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Hue was the capital of the last imperial dynasty. Until 1945, the Nguyen emperors made Hue
a cultural center, loaded with cultural heritage and nowadays a symbol of feudal Vietnam.
When tourism really started in Vietnam, during the late 1990s, Hue became naturally a major
place to visit for its architectural features and historical past. But the development of other
destinations throughout the country slackened tourism in Hue. Old stones of Hue are
challenged by huge caves in Phong Nha, beautiful town and beach in Hoi An, cultural
immersion and lush nature in the North, etc.
To fully exploit the potentials and strengths of the tourism industry in Hue city, Hue Festival
organizers coordinated with CODEV to hold the festival for the first time in 2000 with the
aim of promoting the beauty image and bringing into play the strength of Thua Thien Hue
province in general. Going through 10 seasons from the beginning until now ( in 2020 the
Hue festival is not held due to the Covid epidemic). Hue Festival has been gaining its
popularity and prestige in the community which thus makes it way to be a great pride of the
city to introduce to domestic as well as international tourists. After the notable success of
Hue Festival season one, Thua Thua - Hue Province People’s Committee promulgated the
official running of the Festival which happens every two years. Therefore, not has only been
greatly contributed to the conservation and culture promotion of the province in particular
and the country as a whole, Hue Festival has also enhanced the developing process of the
tourism industry and the local economy.
Hue Festival is a significant cultural event and has a profound impact on every respect of the
city. As a result, there are a number of reports, statistics, evaluation papers, and
documentaries about the festival. Most of the report and evaluation ones; however, seem to
be fairly rough, general, still subjective and thus reflects its lack of appropriate and suitable
investigation methods. Moreover, there has been a considerable controversy surrounding the
favorable outcome and fundamental role of the Hue Festival. Many was wondering about the
real, decisive, and major role of the Festival in the process of enhancing and strengthening
the Hue tourism industry’s running.
Mr. Ngo Hoa- the head of Hue Festival Organizer said that although that year’s Hue Festival
was over, its dominant influences would be one of the major motive power to enhance the
carry-out of the conservation and ability promotion of cultural and artistic values, tourism
development, services as well as social and economic boost to soon turn Hue into a city of
culture, festivals, traveling and a festival themed city out of Vietnam. Speaking from this
perspective, after 10 seasons of the Hue Festival, have all Hue people actually considered the
dominant role of the Festival and valued its impact on the development of the tourism
industry in the neighborhood?
On the way to find out the answer to the above question, we are carrying on the project with
its topic being “The role of Hue Festival in enhancing the scope of tourism in the city”. The
project is aiming to not only provide people with a more complete overview of the Festival
Hue’s shaping and growing process but also help them to understand the significant role and

impact of the Festival on the city’s tourism industry as well as would like to give certain
suggestions, recommendation to lessen negative outcomes and bring its positive ones into
play to make the fullest of the Festival’s contribution.
Key terms: Hue tourism, the role of Hue Festival, the scope of tourism, 10 seasons, culture
II. Literature review
1. Definition of Tourism

When it comes to the word "tourism," surely no one is unfamiliar with it anymore. Tourism
has many definitions depending on how each individual and organization defines it in their
own way. However, in layman's terms, we can summarize it as follows: Tourism is a
collection of activities, services and industries which deliver a travel experience comprising
transportation, accommodation, eating and drinking establishments, retail shops,
entertainment businesses and othe hospitality services provided for individuals or groups
traveling away from home (Macintosh and Goeldner)

1.1 Define the scope of tourism in terms of related services.

This section helps us better understand the scope of tourism. Based on that, we will have a
theoretical basis to point out the role of Festival Hue.“The tourism industry's primary
function is to serve tourists. Its success is dependent on the positive interactions between the
fields. It is hoped that this collaboration among travel service providers will result in a
positive travel experience for each individual. Tourism is divided into four major sectors:
transportation, accommodation, ancillary services, and sales and distribution” Camilleri, M.
A. (2018).

Transportation: Tourists' modes of transportation are classified as air, water, and land.
Tourists' travel requirements can be divided into three categories: transportation from the
point of origin to the host country (destination) and back; transportation between host
destinations, where travelers visit more than one location; and shipping within the host
destination. In most cases, air travel will be used to reach distant locations. Visitors can travel
shorter distances by car, train, and, in some cases, boat. Travelers frequently want to try new
modes of transportation, which adds color to their overall travel experience. Many countries

provide unusual modes of transportation such as cable cars, funiculars, monorails, sailing, jet
boating, and rafting. Tourists are drawn to these alternative modes of transportation.

