954) 349
U.S. 483
Buchan v Ortho Phamaceutical [1986]
54 O.R. 2d 92 6–002, 7–013, 8–020, 9–011, 14–012,
15–007, 19–011 17–020
BugdaycayvSecretaryofStateforthe 297 HL
HomeDepartment;MusisivSecretary BulmervBollinger. SeeHPBulmerLtdv
ofStatefortheHomeDepartment; JBollingerSA(No.2)
NormanvSecretaryofStateforthe C(AMinor)vDPP;subnom. Curryv
HomeDepartment;NelidowSantisv DPP[1996]A.C. 1;[1995]2W.L.R. 383;
SecretaryofStatefortheHome [1995] 2 All E.R. 43; [1995] 2 Cr. App. R.
Department;subnom. R. vSecretaryof 166; (1995) 159 J.P. 269; [1995]
StatefortheHomeDepartmentExp. R.T.R.261; [1995] 1 F.L.R. 933;
Bugdaycay [1987] A.C. 514; [1987] 2 [1995]Crim. L.R. 801;[1995]Fam. Law
W.L.R. 606; [1987] 1 All E.R. 940; [1987] 400; (1995)159 J.P.N. 248; (1995)
Imm. A.R. 250; (1987) 84 L.S.G. 902; 145N.L.J. 416HL
(1987) 137 N.L.J. 199; (1987) 131 S.J. 15–014 20–012

CalifanovGoldfarb(1977)430U.S. 19914–008
CampbellvTormey[1969]1W.L.R. 189; 99; (1969) 133 J.P. 267; (1968) 112S.J.
[1969]1AllE.R. 961;(1969)53Cr. App. R. 1023QBD
CandlervCraneChristmas&Co[1951]2 160;(1938)62Ll. L. Rep. 151;
K.B. 164;[1951]1AllE.R. 426; [1939]1W.W.R. 232PC(HK)
[1951]1T.L.R. 371;(1951)95S.J. 171 CA ChiefAdjudicationOfficervFoster
CaparoIndustriesPlcvDickman[1990]2 [1993]A.C. 754;[1993]2W.L.R. 292;
A.C. 605;[1990]2W.L.R. 358;[1990] [1993]1AllE.R. 705;[1993]C.O.D. 259;
1AllE.R. 568;[1990]B.C.C. 164; (1993) 137 S.J.L.B. 36 HL
[1990]B.C.L.C. 273;[1990]E.C.C. 313; CityofRichmondvCroson(1989)109S. Ct.
[1955–95] P.N.L.R. 523; (1990) 706
7–003 20–012 6–008 ClevelandvUnitedStates(1946)329 U.S.

87(12)L.S.G. 42;(1990)140N.L.J. 248; 20–014

(1990) 134 S.J.494 HL
CartervBradbeer[1975]1W.L.R. 1204;
[1975]3AllE.R. 158;(1975)61Cr. App. R.
275; [1975] Crim. L.R. 714; (1975) 119
13–003 5–015
S.J. 560 HL
vPublicServicesCommission,447 U.S.
TreesHouseLtd[1947]K.B. 130; 20–014 20–014
[1956]1AllE.R. 256(Note);62T.L.R. 557;
[1947] L.J.R. 77; 175 L.T. 333 KBD
[1951]1K.B. 240;[1950]2AllE.R. 618;
(1950) 84 Ll. L. Rep. 347; 66 T.L.R. (Pt.
2) 358; (1950) 94 S.J. 534 CA
PentonvillePrison;subnom. R. v 4–016 20–014
GovernorofPentonvillePrisonExp. Cheng
[1973] A.C. 931; [1973] 2 W.L.R. 746;
[1973] 2 All E.R. 204; [1973] Crim. L.R.
362; (1973) 117 S.J. 527 HL 14–013 20–014
Cheung(ChungChi)vKing,The[1939] A.C.

ConnellyvDPP;subnom. R. vConnelly 433 U.S. 36 (1977)
(Charles)[1964]A.C. 1254;[1964]2 Conway v Rimmer [1968] A.C. 910;
20–008 [1968] 2 W.L.R. 998; [1968] 1 All E.R.
W.L.R. 1145; [1964] 2 All E.R. 401; 874; (1968) 112 S.J. 191 HL
(1964) 48 Cr. App. R. 183; (1964) 128 Costa v Ente Nazionale per l’Energia
J.P.418; (1964) 108 S.J. 356 HL Elettrica (ENEL) (6/64) [1964] E.C.R.
Contemporary Arts Centre v Ney (S.D. 585; [1964] C.M.L.R. 425 ECJ
Ohio 1990) 735 F. Supp. 743
Continental TV Inc v GTE Sylvania Inc,
15–010 20–007, 20–008 3–006


Craig v Boren (1976) 429 U.S. 190 14–009 Cruzan 7–007

Cunliffe v Goodman [1950] 2 K.B. 237; CA
[1950] 1 All E.R. 720; (1950) 66 T.L.R. Davis v Johnson [1979] A.C. 264; [1978]
(Pt. 2) 109; (1950) 94 S.J. 179 CA 2 W.L.R. 553; [1978] 1 All E.R. 1132;
D v National Society for the Prevention (1978) 122 S.J. 178 HL
of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) [1978] 20–014 20–014
A.C. 171; [1977] 2 W.L.R. 201; [1977] 1
All E.R. 589; 76 L.G.R. 5; (1977) 121
S.J. 119 HL
Dandridge v Williams (1970) 397 U.S.
Dashwood v Magniac [1891] 3 Ch. 306 16–008 20–014 20–014

Defunis 6–005
Doerr v B F Goodrich (1979) 484 F. [1932] W.N. 139 HL
Supp. 320 (N.D. Ohio) 14–011
Donoghue v Stevenson; sub nom.
McAlister v Stevenson [1932] A.C. 562; 5–026, 20–012, 20–020
1932 S.C. (H.L.) 31; 1932 S.L.T. 317;