Accommodation: Hotels are the most important and well-known provider of overnight
accommodations for tourists and business travelers. They can also be a key component of an
all-inclusive vacation. Vacationers will generally prefer to stay as close to tourist attractions
as possible. While location is frequently regarded as the most important factor in an
accommodation unit's bottom line, other factors such as price and facilities are also regarded
as important in the hospitality sector. Many travelers consider price to be a limiting factor. It
can also limit the accommodation options at times. The size of the hotel can also be
considered an important aspect of the hotel product. Hotel amenities can also be an important
criterion for travelers, particularly business travelers who may require specialized services.

Ancillary services: Most tourists on vacation want to have fun, be entertained, and
participate in activities while they are there. In this case, they will inquire about the place's
ancillary services, including activities and attractions. Shopping, dining, and internet access
are also important components of the tourism product. Tourist destinations may also require
access to business centers, interpreters, financial services, and means of communication.

Sales and distribution: The system used to sell tourism products to tourists is known as the
sales distribution system. Tourism sales are distributed through service providers (including
airlines, hotels, transportation companies, and so on), wholesalers (tour operators), and
retailers (or travel agents), all of whom are referred to as intermediaries or middlemen. In this
day and age, consumers are increasingly shopping for travel products online (Schegg &
Stangl, 2017). As a result, many tour operators and service providers sell directly through
their websites or through travel search engines (where online guests can compare prices).
Vendors are the businesses that provide the tour's actual components. Other providers include
organizations that offer activities and those that offer attractions like theme parks, live
theaters, museums, and the like.

In short, each sector reflects the scope of tourism through its development and they also are
the product of tourism. The Hue Festival is an annual festival to help develop tourism and
promote cultural heritage in Hue. This research paper aims to analyze the role of the Hue
Festival in helping develop tourism in the above sectors.

2. Definition of Hue Festival

Hue Festival is held every 2 years, is a major cultural event held in Hue in even-numbered
years with the aim of remembrance of traditional values in Hue ancient capital. Participating
in this festival, visitors will enjoy street art performances, poetry recitation, colorful
exhibitions, concerts, drumming and historical films.

2.1 The process of forming Hue Festival

From the end of 1998 - the time to prepare to enter the 21st century and the new millennium,
the People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue province with the coordination and support of the
French Government and the Embassy of the French Republic in Vietnam , the direct support
of the Ministry of Culture - Information, the General Department of Tourism, the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and other ministries and agencies have officially requested the Government
to allow Thua Thien Hue province to organize Hue Festival 2000.the first national and
international festival of culture, art and tourism in Vietnam. After the success of Hue Festival
2000, Hue Festival 2002 continued to be organized with the coordination between Thien
Thien Hue province and the Embassy of France, the participation of many ASEAN countries
and partners China, Korea, Japan, creating a great resonance, serves as a basis for the
Government to allow the construction of Hue city to become a typical festival city of
Vietnam and continues to direct the organization of periodical international festivals every
two years.

3. The role of the Hue Festival in the promotion and conservation of culture boosts
tourism development.

Thua Thien Hue is known as one of the lands with many unique and world-class cultural
heritages. The preservation and preservation of those cultural heritages is very important and
necessary in many aspects. There is no doubt about the fact that Hue Festival is the most
unique and typical event for the promotion and protection of cultural heritages. According to
Hue Festival of promoting cultural heritage and developing tourism economics). of Ton
Thanh Hai, FESTIVAL Hue has contributed to the promotion of Vietnamese cultural

heritages honored by UNESCO and recognized as tangible cultural heritages such as: Hue
Monuments Complex (1993), Nha Nhac Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003), The rich variety
of cultural and artistic activities programs with the theme of heritage connection and
exchange activities have given local residents as well as international friends an overview of
Hue cultural heritages. Cultural art program and attractive tourist destinations introduce the
image of the Complex of Hue Monuments as well as Hue people and the country of Vietnam
for the snake of attracting investment and attention of the international community for
Vietnam. Indeed, FESTIVAL is a special event that greatly contributes to the promotion of
cultural heritage to the world. Besides, Hue Festival also makes a great contribution to the
protection of cultural heritages as well as customs and rituals from being lost.

According to the article of Nguyen Cam Tu and Le Anh Toai, After being recognized by
UNESCO as an oral and intangible cultural heritage of mankind since 2003, Nha Nhac was
restored and developed especially through festival techniques of Hue city tourism. This is an
example of the good effect of Hue Festival on preserve some of the precious cultural
heritage, without the Festival maybe these cultural heritage will barely to be restored and
developed in a properly way. In chapter 27 of “SÁNG TẠO TRUYỀN THỐNG: BỐI CẢNH
HUẾ” (Tradition creation: The context and new meaning of Nam Giao sacrifire rituals in the
Hue Festival) of Pham Thi Diem Huong, Since the 2006 Festival, the Nam Giao sacrifice
ceremony has been restored as an activity to "attract tourists" with "the main participating
force is the artists of the traditional Hue royal theater, including playing the main role of the
King". Thanking to the Hue Festival, many important customs such as the male sacrifice
ceremony were restored, contributing to the protection and preservation of many customs and
rituals of great value to the culture. In addition, She also found that the purpose of restoring
Nam Giao sacrifice rituals in previous festivals, announced by the leaders and organizers, is
"to have more activities for the Festival to attract tourists and develop tourism."

In addition to contributing to the conservation and promotion of culture, Hue Festival takes it
as a lever to promote the country's tourism, especially Hue tourism, to develop strongly.

Phan Thi Diem Huong define Festival is a modern concept which is very new to Vietnam and
modeled after Festivals in Avignon and Edinburgh, it is also very different from traditional

festivals. It is a product built for a specific customer, on an event technology, including
activities of identifying market needs, promoting, marketing, finding sponsors, organizing
events on defined infrastructure and techniques. This is a contemporary festival, more of an
urban art form than a ritual, associated with religion and belief in traditional rural societies.

Combining documentary research with qualitative and quantitative research methods, the
research team of Nguyen Thi Thanh Nga realized that after participating in the "Fairy
Country Market", although 74.1% of visitors said that will introduce the festival to friends
and other participants, but the number of tourists who decide to continue participating in the
festival in the upcoming Hue Festivals accounts for only 53.5%. However, regarding the
willingness to pay more for festival activities, up to 55.1% of visitors agree. Thus, visitors
not only intend to return to the festival, but also intend to pay more.

According to Ton Thanh Hai, It can be seen that in the process of formation and
development, Hue festival has had a great impact and contribution to tourism development.
In fact, Hue festival has the impact of promoting tourism products such as destinations,
heritage and tourism products. Destination such as Hue citadel, complex of Hue monuments
and tourist products such as Hue hats, Hue ao dai, Hue folk songs, Hue royal court music and
Hue cuisine.

From the results of the above documents, it can be affirmed that through Festival many
customs and traditions, the beauty of traditional culture has been restored. Community-based
tourism has been formed and developed. Thus, it exploit the potential of local tourism and
generating income and improve people's lives as well as creating many healthy places for
activities and entertainment which attract more and more tourist to visit and enjoy Hue

According to Ton Thanh Hai, "Hue Festival cultural events have attracted millions of
visitors, contributing to the restoration, promotion and preservation of the cultural identity of
the nation's origin". Since then, the city has more funding as well as motivation to restore the
system of historical sites. Moreover the city also repair and upgrade build accommodation
facilities, hotels, etc.

As a result, thank to Hue Festival everything related to culture heritage of Hue as well as the
culture have been improved and preserved year by year. Hence, it create a great contribution
of the development of Hue tourism which is the main economics of the city.

4. The role of Festival Hue in terms of economy and society

“Nghiên cứu tác động của Festival Huế đối với kinh tế tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế” (Study on the
impact of Hue Festival on the economy of Thua Thien Hue province) by Dr. Tran Thi Mai in
2008. It is one of the large-scale studies deployed. The topic has synthesized the theory of the
method of assessing the economic impact of the Festival on a locality, the experience of other
countries on the assessment of the economic impact of the Festival. Besides, collecting and
synthesizing information about the process of formation and development of Hue Festival. At
the same time, a preliminary assessment of the economic impact of the Hue Festivals has
been organized and the direct impact of the 2006 Hue Festival has been quantified on the
economy of Thua Thien Hue province.

The topic shows that the Hue Festival has a strong attraction for domestic and foreign
tourists, overcoming the lack of visitors in the low season to generate high revenue. It also
helps prolong the stay of tourists. Besides, the topic affirms that the Hue Festival increases
the spending of tourists. The festival not only brings economic benefits to the tourism
industry but also brings economic benefits to many other sectors. This is also a business
opportunity, promoting and introducing Hue's image, stimulating investment in new
construction to increase business capacity, renovating and upgrading facilities and
equipment. Not only that, Hue Festival also accelerates the speed of infrastructure
construction and urban embellishment, making one side of Hue city change markedly.
Heritage tourism is preserved, introduced and exploited more effectively, especially the
intangible cultural heritage of Hue royal court music, creating a driving force to accelerate
the process of socialization of tourism activities, stimulating the population to participate in
economic activities, contributing to the creation of hundreds of jobs and attracting thousands
of seasonal workers