Dothard v Rawlinson (1977) 433 U.S. 321 14–008, 14–011

DPP v Hester; sub nom. R. v Hester [1975] 3 W.L.R. 744; [1975] 3 All E.R.
(John James) [1973] A.C. 296; [1972] 3 1030;(1976)31P. &C.R. 229; 239E.G.
20–014 39;(1975)119S.J. 744CA (CivDiv)
W.L.R. 910;[1972]3AllE.R. 1056; EddisvChichesterConstable[1969]2 Ch.
(1973)57Cr. App. R. 212;[1973] Crim. 345;[1969]3W.L.R. 48;[1969]2 AllE.R.
L.R. 43;(1972)116S.J. 966HL 912;(1969)113S.J. 386CA (CivDiv)
454; 3 Chan. Cas. 14
[1974]A.C. 479;[1973]3W.L.R. 382;
DulieuvWhite&Sons[1901]2K.B. 669
[1973]3AllE.R. 148;[1973]2Lloyd’s Rep.
285;(1973)117S.J. 760HL
ErieRailroadvTompkins,304U.S. 64
[1942]A.C. 624;[1942]1AllE.R. 587;
Commissioners[1958]A.C. 549;
(1942)73Ll. L. Rep. 109;(1942)86 S.J.
[1958]2W.L.R. 336;[1958]1AllE.R. 406;
[2008] B.T.C. 7075; (1958) 37 A.T.C. 41;
DysonHoldingsLtdvFox[1976]Q.B. 503;
[1958] T.R. 37; (1958) 102 S.J. 159 HL
FactortameLtdvSecretaryofStatefor 15–008,20–014
Transport. SeeR. vSecretaryofState
forTransportExp. FactortameLtd (No.2)





FarrellvAlexander[1977]A.C. 59;20–014
[1976]3W.L.R. 145;[1976]2AllE.R. 721; FitzpatrickvSterlingHousing
(1976) 32 P. & C.R. 292; (1976) 120 S.J. AssociationLtd[2001]1A.C. 27;
451 HL [1999]3W.L.R.1113;[1999]4All E.R. 705;
FDAvBrown&WilliamsonNo.98– [1999]2F.L.R. 1027;[2000] 1F.L.R. 271;
1152,March21,2000 [2000]1F.C.R. 21; [2000]U.K.H.R.R.
FederalSteamNavigationCoLtdv 25;7B.H.R.C. 200; (2000)32H.L.R. 178;
DepartmentofTradeandIndustry(The [2000]L. &T.R. 44; [2000] Fam. Law 14;
Huntingdon);R. vMoran(Derek [1999] E.G. 125 (C.S.); (1999) 96(43)
Ernest);subnom. R. vFederalSteam L.S.G. 3; [1999] N.P.C. 127; (2000) 79
NavigationCoLtd[1974]1W.L.R. 505; P. & C.R. D4 HL
[1974] 2 All E.R. 97; [1974] 1 Lloyd’s FothergillvMonarchAirlinesLtd[1981]
Rep. 520; (1974) 59 Cr. App. R. 131; A.C. 251;[1980]3W.L.R. 209;[1980]
(1974) 118 S.J. 478 HL 2AllE.R. 696;[1980]2Lloyd’sRep. 295;
FelixstoweDock&RailwayCovBritish (1980) 124 S.J. 512 HL
European Ferries Ltd v British FrancomevMirrorGroupNewspapers
Transport Docks Board [1976] 2 Lloyd’s Ltd[1984]1W.L.R. 892;[1984]2All E.R.
Rep.656; [1976] 2 C.M.L.R. 655 CA (Civ 408;(1984)81L.S.G. 2225; (1984)128S.J.
Div) 484CA(CivDiv) Franconia,The. SeeR.
vKeyn 20–014

20–014 (Ferdinand)(TheFranconia)
(12/81)[1982]2AllE.R. 402;[1982] E.C.R.
359;[1982]1C.M.L.R. 696; [1982]I.R.L.R.
GarnervBurr[1951]1K.B. 31;[1950]2
AllE.R. 683;66T.L.R. (Pt. 2)768;
(1950)114J.P. 484;49L.G.R. 30;
(1950)94S.J. 597DC
3–006 19–010


GeduldigvAiello(1974)417U.S. 48414–008,14–013
GeneralElectricvGilbert,429U.S. 125 6–016,14–008

GiffordvPolice[1965]N.Z.L.R. 484CA20–014
GillickvWestNorfolkandWisbech GourietvUnionofPostOfficeWorkers;
AHA[1986]A.C. 112;[1985]3 W.L.R. 830; subnom. AttorneyGeneralvGouriet
[1985]3AllE.R. 402; [1986]Crim. L.R. [1978]A.C. 435;[1977]3W.L.R. 300;
113;(1985)82 L.S.G. 3531; [1977]3AllE.R. 70;(1977)121S.J. 543, HL
(1985)135N.L.J. 1055; (1985)129S.J. 17–013 5–024

GreggvFraser[1906]1Ir. R. 54520–018
GregoryvHelvering(1935)293U.S. 46513–010
GriswoldvConnecticut(1965)381U.S. 479 15–011

GruttervBollinger,539U.S. 306(2003)16–003
HadleyvBaxendale,156E.R. 145;(1854) 9Ex. 341ExCt
HadmorProductionsvHamilton[1983]1 [1982] I.R.L.R. 102; (1982) 126 S.J. 134
A.C. 191;[1982]2W.L.R. 322; HL
[1982]1AllE.R. 1042;[1982]I.C.R. 114; 20–018 20–014