The thesis of Vu Hoai Phuong, with the Master's Thesis in Economic Science, was defended
in 2005 and titled “Đánh giá tác động kinh tế của Festivai Huế 2004 đối với khách sạn nhà

hàng tại thành phố Huế” (Evaluating the Economic Impact of Festivai Hue 2004 on Hotels
and Restaurants in Hue City). Expressing the same opinion with the topic of Dr. Tran Thi
Mai, the topic has certain common points. However, the topic mainly emphasizes analyzing
the impact of the Hue Festival on restaurants and hotels and affirming that the hotel and
restaurant service business group is the direct beneficiary of the Hue Festival. Hotels and
restaurants promote and invest in construction, repair, and renovation, contributing to
speeding up the process of socializing tourism activities during the Hue festival. Therefore,
the topic has shown that the hotel and restaurant services directly benefited and the number
of tourists increased during the Hue Festival.

Nguyen Van Huy (2015) also takes an economic-oriented approach, but the study reflects the
views of visitors who are tourists with the topic “Nghiên cứu phát triển du lịch Festival ở
Huế” (Research and development of festival tourism in Hue). The study clarifies the local
advantages that Thua Thien Hue has for tourism development, especially emphasizing the
factors that satisfy tourists and the factors that have not yet met the satisfying needs of
tourists. tourists. In which, the interesting point of this study is to reflect the satisfaction level
of tourists not only in Hue Festival programs but also in participating services to serve
tourists during the Hue Festival. Service providers of restaurants, hotels, and nightlife venues
in Hue have all benefited from the organization of the festival. Through the analysis of the
satisfaction level, the research has proposed solutions to help the Hue Festival develop more
in the future. 

Thus, with the economic research direction of the above topics, the impact of the Hue
Festival is mentioned on the development of facilities, restaurants, hotels, and entertainment
services in Hue. The festival is an opportunity for businesses, tour operators, and hotels to
introduce and sell tourism products, thereby contributing to expanding the scope of tourism
and developing the local economy.

Research question

How do related service industries, including hotels and restaurants, infrastructure and
entertainment services, etc., develop during the festival season?

What types of significant tourism develop during the Hue festival? What is its role?

III. Method

1. Introduction
With the current epidemic situation, it is relatively difficult to use another method such as an
interview or questionnaire. So our team decided to choose another research method to
conduct the mini-research. That method is document review, a form that can make data
search easier. We will rely on documents and data already available in other people's
research papers to conduct our research
Our sources of selection are extremely diverse on the internet, it can be articles, research,
tables of data, even a passage in a book on the subject. Because using an extremely large
open source is the internet, our article will reflect many aspects of the problem, thereby
giving the most accurate conclusions.
2. Research object
The object of this research is the research papers of many previous researchers on the topic
Hue Festival. Among them, we have selected 10 research papers from 10 different
researchers to collect data in their research papers. 

TS. Trần Thị Mai, (2008), “Nghiên cứu tác động của Festival Huế đối với kinh tế tỉnh Thừa
Thiên Huế”, Đề tài nghiên cứu khoa học cấp tỉnh, trường Cao đẳng nghề Du lịch Huế.
Chuyên đề tốt nghiệp của sinh viên ngành quản trị kinh doanh khoa du lịch- đại học Huế,
(2017) “Tác động của Festival Huế đến du lịch tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế”.
Đặng, H. S. (2015). Nghiên cứu phát triển du lịch lễ hội tại Huế: Luận văn ThS. Du lịch
(Chương trình đào tạo thí điểm)
Nguyễn, V. H. (2015). Nghiên cứu phát triển du lịch Festival ở Huế.
Trần, T. M. (2008). Festival Huế tác động tích cực tới kinh tế- xã hội của Cố đô
Tôn, T. H. (2016). Festival Huế quảng bá di sản văn hóa, phát triển kinh tế du lịch.
Vũ Hoài Phương (2005). Đánh giá tác động kinh tế của Festival Huế 2004 đối với khách sạn
nhà hàng tại thành phố Huế
Du Lịch, K., & Nga, N. T. T. (2019). NGHIÊN CỨU CÁC YẾU TỐ ẢNH HƯỞNG ĐẾN
Journal of Science: Social Sciences and Humanities, 128(6D), 211-225.