HamdivRumsfield,124S.Ct. 263(2004)19–017
HancockvLablache(1878)3C.P.D. 19720–014
HanlonvLawSociety[1981]A.C. 124; W.L.R.101;[1963]2AllE.R. 575;
[1980]2W.L.R. 756;[1980]2All [1963]1Lloyd’sRep. 485;(1963)107 S.J.
20–014 454HL
E.R.199;(1980)124S.J. 360HL HenningsenvBloomfieldMotors(1960)
HansvLouisiana,134U.S. 1,10–11,15 161A. (2d)69
HarrisvDonges;subnom. Harrisv 5–015 3–006
1245;1952 (2) S.A. 428
HedleyByrne&CoLtdvHeller& 20–013 5–006
PartnersLtd[1964]A.C. 465;[1963]3

HobbsvLondon&SouthWestern QBD
RailwayCo(1874–75)L.R. 10Q.B. 111 20–018

HoltvMarkham[1923]1K.B. 504CA20–005
HomeBldg&LoanAss’nvBlaisdell, CannelCo[1913]A.C. 11HL
290U.S. 398,428(1934) HPBulmerLtdvJBollingerSA(No.2)
[1974]Ch. 401;[1974]3W.L.R. 202;
Honeywill&SteinLtdvLarkinBros [1974]2E.R. 1226;[1974]2C.M.L.R. 91;
(London’sCommercialPhotographers) [1974] F.S.R. 334; [1975] R.P.C.
Ltd[1934]1K.B. 191CA 5–015 20–018
1A.C. 307;[2006]2W.L.R. 1346;
[2006]3AllE.R. 1177;[2006]R.T.R. 27;
[2006] P.I.Q.R. P30; (2006) 91 20–007
B.M.L.R.60; (2006) 103(26) L.S.G. 27;
(2006)156N.L.J. 1024;(2006)150
S.J.L.B. 808HL
&NorthWesternRailwayCo;sub nom.
RailwayCovHowleyParkCoal& 5–024 20–014
321;(1974)118S.J. 404CA(CivDiv) 91S.J.421KBD
HuddersfieldPoliceAuthorityvWatson ImmigrationandNaturalizationServicev
[1947]K.B. 842;[1947]2AllE.R. 193;63 Chadha,462U.S. 919(1983)
T.L.R. 415; (1947) 111 J.P. 463;
[1948]L.J.R. 182;177L.T. 114;(1947) 20–007 17–020

INSvChadha,462U.S. 919(1983)5–015
InternationaleHandelsgesellschaftmbHv 20–007 20–014
[1970]E.C.R. 1125;[1972]C.M.L.R. 255
ECJ &CoGmbHvTradaxExportSA(The
IslandTugandBargeLtdvOwnersofthe JohannaOldendorff)
Makedonia[1958]1Q.B. 365;[1958]2 JohnCarter(FineWorsteds)LtdvHanson
W.L.R. 256;[1958]1AllE.R. 236; Haulage(Leeds)Ltd[1965]2Q.B.495;
[1957]2Lloyd’sRep. 575;(1957)36 [1965]2W.L.R. 553;[1965]1AllE.R. 113;
A.T.C.376;[1958]T.R. 63;1958 A.M.C. [1965] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 49;
1300;(1958)102S.J. 124QBD (1965)109 S.J. 47 CA
ItalianTaxandRevenueAdministrationv JohnsonvMoreton[1980]A.C. 37;
SASimmenthal,Monza(Italy). See [1978]3W.L.R. 538;[1978]3AllE.R. 37;
JacksonvAttorneyGeneral. SeeR. (on (1979) 37 P. & C.R. 243; (1978) 247
theapplicationofJackson)vAttorney E.G. 895; (1978) 122 S.J. 697 HL
Forwarding&Shipping(UK)Ltd [1978]A.C. 20–021 20–014
141;[1977]3W.L.R. 907; [1977]3AllE.R.
1048;[1978]1 Lloyd’sRep. 119;
[1978]R.T.R. 59; [1978]1C.M.L.R. 156;
(1977)121S.J. 811 HL
JohannaOldendorff,The. SeeOldendorff

JonesvBarnes,463U.S. 745(1983)9–010 KahnvShevin(1974)416U.S.

Kariapper(MohamedSamsudeen)v 17–018 20–014
Wijesinha(SS)[1968]A.C. 717;[1967]
3W.L.R. 1460;[1967]3AllE.R. 485;
(1967)111S.J. 740PC(Cey)
Kavanagh,Re;subnom. Bankrupt,Exp. v
Hiscock; Kavanagh v Hiscock [1974]
Q.B. 600;[1974]2W.L.R. 421;[1974] 17–013 20–007
2AllE.R. 177;[1974]I.C.R. 282;
[1974]I.R.L.R. 121;16K.I.R. 31;
[1974]Crim. L.R. 255;(1974)118S.J. 98
DC KleinwortBensonLtdvKensington
KingsleyInt’lPicturesCorpvRegentsof andChelseaRLBC[1999]2A.C. 349;
theUniversityofNewYork,360 [1998]3W.L.R. 1095;[1998]4All E.R. 513;
U.S.684(1959) [1998]Lloyd’sRep. Bank. 387; [1999]
C.L.C. 332; (1999) 1 L.G.L.R. 148;
(1999) 11 Admin. L.R. 130; [1998]
Mines[1959]A.C. 187;[1959]2 W.L.R.40;
R.V.R. 315; (1998) 148 N.L.J. 1674;
[1958]2AllE.R. 533;
(1998) 142 S.J.L.B. 279; [1998] N.P.C.
[1958]2Lloyd’sRep. 533;(1959)103 S.J.
145 HL
Denmark(1979–80)1E.H.R.R. 711
denied(1983)464U.S. 805
3–014 5–024

13–010 15–010

Ladies’DirectoryCase[1962]A.C. 745–012
LaflervAthleticBoardofControl(1982) LeBarronvState(1966)32Wis. 2d294;
536F.Supp. 104(W.D. Mich) 145N.W. 2d79
LakanmiandKOlavAttorneyGeneral LetangvCooper[1965]1Q.B. 232;
(WesternState),20I.C.L.Q. 117 [1964]3W.L.R. 573;[1964]2AllE.R. 929;
LakeShore&MSRCovKurtz(1864)10 Ind. [1964] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 339; (1964) 108
App. 60 S.J. 519 CA
LaveryvPursell(1888)L.R. 39Ch. D. 508; LewisvCommonwealth(1945)184Va. 69;
(1888) 57 L.J. Ch. 570 Ch D (1945) 34 S.E.2d 389
14–011 3–006 5–024 13–010

20–018 13–010 20–014

LimPohChoovCamdenandIslington 457HL
AHA[1980]A.C. 174;[1979]3 W.L.R.44; 20–005
[1979]2AllE.R. 910; (1979)123S.J.

LindseyvNormet(1972)405U.S. 5616–008 LiversidgevAnderson19–

Liyanage (Don John Francis Douglas) v Lloyds Bank Ltd v Bundy [1975] Q.B.
Queen, The [1967] 1 A.C. 259; [1966] 2 326; [1974] 3 W.L.R. 501; [1974] 3 All
W.L.R. 682; [1966] 1 All E.R. 650; [1966] E.R.757; [1974] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 366;
Crim. L.R. 102; (1966) 110 S.J. 14 PC (1974) 118 S.J. 714 CA (Civ Div)
(Cey 3–014 5–015

Lochner v New York (1905) 198 U.S. 45 6–002, 7–014, 9–003, 9–011
London Street Tramways Co Ltd v E.R. 849; 1974 S.C. (H.L.) 77; 1974
London CC [1898] A.C. 375 HL Lord S.L.T. 214; [1974] I.C.R. 480; [1974]
Advocate v De Rosa; sub nom. De Rosa I.R.L.R. 215; 16 K.I.R. 425; [1974] I.T.R.
v John Barrie (Contractors) Ltd; 357; (1974) 118 S.J. 479 HL
Secretary of State for Employment v De 20–008 20–014
Rosa [1974] 1 W.L.R. 946; [1974] 2 All

Loving v Virginia (1967) 388 U.S. 1 14–011

Lucy v Henley’s Telegraph Works; sub H.L. Cas. 577
nom. Wild v Siemens Bros & Co; Lucy v Macarthys Ltd v Smith (Reference to
Henleys (WT) Telegraph Works Co ECJ) [1979] 1 W.L.R. 1189; [1979] 3 All
[1970] 1 Q.B. 393; [1969] 3 W.L.R. 588; E.R. 325; [1979] 3 C.M.L.R. 381; [1979]
[1969] 3 All E.R. 456; (1969) 113 S.J. 3 C.M.L.R. 44; [1979] I.C.R. 785; [1979]
641 CA (Civ Div) I.R.L.R. 316; (1979) 123 S.J. 603 CA
Lumley v Gye, 118 E.R. 749; (1853) 2 (Civ Div)
El. & Bl. 216 QB MacPherson v. Buick Motor Co. (1916)
Lynch v Knight, 11 E.R. 854; (1861) 9 217 N.Y. 382; (1916) 111 N.E.1050
20–014 3–006

14–007 5–026, 7–011


Madzimbamuto (Stella) v Lardner Burke 1–002, 3–006

(Desmond William) [1969] 1 A.C. 645; 5–006
[1968] 3 W.L.R. 1229; [1968] 3 All E.R.
561; (1968) 112 S.J. 1007; (1968) 2
S.A.284 PC (Rho)
Magor and St Mellons Rural DC v 15–011
Newport Corp [1952] A.C. 189; [1951] 2
All E.R. 839; [1951] 2 T.L.R. 935; (1951) 13–010
115 J.P. 613, HL
Marbury v Madison, 5 U.S. (1803) (1
Crananch) 137
Martin v State (1944) 31 Ala. App. 334;
17 So. 2d 427
Mashpee Tribe v New Seabury Corp (1st 15–010
Cir. 1979) 592 F.2d 575, cert denied
(1979) 444 U.S. 866 19–002, 20–014
Mashpee Tribe v Town of Mashpee (D.
Mass. 1978) 447 F. Supp. 940
Maunsell v Olins [1975] A.C. 373; [1974]
3 W.L.R. 835; [1975] 1 All E.R. 16; 13–002
(1975) 30 P. & C.R. 1; (1974) 118 S.J.
882 HL 20–018
May v May [1986] 1 F.L.R. 325; [1986]
Fam. Law 106 CA (Civ Div)
Mayor of Southport v Morriss [1893] 1
Q.B. 359