Journal of Science: Social Sciences and Humanities, 127(6C), 137-146


Table : Summary of the number of visitors attending to the Hue Festival from 2000-2014


2000 5/6-13/6 410,000 369,000 41,000 6,0003% 14.6% 35,000 85.4%
2002 4/5-15/5 1,000,000 925,000 75,000 18,000 24% 57,000 76%
2004 12/6-20/6 1,200,000 1,098,000 101,950 11,950 11.7% 90,000 88.3%
2006 3/6-11/6 1,500,000 1,350,000 150,000 20,557 13.7% 129,443 86.3%
2008 3/6-11/6 2,000,000 1,820,000 180,000 30,000 16.7% 150,000 83.3%
2010 5/6-13/6 3,000,000 2,800,000 200,000 30,000 15% 170,000 85%
2012 7/4-15/4 2,000,000 1,820,000 180,000 80,000 44.4% 100,000 55.6%
2014 12/4-20/4 2,400,000 2,170,000 230,000 100,000 43.5% 130,000 56.5%

Source: huefestival.comChart 1: Summary of the number of visitors to the Hue Festival from
100000 2170000
2400000 According to this statistics, the
180000 1820000
number of visitors to the Hue Festival
200000 2800000
2010 increased in stages, especially the four
180000 1820000 festivals in 2008, 2010, 2012 and
150000 1350000 2014, the number of visitors reached
101950 1098000
200,000. The proportion of foreign
tourists attending festival also
75000 925000
41000 369000 TOURIST
increased significantly from 30,000 to 10,000 at the festival in 2014, focusing on major markets
such as France, England, USA, China, Russia and South Korea. China, Japan, Thailand,
Argentina, Indonesia, Australia, etc. This means that Hue Festival is spread out more and more
due to the great efforts of both event organizers and local authorities.

The role/positive impacts of Hue Festival in enhancing the scope of tourism to the city.

1. Hue Festival contributes to promoting the introduction of Vietnamese culture, country and
people to the region and the world, selectively absorbing the quintessence of other cultures;
contribute to creating and protecting cultural diversity in the trend of international

Hue Festival has gradually asserted its brand as a cultural and tourist center of the country. It
enhances solidarity, friendship and expand cultural cooperation and exchange relations between
Hue city and Asian – Europe countries, the programs with the participation of many foreign and
domestic art troupes such as Thailand, Japan, Poland, Mongolia, Slovakia and Vietnam Circus
Federation, etc.

The festival is a place for converging and exchanging arts among cultures of countries,
contributing to further promoting international exchanges. Besides, the Vietnamese public has the
opportunity to access unique art. , unique of many art troupes that have imprinted different
cultures in the world, which rank them at the top of international festivals. The festival promotes
the unique heritage of Hue, which inevitably contributes to the positive impact of the Hue brand.

The festival is a place for converging and exchanging arts among cultures of countries,
contributing to further promoting international exchanges. Besides, the Vietnamese public has the
opportunity to access unique art. , unique of many art troupes that have imprinted different
cultures in the world, which rank them at the top of international festivals. The festival promotes
the unique heritage of Hue, which inevitably contributes to the positive impact of the Hue brand.

2. Hue Festival is an opportunity for businesses, travel agencies and hotels to introduce and sell
tourism products, thereby contributing to increasing the budget revenue for the local and
national economy.

With the diversity, abundance and specialty of Hue's programs and Festivals Hue has brought a lot
of new opportunities for tourism to the province's economic growth; creating impetus for speeding
up the process of socializing tourism activities, stimulating the population to participate in
economic activities, contributing to solving hundreds of jobs, attracting thousands of seasonal
labourers, which a large workforce of pupils and students participated.

With many major festivals and good music at nights, there are many response activities to attract
numerous spectators such as The Culture of the Capital City Program (Van Hien Kinh Ky); Royal
Banquet Program; Buddhism Cultural Event themed “Shining Belief” (Toa Sang Niem Tin);
Street Performances themed “Cultural Colors” (Sac Mau Van Hoa); Ao Dai Performance; Human
Chess Competition; Hue International Cuisine Festival. The "Festival countryside market" has
about 220,000 turns; the International Trade Fair has over 100,000 turns; "Old incense of the
ancient town" has over 10,000 turns; the International Food Festival has over 300,000 turns; the
Festival "Colors of Childhood" has 5,000 turns. After each festival, the average growth rate of
visitors to Hue increases by 20–25 percent.This is a figure that is gradually increasing,
representing sustainable growth. These activities mean that the accompanying services also gain
high profits and of which tourism is the leading service. creating a premise for many other
industries to have the opportunity to promote and introduce typical products in the region.

In addition, Hue Festival has a strong attraction for foreign tourists in the country, overcoming the
shortage of tourists in the low season, creating high sales. The impact of Hue Festival on the hotel
restaurant is the direct beneficiary in the activities . The hotel and restaurant promote and
contribute to speeding up the process of socializing important tourism activities on the Hue
Festival. Thereby, those doing business in hotel and restaurant services benefit directly and the
revenue increases during Hue Festival. Finally, Hue Festival has had a positive impact in building
local brands, including open events, introduction of Hue cultural identity and Vietnamese cultural
valuables. Thereby, It has contributed to the development of services - tourism as a driving force
for socio-economic development of Thua Thien - Hue in the process of proactive and active
international integration.