McBoyle v United States (1931) 283 25 20–014

McFarlane v Tayside Health Board; sub McLoughlin v O’Brian [1983] 1 A.C. 410;
nom. Macfarlane v Tayside Health Board [1982] 2 W.L.R. 982; [1982] 2 All
[2000] 2 A.C. 59; [1999] 3 W.L.R. 1301; E.R.298; [1982] R.T.R. 209; (1982) 79
[1999] 4 All E.R. 961; 2000 S.C. (H.L.) 1; L.S.G. 922; (1982) 126 S.J. 347
2000 S.L.T. 154; 2000 S.C.L.R. 105; 6–008
[2000] 1 F.C.R. 102; [2000] P.I.Q.R.
Q101; [2000] Lloyd’s Rep. Med. 1;
(2000) 52 B.M.L.R. 1; (1999) 149 N.L.J.
1868; 1999 G.W.D. 39–1888 HL
1–002, 7–013, 14–007 Stapleton [1996] 2 All E.R. 449; [1996]
Melanie, The v San Onofre, The [1922] O.P.L.R. 73 QBD
P. 243; (1922) 11 Ll. L. Rep. 211 CA 20–018
Meritor Savings Bank v Vinson (1985)
753 F.2d 141 (D.C. Cir.) 14–013
Michael M v Sonoma Country Super. Ct
(1981) 450 U.S. 464 14–008, 14–011 20–014
Michaels v Harley House (Marylebone)
Ltd; sub nom. Michaels v Frogmore
Estates Plc [2000] Ch. 104; [1999] 3
W.L.R. 229; [1999] 1 All E.R. 356; [1999]
B.C.C. 967; [1999] 1 B.C.L.C. 670;
(1999) 31 H.L.R. 990; [1999] L. & T.R.
374; [1998] E.G. 159 (C.S.); [1998]
N.P.C. 150 CA (Civ Div)
Miliangos v George Frank (Textiles) Ltd 20–007
[1976] A.C. 443; [1975] 3 W.L.R. 758;
[1975] 3 All E.R. 801; [1976] 1 Lloyd’s
Rep. 201; [1975] 2 C.M.L.R. 585; (1975)
119 S.J. 774 HL
Millar v Taylor. See Andrew Millar & Co 20–014
Ltd v Taylor & Co Ltd Miller v

Milliken v Bradley, 418 U.S. 717 (1974) 17–020 Mitchell v Torrup

(1766) Park. 227 20–014
Mogul Steamship Co Ltd v McGregor 20–005
Gow & Co [1892] A.C. 25; [1891–4] All (1957) 101 S.J. 972 HL
E.R. Rep. 263 HL New York c Ferber, 458 U.S. 747, 762
Mohamed v Knott. See Alhaji Mohamed (1982)
v Knott Nothman v Barnet LBC [1979] 1 W.L.R.
Myers (James William) v DPP; sub nom. 67; [1979] 1 All E.R. 142; [1979]
R. v Myers (James William) [1965] I.C.R.111; [1979] I.R.L.R. 35; 77 L.G.R.
A.C.1001; [1964] 3 W.L.R. 145; [1964] 2 89; (1979) 123 S.J. 64 HL
All E.R. 881; (1964) 48 Cr. App. R. 348; Nunn’s v Licensing Control Commission
(1964) 128 J.P. 481; (1964) 108 S.J. 519 [1967] N.Z.L.R. 76
HL Oberlandesgericht, Bamberg, Judgment
National Bank of Greece and Athens SA of July 27, 1949
v Metliss [1958] A.C. 509; [1957] 3 Oppenheimer v Cattermole (Inspector of
W.L.R. 1056; [1957] 3 All E.R. 608; Taxes); sub nom. Nothman v Cooper
5–010, 5–024 20–004 [1976] A.C. 249; [1975] 2 W.L.R. 347;
[1975] 1 All E.R. 538; [1975] S.T.C. 91;
50 T.C. 159; [1975] T.R. 13; (1975) 119
S.J. 169 HL
People v Decina, 2 N.Y. 2d 133; N.E.2d
799; (1956) 157 N.Y.S.2d 558 20–014
People v Garcia, 126 Cal. Rptr, 275,
Cert denied 426 U.S. 911 (1975) 5–013
People v Staples, 6 Cal. App. 3d 61, 85
Cal. Rptr. 589 (2d Dist. 1970) 1–002
Pepper (Inspector of Taxes) v Hart
[1993] A.C. 593; [1992] 3 W.L.R. 1032;
[1993]1 All E.R. 42; [1992] S.T.C. 898;
[1993] I.C.R. 291; [1993] I.R.L.R. 33;
[1993] R.V.R. 127; (1993) 143 N.L.J. 17;
[1992] N.P.C. 154 HL

8–020, 13–003, 19–002, 20– 014, 20–


Perez v Sharp, 32 Cal. 2d 711 SC (Cal) 2–025

Personnel Administrator of Pinner v Everett [1969] 1 W.L.R. 1266;
Massachusetts v Feeney (1979) 442 [1969] 3 All E.R. 257; (1977) 64 Cr. App.
U.S. 256 R. 160; (1969) 133 J.P. 653; [1970]
Phillips v Martin Marietta Corp (1971) R.T.R. 3; (1969) 113 S.J. 674 HL
400 U.S. 542 14–011 14–008 20–014

Planned Parenthood of Se. Pa v Casey, 7–010

505U.S. 833,851(1992)
PlessyvFerguson(1896)163U.S. 53714–012
PolandvJohnParr&Sons[1927]1K.B. 236 (1942)74Ll. L. Rep. 157; 1943A.M.C.
PolpenShippingCoLtdvCommercial 20–018 20–013
UnionAssuranceCoLtd[1943] K.B.161;