3. Hue Festival contributes to honour the value of Vietnamese culture, Hue cultural tradition
associated with the preservation and restoration of culture and heritage, customs and

promotion of craft villages and traditional handicraft products , traditional festivals,
paintings, arts, ceramics and traditional cuisine, etc. to attract the tourists.

The exploitation and promotion of heritage values has also promoted the restoration of crafts,
rituals and traditional arts to meet the conservation and needs of tourists. Moreover, it is also the
success achieved in reviving the architectural works of the past and reviving the previous cultural

Hue artisans have created a variety of product designs as well as highly artistic and aesthetic. The
artisans were more aware and focused on composing, producing gift and souvenir products to
serve the needs of tourists. After each Hue festival is held, the traditional development in the
locality also have many prospects of reviving and developing clearly, such as: tailoring
(traditional clothes" Ao Dai); bronze casting village with souvenir products, bells, statues;
embroidery paintings; XQ embroidery paintings; paintings of Sinh village; conical leaves of My
Lam; Phuoc Tich pottery; Thanh Tien paper flowerers, etc. Promoting and preserving tourism in
the villages is considered an effective way to preserve and honour the unique traditional cultural
values of Thua Thien -Hue province. New and appealing tourist routes such as garden tours, old
town house tours, "Green Hue" tours, "Festival countryside market" tours, and "cultural village to
the source" tours, as well as other appealing tourist attractions, are being developed. As a result,
tourism activities in Thua Thien Hue have become more diverse and appealing as a result of
excursions to monuments and landscapes.

In addition, Festival Hue contributes to honour and promote the quintessence and originality of
cuisine of the ancient capital region with a long history. Along with that, the cuisine of three
regions, cuisine of other countries converged in events such as the International Food Festival -
Hue 2018 has created a unique identity, both integrated and developed. From there, It will help
visitors better understand the cultural depth of each region as well as open opportunities for
exchanges and integration with culinary culture of countries in and outside the ASEAN region.

4. Hue Festival contributes to the local investment, upgrading, renovation, construction of

infrastructure and technical facilities, beautifying the environment.

Hue Festival helps accelerate infrastructure construction, urban embellishment, making one side
of Hue urban change markedly; Heritage tourism is better preserved, introduced and exploited.

Hue festival, introduction points promoting the sustainable development that have been formed,
from which many tourist destinations were invested and built by the state and private sectors such
as: Bronze Casting Village Center; Nguyen Dinh Chieu walking path, etc. In addition, the
performance space and exhibition space of craft products have been gradually shaped, creating a
stable, long-lasting festival space. The scale of the festival has changed over each Hue festival,
from the scale of introducing a few professions to many occupations, developing from the city-
scale to the national-scale and gradually international.

Besides, Hue Festival has had a positive impact in projects to develop incentive policies, provide
funding for establishments to compose new product models and invest in modern equipment
technology lines to create launch Hue products in the direction of mass production and low cost
to serve the needs of many tourists in parallel with expanding product consumption markets.
Enterprises have supported investment in infrastructure of the city, at the same time with planning
of concentrated production areas and support in training in the form of traditional vocational
transmission such as Bronze Casting, Jewellery, Woodcarving, Carpentry, Embroidering, etc. To
adopt policies to support raw materials for the production of traditional handmade products such
as conical hats, rattan, bamboo, wood, etc. to planning material areas; assigning management and
exploitation rights to local communities and guiding the sustainable exploitation process.

5. Hue Festival is the opportunity to call for both domestic and foreign investment in local
projects to enhances Hue tourism as well as promote cultural exchange, strengthen solidarity
and expand international trade cooperation.

Over the years, Hue Festival has gradually affirmed its brand as a cultural and tourist centre of the
country. It appears that Hue festival makes a great chance for local businesses to advertise and
introduce typical products and tourism projects of the region so that the investors could take
financial support considerations.

Tourism sector development is based on mobilizing capital from domestic and foreign investor
resources. This means that, if we want to evolve tourism, we have to call for investment. By this
way, we can maximize the potentials and advantage of natural factor and unique culture of the
local region. There is the fact that many feasible projects have been abandoned or have been
forgotten due to not receiving investments, that is such a waste. Besides, the infrastructures and

amenities such as theme park for visitors are still limited. That make visitor has less chance to do
things and stay in Hue for longer and is likely to contribute to national revenue.

Local entrepreneurs could show their product and projects to call for investment in many ways.
Many local businesses actively participate in tourism promotion through fairs. At a result, the
investors could see the potential of products or projects and decide to support money and assist in
developing the projects. During the festival, many workshops, conferences and seminars could be
operated to discuss the way to promote and introduce the destinations. Also, tour organizers could
develop a variety of tours, routes and tourism products and attract investment for Hue tourism. It
shows that the internationality is transferred from exchange and meeting to talk, cooperate and co-
develop. Furthermore, a number of investment fairs were held to introduce the potential of major
domestic tourism centre to attract the attention of domestic and foreign investors.

There are many benefits could be obtained if the tourism projects received fund from local and
global companies. First of all, local people will be offered more job opportunities related to
tourism sector such as becoming a local guide. Secondly, this tendency could make tourism
industry develop professionally and sustainably due to exchanging work experiences with each
other. Lastly, many tourism projects will be developed and community tourism products will be
deployed, which satisfies the requirement of the customer and increases the number of tourists
coming to Hue.

Hue Festival gathers culture groups from many countries which are from all around the world, so
this is a great opportunity to exchange culture among those countries. Cultural exchange is the
most effective way to integrate and develop in the context of a globalized society. Likewise,
through the Hue festival, the citizens could approach the unique culture of other regions in
Vietnam. Hue Festival support to fortify international solidarity and trade collaboration.

6. Hue festival opens the door for Hue to enhance and strengthen the socialization of tourism

Hue festival is a community activity attracting the participation of not only agencies, management
agencies, businesses in the field of tourism but also the local community. Hue Festival gradually
becomes familiar with the residents, which allows people to understand well the local culture in
particular and the country in general. This festival event has attracted plenty of locals to

participate in tourism activities. They participate as the subject of all activities, and also provide
additional services such as dining, accommodation, transportation, souvenir sales.

The socialization in tourism development is based on mobilizing domestic and foreign resources,
especially, the role of the community, who are contributing to creating a safe, healthy, friendly
and impressive tourism environment for visitors. Tourism socialization requires participate in
preserving security, order and environmental sanitation; implement a civilized and polite lifestyle,
respect the law, have an open and sincere attitude towards tourists. This shows that the
responsibility of the community in tourism development is enormous.

Socialization of tourism activities brings advantages to many households, empower local people .
Thanks to promotion socialization of tourism activities at each festival season, the community-
based tourism in Hue enhance and enlarge in scale, whereby the lives of people in the region are
gradually improved by developing tourism under this model. Tourists have a chance to participate
in a lot of community tours, hand-made and experience what they have never done.

Besides, socialization will help people gradually become familiar with professionalism when
promoting tourism and paying attention to preserving and protecting cultural heritage at the same
time. Thus, that makes Thua Thien - Hue province’s tourism become sustainable tourism and
worthy of being a tourist center of the country.

Hue festival activities contribute to developing socialization of local tourism. socialization in

tourism investment will bring unexpected effects.

V. Conclusions:

Hue Festival is a large-scale arts and culture festival of national and international stature,
organized according to transferred technology and has shown professionalism. Over the
years, Hue Festival has demonstrated more and more clearly the positive impact of Festival
activities not only in terms of enhancing the tourism scope of Hue city but also in terms of
socio-economic development. Through the research results, it can be seen that the Hue

Festival affects Thua Thien Hue province as well as the city's tourism in two directions,
positive impact and negative impact.
Hue Festival has a positive impact on the development of Thua Thien Hue Province in many
ways. Firstly, the Hue Festival increases economic revenue and promotes economic
development. Thanks to the Hue Festival, tourists, especially domestic tourists, come to Thua
Thien Hue suddenly, compared to the same period of the year when there was no festival.
Secondly, Hue Festival contributes to solving hundreds of stable jobs, attracting thousands of
seasonal workers, among them there is a large number of students from professional schools.
Thirdly, the Hue Festival contributes to promoting Hue's image to domestic and international
tourists. There are also other impacts such as thanks to the investment in Festival, the
investment infrastructure in Hue has been improved. Hue has called for a lot of socialization
capital to invest in the restoration and embellishment of the system of monuments. Therefore,
it contributes to speeding up the speed of infrastructure construction and urban
embellishment, making the face of Hue city change markedly.
It is true that the Hue Festival has a positive impact on many aspects such as culture,
economy and society. However, everything has two sides. According to PhD Tran Thi Mai
(2008), Hue Festival also has undesirable effects such as causing congestion, traffic overload,
an increase in costs for ensuring security, safety, and environmental sanitation as well as an
increase in expenses and extra budget for festival activities. Besides, according to a study by
a student and lecturer at Hue University's tourism department on the impacts of Hue Festival,
it shows that in the process of taking place, there are still disadvantages. The first is due to
the low awareness of some local individuals and organizations when participating in festival
activities, which adversely affects the image of Thua Thien Hue tourism. In addition, the
intervention of the exploitation of traditional culture inadvertently mutates those cultural
values and makes them lose their original identity. Moreover, during the Hue Festival period,
the number of tourists will exceed the threshold and cause an overload of services. This can
lead to poor service quality, causing a loss of impression for guests about the overall service
view of the city. Furthermore, during the Hue Festival, overcrowding activities and impacts
will cause serious deterioration of the facilities.
On the other hand, according to Dang Hung Son and PhD Nguyen Pham Hung (2015),
propaganda and advertising of the Hue Festival still have many shortcomings. Specifically,