PracticeDirection[1966]3AllE.R. 7720–007,20–008
PrettyvUnitedKingdom(2346/02);sub DPP(2346/02)[2002]2F.L.R. 45;
nom. R. (ontheapplicationofPretty)v [2002]2F.C.R. 97;(2002)35E.H.R.R. 1;
B.H.R.C. 149; (2002) 66 B.M.L.R. 147; 5–012
[2002] Fam. Law 588; (2002) 152 44; (1993) 157 J.P. 337; (1993) 157
N.L.J.707 ECHR J.P.N. 233; (1993) 143 N.L.J. 399 HL R.
PrincipalityofMonacovMississipi,292 v Donovan (John George) [1934] 2 K.B.
U.S. 313,322(1934) 498; (1936) 25 Cr. App. R. 1 CCA R. v
PrintvUnitedStates,117S. Ct2365 (1997) Dudley (Thomas); R. v Stephens
PrintingandNumericalRegisteringCov (Edward) (1884–85) L.R. 14 Q.B.D. 273
Sampson(1874–75)L.R. 19Eq. 462Ct QBD
ofChancery R. v G; R. v R [2003] UKHL 50; [2004] 1
QuazivQuazi[1980]A.C. 744;[1979]3 A.C. 1034; [2003] 3 W.L.R. 1060; [2003]
W.L.R. 833;[1979]3AllE.R. 897; 4 All E.R. 765; [2004] 1 Cr. App. R. 21;
(1979)10Fam. Law148;(1979)123 S.J. (2003) 167 J.P. 621; [2004] Crim.
824HL L.R.369; (2003) 167 J.P.N. 955; (2003)
QuinnvLeathem[1901]A.C. 495HL (UK- 100(43) L.S.G. 31 HL
Irl) R. v Greater London Council Ex p.
R. vAhluwalia(Kiranjit)[1992]4All E.R. Blackburn [1976] 1 W.L.R. 550; [1976] 3
889;(1993)96Cr. App. R. 133; All E.R. 184; 74 L.G.R. 464; (1976) 120
[1993]Crim. L.R. 63;(1992)142 N.L.J. S.J. 421 CA (Civ Div)
1159CA(CrimDiv) R. v Hancock (Reginald Dean); R. v
R. vBrown(AnthonyJoseph);R. v Shankland (Russell) [1986] A.C. 455;
Laskey(Colin);R. vLucas(Saxon);R. v [1986]2 W.L.R. 357; [1986] 1 All E.R.
Carter (Christopher Robert); R. v 646; (1986) 82 Cr. App. R. 264; (1986)
Jaggard (Roland Leonard); R. v Cadman 150 J.P.203; [1986] Crim. L.R. 400 HL
(Graham William) [1994] 1 A.C. 212; R. v Ireland (Robert Matthew); R. v
[1993] 2 W.L.R. 556; [1993] 2 All E.R. Burstow (Anthony Christopher) [1998]
75; (1993) 97 Cr. App. R. A.C.147; [1997] 3 W.L.R. 534; [1997] 4
17–002 All E.R. 225; [1998] 1 Cr. App. R. 177;
(1997)161 J.P. 569; [1998] 1 F.L.R. 105;
[1997] Crim. L.R. 810; [1998] Fam. Law
137; (1997) 161 J.P.N. 816; (1997) 147
N.L.J. 1273; (1997) 141 S.J.L.B. 205 HL
R. v Jones (Joseph) [1918] 1 K.B. 416;
(1919) 13 Cr. App. R. 86 CCA
5–015 R. v Keyn (Ferdinand) (The Franconia)
(1876–77) L.R. 2 Ex. D. 63; (1876–77)
17–020 L.R. 2 Q.B.D. 90 (Note) Crown Cases
20–017 R. v Palfrey. See R. v Sadler (Edward


1–022, 13–010, 19–011 20–007

5–010,5–024 13–002
20–014 Secretary of State for the Home
Department Ex p. Vanathan; R. v
Secretary of State for the Home
Department Ex p. Vilvarajah; R. v
7–003 Secretary of State for the Home
Department Ex p. Navaratnaam; R. v
Secretary of State for the Home
Department Ex p. Rasalingan [1988]
A.C. 958; [1988] 2 W.L.R. 92; [1988] 1
All E.R. 193; [1988] Imm. A.R. 147;
20–014 (1988) 85(6) L.S.G. 37; (1988) 132 S.J.
22 HL
R. v Secretary of State for Transport Ex
p. Factortame Ltd (No.2) [1991] 1 A.C.

7–003, 8–011, 8–020, 14– 007, 14–012,

20–008 20–012
R. v Price (Kenneth) [1968] 1 W.L.R.
1853; [1968] 3 All E.R. 814; (1969) 53
Cr. App. R. 25; (1969) 133 J.P. 47;
(1968) 112 S.J. 825 CA (Crim Div)
R. v R (Rape: Marital Exemption); sub
nom. R. v R (A Husband) [1992] 1
A.C.599; [1991] 3 W.L.R. 767; [1991] 4 19–002, 20–014
All E.R. 481; (1992) 94 Cr. App. R. 216;
(1991) 155 J.P. 989; [1992] 1 F.L.R.
217; [1992] Crim. L.R. 207; [1992] Fam.
Law 108; (1991) 155 J.P.N. 752; (1991)
141 N.L.J. 1481; (1991) 135 S.J.L.B.
181 HL
R. v Sadler (Edward Daniel); R. v Palfrey
(Henry); sub nom. Sadler v
Commissioner of Police of the
Metropolis [1970] Crim. L.R. 284 HL R. v
Secretary of State for the
Environment, Transport and the Regions 15–014
Ex p. SpathHolme Ltd. See R. (on the
application of Spath Holme Ltd) v
Secretary of State for the
Environment, Transport and the Regions
R. v Secretary of State for the Home
Department Ex p. Sivakumaran; R. v
3–006, 5–023 20–018 19–017
603;[1990]3W.L.R. 818;[1991]1All E.R.
70;[1991]1Lloyd’sRep. 10;
[1990]3C.M.L.R. 375;(1991)3 Admin.
L.R. 333;(1990)140N.L.J. 1457; (1990)
134 S.J. 1189 HL
R. vThornton(SaraElizabeth)(No.1)
[1992]1AllE.R. 306;(1993)96Cr. App.
R.112; [1992] Crim. L.R. 54; (1991) 141
N.L.J. 1223 CA (Crim Div)
R. vWarwickshireCCExp. Johnson;sub 17–013
nom. WarwickshireCCExp. Johnson B.H.R.C. 276;[2006]E.L.R. 273;
[1993]A.C. 583;[1993]2W.L.R. 1; (2006)103(14)L.S.G. 29;(2006)156
[1993]1AllE.R. 299;91L.G.R. 130; N.L.J. 552
(1993)12Tr. L.R. 1;[1993]Crim. L.R. 940; R. (ontheapplicationofJackson)v
(1993) 157 J.P.N. 201; (1993) 143 N.L.J. AttorneyGeneral;subnom. Jacksonv
126; (1993) 137 S.J.L.B. 37 HL AttorneyGeneral[2005]UKHL56;
R. vWoollin(StephenLeslie)[1999]1 A.C. [2006]1A.C. 262;[2005]3W.L.R. 733;
82;[1998]3W.L.R. 382;[1998]4 AllE.R. [2005] 4 All E.R. 1253; (2005) 155 N.L.J.
103;[1999]1Cr. App. R. 8; [1998]Crim. 1600; [2005] N.P.C. 116
L.R. 890;(1998)95(34) L.S.G. 32; R. (ontheapplicationofSpathHolme
(1998)148N.L.J. 1178; Ltd)vSecretaryofStateforthe
(1998)142S.J.L.B. 230;(1998)142 Environment,Transportandthe
S.J.L.B. 248HL Regions;subnom. R. vSecretaryof
R. (ontheapplicationofAbbasi)v StatefortheEnvironment,Transport
SecretaryofStateforForeignand andtheRegionsExp. SpathHolmeLtd
CommonwealthAffairs;subnom. R. (on [2001]2A.C. 349;[2001]2W.L.R. 15;
the application of Abassi) v [2001]1AllE.R. 195;(2001)33 H.L.R. 31;
Secretary of State for Foreign and [2001]1E.G.L.R. 129; [2000]E.G.
Commonwealth Affairs [2002] EWCA 152(C.S.);(2001)98(8) L.S.G. 44;
Civ1598;[2003]U.K.H.R.R. 76; (2000)150N.L.J. 1855;
(2002)99(47)L.S.G. 29 (2001)145S.J.L.B. 39;[2000]N.P.C. 139
R. (ontheapplicationofBegum)v R. (ontheapplicationofWilliamson)v
DenbighHighSchoolGovernors;sub nom. SecretaryofStateforEducationand
R. (ontheapplicationofSB)v Employment;subnom. Williamsonv
DenbighHighSchoolGovernor[2006] SecretaryofStateforEducationand
UKHL15;[2007]1A.C. 100;[2006]2 Employment[2005]UKHL15;[2005] 2A.C.
W.L.R. 719;[2006]2AllE.R. 487; 246;[2005]2W.L.R. 590; [2005]2AllE.R.
[2006]1F.C.R. 613;[2006]H.R.L.R. 21; 1;[2005]2F.L.R. 374; [2005] 1 F.C.R.
[2006] U.K.H.R.R. 708; 23 498; [2005] H.R.L.R. 14; [2005]
U.K.H.R.R. 339; 19B.H.R.C. 99;
[2005]E.L.R. 291; [2005]Fam. Law456;
(2005)102(16) L.S.G. 27;
(2005)155N.L.J. 324; (2005)149S.J.L.B.
13–002 20–014 Ransom(InspectorofTaxes)vHiggs;
Motley(InspectorofTaxes)vHiggs 7–010

1–002,3–006 20–014

Settlement Trustees; Kilmorie
(Aldridge) Ltd v Dickinson (Inspector
of Taxes); Motley v Higgs Trustees;
Restorick v Godber, Parry; sub nom.
Dickinson v Kilmorie (Aldridge)
Downes [1974] 1 W.L.R. 1594; [1974]
3 All E.R. 949; [1974] S.T.C. 539;
[1974] T.R. 281; (1974) 118 S.J. 849
Rasul v Bush, 124 S.Ct 2686 (2004) 19–017 Reed v Reed (1971) 404
U.S. 71 14–008, 14–011, 14–012 Rees v Hughes [1946] K.B. 517 CA
Regents of the University of California v 6–005, 19–011
Bakke (1978) 438 U.S. 265

Reno v ACLU 17–004 Rex v Bazeley (1799) 168 Eng. Rep. 517 13–
010 Riggs v Palmer (1889) 22 N.E. 188 5–006, 7–002
Robinson v California (1962) 370 U.S. 13–010

Roe v Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 164–65 2–028, 7–010, 8–020, 14– 010, 17–020
Rostker v Goldberg (1981) 453 U.S. 57 14–008, 14–011
Royster Guano Co v Virginia (1920) 253 14–011
U.S. 412

Rumsfield Padilla, 124 S.Ct. 2711 (2004) 19–017

Rylands v Fletcher; sub nom. Fletcher v [1971] 3 W.L.R. 133; [1971] 2 All E.R.
Rylands (1868) L.R. 3 H.L. 330 HL 1441;69 L.G.R. 471; (1971) 115 S.J. 406
Sagnata Investments Ltd v Norwich CA (Civ Div)
Corp; sub nom. Norwich Corp v Sagnata Sallah v Attorney General [1970] C.C.
Investments Ltd [1971] 2 Q.B. 614; 54; 20 I.C.L.Q. 315
Salomon v Salomon & Co Ltd; Salomon 3–006
& Co Ltd v Salomon; sub nom.
Broderip v Salomon [1897] A.C. 22 HL 12–005
7–011, 10–003, 20–012 20–014

San Antonio Independent School District 16–008

v Rodriguez (1973) 411 U.S. 1 (1975) 419 U.S. 498
San Onofre, The. See Melanie, The v
San Onofre, The Schlesinger v Ballard 14–011

Schwimmer v United States 19–011 Seaford Court Estates v Asher.