the passiveness in arranging the programs, the passive dependence on the time of the festival
and the weather, so the propaganda and promotion work is close to the festival date, which
makes visitors not have time to prepare mentally to participate. In addition, the propaganda
and promotion have not been extensive. The propaganda and promotion are not of good
quality and have not taken advantage of the strengths of the media. Lack of staff specializing
in tourism marketing of Hue Festival to the world. Furthermore, according to Nguyen Van
Huy and PhD Nguyen Pham Hung (2015), the slogan of the Festival program has hardly
changed in terms of development goals and strategies. Most of the slogans are general,
vague, have no specific purpose, are poor in ideas, etc. This does not leave an impression on
visitors about the Hue Festival. Besides, due to the influence of feudal thought and too much
emphasis on the ritual, the form of the festival is too cumbersome and fussy. This makes
visitors feel bored and tired.
In order for the research results to be applied in practice in order to enhance the role of Hue
Festival in expanding the scope of tourism in Hue and improving the quality of the Hue
Festival more than, we have the following recommendations.
First, strengthening and promoting propaganda and promotion in various forms of lively and
attractive culture, diversifying information channels, especially external information channels
and mass media such as television, radio, linking propaganda about Hue festival with
introducing and promoting images of tourism, cultural activities and festivals to attract
tourists. This work is not exclusive to the tourism and cultural industries but requires the
cooperation of all agencies, all mass media and media as well as all classes of people in
Second, invest in funding to complete the infrastructure system in service such as roads,
hotels, electrical systems, lighting, urban embellishment. Have appropriate policies and
mechanisms to encourage investment in exploiting cultural services and tourism services in
the direction of diversifying forms. 
Third, continue to take advantage of the support and promote the synergy of foreign partners,
ministries and central agencies, enterprises from central to local levels and the masses to
contribute to the development of the festival. Especially mobilize the great strength of the

people to contribute their efforts, intelligence and resources to the success of Hue Festival.
Financial support and focus on using local resources to serve the festival. 
Fourth, invest in renovating the system of tangible cultural heritage - the relic site of Hue
ancient capital and preserving intangible cultural heritage such as rituals, traditional festivals,
royal festivals, community festivals, folk festivals, etc. Improve the quality of arts programs
to serve the public. 
Fifth, maintain and develop branded cultural and tourism products, produce goods and
market typical traditional handicraft products to serve the needs of tourists and the festival
city. It is necessary to regularly inspect, evaluate and perfect products associated with Hue
Festival, diversifying products to suit the different needs of visitors.
Sixth, the Hue Festival will certainly have an impact on cultural factors in festivals.
Therefore, in Hue Festival activities, it is necessary to focus on the following issues: In the
propaganda and promotion of Hue Festival, it is necessary not only to introduce Hue
Festival's products but also to have guides when visiting it. Provide guests with certain
insights in behavior, communication as well as ways to perceive the value of the festival.
Ensuring the educational function in tourism activities, awareness of environmental
protection, conservation and promotion of cultural values of the festival.
Seventh, directing the association of culture with tourism development and through tourism
activities to expand cultural exchange cooperation from organizing festival programs and
activities, bringing cultural heritages as resources valuable tourism needs to be developed
into tourism products, forming attractive, branded destinations, contributing to the
development of culture, sports and tourism commensurate with the country's position in the
world integration and development. To form cultural and economic tourism centers at
festival centers to promptly meet the people's demand for cultural, art and entertainment
activities and to serve tourism development.
Last but not least, in order to develop the Hue Festival, human resources are an important
factor for success when organizing and implementing. Investment for Hue Festival not only
stops at the investment in material and technical facilities, but also invests in human
resources. Focus on training intensive human resources to meet the needs of festival
management. Human resources here include professional and non-professional human

resources. From managers, organizers, operating staff, implementation staff and the local
community who participate directly or indirectly in Hue Festival's activities.
Developing Hue tourism in general and Hue Festival in particular is the responsibility of all
parties involved from state management agencies to tourism businesses, authorities and local
residents. When all are united, Hue Festival will be the development direction for the
expansion of tourism scope for Hue city.

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