See Asher
v Seaford Court Estates
Sec United States v Lopez, 514 U.S. 446; (1961) 45 Cr. App. R. 113; (1961)
549 (1995) 125 J.P.437; (1961) 105 S.J. 421 HL
Secretary of State for the Home 17–020 19–017
Department v Rehman; sub nom.
Rehman v Secretary of State for the
Home Department [2001] UKHL 47;
[2003] 1 A.C.153; [2001] 3 W.L.R. 877;
[2002] 1 All E.R. 122; 11
B.H.R.C. 413; [2002] Imm. A.R. 98;
[2002] I.N.L.R. 92; [2002] A.C.D. 6;
(2001) 98(42) L.S.G. 37; (2001)145
S.J.L.B. 238
Shah v Barnet. See Barnet LBC Ex p.
Shah (Nilish)
Shaw v DPP; sub nom. R. v Shaw
(Frederick Charles) [1962] A.C. 220; 5–006
[1961] 2 W.L.R. 897; [1961] 2 All E.R.

Smith v Johnson Unreported 19–016

Smith v United States, 508 U.S. 223 (1960) 104 S.J. 543 HL
(1993) Southern Pacific. Co v Jensen (1997)
Sociedad Financiera de Bienes Raices 244 U.S. 205
SA v Agrimpex Hungarian Trading Co 19–010
for Agricultural Products (The Aello); sub
nom. Agrimpex Hungarian Trading Co 20–007
for Agricultural Products v Sociedad
Financiera de Bienes Raices SA [1961]
A.C. 135; [1960] 3 W.L.R. 145; [1960] 2
All E.R. 578; [1960] 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 623;
5–014, 7–014, 20–012 StatevDosso(1985)2PakistanS.C.R. 180
SpartanSteel&AlloysLtdvMartin&Co 7–011
(Contractors)Ltd[1973]Q.B. 27;
[1972]3W.L.R. 502;[1972]3AllE.R. 557;
14 K.I.R. 75; (1972) 116 S.J. 648 CA
(Civ Div)
SpencevWashington418US405,409– 19–002 5–026
States,221U.S. 11(1911) 3–006

StatevLoomis,115Mo. 307,316(1893)1–032 StatevSikora(1965)44N.J.

StatevSmith(1981)85N.J. 193;426 14–007,14–012

StatevWanrow(1977)88Wash. 2d22114–013
StockvFrankJones(Tipton)Ltd;sub nom. TinkervDesMoinesSchoolDistrict,393
FrankJones(Tipton)LtdvStock U.S. 502(1969)
[1978]1W.L.R. 231;[1978]1AllE.R. 948; 20–014
[1978] I.C.R. 347; (1978) 13 I.T.R.289;
(1978) 122 S.J. 109 HL
549; 60 N.E. 210
StubbingsvWebb[1993]A.C. 498; 5–014 20–014
[1993]2W.L.R. 120;[1993]1AllE.R. 322;
[1993] 1 F.L.R. 714; [1993] P.I.Q.R. P86;
[1993] Fam. Law 342; (1993) 137
S.J.L.B. 32 HL
(1979–80)2E.H.R.R. 245;(1979)76 17–018
L.S.G. 328ECHR
TennesseeValleyAuthorityvHill437 U.S.
153(1978) 5–015 20–005
1W.L.R. 814;[1972]1AllE.R. 513;
(1971)116S.J. 119ChD 13–003

UgandavCommissionerofPrisonsExp. 3–006,4–005
Matovu(1966)E.A.L.R. 514 (1985)
UlsterSwiftLtdvTauntonMeatHaulage UnitedStatesvCarrollTowingCo(1947)
Ltd;UlsterSwiftLtdvFransen 159F. (2d)169
TransportNV[1977]1W.L.R. 625; UnitedStatesvDellinger,472F.2nd340;
[1977]3AllE.R. 641;[1977]1Lloyd’s Certdenied,410U.S. 970(1973)
Rep.346;[1977]R.T.R. 475;(1977) UnitedStatesvDrew,25F. Cas. 913
121S.J. 169CA(CivDiv) (C.C.D. Mass. 1828)
UnitedStatevLocke471U.S. 84,93–96 UnitedStatesvMoore,486F.2d1139
(DCCir. 1973) 286CA(CivDiv)
U.S. 3.92(1927) 20–014
USTrustCovNewJersey,431U.S. 1,21
ValdezvBlack(10thCir. 1971)446F.2d
ValsamisvGreece(1997)24E.H.R.R. 294;
[1998] E.L.R. 430 ECHR
Vandervell’sTrusts(No.2),Re;subnom. 5–015 6–007 13–003 13–010 13–010 5–
White v Vandervell Trustees [1974]
Ch.269; [1974] 3 W.L.R. 256; [1974] 3 026 5–015 15–010 17–013 5–015
All E.R. 205; (1974) 118 S.J. 566 CA
(Civ Div)
WvEgdell[1990]Ch. 359;[1990]2 W.L.R.
471;[1990]1AllE.R. 835;
(1990)87(12)L.S.G. 41;(1990)134 S.J. 8–010

W,Re(1983)F.L.R. 49213–002
WachtelvWachtel(No.2)[1973]Fam. 72; E.R.829;(1973)117S.J. 124CA(Civ Div)
[1973] 2 W.L.R. 366; [1973] 1 All 20–014

WalshvLonsdale(1882)L.R. 21Ch. D. 95–006

WashingtonvDavis(1976)426U.S. 22914–011
WashingtonvGlucksberg,(1997)521 U.S. S.E.2d847
702 WenglervDruggistsMut. Ins. Co. (1980)
WatsonvUnitedStates,128S.O. 697 446U.S. 142
(2007) 9–010 19–010 14–012 14–008

WhitevBluett(1853)23L.J. Ex. 3620–018

WisconsinvPeterson,90-CF-280 F.C.R.341;(1997)24E.H.R.R. 143;
WinnebagoCountyCir. Ct,Branch4, (1998)39B.M.L.R. 128;[1997]Fam. Law
dismissedJanuary17,1991 605; (1997) 94(17) L.S.G. 25 ECHR
X,YandZvUnitedKingdom(21830/93) 15–010 6–005
[1997]2F.L.R. 892;[1997]3

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